


高一寒假作业作文 篇1






高一语文寒假作业书里的作文 篇2

阶段是我们一生中学习的“黄金时期”。 同学们应该怎样度过这个寒假尤其重要。“凡事预则立,不预则废”,科学性地安排好每天的作息时间,有计划地度过寒假。适当的放弃一些玩乐也是为了更多的收获和进步,愿你假期能主动“充电”,做到“四勤”:勤读书,勤思考,勤积累,勤写作。









1、找喜欢的情节或故事3-5个以上,在积累本上概括其情节(100字左右)。2、抄写《红楼梦》回目(即每章标题);写出金陵十二钗的名字,判词;收集自己喜欢的诗词。 3、摘录36位英雄好汉的姓名、绰号,并想想绰号的由来。写出其中六位以上英雄人物的5个以上故事名称。4、写出《三国演义》中六位以上英雄人物的5个以上故事名称。

















高一寒假作业检测 篇3


1.______ two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend.A.With B.Besides C.As for D.Because of 2.I thought her nice and honest ______ I met her.A.first time B.for the first time C.the first time D.by the first time 3.It’s believed that if a book is ______ it will surely ______ the reader.A.interested;interest B.interesting;be interested C.interesting;interest D.interested;be interesting 4.Don’t be angry.Please ______.A.take down B.die down C.slow down D.calm down 5.—Shall we go to the art exhibition right away?--______.A.It’s your opinion B.I don’t mind C.It’s all up to you D.That’s your decision 6.______ your savings so fast, or you’ll end up as a beggar.A.Quit to spend B.To quit to spend C.Quit spending D.Quitting spending 7.It’s already 9 o’clock and Mother ______ step in any moment.A.probably B.is possible C.is likely D.is probable to 8.I like this English songs and they ______ many times on the radio.A.taught B.have taught C.are taught D.have been taught 9.You didn’t let me drive, if we ______ in turn, you ______ so tired.A.drove;didn’t get B.drove;wouldn’t get C.were driving;wouldn’t get D.had driven;would not have got 10.—Where will you start your work after graduation?--Mm, it’s not been decided yet.I ______ continue my study for a higher degree.A.need B.must C.would D.might 第二节:完形填空(30分)

“You can learn English more efficiently(高效率地)if you spend 20 minutes a day for a week than if you spend two hours a day.” This is what a teacher usually says when he tells his students ___1___ allot(分配)their time.But is it true? Suppose you have a bucket ___2___ a small hole in its bottom.Now you are asked ___3___ the bucket with the water in a basin.If you are too little a boy to lift the basin ___4___ water, you are sure ___5___ use of a bowl or something alike.You will dip out the water from the basin with the bowl and ___6___ it into the bucket.You may dip from the basin again and again.However, you will soon ___7___ that as soon as you pour a bowl of water into the bucket, most of the water leaks out through the ___8___, so you are ___9___ able to fill up the bucket this way.On the contrary, if you are an adult, you will undoubtedly ___10___ the basin and pour the whole basin of water into the bucket at once.Now, the bucket is full.Though the water in it is also leaking out, you at least have filled up the bucket with water.If you want

英语试卷(第 1 页)共 6 页

___11___ the bucket full, you only ___12___ add a bowl of water now and then.The same is true of English learning.Let us ___13___ a simple example.If you learn 10 new words today, you are most likely to remember nine___14___.But if you try to learn 30 words today, though you may forget ___15___ more than one word, you may still be able to remember 11 or 12 words tomorrow.Day in and day ___16___, you will be able to remember a large number of words, ___17___ you may forget some of them.In short, the more time you spend at a time, the more you will learn on the whole.Of course, ___18___ time you spend each time must be ___19___ the limit that you do not exhaust(使筋疲力尽)___20___.1.A.what to B.when to C.to D.how to 2.A.with B.on C.about D.in 3.A.filling up B.to pour C.to fill up D.pouring 4.A.of full B.filling with C.with D.full of 5.A.making B.to make C.to D.of 6.A.throw B.pour C.dip D.catch 7.A.see B.watch C.look D.find 8.A.hole B.bowl C.bucket D.basin 9.A.easily B.slowly C.never D.fast 10.A.put B.rise C.place D.lift 11.A.to remain B.remaining C.keeping D.to keep 12.A.can B.have to C.must D.may 13.A.take B.to take C.took D.taking 14.A.yesterday B.tomorrow C.ago D.before 15.A.bit B.little C.fairly D.far 16.A.away B.out C.ago D.before 17.A.but B.though C.however D.in spite 18.A.the amount of B.the more C.the number of D.a great deal of 19.A.in B.within C.among D.inside 20.A.yourself B.oneself C.you D.the learner 第三节:阅读理解(40分)


