ocal Snacks 风味小吃生活英语情景对话


ocal Snacks 风味小吃生活英语情景对话(通用10篇)

ocal Snacks 风味小吃生活英语情景对话 篇1

Hello, my dear friends. I remember when I went abroad six year ago, I could only use my finger trying to tell the employee of the subway what I would like to have. Ordering a sandwich from Subway was more complicated than I expected! Today, I would like to share some key words with you to order a sandwich from Subway.

Subway (key steps) 步骤:

1. Size of your Sandwich: 6-inch or 12-inch


Type of bread:Italian,white, wheat,honey oat,etc

面包类型:意式面包,白面包,全麦面包,蜂蜜燕麦面包等 (我就知道这么多。。)

Decide upon warming(是否加热):Toasted?(烤一下不?)

2. Add Vegetables or Cheese or meat




西红柿: tomato; 圆生菜:lettuce 黄瓜:cucumber 洋葱:onions

酸黄瓜:Pickle; 黑橄榄:Black Olivers 菠菜:spinach [ˈspɪnɪtʃ]

黄辣椒:banana peppers 青椒:green peppers



American 三角的白色的

Provolone 半圆的白色的

Cheddar 碎的泛黄色的



Tuna:金枪鱼,泥状; Meatball:意大利肉丸子 ;Roasted Chicken:大厚片鸡肉;

Bacon 培根 ; Pepperoni: 深红色意大利香肠;Ham:火腿



Mustard (黄芥末酱); Honey Mustard (蜂蜜芥末,辣中带甜)

Ranch (牧场酱,真不知道中文叫啥,有股奶味!)

Mayonaise (蛋黄酱)

BBQ sauce (烧烤酱,忘了到底有没有)

全部选完,大功告成! 来看看我写的小对话~~~~

Conversation in Subway:

S:Hi, what type of bread would you like?


Y: 6-inch white bread, please.


S: Would you like your bread toasted?


Y: Yes, please.


S: Ok, What kind of meat? vegetable? cheese?


Y: May I have tuna, lettuce, tomato, onions, spinach and no cheese, thanks.


S: What kind of sauce would you like?


Y: Honey mustard, please.


Cashier: Madam, anything to drink?


Y:No, thanks.


C: Your sandwich is $8.


Y:Ok, may I have more napkins?


C: Napkins are over there. (就在旁边,自己拿)

Y: All right, thanks. Have a good one.


C: You too!


好啦,这样就顺利点好一个Subway的三明治了,解决了只会用手指点,说着“this, this”,略尴尬!或是想半天不知道咋说!偷偷告诉你们,我一般都吃最大的那个!!!

英语面试情景对话 篇2

情景对话 1

A: Tell me a little bit about yourself.请介绍一下你自己。

B: My name is David and I live in Shanghai, I was born in 1980. My major was electrical engineering.我叫David, 住在上海,出身于1980年。我的专业是电子工程。

A: What kind of personality do you think you have?你认为你有怎样的性格?

B: Well, I approach things very enthusiastically, I think, and I don t like to leave things half-done.I m very organized and extremely capable.嗯,我做事非常热心,我不喜欢把事情做一半。我非常有组织能力,也很能干。

A: What would you say are your weaknesses and strengths?你的弱点和优点是什么?

B: Well, I m afraid I m a poor speaker, however I m fully aware of this, so I ve been studying how to speak in public. I suppose my strengths are I m persistent and a fast-learner.嗯,我不太擅长说话,我已经意识到这点,因此正在学习如何在公众场所说话。我想我的优点是很执着,而且学东西很快。

A: Do you have any licenses or certificates?你有执照或资格证书吗?

B: I have a driver s license, and I am a CPA (Certified Public Accountant).我有驾驶执照,我是注册会计师。

A: How do you relate to others?你和别人相处如何?

B: I m very co-operative and have good teamwork spirit.我能与人合作,富有团队精神。

情景会话 2

A: I see by your resume that you have been working? 从你的简历可以看出你一直在工作。

A: What do you know about our major products and our share of the market? 关于本公司的产品和市场份额你知道些什么?

A: What made you decide to change your job? 你为什么决定换工作?

