


浙江省导游词英文 篇1

Juyongguan Pass is located at 50 kilometers northwest of downtown Beijing.The mountions flanking the valley have many graceful peaks. The slopes on both sides of the narrow passes are covered with dense trees and plants. So, it used to be one of the famous” Eight Views of Yanjing”.There was a 20-kilometer-long valley called “Guangou Valley” from south to north, with 4 passes along the valley named “Nankou,Juyongguan,Shangguan and Badaling”.They were of great strategic importance in defending the national capital of Beijing.JuYongguan Pass is one of them.

The name “Juyong ”in Chinese means “a place of poor laborers”. According to historical records ,Emperor Qin Shihuang forced many conscripts to build this part of the Great Wall.

Inside Juyong Pass there is an ancient marble platform known as“Cloud Terrace”.It was first built in 1342 during the Yuan Dynasty.There used to be three Tibetan style pagodas built on the terrace with a road passing under it from north to south. Therefore, it was also called “The Crossing Road Pagoda”.Later, when the pagodas were destroyed, a temple was built on the very site . However,the temple was burnt down in a fire in the early years of the Qing Dynasty,so only the terrace remained. There are also Buddhist scriptures inscribed on the stone wall in the Sanskrit,Tibetan,Basiba(a kind of Mongolian script),Xixia,Uygur and Han languages.They offer us wonderful examples of their exquisite workmanship and vividness in carving.They are extremely valuable to the study of Buddhism and ancient languages.

Today on the way to Badaling Great Wall you can see a railway running by the Badaling Expressway. It is well-known at the Beijing- Zhangjiakou Railway. It is more than 200 kilometers away from Beijing to Zhangjiakou.The railway is very famous in China because it was the first railway designed and constructed by Chinese itself. Its chief designer was Zhan Tianyou-a famous railway engineer in China.

The Great Wall at Badaling(八达岭长城)

The Badaling Great Wall is about 75 kilometers northwest of Beijing,and it is the best-preserved part of the Great Wall.Bada means“convenient transportation to all directions”. Roads from Badaling lead to Yanqing Country to its north; Xuanhua, Zhangjiakou and Datong to the west; to the east is Yongning and Sihai; Beijing is to the south. From here people can go to all directions,hence the name of Badaling. The Badaling section is about 12 kilometers long with 24 watch towers and 4 wall platforms. There are four characters inscribed on the eastern pass of Badaling; “Juyongwaizhen” which means there was another strategic town outside the Juyong Pass. On the western pass of Badaling, there is an inscription with four words “ Beimensuoyue” carved on the top of the pass, which means, “a key to the north gate”, describing that Badaling Pass was just like a lock on the gate of Beijing. Therefore, if the gate was unlocked by a key, Beijing would be open to danger.

East of Badaling Pass lies a big rock known as, “Looking-Toward Beijing Rock.” Originally, this rock was a huge rock measuring 7 meters long and 2 meters wide. It is said that in 1900, when the Eight Allied Forces attacked Beijing, Empress Dowager Cixi hastily escaped from Beijing. When she got here, she suddenly wanted to see the city of Beijing once again. She got up on this big rock and turned to look toward Beijing in the distance, so that’s why it is called “Looking-Toward Beijing Rock”

The Great Wall at Badaling averages 7.8 meters high, 6.5 meters wide at its base, and 5.8 meters on the top, wide enough for five horses or ten solidiers walking abreast on the wall.

浙江省导游词英文 篇2

1.1 Real Time

Oral English is the base of Interpretation.Guide should listen to visitors and think some question which visitors asked in the tourism process.The requirement is that tourist guide should focus, quick thinking, careful observation of visitors in the process.The real-time of interpretation needs tour guide know the knowledge of spots and relevant background ahead, and then guide can answer visitors`questions on real-time according to your past experience.

1.2 Accuracy

Accuracy is the basic requirement of interpretation.Pay very attention to the accuracy of the translation, such as the numbers names, places.A small mistake will cause troubles.Once the interpretation gone wrong, China's image will be affected.

1.3 Complexity

A good tour guide not only familiar with the business, bu also have good personal quality, including the level of knowledge psychology, and the ability to communicate.Guide involves extensive knowledge, wide coverage.guide also should know some local dialect in order to understand the local people in remote mountain areas.

1.4 Flexibility

Tourism is the leisure activity as the purpose, the process o the tourism should also be lively.Interpretation should try to make it to life.tourists and guide get along easily and happily English-speaking guide face visitors from different countries, different ages and status, so guide should arrange reasonable activity during the journey.

