


英文影评范文初中 篇1

Never Stop Running

There is a provoking scene: “a piece of white and light feather is flying under the blue sky, and dropping down gradually to Forrest Gump’s feet who sit on the bench for bus.” Just like the feather is swaying with the wind, so is the human being’s life.Most of time, we are wondering everywhere without specific direction, goal and hope.What is more, we always look on life as tedious and even annoying.However, fate is mastered by our own, just like Forrest Gump devoted all his life to running for his own sky.“Each man is the architect of his own fate”, such is the remark made by one of the great figure.This remark has been confirmed by more and more people.Forrest t Gump is an outstanding example.As the film told us Forrest Gump, born with disable body, he is a good soccer athlete, an hero in Vietnam war , a captain own shrimp ship, a runner crossing the whole America.Asking yourself, who we are? What is the accomplishment that we can show off.Every one creates his or her own reality.We have absolute rights to describe our life.When you learned what you make of life is up to you and begin to live your life, you are able to design it according to your desires.To remember that success lies within you, in my own brain, my own ambition, and my own determination.One of the great figure remarked that unrest of spirit is a mark of life.This is the reflection of Forrest Gump’s life;he born with leg has disability.However, with astonishing speed, Forrest Gump entered the soccer team, then went to university and eventually graduates.Soon, he took part in the Vietnam War.In the Vietnam War, he is still remembered the words of Jeanne, ran his own life, honor and friendship.He just wanted to run;he used a running measure his life.As we all known, an optimistic is not a luxury;it is a necessity.The way you look at life will determine how you feel and how you perform.There is enough good and bad in everyone’s life.Think about Forrest Gump, at every stage of his life, he has only one goal in mind to guide him, and keep positive attitudes towards the world.In our lives ,though barriers may sometimes stand in the way of your dreams, you should remember that your destiny is hiding behind them, to be optimistic and follow your dreams your ultimate goal is attainable so long as you commit are choosing to react positively to their diversities, tough times never last, but you should being positive.Life is a journey full of stumbling blocks, dangerous traps and unexpected crises, if you have known clearly what you want to be, it is optimistic, unrest of spirit and perseverance that carry you there.As far as my own experience as a student is concerned, nothing is more important than those merits in achieving success.Please keep running and never give up on yourself.人文与外国语学院 英语0904班 赵子龙 0912010404

电影《紫日》英文影评 篇2

My favorite Chinese film is Purple Sunset.It is produced in 2001 by director Feng Xiaoning.There are 3 roles in this film.Yang Yufu, a Chinese farmer,Najia, a Russian female military doctor, Akiyok,a Japanese girl.The story was hanppend in 1945,a time when World War II will end.At that time,the Russia declared war against Japan on August,9,1945,charged forword against Japan’s Guandong Army in Daxing anling.So the story was hanpped in Daxing anling,in the northeast of china.The lead actor Yang was saved by Red Army of the Soviet Union from the Japan’s massacre.On his way to escape he met Najia and Akiyok.They were hostile to each other.But in order to survive,they had to get together to go out of the forest.At first ,Yang and Najia treat Akiyok as a captive.They asked her to lead them go out of the forest.And Akiyok want to killed them.On their way ,they experienced many tough suffering.Such as the fire,the swamp,the tiger and the big river.At last, their lives were closely attached to another after go through the tough suffering, no matter their country were opposed in the war.Although the three have different langurage and can’t understand better from each other, but during that period,there is somethng common in human nature.Everyone is tiny in the war.PART TWOWhy I like it most

I love this film very much.I watch it when I was 12 at junior school.Actualy, that is the first movie I ever watched.It impressed me deeply.There are three most movely part in the film.Yang has a very complicated emotion with Akiyok.He hates Japenese keenly because they killed his families,but when he faced to kill Akiyok ,he struggled with his inner voice and didn’t do that.On the way to escape ,he saved Akiyok 4 times.This is Yang’s kindness.Mabye he known that Akiyok is innocent.He can’t treat her as a scapegoat.Najia and Yang saved Akiyok although their food is not enough for three.Although the japs killed her little son,Najia aslo give food to Akiyok.This is Najia’kindness.when Akiyok was trapped in swamp,she unexpectly got Najia’s gun.Yang thought Akiyok will kill him,but she didn’t.She is moved by Yang and Najia gradually on the way.Although the war is cruel,but the true kindness in human nuture and the eagerness to survive make me feel warmly.PART THREEAbout the music box

The music box is a very impotant clue in the film.The film beagin with the music box ang end up with the music box.It appeard 8 times in the film.It was a gift that Akiyok’s boyfriend gived to her.In the end ,the music box was sent back to Daying anling on

sept.2 ,2000.by Yang’s will before he pass away.PARTFOURAbout the purple sunset.The purple sunset appeared 6 times in the film.I tend to explain why the film called “purple sunset”.When a sun become purple,it means the sun is sitting.It indicates that after the inhuman war, peace returns to the world.All races ,the white,the yellow,the black of all beliefs can live together peacefully to build up a new world.In that world,people will respect one’s life and dignity and friendlly each other.It is a special film.There is no famous actor and actress in the film.It is didn’t have too much actor’s lines.The director use the music and the tableau to convey the story such as the purple sunset,the music box,the grand forest.It is costs low but make a big success.I watched it over and over times and it shaked me everytime.I really hope you can watch it in your spare time.That’s all,thank you!



