


unit7教案 篇1

Period 1

Step 1                  1. Questions:

Warming-up      1) What are cultural relics?

The Great Wall in

China; The Pyramids in




2) What do they have in common?

They are all very old and are all symbols of their countries and their cultures. They are very important to their countries. They once had a practical importance (burial site, defence, magic / superstition). Now people from all over the world go to visit these places.

3) What does the phraseCultural relicsmean?

relic: something that has survived the passage of time, especially an object or a custom whose original culture has disappeared; something cherished for its age or historic interest.

4) Do you know any other cultural relics in

Chinaor in the world?

2. Some information about:

1)      The Pyramids in


2)      The Great Wall in Chins




When they were built

What they were built for

Stonehengeis a circle of large standing stones located near

Salisbury, in

Wiltshire, England. People began to build the site about 3,100 BC. It is not clear who built it.

Step 2                  1. Listen to the description of the three cultural

Listening          sites and fill in the table.

2. Go over the listening exercise on Page 121 to make the Ss know what to do as homework.

Step 3                  1. Go over listening exercise on Page 121.

Homework           2. Go over Speaking on Page 44 and fill in the


3. Think about cultural sites in

Nanjingand what

初二英语unit7备课教案 篇2


8B第六单元( A charity walk )中的Main task这一部分围绕着组织一次慈善竞走和制作网页介绍这次活动而展开话题进行教学活动的,它是这一单元的主要内容,主要包括读、写两个部分的训练。







重点:A flow chart的设计及语言说明。






I Warming-up

(1) Greetings

(2) A Tongue Twister to start the lesson.


II Revision



(a) Who does ORBIS help? ( Blind people)

(b) What does UNICEF do? ( To help the poor children)

(c) What does World Wide Fund for Nature do? ( To help and protect wide animals )



T: How can we help blind people?

Ss: We can help them cross the road.

T: What do you think of that deed?

Ss: It’ meaning.

T: Yes, it’s meaningful to help blind people cross the road.


III Lead-in


Last week , we donated some money for a student in Class 7, Grade 8.

What’s the matter with him?

How did we collect the money?

How did we organize the activity?


IV Presentation

(1) Get the students to read the flow chart of a charity walk organized by the Class 1, Grade 8 students and ask them to get as much information as possible.

(2) Three or five minutes later, ask them to fill in the missing words on P106, and choose a student as winner who can write most of the missing words using the time. A certificate will be rewarded as a prize.

(3) Check the answers in class and read in pairs. ( If necessary , the teacher asks and the students answer questions based on the passage.)

(4) Show them the writing style in this part.


V. Groupwork

Divide the class into several groups, and then ask them to design a charity activity . ( the name , purpose , details , application , collection must be included ) The group whose design is better and more practical will be winner.


VI Homework

(1)Write the charity activity out what they have just designed.

(2)Revise what we learned.

(3)Preview Checkout on P107.3


新教材高一英语UNIT7教案 篇3

授课班级: 授课教师:罗晓兵(1-4) 刘应清(5-6)

电子教案设计老师:胡章盛 课时数:8课时(7-8考试)


Teaching plan

Unit 7 SB1A Cultural relics

Teaching aims and demands:

1.Master the main contents of the unit by listening, speaking, reading and writing.

2.Get to know the world cultural relics and know how to protect them.

3.Learn to give advice and make suggestion

4.Learn to use the Present Perfect Passive Voice

The main points of teaching:

Words and expressions, listening, speaking, communications

The difficult points of teaching:

The key phrases, sentence patterns, communications and grammar (The Passive Voice 1) Time arrangement:

The 1st period: Warming up, listening and speaking (WB Listening P 121)

The 2nd and 3rd periods: Pre-reading, reading, post-reading {WB Talking, Writing}

The 4th period: Language study (WB Grammar)

The 5th period: Integrating skills, tips (Vocabulary)

The 6th period: Checkpoint 7 (Integrating skills, assessing)

The 7th period: Exam

The 8th Period: Explanation

Teaching process:

The 1st period(第一课时)

Step One Warming up

1. Answer the following questions.

1)Have you been to any famous places in our country or in the world?

2)Where have you been?

3)Can you tell us the reason why you went there?

4)What do you think of the place you visited?

5)Do the people there protect the place well?

