


托福独立写作 篇1






Currently, the widening gap between the rich and the poor is a social problem posing a threat to stability in many countries. As the 20% of the population accumulating 80% of the wealth globally, the rich is naturally supposed to take more social responsibility, like charity. In my mind, however, to do charity or to donate is a philanthropic act of personal choice but not anyone’s obligation. To require wealthy people to do more charity is in fact a kind of emotional blackmail.

Admittedly, affluent people have more money to donate. In contrast to the poor, they not only have more savings in bank accounts, but also enjoy higher living standards, like living in fancy houses, tasting delicious food and traveling worldwide in holidays. It seems the money they donate will not have much influence on their daily life but become a straw to clutch at for those in need. However, this argument only proves that wealthy people have the ability to help others but cannot justify that they have the obligation to do so. In fact, charity ought to be encouraged instead of being coerced.

On the one hand, all individuals’ property right is protected by the law, including that of rich people, if only the money is made through legal ways. For most people, the wealth they accumulate and social status they build is the endorsement of their capability and value. The professional knowledge and incomparable skills enable them to be competent in job market and request high incomes, the rewards of their contribution. They have full right to use and spend the money as they like. On the contrary, when donation becomes wealthy people’s duty, they actually lose the right to enjoy some rewards of their contribution, which is surely unfair. Consequently, such moral coercion to some extend discourages people’s ambition to earn more.

On the other hand, given the fact that wealthy people already have contributed more to society by paying more taxes compared to people with low income, there is no reason to morally hijack them to do more charity. The government levies different percentage of taxes on people’s incomes. The higher one’s salary is, the more taxes he pays. Take people in my city as an instance. The salary lower than 3500 yuan per month is not taxed. For the amount of salary higher than 3500 yuan, people pay 10% income tax, and for the amount of salary higher than 8000 yuan, people pay 20% income tax. Moreover, there are also other taxes imposed on the wealthy, such as property tax and heritage tax. In a word, while the rich make more money and enjoy higher living standard, they make more contribution to society, which also makes the compulsory donation from the rich unjustified.

To sum up, though wealthy people have more money to donate, it is morally incorrect to force them to donate more.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The more money people have, the more they should give away to charity.

托福独立写作 篇2













































托福独立写作的误区剖析 篇3






很多考生都非常看重文章的字数,这本无可厚非,但是展现活跃的思维和高超的写作技巧靠的不是庞大的字数,而是精确与高效的表达。如果把凑字数作为写作的第一要务,那就得不偿失了。因为言多“语”失,单纯追求写作字数不仅会导致不必要的语法、拼写和表达错误,还会使文章论证效率低下,写作内容冗余。因此,考生在考前培养准确的写作“规模感”十分必要,即考生应该对文章字数有一个整体的概念,并大致把握在这个写作框架中每一个自然段的字数区间。以托福独立写作“总—分—总”结构下的五段式为例,考生可以这样分配每段的字数:立场段30~50字;论证段一(让步段,无例子) 50~70字;论证段二(主旨段,有例子) 100~150字;论证段三(主旨段,有例子) 100~150字;总结段20~30字。



Nowadays, X is getting more and more important. Different people have different opinions toward different things. Some people may say it is good while others believe that it is wrong. So whether I agree or disagree with this depends on a case by case basis. I would like to discuss my point of view in the following paragraphs.



2托福独立写作题目中的任务设定通常是“… agree or disagree …”,其中or一词清楚地说明了考生的写作目标,即要表达明确的肯定或否定态度。


在托福独立写作中,立场是文章主旨的浓缩,明确、切题的立场是高效论证的前提。因此,考生选择的立场应该是对题目任务的直接回应:如果题目任务是agree or disagree,考生就在立场段直接表明自己同意或者不同意的倾向;如果任务是which one is better,考生就在立场段明确写出自己的选择。









在托福独立写作的总结段,有些考生习惯这样写:“In summary, the claim presented in this topic is vulnerable to question or challenge because of the reasons that I have just mentioned above.”