thMother Teresa was born in Yugoslavia, on August 27, 1910.She attended the government school near her home until she was eighteen.At that time doctors and nurses from Yugoslavia were working in India, and they often wrote to the school about their work.She decided to join them one day.When she finished school, she went first to Britain.Then a year later she went to India, where she began to train to be a teacher.After training, she was sent to Calcutta, where she taught geography at a school and soon after became headmistress(女校长).However, although she loved teaching, in 1946, Mother Teresa left the school and went to work in the poor parts of Calcutta.Later she trained to become a nurse in Patna, and then began her work helping the poor and comforting the dying in the streets of the city.Slowly, others came to help her, and her work spread to other parts of India.Mother Teresa is now a well-known person.Many photos of her have been taken as she travels the world to open new schools and hospitals in poor countries.In 1979, she was given the Nobel Peace Prize for the lifetime of love and service she has given to the poor.英语试卷(第 2 页)共 6 页

1.Where did Mother Teresa receive her education? A.In Yugoslavia and India.B.In Yugoslavia and Britain.C.In Britain and India.D.In Yugoslavia, Britain and India.2.What first inspired Mother Teresa to work in India? A.Her visits to the poor parts of Calcutta.B.Her visit to Britain after she left school.C.The medical worker’s letters to her school.D.The work of the nurses in the city of Patna.3.Mother Teresa gave up teaching because she wanted ______.A.to look after the poor B.to travel to poor countries C.to build hospitals for the poor D.to train nurses to care for the poor 4.Mother Teresa is now famous because she has ______.A.saved many poor people in India B.helped to bring about world peace C.helped to make India a more peaceful place D.taken care of many poor people in the world

B Addiction(沉溺)to a TV screen is similar to drug or alcohol addiction: people almost never believe they are addicted.Answer these questions about your television habits: a.Do you come home from school or work and immediately turn on the TV set? b.Do you watch more than ten hours of TV a week? c.Can you concentrate for only fifteen to twenty minutes before you need to take a break? d.Do you feel closer to actors on the screen than to real people in your own life? e.Do you feel lazy and sleepy when you watch TV programs? f.Do you believe that the products that you see on commercials can make you happier? g.Are you dissatisfied with your life because it isn’t exciting? If you answered “yes” to these questions, you probably have a TV addiction!The “cure” is to throw away the set, or to take some scissors and cut the cord.5.Which of the following most probably has the meaning of the word “addiction”? A.Dependence on;the state of being unable to stop doing something.B.Dissatisfaction with.C.Impatience with.D.Attracted to.6.All below are “signs” of TV addiction except ______.A.a set that you have on for about one hour a day B.the need to turn on the set as soon as you come home C.a feeling of closeness to TV actors D.a feeling of dissatisfaction with your life 7.The best “cute”of addiction to a TV screen is ______.A.to throw away the TV set B.to cut the thin rope or string C.to cut the wire for joining electrical apparatus D.not to watch TV 8.The best topic for this passage is ______.A.Not to Watch TV Again

英语试卷(第 3 页)共 6 页

B.Throw Away Your TV set C.Television Addiction, Its Signs and the Cute of it D.Watch TV Programs As Much As You Like

C After 13 years’efforts, China has finally taken a big step toward the WTO after it signed an agreement with the US on Monday.Called a “win-win” deal, the agreement is to benefit China’s economic reforms(经济改革)and US job market.China still needs to negotiate(协商)with other trade partners like the EU(European Union)to make ensure its entry, but the deal is a major green light.9.This news mainly tells that ______.A.China is having talks with the US on its entry into the WTO B.China has successfully been accepted into the WTO C.an agreement between China and the US has been reached on China’s entry to the WTO D.the great importance of China’s entry into the WTO 10.What does a “win-win”deal mean? A.China has won a double victory.B.Both sides have won in the end.C.An unexpected gain for either side.D.A total gain without any loss for either side.11.What does that last sentence of this news suggest? A.China still has a long and difficult way to go before its entry into the WTO.B.The future road to China’s entry into the WTO would be much smoother.C.China’s final entry into the WTO is out of question> D.The future talks to solve the problem still takes time.D Cross was what people call a mystery(神秘的)man.We had known him for over five years, even since he became a member of our club.But he had a way of keeping his personal life to himself in all but unimportant facts.We knew his address, though he did not ever invite us to his home, and his age too, but only small matters of this kind.It appeared that he did not have to work for a living as we did.He had once mentioned a piece of property left by someone on which he managed to live comfortably.He was not, however, a man of luxurious(奢侈的)habits: he was not especially well-dressed and he did not even have a car.At the age of forty-five he was still single, since marriage was not a subject(话题)he ever discussed.We had no means of finding out whether he regretted the lack of a wife.Cross disappeared suddenly from our circle shortly after we came to learn the first really meaningful facts about our mystery man.From reports that appeared in the newspapers, together with photographs of a man who was, without any doubt, our Mr.Cross, it was discovered that he was a most skilled housebreaker, operating mainly in the London area;and that he had practised this for many years, until he was caught and sent to prison.12.Cross’personal life ______.A.didn’t exist B.wasn’t important C.was kept secret D.wasn’t easy 13.It seemed that Cross ______.A.had different jobs B.had lost his job

