


外贸销售计划书 篇1

(1)外贸业务做为一个长久不衰的行业,有着得天独厚的优势.我通常把业务分为以下几个阶段: 阶段一:.熟悉产品 好的业务员有着精湛的专业知识,而企业往往会忽略这个问题,直接把业务员拉入做业务员.

(2)建立、维护、扩大外贸市场,完成销售计划 开发外贸市场,建立外贸销售渠道; 协助外贸部经理处理与各部门...建立、维护、扩大外贸市场,完成销售计划。 工作内容: -开发外贸市场,建立外贸销售渠道;


外贸销售计划书 篇2


长期以来, 我国外贸企业的海外应收账款中, 存在着相当部分的坏账或坏账风险, 而这种状况在小型外贸企业当中尤甚。究其原因, 除了国际贸易环境、产品质量、贸易欺诈等因素外, 很大程度上是由于企业内部控制体制不健全、信用风险意识薄弱等引起的。

2010年, 国家发布了《企业内部控制应用指引第9号——销售业务》 (以下简称《指引》) 。《指引》总则提出:“企业销售业务至少应当关注下列风险:……客户信用管理不到位, 结算方式选择不当, 账款回收不力等, 可能导致销售款项不能收回或遭受欺诈。”《指引》的第十条至第十二条, 阐述了收款方面的风险点和内部控制的管控措施。主要从完善应收款管理制度、建立考核及奖惩机制、加强商业票据管理、加强收款业务的会计控制和应收款项坏账的管理等方面出发进行基础性、原则性的要求。《指引》对于小型外贸企业具有较强的借鉴意义:将内控指引原则的精髓, 及其相关内控关键点的说明, 贯彻于企业的内部控制措施当中, 加强内部控制制度建设和提高自身风险防范意识, 才是破解收汇难题根本解决之道。

一、进行合理的岗位设置, 提高人员的风险意识

对小型外贸企业而言, 一般岗位设置精简, 往往一人身兼数职, 完全做到“不相容岗位相互分离、制约和监督”比较困难, 因此, 科学的分工与协作, 尽可能地做好内部会计控制就显得特别重要了。以下将按照《指引》的原则要求, 结合小型外贸企业机构不太健全、人手相对较少的情况, 探讨小型外贸企业关于出口收汇管理的做法。

考虑到机构设置和人手配备的实际情况, 小型外贸企业可以在财务部门设置 (或兼任) 进出口会计, 或直接由财务主管担任, 主要职责是对出口业务效益进行测算、参与出口合同的订立、对信用证的审查、出口单据的收集与核对、银行议付或交单、应收外汇账款的核算、跟踪管理与反馈、参与事件的善后处理等。围绕履行出口业务所发生的各项经济活动, 都是会计核算监督的重要内容, 应充分发挥会计内部控制的作用。

进出口会计应当对合同仔细进行审查, 对已经开来的信用证, 要将其内容与合同条款进行核对, 如有出入, 应及时提出、妥善处理。同时, 应要求出纳岗位加强银行账户收款情况的实时了解, 确认收款的来源, 并负责外汇的核销。出纳人员在办理付款后应注意对货权凭据的催收与取得。

与此同时, 小型外贸企业应当提高防范出口收汇风险意识, 特别是加强对企业的财务人员、业务人员加强风险管理意识的教育。从思想上重视收汇风险的防控, 在外贸业务开展的各个环节加强配合, 注意沟通, 把各种风险因素防范于未然。

二、做好客户资信调查, 选择恰当的结算方式

(一) 做好客户的资信调查

资信调查的方法有很多, 主要有以下几种:直接向客户要求提供必要的资信证明;通过网上调查、利用搜索引擎等渠道对客户的相关信息进行调查;对客户进行实地的拜访考察;通过我国政府的驻外商务机构了解;通过银行或保险机构了解;购买专业资信调查机构的资信信息或委托专业机构考察等。在此过程中要注意客户资信评价体系和信息库的建设。

(二) 选择结算方式

除非是信用记录极其好的客户, 原则上都必须采用不可撤销的跟单信用证结算方式, 最理想的是要求预付货款的方式 (受商品因素、风险承受能力、经营风格的坚持等因素影响, 外贸公司预收款再发货的也不在少数) 。若是客户信用度较高, 也可采用付款交单的D/P托收方式, 但必须是保质期较长的货物。而承兑付款的D/A方式或赊账方式, 则不予考虑。对于风险难以判断的客户, 尽可能让客户先付款后交货;或是选择收汇有保障的结算方式;确实难以把握的, 要么就干脆放弃该笔业务了。

由于不同结算方式的费用存在较大差异, 其中以信用证结算方式费用为高, 因此也成为要求国外客户开具信用证的难点, 所以在可能的前提下, 可以采取让利的做法而要求对方开具信用证。但不论采用何种结算方式, 除预收货款或小额样品货款, 均应要求通过银行交单。

在选择结算方式的同时, 小型外贸企业要积极了解和借助国际保理、投保出口信用保险等方式, 以降低信用风险, 加快资金融通。还要紧跟电子商务的潮流, 注意出口收汇方式的创新。