这样写是不可取的。首先,在整个写作框架中,总结段的作用就是总结,使文章结构完整,仅此而已。在这个阶段,一切都变得简单——只需再次表明自己的观点就可以了。字数不宜多,时间投入更不该长,尤其不应该写“because ...”作解释,因为支持和解释立场的任务应该由论证段来完成。如果在文章的末段出现because,就是在提醒考官:论证段论证不力,在总结段亡羊补牢。况且,“… because of the reasons that I have just mentioned above”这样的表达是没有实质意义的。考生不如腾出时间和空间,在文章末尾提出一条建设性意见,如:“In summary, the claim presented in this topic is vulnerable to question or challenge. Therefore, it is essential for us to …”


散文文体的特点是形散而神不散,这是境界。而托福独立写作是议论文,议论文体更注重文章结构,有些考生却写得形散神也散,这就会让阅卷考官崩溃了。对于很多考生来说,文章结构的搭建基本是随机的,想到哪儿写到哪儿。至于在考场上能想起什么那得靠“缘分”,因此考生写出神形涣散的文章也就不足为奇了。还有的考生抱怨在论证段写作时写了上句没下句,原因很简单:“缘分”可遇不可求,所以“随缘”的写作很容易陷入困境。其实要解决这些问题,考生只要遵照一条规则来写就可以了,这也是议论文写作的一个基本要素:from general to specific (从概括到具体)。每个论证段需要包含论点中心句(相对概括,置于段首)和论据支持(更加具体,紧随中心句之后)。






For one thing, …

For another, …

Another point (that is worth mentioning) is that …

Besides, …

An additional point (that should not to be overlooked) is that …



To carry the idea further, … (第一层细节)

To be exact, … (第二层细节)


托福独立写作 篇4








Nowadays, children rely too much on the technology, like computers, smartphone, video games for fun and entertainment; playing simple toys or playing outside with friends would be better for the children’s development.


Undoubtedly, children today, as the most tech-savviest generation in history, can hardly live a day without computers and smartphones which play an important role in their study and entertainment. However, as the time children spend with digitals devices skyrockets, both parents and educators start to worry about the perils of new technology and advocate that it is more meaningful for children to play with simple toys and meet friends.

Admittedly, children acquire much joy from computers and smartphones. The well designed computer games never fail to fascinate their players with vivid figures, attractive rewards, and cheerful music. It is even more joyful when classmates are playing together online. In addition, almost every child who has a smartphone will install chatting software. As they also have the strong desire to be connected, they keep talking with each other even after school on the phone. If there is anything that they are reluctant to communicate with parents or brothers and sisters at home, it is more fun to chat with classmates.

However, as there are self-evident disadvantages of playing computers or smartphones, such as lack of exercises, poor eyesight and isolation from real world, parents and educators advocate replacement: simple toys and meeting friends. To begin with, there are many toys that not only bring as much joy as computers and smartphones do, but also help children provoke thinking and activate imagination. Compared with computer games which require few thoughts but simple exercises of fingers, those toys encourage children to make more efforts in the game and rewards them with stronger sense of achievement. One of the best examples must be Lego, a toy welcomed by many families globally. With numerous small pieces of different colors piled up, children are able to build anything in their mind, like an architecture, an animal and a cartoon character.

Secondly, communication and interaction with friends is absolutely more important in children’s development. While entertaining with computers or smartphones, children are usually absorbed in their own inner world and pay little attention to others. The unwillingness of talking to others will gradually make children isolated and weaken their communication ability. This is exact reason why it is vital for parents to motivate children to play outdoors with friends. Through gaming with friends, children learn how to get along well, compete, and cooperate with playmates. For example, playing basketball teaches children the significance of team spirits; playing chess allows children to discuss strategy. What’s more, the company and reliance of friends makes children feel needed, which also encourages them to expand social circle and improve interpersonal skills.

To sum up, children benefit more from playing simple toys and meeting friends than from playing with computers and smartphones.

托福独立写作 篇5








As governments gradually increase awareness on environment protection and the negative consequence of developing economy at the expense of environment, measures have been taken to reverse the trend of environment deterioration. In my mind, to support the research and development of clean energy is a better option compared with the preservation of natural places and legislation on pollution.

