


介绍中国城市的高中英语作文 篇1

It locates in the northeastern part of China.

It is hot in summer, but cold and dry in winter. It usually snows in winter.

There are many tourist attractions in Beijing, such as Tiananmen Square, the Summer Palace, the Great Wall and so on.

It is a modern city with long history.

介绍中国的新年英语作文 篇2

The Spring Festival highlights to the number of reunion dinner. This day the people are the busiest. The kitchen cooking and steaming, frying pans Qiming; fragrance, grandma and grandpa knife skills, mom and dad a good cook. The lazy people like me also have to take part in cleaning up the house and receiving the guests. Have a little earlier and I look forward to the reunion dinner, in order to gobble down.

Four pm, in succession to relatives, after some pleasantries, promotion according to status table. A table full of dishes, cups of wine, full of affection, filled the entire space. The first ones Bailie Zu column, and bless grandparents, parents and elders, and the brothers and sisters bless each other or ridicule. After three drinks, the atmosphere is more enthusiastic, a toast, also depends on the wine, the wine glasses have shown as a ring. A reunion dinner, at least at one or two hours, dont stop.

No matter how much wine they drink, they always forget one thing, that is, watching the “Spring Festival Gala” of CCTV. People in the living room are too crowded to see the TV in the bedroom, the computer in the study, and even the mobile phone. When the Spring Festival host rounded the new years bell, thousands of fireworks were lifted up, and the city was like a city of illusions.

After the new years Eve, it was the first day of the year. Looking ahead, street, alley, such as heavy traffic, pedestrian travel, people pay New Years call in a continuous line. Adults and children, wherever they meet, are the blessing of each other, the sound of happiness in the new year, the sound of fireworks and the deafening of the fireworks.

Spring Festival, this is so quietly, and so far away. The Spring Festival, since it is a spring festival, reminds me of the unknown verse:

介绍中国城市的高中英语作文 篇3







介绍中国茶的英语作文 篇4

It is 4,000 years since the Chinese began to grow and drink tea.

There’re many kinds of tea in China, of which Longjing Tea is famous all over the world.

Tea is usually drunk in tea sets. A tea set is made up of a tea pot and some teacups, which are both made of china.

Most Chinese are fond of drinking tea. Tea is served not only at tea house and restaurants but also at home. People also drink tea during breaks at offices or factories.





介绍中国的新年英语作文及翻译 篇5

“Walk down the street, everyones mouth, meet the first sentence, congratulations... ”New Years day, everyone is happy, is ah, the child can receive the lucky money, the old man see the children who work outside work, who not happy? Children want New Years progress, and adults want a New Years work, while the old hope is for a family to be together for the New Year. So people like the New Year. New Years day arrives, every house door is decorated, everywhere jubilant, more add a kind of warm breath.

On the first day of the New Year, I got up early in the morning to pay my respects to you. I received a lot of red envelopes and I was very happy. But I am happy to be happy, and I cant relax because this year is the year when I graduated from primary school. The so-called “new beginning of the New Year”, before the good results can only be considered “0”, the key to see whether the promotion of the mid-term exam is good, which is related to my future. Therefore, this year I must strive hard, never can fall short, never can be my lifes great regret!

In the New Year, I hope that the elders will be in good health and all the best. They are all in the right place. Teachers work well and live happily.




介绍中国美食英语作文 篇6


China is very famous for its food in the world. There are many kinds of food in China. Theyre Cantonese food, Sichuan food, Shanghai food, Hunan food and so on. Generally speaking, Cantonese food is a bit light, Sichuan food is very hot, Shanghai food is rather oily, and Hunan dishes are very spicy, having a strong and hot taste. Mapo Beancurd, steamed fish sweet and sour pork ribs, spring roll and many Chinese dishes are very delicious. In the north of China, people eat a lot of noodles and dumplings. In the south of China, people eat a lot of rice and seafood. Chinese food is good in color, flavor and taste. So I like it very much.


介绍中国城市的高中英语作文 篇7

There are many young people who like to drink ice in summer. In fact, hot tea, especially some mellow famous tea, is more thirst quenching. In ancient China, people had already known how to use hot tea to relieve the heat and to release internal heat. Usually, after drinking hot tea, the skin will sweat slowly, and sweat can help the body to dissipate heat, that is to say, with the drinking of hot tea, the heat will be discharged slowly. However, for cold drinks, the heat is difficult to volatilize in a short time and remains in the body, causing the mouth and esophagus to feel cold for a short time, and soon it will feel unbearably hot. After sweating to dissipate heat, the skin of the body will automatically cool down, making people feel cool and comfortable. The ancients said: a cup of tea, calm nature cool. In fact, it contains scientific theory and life accomplishment.