这里要强调的是, 无论采取何种解释方式, 都应当订立出口贸易合同, 并且合同中必须有争议的解决条款, 如仲裁等。

三、加强出口单据的管理, 注意单据的实质性审查

国际贸易中, 根据国际结算的有关规定, 银行履行付款责任的依据, 只是单据而不是货物, 可以说, 商品的买卖就是单据的买卖。因此出口单据必须做到正确、完整、整洁、及时。财务部门必须加强对出口单证的审核, 以及出口销售金额、国外运输、保险、佣金等费用的核算。

目前国际贸易运输方式大多以海运方式, 而海运提单是货物所有权凭证, 可适用于信用证和托收方式的货款结算, 因此特别强调出纳人员在付清货款、海运费后要及时取得全套提单并交与单证管理员手中, 防止由业务部门人员直接接收或自行将提单寄给国外客户。

对于提单的审查, 特别要注意其背面的法律适用条款, 避免国外买方客户在没有正本提单情况下合法地拿到货物, 继而拒付货款。

需要注意的是, 采用其他运输方式, 如邮寄等所取得的运输单据, 或是不可转让的海运单, 一般不具有货物所有权凭证性质, 就不宜做托收了。企业按出口合同或信用证约定对外发货后, 应及时将全套出口单证向银行交单、议付或托收货款。

四、加强逾期外汇账款的控制, 积极采取应对措施

财务部门应十分重视出口应收货款的核算与监督, 特别是对逾期应收款的管理和控制。出口应收货款必须逐笔从交单日起按付款条件规定的期限, 注明应收回日期。

如有逾期情况, 应及时通报, 查明原因、分工配合、落实责任。买方的违约行为最常见的有:无理拒收货物、拒绝接受符合合同规定的单据、不按合同规定派船接货或指定承运人、拒绝支付货款或不按合同规定开立信用证等。

一旦发生纠纷, 首先应该认真做好调查研究工作, 弄清事实真相, 分清责任, 如纠纷原因系保险公司或承运人责任, 应立即取得有利证据, 向保险公司或承运人提出赔偿请求。对于国外客户的违约行为, 此时, 首先就依据事实和责任进行协商, 力争通过友好协商达成解决方案。倘若协商不成, 应选择相应的催收方法 (信函催收, 电话、传真催收, 派人上门催收, 委托专门机构催收, 采取法律行动催收) , 或按合同约定提请仲裁机构裁决。

这里强调的是, 不管通过何种方式解决, 证据是最主要的因素, 应当机立断, 采取各种办法及时取得。贸易往来中各类函电也很重要, 需要妥善保管并从中找出有利于我方的证据。

另外, 由于中小企业在资金资讯等方面的不足, 跨国调查取证申诉等存在诸多困难, 必要时可求助于政府主管对我贸易的有关部门或我国驻外使领馆, 事实上, 政府部门对跨国贸易纠纷是非常重视的。

最后, 如通过上述渠道仍收汇无望, 则可考虑通过专业收账公司或机构进行催收。但是收回账款后需要付出昂贵佣金。此种方式目的在于减少损失, 而不能指望完全收回。


总之, 小型外贸企业应提高风险意识, 加强学习, 提高相关人员的业务素质, 深入了解国际贸易环境, 建立健全风险评估机制, 进一步完善内部控制机制, 以控制出口收汇风险, 相信一定能够把出口收汇风险降到最低程度。小型外贸企业在我国的国际贸易中发挥不可替代的作用, 其自身完全可以在内控机制自我完善中获得极大的发展和壮大。在这个过程中, 财务部门和广大财务人员是大有作为的!


[1]朱幼凤.金融危机下中小外贸企业应收账款的风险管理[J].经济论坛, 2009 (4) .

[2]企业内部控制基本规范与配套指引及案例[M].北京:中国市场出版社, 2010.

[3]民营企业进出口业务会计核算辅导 (四) 第三讲出口业务的管理和核算[J].国际商务财会 (原名对外经贸财会) , 2004.

外贸销售计划书 篇3


“外贸1.0” 自20世纪80年代起,中国开始加快出口贸易的步伐,当时起到桥梁作用的是国营外贸公司。销售模式为外国客商给外贸公司下订单,然后外贸公司给生产企业下单。

“外贸2.0” 随着广交会的成功,加之其他展会犹如雨后春笋般涌现,中国企业开始四处参加展会,通过展会获取外贸订单。

“外贸3.0” 以阿里巴巴为代表的外贸网络平台开始崭露头角,外国客商通过网络平台了解中国产品,进而给中国生产企业下订单。但是,自2008年次贷危机后,网络平台的营销效果长期不尽如人意,一方面由于国外需求减少,另一方面,中国产品严重供大于求,生产企业获得订单的难度越来越高。因此,营销模式急需转型升级。在前3个外贸营销阶段,海外普通批发商(特指那些批发产品给零售商的基层批发商)难以直接和中国企业订货,通常是海外贸易公司或大型批发商给企业下订单,原因如下。