To begin with, one of the reasons why the application of clean energy boasts bright prospect is that it can reduce pollution radically. It is widely known that the burning of coals is responsible for the release of carbon dioxide, the major culprit of greenhouse effect, and other toxic chemical elements causing pollutions, including air pollution and acid rains. What is worse, the pollution knows no boundary and spreads globally. However, Environment friendly energies, like wind power, solar power and water power, generate little pollution, though require much financial support for research and initial installation. When these energies are widely applied by households and especially factories, not only will the total amount of pollutants decrease, the costs will also decline due to the large scale effect. This is surely more effective than enacting laws to restrain companies’ behavior, as it directly helps companies avoid pollution in production.

Secondly, when the technology of environment friendly energy is mature enough to replace fossil fuels, much land will be saved from exploitation. Currently, there are numerous coal mines and oil wells in existence or under construction. For the building of each mine or well, people claim much land in surrounding areas and take away habitats from local plants and animals. Even worse, the pollution caused by exploitation or accidents will deprive much larger area of land and claim more lives in the wild. On the contrary, the development of clean energy imposes much less pressure on local environment. For example, the land occupied by wind farm can be used for grazing cattle. The leasing land for wind turbines allows farmers and ranchers to earn more money. Therefore, with less land used by coal mines or oil wells, more natural placed will be conserved.

To sum up, a better proposal to protect environment is to support clean energy whose wide application can both cope with pollution and preserve natural places.


The government can take a variety of actions to help protect the environment. Which one of the following do you think is the most important for the nation’s government to take to protect the environment:

1 fund the research to develop environmentally friendly energy sources such as solar and wind energy

2 preserve the natural places like forests and protect the animals that live there

3 enforce laws to prevent the pollution of air and water by large companies

托福独立写作 篇6


As the first teacher of a child, parents play a pivotal role in children’s growth, which is not just restricted to physical well-being but includes personality-building and psychological health. Especially for young children aged 5 to 10, parents are like role models that children admire and try to imitate. So, there are many good traits that parents are supposed to help children develop, such as being honest, being helpful and being organized. In my mind, the first lesson children at this age should learn is honesty.

To begin with, honesty is the valuable character for a child to be accepted by others. To maintain friendly relationship, people need mutual trust. It is vital that a child is honest to parents, playmates, teachers and anyone they meet. At young age, they may be simply blamed for telling lies, but when they grow up, what dishonesty costs them is the loss of trust, and gradually they may be isolated. In a word, parents should timely point out children’s lies and appropriately help them correct the mistake. For instance, the reason why a child refuses to admit he breaks the vase is he fears parents’ punishment. But, if he finds his lies can help him avoid punishment and thus gets used to lying, the loss will finally become unbearable and irreversible in future work or study.

Secondly, children should also learn to be honest to themselves. Inevitably, people will encounter some situations or consequences that they are unwilling to confront. At this moment, someone may choose to deceive themselves and escape from reality. Through constantly lying to themselves, they may finally forget the truth and accept lies they make up as facts. For example, when a child does not want to admit he loses a game at school, he may make up some excuses to cheat himself, such as unfair referee, and refuses to admit the competitor actually is stronger. Consequently, once he finds sanctuary in lies, the dishonesty to inner heart stops him from training harder to win the game but encourages complaints and self-abandonment. Parents at this time have the duty to motivate children to break lies and be honest to themselves bravely.

Admittedly, being cooperative and organized is also significant characteristic that children ought to possess since young. To keep everything in order is the prerequisite for one to maintain high efficiency in work or study. In addition, kind-hearted people are usually popular among people and can easily expand social circle. For example, parents can encourage children to keep their room tidy and organized, and organize children in the neighborhood to join in community services. However, for all the valuable traits that children should share, what comes first must be honesty. An organized and helpful lier can never be called a respectful person.

In summary, good parenting is of great significance in children’s growth. It is parents’ responsibility to equip children with good personalities at formative years. Among all the desirable traits children should cultivate, honesty is always the most valuable one.

Which value should be shared by children (5-10 years old) most and why?

