


新目标英语七年级上册Unit5教学设计 篇1




1、教学内容 1)、词汇:have,soccer,ball,tennis racket,ping-pong ball,volleyball,basketball sport,bat,2)、语言结构:A、Do you have a ping-pong ball?Yes,I do。Do you have a ping-pon



1)、词汇:have,soccer,ball,tennis racket,ping-pong ball,volleyball,basketball,bat,2)、语言结构:A、Do you have a ping-pong ball?Yes,I do。Do you have a ping-pong bat?No,I don’t。






学生在已经学过词汇:What is this ? What is that? 句型: Where is…? It’s in / on / under/…




词汇:A、重点掌握表示有关各种运动球类的名词, 如basketball, soccer ball,so on

重点句型:? Do you have a TV? Yes,I do./No,I don’t.2、语言技能

1)、能看着图片说;Do you have a TV? Yes,I do./No,I don’t.3、学习策略




1)通过各小组的对话练习培养学生的合作精神; 2)通过学习本单元,让学生之间能够用所学句型互相交流。


1、Have 的一般现在时的疑问式用法;

2、Have的一般现在时的疑问句,及其肯定,否定回答;教学手段:采用多媒体教学。教学突破:Section A重在通过使用动词have对物品的所属进行提问和回答的交流式口语活动,学习由助动词do引导的一般疑问句的构成以及回答。教师要善于引导学生比较行为动词的疑问句和be动词的疑问句在构成和回答上的区别,通过大量和反复地操练以达到运用自如。


一、第一教学环节:情景创设,导入新课 教师活动 学生活动

Section A主要内容是通过使用have对物品的所属进行提问和应答,来学会使用do引导的一般疑问句。所以在教学中可采取问答式导人法:






教师活动 学生活动(看图片练句型)分片进行演示:I have a footba1 1.Do I have a football? 自己回答:Yes,I do. 再问:Do I have a basketball? 自己回答:No,I don’t.再使用其它物体和图片询问学生:Do I have…? 询问学生:Do you have…? 询问学生:…?


3.引导学生展开Pair work活动,完成lc部分口语交际的教学任务,学会运用助动词do进行问答,可采用师生互动带动学生互动的交流方式: 4.Pair work活动,完成lc部分口语交际的学习任务,学会运用助动词do进行问答并上台展示口语交际。


教师活动 学生活动


新目标英语七年级上册Unit5教学设计 篇2


为了让学生轻松愉快地学习, 课前, 我播放了一首刚刚结束的北京奥运主题歌《you and me》, 把学生的思绪带入了学习英语的气氛中, 同时也点燃了学生学英语的激情。伴随着优美的音乐, 我微笑着走上讲台, 以这样的开场白拉开本节课的序幕:

Hello, boys and girls, nice to see you again.Today we’ll have a very interesting lesson.Have fun together.这样开始了快节奏的45分钟课堂教学。

我问学生:Do you like Olympic Games?Do you like Yao Ming?Do you have a basketball?从而引出课题, 为本课教学做了铺垫。


复习应是一个温故而知新的过程, 同时又应起到激发学生兴趣和调动学生积极性的作用。

我首先安排了一个竞赛活动, 让学生快速说出奥运会上喜欢什么项目?家里有什么运动用品?这时, 学生会争先恐后, 畅所欲言, 成绩好的学生能用英语说出, 差一点的学生不会描述, 于是我鼓励他们用汉语大胆说出, 以调动其参与的积极性, 增强他们学习的自信心。然后我打出一张投影片, 把一些常见的运动项目和运动用品呈现给学生。我通过竞赛、名词填空、听力练习三个环节帮助学生复习旧知。这样我的考查从单词、句子到段落, 由点及面, 使学生全面复习了旧知。这时, 我因势利导马上进入第三个环节—新授环节。

1. 情景展示—扫除单词障碍

教师的示范表演往往比任何一种说教都来得直观真切, 于是, 我扮演了深受人们喜爱的篮球明星姚明, 并拿出事先准备好的实物——篮球来展示basketball这个单词:Hello, boys and girls!I’m Yao Ming.我走下讲台, 师生完全可以根据当时的实际思路进行创造性的交流。比如:I like basketball.I canplay basketball very well.Do you like basketball?I have a basketball in my home.Do you have a basketball?等等, 并随机板书basketball, 然后我又利用多种方式操练了这个单词。

这种真切直观的师生交际不仅能够很容易使学生猜到这个单词的意思, 而且为后面的动情表演提供了依据。紧接着我又利用学生喜欢谈论的话题如体育明星、文娱偶像等介绍了volleyball, tennis, ping-pong, club, have, sport等单词。这样学生在轻松愉快的气氛中很快扫除了单词障碍。然后, 我又利用学生们喜欢谈论的话题制作了几种球类运动的游戏课件来巩固新单词, 给他们创造自我展现的机会。我把学生分成四组, 自定角色, 自选情景, 编出具有生动情节, 富有个性的对话。交际表演是学生喜闻乐见的, 轻松愉悦代替了枯燥的讲解, 死板的语言知识化作了风趣幽默的表演。

