三年级英语下册 Unit 14 Lesson 79教案 人教新起点


三年级英语下册 Unit 14 Lesson 79教案 人教新起点(共10篇)

三年级英语下册 Unit 14 Lesson 79教案 人教新起点 篇1

Unit 14 My Family 教学目标:

1.能够在本单元涉及的情景下听懂、会说有关家庭成员的名称和形容人物的单词; 2.能够认读表示家庭成员及其职业的英语单词;

3.能够在相应情景下使用本单元所学的句型,对家庭成员的职业进行提问并做出回答; 4.能够运用本单元所学句型向他人介绍自己的家庭;

5.能够在阅读训练中培养初步的阅读意识和阅读的策略,提高阅读的兴趣; 6.能够拼写有关家庭的词汇,仿写有关家庭话题内容的句子;

7.能够开展课堂活动,交换有关家庭成员的信息,进行听说读写技能训练; 8.能够使学生通过学习故事,提高朗读、理解、积极参与故事表演的能力; 9.能够通过多种练习巩固复习元音字母U在重读开、闭音节中发长音和短音; 10.能够使学生在积极表达、与人交流的实践中提高语言的感受、理解和运用能力。

Lesson 79 教学内容:

A.Look, listen and number B.Let’s talk C.Let’s write 教学目的:






教学挂图,教学录音磁带,单词卡片,学生的全家福照片 教学过程:


1.教师出示单词:dad, mom, grandma, grandpa, sister, brother,请同学读单词,帮助其他同学回忆单词;



1.出示A部分的教学挂图,教师向大家介绍Jane的一家:This is Jane.This is Jane’s family.How many people are there in Jane’s family? 2.教师带领学生一起数一数Jane的家庭成员:One, two, three…ten.带领学生朗读句子并板书There are ten people in Jane’s family.;

3.Jane的家里有十个人,让学生将会说的单词说出来,如:dad, 教师向大家解释在口语中用dad表示爸爸,但是在向别人介绍自己的家庭或在写作时应用father表示;领读单词;然后让学生根据图中的人物说一说的爸爸是什么样子的,引导学生说出:He is thin and tall.;

4.学习形容词:教师做出动作然后说:tall, 让学生在教师的语言和肢体上理解单词tall的意义,然后教师领读,并指出几名同学,让学生来进行描述,如:He is tall.I am short.5.学习其他的家庭成员单词mother, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, cousin,方法同上;


7.请同学们拿出自己的全家福照片,教师与学生进行交流: T: How many people are there in your family? S: There are three people in my family.T: Who are they? S: My father, my mother and me.T: What is your father like? S: He is big and tall.8.请学生根据自己刚才的回答,用几句话描述自己的家庭情况;然后小组内发言互相进行描述;再请学生代表说一说:There are four people in my family.They are my grandmother, my father, my mother and me.My grandmother is big.My father is tall.My mother is thin and pretty.I am short.三、读一读,写一写,掌握描述家庭的句子:





Today we learned the words about your family.We knew how to describe our family members.We did the exercise in lesson seven-nine.You did the good jobs.五、作业:

Copy the words one line each one.板书设计:

三年级英语下册 Unit 14 Lesson 79教案 人教新起点 篇2

Unit 12 lesson 71

一、教学目标: 1.情感目标:










1.The teacher shows the pictures.Let the students listen to the tape.Play the games.The teacher shows the pictures.And let the students say the words.2.The teacher teaches the new words.And make the dialogues.Let the students perform the dialogues.Two students a group to perform the dialogues.3.Play the games.and help the students to grasp the words.A.The teacher reads the words.B.Let the students show the pictures of the new words.C.The teacher let the students do the actions.D.Pair work.E.Use the pictures to play the games.1

4.Dialogues: It’s a very hot summer day.Yes, It’s going to rain.Really? Yes, look at the ants.Look at the swallows and dragonglies.Look at the fish.It’s raining.It’s cool.Go home.Listen to the tape.And then make dialogues.5.Listening.Song

三年级英语下册 Unit 14 Lesson 79教案 人教新起点 篇3



二、教学重点:Part B的操练,根据所给材料提高学生进行组织对话的能力。


2. 导入新课,A项练习:Listen and correct the wrong words.注意英语数字的表达与区别。例如35元thirty-five

100元 one hundred 等。要求学生通过录音,按着录音中的内容将图片中标错的价格修改过来。

3.B项练习,阅读书中对话,根据材料分小组演练。注意句型“我想要某物”的表达方法,I want „„

4.C项练习,Read, think and write.整体听一遍对话,教师提问:

What does Tom want to buy ?