1. being honest

2. being helpful for others

3. being well-organized










托福独立写作 篇7

独立学院, 是指实施本科以上学历教育的普通高等学校与国家机构以外的社会组织或者个人合作, 利用非国家财政性经费举办的实施本科学历教育的高等学校。教育部在《普通高等学校独立学院教育工作合格评估指标体系》中明确指出, 独立学院应确立“培养具有创新精神和实践能力的应用型人才的目标定位”, 独立院校的学生应比普通高校的学生具有更强的实践技能和动手能力, 比高等职业院校的学生具有更扎实的理论基础, 更强的学习和适应能力。


(一) 教学大纲的制定与实际相脱离

目前, 大多数的独立学院还存在照搬或套用“母校”原有的课程大纲的问题, 造成独立学院在学生培养上目标没有实效性, 与实际相脱离。在具体的课程安排中由于受制于培养计划中理论与实践课时的分配, 或是课酬计算上的差异, 绝大部分为理论课时, 缺乏实践课时, 造成教师花大量的时间在理论教学上, 想要设计相关的实践环节, 要么只能在有限的课堂时间内布置一些练习, 要么以作业的形式让学生课后自主练习, 缺乏有效的指导, 对学生实践能力的提高作用有限。

(二) 教师结构不合理, 自身实践能力缺乏

新闻采访与写作在新闻业务中属于龙头地位, 课程本身就强调实践操作能力。但在实际教学当中, 教师往往偏重于理论的灌输, 这在一定程度上与教师队伍结构有关, 独立学院除自主招聘的青年教师外, 教师来源主要有三大类:

一类是从各地返聘回来的离退休老教师, 这类教师学术水平较高, 许多都是教授、副教授职称, 教学经验丰富, 但存在教学方法落后, 知识更新较慢, 与学生交流少等问题, 而且据笔者了解到的情况, 聘用的老教师所教的很多是一些基础性的课程, 并没有凸显出专业优势, 在独立学院年轻教师较为薄弱的科研方面, 也没有很好地发挥帮传带的作用。

一类是“双师型”教师, 从当地企业或者行政部门聘用的优秀人员, 具有较高的专业技术水平, 丰富的社会实践, 但初登讲台, 教学技巧, 教学能力都存在问题, 容易出现“肚里有货倒不出来”的情况。

一类是外聘教师, 聘用其他兄弟院校的专业教师, 在一定程度上能整合优势资源, 但外聘教师对学院没有归属感, 很多是抱着赚钱目的, 与学生交流较少, 有些外聘教师责任心也不强。

本应该是独立学院教师队伍核心成员的青年教师, 很多是从学校到学校, 既没有教学经验, 又缺乏实践经验, 导致许多教师在讲操作性的问题时都会心里没底, 课堂讲授中只能是从理论到理论, 开设的实训课程, 也因为老师自身的能力有限, 指导流于表面, 成了学生自己摸索, 老师简单点评, 无法达到有效提高专业技能的目的。

(三) 教学内容设计较为落后, 教学设备严重不足

在教学内容设计上, 大多数新闻采访与写作教材偏重于纸质媒体, 重点介绍如消息、通讯等文体的写作, 广播电视新闻采访与写作的相关教材也与新闻报道实践有一定的差距, 这与媒体实践更新周期短, 而教材出版有一定的滞后性有关。教师在实际授课过程中, 所传授的内容与所选的案例, 存在陈旧、与实际脱离的问题。除此之外, 目前独立学院使用的大都是与一本、二本相似的教材, 没有专门针对独立学院特点编写的教材, 难以在教学上凸显出“应用型本科”的特色, 使得学生学得很吃力, 教师教得也很吃力, 难以提高教学质量。

独立学院实验室的建设, 相关硬件设备的投入, 不能获得政府财政性的资助, 只能是举办方单方面投入, 其数量远远无法满足学生的需求, 五六个甚至十几个学生使用一套设备的情况时有发生, 无法保证每个学生的专业技能都得到均等的训练。


(一) 结合独立学院实际, 制定有效的教学大纲

教学大纲是人才培养方案的落脚点, 解决的是怎样实现人才培养目标的问题, 独立学院教学大纲的制定应从办学定位、办学理念、人才培养模式、培养目标出发, 对理论课时与实践课时进行合理的分配。

