


外企求职自我介绍6大问题 篇1


1、“work experience”is the type of work you‘ve done in the past.If you haven‘t started working yet you can say “Right now I‘m still a student.” or “I‘m a recent grad and Ihaven‘t started working yet.” In the second sentence, “recent grad“ is short for ”recent graduate” and means that you have just finished school.请告诉我你过去的工作经验,工作经验就是你过去所做的工作。如果尚未开始工作,就可以回答“Right now I‘m still a student.”(现在我还是个学生。)或者说“I‘m a recent grad and I haven‘t started working yet.”(我刚刚毕业,还没有开始工作。)“recent grad”是“recent graduate”的缩写,意思是刚刚毕业。

2、Second One: What‘s your greatest weakness?

This is a popular question that western employers like to ask to make candidates nervous!In fact, they ask this to know how you respond to a difficult question.You shouldn‘t answer by telling your greatest weakness since you might not get the job!Instead, you can tell them something that isn‘t directly related to the job position.你最大的缺点是什么?西方老板特别爱问这个问题,让面试者感到很紧张。事实上,他问这个问题是看你对棘手问题的反应。你没必要如实回答你的弱点,因为那有可能让你得不到这份工作。相反,你可以告诉他们一些与工作不直接相关的事情。

3、Third One: Why do you feel you are qualified for this job?

This question is a good opportunity to brag a little bit.You should talk about some extra skills you have that maybe wasn‘t included in your resume, or talk about your greatest strength in more detail.你为什么觉得自己胜任这份工作?这时候你要充分发挥你的“自夸”本领。你可以讲述一些简历资料里面没有包括的技能;或者是再详细强调一下你的特长。

4、Fourth One: What kind of salary did you have in mind?

Salary is how much money you earn, usually per year.When asked this, it‘s best to answer with a salary range or approximation and not an exact figure.This shows that you are familiar with the industry if you know what the approximate salary should be.你期望的薪水是多少?“salary”就是你赚多少钱,通常是年收入。回答这个问题时,最好说出一个大致范围,而不是一个确切的数字。如果你能说出这个工资范围,那就说明你对此行业非常了解。

5、Fifth One: If hired, when could you start work?

When answering this it‘s best not to say you can start right away.This might make you seem very desperate for a job.A safe answer would be “I can start at the beginning of next month.”

如果雇佣的话,你什么时候开始工作?回答这个问题时。一定要注意!不要说我马上可以工作。那会让对方认为你非常迫切地需要这份工作。一个非常保险的回答可以是“I can start at the beginning of next month.”(我下月初可以开始上班。)

6、Sixth One: What kind of work does the posi-tion involve?

外企求职自我介绍6大问题 篇2



01 工作经历

What is the biggest accomplishment in your current position?


主考官往往会通过问及应聘者目前工作的一些情况,譬如其职责范围、所遇到的问题、所取得的成就等, 来了解应聘者是否适合他所应聘的职位。因此,应聘者应当就如何回答这些问题做好充分准备。回答问题时,要实事求是,同时尽可能突出自己具备应聘职位所需的条件。


I have been working with this company for ?ve years, and I have accumulated a lot of experience in this ?eld. I think my biggest achievement with this job is that I successful y carried out several projects with my team members.

02 应聘职位和公司情况了解

Then why do you want to leave them and join us?



1 简单提及应聘者目前所在公司的缺陷,譬如缺乏晋升机会、没有进一步发展的空间等,但要注意点到为止。然后应重点强调所应聘公司的优势,如企业文化、规模、名誉、培训机会等。

2 强调所应聘职位的优势,如具有挑战性和较大发展空间等。

3 强调应聘职位符合自己的兴趣。

4 说明自己能为所应聘职位和公司做出有价值的贡献。


Well, the company where I’m working is not bad. The problem is that my job responsibilities are rather routine and secretarial. I like challenges, therefore, I hope to move on and get a more challenging job so that I can use my initiative. Your company is large and has a good reputation, and there is more scope for development.

03 职业规划

How do you see yourself in ?ve years’ time?



1 为自己设置一个目标或规定一个发展方向。应该注意的一点是:所设置的目标一定是可以实现的,而非虚无缥缈的幻想。

2 以实例阐述自己将如何实现这一目标,如参加培训、向同事学习等。回答问题时应突出自己积极向上的心态,并充分使用例证使自己的回答具有说服力。


I see myself moving up through marketing analysis into brand management and eventually running a department. I’m aware that there are several skills I need to develop in the meantime, and I believe with your continuing-education program and my motivation for self-improvement, I’ll have those skill s when the opportunity comes for greater responsibility.

04 薪资期望

What salary would you expect for this job?


对于这一问题,应聘者一般应采取尽量模糊的方式或避免回答。可以利用以下两种回答来应付主考官:“I’m aware of the range in the marketplace. I’m sure you’ll come up with a most appropriate offer that will be based on my background and ability.”“ I would expect some increase from my existing salary. I feel con?dent that a company like yours wil come up with a good offer.”

如果主考官刨根问底,应聘者可以报一个大概的薪酬范围,可以说:“I have looked at several sources of wage information. A position like this one typical y makes between $40,000 and $45,000 a year. Does that ?t in with your salary range?” 当然,如果应聘者确实具备优势的话,也可以通过反问主考官,变被动为主动,这时可以参考以下回答。


Based on your job description, which mentions that you prefer someone with a master’s degree in engineering, I hope you consider the fact that my skills meet your highest standards. Therefore, I’d expect a salary at the high end of your pay range for the position. Can you give me an idea of the range?

05 个性特征

Please describe your personality.




I’m supportive, dependable and cooperative. My career has been characterized by my ability to work well with diverse teams. I’m also a good listener. I seek out opportunities to involve others in the decision-making process. This collaboration and communication is what has enabled me to achieve success in my department. In addition, I’m easygoing and friendly.