How much are they ?

Is it cheap?

What else does Tom want to buy?


6. Part DLook and write.教师指导学生根据图片写出句子,注意书写正确。

三年级英语下册 Unit 14 Lesson 79教案 人教新起点 篇4

1七天的节日_____________________ 2聚会______________________________

3迎接新年________________________ 4有很多相同的地方__________________

5尽力去做某事____________________ 6请某人吃饭________________________

7换句话说________________________ 8作弄某人___________________________

9欺骗某人________________________ 10圣诞节后的那个礼拜_______________

Step2 Sentence transformation

1. On Nature Day people don’t allow destroying nature.

On Nature Day_________ __________ __________ nature is allowed.

2. In this book the writer tells us how the festival was born.

In this book the writer tells us about________ _______ ______ the festival.

3. Many families have a party to welcome the new year.

Many families________ ________ to________ the new year.

4. We must do our best to make our community better and more beautiful.

We must do_______ ________ _______ we can to make our community better and more beautiful.

5. It seems that I have to tell the truth.

There seems to be________ _________ ________ for me_________ to tell the truth.

Step3 Cloze

determine, marry, contain, faith, tradition, gift, appear, celebrate, blind,

affection(love), date, connect, fall, message, use, that, prison, fail , ban(禁止)

February14 is Valentine’s Day. Although it is ________ as a lover’s holiday today, with the giving of candy, flowers or other ______ between couples in love, it ______ back to 5th century Rome as a tribute(颂词称赞) to St. Valentine, a Catholic bishop(天主教主教).

Claudius had _________ that married men made poor soldiers. So he _______ marriage from his empire. But Valentine would secretly ______ young men that came to him. When Claudius found out about Valentine, he first tried to convert him to paganism(异教徒) but ____. After that, he was stoned and beheaded. During the days that Valentine was in ________, he_____ in love with the blind daughter of his jailor. His love for her, and his great ______, healed (cured) her from her_________. Before he was taken to death, he signed a farewell ________ to her,”From your Valentine.” The phrase has been ______ on his day ever since. Later it became a __________ for the men to give the ones they admired handwritten messages of _____, _____ Valentine’s name.

The reason why Cupid became ______ with the holiday is ________ he was the son of Venus, the Roman god of love and beauty. Cupid often _______ on Valentine cards.

Step4 Correction

1.In the middle of the room stands a table with a lit candle on it.

2. I prefer taking a boat to the dam to ride a horse.

3. The meeting lasted after a ten-minute break.

4. Much experience are needed to operate a computer well.

5. At these conditions, she didn’t like to go there.

6. We are now living in the room whose windows face the south.

7. As a result of the dam, the water level of the lake raised by 65 meters.

8. One learns a language by making mistakes and correct them.

9.He is arguing the question with her classmate.

Step5 Translation







Step6 Fill in the blanks with proper preposition and adverbs.

1. People celebrate Mardi Gras______ dressing_____ ______ costumes.

2. Our ancestor celebrated the birth_______ a son or a daughter _____ giving_______ red eggs.

3. _______ April Fool’s Day if a person is taken______, he or she is called “April Fool”.

4. _______ common_________ many other boys, he liked baseball.

5. ________ festivals people used to give thanks_______ their harvests and life.

6. If you compare Kwanzaa________ Christmas, you can find it is similar_______ Christmas in some way.

Step7 Modal verbs

1. You___________ talk loudly in the reading room.

2. ----Shall I tell him about it?

----No, you____________. I’ve already told you.

3. You must have seen the film,___________ you?

4. You must have gone to the cinema yesterday evening, _____________ you?

5. I’m afraid you will______________ do the work again.

6. ---I can’t find Tom anywhere.

---He_______________ be in the lab.