B: I would like to get a job in which I can further develop my career. 我想找一个工作进一步发展自己的事业。

旅游英语情景对话 篇3

C&D游客 –

A:大家好,我是A,是负责今天大家行程的导游。旁边这位是我们的译员。欢迎参加我们广之旅。今天我们的行程主要是游览万里长城。如果在旅途中有什么问题都找我。B.Good morning.I am interpreter B.and this is our tour guide A.welcome to our 广之旅。Today we are going to visit the Great wall.If you have any need during the trip, me and A is at your service.C : I have heard so much about the Great Wall, and today I am very happy that I can visit this marvelous piece in person.B: 我听说过很多关于长城的故事,今天我很高兴能亲自来此地参观这伟大的杰作。

D:So do I.i did a lot of research before I came to China.And the Great Wall is one of the most popular tourist attractions in China.and I can not wait to visit..B: 我也是。在我来中国之前,我做了很多调查。长城是中国最有名的名胜古迹之一。我已经等不及要参观了。


B:I am gladly that you all are interested in the Great Wall.At first, here are your tickets.Please put your tickets away.When we leave, you can go to the customers service center near the exit to get a souvenir by the ticket.C&D : ok.thank u.B: 好的,谢谢。

A:长城又称万里长城。它的第一道主城墙建于秦朝。当时长城并非一次建成,而是由交战的几个国家各自修建城墙,后来经过统一合并而成。B:The Great Wall of China is also known in China as the Great Wall of 10,000 Li.The first major wall was built during Qin dynasty.This wall was not constructed as a single endeavor, but rather was created by combining several regional walls built by the Warring States.A: 不过,秦朝修建的长城现在几乎不复存在了。如今仍能清晰可见的长城建于明朝(14世纪末到17世纪初)。

B: However,the walls built in Qin Dynasty are no longer in existence.The Great Wall that can still be seen today was built during the Ming Dynasty, which was from late 14th century to 17th century.A: 这次修建规模比以往任何一次都要大,所用材料也更加坚固。B:It was built on a much larger scale and with longer-lasting materials than any wall that bad been built before.C: Oh.It is very impressive.I have a question that the Great Wall is built for protect the another country to attack or for other reason? B: 噢。这真的令我留下很深的印象。我有一个问题,修建长城主要是为了防止他国入侵还是有其他其他原因。


B:During he Qin dynasty, the wall was built to protect the Kingdom from reids by the Mongolian nomadic tribes.The primary purpose of the wall in Ming dynasty was to easure that semi-nomadic people outside of the wall could not across with their horses or return easily with the stolen properties.D: I read a story about the Meng Jiangnu, Is it a true story? B: 我听说过有一个孟姜女的故事。这是一个真实故事吗?

A:这是一个民间传说。主要是反映了古代中国人民付出了沉重的血汗和残酷的古制度。B:this is a folklore.This story tells the hard work of Chinese commoners as well as expose the cruel system.A: 中国有一句俗语,不到长城非好汉。

B:He who has never been to the Great Wall is hardly a real man.C&D:hahaha… really? B:哈哈哈…真的吗?

A: 这是真的。接下是自由游动时间,你们可以到处去拍照留念。一个小时后在出口处集合。B:yes。And next we will have one hour for free activities, you can go anywhere to have some photographs as memory.We will need to gather in the exit one hour later..(At last)A: 再次感谢你们参加我们广之旅的旅行团。希望你们今天都玩得开心。下次再见。

求职面试英语情景对话 篇4

Excuse me.May I see Mr.XX,the manager?


What can I do for you?


I have come at your invitation for an interview. Nice to meet you,Mr. XX.


Please sit down.


Thank you,sir.



Why do you think you are qualified for this position?


I have excellent communication skills and my major is suitable for this job.



What else you want to know?


No, thank you.


Thank you for your time. You’ll hear from us by next week.


I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.

大学机械专业英语情景对话 篇5

Mr.Bao:Good afternoon,Mr.Liu.包先生:.下午好,刘先生。

Mr.Liu:Good afternoon.Have a seat,please.刘先生:下午好,请坐。

Mr.Bao:Thank you very much.包先生:非常感谢。

Mr.Liu:Are you Mr.Bao?


Mr.Bao:Yes,I am.包先生:是的。

Mr.Liu:I have read your resume.I know you have worked for 3 years.Why did you choose to major in mechanical engineering?

刘先生:我看了你的简历,知道你已经工作过3年。为什么你选择了机械工程专业呢? Mr.Bao:Many factors lead me to majoring in mechanical engineering.The most important factor is I like tinkering with machines.包先生:许多因素致使我选择了这个专业。最重要的一个因素就是我喜欢修理机器。Mr.Liu:What are you interested in about mechanical engineering?


Mr.Bao:I like designing products and one of my designs received an award.Moreover,I am familiar with CAD.包先生:我喜欢设计产品,我的一份设计作品还得过奖。而且,我非常熟悉CAD。Mr.Liu:Great.Then what is your technical post title now?


Mr.Bao:I’m a senior mechanical design engineer.包先生:.我现在是高级机械设计工程师。

MrLiu:Do you take the original certificate with you?


Mr.Bao:Yes.Here it is.包先生:.是的,给。

Mr.Liu:Why did you decide to apply for this position?