2. 语言训练-提高听说能力


第一, 我利用投影出示了四个问题, 学生听录音回答问题。

第二, 听录音跟读。

第三, 由于学习语言的最终目的是交际, 所以, 我又安排了“动情表演”, 我给不同层次的学生分别指定了任务, 并和学生进行交谈:Do you like sports?What kind of sports do you like?Do you have a basketball?简单回答之后学生自由谈论。这样既达到了对教材知识的全部操练, 又使全体学生都能体会到学有所获的快乐。我又组织学生对课文内容进行了交际表演, 这样, 戏剧走进了课堂, 讲台变成了舞台, 学生在大量的语言实践中轻松自然地提高了听说能力。

3. 感悟语法——突出教学重点, 突破教学难点

对于语法的教学, 我主要遵循循序渐进的原则, 从语法结构的机械操练到交际实例的直观运用, 一步步, 一层层逐渐展开。在教学中我运用了“三维空间—情景教学法”以现代化的媒体教学手段贯穿整个教学过程, 增强了教学的直观性和趣味性, 加大了课堂密度, 提高了教学效果。

我设计的又一个高潮是将语法教学与游戏有机结合, 融为一体。我首先用简笔画投影出示了一些关键内容, 然后把学生分成两组, 一组学生根据投影说出以Do/Does引导的一般疑问句, 另一组学生作出肯定或否定回答, 然后变换角色。

明确了语法结构以后我马上引领学生进行有意义的语言训练, 让学生快速记忆书中内容, 两分钟后回答问题。我设置了四个问题通过投影展示出来。这样, 学生在交际中不仅熟练掌握了语言结构, 同时也了解Do/Does引导的一般疑问句及回答。我随机板书:Do you have a basketball?Yes, I do./No, I don’t.Does he have a ping-pong ball?Yes, he does/No, he doesn’t.

最后, 同桌两人表演课文内容。

新目标七年级下Unit5练习 篇3


1. My uncle is ____(swim) at the pool.

2. Her father often ____(go) to the movies with her mother on weekends.

3. We are ____(clean) the house.

4. Thank you for ____(help) me learn English.

5. What can you ____(see) in this photo?


6. This TV show is ____.

7. My father is talking to my math teacher ____.

8. Who is Linda ____?

9. What are you ____ now?

10. Do you ____ to play basketball with me?


1. Could you tell me what they are talking ____.

A. toB. withC. aboutD. for

2. Look!An old man is waiting ____ the bus there.

A. atB. forC. toD. in

3. Look at the ____ girl. She’s a nurse.

A. firstB. oneC. thisD. that

4. Bob’s sister is ____ an interesting book. It makes her laugh.

A. watchingB. seeingC. readingD. looking

5. Listen!My sister ____ the piano in her room.

A. playB. playsC. playingD. is playing

6. ____ are your parents talking with?

A. WhoB. HowC. WhenD. What

7. ——What is your father doing?


A. He goes to workB. He is playing basketball

C. He is a doctorD. He likes playing basketball

8. ——Where do people usually swim?


A. At the mallB. In the library

C. At the poolD. At the restaurant

9.——Is your brother doing his homework?


A. Yes, he doesB. No, he doesn’t

C. Yes, he isn’t D. No, he isn’t

10. ——Do you want to go to the movies, Tony?


A. That sounds good

B. Sure, I don’t like movies

C. No, I like going to the movies

D. I am sorry. I am going to the movies



1. Susan often cleans her room. (用now改写句子)

Susan ____ ____ her room now.

2. She is reading an English book. (改为一般疑问句)

____ ____ reading an English book now?

3. The girl is shopping in the supermarket. (就划线部分提问)

____ is the girl ____?

4. His father is cleaning the car. (就划线部分提问)

____ is his father ____?

5. Lisa is talking with Mrs Green. (就划线部分提问)

____ is Lisa ____ with?



1. 我正在家里做家庭作业。

I ____ ____ ____ ____ at home.

2. 玛丽正在给她的父母写信。

Mary ____ ____ ____ her parents.

3. 你们在谈论什么?

____ are you ____ ____?

4. 他们在打电话。

They ____ ____ on the phone.

5. 谢谢你的来信。

____ ____ ____ your letter.



see, at, about, boring, watch, do, want, thriller, exciting, sound

Tony: Hi, James.

James: Hi, Tony. What are you __1__ now?

Tony: I’m __2__ TV, but it’s __3__.

James: Do you __4__ to go to the movies?