太阳帝国 英文影评 篇3

In my point of view, Spielberg wants to express many aspects in the movie Empire of the Sun, including the cruelty of war, the will of life and the passion of dream.However, when conveying the three aspects, he fails to give them an appropriate sequence, but just put them together instead of considering the logic and importance of these themes.There is no doubt that Spielberg’s aim is to demonstrate the hurt that war bring us.Yet he choose a little boy from England as a main character.From this view, we cannot touch the real hurt that Japanese brings because he didn’t form a correct value of the world.We can see that Jimmy ardently love “Zero” warplane and Japanese pilot.From his point, he admire the spirit of these Japanese solider.Therefore, the movie has bias from the very beginning to the end, impairing the theme of against the war.The movie also wants to eulogize the will of life.Little Jim choose all the way to keep alive.He ate maggot, looted lunchbox from died people and work for others to exchange food and water.These made him grow up quickly from a boy to a man.But this theme is really not that important in the movie.Spielberg only use no more than fifteen minutes to express it.So the impression of the theme is not very deeply.The third one is the boy’s passion on warplane and pilot, which is the hardest part for me to understand.When having experienced so many sufferings that Japanese bring him, how can he kept the passion and love? As a child, it’s reasonable that he don’t understand what war is.But it’s strange that he don’t hate the people who hurt him just because he love their plane.In a short, the movie convey too much, yet nothing can touch me.

盗梦空间英文影评 篇4


In a not-too-distant future, no one’s secrets are safe, not even those buried in the deepest recesses of their minds: High-tech“extraction” technology allows teams of spies-for-hire to manipulate the dreams of others, creeping around their thoughts and riffling through their subconscious minds.Dominic Cobb(Leonardo DiCaprio)is the best in the business—good enough that even former victims like corporate hotshot Saito(Ken Watanabe)turn to him when they need someone to do the impossible.Saito is in a position to offer Cobb the one thing he wants most in the world: a way home.Saito’s connections can erase the murder charge that forced Cobb to flee his country and abandon his children to the care of their grandfather(Michael Caine), and all he has to do in return is get inside the head of Richard Fischer(Cillian Murphy), heir to a multinational empire, and plant the idea to dismantle it so deep that Fischer will believe he thought of it all by himself.Conventional wisdom has it that mental capital only flows one way: You can dig it out, but you can’t sneak it in.Cobb knows otherwise and assembles a team willing to do the mindwarp with him: chameleon Eames(Tom Hardy), who can assume any identity within a dream;chemist Yusuf(Dileep Rao), whose concoctions facilitate deep, prolonged sleep;architect Ariadne(Ellen Page), who imagines every physical detail of the dream world;and point-man Arthur(Joseph Gordon-Levitt), who sweats whatever details need sweating.The only newbie in the bunch, Ariadne quickly realizes what the others don’t: that the persistent dream presence of Cobb’s late wife, Mal(Marion Cotillard)—whom he was accused of killing—isn’t just a pesky sign of lingering grief.It’s a giant, flashing-neon warning that Cobb is on the fast track to a full-blown mental meltdown.By their nature, rubber-reality movies walk a thin line between clever and stupid.But when they work, the balancing act is breathtaking: Just think back to 1999, when The Matrix had fanboys, mall rats and cineastes alike lined up for a tumble down the rabbit hole.Inception owes both The Matrix and the all-but-forgotten Dreamscape(1984), in which a psychic is unwittingly drawn into a plot to assassinate the President of the United States in his dreams, a debt of imagination.But writer-director Christopher Nolan is much more than a crass recycler of other people’s cool ideas, and his greatest strength is the ability to tether pop-culture spectacle to authentic emotions.If Inception were all spectacle, it would be nothing more than magic trick of the month: nifty but disposable, at the mercy of smart alecks eager to reveal the cogs and wheels behind the illusion.But while one day soon the eye-popping effects will inevitably look dated, Cobb’s misery—a messy mix of grief, guilt, denial and resentment—will continue to feel painfully real.Whether or not history validates comparisons to Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey, Inception is a superior summer movie, one with heart and brains and loads of razzle-dazzle.