发掘和培养人才 企业可以从内部发掘有潜质的员工,同时进行包括海外生活指导和目的国通行语言培训。有一个企业经常碰到的误区:很多企业认为要在国内招聘相关语种的人才派驻海外,比如要派往印尼,就要招聘会印尼语的人才。其实这个观念是错误的。因为全中国会印尼语的人才本来就很少,这样选拔人才只会不断降低人才的综合素质。销售人员并不是只会当地语言就可以了,更重要的是综合素质,而语言可以通过后期培训进行学习。此外,企业可以借助Google翻译等翻译软件,解决基本的语言问题。

设立长期发展规划 很多企业在开始海外驻点市场销售之后,操之过急,做了一两年,发现亏损就打道回府。其实,海外市场销售是一个长期的发展过程,无论是企业品牌还是市场渠道,都需要一段较长的时间来完善和发展。

针对目的国市场开发个性产品 由于实行驻点销售可以更加贴近目的国市场的消费者,因此企业需要通过市场调查和消费者反馈来完善产品结构,从而开发出个性产品来满足市场需求。而现在很多到海外销售的中国企业都抱有清库存的观念,即把国内卖不出去的积压产品运到海外卖掉,这种做法只会适得其反。



外贸销售计划书 篇4

辞旧迎新,新的一年到来,带着对过去工作的总结,继往开来,寄望在下一年创造出辉煌的业绩。刚到公司,前两个月比较茫然,我希望把工作做好,进入工作状态。初来乍到,学习是非常重要的,当然销售部优秀的同事给了我不少帮助,从熟悉产品到开发新客户,一步步走来,过程虽然艰辛,但结果总是给人鼓舞。通过一系列的培训,产品知识,到营销,我知道了作为一个 外贸 业务员如何开始工作,进入状态,取得订单。开始的三个月,是公司对我的考验,也是我自己对自己的考验。只有克服自我,才能真正的成功。到第二个月,从网上大海捞针,到最后重点客户培养,最重要的是客户积累,培养重点。关于下一年的 工作计划,对于能以主观意愿为转移的工作,勤杂,报关 报检,装箱,跟单,巡查仓库倒包装等工作,我会保证质量按时完成工作。对于销售工作,目前处于起步阶段,计划也只是对于自己销售能力做出的估计,并没有很大的指导作用,无法硬性规定,每个月的任务,很难细分,因为和客户的进展是在变化的,希望每月的任务能提前一个月定下来,但是可以保证的是会尽自己努力去做。在我们公司,有良好的工作条件保障,有优质的平台,有完善的问题处理和协调机制,精诚所至,金石为开,我相信,华天的前途是光明的,未来是美好的。


销售部 xxx

外贸销售计划书 篇5








期望从事职业: 外贸业务员,外贸跟单












在校时间:20zz年1月 至今







粤语水平: 一般




外贸销售合同的 篇6

日期: date :

签约地点: signed at:


地址:address: 邮政编码:postal code:

电话:tel: 传真:fax:


地址:address: 邮政编码:postal code:

电话:tel: 传真:fax:


the sellers agrees to sell and the buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below:

1 货号 article no.

2 品名及规格 description&specification

3 数量 quantity

4 单价 unit price

5 总值:


total amount

with _____% more or less both in amount and quantity allowed at the sellers option.

6 生产国和制造厂家 country of origin and manufacturer

7 包装: packing:

8 唛头: shipping marks:

9 装运期限:time of shipment:

10 装运口岸:port of loading:

11 目的口岸:port of destination:


12 保险:由卖方按发票全额110%投保至_____为止的_____险。

insurance:to be effected by buyers for 110% of full invoice value covering _____ up to _____ only.

13 付款条件:

买方须于_____年_____月_____日将保兑的,不可撤销的,可转让可分割的即期信用证开到卖方。 信用证议付有效期延至上列装运期后15天在中国到期,该信用证中必须注明允许分运及转运。


by confirmed, irrevocable, transferable and divisible l/c to be available by sight draft to reach the sellers before ___/___/_____ and to remainvalid for ingotiation in china until 15 days after the aforesaid time of shipment. tje l/c must specify that transhipment and partial shipments are allowed.

14 单据:documents:

15 装运条件:terms of shipment:

16 品质与数量、重量的异义与索赔:quality/quantity discrepancy and claim:

17 人力不可抗拒因素:


force majeure:

either party shall not be held responsible for failure or delay to perform all or any part of this agreement due to flood, fire, earthquake, draught, war or any other events which could not be predicted, controlled, avoided or overcome by the relative party. however, the party affected by the event of force majeure shall inform the other party of its occurrence in writing as soon as possible and thereafter send a certificate of the event issued by the relevant authorities to the other party within 15 days after its occurrence.

18 仲裁:



外贸英文销售合同 篇7

Buyer: ______

Through friendly negotiation, the authorized representatives of both parties have reached an agreement to sign the sales confirmation, the terms of which are as follows

1. According to the requirements of the buyer, the Seller agrees to provide spare parts and sell according to the sellers sample;

2. The total amount of this sales confirmation of payment for U.S.D. (capital: _____ dollars) to us your price on FOB basis, namely includes the following: the ___

(1) Price;

(2) the transportation cost of the goods from the production plant to the port of delivery;

(3) Packaging fees suitable for air transport conditions;

(4) The Buyer entrusts the Seller to transport the goods mentioned in the sales confirmation from the port to the Port by air. Transportation, insurance, handling and other expenses are to be paid by the buyer.

