


营销与策划个人英文简历 篇1

Name: xxx


Sex: Female

National: Han

Political landscape: members

Date of Birth: September 1986

Account: Hubei Province

Marital status: unmarried

Education: tertiary

Graduate institutions: xx Polytechnic

Graduation Time: June 2008

Specialties: Marketing and Planning

Language: English (General)

Computer level: skilled

Work Experience: 1 year

Contact: 13888888888

Job intentions

Work type: Full-time

Nature of units: open

Expectations of the industry: wholesale and retail (shopping malls, boutiques, department stores, supermarkets), textile industry (apparel, hats, footwear, textile products, leather goods), services, transport, logistics, courier, travel, hotels, catering services

Expectations of the post: human resources / administrative / clerical staff

Location: Open

Expectations of a monthly salary: Open / Negotiable


2006/10--/12 xx Economic Law University of Economics and Law

Marketing Institute of Technology /9--2008/6 xx

Training experience

2006/9--2006/11 xx Polytechnic School of Economics and Management Training

Human Resources Management Division of Human Resources Management Certificate

Work experience

2008/1--2009/3: xx Community Health Center Public Health Information Management

Good people in charge of recording the details of the health status and health of its corresponding file and management. Statements submitted to higher authorities.


Self-confidence, a serious and responsible work attitude, thoughtful and meticulous style of work. Well and good, full of very good affinity. I believe that the performance of practical work must be recognized by the boss!

市场营销与策划个人简历表格 篇2


基本信息 市场营销与策划个人简历表格 个人相片
姓 名:   性 别:
民 族: 汉族 出生年月: 1985年8月7日
证件号码:   婚姻状况: 未婚
身 高: 165cm 体 重: 52kg
户 籍: 广东湛江 现所在地: 广东湛江
毕业学校: 广东省肇庆工商学院 学 历: 专科
专业名称: 市场营销与策划 毕业年份:  
工作年限: 三年以上 职 称: 初级职称
职位性质: 全 职
职位类别: 其他类




职位名称: 销售主管 ; 片区经理 ;
工作地区: 湛江市 ; 湛江市 ;
待遇要求: 可面议 ; 不需要提供住房
到职时间: 可随时到岗
语言能力: 英语 ; 普通话 一般
计算机能力: 证书 全国计算机等级考试四级 ;
时间 所在学校 学历
9月 - 207月 广东省肇庆工商学院 专科
时间 培训机构 证书
时间 所在学校 学历
9月 - 207月 广东省肇庆工商学院 专科
时间 培训机构 证书
所在公司: 厦门银鹭食品集团有限公司
时间范围: 12月 - 6月
公司性质: 私营企业
所属行业: 快速消费品(食品、饮料、粮油、化妆品、烟酒)
担任职位: 销售代表
工作描述: 1、负责公司产品的市场渠道开拓与销售工作,执行并完成公司产品年度销售计划 2、根据公司市场营销策略,提升销售价值,控制成本,扩大产品市场占有率 3、做好客户资料管理,与客户保持良好沟通,为客户提供热情满意的服务 4、动态把握市场价格,准确掌握市场最新动态 5、维护和开拓新的销售渠道和新客户,收集客户意见,提出参考意见等
所在公司: 中山市花皇食品饮料有限公司
时间范围: 2009年8月 - 5月
公司性质: 私营企业
所属行业: 快速消费品(食品、饮料、粮油、化妆品、烟酒)
担任职位: 销售主管
工作描述: 团队建设,加强销售网络建设,管理、培训及督促下属有效地执行公司各项市场销售活动及销售规范运作, 领导团队完成销量,管理监督公司资源的合理分配投放及有效使用,及时跟踪、掌握市场及竞品信息,及时作出合理的方案以有效地打击争竞对手,组织策划公司各种品牌宣传活动。

营销策划专业个人简历 篇3



















食品科学与工程专业个人英文简历 篇4

Current location: Guangzhou National: Han

Exit and Entry: YUNFU tall: 155 cm ? 44 kg

Marital Status: Married Age: 25 years old

Training Certification: integrity badge:

Job search intention and work experience

Personnel types: ordinary job ?

Position: Quality Inspector / Tester: Laboratory of Food Engineering /糖酒certification system engineers / auditors

Work Experience: 1 Title: Senior

Job type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any time

Monthly requirements: - 3500 hope that the working area: Guangdong Province, Shandong and Hainan

Personal experience: /10 to /01 in Hainan Coconut Island Coconut Island winery winery inspection work during the internship. In the plant, the temper of the spirit of hard work.

From August 2006 to April in Guangzhou Guang Yi Co., Ltd. joint work as customer service. In the course of their work, good training of the ability to communicate with customers, in particular, their English has been a lot of exercise, reading and writing is very improved.

December in the year 2007/05--2007 Yi Lin Food Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Commodities Control Department

Serving as the physical and chemical inspection during the work, proficiency in a variety of laboratory instruments, to test proficiency in a variety of physical and chemical projects, such as acid value, peroxide value, salinity, amino acid, total acid, total ash, acid insoluble ash, moisture, fat, total sugar, protein and so on.