课时的分配应基于培养计划的修改, 使老师能有时间亲自带领学生进行实际的新闻采访与写作, 手把手的教, 遇到的问题能现场解决, 让学生有一种实际解决问题的经历。

(二) 优化教师队伍, 提升教师实践指导能力

著名教育家梅贻琦认为“所谓大学者, 非谓有大楼之谓也, 有大师之谓也。”高素质的教师是高质量的教育的基础, 独立学院应增强自身的吸引力。管理层应解放思想, 转变思路, 认识到教师队伍的稳定, 素质的提高是学校教学质量提高的关键。可以根据自身的特点制定优越政策, 提高教师的工资福利待遇, 吸引高素质、高职称人才, 优化教师队伍。

推动专职教师向“双师型”转化。聘请社会实践经验丰富的人员来担任教师, 可以在一定程度上弥补青年专职教师实践性不强的情况, 但这类人员教学能力较低, 身兼两职不能专心于教学, 而且流动性也大。与其依靠外部的力量, 不如注重内部力量的提升, 将现有的专职教师向“双师型”转变, 定期选派实践性较强的专业教师到企业, 到相关机构参加实践, 提升专业教师的实践能力。

(三) 不断完善教学环节

独立学院的新闻采访与写作课程的教学不能像重点高校与普通高校, 也不能像高等职业院校, 培养目标不同, 教学方法也应不同。在长期新闻采访与写作的教学过程中, 如何调动学生自主学习的积极性, 及时消化所学知识并运用于实践, 相关专业老师进行了多种方法的试验, 现将一些经验总结如下:


塔尔德在1890年出版的《模仿的法则》一书中认为, 社会上的一切事物不是发明就是模仿, 而“模仿是最基本的社会现象”。学习新闻采访与写作课先要有关注新闻, 分析新闻的专业意识, 在关注分析的过程中进而模仿优秀记者的采写技巧。

在新闻采访与写作课的教授过程中, 课前都安排有每日新闻分享的环节, 按学号每堂课由两位同学来分享最近他们所关注的新闻, 养成关注新闻的习惯。学生比较积极主动, 有些班两位同学组成了播报小组, 扮演新闻主播, 并辅助以多媒体手段, 带领班级同学一起浏览最近的新闻。在挑选新闻时每组有不同的角度, 有对新闻稿进行过再创造, 有在最后加入自己的评论, 这一环节成了分享的舞台, 也成了学生发挥自我, 提高自我的舞台。


案例教学的方法是教师以教学案例为基础, 在课堂中帮助学习者达到特定学习目的的一整套教学方法及技巧。案例法需要提供一个情境, 在这样的情境中, 案例只是用一组具体的事实供学员进行练习, 以体验实际管理者所处环境的不确定性和所需进行的智力思维和分析。在给定的情境中发生的事件的结果如何, 通常是要由学员自己的经验和知识做出判断和决定的。通过一个用案例法教授的课程, 学生应该感到有过实际解决问题的经历。

案例教学中教师改变了以往专家、权威的形象, 而成为了一个设计者和主持者, 利用案例给学生“模拟真实生活中的职业情境”, 在老师的指导下练习处理真实或现实问题, 让他们可以学着像从业人员一样进行思考和行动。案例教学能有效提高学生的采访与写作技能, 但案例的挑选与案例库的建立是一个费时费立的工程, 相对于独立学院的教师而言存在一定的困难, 中国人民大学在全国率先创建了新闻传播学案例库, 并将一些案例免费与大家共享, 这在一定程度上给我们的案例教学提供了方便, 但在此基础之上, 也应该有意识的搜集、建立自己的案例库。


互动教学一直是受学生欢迎的一种形式, 在新闻采访与写作课的课堂上, 老师也有意识地多安排一些互动环节, 多给学生发挥的空间, 在课堂上与同学、与老师交流互动。如在讲到如何获得采访机会的时候, 设计一些知名的人士, 思考如何让他们接受你的采访, 学生讨论得非常热烈, 给出的答案也丰富多彩, 老师给予一些点评, 并举一些著名的记者如何获得采访机会的例子。如在讲到采访问题的设计时, 围绕一个话题, 如你的高三经历, 各自设计话题, 相互进行采访, 记录下精彩的问题及回答, 最后总结、发言, 老师给予一定的点评, 其他同学在旁听的过程中对照自己, 认识到存在的问题。