3. The Company will issue a cash cheque to the bank on the date of payment. Upon receipt of the cash cheque, the Seller will issue the following documents: ___

(1) Air waybill;

(2) Commercial invoice (freight, insurance and handling charges, etc.);

(3) Packing list in two copies (one copy into the box).

4. The goods of this sales confirmation are packed by air and the following marks are written in English on both sides of each case: ___ Net weight (kg) : ___ Length × width × height: ___ mm × mm × mm Port of discharge: ___ Consignee: ___ Shipper: ___ Sales Confirmation Number: ___

Step 5 Guarantee

(1) The Seller warrants that the parts are free from defects in rights, and that any products provided by the Seller to the Buyer are legal products without infringing the intellectual property rights of any third party or any other illegal situation, and that the Buyer will not infringe the legitimate rights and interests of others due to the performance of this contract. If the Buyer is involved in litigation due to the reasons of the Seller, all adverse consequences shall be borne by the Seller.

(2) Both parties warrant that all statements made in this Contract at the time of conclusion are true.

(3) Either party shall compensate the other party for the losses caused by its breach of the above obligations, and the non-breaching party shall have the right to terminate the contract.

6. Confidentiality Both parties shall be obliged to keep confidential the technical information and other trade secrets of the other party known to them for the performance of this Contract, and shall not let any third party know the confidential information. This clause shall not become invalid due to the invalidity of this Contract, and the confidentiality obligation shall not be waived due to the termination or rescission of this Contract.

7. Dispute Settlement Any dispute arising from the performance of this Contract shall be settled by the parties through friendly negotiation. If no agreement can be reached through negotiation, either party shall have the right to bring a lawsuit in the peoples court. This Contract shall be interpreted and disputes resolved in accordance with the laws of the Peoples Republic of China.

8. The sales confirmation in both Chinese and Chinese shall be effective as of the date of signature by the final representative.

Seller (signature) : ___

Buyer (signature) :

外贸销售经理简历 篇8

真实姓名: xxx 性别: 女

年龄: 26 岁 身高: 158CM

婚姻状况: 未婚 户籍所在: 贵州

最高学历: 本科 工作经验: 无经验


期望工作地: 贵州省/贵阳市

期望岗位性质: 全职

期望月薪: 20xx~3000元/月

期望从事的岗位: 外贸经理/主管,业务跟单,其他金融类职位

期望从事的行业: 金融(投资/证券,金融(银行/保险)


技能特长: 主修课程:国际贸易实务 国际金融 国际结算 货币银行学 财政学 会计学 单证操作 外贸函电 国际贸。外语类型: 英语 外语等级: 良好


吉林化工学院 (本科)

起止年月: 20xx年8月至20xx年7月

学校名称: 吉林化工学院

专业名称: 国际贸易实务 国际金融 国际结算 货币银

外贸公司废铁销售协议 篇9

甲方: 贵州省金沙县对外经济贸易公司 乙方: 经甲乙双方共同协商,达成以下其识:











甲方: 贵州省金沙县对外经济贸易公司


外贸销售合同中英文 篇10

sales & purchase contract 卖 方:xx水泥集团有限公司 办公地址: 邮政地址:(ghana: postal add & office add is different;courier can not be sent to a mail box)电 话: 传 真: seller: office address: postal address: tel.no.: fax no.: 制造商:xx水泥有限公司

manufacturer: xxi cement co., ltd.buyer : office address: postal address: tel.no.: fax no.: contract no.: ssg/ /cem/2009-001 place of contract : xxx, china.(important: for claim settlement)date of contract : february 26, 2012双方同意按下列条款由卖方出售,买方购进下列货物:

seller agrees to sell and buyer agrees to buy the under mentioned goods according to the terms and conditions as stated below: 第一条 货物名称


ordinary portland cement manufactured by yxx cement co., ltd.(important to clarify, 40 subsidiaries)第二条 品质规格

符合中国国家标准gb 175-2007的普通硅酸盐水泥52.5级。clause 2.quality & specification ordinary portland cement conforming to china national cement standard gb 175-2007 grade 52.5.(australia: en 197-1:2000 cem i & cem ii claims)第三条 数量


3.2 船舶载货量2000吨,+/-5%由买方选择,船舶规范须符合第十条之规定,并需经卖方邮件确认。

clause 3.quantity 3.1.total 2,000 metric tons, 5% plus or minus at buyer’s option.3.2.shipment size shall be 2000 mt, +/-5% at buyer’s option, but subject to the performing vessel’s particulars as described in clause 10 and seller’s email confirmation.(better to fix +/-10% to avoid l/c quantity tolerance;important: vessel confirmation a.qingdao bulk cem loading spout – unfitable b.rizhao bulk clk loading: holds narrow and small – loading rate influenced;shipping agent can do)第四条 包装