Mr.Bao:Your company has a very good reputation.I’m very interested in the field of your company.包先生:.贵公司声望很高。我对这领域也很感兴趣。

Mr.Liu:Well,thanks.I’ll let you know the result of the interview as soon as possible,Goodbye.刘先生:那好吧,谢谢你。我会尽快告诉你面试结果的,再见。

外贸英语报价情景对话 篇6

B: Is there something wrong .

A: Yes ,your last shipment wasn‘t up to par .

B: Let ‘s go out and have a look at it .




英语面试的口语情景对话 篇7



A(求职者) B(面试官)

A:Excuse me.May I see Mr. John Watt,the manager?


B:It is me.What can I do for you?


B:May I help you?


A:I have come at your invitation for an interview. Nice to meet you,Mr. Watt.


B:Please sit down. 请坐。

A:Thank you,sir. 谢谢,先生。

I have come to apply for the position as office clerk.


B:I have invited several candidates to come today. You are the first one to have arrived.


B:You probably know that this interview is mostly to test your oral English,so just relax,and let is have a chat,shall we?


A:I am very happy that I am qualified for this interview.


B:What is important to you in a job?


A:For assistant position, I must first completes the labor of duty, and I also value development prospect of the job, as well as the company is enterprise culture.


Why should we employ you? 我们为什么要雇佣你?

A:I work well with others. I tend to drive myself too hard and love civilian class work.


B:The result of the interview here, specific we will inform you later.


A:Thank you , I am looking forward to the next interview.

英语面试情景对话带翻译 篇8


BThank you. I’ve worked pretty hard to be able to list those accomplishments.


AYou’ve got plenty of training and experience. I wonder if you could tell me something about your goals. Where do you see yourself ten years from now?


BTo be honest, I don’t plan in that much detail. My goals tend to be general; I define success according to the job at hand. I see myself advancing as I succeed, but I don’t necessarily dwell on the timing of each step.


AInteresting! And how do you feel about decision-making? Are you an independent thinker, or do you depend more on your superior for direction?

有意思! 你对“作决定”有什么看法? 你是个独立思考者,还是更多地依赖上级的指示?

BThat depends a bit on the problem at hand. There are certain situations in which a manager can give a general directive, and expect his employees to know how to take the initiative on the detail. I am known for taking the initiative, but I believe I also have the discernment to wait for direction when the situation calls for that.


ASounds good. Everyone is taking about teams these days. Can you describe your role as a member of a sales team?


BI see myself as an encourager. Of course, sales can be quite competitive and sometimes people in this field have a secret desire for others to fail. In my last job, each representative handled a different region. I developed a system for sharing sales gimmicks that worked. Soon the whole sales team started saving up stories, not just to brag, but to share.


ASo, your experience is as impressive in practice as it is on paper.

奥运英语情景对话:谈论奥运会旗 篇9



A:Talking of the Olympic Flag, what do you know about it?


B:There will be a handing-over and taking-over ceremony in each closing ceremony of the Olympic Games. The mayor of the host city will give the flag to president of the IOC, and president will hand it to the mayor of the next host city.


C:But the flag raised at the opening ceremony of the Olympics is only a substitute. The host city treasures it after it receives the flag.


A:The flag was officially used on June 15, 1914. It was first raised at the celebration congress of the 20th anniversary restoration of the Olympics movement in Paris. Unfortunately, this Olympic flag was burned in the flames of WWI.


B:Then where does the flag we use now come from?


A:The flag we use now was made by the Belgian Olympic Committee in 1920 when the Games were held in Antwerp. It was given to the International Olympic Committee as a gift, which has been used since then.


B:It was passed down one games after another it became an “Heirloom”.

英语面试情景对话:询问在校表现 篇10


Susan: How about your academic records at college?


Mary: The average 9日 de of all my courses is above 85.


Susan: In which subject did you get the highest marks?


Mary: In mathematics I got a 98.


Susan: Have you received any scholarships?


Mary: Yes, I have, and three times in total.


Susan: Have you been a class leader?


Mary: I have been a class commissary in charge of studies for two years.


Susan: Did you join in any club activities?


Mary: I was an aerobics team member in college.


Susan: What sport are you good at?

苏珊:你最擅长的体育项目是什么 ?

Mary: I am good at sprint and table tennis.


Susan: You are excellent.



performance n. 表现

average adj.平均的

mark n. 分数

mathematics n. 数学

scholarship n. 奖学金

in total 总共,总计

club n. 社团,俱乐部

aerobics n. 健美操

sprint n. 短跑

table tennis 乒乓球

character n. 品质

rank v. 排名

part time 兼职

full time 全职

top student 尖子生

class n. 班级

department n. 系,部门

participate v. 参加

extracurricular adj. 课外的