7. The lights are still on. The students_________________ forgotten to turn them off.

8. Oh, I’m afraid I________________ go now. My mother must be waiting for me.

三年级英语下册 Unit 14 Lesson 79教案 人教新起点 篇5


杨家小学 郭万玉


小学人教版四年级下册Unit6 shopping.本单元共需六个课时,本节课是第三课时,本节课学习的主要内容是复习本册的所有字母组合的发音及其书写。在课堂教学中,教师要使教学内容生活化,结合学生的实际情境,使学生口语练习生活化、交际化,从而达到学以致用的目的。
























一.Warm-up /Revision(5minutes)

1、Let’s sing

教师播放歌曲《How much is that doggie in the window?》。



2.Free talk.(划线单词可以替换)

A: Can I help you?

B: Yes, these … are nice.Can I try them on?

A: Ok, here you are.B: Oh, they are too small/big.A: How about this one?

B: They are just right.Practice in pairs.One or two group show us.【设计意图:老师示范,然后师生交际,最后生生交际。复习旧知识,起到温故知新的作用。】


1. 教师在PPT上展示含有字母组合ar, or, er, ir, ur, al, le的单词并将每一种组合进行




2.教师在PPT上播放Read aloud的录音,让学生进行整体感知字母组合ar, or, er, ir, ur,al, le在单词中的发音。

【设计意图:通过PPT播放动画课件,可以让学生整体感知字母组合ar, or, er, ir, ur, al,le在单词中的发音。可以降低学生学习的难度,也可以激发学生学习的兴趣。】

3.教师又在PPT上播放Look, listen and write.部分的内容。教师先让学生听,播放第二遍时让学生在四线三格上正确得书写自己所听到的单词。


点。并进一步让学生感知字母er, al, le在单词中的发音。】

4.教师又在PPT上播放 listen and chant部分的内容。教师先让学生整体感知,播放


【设计意图:通过在PPT播放动画课件,可以进一步让学生感知字母组合ar, or, er, ir,ur, al, le在单词中的发音。】

5.对话练习(modelpair workfeedback)

A: What do you have?

B: I have a ball.A: Where is the ball?

B: It’s in the car?



三.Extending reading 10分


第一篇dialogue,do you see what is this.听后让学生获取单词: bigger, ladder, tiger,dinner, for, cart.第二篇dialogues 听后让学生获取单词 :unicycle, motorcycle, tricycle.第三篇how do you go to school 听后让让学生获取单词:elder, mother, younger, sister,brother, together, walk, work, nursery

【设计意图:让学生听读与课本内容相关的短文,大信息量输入,丰富学生的语言,在语境中体会、理解新知。培养学生自主听读的能力及语感。通过听 后反馈信息,在交流中进一步学习拓展句型。】

四. Cooperation and making dialogues8分


A: Do you like apple/little bike/unicycle/tricycle/motorcycle?

B: Yes, I do.No, I don’t.B: Where is the apple/little bike/unicycle/tricycle/motorcycle?

A: It’s on the table /next to the table.【设计意图:此环节是对学生听读情境对话的反馈和运用,同时也是在语言输入的基础


五. Summary1分

What did you learn?


六. Homework1分

总结一下字母组合ar, or, er, ir, ur, al, le在单词中的发音规律。



Unit6 Shopping

armhorsewatergirltallapplecarforktigerbirdballpeoplecardhomeworksisternursewalltablefarmworld mapcomputerhamburgerlittlefarfordinnerhurtwork教学反思:

本节课的主要教学目标是复习含有字母组合ar, or, er, ir, ur, al, le的单词发音和认读书

三年级英语下册 Unit 14 Lesson 79教案 人教新起点 篇6

单 元:Unit5课 题 : Do you like pears? 课 时: Period 1 教学内容:A Let’s learn Let’s play Let’s sing 教学目标 知识与技能:

1.Be able to listen, say, recognize the main words: watermelon, peach, pear, orange.2.Be able to understand and say: “Do you like peaches? Yes, I do.No, I don’t.”