每包重量2.0吨左右,准确重量应由中国进出口商品检验检疫局(ciq)检验确定,具体参见本合同第13条规定。外包装为聚丙烯(pp)塑编袋;内包装为聚乙烯(pe)塑料袋。clause 4.packing weight per bag about 2.0 mts, exact weight shall be determined by ciq china as per stated in clause 13 of this contract.outer bag: by polypropylene(pp)bag, inner bag: by polyethylene(pe)bag,(important: “about” – weighting system 第五条 单价和总值

单价 :中国xx港平仓价55美元/公吨 总货值:美元十一万元整

clause 5.unit price & total value unit price: usd55.00 per metric ton fob s&t xx port, xxprovince, china.total value: usd110,000.00impt: s.t.: relevant cost bearer buyer or seller? question: cif & cnf & fob? 第六条 交/提货时间

6.1 合同项下全部货物将于2009年3月底前全部、一次性由卖方交付/由买方派船装运离港。6.2 合同项下全部货物包装完毕,卖方应及时以书面方式通知买方货物备妥。6.3 买方应在接到卖方货物备妥通知之日起15天内,派船到装运港将全部货物装船运走。超过15天后产生的货物在港口的堆存费用将由买方承担; 6.4 如买方在货物备妥通知发出之日起30天内,未能派船将货物运走,由此产生的货物质量问题,卖方将不负责任;超过45天,卖方有权选择将此货物处理,由此产生的货物处理费用将由买方承担。

clause 6.delivery times 6.1 all the contracted cargo shall be delivered by seller and shipped by buyer on or before march 31, 2009 in one lot.6.2 seller shall inform buyer by email the cargo readiness notification once all the contracted cargo been packed and ready for loading.6.3 buyer shall charter and send the performing vessel to the loading port to take load of all the contracted cargo within 15 days once he had been informed of the cargo readiness, failing which, buyer shall be responsible for the port charges levied by the loading port authorities on the cargo.6.4 should the buyer fail to load and ship out the cargo within 30 days after the cargo readiness notification date, seller shall then not be held responsible for the quality problems thereinfrom, whilst, seller shall be entitled to damage the cargo once exceeds 45 days after the cargo readiness notification date, buyer shall be responsible for the relevant charges.(qingdao bag cement loading to iraq: l/c expired + ramadan + sea freight boomed + iraq war------lost avoidance;payment terms: l/c to t/t)第七条 装卸港口

装货港:中国xx港的一个安全港口及安全泊位 卸货港:俄罗斯港口

clause 7.loading & discharge port loading port: one safe port and safe berth of xx port, xx province, china.discharge port: russian port(one safe port and safe berth: cleared for possible shifting)第八条 支付条款

8.1 合同日起三个工作日内买方应将货值30%的预付款(计33000美元)电汇至卖方指定的银行账户。

8.2 卖方收到买方预付货款后应即开始安排生产,剩余70%货款(计77000美元)应由买方在装船开始前电汇至卖方银行账户。

8.3 如在装船开始前卖方仍未收到全部货款,卖方可以不开始装船,直到收到全部货款。8.4 买方在每笔货款汇出后,应将银行汇款底单扫描并发邮件至xxx 8.5 卖方指定的银行账户信息如下: clause 8.terms of payment 8.1 30% advance payment(2000 x 55 x 30% = usd33,000.)of the total fob value shall be paid by t/t into the bank account to be nominated by the seller within 3 working days of thecontract date.8.5 seller’s nominated bank account as follows: bank name: address: swift code: tel no.: fax no.: beneficiary’s name: address:.a/c no.: tel no.: fax no.: 第九条 单据

卖方需在提单日期后7个工作日内向买方快递以下单据: ① 卖方签署的商业发票一式叁份

② 全套清洁已装船提单,注明“运费根据租船合约”

③ 制造商签发的工厂检验报告正本一式叁份(只含3天强度)④ 中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫局(以下简称为“ciq”)签发的重量证书正本一份副本二份

⑤ 中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫局(以下简称为“ciq”)签发的品质证书正本一份副本二份

⑥ 中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫局(以下简称为“ciq”)签发的form a原产地证书正本一份副本一份

卖方快递出文件后需将快递单查询号码以邮件方式告知买方。clause 9.documents seller shall courier to buyer the following documents within 7 working days after the b/l date: ② full sets of clean on board bill of lading made out to the order of ****** and indicating “freight payable as per charter party”.④ certificate of weight in one original plus 2copies issued by the entry-exit inspection and quarantine bureau of p.r.china(hereinafter called “ciq”)⑤ certificate of quality in one original plus 2copies issued by the entry-exit inspection and quarantine bureau of p.r.china(hereinafter called “ciq”)⑥ certificate of origin(form a)in duplicate issued in one original plus 1 copy issued by the entry-exit inspection and quarantine bureau of p.r.china(hereinafter called “ciq”)seller shall inform buyer the courier air waybill no.by email once documents couriered out.(documentation: ucp 600;spelling and typing mistakes: si02 – sio2)ccic correction stamps 第十条 船舶指定及装船期