2 Oral Skills of English-speaking Guide

2.1 Simplify the complex sentence

English-speaking guide demands to be understood by foreign tourists.Therefore, guide language need concise, accurate and easy to understand.Guild should keep the long range into a simple sentence, so that foreigners can easy understand.

2.2 Simplify the explanation content

Guide should simplify the long sentences, such as the explanation and comparison.For example, if you want to intruduce China Cloisonne, that is it was developed during the reign o Emperor Chingtai of Ming dynasty.Most foreigners are not familiar with China's dynasties, so guild should add the sentences into the explanation. (Ming dynasty was from 1450-1456 AD.) Foreigners tourises would understand easily.

2.3 Simplify the terminology

Minimize the use of the over-specialization words.The Hal of Supreme Harmony in Forbidden City, for example, there has several kinds of translation, such as the hall of Supreme, Harmony, Supreme Harmony Hall and so on.the complex words can no easily understood by foreign tourists.

3 The Pre-cautions of English-speaking Guide

3.1 The translation of the sites

Experts believe the translation of name is best, that is we should follow rhythm and the habit of foreigners, if we want to translate the Chinese names of“漓江”, we can call Lijiang River The translation of attractions name should be adopted in the existing, widely accepted translation.

3.2 Language Style

1) The work of guide is to introduce tourism resources, offer the guide service for tourists.Therefore, the English language must be precise, vivid, accurate, and also be suitable for the ears clear and crisp, concise, complete sound.

2) The use of the interrogative and imperative sentence.The interrogative sentence is used to put forwords questions, increase visitors`interesting.For example:

A.__Do you know how many steps there are from here to the top of the mountain?

B.___Why is Cloisonnéalso called in Chinese"Jingta Blue"?

The imperative sentences calls on people to do something such as requests, orders, exhortations and so on.Tourist guide should reminde the visitors of theirs personal and property safety enjoy the cultural and natural scenery, urging or persuasion Such as:

A.___Please remember the bus number.

B.___Do not drink unboiled water here because it migh make you sick.

C.___Let`s head for the hotel.It`s about an hour`s ride.So please sit back and relax.

3) The cultural differences.The cultural differences between China and others country, foreigners may not fully understand the Chinese people.Therefore, when introducing some cultural history, guide should do some explanation.For example, one of the Chinese Festival is San Yue San Festival, is was not enough to translated into San Yue San Festival, should be coupled with appropriate explanations, such as:The festival usually takes place on the third day of the lunar third month, when minority people especially the young get together for folksong contest or making friends with each other.

4) Distinguish the main focus.In introducing the touris spots, guide often meet the location, history, population, area.For example:the sentence of“重庆位于中国西南部,面积8.24万平方公里,人口3107万,是国内外旅游胜地之一”, we can translated like this:Located in the southwest of China, Chongqing is one of the famous tourist attractions both at home and abroad with an area of 82, 400 square kilometers and a population o3, 107 million people.This will satisfy the English translation, the main information use the predicate verb expression, the secondary information use the non-predicate form.

Guide Interpretation is an art, in order to do this work well guide must make painstaking efforts.Guide must think abou tourists from the beginning to the end, based on dissemination o Chinese culture, guide also had to strengthen the translation o theoretical knowledge, develop scientific approach and has tough spirit of exploration, more than siqin ask, check all the information, and raise its operational capacity, only this way can guide improve the tourist service quality.


[1] 蒋欣欣, 俞博.浅谈导游口译特点[J].湖北经济学院学报, 2007 (10) .

[2] 于本凤.外语导游在涉外旅游活动中注意的几点问题[J].商 场现代化, 2007 (5) .

[3]李丽华.谈导游英语的口语化教学[J].辽宁高职学报, 2007 (6) .

[4] 杨慧.论导游翻译中普遍存在问题及解决途径探析[J].翻译 交流, 2007 (12) .

[5] 陈剐.旅游翻译与涉外导游[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公 司, 2004.

[6] 许明武, 王明静.中国世界文化遗产对外宣传解说翻译失误 分析[J].中国翻译, 2006 (3) .

[7] 播文国.汉英语对比纲要[M].北京:北京语言文化大学出版 社, 2002.