3.Be able to sing the song “The more we get together”过程与方法:

Use tasked-based teaching methods and situation teaching method, with some games and chants to interest the class.情感态度价值观:

Pupil is interested in the activity.教学重点:

New words: watermelon, peach, pear, orange.教学难点:

The pronunciation of “watermelon”.The pronunciation of peach and orange.教学准备:T’s word cards, VCD and tape.教学过程: Step1.Warm –up 1)Greetings.2)Sing a song “ The more we get together” 3)Free talk T: Hello, S1.How are you? S: Very well, thanks.How are you?

T: Fine, thank you.Oh, I am hungry now.I like hamburgers.What do you like? S: I like„„ T: Here you are.S: Thank you.T: Can I have some„„? S: Sure, here you are.T: Thank you.Hmm„.It tastes good.T teaches this sentence.Step2.Presentation.1)T shows the picture of pear: What’s this?

S: It’s a pear.T: Do you like pears? S: Yes.T: Yes, I do.Ss: Yes, I do.T: You can say “I like pears.” S: I like pears.Run one train.2)T draws a peach : Guess!What’s this?

S: It’s a peach.T teaches the pronunciation of peach.T: Do you like peaches? S: Yes, I do.T: I like peaches very much.What about you? S: Me too./ I like pears„„ 3)T: What colour is it? S: It’s orange.T: What’s this?

S: It’s an orange.T: Yeah.Orange is orange.What’s the meaning of this sentence? S: 橘子是橘黄色的。T: Have some oranges.S: Thank you.It tastes good.4)T: I have a riddle.Listen carefully!It’s green.It’s round.It’s juicy.It’s sweet.What is it?

S: It’s watermelon.T teaches the pronunciation of watermelon.T: I like watermelon very much.What about you? S: Me too./ I like pears very much.T: Can I have some watermelons? S: Sure.Here you are.T: Thank you.It tastes good.Step 3.Practise.1)Make a dialogue in 4-person group.2)Let’s play.T: Take out your paper.Draw a peach.Colour it pink.„„

Practise in pairs.Step4.Assessment.1).T explains the meaning of the task.2)Ss do it after the class.Step5.Homework 1)Copy the new words: watermelon, peach, pear, orange.2)Listen Let’s learn and read the words fluently.板书设计: Unit 5 Do you like pears?

A: Do you like peaches? B: Yes, I do.No, I don’t.教学反思:


单 元:Unit5 课 题 :Do you like pears? 课 时: Period 2 教学内容:A Let’s talk Let’s say story time 教学目标 知识与技能:

1.Be able to understand and say “Do you like„„? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.What about......?”

2.Be able to use these sentence pattern to communicate with others.3.Be able to sing the song “An Apple a Day”.过程与方法:

Use tasked-based teaching methods and situation teaching method, with some games and chants to interest the class.情感态度价值观:

Pupil is interested in the activity.教学重点:

New words and the emotion education.教学难点:

Pupil can make up some dialogues with them.教学准备:VCD and tape and a picture of fruit.教学过程: Step1.Warm –up 1)Greetings.2)Sing a song “An Apple a Day” 3)Free talk T: Hello, S1.How are you? S: Very well, thanks.How are you? T: Fine, thank you.Oh, I’m so thirsty.I want to eat some

fruits.I like apples.What do you like? S: I like peaches.T: Here you are.S: Thank you.T: Oh, sweet peaches!Can I have some„„? S: Sure, here you are.T: Thank you.Hmm„.It tastes good.Step2.Presentation and practice.1)Continue to the free talk.T: Do you like „...?

S: Yes, I do./No, I don’t.T writes it on the blackboard.a.Chain Game: T: Hello, S1.Do you like „„?

S1: Yes.I do./ No, I don’t.Hi, S2.Do you like......? S3:„„

b.Interview: Do you like „„?

Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.2)T: What about „..? I like them very much.S: I like them very much./ I don’t like them.3)Conversation.a.Watch the VCD.b.Read after the tape.c.Read after the T.d.Act it.e.Make a similar dialogue.Step3.Homework 1)Recite the new words about fruit.2)Listen Let’s talk in Part A of unit5 and read the words

fluently.板书设计:Unit 5 Do you like pears?