英语试卷(第 4 页)共 6 页

C.lived only for his work D.had enough money without working 14.Cross was ______.A.a thief B.an escaped prisoner C.a newsman D.a photographer 15.Cross worked ______.A.only in London B.mostly in London C.near London D.away from London 第四节:单词拼写(10分)

1.To write a good essay you must first to o______ your ideas.2.How amazing it is!We can find no word to d______ the beauty of the scene.3.The teacher wants the children to feel c______ about asking questions when they don’t understand.4.They d______ the room with flowers and balloons.5.I think the warm c______ of this city is good for your health.6.Shanghai became the most ______(吸引人的)city in China.7.We reached our ______(目的地), tired and hungry.8.In this way we can better ______(应用)theory to practice.9.We can’t ______(竞争)with that supermarket on price.10.As soon as we arrived on the island we were eager to ______(探险)。第五节:书面表达(20分)

你在2011年暑假游览了厦门。用英语写了一篇题目为“Xiamen-Garden on the Sea”的报道,介绍厦门,寄给《21世纪英语报—中学生版》,希望能在“学生习作”栏中刊登。内容要求如下:

1.厦门是一座美丽的城市,以“海上花园”闻名于世。2.厦门花草、树木遍地,享有“绿岛”之美名。3.厦门鼓浪屿(Gulangyu Isle)是我国重点风景区之一。最佳景点日光岩(the Sun-lit Rock),古树环绕。登上岩顶,可以观赏到厦门全景(the whole view)。

4.在游览风景的过程中,一路上可以逛商店,买到当地的特产(local products)。5.近十年来,厦门变化很大。正在发展成为具有现代工业的经济特区(a special economic zone)。

Xiamen-Garden on the Sea ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

英语试卷(第 5 页)共 6 页



班级: 姓名: 分数:

第一节:单项选择 第二节:完形填空 第三节:阅读理解 第四节:单词拼写 1.______ 1.______ 1.______ 1.o______ 2.______ 2.______ 2.______ 2.d______ 3.______ 3.______ 3.______ 3.c______ 4.______ 4.______ 4.______ 4.d______ 5.______ 5.______ 5.______ 5.c______ 6.______ 6.______ 6.______ 6.______ 7.______ 7.______ 7.______ 7.______ 8.______ 8.______ 8.______ 8.______ 9.______ 9.______ 9.______ 9.______ 10.______ 10.______ 10.______ 10.______ 11.______ 11.______ 12.______ 12.______ 13.______ 13.______ 14.______ 14.______ 15.______ 15.______ 16.______ 17.______ 18.______ 19.______ 20.______

高一语文寒假作业 篇4





















高一数学寒假作业答案 篇5


当x=-3时有最大值 ;当x=3时有最小值 ,

由 , ,

当x=-3时有最大值6;当x=3时有最小值-6. 8

(3)由 , 是奇函数

原不等式就是 10

由(2)知 在[-2,2]上是减函数

原不等式的解集是 12

22.解:(1)由数据表知 ,

(3)由于船的吃水深度为7米,船底与海底的距离不少于4.5米,故在船航行时水深 米,令 ,得 .

解得 .

取 ,则 ;取 ,则 .

高一英语寒假作业答案 篇6

1-5 ABCAD 6-10 ADAAC

11-15 BDBBA 16-20 BBDCB

21-25 CCADB 26-30 DBACC

二 、选择适当的单词和短语填空

1.sounded like/ looked like 2. was used to/used to 3. because of /because

4. funny /fun 5. took /spent 6. prepared for /prepare

三 填空

1. challenging 2 preparing 3. relax 4. delaying

5. watching 6. play, taking 7. have made

8. to be informed


1.Send the short message to 1659,and you will get a wonderful gift for free

2. Can you tell me the way you study English ?

3. To surf the Internet at home at the weekends sounds like a good idea .

4. In the past four years , My English had improved a lot .

5. On hearing the news , he cried

6. As English teachers , we should do all we can to develop the students’ interest in learning English

7. Don’t miss the chance to go abroad ,or you will regret .



高一寒假语文预习作业 篇7

A.辟谣/鞭辟入里 恫吓/杀鸡吓猴 参劾/参透机关

B.躯壳/甲壳动物 划价/划一不二 档次/安步当车

C.果脯/惊魂甫定 翘楚/翘首而望 剽悍/骠勇善战

D.提挈/锲而不舍 阆苑/琳琅满目 洗濯/擢发难数

1.B(A.p,h/xi,cān;B.qio,hu,d C.fǔ,qio,piāo/piD.qi,lng/lng,zhu)