浙江省导游词英文 篇3

【关键词】广东省英语导游口试 课程教学研究 互惠互利



















晋祠英文导游词 篇4

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Good morning!First, on behalf of 山西 province international travel service and myself welcome everyone come to 山西 province.May I introduce my colleague to you.This is Mr.w, our driver.His bus number is 晋A3725.Now allow me introduce myself.My name is J ,I’m very pleased to be your tour guide during your stay in 山西province.I will try my best to help you travel and understand my great country China.In order to let you remember me easily, you could call me Sharon, my English name.I highly appreciate your understanding and co-operation.Enjoy your travel

It is said that ‘what a pity if you come to 太原of 山西province ,while don’t to 晋祠,the most famous place of historic interest and scenic beauty.’ So it is wise to come to 晋祠 first when you travel to 太原.晋祠 lies the foot of the mountain 悬瓮山 of the southwest of 太原.He is not only a valuable historical and cultural heritage but also an art centre of the architecture, gardens and carves and so on in all over the world.晋祠,the ancestral hall of J ,was being built in 北魏 dynasty.His initial aim was to be a commemorator Let people remember the king of 周 dynasty’ s second son 叔虞.His first name was the ancestral hall 唐叔虞.And this land ,whose initial name was 唐,a little county of the ancient china, was distributed to the duck 唐叔虞。唐叔虞 rouses himself for vigorous efforts to make the county prosperous.What’s more , he took advantage of the river 晋水to build water conservancy works for agriculture and developed the agriculture energetically.So that the common people of this little country lives a happy and rich life.And this situation has last

800 years.In order to thanks to him and remember him forever, the local people established the hall for him in this beautiful place.Then his son 燮父 inherited his position when he passed away and changed the name of this country 唐 to 晋for there is a river 晋水 in this land.So the name of this ancestral hall also was changed to 晋王祠,called 晋祠 for short and the abbreviation of

山西province also come from here..While ,now the ancestral hall 晋祠become a very famous place for travel and is the one of the national protection unit of key cultural relics in the honor of the travel agent of china through rebuilding by many dynasty.晋祠,the popular place for sight-seeing, the Chinese classic garden, is extremely famous for his grand group of building and his superb technique of mould statue, which possess decades of ancient construction.There are three lines to look around this place.The middle line, that is the one of the most apparent distinguishing feature of Chinese construction.Start with the 水镜台 after through the gate and end up with the palace 圣母殿.You could visit the bridge 会仙桥,the金人台 ,the palace献殿 ,the building钟鼓楼,the bridge鱼沼飞梁 ,and the palace圣母殿

in proper order along with the middle line.And this line is the main body of 晋祠 which has the well-knit building structure, and reflect extremely high value of art.W hat’s more, there are also many points of scenery in north line and the south line we will meet and I will introduce them to you in greater detail latter.Hey, everybody, have seen statues of iron person? Yes ,we are now in the point of 金人台.Maybe someone who know Chinese will be puzzled that why it is called 金人台 rather than 铁人台for the big man was made in iron.In fact, the iron belongs to the gold in Five rules of all elements.So it is called 金人台.Ok, everybody, May I attention, look at that one standing in the southwest.This iron person was made in 宋dynasty, that is the 1097,he is 913years old now.But he is complete and very beautiful as he was.This iron person has a little difference with others.Can you find it? Yes ,the secret is on his foot , there are three lines of 刀痕on his foot.There is a beautiful legend about his 痕.It is said that in a summer many years ago, this iron person who equipped with a suit of armor walk alone to the bank of the river 汾河for he can’t stand the suffering from the intense heat of that summer.While he had no idea to through the river for the rolling water.He felt anxious for there was nothing he could do.At that moment, a ferryboat was floating alone with the bank from upper reaches of the river.So he say hello to that ferryboat man at once and demand the old man load him to the other bank.While the old man said calmly ‘wait some others who want to go, it just only one you ’ The iron person replied immediately ‘It is the evidence of your competent if you could load only me to the other bank..’ Then the old man got a glimpse of the iron person and said ‘the boat could load more people including you unless you are a iron person ’ At that moment, the iron person stand at the bank without any moving twinkling for the man’s words stated the iron person’s identity.The old man was very curious and looked at the iron person carefully.He found the young man was a iron person which belongs to the晋祠.Sincerely, he set the iron person to the 金人台with some villagers.At last 圣母ordered her general to cut his foot three times with sword in order to punish the iron person’ s indiscipline.So until today ,this iron person’s foot remains the marks

Ladies an gentlemen, do you notice the bridge which we stand on? Isn’t it looks like your cross? His Chinese name is 鱼沼飞梁,made in 宋dynasty.What a beautiful shape just like a bird stretching her wings.He is the only one of the ancient bridge of cross in the nation.And look at that graceful palace in the other side of the bridge.It is the palace 圣母殿which is the most famous point in 晋祠.There are 43colour statue of maids in 宋dynasty whose exquisite and meticulous line on the statue reflect the excellent skill of mould.In the middle of these young girls ,圣母was seat at that.She is in phoenix coronet shawl and her face wears solemn and nobleness just like a ruler of court.It is said that 圣母was唐叔虞’s mother, her name is 邑姜.These are precious evidence to study the art of the sculpture and the dress and personal adornment in 宋dynasty.Ok, all my friends, now let we enjoy our own time in this beautiful palace.I will take more story about the ancestral hall 晋祠 for you 30munites later.Have a good time