2.Talk about pictures:

Now look at the pictures on Page 43 and talk about these pictures.

1)What do you know about the places in the pictures?

2)Do you know any stories about the places?

3)Which one would you like to visit? Why?

4)What do they have in common?

5)Are they important to us today? Why?

6)Can you tell us how to protect them?

7)Which of the buildings we have built in the modern era will become the cultural relics of the future? Why?

Step Two Listening

1. Listen to the tape, know about some cultural sites and place a few objects in the proper places, using cues from the listening. (This work can be done after class.)

1)Put the statues in the right places.

2)Put the temple and the museum in the right place.

3)Put the Moon Tower in the right place.

2. Listen to the tape and list reasons why the sites are important and what is being done to protect them.

Step Three Speaking

1. Work in pairs to prepare a “Chinese Culture Capsule”----an imaginary large box which will be sent into space, according to the instruction

2. Act out the dialogues made by the students, paying attention to asking for suggestions and making suggestions.

3. Fill in the chart on Page 44 after class.

The language points

1. cultural adj. ---about the art, ideas and way of life of a group of people 文化的

e.g. Wuchang is the cultural center in the city of Wuhan.

cultural traditions

cultural differences

cultural and educational work

culture n.

2.represent v.t. ---to act officially for (another person or people) 代表

---describe; declare to be (as) 描述;声称

e.g. Can you represent your parents at the meeting?

He represented himself as a friend of mine, but now I know the truth.

3. include v.t. ---make sb. or sth. part of a group 包括

e.g. Eight students have read the book, including Tang Ling.

Compare: contain v.t. ---to hold, have within itself 包含;含有

e.g. The book contains all the information you need.


Workbook Listening Ex. 1 and Ex. 2 (P121)

The 2nd period(第二课时)

Step One Revision

1.Check the chart in which the students filled after class on Page 44.

2.Check Exercise 1 and Exercise 2 on Page 121.

Step Two Pro-reading

1.Show the Ss some pictures about some great cities, like Paris and Beijing and then ask some questions about them.

1)In your opinion, what makes a city great?

2)What are your favorite cities? Why?

3)What cultural relics are there in the place where you live?

4)How important are they?

2.Discuss the questions above in pairs or in groups.

3.The teacher may check the students’ answers and help them.

Step Three Reading

1.Read the passage quickly and then answer the following.

1)What is the name of the city?

2)Who are the heroes of the city?

3)What is the difference between “A City of Heroes” and “Heroes of a City”?

4)Where has the city been built?

5)Who tried to destroy the city?

6)What did the Germans do as they left?

7)Is the city great? / What do you think of the city?

8)How about its people?

2.Read the text again and sum it up.

1)Speak out what the text implies.

2)Please point out the topic sentence of each paragraph.

3)Sum up what the text tells us in each paragraph.

Step Four Post-reading

Read the text again and finish the exercises.


Workbook Talking(P121---122)

The 3rd Period(第三课时)

Step One Revision

1.Check the homework

2.Retell the text by the students.

Step Two Deal with the language points in the text

1.give away ---give freely; distribute; act so that sth. is lost: 赠送; 分送; 泄露

give back ---restore; send back: 恢复; 归还

give in ---surrender; yield; stop fighting or arguing: 投降; 屈服; 终止争吵或辩论

give off ---send out(vapor, smoke, etc.): 放出(蒸气,烟等)

give out ---distribute; tired out; send out(smell, heat etc.)分发;精疲力竭;发出(气味,热等)

give up ---resign; stop(doing sth.); surrender(oneself) to sb. 放弃; 停止(做某事);使(自己)向某人屈服

give way to ---abandon oneself (to); retire: 放弃; 后退

2.burn v.t., v.i. & n. --- destroy, or hurt by fire, heat, or the action of acid 烧/焚毁, 烧焦/伤

e.g. The coffee is very hot, don’t burn your mouth.

Wood burns easily.

All the lights were burning .

He was burning with anger.

3.restore v.t. ---rebuild as before; make well or again 修复,重建; 复归

e.g. The workers are restoring a ruined abbey.

Law and order have been restored.

4.be used to do sth.

be used to doing sth.

get used to doing sth.

used to do sth.

5.beauty n.(u) (c)

e.g. Everyone must admire the beauty of a mother’s love.

