


值得重视的形容词词组作状语用法 篇1



1. (2010全国卷II,第11题) though_____to see us, the professor gave us a warm welcome.

A. surprising B. was surprised C. surprised D. being surprised

2. (2009湖南卷,第21题) Every evening after dinner, if not_____from work, I will spend some time walking my dog.

A. being tired B. tiring C. tired D. to be tired

3. (2009浙江卷,第3题)_____and short of breath, Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top of Mount Tai.

A. To be tired B. Tired C. Tiring D. Being tired

4. (2005北京春招卷,第34题)_____with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.

A. To face B. Having faced C. Faced D. Facing

[解析] 第1题答案是C。 该让步状语从句还原为Though the professor was surprised to see us. 第2题答案是C。 该条件状语从句还原为if I am not tired from work. 第3题答案是B。 该让步状语从句还原为Though they were tired and short of breath. 第4题答案是C。该原因状语从句还原为Because Arnold was faced with a difficult situation.

[知识归纳] 具有上述用法的形容词词组可分为以下三类:

1. 表示人的情感、心态变化或心理感受方面的形容词词组。该类词组通常由过去分词转化来的形容词和介词in/at/for/with/of/about等构成,常用的有: be surprised at/to do sth, be moved for, be interested in, be discouraged for/with, be amused at/with, be inspired with/for, be delighted at/with/about, be astonished with/at, be satisfied with, be pleased with, be worried about, be tired of, be scared with/at、 be embarrassed about/with, be/feel stressed about/with, be lost in thought, be frightened at/of, be shocked at, be scared at/with/about/of, be determined to do sth, be upset about/for, be concerned with/about, be disappointed with/about等。例如:

Satisfied with his school results, Tom’s father decided to buy him a new bike as a reward. 汤姆的父亲对他的成绩很满意,决定作为奖赏给他买辆新自行车。

Lost in thought, he nearly ran into the car in front of him. 由于走了神,他差点撞在前面的车上。

Frightened of loneliness, the girl daren’t stay at home by herself. 由于害怕孤独,这个女孩不敢独自呆在家里。

Worried about her son’s safety, the mother joined in his son’s summer camping. 由于担心儿子的安全,这位母亲也参加了儿子的夏令营活动。

Determined never to come back before he could make a big fortune, Mike left home without saying a word. 麦克下决心不发大财决不回来,所以他一言未发就离开了家。

若上述词组中的介词用了by, 则该类词组就表示被动含义。试比较:

Moved by the movie greatly, she burst into tears. 由于被影片情节所感动,她禁不住流下了眼泪。

Inspired by the young man’s words, the workers got down to their own business. 在这位年轻人的感召下,工人们开始认真地干起来。

2. 部分描述人的行为状态的形容词组也可这样用。常用的有: be devoted to doing sth, be married to, be absorbed in, be seated in/at, be buried in, be dressed in, be engaged in等。例如:

Devoted to the teaching a11 his life, the old teacher was loved and respected by all the villagers. 由于毕生致力于教育事业,这位老教师受到了全村人的爱戴和敬仰。

Seated at the last time, he couldn’t see the screen clearly. 由于坐在最后一排,他几乎看不清屏幕上内容。