A: Do you like peaches? B: Yes, I do./No, I don’t.What about......? I like them very much.课后反思:


单 元:Unit5 课 题 :Do you like pears? 课 时: Period 3

教学内容:B Let’s learn Let’s play Let’s do 教学目标 知识与技能:

1.Be able to understand and say ”Sorry, I don’t like bananas.” “Have some more? No, thank you.” “Certainly!” and use these sentence pattern to communicate with others.2.Be able to listen, say, recognize the main words: strawberry, grapes.过程与方法:

Use tasked-based teaching methods and situation teaching method, with some games and chants to interest the class.情感态度价值观:

Pupil is interested in the activity.教学重点:

New words: strawberry, grapes 教学难点:

Pupil can make up some dialogues with them.教学准备:T’s word cards and VCD 教学过程: Step1.Warm –up 1)Greetings.2)Sing a song “An Apple a Day” 3)Free talk T: Hello, S1.How are you? S: Very well, thanks.How are you? T: Fine, thank you.I have so many fruits.Do you like bananas? S: Yes, I do.T: Here you are.S: Thank you.T: You’re welcome.T: Do you like strawberries? S„„

T teaches strawberry and grapes.Step2.Presentation and Practice.1)Continue to the free talk.T: Do you like „...?

S: No, I don’t.T: What do you like? S: I like „„

T leads to say: You can say “Can I have an apple, please?”

S: Can I have an apple, please? T: Certainly.T: Do you like„„?

S: No, I don’t.Can I have „„, please? T: Certainly.Here you are.S: Thank you.T: You’re welcome.T writes down “certainly” : What’s the meaning of certainly? S: 当然可以。T: Certainly= Sure.Run trains.Practise in pairs.2)T: Do you like bananas? S: No, I don’t.T: You also can say “ Sorry, I don’t like bananas./them.” It’s more polite.S: Sorry, I don’t like bananas.Can I have an apple, please? T: Certainly.3)Continue with above dialogue.T: Have some more? S: No, thank you.4)Conversation.a.Watch the VCD.b.Read after the tape.c.Read after the T.d.Act it.e.Make a similar dialogue.Step3.Homework 1)Copy the new words.2)Listen Let’s learn in Part B of unit5 and read the words fluently.3)Practice the target language with your partner.板书设计:Unit 5 Do you like pears?

Certainly= Sure

Sorry, I don’t like bananas.(more polite)Have some more?

No, thank you.课后反思:


单 元:Unit5 课 题 :Do you like pears? 课 时: Period 4 教学内容:B Let’s talk Start to read Let’s check 教学目标


1.Be able to understand and say "I want some„„” “I’m full.I’m hungry” “It’s cheap.” and use these sentence pattern to communicate with others.2.Be able to listen, say the words: peas, tomatoes.3.Be able to know the culture of “doggy bag”.过程与方法:

Use tasked-based teaching methods and situation teaching method, with some games and chants to interest the class.情感态度价值观:

Pupil is interested in the activity.教学重点: New words.教学难点:

Pupil can make up some dialogues with them.教学准备:T’s word cards and VCD.教学过程: Step1.Warm –up 1)Free talk between Ss.S1: Hello, S1.How are you? S2: Fine, thank you.I have so many fruits.Do you like peaches? S1: Yes, I do./ Yeah, very much.No, I don’t./ Sorry, I don’t like peaches.Can I have some apples? S2: Certainly.Here you are.S1: Thank you.S2: Have some more? S1: No, thank you.Step2.Let’s talk

T: If you like apples, you can say to the salesman “ I want some „„s.”

a.Say by individual.b.Have a competition.S1: I want some apples.S2: I want some apples and bananas.S3: I want some apples, bananas and oranges.S4: I want some milk.Step3.Story time.a.Watch the VCD.T teaches the word “buffet”.T: Zoom and Zip are going to have dinner in a buffet.What happened? Let’s watch.b.Main words meaning.T: Do you know “What’s the meaning of ‘doggy bag’? Let’s watch the culture.c.Watch the culture.① Doggy bag.② I’m full.d.Watch the story again.e.Read after the tape.f.Act it.Step4.Let’s check T: listen to the tape then let’s tick or cross.Step5.Homework 1)Recite the new words in unit5.2)Listen Let’s talk and read the conversation fluently.板书设计:Unit 5 Do you like pears?