We are always finding new beauties in Shakespeare’s poetry.

She is known as a great beauty.

6.unite v.t. & v.i. ---make or become one; join; act or work together联合;结合;协力

e.g. Unite to win still greater victories.

Unite all the forces that can be united.


Writing (P126)

The 4th Period(第四课时)

Step One Revision

Revise the Present Perfect Tense.

Step Two Word study

1. Rewrite the following sentences using the words formed by the prefix “re-”.

1) He drank the coffee at one mouthful, and filled his pot again.

2) After three hours’ terrible fight, they gained the control of the top of the hill again.

3) With the disappearance of SARS, some theatres and restaurants opened again.

4) The students are asked to tell the text again in their own words.

5) I think all of us need to think again about our attitudes toward the public health after SARS.

2. Do Ex. 1.

3. Do Ex. 2.

Step Three Grammar

The Present Perfect Passive Voice

1. Forming: To form the Present Perfect Passive Voice, use has/have been done.

2. Directions:

A. The Present Perfect Passive Voice gives the idea that something happened before now, having the effect to now (the exact time is not important).

e.g. The palace has been rebuilt by modern Russian artists.

Something has been done to protect the cultural relics in this village.

B. The Present Perfect Passive Voice gives the idea that something started to happen in the past, but it has been finished just now.

e.g. The classroom has not been cleaned for three days.

The building has been built for more than a year.

Step Four Practice

1.Rewrite the sentences in Ex. 1 using the Present Perfect Passive Voice. (P47)

2.Read the two news stories in Ex. 2 and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs, using the Passive Voice. (P47)

Language Points

1.damage n. ---harm or injury that causes loss of value 损害; 损毁(使失去价值)

v.t. ---cause damage to 使受损害; 损坏

e.g. The storm did great damage to the crops.

The furniture was damaged in the fire yesterday.

*Compare: destroy v.t.---break to pieces; make useless; put an end to 毁灭;毁坏;破灭

e.g. Don’t destroy that box; it may be useful.

All his hopes were destroyed.

2.ancient adj. ---belonging to times long past; very old 古代的; 远古的;很旧的

e.g. an ancient city 古城

ancient ruins 古遗址

ancient history 古代史

an ancient-looking hat 一顶样子很旧的帽子

3. repair v.t. ----restore(sth. worn or damaged) to good condition 修理

----put right again 补救; 纠正

e.g. repair the roads (a puncture, a watch, a shirt) 修路(补洞,修表,补衬衣)

n. ----repairing or being repaired 修理

e.g. The road is under repair.

The shop will be closed during repairs.

Similar words: fix, mend


Grammar Exercises 1 and 2 (P47)

The 5th Period(第五课时)

Step One Revision

Check the homework (P47)

Step Two Integrating skills

Reading and writing

1)Read the letter on Page 48 and learn to write a letter according to the instruction.

2)Work in pairs and fill in the blanks.

3)Write two letters to the editor using the information you fill in the blanks.

Step Three Language points

1. pollution n. ---polluting or being polluted 弄脏; 污染; 污垢物

e.g. The environmental(airborne) pollution here is a big problem..

the pollution of the atmosphere 大气层的污染

pollute v.t. ---make dirty; destroy the purity or sanctity of 使脏; 染污

e.g. The river was polluted by the waste water from that factory.

2. breath n. ---air taken into and sent out of the lungs 呼吸; 气息

e.g. His breath on the window melted the frost.

Draw in a breath of fresh country air, please.

bad breath

take a deep breath

take breath

hold one’s breath

lose one’s breath/out of breath

breathe v.t. & v.i. ---take air into the lungs and send it out again; send out; utter

e.g. He was breathing hard when he finished the race.

The patient needs to breathe wholesome air.

breathe again/freely

breathe one’s last

breathe upon

3. limit v.t. ---put a limit or limits to; be the limit of 限制;作为…的界限

e.g. I should limit myself to three aspects of the subject.

limited p.p. ---small; restricted; narrow 少的;有限制的 狭小的

e.g. He seems to have only a limited intelligence.

4. sincere adj. ---(of feelings; behavior) genuine; not pretended 真挚的;真实的

e.g. It is my sincere belief that….

sincerely adv.

e.g. Yours sincerely/Sincerely yours.