在新闻采访与写作的课堂教学中, 教师模拟一定的情境, 学生扮演一定的角色, 进行新闻采访与写作的实践训练, 是在长期教学过程中总结出来的较为有效的方法。如模拟新闻发布会, 曾经采取过两种方式。一种是全班同学共同参与一个模拟新闻发布会, 老师给出一定的选题, 如毒胶囊事件, 挑选出特定的学生担当主持人、新闻发言人, 新闻发言人涉及到国家的相关部门, 根据角色不同前期准备相关的资料。其余同学分组模拟各类媒体, 包括平面媒体, 广播、电视等, 前期根据自身的媒体定位与特色, 设计相关问题, 开展了一次规模较大的模拟新闻发布会。另一种是将全班分成若干个组, 每组自已选题, 分配角色, 如开一次小型的新闻发布会, 其余同学可充当其他媒体, 进行提问。开完发布会还要及时地进行新闻稿的写作, 后期老师对学生的表现, 问题的优劣, 进行点评。两种方式效果都较好, 学生参与性较高, 而且可以综合地对新闻采访方式、问题设计, 提问技巧, 新闻稿写作等进行训练, 取得较好的教学效果。


[1]韩东宁.独立学院教学方法以改革与探讨[J].现代教育科学, 2009 (S1) .

[2]肖华山.独立学院教育教学利弊分析及其改革[J].高等工程教育研究, 2007 (S1) .

托福独立写作中的句式变化 篇8

首先,考生需要知道什么样的句子是没有变化的,请阅读下面这段文字:“My brother, Tom, is a good example. Tom lived in the country with my grandparents for twelve years. Then he went to the city. He studied in a middle school there. When Tom was living in the countryside, he seldom fell ill. He enjoyed himself in the nature every day. When he went to the city, he gradually felt his throat sore and often coughed.”这段话是笔者的一位学生在平时练习中写的,里面的句子大多是简单句,而句子的主语不是Tom就是he,读来非常单调。这样的表达就是缺乏句式变化的表达,在托福独立写作中是拿不到高分的。此时就需要改变句子结构,使表达方式变得多样。下面笔者就来介绍一些常见的句式变化方法。

1 长、短句结合

英语作文中句子的质量往往受其长度影响,但这并不是说所有的句子都越长越好。在英文写作中,以简单句为代表的短句能够给人留下比较深刻的印象,适用于一针见血或开门见山地表明论点,如“主语+谓语+宾语”结构(Living in the country contributes to our health),或“主语+谓语+双宾语”结构(Sports teach people the spirit of cooperation),或“主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语”结构(The development of public transportation makes travel convenient)。而以复合句为代表的长句(包括名词性从句、形容词性从句、副词性从句)则适用于表达非常复杂的逻辑关系,或是用于解释不同现象间的关系,如“Many teenagers complain that they try to communicate with their parents and are eager to get some advice from them; however, it is always futile to do so.”

由于长句和短句功能不同,在托福独立写作中,考生可以用短句来表达关键信息,尤其是引言段中的全文论点(thesis statement)和正文段的主题句(topic sentence),然后用长句来描述引言段的背景信息、对正文段的主题句进行扩展,比如下面这段文字:“Children in modern society have become more difficult to understand than children 50 years ago. They acquire a lot more information and ideas than their predecessors did and they obtain this from various sources, such as mass media and the Internet information and ideas which their parents can never accept because they are not open-minded enough and are reluctant to take on new concepts. Therefore, the generation gap between parents and children today has become bigger, and this impedes communication.”这一段中,写作者在开头直接用一个短句点明主要观点,然后用几个复杂长句进行阐释,长短句交替出现,避免了枯燥、乏味的问题。

2 松散句和圆周句结合

松散句(loose sentences)是指那些在句子开头就先给出中心信息,然后再在后面附加大量修饰语或细节进行补充说明的句子。也就是说,松散句会把主要信息放在次要信息之前,例如:“We can get a lot of information about various products when we watch commercials.”圆周句(periodic sentences)则会把最关键的信息放在整句话的结尾或比较靠后的位置上,即将次要信息放在主要信息之前,形成欲扬先抑或欲抑先扬的效果,例如:“It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.”一般来说,松散句相对简单、易懂、自然、直接,圆周句则比较复杂、庄重、正式、文雅。考生在写独立写作部分的作文时可以将两者结合起来,以使文章错落有致。


3 使用分词结构


1. 在状语从句中,如果从句主语和主句主语一致,可以使用分词结构。首先,考生要确认从句主语与主句主语一致。然后,考生可以去掉从句主语,将从句谓语动词改成合适的分词。最后,考生可以根据句意删除或保留从属连词(如表示时间的before、since、as、after、while、when和表示原因的because、since、as等)。比如下面三组句子。

修改前:While technology creates new jobs in some sectors of economy, it takes away jobs in others.