高一语文寒假作业参考答案 篇8



1.A “他们能够摆脱低俗”说法绝对,应该是“他们基本能够摆脱低俗”。

2.2.B“很是痛心疾首”不当,对象错位,这不是作者的态度,而是有些人的态度。3.D “因为这是他们创新能力的体现,应该提倡”以偏概全。4.B 竟:最终








10.(1)怅寥廓(2)她彷徨在这寂寥的雨巷,/撑着油纸伞(3)向青草更青处漫溯(4)风萧萧兮易水寒(5)然而造化又常常为庸人设计 11.(1)AD(A项,由原文中的“始终没能完成”可知,“等了一个花甲他才将其汇编出来”表述错误。D项,以偏概全,根据原文可知,“论敌,以及清朝政府、北洋军阀、资本主义、帝国主义、国民党右派等”是鲁迅的有形的对手,另外他还有“绵亘数千年的黑暗”、“被黑暗同化了的‘奴性集体无意识’”、“麻木怯懦的‘看客’心理”、“在黑暗中疯狂滋生的,仇‘新’戮‘异’的全社会排他力量”、“混沌一团的国民性”等无形的对手。)





13.D【解析】A 搭配不当和表意不明,只有“挖掘机”才能“挖土”,这些机器车辆,也不可能自动听指挥,可改为:“他看到建筑工地上的挖掘机、装载机和十几辆翻斗车正在工作人员的操作下工作。B语序错误,应先“研究”后“制定”。C项语序不当,“虽然”应放在“枸杞子”之后。

14.C【解析】本题考查学生语言表达连贯的能力。第一空根据前面货币内容应填关于情感价值的内容,故选③;第二空根据前面情感内容应填关于货币价值的内容,故选①。第三、四空根据饥寒困境,选填⑥⑤,⑥照应“饥”,⑤照应“寒”;同理,最后两空先④后②。15.(5分)莫言获奖实至名归 高一语文寒假作业三



5.D(都是结构助词“的”。A项前者解释为“用”;后是介词,表动作、行为产生的原因,“因”“由于”。B项前是连词,解释为“和”。后者是动词,交往。C 前者解释为“怎么”,后者译为“哪里”)



(2)现在天下确实是太平无事,但宴饮游乐却无节制,大臣们多次醉酒,失掉了庄严的仪容举止,这不是用来加重朝廷的权威的做法啊。(“诚”译为“确实”,“所以”,译为“用来„„的方法”;“重朝廷”,译为“加重朝廷的权威”、“提高朝廷的威望”; 各1分,语句通顺2分)




10.(1 逝者如斯

盈虚者如彼 2)内无应门五尺之僮









14、.C、(A项“不绝如缕” 形容形势十分危急,或指声音微弱而悠长。或在某方面继承者稀少。此处不当。B项“形影相吊 ” 是指只有自己的身子和影子在一起互相慰问。形容非常孤单,没有伴侣。不合语境。C项“日薄西山”指太阳快要落山。比喻人到老年或腐朽的事物衰败接近灭亡。此处恰当。D项“情随事迁”是指情况变了,思想感情也随着起了变化。感情随着事物的变化而变化。与题意不符。)










11. B、C(选对一个2分,选对两个4分,多选一个扣2分。B为比拟;C这种说法仅仅是作者的猜测,并非大家的共识。)12.(1)意在说明阆中是一个适于古人审美趋向的所在。(阆中是难得一遇的精神故园。)(2)意在突出阆中具有悠久的历史积淀和浓郁的人文气息。(3)给文章内容增添了厚度和内涵。13.幽静(环境清幽,生活宁静),秀美(景致动人,风景如画),古典(古朴,历史悠久,民风淳朴),神秘(神奇故事,充满传奇色彩),丰饶,宜居。(答对三点即可)14.(1)以时间和游踪为序。白天,穿行街巷,站在滕王阁远眺街巷、嘉陵江和桑林,再穿行大院作坊;夜间,江中行舟。(2)记游过程中,穿插了大量的联想和想象内容。15.(1)运用了以声衬静的写法,用隐约飘来的嘉陵江号子凸显阆中之夜的恬静而美好;(2)嘉陵江的号子呼应了上文的提到的川江号子,让文章结构严谨,浑然天成;(3)戛然而止,给读者无限的想象空间。

16.A。“颠扑不破”,比喻理论学说完全正确,不会被驳倒推翻。应为“牢不可破”。17.C。A项 “近30余万人”,语意矛盾。B项偷换主语,可在“影迷们”前加“让”。D项误用“但是”,前后分句间没有转折关系;“前瞻性”与“超前”语义重复。