Step Four Practising


Exercises 1 and 2 on Page 122 and Page 123.

The 6th Period(第六课时)

Step One Revision

Read out the letters they wrote to the editor.

Step Two Checkpoint 7

Revise the grammar.

1.How to form the Present Perfect Passive Voice.

2.How to use it.

Point out the useful expressions you’ve learnt in this unit.

Step Three Workbook

3.Do grammar exercises.

4.Integrating skills.

1) Read the passage and fill in the information chart.

2) Finish the exercises.


The 7th and 8th Periods第七,八课时)

Have an exam and explain the paper.

二。 辅导答疑:

Unit 7 SB1A

科目:英语 年级:高一

辅导答疑老师:胡章盛 日期:November,

Answer the students’ questions:

1. 问: 请问老师 “Someone broke in while I went out.”这个句子对吗?

答: 这个句子不对。正确句子应是:“Someone broke in while I was out.”

分析:while 必须用延续性动作,go out 是非延续性动作,因此该句是错误的,但用when 或as句子就是正确的了;非延续性动作go out 可以用 be out 来代替,以表示延续性动作。

2. 问: “爬了6个小时后我们可以到达山顶。”译成“After six hours of climbing, we could reach the top of the mountain.”对吗?

答: 这个句子应译成:“After six hours of climbing, we were able to reach the top of the mountain. ”才对。

分析:表示过去能干某一具体的事情,不能用 could, 只能用be able to 。

3. 问: 老师,应如何分析课文中的这句话?Perhaps this is not always true, but it is true that many of the world’s greatest cities have been built on the banks of the river.

答: (1) 本句是由连词but 连接的并列复合句,第二个分句中用了形式主语it 的句型:It is/was + adj. / n. + that - clause. 句型 It is true + that - clause. =that - clause is true. 其中it 是形式主语,代替后面的真正主语 that - clause。

e.g. It is important that we learn English well.

It is a great pleasure that you come to join the club.

(2) ’s常表示有生命的.东西,但也表示无生命的东西的所有格,如国家、城市等实体,或拟人化的事物。

e.g. the country’s tax system death’s door

the world’s people one week’s time

(3) have been built 是现在完成时被动语态形式,表示“从过去某时起至今;某事曾经被做或某事持续被做”。课文中的这一句属于第一种情况。而下一句属于第二种情况。

e.g. The story has been told from generation to generation.

4. 问: 老师,“她出事了。”用英语“Something has been happened to her.”对吗?

答: 这样说不对。应为:“ Something has happened to her.”


5. 问: 在“We will not let our history and culture be destroyed, and we would do everything we can to save our city!”中can 后面为何接to save?

答: 你的问题提得很好。

分析:这是个并列复合句。and 后面的分句是个省略句完整的句子为:We would do everything that we can do to save our city!其中that we can do 是定语从句,修饰先行词everything。hat 在引导从句的同时还充当do的宾语,因此可以省略;由于从句的谓语动词与主句的谓语动词相同,所以从句中的do也可以省略。can与后面的不定式to save our city在结构上没有连接关系,不定式在句中作目的状语。该句可归结为do everything (that ) one can (do) to do sth. =do what we can (do) to do sth.。

e.g. We should do everything we can to learn English well.

=We should do everything we can to learn English well.(do后面接宾语从句)

The Exam Paper Unit 7 (SB1A)

命题人: 胡章盛

I.选择填空: (1 × 15=15分)

1.---Every year I go back home in Dalian by train.

---Why not ______ by water for a change?

A. to try going B. trying to go C. to try and go D. try going

2.The house needs ______. The man wants to ______ orders for building materials.

A. decorating…put in B. decorate…put away C. to decorate…put down D. decorate...put out

3.We all know that the clock is used to ______ us the time.

A. have told B. telling C. tell D. give

4.______ is necessary ______ to take off our shoes when we enter the computer room.

A. It…for us B. This...to us C. That…of us D. One…with us

5.The dream of the Chinese people who want to go to outer space ______.

A. have realized B. has come true C. come truly D. realize

6.The teacher told me that he could do everything _____ he could _____ me with my English.

A. which…help B. /…to help C. that…helped D. whom…helping

7.The teaching building can’t be used because of the earthquake. It is ______ .

