


冀教版英语七年级上册 篇1

水果fruit(7个)apple, banana, peach, strawberry, pear, orange, watermelon

服装clothes(12个)coat, hat, cap, dress, skirt, shirt, sweater, socks, pants, trousers, shoes, shorts,

身体部位body(17个)hand, foot, eye, ear, nose, mouth, tooth, face, head, shoulder, elbow, finger, knee, leg, back, stomach, toe,

家庭成员family members(9个)grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, sister, brother, uncle, aunt, cousin,

动物animals(18个)monkey, tiger, elephant, lion, bird, dog, cow, rabbit, pig, duck, sheep, panda, goat, fish, bee, chicken, hen, cat, kangaroo

天气情况weather(6个)sunny, cloudy, snowy, rainy, windy, foggy,

饮料drink(7个)water, milk, pop, tea, coffee, coke, juice,

食物food(16个)egg, hamburger, donut, French fries, pizza, bread, cake, cereal, porridge, sugar, hot dog, sandwich, noodles, dumplings, soup, rice,

肉meat(5个)beef, chicken, pork, fish, lamb,

方位(8个) north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest

基数词 one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, twenty-one, twenty-two, one hundred,

序数词 first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth, thirtieth, fortieth, fiftieth, sixtieth, seventieth, eightieth, ninetieth, twenty- first, twenty- second,…. one hundredth,


十四 单数变复数 this----these that----those is/am---are she/it/he----they I----we you---you foot---feet tooth---teeth sheep---sheep stomach----stomachs peach----peaches beach---beaches

A bus driver----bus drivers a pair of shoes--- two pairs of shoes

A bottle of water----two bottles of water

冀教版英语七年级上册 篇2

Mothers and Fathers Are Special

First part:Mother’s Day.


1.知识与技能:掌握本课单词及短语alive, hero, take care of, experiment, fill, upside, scientific, method.

2.过程与方法:通过中心话题“Mother’s Day”, 及配套的PPT课件和图片来直观导入新课, 培养学生学会感恩。

3.情感、态度与价值观:Family的含义。培养学生学会感恩, 培养学生细致观察的能力。


1.alive, hero, take care of, experiment, fill, upside, scientific, method的用法。

2.What day is Mother’s Day?Mother’s Day is the second Sunday in May every year.

3.How do people celebrate it?Give presents to their mothers, or make a special breakfast for their mothers.


多媒体课件, 视频。


本单元的中心话题是“Mother’s Day”。整个单元的设计围绕这一主题展开。学生通过关注家人、亲情和沟通, 主要是感恩教育。通过课堂项目和故事, 学生复习已学词汇和学习新词汇, 熟练针对这些话题进行交流。


学生在之前已经学习了本单元的部分词汇, 并预习了本课。通过前五个单元的基础学习, 对理解本单元的知识点有一定的帮助。本单元的中心话题是“Mother’s Day”, 学生对这方面的内容有所了解, 但理解不够深刻。所以本单元的主要教学方法是, 挑本单元的重难点讲, 单独板书, 重点强调。尽可能多地以图片和视频的方式教学, 来加深学生对本来陌生事物的印象, 从而提高记忆能力。


alive, hero, take care of的用法。


1.听故事, 看图片answer me the question.How do you like the story?

2.导入新课, 看视频, 画出重点。


(1) People give______gifts______ (礼物) to their mothers.

(2) In England people__celebrate_____ (庆祝) “Mothering Sunday”.

(3) In North America, people do___special____ (特别) things for their parents.

(4) They also try___to help______ (帮助) mothers all day.

(5) Their mothers are still_______. (活着的)

(6) In the______ (17世纪) they began to use machines.


(1) It was amazing that the little baby was still. (活着的)

(2) These soldiers are______. (英雄)

(3) We should______ (照顾) our mothers when they are old.