And to participate in the revised quality management system. The series of ISO and HACCP system have a deeper understanding of the system.

Educational background

Graduate institutions: South China University of Tropical Agriculture

Highest level of education: graduate - 2006-07-01

Studies by one: the Food Science and Engineering Science II:

By education and training experience: /09 to 2006/07 school in South China University of Tropical Agriculture and Food Science and Engineering. Accepted the basis of a full range of university education, be a good professional training and ability.

secondary examination through the National Computer.

In 2005 through the National College English Test 4. Have a stronger reading, writing skills.

September 2005 through the national computer database of the written test three. 2005 Food Inspection workers access to the intermediate title, in 2006 high-level work through the examination of food inspection.

By dietitians in 2005 a certificate of vocational skills training.

Language ability

Foreign Language: English Excellent

Mandarin level: the level of fine Cantonese: Excellent

The ability to work and other expertise

In food processing and analysis in various fields, there are solid theoretical basis and practical experience, have strong analytical skills and research practice.

In 2005 through the National College English Test 4, a strong reading, writing skills.

In 2004 through the National Computer .05 two-year examination in September through the national computer database of the written test three

Familiar with DOS, Windows98 operating system and Office97, Internet Internet, the basic operations, such as C language to master.

Detailed personal autobiography

I character of any optimistic about things, I believe that as long as efforts are not impossible things. Comparison of my willpower and tenacity, the work is serious and responsible attitude. Ability and strong learning ability.

营销与策划个人英文简历 篇5









服装制作与营销个人简历 篇6


姓 名: 个人简历 年 龄: 20 户口所在: 广东省 婚姻状况: 未婚 民 族: 汉族 身 高: 158 cm 求职意向 人才类型: 应届毕业生 应聘职位: 销售主管/销售代表/客户代表 工作年限: 1 职 称: 高级 求职类型: 实习 可到职日期: 随时 月薪要求: 2500~2999元 希望工作地区: 广东省,广州,深圳 工作经历 广州雅迅网络科技有限公司 起止年月:-10 ~ -05 公司性质: 民营企业 所属行业:互联网/电子商务 担任职位: 推广员 工作描述: 经过这个销售推广工作,我学会了一些推广技巧和经验 离职原因: 想换新的`环境,新的工作,挑战自我 毕业院校: 广州市城市建设技师学院 最高学历: 大专 获得学位: 毕业日期: 2016-06 专 业 一: 服装制作与营销 起始年月 终止年月 学校(机构) 所学专业 获得证书 证书编号 -09 至今 广东省城市建设技师学院 服装制作与营销 语言能力 外语: 英语 良好 粤语水平: 优秀 其它外语能力: 国语水平: 精通 工作能力及其他专长 具有较强的沟通技巧与团队建设和管理能力,较强的谈判能力及优秀的口头表达,能承受工作压力 个人自传 本人性格热情开朗,待人友好,为人诚实谦虚。工作勤奋,认真负责,能吃苦耐劳,尽职尽责,有耐心。具有亲和力。

房地产营销与估价个人简历 篇7

户口所在: 湛江 国 籍: 中国

婚姻状况: 未婚 民 族: 汉族

诚信徽章: 未申请  身 高: 168 cm

人才测评: 未测评  体 重: 60 kg

人才类型: 在校学生

应聘职位: 预结算员, 房地产评估, 建筑制图

工作年限: 0 职 称: 初级

求职类型: 实习可到职日期: 随时

月薪要求: 面议 希望工作地区: 广东省,,

毕业院校: 惠州经济职业技术学院

汽车服务与营销个人求职简历 篇8

目前所在: 荔湾区 年 龄: 21

户口所在: 广州 国 籍: 中国

婚姻状况: 未婚 民 族: 汉族

诚信徽章: 未申请  身 高: 160 cm

人才测评: 未测评  体 重: 45 kg

人才类型: 不限

应聘职位: 汽车销售/经纪人, 汽车售后服务, 二手车评估师

工作年限: 0 职 称:

求职类型: 实习可到职日期: 随时

月薪要求: 面议 希望工作地区: 荔湾区,越秀区,南海区


苏宁电器 起止年月:-05 ~ 2012-05

公司性质: 股份制企业 所属行业:家具/家电/工艺品/玩具/珠宝

担任职位: 促销员

工作描述: 在苏宁电器做露天促销员,引导各种不同的.消费者对本人所促销的商品进行购买,其表现  到了经理的肯定。

广州志愿者组织 起止年月:-11 ~ 2010-12

担任职位: 志愿者

工作描述: 为广州亚运会安保工作服务.