A. under repairs B. repaired C. being repaired D. under construction

8.Hearing the news that he would be dismissed, he seemed ______.

A. feeling worried B. to feel worry C. being worrying D. to feel worried

9.The number of the people who ______ invited to the wedding ______eighty, but a number of them ______absent for different reason.

A. was…was…was B. were…was…were C. were…were…was D. were…was…was

10.The sportsman didn’t arrive ______the game had begun.

A. unless and until B. untill C. if D. whether

11.______ more than fifty students want to go to the party and the head teacher will have to ______ and say “yes”.

A. In all…give in B. At all…give away

C. After all…give out D. Above all…give over

12.It is reported that the freeway to the mountains ______ by the snow for about three days.

A. cuts down B. have cut off C. has been cut off D. has been cut down

13.The graduates should go ______ they are most needed by the motherland.

A. in which B. where C. there D. in place of

14.The boy ______ on the ground ______ that he ______the dictionary on the shelf.

A. lying…lay…had lied B. lay…lied…had lain

C. lied…lay…was lying D. lying…lied…had laid

15.After arriving at the top of the mountain, ______ the old but the young _____ out of ______.

A. not…was…breathing B. not only…was…the breath

C. not only…were…breath D. not…were…breathe

II. 完形填空:(1.5 × 20 =30分)

It was very late that Mr. and Mrs. Davies took off to do their Christmas shopping. There were only a few 16 more before Christmas, and of course the 17 and streets were terribly 18 , but they had to get 19 for their family and friends, so they 20 early one morning for the down town, and spent several tiring hours buying the things they 21 in the big shops.

22 , Mr. Davies was carrying parcels of all shapes and sizes. He could hardly 23 where he was going 24 he and his wife left the last shop on their way to the railway station

25 home. Outside the shop they had to cross a busy street, made even 26 than usual by the thousands of people who had come by car to do their 27 Christmas shopping.

Mr. And Mrs. Davies had to wait for the traffic lights to turn green, 28 as Mr. Davies could not see very well in front of him, he 29 moved forward into the street without realizing 30 . Mrs. Davies saw this and became 31 . Many times she told him to 32 off the street, but 33 .

Finally she shouted in a voice above all 34 , “Henry! If you want to stand in that dangerous 35 a moment longer, give me the parcels!”

16. A. hours B. days C. weeks D. months

17. A. roads B. city C. houses D. shops

18. A. crowded B. busy C. beautiful D. noisy

19. A. food B. clothes C. presents D. money

20. A. started out B. set down C. went out D. took down

21. A. liked B. wanted C. bought D. used

22. A. By 8 o’clock B. In the daytime C. At dawn D. By lunch time

23. A. know B. find C. see D. realize

24. A. as B. while C. before D. to

25. A. or B. to C. for D. and

26. A. worse B. busier C. better D. noisier

27. A. pleasant B. last-day C. last-minute D. easy

28. A. since B. so C. then D. but

29. A. slightly B. patiently C. merely D. gradually

30. A. them B. her C. it D. him

31. A. worried B. frightened C. sad D. careful

32. A. go over B. come back C. leave out D. turn away

33. A. much trouble B. no hurry C. without success D. too noisy

34. A. voices B. noises C. sounds D. shouting

35, A. position B. situation C. way D. spot

III. 阅读理解:(2 × 10 =20分)

Astronomers(天文学家)have spent hundreds of years searching for signs of life on other planets, using telescope. When they saw the geography of Mars, they thought they could see canals and that this might be evidence of intelligent life on the planet. More recently, however, spacecraft have been sent there to analyze the soil for signs of life. The results were negative and astronomers are now convinced that no life exists on the surface of any other planet in our solar system except Earth. To send a spacecraft far beyond our solar system is not realistic because of the huge distances involved.