(shipping agent nominated by seller or buyer/charterer/owner?)nor and loading time calculation: laytime count/not count)clause 10.lay/can & vessel nomination 10.1.shipments to be performed by a general cargo vessel which is nominated by buyer at his own risk and cost.10.2.vessel’s agent at loading port to be proposed by seller, buyer has the final authority to nominate at his own cost.10.3.buyer shall declare a 5 day spread laycan at least 15 days prior to the 1st laycan date after consulting with seller.10.4.the vessel shall be nominated by buyer at least 5 working days before first lay/can date.after getting the permission of seller, buyer shall have the option to substitute the performing vessel within the nominated laycan period.buyer shall advise seller the full particulars of the nominated vessel 3 working days before the first lay/can date.10.5.the nominated vessel shall be subject to the acceptance of seller;and seller shall confirm whether to accept or not within 12 working hours from the time of buyer’s nomination advice.第十一条 装船数量/重量检验

11.1 装船重量由中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫局(以下简称为“ciq”)检验确定,相关费用由卖方承担。

11.2 提单上面显示的重量应以ciq给出的检验结果为准。

11.3 装船袋数以中国外轮理货公司提供的数据为准,此结果是终局性的。clause 11.inspection of shipping quantity and weight 11.1.exact tonnage/weight loaded on board the vessel shall be determined and executed by the entry-exit inspection and quarantine bureau of p.r.china(hereinafter called “ciq”)at篇二:contract 中英文对照 外贸合同 模板 合 同 contract no.: date: the buyer: address : tel:fax: 买方: 地址:

the seller: address: tel: fax: this contract is made by and only works between the buyer and seller, which means the buyer agrees to buy and the seller agrees to sell the product according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: 买方与卖方就以下条款达成协议:

包装:必须采用坚固的出口标准包装, 适合于长途海运和陆运,防潮、防震、防锈、耐粗暴搬运。由于包装不良所发生的损失 , 由于未采用充分,或不妥善的防护措施而造成的任何锈损, 卖方应负担由此而产生的一切费用和/或损失。

3.shipping mark:the sellers shall mark on each package with fadeless paint the package number, gross weight, net weight, measurement and the wordings: keep away from moisture handle with care this side up etc.and the shipping mark: 唛头:卖方应用不褪色的颜料在每个箱子外部 刷上箱号、毛重、净重、尺寸,并注明“防潮”、“小心轻放”、“此面向上”等,唛头为: 12skw-y001jp tianjin xingang, china 4.time of shipment(装运期):after 80% t/t payment 5.port of shipment(装运港):osaka port or kobe port 6.port of destination(目的港):tianjin xingang , china 7.price term(价格条款):fob japanese main port 9.more or less clause(溢短装): 5% more or less.10.payment(付款方式):t/t payment the buyer shall pay the seller 94% of the sales price jpy6125170.00 by t/t in advance, and the balance jpy392974.00 should be paid to the seller before the 20th of next month after loading and calculating the total amount of the month at the end of the month every month.电汇 买方将买卖金额的80%货款预付给卖方,剩余货款在商品装船后,每月月末计算该月的合计金额,在下月的20日前将余款支付给卖方。

银行资料: 银行名称: 支行名称: 地 址:

swiftd代码: 账 号: 账户名称: 11.documents: 1.full set of clean shipping bills of lading.清洁海运提单一套 2.invoice in three copies.发票一式叁份

3.packing list in three copies issued by the sellers.装箱单一式叁份 4.certificate of quality issued by the sellers.制造厂家出具的质量证明书 6.certificate of origin.原产地证书 7.sanitary certificate卫生证书

8.certificate of non wooden packing or certificate of fumigation.非木包装声明或熏蒸证.in addition the seller should send an extra set of the document by express airmail that mentioned above directly to the buyer within 48 hours after shipment..另外,卖方应于货物发运后48小时内,用特快专递寄送一套上述的单据给买方。12.shipment: the sellers shall ship the goods within the shipment time to the loading port.trans-shipment is not allowed.partial shipment is not allowed.运输:卖方应于交货期内将合同货物送至装运港,不许分批,不许转运。13.shipping advice: 装运通知:卖方应于装货后,立即用传真或邮件将有关合同号、货物、数量、发票价值、毛重、运输工具名称、交货日期、货物预计抵达日等资料通知买方。如果由于卖方未能通知买方而造成的所有损失均由卖方承担。14.check upon deliver the buyer should finish checking all arriving goods arrived in buyer’s warehouse within 20 days.验收:买方必须在订货的本件商品到达仓库后20日内验收完毕。15.force majeure: 不可抗力:对于制造或装船运输过程中可能产生的不可抗力而造成的迟交货或不能交货,卖方可以不承担责任。卖方应立即在不可抗力产生的十四日内将有关情况通知买方,并且卖方应用航空邮件将有关政府当局部门出具的证明不可抗力产生的文件寄送给买方。在此情况下,卖方仍应尽最大努力采取各种措施促使货物的发运。如果事故持续十周,买方有权取消该合同。