毕业院校: 广州现代信息工程职业技术学院

最高学历: 大专 获得学位:  毕业日期: -06

专 业 一: 汽车技术服务与营销 专 业 二:

起始年月 终止年月 学校(机构) 所学专业 获得证书 证书编号

2010-09 2012-12 广州现代信息工程职业技术学院 汽车技术服务与营销 高级汽车营销师;中级维修证;C1驾照 -


外语: 俄语 一般 粤语水平: 精通


国语水平: 优秀




活动策划英文简历 篇9

[Personal information]





.09 So far, South China Normal Computer Science and Technology (database) Professional 211 Bachelor of Engineering

[Intention] professional catering intern internship

[Social Practice]

.3-2011.5 Eighth Corporate Culture Case Competition (Team)

Federal Furniture Holdings Limited to product marketing, corporate culture as the purpose, the use of a good social practice ability to organize teams to conduct field market research, analysis of the internal structure, corporate culture, corporate development

Responsible for field visits interviews to obtain data, and the crew shared analysis report writing, presentation, presentation and defense, won the “Campus Excellence Award”

2011.9-2012 .6 09 Computer Science and Technology (database) Publicity Committee

Responsible for the various activities of the class and participate in organizing and planning advocacy work class activities, such as Spring

Help make class culture


.11 Sixteenth Asian Games opening and closing ceremonies concierge team volunteers

Responsible to follow from the MPC to the sea, sand buses for passengers to provide services

Safety feedback team leader responsible for the feedback to the school where the volunteer security team members, and to resolve emergency situations

2012.1-2012.2 train crew Guangzhou Railway Group Ltd.

Responsible for the route between Guangzhou and Nanchang train with Xiangyang, assisting conductor handling car everyday affairs staff

Contacts with different social groups, and enhance interpersonal communication skills, training a hard-working, teamwork and sense of service to others, to obtain campus practice report written by the “Excellence Award”

【Quality skills】

Certificates: CET (good reading and writing skills), National Computer two (C + + language),

Foreign Secretary four (there is a strong document writing ability)

Skill, Microsoft Office and other office applications, Foshan Municipal corporation “pre-school” training Closed

营销员英文简历 篇10

updating date: XX-03-19


nationality:china (mainland)

current place:shenzhen

height/weight:180 cm?70 kg

marital status:single

age:27 years

career objective

application type:jobseeker

preferred job title:trade: mechaniser

working life:4title:middle title

job type:full timeexpected start date:in a month

expected salary:¥5,000--¥8,000preferred working place:guangzhou shenzhen

work experience

companys name:american architectural materials ., llcbegin and end date: XX-08-XX-04

enterprise nature:soly foreign funded enterprisesindustry: paper making/printing

job title: purchasing specialist

job description: 1, check and digest the drawing, totally understand the specifications.

2, make category to the project, analyze the product characteristic and technical standard, sourcing for vendors to match.

3, send inquiry documents to vendors and push quotation. analyze 3-5 sets of available price, make sure price is reasonable and vendors totally understand the specifications of order.

4, making quotation spreadsheet, give comments to the quotation and report to chief executive in china.

5 meeting with the factory director,getting to know each other and built trust.,trying to get the target price by negotiation.

have resouce of qualified hotel furniture factories in china and keeping good business relationship. have experience in buying stone & marble, ceramic tile, glass and hardware. good understanding in hotel project sketch and professionally in hotel furniture; know very much in fire-rated door comply with ul standard and in leed standard for all architectural materials.

reasons for leaving:

companys name:hongkong taikooyuen hotel furniture company.,ltd.begin and end date: XX-02-XX-08

enterprise nature:private enterprisesindustry: paper making/printing

job title: manager of export dept

job description: 1.atending the furniture fair in donggan , guangzhou and shenzhen, seaking for customers;

2.meeting with overseas customers, seaking for cooperation opporunity;

3.assist the designer to produce cad drawing according to customers’ demand;

4.inspect the production, check every steps, ensure everything is accordant with the demand;

5.dealing with many trading documents;

6. coordinate the relationship among factory, trucking company, customs and forwarder.

7. in charge of asking for the balance;

8.balance the benefit of customers and factory, providing after-sale service.

conclusion:during my working period, my team members and i achieved 20million rmb. i rewarded precious trust from my customers.

reasons for leaving:

companys name:provincial project office of hunan provincebegin and end date: XX-10-XX-01

enterprise nature:industry:

job title: translator

job description: 1,working for enlgish forest expert, helping him with translation.

2, do written enlgish translation for project documents.

3, do oral translation in conference and in project discussion.

reasons for leaving:

educational background

name of school:center south university of forestry and technology

highest degree:bachelordate of graduation:XX-07-01

name of major 1:marketingname of major 2:

education experience:start dateend dateeducation organizationmajorscertificatecertificate no

XX-09XX-06center south university of forestry and technologymarketingbachelor

language ability

foreign language:englishlevel:perfect

chinese level:perfectcantonese level:normal

relevant skills and abilities

1,familiar with the furniture manufacturing process, technique, quality control and design especially solid wood furniture and furniture with mdf+veneer.

2,i have been studying on many world famous design such as:baker furniture, donghia furniture,casa mia furniture and i collected many important information of them.

3,i attended more than 6 times of furniture fair in dongguan, shenzhen and guangzhou , knowing very much about the solid wood furniture in china.

4, i have good many friends in furniture circle in china as i graduated from the college which is talented in furniture education.

5, i have sufficient experience of dealing with oem project. i am capable of working as outsourcing specialist or qc of furnishings.

6, i master the professional english of furnishings and have experience of translating in conference.

7,good it ability: knowing all kinds of office software.knowing very much of computer, print machine and other office equipment.