Unless life comes and visits us, the only was we are likely to know of its existence is from radio messages. Listening for intelligent extraterrestrial ( 天外来客)---or E.T. ---life is not a new idea, but the techniques now being used offer a much better chance of success than before. Looking for evidence(证据)of life in other solar systems now means using special radio receivers called radio telescopes to listen out for messages. The assumption is that intelligent forms of life would have discovered radio waves and would, like us, be using them to communicate. Through its research work, NASA (国家航空和宇宙航行局) has developed two means of systematically searching for E.T. life. The first method is to select the closest 800 stars like our sun and to direct a radio telescope to scan(细看)each one of them for electromagnetic(电磁)waves. The second way is to survey(眺望)the entire sky, listening for continuous signals which may come from extraterrestrial(地球外的)life. Scientists are looking in the 1000~10000 megahertz(兆赫)frequency range----a range where there are fewer natural radio signals which could interfere with transmissions(传输). By looking for signals in these specific regions, scientists can avoid any confusion that might be caused by receiving a natural radio signal rather than one sent by intelligent life.

NASA’s search in space has already resulted in some discoveries----including sophisticated(尖端的) new communication and medical technologies.

36. The passage tells that _______.

A. no spacecraft been sent to Mars

B. there is no life on Mars because there is no soil there

C. great distances make it a dream to send spacecraft far beyond our solar system

D. astronomers at first used telescope to search for signs of life on heavenly bodies beyond solar system

37. The abbreviation “E.T.” in paragraph 2 stands for ____________ and means ________.

A. extraterrestrial, outside the earth B. extraterrestrial, in our solar system

C. electromagnetic, outside the earth D. electromagnetic, in our solar system

38. We know from the passage that radio telescopes ___________.

A. give us a better chance to find signs of life in outer space because we can see farther away through them

B. offer a much better chance of success in looking for evidence of life in our solar system

C. are supposed to receive radio waves coming from intelligent forms of life in other solar system

D. Both A and B

39. It can be inferred that natural radio signals are sent by _______.

A. NASA B. people on the earth

C. intelligent life in other solar system D. heavenly bodies

40. Which of the following statements may the author be in favor of?

A. NASA is wasting money and time

B. Maybe we are not alone in the universe

C. No life exists on any other planet beside the Earth

D. Signals sent by E.T. life might introduce confusion to the scientists on the Earth

IV. 短文改错:(1×10=10分)

Nov. 18, 2003

Dear editor,

There is a river in the front of my house. When I was a primary 41. ______________

school student, it was used to be a clean and clear river. There were all 42. ______________

kinds of fish in it. We often saw beautiful birds fly just over the water 43. ______________

surface. We used to fish by the river on spring Sundays but swim in it 44. ______________

in summer holidays. What happy it was during my childhood! 45. ______________

But later, a chemical plant was built near the river. From then , a 46. _______________

lot of dirty water has put into the river. It has been polluted seriously. 47. ______________

The green water has turned darkness. No fish can live in the dirty water. 48. ______________

No birds wanted to come to the river. We don’t want to swim in the dark 49. ______________

and dirty river in summer. How terribly the pollution is! 50. ______________

We hope that some measures should be taken to stop the pollution.


Wang Ping

用所给动词的正确形式填空:(1.5 × 10 =15分)

51. ----Can you tell me how long Tom and Mary ________________________(marry)?

----For about three years.

52.Mr. John and I ____________(be) friends for ten years. We first got to know each other at a Christmas party. But we ____________(see) each other a couple of times before that.

53.All the preparations for the task _________________(complete), and we’re ready to start.

54.It is reported that the Yellow Crane Tower __________________(visit) by millions of people from all over the world since 1990.

55.The building _______________(destroy) in the earthquake last year, we know that __________(restore) it seems impossible.

56.The students must be made _____________(know) that they should do everything they can _____________(study) English well.

57.Don’t come in without _____________(ask)


VI. 根据汉语意思,完成下列各句,每空一词:(0.5 × 40=20分)


The man who ______ _______to the hospital this morning has ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ the ______ of the doctor.


Someone told him that the book should be put ______ ______ ______ when ________.


The problems that the people _______ _______ _______ ________ _______ _________.


______ the teacher _______ in class is of _______ _________.


Remember ______ ______ ______ the lights in the classroom _______ _______ ______.


When he came to the _______ on the _______ ______, he was ______ ______ _______.


The _________ that were _______ ________ in the war _______ ______carefully ______.