九、板书设计 (略)

十、教学反思 (略)


冀教版英语七年级上册 篇3

1. Topic: How to keep healthy

2. Teaching Aim: According to Unit Five, write an article about how to keep healthy.

3. Key Points: Teach students to use effective sentences to write a good composition.

4. Teaching Method: Discuss in groups


任务前——Review and make a summary


Teacher: Boys and girls, do you want to be healthy? Do you know how to keep healthy? I want to know your ideas. So, this class we’ll write an article: How to keep healthy.

Teacher: Can you remember the language points about health in Unit 5? Let’s talk about them together.(Ask the students to say one by one) e.g.


Step 1: Discuss in group of four

Teacher: You did a good job. Next, you’ll work in group of four to discuss the following questions:

1. Why does someone often feel tired and weak? And why does he/she often have a cold ?

2. If you are ill, what should you do?

3. Which habits are good/bad?

4. Which food is healthy/unhealthy?

5. If you want to be healthy, what should you do?

The teacher goes around the classroom during their discussion. If they have new words, encourage them to use a dictionary. After they finish.

Teacher: OK, let’s share your answers. (Ask one of the group members to read their answers to the whole class,

Step 2: Oral composition

Teacher: Well done! Now let’s discuss how to write the article. (讨论怎样开头、结尾,中间怎样展开,然后小组由组长带领口头操练,鼓励每个成员大胆说,勇于开口。)有的小组成员练习中还巧妙地使用了first, second, then, next, at last ... 等连接词。

Step 3: Writing (在讨论和口头练习的基础上,形成书面文字。)

(Let the whole class write their own articles according to their oral practice. The teacher moves around the classroom affording support as needed.)


(1) 自评:通读全文,对自己的作文进行修改;

(2) 互评:小组之间互评(指出词、句、标点等错误)。

Teacher: OK. I’ll ask two students to show your work, the others listen carefully and see if they have mistakes.

Present two students’articles to the whole class as models and correct their spelling or grammar mistakes with the whole class.


Step 4: Rewriting

Write the articles in their exercise books and hand in.


1. 从教学目标来看,本节课紧扣本单元所学内容,在熟练掌握的基础上,提高了学生的写作技能,达到了预期目的.

2. 从教学方法上看,打破了传统的单调的方法,采用了group work, 学生的团结合作意识加强了,学生在互相帮助中语言交际水平得到了提高,收到了较为理想的课堂效果。

3. 整个活动过程中,教师引导学生全程参与,发挥了其主体作用,激发了写作热情。

4. 不足之处:有个别学生由于各种原因不敢开口说,参与热情不高。

5. 应搞清楚不开口学生的原因,提出相应措施。

6. 活动要规范化、常态化。

冀教版英语七年级上册 篇4

1) 句中may是情态动词。表示允许或征询对方的许可,其否定形式可以是may not ,也可以是must not /mustn’t;但表示禁止时常用must not/mustn’t。例如:

May I help you?要我帮忙吗?

May I come in,please ?请问, 我可以进来吗?

---May I go to the cinema?我可以去看电影吗?

---Yes,you may。/Not,you mustn’t. 是的,你可以去。/不,你不可以去。

注意:表示客气请求或征询意见时,也可用Can I/Could I /Could you…?句型来表达。例如:

Can I help you?要我帮忙吗?

Could you help me,please? 你能帮我一下吗?

2)句中trip是名词,意为“旅行”。a trip to Shanghai 上海之行,go on a trip to …到… 的旅行。例如:

May we go on a trip to Canada?我们可以去加拿大旅行吗?

My father will go on a trip to Wuhan. 我爸爸要去武汉旅行。

I wish you a good trip. 祝你旅行愉快。

2.But it’s the capital city of our country. 但是它是我国的首都。

1)句中but 是连词,意为“但是”。它是个表示转折意义的并列连词。例如:

I like apples but my mother doesn’t. 我爱吃苹果,但我妈妈不爱吃。

The box is large but light. 这个盒子大,但很轻。

Playing basketball is difficult but interesting. 打篮球很难,但很有趣。

2)句中city是名词,意思是“城市”。“the city of+表示地点的名词”相当于“表示地点的名词+city”。例如:

Beijing city=the city of Beijing 北京市

Tianjin city=the city of Tianjin 天津市

3. 1)You’re too young to go.你太小还不能去。

句中too是副词,意思是“太”。too…to…表示否定的含义,意为“太…而不能…”,其中too之后接形容词或副词,to 之后接动词原形,构成不定式短语。例如:

It’s too hot today. 今天太热了。

This shirt is too small for me. 这件衬衫我穿太小了。

The boy is too young to go to school. 这个男孩太小还不能去上学。

Ann speaks too fast to understand. 安讲得太快,(别人)听不懂。

2)You can go,too. 你也去。


I’m fine,too. 我也很好。

You can go on a trip to Beijing,too. 你也可以去北京旅行。

4. But Beijing is far from our city. 但是北京离我们市太远了。

句中far from 意为“离…远“。例如:

The school is far from here.学校离这儿很远。

5. It’s only two hundred seventy-eight kilometers from Shijiazhuang to Beijing.从石家庄到北京只有二百七十八公里。

1) 句中only 是副词,意为“仅;只”。only 在句中的位置不同,它所修饰的成分就不同,句意也就不同。例如:

Only I go to school with Tom on Monday. 星期一,只有我和汤姆一起去上学。(没有别人和汤姆一起)

I only go to school with Tom on Monday. 星期一,我只是和汤姆一起去上学。(“我们”没有一起做其他的事)

I go to school with Tom only on Monday. 我只有星期一和汤姆一起去上学。(其他时候“我”不和汤姆一起去上学)

2)句中from…to…意为“从…到…”, 既可以加表示时间概念的词,又可以加表示空间概念的词。例如:

from ten to eleven 从十点到十一点

This letter is from Jenny to her teacher.这封信是詹妮寄给她的老师的。

It’s very far from Shijiazhuang to Shenzhen. 从石家庄到深圳很远。

6.go shopping 去购物。同意短语:do some/the shopping 或buy sth in a shop。例如:

go shopping everyday 每天去店铺买东西。

I often go shopping on Sunday. 我经常在周日去购物。

拓展:go+v.-ing 意为“去做某事”例如;go swimming 去游泳,go skating 去滑冰,go boating 去划船,go fishing 去钓鱼。

7. You are a good boy,and you work hard in school.你是个好孩子,并且你在学校学习很用功。

句中hard 是副词,意为“努力地”。另外hard 也可以作形容词意为“硬的, 坚固的”、“困难的,费力的”、“辛苦的,艰难的”。例如:

work hard 努力工作

hard work 很累人的工作

The ice is not hard enough to skate on. 这块冰不够结实,不能在上面划。

These questions are too hard. 这些问题太难了。

Thank you for your hard work. 感谢诸位的辛苦工作。

8. Great!太好了!great 是形容词(用于口语)好极了;非常愉快的。表示赞同、赞扬或兴奋的感情。例如:

That’s great!太好了!

great 还有“巨大的;伟大的”之意。例如:a great man 伟人;the Great Wall 长城

9. May I eat in restaurant? 我可以在饭店吃饭吗?

eat 是动词“吃”。可作及物动词,表示具体吃某东西。例如:

eat bread 吃面包

冀教版英语七年级上册 篇5

三会:cereal cabbagewaitress can coke clerk takeout tip P.S.(=postscript) 附言,又及)

常考短语:a glass/cup ofhave to put on be full of write down take to a can/bottle of

corner store take down pass aroundbe away get enough rest watch TV every day too much


1. What would you like(to do)?Would you like…?

2. Are you ready to order?

3. How much are the noodles?

4. Can I help you ?

5. It’s time for… Time for… Time/It’s time to do sth It’s time for sb to do sth

6. take sb to +地名

7. be ready to do sth be ready forsth

8. Here is/are…

9. keep+名词、代词+形容词





冀教版英语七年级上册 篇6

1. mastery words: wait, drink, fruit, grape, thirsty, bottle

2. a dialogue about having lunch on the train

3. What would you like?

I would like …..

