


9大技巧助你托福口语拿高分 篇1

1、答题时宁过勿缺,但如果最后差几秒又实在想不出,则可说:That’s about it或是That’s everything I can say about this topic之类的句子。


3、多用习语,口语词,gonna,wanna,thatal = that will,有的词读的短而快,有些则长而慢,注意语音语调的变换。


5、一开始不要说出绝对数字,而说a few points,这样可以防止说不完。



8、3,4题中如果多说阅读中的内容会被减分,不要有什么in the reading passage之类的话。

9、注意不要喷麦,尽量避免一些模糊的词如something, someone,(主要是1、2题,并注意specific),有一些小的语法错误没有关系,发音不好没有关系。


托福口语题目:Some students believe that students should choose what courses they learn by themselves, while some students believe that professors should make decisions for students. Which opinion do you support? Give specific explanation in your response.一些学生认为学生应该自己选课,另一些认为应该由教授替学生选课。你支持哪种观点,给出理由。

郝新宇老师的Sample response:

Personally speaking, I prefer professors make decisions. The main reason is professors’ choices tend to be mature and informed. They are clear about what students should learn and master for certain subjects. Taking the economics for example, professors have been investigating in this field for decades, they know students should learn courses like mathematics, econometrics, statistics, finance and so on, so as to master the skills needed in economics. However, if choosing by students, they are likely to be in a puzzle or at a loss about which courses to learn, consequently they may not learn necessary knowledge and achieve desired results.


托福口语题目:Your university has decided to build a new space near students’ dormitory buildings. Which of the following choices do you think should your university build most? Give specific explanation in your response.

---a café

---a game room

---a study room


郝新宇老师的Sample response:

2020托福口语高分练习技巧 篇2




1. 跟读复述练习


2. 针对题型练习


3. 把握时间



托福口语题目:Which of the following universities would you prefer to choose? A university with high academic ability and with high tuition or A university with mediocre academic ability but gives you scholarship. Give specific explanation in your response.你倾向于就读以下哪种大学?学术水平高、学费高的大学,还是学术水平一般但给你奖学金的学校。给出具体的理由。

郝新宇老师的Sample response:

Personally speaking, I prefer professors make decisions. The main reason is professors’ choices tend to be mature and informed. They are clear about what students should learn and master for certain subjects. Taking the economics for example, professors have been investigating in this field for decades, they know students should learn courses like mathematics, econometrics, statistics, finance and so on, so as to master the skills needed in economics. However, if choosing by students, they are likely to be in a puzzle or at a loss about which courses to learn, consequently they may not learn necessary knowledge and achieve desired results.


托福口语题目:Apart from getting relatively good jobs after graduation, what else benefits do you think can university students gain from university education? Give specific explanation in your response.除了获得相对好的工作,你认为大学教育对学生还有哪些益处。

郝新宇老师的Sample response:

In my view, one benefit is about affection. Studying in universities, youngsters tend to be mature in mind, polite in behaviors, elegant in appearance, thus young boys and girls will be more likely to be attracted by each other’s magnetism, consequently, they may harvest a beloved one or even a spouse.

The other benefit I think is that they can get acquaintance with friends from a variety of industries. They may meet friends who are adept in computer science or skilled at biology research or rich in knowledge on laws and policies and so on. In daily lives, whenever meeting some troubles, asking for help will be easier


★ 汉语拼音口语练习

★ 托福口语叙述技巧

★ 掌握技巧 学好口语

★ 练好口语的技巧有哪些

★ BEC听力和口语应试技巧

★ 练习托福口语的7个要诀

★ 雅思口语考官现场发挥技巧

★ 6种车灯用语解析

★ 6种声音的作文范文

托福口语答题4大高分原则总结 篇3



Describe your country’s national anthem or your country’s national flag. Explain how it is used in modern society. Include details and examples.

15 seconds to prepare

45 seconds to speak

Sample Answer:

The Chinese national anthem’s name is “ March of the Volunteers”. This song was composed by Nieer in 1932. It encouraged the volunteers to fight against the Japanese invasion in the Second World War. In modern Society, we could always hear this song in school, government meeting or some sport games. For instance, if some Chinese athletes win the champions on the Olympic games, we can hear this song.




I believe…

I agree with the idea of …

I don’t think…/I think…

I agree that it is important to…

I disagree with the idea of…

I feel…

I support the idea of…

If you ask me…

Some people might say…, but I think…


Some people think that wildlife does not belong outside of its natural habitat. They do not think that zoos should exist. Others believe that zoos serve an educational purpose that is more important than the rights of the wild animals. Which side of this argument do you support and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.

15 seconds to prepare

45 seconds to speak

Sample Answer:

Well, so zoos. Do they serve a useful purpose? In my opinion they do. I think zoos are important for a couple of different reason. Firstly, they can really inspire people to care about the natural world. Um… when someone makes a personal connection with an animal at the zoo, it can have a profound effect. That person might become interested in the fate of that animal in the wild. That’s the really important role for zoos.

Education, I mean. Zoos can inform people about the real dangers of extinction that exists for so many species nowadays, like tigers and rhinos and oh, I don’t know, snow leopards… And the other thing that zoos do that’s really important is that they offer opportunities for breeding endangered species. I just read something about this. A few zoos in Europe had an endangered species of horses in their collection and they bred them. Recently they reintroduced the horses back into their native homeland in Mongolia. So basically, for educational and breeding purposes, I think zoos play a useful role.


campus based

reading: 一个问题(有时有解决方法)

listening: 一个人解决该问题的意见,以及理由(150-180字,100s)


题目一般如此要求,给个例子:the student gives her own opinion about the best way to solve the university’s money problems. Say what her opinion is, and summarize the reasons she gives.





30s’ 时间需要完成的任务:

1、speaker 的main idea