Tony: That __5__ pretty good.

James: What kind of movie do you like?

Tony: I like action movies and __6__. They are __7__.

James: Great! There’s an action movie today. When do you want __8__ the movie?

Tony: How __9__ 6:30?

James: OK, let’s go __10__ 6:30. See you later.

Tony: See you then.


Billy is fourteen years old and in the __1__ grade. He has a __2__ job. He gets up at __3__ every morning. He is a newspaper boy.

Each morning, he leaves the house at 5:15 to get to the corner __4__ them.

In winter it is still dark when he gets up, but during(在……期间) the rest of the year it is __5__. Billy must deliver the newspapers to the __6__ of people in all kinds of weather.

Billy earns about $70 per month, and he is saving some of the money to go to college. He spends __7__ on records and clothes.

Billy has seventy __8__ now, but he hopes to get more soon. He __9__ to win a new bike and __10__ a trip to Europe.

1. A. ninethB. ninthC. nineD. ninths

2. A. part-timeB. full-timeC. workingD. morning

3. A. sixB. sevenC. fiveD. afternoon

4. A. to look forB. to buyC. to findD. to carry

5. A. darkB. lightC. midnightD. cold

6. A. the peopleB. the handsC. houseD. to shops

7. A. someB. allC. littleD. most

8. A. newspapersB. customersC. dollarsD. friends

9. A. thinksB. wantsC. takesD. delivers

10. A. to goB. to beC. to haveD. to stay



Everybody has a home. People have homes. Animals have homes, too. People live in different kinds of homes. Animals also have different kinds of homes.

Some animals live in holes under the ground. The woodchuck lives under the ground. His home has two doors. If an enemy comes through one door, the woodchuck goes out of the other. Some animals live in holes in trees. Some squirrels build nests high in trees. Some birds live in holes in trees. Most of the birds live in nests. Crows build their nests high in trees. But hawks build their nests high in the mountains.

Some animals even carry their homes on their backs.

1. The text is about ____.

A. some treesB. some animals and birds

C. animals’ homesD. different animals

2. ____ live under the ground.

A. All the animals B. The woodchuck and the squirrelC. Some animals D. Some birds

3. How many doors does the woodchuck have in his house? ____.

A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. No doors

4. Animals’ homes are ____.

A. in all kinds of placesB. in the field

C. in holesD. at the same

5. Which animal carries his home on his back? ____.

A. The woodchuckB. The squirrel

C. The hareD. The tortoise


At this moment(瞬间), people in different places of the world are doing different things.

In London it’s five o’clock and people are leaving work and going home. Some are waiting for buses. Some are driving their cars.

In Moscow(莫斯科) it’s eight o’clock. People are having dinner at home or in restaurants. Some are watching TV at home.

In Beijing it’s one o’clock. People aren’t having dinner. They are sleeping.

In Los Angeles(洛杉矶) it’s nine o’clock. People are working. Children are having their lessons.

In New York it’s twelve o’clock. People are having lunch. Some are seeing friends or doing some shopping.


6. Londonnine o’clockwatching TV

7. Moscowone o’clockdoing some shopping

8. Beijing twelve o’clockgoing home

9. Los Angeleseight o’clockworking

10. New Yorkfive o’clocksleeping


live, buy, open, teach, talk

My sister is 30 years old. She __1__ in a middle school. She __2__ with her five-year-old son. It’s seven o’clock in the morning. My sister __3__ with her son. She wants him __4__ the door and then she can take her bike out. But the boy cries because his toy is lost. On her way to the school, my sister __5__ him a new toy.



提示词:practice English, do some exercise, play the guitar, take a walk…



新目标英语七年级上册Unit5教学设计 篇4


1.看报纸 ______ ___________ 1.看电视 ________ ____ 3.写信 ________ ____ _______ 4.谈论 ______ ________ 5.等候 ________ _____ 6.打扫房间 ________ _____ ______ 7.在电话中交谈 _______ ____ _____ ________ 8.听起来不错 ________ _______ 9.我的一张全家福

____ ________ ____ _____ __________

10.游泳池 ___________ _____ 11.电视节目 _____ ________ 12.拍照 _______ _________ II.根据句意及首字母提示完成句子,补全单词:

1.We should c our class room every day.2.Mr.Wang enjoys r newspaper in the morning.3.I am s that nobody knows me at the party.4.The sun rises(升起)in the east(东方)and goes down(落下)in the w.5.Many parents are w for their children at the school gate(大门).6.They will(将要)have many a during(在……期间)the spring festival.7.He didn’t take any photos because he lost(丢失)his c.8.Be careful, or you will fall into(掉进)the p and get wet.(弄湿)9.Now people can’t kill(杀死)any b , so you can see them flying in the sky and singing in the trees.10.We make t(玩具)in the factory for children from 1 to 5 years old.III.用所给单词的适当形式填空:

1.Look!They ____________(sing)over there.2.He is _________(listen)to the music.3.Listen!Who ___________(read)in the next room? 4.It’s nine o’clock, and they ____________(have)classes.5.Do you want _________(watch)TV? 6.In the ________(two)photo, he’s playing soccer.7.She doesn’t like _____(she)father.8.Three _________(child)are having lunch.9.He enjoys ________(run).10.Here ______(be)two photos for you.IV.用所给动词的适当形式填空:

1.The little boy __________(eat)a big apple now.2.Look!Dave and Mary ___________(dance).3.—____ he _________(watch)TV? —No, he isn’t.4.She ___________(not do)her homework.She’s reading.5.It’s seven in the morning.Mr Black ___________(have)breakfast.6.Lily likes _________ very much.She _______ very well.She can _______ English songs.(sing)7.My brother __________(take)a shower now(洗澡).8._____ Bob __________(swim)now?



专心 9.—What _____ the children _______?(do)—They are reading.10.—What is Mike doing? —He __________(run).V.选择填空:

()1.This TV ____ is interesting.A.movie B.shop C.sport D.show()2.My mother is ____ cakes.She often ____ cakes for us.A.make , making B.making, makes C.do, doing D.doing, does()3.My parents are ____ TV now.A.reading B.looking C.watching D.seeing()4.—What does your mother do? —She is ____.A.reading B.in the factory C.a teacher D.from the USA()5.Don’t talk here.Grandparents ____.A.sleep B.is sleeping C.are sleeping D.sleeping()6.Look!Who is ____ in the pool? A.swims B.swimming C.swiming D.swim()7.My brother and I ____ at school.A.am B.is C.are D./()8.—Is Ann ____ American girl? —No, she isn’t.She’s ____ English girl.A.a, an B.an, a C.a, a D.an, an()9.One of my classmates ____ from France.A.is B.are C.am D.come()10.—____ does the musician play the guitar? —In the park.A.What B.How C.Where D.Which()11.They play football ____ Saturday morning.A.on B.in C.at D.for()12.—____ the young woman playing the piano? —Yes, she ____.A.Is, is B.Does, does C.Is, does D.Does, is()13.Here ____ four ____ of my family.A.is, photo B.are photoes C.are, photos D.is, photos()14.Thanks for ____ me.A.help B.helps C.helping D.to help()15.It’s six o’clock in the afternoon.Mr.and Mrs.Green are ____ dinner.A.eating B.doing C.talking D.waiting()16.Here is a photo ____ my family.There are five people ____ my family.A.of, in B.of, of C.for, in D.about, of()17.—Is Mary eating dinner? —____.She’s writing a letter.A.No, she doesn’t B.Yes, she is C.No, she isn’t D.Yes, she does()18.—Where are they playing soccer? —At ____.A.the school B.school C.the pool D.the mall()19.____ your beautiful gift(礼物)for my birthday.A.Thank you B.Thank for C.Thanks you for D.Thanks for()20.—Do you want to go to the movies? —____.A.That sound good B.It sounds good



专心 C.That sounds great D.It sound boring()21.Are you ____ a bus? A.wait B.waiting C.wait for D.waiting for()22.—Let’s go to the fashion show(时装表演).—____.A.Great.When are we going? B.That sounds boring.Let’s go C.Good.Where are you going? D.Sure, I want to watch TV()23.Look.Here are ____ my photos.A.some B.some of C.many D.much of VI.按要求转换句型:

1.I’m doing my homework.(变一般疑问句)_____ you doing _______ homework? 2.Alice is writing a letter.(对划线部分提问)______ ____ Alice _______? 3.She often plays the violin.(用now 替换often)She _____ _________ the violin now.4.Li Lei does his homework in the evening.(变否定句)Li Lei _______ ____ his homework in the evening.5.This TV show is boring.(对划线部分提问)______ ____ this TV show? 6.The students are waiting for their teachers.(对划线部分提问)_____ are the students ________ for? 7.You can see a bird in the tree.(对划线部分提问)______ _____ you see in the tree? VII.交际用语搭配,从B栏中找出A栏问句的答语:

A B()1.What language do you speak? A.Canada.()2.How are you? B.Yes, I am.()3.Where are you from? C.No, he doesn’t.()4.Are you watching TV? D.Fine, thank you.()5.Does your brother have a toy plane? E.French.VIII.完成句子:

1.他们正在和谁谈话? ______ are they _______ to? 2.我妈妈正在车站等我。My mother _____ ________ _____ me ____ the station.3.谢谢你的来信。________ _____ your letter.4.看!王先生正在公园拍照。Look!Mr.Wang _____ ________ photos in the park.5.这里有我的一些照片。Here ______ some of _____ _________.6.人们正在跳舞。The people ______ __________.7.你们在谈论什么? What are you _________ ________? 8.那听起来是个好主意。That _________ a good idea.9.不要进来,我们正在打扫房间。Don’t come in.We ______ _________ the room.10.玛丽没在学习英语,她正在写信。Mary ______ _________ English.She ____ ________ a letter.IX.完形填空:

Here is a picture 1 a park.You 2 see many boys and girls in the park.3 are some trees in the park.4 there are 5 flowers.Some birds are 6 in the 7.There are some old 8.They are sitting at the table.They are 9 tea and talking.Two young people 10 near them.用心


专心()1.A.of B.about C.for D.in()2.A.aren’t B.can C.do D.are()3.A.These B.Here C.There D.They()4.A.And B.But C.Or D./()5.A.some B./ C.much D.any()6.A.singing B.run C.dance D.sing()7.A.flowers B.park C.trees D.flower()8.A.man B.men C.woman D.mans()9.A.eating B.drink C.eat D.drinking()10.A.stand B.standing C.are standing D.stands X.阅读理解:

(A)It’s Sunday today.The Blacks are all at home.Mrs Black is in the kitchen(厨房).She is making cakes.Mr Black is in the living room(客厅).He is sitting in a chair and reading a book.Tom is in the garden with Mike.Mike is Tom’s classmate and good friend.They are playing soccer.Where is Sue? Oh, she and her friend Ann, are in her bedroom.They are watching TV now.根据短文内容选择正确答案。

()1.There are ____ people in Mr Black’s family.A.three B.four C.six D.seven()2.Who is in the kitchen? A.Sue’s mother B.Ann’s mother C.Tom’s father D.Ann’s father()3.What is Mr Black doing? A.Watching TV B.Playing soccer C.Reading a book D.Swimming()4.____ are playing in the garden.A.Tom and Sue.B.Tom and Mike C.Ann and Mike D.Sue and Mike()5.Which is RIGHT? A.Mike and Tom are in the same class.B.Sue and Ann are watching TV in Ann’s bedroom.C.Mike’s mother is making cakes.D.Tom is very clever.(B)It is cloudy.Zhang Qiang flies his kite on the playground.He is very happy.But it is raining now.He can’t fly his kite.His shirt and trousers are wet.He doesn’t want to go home.Ten minutes later, the sun is shining.It is warm now and Zhang Qiang has a good idea.He takes off his wet clothes and ties them to the long string of the kite.He flies his kite and clothes.So they are dry(干的).He puts on and there is a smile on his face.What a clever boy.()1.Zhang Qiang ____ on the playground.A.flies his kite B.flies his plane C.runs D.plays()2.Zhang Qiang wears ____.A.a shirt and trousers B.a shirt and shoes C.a skirt and trousers D.a skirt and



专心 shoes()3.Zhang Qiang ties his wet clothes ____ to make them dry.A.to a tree B.on his head C.to the kite string(线)D.to his arm()4.It is ____ that day.A.rainy, foggy(雾)and sunny B.cloudy, rainy and foggy C.cloudy, foggy and sunny D cloudy, rainy and sunny()5.Zhang Qiang is a ____ boy.A.lazy(懒)B.good-looking C.clever D.tall XI.改错:(将错误项的序号填入前面括号,在横线上订正)()_____________ 1.Jim has funny and outgoing(外向).A B C D()_____________ 2.Mary is a tall girl and long black hair.A B C D()_____________ 3.Kim is a exchange(交换)student in China.A B C D()_____________ 4.Be careful!There are a little water on the floor.A B C D()_____________ 5.He like to tell interesting stories after class.A B C D()_____________ 6.What was your weekend? A B C D()_____________ 7.There is a few students in the classroom.A B C D()_____________ 8.Anna, would you like to dance? Oh, I’d love.A B C D()_____________ 9.I have a few time for reading.A B C D()_____________ 10.I’m friendly at my workmates(同事).A B C D.用心


专心 5



1.read newspaper 2.watch TV 3.write a letter 4.talk about 5.wait for 6.clean the room 7.talk on the phone 8.sound good 9.a photo of my family 10.swimming pool 11.TV show 12.take photos II.根据句意及首字母提示完成句子,补全单词:

1.clean 2.reading 3.sure 4.west 5.waiting 6.activities 7.camera 8.pool 9.birds 10.toys III.用所给单词的适当形式填空:

1.are singing 2.listening 3.is reading 4.are having 5.to watch 6.second 7.her 8.children 9.running 10.are IV.用所给动词的适当形式填空:

1.is eating 2.are dancing 3.Is, watching 4.isn’t doing 5.is having 6.singing, sings, sing 7.is taking 8.Is, swimming 9.are, doing 10.is running V.选择填空:

1.D 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.C 11.A 12.A 13.C 14.C 15.A 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.C 21.D 22.A 23.B VI.按要求转换句型:

1.Are, your 2.What is, doing 3.is playing 4.doesn’t do 5.How is 6.Who, waiting 7.What can VII.交际用语搭配,从B栏中找出A栏问句的答语: 1.E 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C VIII.完成句子:

1.Who, talking 2.is waiting for, at 3.Thanks for 4.is taking 5.are, my photos 6.are dancing 7.talking about 8.sounds 9.are cleaning 10.isn’t learning, is writing IX.完形填空:

1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.A 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.C X.阅读理解:

(A)1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.A(B)1.A 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.C XI.改错:(将错误项的序号填入前面括号,在横线上订正)1.(A)has→is 2.(C)and→with 3.(A)a→an 4.(B)are→is 5.(A)like→likes 6.(A)What→How 7.(A)is→are 8.(D)love→love to 9.(B)a few→a little









新目标七年级上册英语教学反思 篇5







新目标英语七年级上册Unit5教学设计 篇6

作者: 郭雅茹(初中英语辽宁阜新初中英语班)评论数/浏览数: 2 / 75发表日期: 2011-05-10 19:53:36 本设计的内容是第一课时,即主要是让学生学会用英语描述制作香蕉奶昔的过程和步骤,引出重点句子祈使句,以及下节课可数名词和不可数名词,顺序副词等语言知识。



新目标英语八年级上册第七单元,主题是How do you make a banana milk shake?本设计的内容是第一课时,即Section A(1a-1c)主要是让学生学会用英语描述制作香蕉奶昔的过程和步骤,并以这一主题引出重点句子祈使句,以及下节课可数名词和不可数名词,How many---/How much---?问句,顺序副词等语言知识。根据以上内容及《英语新课程标准》本节课的设计如下:


1. 知识目标

A. 词汇:milk,shake,blender,turn on,cut up,peel,pour,into
















StepI.Warming up

Play a piece of music 《Food and drink》让学生在愉快的音乐声中放松自己并把注意力转移到课堂上课。

StepII.Leading in

用幻灯片呈现一杯奶昔,问What’s this?引导学生回答:It’s a milk shake.让学生明白奶昔是一种水果和牛奶混合搅拌至起泡的饮料。接着呈现香蕉以及香蕉奶昔,引出主题:How do you make a banana milk shake?明确本节课教学目标:1.Dscribe a process.2.Make a banana milk shake.用幻灯片导入主要是利用生动形象的图片吸引学生的注意力,激发学生兴趣,让学生全身心投入到课堂教学活动中。


Introduce new words.逐一呈现生词,引导学生拼读单词,让学生掌握正确的发音及词义。为下一步活动1a顺利开展做好准备。

StepIV.Four Task




Task4.1c Pairwork布置任务:Tell your partner how to make a banana milk shake.师生对话练习,让学生明确活动任务后,学生两两结对练习对话,最后让几对上讲台在全班前表演。设计这一任务的意图是:创设情景,让学生多说英语,培养学生综合语言运用能力,并检查好学生是否已掌握好已学内容,突出重点、突破难点。

StepV.Grammar focus点拨祈使句的结构及用法,让学生分析句子结构,总结归纳,掌握祈使句的结构及用法。主要是突出本节课的重点句子的结构及用法。

Step VISummary and Homework




新目标英语七年级上册Unit5教学设计 篇7

—Its seven dollars. 七美元。

【点拨】 询问物品的“价格”时,一般可用“How much is/are ...?”,也可用“Whats the prize ...?”。

2. —Can I help you? 你要买东西吗?—Yes, please.是的。

【点拨】 当商店里的服务员询问顾客要买什么东西时,一般用 “ Can I help you?”;顾客如果想买东西,可说“Yes, please.”,然后再说具体要买什么。

3. Here you are. 给你。

【点拨】 当你买、借东西时,对方给你时一般用“Here you are.”来表示。例如:

—May I use your pen? 我可以用一下你的钢笔吗?

—Certainly. Here you are. 当然可以,给你。

4. —Thank you. 谢谢你。

—Youre welcome. 不客气。

【点拨】 当对方向你表示感谢时,可用“Youre welcome.”来回答,意为“不客气/不用谢”,也可用Thats OK. / Not at all.等。

5. When is your mothers birthday?你妈妈的生日是什么时间?

【点拨】 名词所有格的构成,一般是在名词的词尾加“s”;当表示两个人共同拥有某人/某物时,只在最后一个名词词尾加上“s”;当表示两个人分别拥有某人/某物时,要分别在名词词尾加上“s”。例如:This is Tony and Jims room. 这是托尼和吉姆的房间。

6. I like thrillers and I like action movies. 我喜欢恐怖片,而且我也喜欢动作片。

I like thrillers but I dont like comedies. 我喜欢恐怖片,但不喜欢喜剧片。

【点拨】 and与but都是连词,通常可连接两个并列的单词,词组或句子。and的意思是“和;又;而且”,表示并列、承接或递进等关系;but的意思是“而;却;但是”,表示否定或转折关系。

7. She often goes to see Beijing Opera with her father. 她经常和她父亲一起去看京剧。

【点拨】 介词with 有“与……在一起;和……”的意思。例如:Can you go shopping with me? 你能跟我一起去买东西吗?