4. Plural Forms of Nouns

Teaching goals: At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:

1. Understand the meaning of the text

2. Remember the mastery words in this lesson

3. find and use the list mastery vocabulary in lesson 16

Key points: 1. express your favourite

2. Some useful expressions

3. Plural Forms of Nouns

Difficult points: how to express your favourite

How to express some liquid things

Teaching aids: word cards of different food, flash cards, audiotape, and slide projector

Type: text

Teaching procedure

1. Warming up

1) Greetings in everyday English.

2) Duty report (about weather, your classmates, your teacher and so on)

3) Mainly revision of last lesson

2. New lesson

Step1 Lead in

Discuss the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”

Do you like to eat lunch on the train or bus?

What do you like to eat when you travel?

Let the students learn to express themselves freely.

We are going to learn a text today. Let’s look at what Li Ming and his friends want to eat on the train?

Step2 Listen to the tape with the following questions.

What do Danny, Jenny and Li Ming want to eat?

What did Wu Li buy on the train?

What is a snack?

Answer the questions with the students and discuss the whole text to make sure they understand the meaning of the text. Deal with the language points at the same time. The teacher can use blackboard or the slid projector to help the teaching.

Step 3. Listen to the audiotape again and let the students read after it and pay attention to the pronunciation.

Step 4. Have them read the text for a few minutes and then ask them to act out the dialogue in roles.

Step 5. Practice: LET’S DO IT

In a small group, make a menu for the train. What foods can you buy on the train? How much do they cost? Write the menu on a piece of paper. Practice using the menu with your classmates.

Divide the class into pairs. Each pair makes up a dialogue about being thirsty and wanting something to drink. The students can use their flashcards to represent drinks.

Step 6 A test


1)一杯茶 _______ 2) 一杯水______ 3) 一箱子鸡蛋________

4) 一瓶汽水________ 5) 五瓶热水 _______ 6) 十位女教师 _______

7) 九位男医生_______ 8) 三张票 _________ 9) 两个儿童 ________

Step 7 Exercise

If time permits, do Number 2 in activity book.

3. Homework

1) understand the meaning of the text of lesson 12

2) finish the activity book in lesson 12

冀教版英语七年级上册 篇7

1.知识与技能:识别常见天气符号, 读懂卫星云图, 初步学会预报天气;了解天气、气候与人类的密切关系, 知道“天气”和“气候”的区别, 能正确使用这两个术语;学会安排不同天气下的户外活动。

2.过程与方法:通过日常生活情境的设计和师生的互动, 学生学会体验地理在生活中的作用, 了解地理的功能与价值所在。

3.情感态度与价值观:通过对地理的功能与价值的了解, 激起对地理的兴趣;通过对天气及空气质量的了解, 树立环保意识, 形成可持续发展观念。


重点:识别常见天气符号, 读懂卫星云图, 初步学会预报天气。



本节课利用多媒体辅助教学, 贴近生活实际是上好本节课的关键。课堂开头即设计情境, 通过CAI课件直切主题, 以生活事例激发兴趣, 启发学生学习对生活有用的地理, 对终身发展有用的地理。落实教学目标, 同时体现他们的主体作用, 实现“在学习中游戏, 在游戏中学习”的课堂新境界和“以学生活动为主, 教师讲述为辅, 学生活动在前, 教师点拨评价在后”的教学新原则。根据本人授课的实际需要, 将教材顺序作了小幅调整。


【情境导入】昨天, 郊区一中七年级一班的同学可高兴啦, 因为终于盼到了区气象台的公众开放日, 他们要到气象台去参观学习。早上8点, 他们就在地理老师的带领下, 第一批来到了气象台的接待室。在接待室一面宽大的多媒体屏幕上, 他们看到了这样一段话 (课件演示) :