丽江英文导游词 篇5

Yunnan province.The population of Lijiang Prefecture is over 1 million involving 21 nationalities, for example, the Naxi, Yi, Lisu, Pumi,etc.And later you will see the houses of Naxi people in the ancient town.Lijiang Prefecture is the major developing tourist area of Yunnan Province.It contains beautiful natural scense, unique minority amorous

feelings, age-old minority cultures, and rich tourist resources.The scenic spots are mainly scattered in Lijiang County and Ninglang County.We can conclude them into:” two mountains, one town, one lake, one river, one culture and one folk custom.”.Two mountains refer to Yulong Snow

广西英文导游词 篇6

Guangxi famous tourist attractions: guilin landscape, famous for its scenery, has the “landscape jiatianxia guilin”. Historical cultural landscape: Cheng Yangyong dhi bridge, kunlun battle site, the office of the eighth route army guilin site, youjiang worker-peasant democratic government site, Chinese red army eighth army of workers and peasants, Chinese red army seventh army of workers and peasants, sun yat-sen memorial hall, wuzhou, the taiping heavenly kingdom jintian uprising address.

Guangxi warm climate, rich heat, wet, wet, seasonal variation is not obvious, the sunshine is moderate, winter summer more than less, suitable for travel all year.

Is in the west of south China, the beibu gulf in the south, bordering on Vietnam, the district jurisdiction over 14 administrative, 34 municipal district, 7 county-level city, 56, 12 ethnic autonomous county county, the other two administrative zone and 2 zone.

浙江省导游词英文 篇7


1. 使用观念

通过对浙江师范大学英语专业学生的调查表明, 38%的英语专业学生认为英语释义对学习英语很重要, 31%的英语专业学生认为英语释义对学习英语重要, 19%的人认为不太重要, 12%的人认为不重要。在各年级组中, 大二、大三学生认为“重要”和“很重要”这两个选项的比例比较高。在访谈中发现, 大二、大三英语专业学生认为其重要的原因大多来自于准备专四考试时词义辨析题的解决需依靠英文释义, 中文释义通常解决不了问题。还有一部分认为其重要是因为教师在学习过程中多次提到词典英文释义的重要性, 因此耳濡目染觉得其重要。

2. 使用概况

第一, 对词典中英文释义的关注度。笔者在进行“对词典中英文释义的关注度”问卷调查时发现, 14%的学生从不看英文释义, 37.2%的学生老师要求时关注, 51.1%的学生偶尔关注, 只有10.4%的学生对英文释义十分关注。其原因主要是一些学生不习惯读英文释义, 还有一些学生为了图快或图省事而不愿读英文释义。

第二, 查阅英文释义的目的。通过查词典可以增加英语的阅读量, 而看懂英语释义的过程就是学习用英语方式思考、用英语理解的过程。在调查中, 笔者发现学生查阅英文释义的目的多数是为了准确了解词义、搭配和句型, 主要停留在语言知识上, 对语用和文化信息的关注度较低。

第三, 选择词典中的英文释义的方式。正确理解词义是准确运用词语的先决条件。结果显示, 有36.7%的人选择只看词条的一条, 16.8%的学生选择只看该词条相应此类的第一条, 38.2%的学生选择从相应此类第一条看起, 直到确定合适词条, 只有8.3%的同学选择通读所有词条, 然后再根据语境确定合适词条。由此可见, 大部分英语专业学生在查看英文释义时方法不当, 学习习惯有待改善。

第四, 找到目标单词正确英文释义的熟练度。英语中有许多同义词、近义词无论是日常使用还是各类考试中都常出现。英文释义能帮助学生辨别这些词, 但也考验学生正确找到英文释义的熟练度。在调查中, 大部分同学都表示在查找目标单词的正确英文释义时不熟练, 找出来的英文释义有时也不匹配, 这是缺乏正确查找英文释义的方法所导致的。

3. 现状总结

通过本次的调查研究, 得出的主要结论如下:英语专业的学生由于英语专业需求和教师的提倡, 已经有一部分同学意识到英文释义对于英语学习的重要性, 但低年级学生的重视度低于高年级, 对英文释义重要性的提倡还有待加强。大部分学生没有养成良好的查找英文释义的习惯, 关注度和熟练度不高, 在正确使用英文释义方面有一定的提升空间。因此, 笔者认为目前英语专业学生对词典中英文释义的使用现状不容乐观, 有一定的提升空间, 需要广大英语教师和英语专业学生共同努力来改善。