三年级英语下册 Unit 14 Lesson 79教案 人教新起点 篇7

Unit 1 This is my day



掌握四会句子:When do you eat dinner? I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.When do you get up?I usually get up at 12:00 at noon.二、教学重难点:


2、句子Thank you for telling me about your day.的意思:启发学生自己说出;朗读时要注意意群的处理。


1、录音:Read and write部分;Pronunciation部分。




1、Warm –up(热身)



学生两人一组表演双簧,一人做动作,另一人躲在他/她背后说句子,如:―I get up at 6:30.‖




教师指导学生展开自由调查,可允许学生离开座位,自由询问其他同学的作息时间安排,然后填充Make a survey部分表格。在活动中可讨论如何更合理地安排作息时间。





a、I get up at 6:30 in the morning.b、I get up at 12:00 at noon.I go to work at 7:20 in the morning.I go to work at 9:00 in the evening.I play sports at 3:30 in the afternoon.I play sports at 3:00 in the afternoon.I go to bed at 10:00 in the evening.I go to bed at 7:00 in the morning.(2)请学生朗读后判断,哪组句子的作息时间更符合我们的生活实际。

(3)教师说:Yes, Part A is my timetable.(指着相应的句子)I don’t go to bed at 7:00 in the morning.But some people really go to bed at 7:00 in the morning.Who are they?



(1)教师出示教材P6左上插图,对图提问:What do you do?点击对话中的句子:I am a policeman.带领学生学习单词policeman,着重强调police得发音。教师说:下面阅读对话,了解一下他的作息时间。



A、(内容为警察起床):When do you get up?I usually get up at 12:00 at noon.B、左上:When do you go to work?I go to work at 9:00 in the evening.C、(内容警察下班回家):I go home at 5:00 in the morning.D、左下: I eat breakfast at 6:00.Then I go to bed.E、右下:When do you eat dinner?I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.F、右上:And I play sports at about 3:00 in the afternoon.(4)播放对话录音,学生跟读对话。

出示句子:Can I ask you some questions?Thank you for telling me about your day.点击发音,学生再次跟读,并说出意思。引导学生认识警察工作的艰辛,从而尊重他们的职业。

(5)Finish his timetable:教师出示(3)中的插图和句子给与提示。





When do you eat dinner? I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.When do you get up?I usually get up at 12:00at noon.3、Let’s play(趣味操练)




4、Consolidation and extension(巩固与扩展)




引导学生总结出ai在这些词中的发音 [ei];



引导学生总结出ay在这些词中的发音 [ei];


(3)教师出示单词:greatgreengrowgrass,学生跟录音大声朗读;引导学生总结出gr在这些词中的发音 [gr];

出示单词:grandmagrandpagrapes greygreetgroundgroup 学生自己试着拼读。

(4)教师出示单词:gladglueglassglove,学生跟录音大声朗读;引导学生总结出gl在这些词中的发音 [gl];









(答案)I go to work at 6:30 in the evening.When do you eat dinner?

I usually go home at 8:00 in the morning.When do you play sports?




(1)、全班一起朗读Read and write部分对话。


五、板书 UnitOneThisIsMyDay(3)

When do you eat dinner? I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.When do you get up?I usually get up at 12:00at noon.Time table

三年级英语下册 Unit 14 Lesson 79教案 人教新起点 篇8

1. 知识目标:学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列单词:farm, farmer, pig, cow, sheep, a;学生能认读、理解并使用下列句式:What’s this? It’s a„

2. 能力目标:学生能唱歌曲:Old MacDonald Had a Farm;学会并使用身体动作来表示歌曲中的动物。

3. 情感目标:培养学生爱护、保护小动物 教学重、难点:

四会的单词farm, farmer, pig, cow, sheep, a和要求掌握的句式What’s this? It’s a„ 教学过程:

Class Opening Greeting Hello.Welcome to English class.I’m your new English teacher.Are you ready for our class? New Concepts 1.Leading-in Today we are going to learn some animals.Do you what are animals? Dogs, cats are animals.Do you like animals? Where can you see the animals? Yes, on the farm we can see the animals, such as dog, cat and so on.Today we are going to a farm.Let’s go!2.Practice Words Present: I show the cards and let students say the words.Practice: Read the words after me.Game: I do the actions and Ss guess what I am.Make the animals with their bodies.Flash the cards.Sentences Present: I show an animal and ask Ss “What’s this? It’s a „” Practice: Follow me to read the sentences.Game: Flash the card and I ask Ss “What’s this?” and Ss answer my questions as quickly as they can with “It’s a „”;I flash the cards and Ss ask me “What’s this” and I answer.Song Play the tape and listen the song first.Then follow the tape while doing actions.At last, sing it together.Production: Follow the tape and read the words and sentences.1

Class Closing: Activity book 板书设计:

Lesson 1 On the Farm!

farmer pig cow sheep

三年级英语下册 Unit 14 Lesson 79教案 人教新起点 篇9


1、情感目标:(Emotion aim)

A 培养小组间的合作意识和竞争意识,鼓励学生的大胆展示,激发其学习英语的的积极性。

B 营造良好的英语学习氛围,以激发学生学习英语的兴趣。

2、知识目标:(Knowledge aim)

A 能认读新单词:rice/meat/noodles/fish/milk/pass/mum

B 能听懂、理解、运用句型:

------Do you like…?

------Yes,I do./No,I don’t.3、能力目标:(Ability aim)

A 发音准确、清晰。

B 会运用本课单词及句型谈论并询问自己和他人的爱好。

C 运用各种游戏与活动培养学生的快速反应能力和表达能力。


A 识记单词:rice/meat/noodles/fish/milk

B 灵活运用句型:----Do you ike…?

-----Yes,I do./No,I don’t.C 激发学生学习英语的兴趣与积极性,培养学生自主、合作、竞争意识、学习英语的良好习惯,从中体验学习英语的乐趣。




Step 1 Warming-up

A Greeting

T: Good-morning,everyone.Ss:Good-morning,teacher.T: How are you,today?

Ss:Fine,thanks.B Review

T:Now,let’s say a chant before our class.Please turn to Page 13.Ready?

Ss:Yes.T:Here we go.“I like coffee,I like tea…”

Ss: “I like coffee,I like tea…”

通过上一模块的韵诗帮助学生复习句型:I like…/I don’t like…

Step2 Presentation

T:Today,we will learn the new lesson:Module4 Food

T:My favourite food is meat.I likemeat.What’s your favourite food?学生可能会用中文讲:鱼。(面向全体学生)讲:Oh,he/she likes fish.(转回S1):You can say: I like fish.Follow me: I like fish.S1:I like fish.T:OK!Everybody read after me and look at the blackboard: fish,f-i-s-h,fish,I like fish.Ss:Fish,f-i-s-h,fish,I like fish.T:Do you like fish?(出示图片)

Ss: Yes,I do.(若学生否定回答,则以同样的方式呈现与操练。)T:Very good.以相同的方法教授新单词:meat/noodles/rice/milk

Step 3 Consolidation

T:Who like meat?(指名问)do you like meat?

S2:Yes,I do.T:Here you are.(引导学生说Thank you)

T:I like meat too.Pass me the meat,please.(引导学生说Here you are.)教师将手中的fish卡片给S2:Do you like fish?Here you are.S2:Thank you!

T:S3,do you like meat?

S3:No,I don’t.T:Oh,do you like rice?

S3:Yes,I do.T:OK!This is the rice.Here you are.S3:Thank you.T:S4,do you like rice?

S4:Yes,I like.T:Play a game:根据老师点头和摇头来回答问题。





The bell is ringing.Class is over.Good-Bye,boys and girls.Ss:Good-Bye,teacher.七、Homework1、听读课文



Module 4 Food Unit 1


rice ?Yes, I do

Do you likefish?

三年级英语下册 Unit 14 Lesson 79教案 人教新起点 篇10

1.form , vt. 组成、组织,形成、养成习惯,想出(计划,意见等)、

He formed a class for beginners. ( 组织 )

Group activities help to form a child’s character. ( 养成 )

An idea formed in his mind.. ( 想出 )

2.put/throw/send sb. in(into) prison 把…送进监狱


Law-breakers are put in/into prison.