Of course, if the function of tea is only to quench thirst and relieve summer heat, there is no need to form a huge tea culture. According to the quality, materials and processing technology of tea, tea has the following health functions:

1、Anti radiation chrysanthemum tea, made from white chrysanthemum and superior oolong tea, is an essential tea for office workers who are exposed to electronic pollution every day. Because chrysanthemum in tea has the function of detoxification, it can resist and eliminate the accumulated summer heat, harmful chemicals and radioactive substances in the body.

2、Puer tea, which can eliminate fat and flat stomach, has the effect of promoting fat metabolism in most Chinese teas, and Puer tea is an expert in removing excess fat. The elements contained in tea can enhance the decomposition of abdominal fat.

3、Luohan fruit tea is a kind of sweet tea. For women who want to keep graceful but like sweet food, Luohan fruit tea is not only a kind of substitute but also a good drink.

4、Chinese wolfberry tea can cure constipation. If a person cant defecate for three consecutive days, he should buy some Chinese wolfberry tea to drink, or brew it himself, because Chinese wolfberry can defecate the stool attached to the intestinal wall.

5、Its good to smoke aloe tea with false and true, but once smoking causes pathological changes, its too late to repent. For the sake of health, its better to quit smoking as soon as possible. When you want to smoke, you can make a pot of aloe tea, which is similar to cigarettes. Its the best substitute to relieve smoking addiction.

6、In modern society, it is necessary to drink oolong tea which can sober up in an appropriate amount. There are many times when drinking and getting drunk. In order to prevent the body from being empty and cold, expel the accumulated alcohol and cholesterol in the body, and sober up as soon as possible, you only need to drink the same amount of Oolong tea as the wine.

7、We know that its really indecent for adults to eat snacks, especially when working in foreign enterprises. There is a kind of sweet tea extracted from Rosaceae plants, because it stimulates the satiety center of the brain, it controls the appetite and achieves the effect of understanding hunger.

Therefore, it is not difficult to see that tea plays an important role in our daily life. In addition, tea has the following functions and medicinal value:

1. Gargling with tea can strengthen teeth. Gargling with leftover tea after a meal can gargle out food residue. When gargling, let the tea move repeatedly in the mouth, it can remove the tartar, improve the physiological function of oral mucosa, and enhance the acid resistance and anti-corruption ability of teeth.

2. Tea has the functions of hair care and beauty. It can remove dirt and greasy. After washing, it can make the hair black, soft and glossy. Moreover, the tea does not contain chemicals and will not hurt the hair and skin. After washing face in the evening, use cotton ball dipped in tea to smear face, adhere to often, can eliminate the black spots on the face. Wipe your eyes with tea in the morning to eliminate dark circles.

3. Relieve the symptoms of cold, throat inflammation, hoarseness, may be a cold, drink a few cups of strong tea with rock sugar, immediately feel fresh mouth, pain reduced.

4. Tea contains a lot of tannic acid, which has a strong bactericidal effect, especially for filamentous bacteria causing beriberi. Beriberi patients, if the tea is boiled into thick juice every night to wash their feet for a long time, they will be cured. However, tea washing feet, to persevere, a short period of time will not have a significant effect. When making tea, it is best to use green tea; after fermentation of black tea, tannic acid content is much less.

介绍中国城市的高中英语作文 篇8

[ 作者:佚名转贴自:网络更新时间:2010年8月28日]










台湾基隆一户林姓人家有四个儿子。父亲年迈,老大文雄主持家务。文雄因有女无子,另娶小妾。老二被日 本人征调南洋当军医,一去不返,妻子守了活寡。老三文良被征到上海,为日军作翻译,年轻的妻子留在家中。四弟文清自幼聋哑。1945年日 本无条件投降,被日 本占据的台湾回归祖国,群情欢腾。不久,老大的小妾生下了儿子。台湾光复后,从大陆来了接收大员、国民党军队、地痞流氓、具有社会主义思想的人士等等。老三回来后因汉奸问题,被打得精神失常。老四和好朋友、小学教师吴宽容,经常与一群社会主义青年聚谈,议论欠薪、失业、贪污、军人蛮横无理等社会问题。


介绍中国城市的高中英语作文 篇9








作者:江东实验小学 钟聆意

高三介绍中国的作文 篇10