速度与激情英文影评 篇5

The Fast and the Furious7 When The Fast and the Furious 7 debuted in 2001,perhaps few expected that it would evolve into such a successful franchise.After six sequels in the last 14 years,Furious 7 still enjoys massive interest,both because of the popularity of the street-racing series and actor Paul Walker’s death.Furious 7 picks up after Dominic and Brian and the rest of the crew defeated Owen Shaw at the end of Fast and Furious 6.Now his brother Ian Shaw wants to revenge.Furious 7 marks the final time Paul Walker will be seen on screen.It concludes with a simple dedication to the late star that reads,”For Paul.” It is more than just an action-packed movie,it’s a melting story about love,family and bond.

拯救大兵瑞恩英文影评 篇6

Saving Private Ryan, a film related to World War II, directed by Spielberg, received critical acclaim upon screening. The upsurge of Saving Private Ryan is not only because it is realistic visual impact, what is more important, this film led to an argument about lives.

During World War II, the U.S. and U.K. army landed in Normandy on June 6, 1944. To insure the victory, Private James Ryan (Matt Damon), and his troops --101st Airborne Division, are airdropped behind the German front-lines. Unfortunately, all his three brothers were killed in action at the same time. In order to prevent the unfortunate mother from losing all her four sons, the U.S. command decided to send a special squad to look for James Ryan and take him back safely.

John Miller (Tom Hanks) was chosen as the caption of the rescue squad. He hurried to pick several excellent soldiers and a staff officer who could speak German and French as the squad members. When other soldiers were resting, Miller’s eight-member squad began to look for Ryan, who was in the unknown area controlled by Germans.

When facing all kinds of dangers and death of teammates one by one, the squad members gradually began to doubt the rationality of this task. Is it worthy of saving one soldier at the risk of losing eight soldiers’ lives? The journey of salvation tested every member’s value of human nature.

After experiencing lots of difficulties, the squad found Ryan in a battlefield. But the brave soldier Ryan who had a strong sense of responsibility was not willing to leave his comrades in the battlefield. So the squad decided to fight with the large number of enemies ahead with Ryan and other soldiers. As a result, six people in the eight-member squad died.

Miller was the last man who died in the squad, before his death, Miller entrusted to Ryan: Earn it. What can be understood as” Keep living “or” It is worth saving you”。 In order to ensure this action to be worthy, Ryan must keep living and have a good and meaningful life. Miller wanted to tell his died comrades and himself, “This is all worthwhile!”

It can only happen in the war that six people’s lives in exchange for the life of one person. War changes people’s value of life. The soldiers kill enemies or save comrades only to complete their tasks, and then, go back home. Some media also talked about this controversial issue.

According to Mark Heisler in his Los Angeles Times review entitled “The mission is a man. In the Last Great Invasion of the Last Great War, The Greatest Challenge for Eight Men was Saving One. There were only one man left in the family, and the mission was to save him.

This comment makes a good conclusion of the theme of Saving Private Ryan. Why should these eight men save one soldier at the risk of death?These sentences give explanations. In order to allow more people to get out of the war and go back home, to achieve freedom and enjoy the colorful life, the squad members defended their positions. The friendship in the war and brotherhood are also bright points in the film.

《遗愿清单》中英文影评 篇7




别让我走英文影评 篇8

The film begins with on-screen captions explaining that a medical breakthrough in 1952 has permitted the human lifespan to be extended beyond 100 years.A woman remind of her childhood at acalled Hailsham House, as well as her adult life after leaving the school.The specialty of the film is that generally speaking when the clone reach to the established organ donation condition, they seem to choose to flee or resist,but this film doesn’t mention them.It Intentionally evades the introspective and independent consciousness of human cloning in the past theme.But through the description of details about three people’s separation caused by love, the film amplifies the emotion, jealousy, confusion of clone, which shows their emotional experience is not different from the normal people and they had the same deep feelings and independent soul.The invisibility level of this film is about the contradiction between human beings value、conscience and the fear of death in face of disease itself.The existence of Helson School is where some conscientious people try to prove that clone is a living human with soul.Its close means the value of conscience vanish completely.Just as the Chancellor said: galleries’ establishment is not to view your souls, but to see whether you have souls or not."Nevertheless it is pointless even if we can prove the existent of clone’s soul at last.Because if you want people to return to the dark and endure a variety of cancers and rare diseases, they will only directly rejected.With the high-speed development of science and technology, human are increasingly ruthless.On the contrary, the clone has a desire for love and calmness for death, which is totally an irony!Ultimately the three clone accept their destiny without exception.there is no escape, there is no struggle, even without any complain.In fact, death is not terrible, and the thing we terrify is the deep fear of deathand the ethical decay and humanity lost caused by this kind of fear.terrible is deep fear of death, as well as ethical decay and humanity loss caused by this kind of fear.