请说出下面两段话中时间和变化频率的特点, 结合天气和气候的概念以及特点, 推断这两段话描写的是天气还是气候:1.前些天还暖和得如同阳春三月, 昨天清早, 气温骤然变冷, 空中布满了铅色的阴云。中午, 凛冽的寒风刮起来了, 呼呼地刮了整整一个下午。黄昏时分, 风停了, 就下起鹅毛般的大雪来。2.对于一个在北平住惯的人, 像我, 冬天要是不刮风, 便觉得是奇迹;济南的冬天是没有风声的。对于一个刚由伦敦回来的人, 像我, 冬天要能看得见日光, 便觉得是怪事;济南的冬天是响晴的。——老舍《济南的冬天》

大家正看着, 接待员小姐出现了, 她告诉大家, 台长伯伯交代, 要按要求回答好问题之后才能继续参观, 否则原路返回。为了避免一中的同学不能参观, 请同学们一起帮他们解答吧。 (1.时间短, 多变——天气。2.时间长, 稳定——气候。)

一中的同学回答完后很高兴, 谁知接待员小姐又出示了另外的问题 (课件演示) :


1.今天的 () 真好, 晴空万里, 凉风习习。2.我们外出旅行一定要注意 () 的变化, 以免在旅途过程中留下遗憾。3.由于人们长期大量地向大气中排放温室气体, 因此造成全球 () 变暖, 冰川消融, 海平面上升。4.我国海南省的 () 终年炎热, 长夏无冬。5.强冷空气今晚进入广西, 将带来大风降温的 () , 同学们要做好防寒保暖措施。6.南宁市位于广西南部, 地处亚热带, 北回归线以南, 这里一年四季阳光充足, 雨量充沛, () 温和, 夏长冬短, 年平均气温在21.6℃左右。


1.暴风骤雨2.风和日丽3.四季如春4.阴转多云5.东边日出西边雨6.清明时节雨纷纷7.夜来风雨声, 花落知多少8.人间四月芳菲尽, 山寺桃花始盛开

没办法, 同学们再帮帮他们吧。 (学生抢答, 互相纠错并说明理由, 教师适时进行表扬)

【承转】接待员小姐的脸上终于露出了满意的笑容, 一行人走进了天气会商室, 聆听了气象专家讲解天气信息是如何搜集到这里进行分析、判断, 作出预报结论的。在这里, 他们看到了气象卫星传回的卫星云图。 (演示卫星云图动画)

【讨论回答】同学们应该也经常收看天气预报节目, 没少见过卫星云图, 你能否判断未来两天我区的天气状况?说出你的理由。 (根据学生的回答显示———绿色表示陆地;蓝色表示海洋, 能从太空看到陆地和海洋, 说明天气晴朗;白色表示云雨区, 白色越浓降水量越大。补充指出:春秋季发生在我国北方、西北地区的沙尘天气, 则用黄颜色表示。)

【承转】从会商室出来, 一行人又来到了气象影视中心, 在这里, 广西电视台天气预报栏目的主持人向他们演示了电视天气预报的制作过程。听完介绍, 接待员小姐又给了他们一个惊喜:可以过把当天气预报节目主持人的瘾!条件是除了能读懂卫星云图外, 还必须会识别天气符号, 五分钟内记忆符号最多的前十五位同学将获得机会。我们也来试试吧。 (演示常见天气符号)

(学生把答案写在纸上, 五分钟后检查结果) 跟你们一样, 一中的同学问题最多也出在风矢图, (演示风矢图) 介绍风矢图的表示方法。

(演示反馈练习) 请同学们判断出符号所代表的风向和风级。 (学生抢答, 并互相纠错)

(演示我区主要城市天气预报图) 那十五位同学在大家羡慕的目光中走到录影棚镜头前, 实实在在地过了一把“天气预报”主持人的瘾。让我们也来试一试! (学生模拟活动)

天气和气候对人类生产生活、军事科研等都有着重大的影响, (课件演示:59页漫画) (讨论回答) 下列天气条件下从事这样的活动合适吗?为什么? (只要说得有道理都给予肯定)

【承转】在12121气象信息中心, 大家了解了气象服务信息的发布流程, 也因此知道了通过哪些手段可以了解天气预报, 除了看电视以外, 你知道的还有哪些? (学生举手回答:报纸、电台、电话121查询、手机短信、网络等)