Unit 7 SBIA

The key to the exam paper

I.( 1×15=15分) 1------5 DACAB 6-----10 BCDBA 11-----15 ACBDC

II.(1.5×20=30分) 16----20 BDACA 21----25 BDCAD 26----30 BCDDC 31----35 ABCBA

III.(2×5=10分) 36-----40 CACDB

IV. (1×10=10分)

41….the… _the_ 42….was… __was__ 43 √ 44. but → _and_

45. What → _How_ 46. then∧ _on_ 47. has∧ _been_ 48. darkness → _dark_ 49. wanted → ___want___ 50. terribly → __terrible__

V.(1.5×10=15分) 51. have been married 52. have been; had seen 53. have been completed

54. has been visited 55. was destroyed; restoring 56. to know; to study 57. being asked

VI. (o.5×40=20分) 58. was sent/taken … come back to life with … help 59. where it was … finished 60. take care of are under discussion/being discussed 61. What … said/says … great importance 62. to turn off … when you leave 63. office … seventh floor … out of breath 64. palaces … badly damaged/destroyed … have been … restored/rebuilt

The key to the exam paper Unit 7 SBIA

I.( 1×15=15分) 1------5 DACAB 6-----10 BCDBA 11-----15 ACBDC

II.(1.5×20=30分) 16----20 BDACA 21----25 BDCAD 26----30 BCDDC 31----35 ABCBA

III.(2×5=10分) 36-----40 CACDB

IV. (1×10=10分)

41….the… _the_ 42….was… __was__ 43 √ 44. but → _and_

45. What → _How_ 46. then∧ _on_ 47. has∧ _been_ 48. darkness → _dark_ 49. wanted → ___want___ 50. terribly → __terrible__

V.(1.5×10=15分) 51. have been married 52. have been; had seen 53. have been completed

54. has been visited 55. was destroyed; restoring 56. to know; to study 57. being asked

VI. (o.5×40=20分) 58. was sent/taken … come back to life with … help 59. where it was … finished 60. take care of are under discussion/being discussed 61. What … said/says … great importance 62. to turn off … when you leave 63. office … seventh floor … out of breath 64. palaces … badly damaged/destroyed … have been … restored/rebuilt

The key to the exam paper Unit 7 SBIA

I.( 1×15=15分) 1------5 DACAB 6-----10 BCDBA 11-----15 ACBDC

II.(1.5×20=30分) 16----20 BDACA 21----25 BDCAD 26----30 BCDDC 31----35 ABCBA

III.(2×5=10分) 36-----40 CACDB

IV. (1×10=10分)

41….the… _the_ 42….was… __was__ 43 √ 44. but → _and_

45. What → _How_ 46. then∧ _on_ 47. has∧ _been_ 48. darkness → _dark_ 49. wanted → ___want___ 50. terribly → __terrible__

V.(1.5×10=15分) 51. have been married 52. have been; had seen 53. have been completed

54. has been visited 55. was destroyed; restoring 56. to know; to study 57. being asked

unit7教案 篇4


教学内容:Self Check 教学目标



学习词汇Zig Zag,clothes,shop,yellow,ask,which;学会谈论服装的价格、颜色、大小和长短;学会填写价格标签。教学准备





一.Presentation: 播放课件或出示单词图片,引导学生进行关键词自我检测,完成自我评估,复习所学的重点词汇,完成第1部分的教学内容。二.Writing 1.引导学生在筑词表上进行筑词活动,引导学生采用分类、总结等各种有效途径记忆单词,完成第2部分的教学任务。Play a game: 通过游戏,激活学生已经掌握的相关词汇。游戏规则:在规定时间内看哪组同学写出的单词多、正确率高。本活动Focus on writing and speaking.小组完成在规定时间内的单词接龙后,小组进行互评,老师从单词写得多少、正确率高低,分别给以评价。老师的评价中渗透着对学生情感和学习策略方面的评价。

3.引导学生阅读第3部分中的短文,根据短文内容填写价格标签,完成第3部分的教学任务。三.Game: Just for fun!引导学生进行Just for fun!游戏活动,复习、巩固所学的How much is/are…? It’s/They’re…等句型和语法知识。四.Homework 1.Recite P46(ad.3)2.Do workbook of Unit7(3)


Unit 7 How much are these pants? Self check Words: pant, sock, T-shirt, sweater, shoes, color, black, white, red, green, blue, big, short, long, numbers 10-31 Sentences: How much is/are…? It’s /They’re ….Which shoes?