8. Does she want to go to a movie? 她想去看电影吗?

【点拨】 当行为动词的一般现在时的主语是第三人称单数时,变为一般疑问句或否定句时,要借助助动词does来构成,谓语动词要用原形。例如:He doesnt like history. 他不喜欢历史。

9. —Can you swim? 你会游泳吗?

—No, I cant. 不,我不会。

【点拨】 can 是情态动词,意为“能、会”,没有人称和数的变化,无论是第几人称,也无论主语是单数还是复数,can均无变化;can不能单独作谓语,它后面要跟一个动词原形,一起构成谓语;含有can的一般疑问句是直接把can提到句首构成,肯定回答一般用“Yes,主语+can.”,否定回答一般用“No, 主语 + cant.”。否定句是在can后面直接加not构成否定句。例如:She cant speak Chinese. 她不会讲汉语。

10. I can play the guitar. 我会弹吉它。

【点拨】 表示乐器的名词在作play的宾语时,其前要用定冠词the。

11. Can you help kids with swimming?你能帮助小孩游泳吗?

【点拨】 help ... with ...是一个固定短语,意为“在某方面帮助……”。例如:She often helps me with my math. 她经常帮我学习数学。

12. Come and show us!来给我们展示一下。

【点拨】 show用作动词时,是及物动词,意为“展示;给……看”,后面可接双宾语。例如:Can you show me your new watch? 你能让我看看你的新手表吗?

13. I usually get up at five oclock. 我通常在五点钟起床。

People usually eat dinner in the evening. 人们通常在晚上吃晚饭。

【点拨】 表示“在几点几分”时,要用介词at;泛指“在上午/下午/晚上”,要用介词in。例如:I often do my homework at seven in the evening. 我经常在晚上七点钟做作业。

14. —Why do you like P.E.? 你为什么喜欢体育?

—Because its fun. 因为它有趣。

【点拨】 用why引导的特殊疑问句用来询问原因,回答时要用because引导的原因状语从句。例如:

—Why do you like English? 你为什么喜欢英语?—Because its very important. 因为它很重要。

15. —Who is your science teacher? 你的科学老师是谁?

—My science teacher is Mr Wang. 我的科学老师是王老师。

【点拨】 who是疑问代词,意为“谁”,用来对“人”进行提问。例如:

—Who is the girl? 那个女孩是谁?

—She is my sister. 她是我妹妹。

16. I have math on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 在星期一、星期三和星期五我有数学课。

【点拨】 表示“在星期几”,要用介词on。


()1. —_______?

—Only $5. It is very cheap. (2007浙江温州)

A. What time is itB. How many do you want

C. How much is itD. Whats wrong

()2. —Can I help you, Sir?

—_______. I need some books about western culture. (2007云南省)

A. Yes, please B. No, thanks C. Yes, you canD. No, you cant

()3. —Could you lend me the book you bought last week?

—_______. (2008四川成都)

A. Yes, here you areB. No, I cant lend it to you

C. Its not interesting

()4. —Thank you for your help.

—_______ (2008辽宁大连)

A. Thats great.B. Youre welcome.

C. Im sure of that.D. Im afraid not.

()5. _______ mothers both work in the same hospital. (2008广东汕头)

A. Tim and Peters B. Tims and Peter

C. Tims and Peters D. Tim and Peter

()6. Its a nice house _______ it hasnt got a garden. (2008北京市)

A. andB. orC. butD. so

()7. —Mary, would you like to go hiking _______ me? (2008吉林长春市)

—Yes, Id love to.

A. inB. atC. toD. with

()8. —Can you finish the work in two days?

—Sorry, I _______. My computer doesnt work. (2008湖北武汉)

A. dont B. cantC. mustntD. neednt

()9. I learned to play _______ piano at the age of four. (2008吉林省)

A. a B. an C. the D. /

()10. —A single room, please.

—OK. Will you please _______ me your ID card?

—Sure. Here you are. (2008浙江绍兴)

A. send B. showC. sellD. serve

()11. I go to school _______ 8 oclock in the morning. (2008重庆市)

A. atB. inC. on D. for

()12. Peter usually gets up early _______ the morning. (2008北京市)

A. onB. in C. atD. of

()13. —Why do you hope to visit Hawaii some day? (2008浙江温州)

—_______ it has beautiful beaches.