16.arbitration: any distributes arising or in connection with this contract shall be submitted for first arbitration in osaka court and the local court in the shop’s area.仲裁:发生本合同及与此关联的一切纠纷时,大阪地方法院及买方所在地所辖法院为一审专属管辖法院。17.bank charges: all bank charges outside china will be on the account of the sellers.银行费用:所有中国之外的银行费用均由卖方承担。18.others: this contract signed in two copies, the seller holds one copy and the buyer holds the other one.其它:本合同一式贰份,卖方执壹份, 买方执壹份。the buyers the sellers篇三:外贸销售合同中英文 外贸销售合同中英文 外贸合同contract 编号: no: 日期: date :

签约地点: signed at: 卖方:sellers:

地址:address: 邮政编码:postal code: 电话:tel: 传真:fax: 买方:buyers:

地址:address: 邮政编码:postal code: 电话:tel: 传真:fax:


the sellers agrees to sell a nd the buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned goods on the terms a nd conditions stated below.1 货号 article no.2 品名及规格 description&specification 3 数量 quantity 4 单价 unit price 5 总值:

数量及总值均有_____%的增减,由卖方决定。total amount with _____% more o r less both in amount a nd quantity allowed at the sellers option.6 生产国和制造厂家 country of origin a nd manufacturer 7 包装: packing: 唛头: shipping marks: 装运期限:time of shipment: 10 装运口岸:port of loading: 11 目的口岸:port of destination: 保险:由卖方按发票全额110%投保至_____为止的_____险。

insurance:to be effected by buyers for 110% of full invoice value covering _____ up to _____ only.13 付款条件:


by confirmed, irrevocable, transferable a nd divisible l/c to be available by sight draft to reach the sellers before ___/___/_____ a nd to remain valid for ingotiation in china until 15 days after the aforesaid time of shipment.tje l/c must specify that transhipment a nd partial shipments are allowed.14 单据:documents: 15 装运条件:terms of shipment: 品质与数量、重量的异义与索赔:quality/quantity discrepancy a nd claim: 17 人力不可抗拒因素:

由于水灾、火灾、地震、干旱、战争或协议一方无法预见、控制、避免和克服的其他事件导致不能或暂时不能全部或部分履行本协议,该方不负责任。但是,受不可抗力事件影响的一方须尽快将发生的事件通知另一方,并在不可抗力事件发生15天内将有关机构出具的不可抗力事件的证明寄交对方。force majeure:

either party shall not be held responsible for failure o r delay to perform all o r any part of this agreement due to flood, fire, earthquake, draught, war o r any other events which could fax no.传真号码 : e-mail 电子邮件 : the buyer 买方 15 days after its occurrence.18 仲裁:

在履行协议过程中,如产生争议,双方应友好协商解决。若通过友好协商未能达成协议,则提交中国国际贸易促进委员会对外贸易仲裁委员会,根据该会仲裁程序暂行规定进行仲裁。该委员会决定是终局的,对双方均有约束力。仲裁费用,除另有规定外,由败诉一方负担。arbitration 19 备注:remark:

卖方: sellers: 买方:buyers:

签字:signature: 签字: signature: eg: 本合约由买卖双方于公元 年 月 日共同签订。

this contract is made entered---------,-----2008.by a nd between: the seller卖方 address 公司地址 : address公司地址 : tel no.电话号码 : fax no.传真号码 : e-mail 电子邮件 :

the seller herewith sell a nd the buyer herewith purchase iron ore lump accordance with the specifications a nd quality described in this contract(hereinafter called good)。



the seller shall sell a nd deliver, a nd the buyer shall buy a nd accept delivery of: 以下议定之商品内容,卖方必须销售与交运,买方必须购买及提运: 商品名称:铁矿石详细规格如下说明。2.country of origin:indonesia.来源国家:印度尼西亚

3.unit price:usd.___.00 per dmt, 印度尼西亚____port港 9.advice of shipment装运通知:

seller to notify buyer within 3 days after cnf___port, china 单价:每一干吨___.00美元,中国___港到岸价。

quantity:total contract quantity : ___dmt +/-10% / year.合同总量___干吨/年

quantity / shipment : ___dmt +/-10 %,(partial shipment allowed by ___dmt x _vessel)

出货量:___万吨干吨/月+/-10 %,(允许分批装船___吨 x _vessel)5.contract total value合约总值:

subject price variations a nd quantity as stated herein, the value of the contract us.dollar ___.-only.合约总值美金____,但可依本合约所叙述之价格调整条款以数量变动的实际情况变动之。for first contract for usd ____/dmt 第一次合同总额:美元 ____/干吨 discharging port卸货港口: __port, china 中国__港

7.delivery date起运日期:

卖方收到信用证后45天内完成装运并起运。8.loading port装载港: _____port indonesia 卖方应于货物装载完成后三个工作日内通知买方,内容应详细注明合约编号,商品名称,毛重,装运日期,船舶名称,发票概约值,到达卸货港的预估日。10.payment terms & procedures付款条件及程序:

after contract sign, the selling party is open by first-rate bank in 3 workdays a can’t cancel of fulfill contract and performance bond, with 2% of the total payment amount.the buyer receives to fulfill contract to protect the letter, being opened a list by the bank of china in 7 workdays the irrevocable, transferable confirmed “at sight” documentary letter of credit, the amount of money is 100% of the total payment, from open a day valid for 60 days, a nd should in the selling party bank in time 95% documents against payment in counter.5% payment of the surplus, at the arrival of the goods purpose harbor, business the both parties examine the report at the port of discharge ciq result to settle accounts.pb open once receive l/c, l/c shall automatic active once pb open.has the ciq to report in 10 work days, business the both parties settle accounts the tail style with the method of t/t.11.documents required for payment付款所需单证:

已签章的商业发票,包括合同号,信用证号,货船名称以及提单号码:3份原件和3份副本。(2)full set(3/3)of original clean on-board bills of lading made out to order;blank endorsed a nd marked “freight prepaid”, indicating the name of the carrying vessel with the buyer as the “notifying party”.全套(3/3)正本已装船清洁提单;空白背书,标有“运费预付”写明装运船的名称,买方作为“通知方”

(3)certificate of quantity certificate issued by sgs(pt.sucofindo)at the port of loading.: 1 original a nd 3 copies.由sgs在装运港发出的重量检测证书:1份原件和3份副本。1 original a nd 1 copy..由装运国家商会颁发的产地证:1份原件和1份副本。

the bank charge(s)for the issuance of the letter of credit shall be borne by the buyer.the bank charge(s)after the issuance of the letter of credit shall be borne by the seller.the bank charge(s)for amendment of the letter of credit, if any, shall be borne by the responsible party.买方负担银行开证费用。卖方负担开证后的银行费用。信用证更改产生的银行费用由责任方负担。

number a nd date by fax within three working days from b/l date.一经完成装运,卖方应在提单日期的3个工作日内传真通知买方合同号码,商品名称,重量,发票,货船名称,提单号码和日期。12.banking information银行资料:

the sellers & buyers banking details卖方与买方之银行资料明细 buyer’s bank information买方银行信息 issuing bank开证银行 bank name 银行名称: address银行地址: tel no.银行电话: fax no.银行传真: acct.holder 开户名称: account no.账号: swift 密押: seller’s bank information卖方银行信息 bank name 银行名称 : address 银行地址 : tel no.银行电话 : fax no.银行传真 : acct.holder 开户名称 : account no.账号 : swift密押 : 销售商品的化学成分及物理特性: total fe 铁 65 basis(标准值)sio2 二氧化硅3.0 basis(标准值)al2o3 三氧化二铝 3.0 basis(标准值)mgo镁 0.5 basis(标准值)na 钠 0.5 basis(标准值)tio2 二氧化钛 0.6 basis(标准值)phosphorous(p)磷 0.05 basis(标准值)sulfur(s)硫 0.05 basis(标准值)moisture 湿气含量 8 basis(标准值)size 尺寸:100-300 mm 100% basis(标准值)16.without any penalty to buyer 买方不须负担任何罚款: seller then to offer another cargo that the essence o r the buyer has the right to cancel the contract, a nd in that event under clauses in sections 15 the seller shall pay all the penalty to buyer include the fees of the discharge port.在规格达到第15条的退货标准情形下,卖方此时须于时限内重新提供符合合约条 件的货品与买方,否则买方有权取消本合

约,而卖方必须支付包括卸货港所有损失罚款费用于买方。17.weighment重量: the invoice weight shall be determined by draft survey at load port, certified by sgs(pt.sucofindo)/ciq at sellers expense, after adjustment to obtain quantity(see below).weight as obtained at load port, in the above manner shall be final a nd accepted by seller a nd buyer.发票上的实际重量应以船舶在装货港的吃 水鉴定作为货品实际重量,鉴定报告是由 sgs(pt.sucofindo)/ciq以实际货量调 整额为基准所开出,费用由卖方负担,此一 数量额为买卖双方共同所接受。

buyer shall be entitled, at its own expense, to have his representative present at the draft survey, a nd any difference of opinion is to be settled by the master of the charter vessel, whose decision shall be final.买方有权以自费方式指派代表人参与船身吃水鉴定,且船公司得接受其意见,并共同决定鉴定结果。buyer shall be entitled to have draft survey conducted by sgs o r another independent international inspection agency at the discharge port, at its own expense.买方亦有权以自费方式,由sgs(pt.sucofindo)或其它国家检验公证机构 于卸货港实施船身吃水鉴定。

18.chemical analysis化学成分分析:

be determined by an independent international agency at load port, seller cost.货物之化学组成成份分析,须由独立的国际 公证检验机构在装货港检验证明,所需费用由卖方负担。19.moisture content水分含量: the moisture content shall be determined by obtaining the moisture loss at 105 degrees centigrade.if the moisture loss exceeds 8 % seller shall adjust the final weight obtained from draft survey by the excess moisture content so found, a nd invoice only the resulting net weight.水份含量是以摄氏105℃下水气逸失后所测得知湿度值8%基准,若所测之知湿度值超过8%时,卖方必须按照船身吃水鉴定报告