【承转】一行人最后来到了大气环境监测中心, 在这里, 他们知道了大气环境监测的重要意义, 知道了表示空气质量的几个指标。同学们也来看一看, 空气质量级别高低和空气质量状况的好坏与污染指数的关系 (播放课件:59页空气质量日报表)

学生讨论回答 (污染指数相差50就相差一个级别, 空气质量越好, 污染指数越低……)

【活动】分组讨论, 代表发言:生活中有很多造成大气污染的行为, 常见的有哪些?我们可以采取哪些措施避免或减轻大气污染? (教师简单总结点评——植树造林、整顿污染企业、提倡使用清洁能源、禁止焚烧农作物秸秆、在学校开设环保课、限制机动车尾气排放……) 课堂小结:本节课你学到了哪些东西?还有什么问题要和大家一起探讨?

五、板书设计: (小结后课件演示)


(一) 气候

(二) 天气预报

1. 卫星云图

2. 天气符号

3. 大气环境监测

六、课件演示巩固练习, 快速抢答



冀教版英语七年级上册 篇8


中图分类号:G633.41?摇 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674-9324(2012)12-0225-02

新的国家英语课程标准体现了素质教育的思想,与以往关注基本知识和基本技能相比,更强调培养学生外语学习的兴趣和自信心,培养学生良好的学习习惯和有效的学习策略以及跨文化交际的意识,为学生终身学习打下基础。河北教育出版社和加拿大DC国际交流中心组织中外专家编写的《Learning English》系列正是顺应了教学改革的趋势和新时代的要求,体现了英语教学改革的新理念和新教法。














冀教版英语七年级上册 篇9

1. mastery words: get, get on, very, stop, stand, where, see, mana dialogue about getting on the train

2. the usage of word look and see

Teaching goals:

1. understand the meaning of the text

2. learn some mastery words

Teaching key points: difference of see and look

The usage of imperative Sentence

Difficult points: the usage of Imperative Sentence

Teaching aids: recorder, slide projector, flashcards

Type : text

Teaching procedure

1. Class opening

1) Greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly.

2) duty report (such as the weather, the school life, their classmates and teachers and so on)

3) check yesterday’s homework

2. New lesson

Step1 Lead in

Discuss the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”

Do you argue with your friends? Why?

Do you have a friend who gets very excited? Who? Why?

Answer the questions and say “We are going to learn a dialogue today. Li Ming and his friends are looking for their seats on the train. Danny sits on a wrong seat. So there is an argument. Now let’s look at it.

Step2 Listen to the text with the following questions:

Why is Jenny angry with Danny?

Which is Danny’s seat?

Step3 After listening to the tape, answer the questions and read through the whole text. Make sure they understand the meaning. Deal with the language points at the same time. ( using the slide projector)

Step4 Listen to the tape again and let the students read after it.

Step5 Practice

Have them read the dialogue aloud and correct their pronunciation if necessary. Then have them act it out in roles.

Step6 Come to “LET’S DO IT”: Draw a map of the inside of a train. Draw the seats and write their numbers. You should also draw the door, washroom, stairs and hot water room on the map. Describe your map to a partner. Where do you like to sit? Why?

Do this part in class if time permits.

Step7 A test

1. I see him ____ away.

A. to run B. run C. runs D. ran

2. I _____ but ____ nothing.

A. looked, looked B. looked , saw

C. saw, looked D. saw, saw

3. The ____ behind the tree is Mary’s father.

A. man B. woman C. boy D. girl

Step8 Summary

Today we learn a dialogue about getting on the train. Hl Ming and his friends get on the train. They are very excited. Danny sits on the wrong seat. He takes another man’s seat. He has an argument with Jenny. In this text we learn some words such as look and see. We should be able to use them. You must practice after class.

3. Homework

1) Understand the meaning of the text

2) Learn to use the mastery words

3) Finish the exercise in the activity book