A. Though B. OrC. BecauseD. So

()14. —_______ will clean the classroom this afternoon?

—Lily. (2008广西北海)

A. WhoB. WhatC. WhereD. When

()15. We usually have a football match _______ Sunday. (2008北京朝阳区)

A. inB. onC. atD. to

16. Meimei has to look after her little brother at weekends. (改为一般疑问句)

_______ Meimei _______ to look after her little brother at weekends? (2008山东烟台)

17. 根据汉语完成英语,每空一词。


新目标英语七年级上册Unit5教学设计 篇8




本文 关键词: 英语 教学 实践 反思 效率 提高


Step One Revision 本环节由学生们来完成,具体操作如下:



小结:此环节的设计充分体现了学生之间的互动,同时将讲台变为学生的展台。学生的互评更激发了学生学习的主动性和主人翁的态度。Step Two Warming up

1.Enjoy the song “Ten Little Indian Boys”


2.询问和给出电话号码。Step Three Numbers

1.Listen and repeat the numbers.2.Use the number cards.Point to the numbers one at a time and ask the students to repeat.3.Play a number-train action game.4.Practice some numbers in groups, then ask nine teams to read them out one by one.5.Ask the students how to ask the telephone number, then ask them to ask me “What’s your phone number?”I will answer and show my number, and tell the students how to write a telephone number.6.Give more uses of numbers: room number;car number;QQ number;ID card number;

7.Learn some important telephone numbers in our life.Look at some signs and ask the students to speak out the numbers “ 114,119 120, 110, 122, 12345, 121„” 小结:本环节主要呈现教学内容,很多学生能按顺序背诵从1-10的数字,但是不按顺序的朗读还是很困难,所以通过各种各样的游戏,让学生在玩中学,学中玩,从而使学生更有效的掌握数字。从生活实际中常用的电话号码入手,一方面简单易学,另一方面与学生的实际生活紧密相连,学生有认同感,有话可说。同时自然地导入了本课的目标语。此环节的设计充分让师生、生生互动,同时将讲台变为学生的练台。Step Four Listening

1.Before listening,ask the students to work in pairs , one say the numbers in random order, the other writes them down.2.Play the tape for the first time.Students only listen.3.Ask the students to write the numbers in the blank as the teacher plays the tape the second time.4.Check the answers.Step Five Listening

1.Play the recording for the first time.Students only listen.2.Listen to the recording again, students write the letter of each telephone number in the blank after the person’s name.3.Check the answers in pairs by asking and answering in pairs.4.Listen to the recording a third time, check the answers.小结:此环节主要是听力训练。听力过程中让学生通过两人小组活动校对答案,可以使学生产生互动的学习效果。如答案不一致,学生在听下一遍的时候能更加集中注意力,这比教师直接报答案的效果来得更好。

Step Six Survey 1.In about five minutes, let the students ask their teammates about their telephone numbers and write them down.They must use the target language “ What’s your phone number? It’s …”


Phone Numbers

2.Ask some students to make a report like: Lisa’s phone number is… Jim’s phone number is…

3.Answer the teacher’s questions: “What’s Lisa’s/Jim’s phone number?” “Her/ His phone number is…” Step Six Task Ask students to write their phone numbers on a piece of paper and put it in a box.Then take out a piece of paper and find the owner.Last , make a telephone number address book.小结:此环节主要是通过学生间的互找互问巩固本课时的学习内容。布置任务主要是培养学生的动手能力,展示学生的个性。所以课后对各小组的作品进行展览、评比,最后放进学生的档案袋。Step Conclusion 小结本节课的主要内容,进行自我检测。

Step Eight Homework 1.Read and recite the ten numbers.2.Preview the next part.我在这节课中充分的利用丰富的英语教学资源教学,如:利用多媒体和数字卡片把枯燥的数字教活了,为英语课堂带来了生机和活力。同时,问题导学贯穿整堂课,问,随时随地。让课堂真正地以问号开始,以问号结束。让学生一直处于一种思维状态。整堂课教学步骤清晰,思路顺畅,目标明确。充分体现了学生的主导地位,同时渗透了情感教育,如:生活中的重要电话号码,可以帮助学生提高自我保护意识,增强社会责任感。但教学过程中,后面时间有点紧,所以最后的任务是布置学生课后完成。造成时间紧张的原因有三点,一是学生提问复习时有点拖拉;二是在进行数字链游戏时学生没做过,有点迟缓;三是数字教学用的时间超时了。所以,以后在时间观念上还要加强。总之,学生的学习效果总的来说令人满意。也从此让我懂得英语教师也应该用一种新的眼光来看待英语教学。这种新的眼光可以使我们每一位教师更富有创造性,更紧跟时代,更令人满意。所以教育理念的更新也势在必行。

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