1. 教师

教师应提高自身词典知识与词典使用技能。笔者建议专业教师可通过参加词典学讲座、词典学研讨会和选修词典学相关课程或研究与词典学相关的期刊和书籍来提高自身的词典使用水平, 尤其在英文释义方面可以着重关注。

教师应帮助学生树立正确利用词典英文释义的观念。教师在新生开始大学英语学习前应强调查阅英文释义的重要性, 要求学生用英文释义对课文词汇做好充分预习, 课后布置一定的查阅作业从而达到培养学生正确的词典英文释义使用观和提高学习效果的双重目的。

教师应注重对学生词典英文释义查找使用技巧的指导并将其作为教学内容的一部分。教师可以在课堂活动中对词典的英文释义使用技巧进行说明, 要求学生对某些生词、短语、搭配进行实战限时查询, 反复训练校对, 提高学生英语综合运用水平和英语教学质量。

2. 学生

英语专业学生作为词典的重要使用者, 应树立正确的英语释义使用观念, 形成正确的使用技能。如学生可以通过多翻查词典英文释义来熟悉词典的宏微观结构和训练查阅的速度;通过现场或视频词典讲座或书籍去了解具有英文释义的词典使用技巧等。


本研究就英语专业学生对词典中英文释义的使用现状做了调查研究, 通过对比数据和研究了解到英语专业学生对英文释义有一定的重视度, 但还有提升空间, 使用现状也不容乐观。学生对使用指导的预期十分强烈, 说明在英语专业学习开始之初就培养学生的词典英文释义使用意识的必要性。教师对词典英文释义技能指导的必要性已经开始引起有关学者的关注, 但如何进行指导还没引起足够的重视。在此希望广大英语教师与专业人士对这些问题进行更多的研究, 共同促进提升英语专业学生对词典中英文释义的利用率, 提高英语专业学生人才培养质量, 推进英语专业教育改革。

摘要:本文以全国高校英语专业教学改革与发展为背景, 运用问卷调查及访谈等实地调查方法, 以浙江师范大学为例, 通过对英语专业学生对词典中英文释义的使用现状的调查, 了解其使用现状, 并对此进行分析, 指出存在的问题。在此基础上提出促进提升英文释义利用率的建议, 促进学生跨文化能力、自主学习能力的培养, 提高英语专业学生人才培养质量, 推进英语专业教育改革。



[1]陈玉珍.对高校英语专业学生使用学习词典情况的调查分析[J].辞书研究, 2007 (2) :120~130

[2]陈玉珍.英语专业高低年级学生词典使用技能比较研究[J].北京第二外国语学院学报, 2007 (10) :34~38

[3]陈玉珍.关于高校英语专业开设词典使用教学课程的若干问题——英语词典使用教学探讨之一[J].辞书研究, 2007 (6) :113~122

[4]陈玉珍.当前英语专业学生词典使用培训的途径——英语词典使用教学探讨之二[J].辞书研究, 2008 (3) :124~134

[5]陈敏、李守京.中国大学生词汇学习中的词典使用情况调查及启示[J].长春理工大学学报 (社会科学版) , 2009 (2)

浙江省导游词英文 篇8

【摘 要】黑龙江省旅游资源丰富,黑龙江省委、省政府把旅游业作为支柱产业和国民经济新的增长点来发展。不但大力发展对内旅游业务,同时积极拓展对外旅游业发展。2012年黑龙江省接收入境外国游客194.73万人次,在全国居第十位。来黑龙江省旅行的八成以上为俄罗斯游客,但是其中日本游客的数量以及今后的发展潜力也不容小视。来黑龙江省旅行的日本游客数量不断增多以及黑龙江省旅游国际化发展将对高校日语专业导游日语的发展有着怎样的影响?本论文将对此展开调查研究。

【关键词】黑龙江省 旅游国际化 日语导游培养


黑龙江省由于有与俄罗斯长达3000余公里边境线这一有利地理条件,来黑龙江省旅行的境外游客八成以上为俄罗斯游客。2013年上半年接待俄罗斯游客35.36万人次。但是今年来的数据调查显示:来黑龙江省入境游日本和韩国游客人数也在不断迅猛增速,2013年上半年比同比增长27.33%和35.37%。从近期的调查中可以看到:日本入境游客数量仅次于俄罗斯,居于重要地位。 今年来日本作为黑龙江省重要的旅游客源市场,其重要性已经不可小视。











[2]2012年黑龙江接待入境游客207.62万人 跻身全国十强.中商情报网,2013(7).