修改后:While creating new jobs in some sectors of economy, technology takes away jobs in others.

修改前:As he gradually got used to the way of life here, he became less homesick.

修改后:Gradually getting used to the way of life here, he became less homesick.

修改前:When he was asked about his recent life, he kept silent.

修改后:When asked about his recent life, he kept silent.

2. 在定语从句中,如果先行词在从句中做主语,也可以使用分词结构,即将定语从句改为现在分词或过去分词。例如,“People who live in the country are often friendly”可以改为“People living in the country are often friendly”,“Children who are raised in big families can get on well with others”可以改为“Children raised in big families can get on well with others”。

4 状语前置


Undoubtedly, teenagers are easily influenced by the violent content in those movies.

Without doubt, technology has changed the way individuals interact with each other in contemporary society.

To alleviate traffic congestion, the municipal government should encourage people to use public transport.

5 使用倒装句


1. 介词短语作地点状语置于句首,主谓完全倒装,比如:“On the top of the mountain stands a temple.”

2. 否定词(如seldom、not only、under no circumstances、by no means等)提前,主谓部分倒装,比如:“Seldom do people realize that pollution has brought about some serious problems.”

3. Only位于句首修饰状语,主谓部分倒装,比如:“Only in this way can the problem of child obesity be effectively controlled.”

4. “so … that …”结构中的“so + adj./adv.”置于句首,主谓完全倒装,比如:“So valuable is water that we cannot afford to waste it.”

5. 分词位于句首,主谓完全倒装,比如:“Adding to societal changes today is an enormous stockpile of information.”

6 使用强调句

除了使用倒装句,考生同样可以使用强调句来对句子的重点信息进行有效强调。强调句的结构通常为“It is/was +被强调部分+ that …”,例如:“It is for the benefit of maintaining the ecological balance that human beings ought to protect the endangered animal species.”一般来说,在托福独立写作中,强调句多用于以下三种情况:①在开头段提出论点;②在正文段末进行小结;③在结尾段再次强调自己的论点。

7 添加插入语

除了在句首部分进行变化,考生也可以在句子中间使用插入语结构,以增强句子的节奏感。插入语既可以是单词、短语,也可以是句子。比如“The computer, an indispensable part of our life, has brought us great convenience”或“College students, lacking social experience, are easily cheated”。


8 使用问句

在写作中,除了使用陈述句结构,考生偶尔也可以使用一些问句,如修辞疑问句(rhetorical question,类似于中文的设问句)、反问句(echo question)和感叹疑问句(exclamatory question),以使句式更加丰富。比如:“If there were no Internet, how could people get various types of information immediately?”又如:“Does studying together with a group of people really improve efficiency? The answer is definitely no!”

9 使用过渡词


1. 表对比:in contrast、on the contrary、while、whereas、on the other hand、nevertheless

2. 表举例:for example、for instance、such as

3. 表顺序:to begin with、what is more、last but not least、first and foremost、secondly、in addition、in the first place

4. 表递进:besides、furthermore、moreover

5. 表原因:due to、thanks to、owing to、because of、because、as、for、since

6. 表结果:as a result、thus、hence、therefore、 consequently

7. 表总结:on the whole、in conclusion、in short、to sum up

笔者在上面提到的这些方法并不是单独使用的,往往是结合在一起使用。不过,各位考生不要误以为句式多样就是要多写长难句,殊不知滥用长难句会使语言变得繁冗、拖沓。比如说,考生若想表达“Mary是一个漂亮的女孩子”,写成“Mary is a beautiful girl”就可以了,如果偏要写成“Mary is a girl who is beautiful”,句子看上去是变长了,还用了定语从句,但实际上显得非常累赘。