He was put in prison for political reasons.

3.judge vt.&vi. 判断,判定

勿以貌取人_Don’t judge a man by his looks.

judging by/from…. 作独立成分,意为“从…来看”。


Judging from what you said, hey ought to succeed.

4. forbid vt. “禁止,不许,阻止“

forbid + doing/ forbid +sb. to do sth.

我不许你用我的电脑。I forbid you to use my computer.

我们学校禁止吸烟。Smoking is forbidden in our school.___

5. join , join in, take part in, attend

Will you join in the game?

Mr. Zhang will join us in the discussion this afternoon.

He joined the army during the World War II.

I’ll attend an important meeting tomorrow.

Lincoln took part in politics and was strongly against slavery.

II. Reading

6.march vi.进行,行军

战士们向前行军。The soldiers marched forward.

向敌人进军 march against the enemy 长征 the Long March

7. treat vt. 待遇,对待,看待。可与 as, like, as if 等连用。


His mother treated him as a small child.


The old man treated him as if he were his own son.

8. separate, adj. 分开的,单独的,不同的。

vt.把…分开/隔开,将…分类。常与介词 form连用。

n. separation adv. separately 单独地,各自地“

英法两国由英吉利海峡(English Channel)隔开。

English is separated from France by the English Channel.

As we joined the big crowd I got __A_____ form my friends.

A. separated B. spared C. lost D. missed

9. Black children were educated in separate schools and black people had no right to vote in the southern states.

Winning a scholarship gave him the chance to go to a college in one of the northern states.

From then on, all black people had the right to vote.

不定式短语作定语,修饰right 和chance.

你没有理由拒绝此事。You have no reason to refuse this.

那是做这件事的最好办法。That is the best way to do it.

10. fight for , 为争取….而斗争 fight against, 为反对….而战

fight with,和…作斗争/ 和…并肩作战

Who will fight with you for better working conditions?

The slaves were fighting for their freedom.

They fought against the Japanese during the Anti-Japanese War.

England fought with France against Germany in the First World War.

10. set/give an example to sb. 为某人树立榜样

学习某人的榜样 follow sb.’s example/ follow the example of sb.

以某人/某事为例 take sb/sth for example

11. …….,study and work as they wished.

as sb. wishes/pleases/likes 按照某人的意愿/喜欢

你喜欢怎么做就怎么做。Do as you wish

12. demand vt. 强烈要求, 需要, 请求被告知./ n. 要求,请求

They demanded payment today. ( 强烈要求 )

This problem demands immediate attention. ( 需要 )

This is our second demand for payment. ( n. 要求,请求 )

demand sth. of/ from sb. 要求某人某物

demand to do 要求做…..

demand that…..(从句谓语用虚拟语气should+v.)

in demand 非常需要的,很受欢迎的. / on demand 有求必应,随叫随到

After two successful films, that actor is in demand in Hollywood.

She fed the baby on demand.

13. achieve vt. 完成;实现, 达到;获得

n. achievement 成就,业绩 adj. achievable 可完成的


The school has achieved all its goals that year.

14.arrest vt./ n. 逮捕, 拘留, 扣留

arrest sb. 逮捕某人 be arrested for 因…而被捕

(be) under arrest 被捕,被拘留

他因抢劫而被捕.__ He was arrested for robbery

警察昨晚逮捕了那个贼。The police arrested the thief last night.

你被捕了。You are under arrest.

15. vote vi./n.投票, 选举,选举权

vote for/against 投票赞成/反对 vote on sth. 就---投票表决

他对该计划投了反对票。He voted against the plan


Now we will vote on this question.

16.from then on 从那时起

III. Integrating skills

17. of all times 无论何时

18. struggle for 为…而挣扎,努力 struggle with/against 为反对…而挣扎,搏斗

19. in one’s choice 在选择过程中

在选择的时候要小心. Be careful in your choice.

by one’s own choice 出于某人自己的选择


He bought this car by his own choice.

20. start with 以…开始


The party started with a song.

21. abolish vt.废除,废止(法律,制度,习俗等)

22. regardless of 不理会, 不顾 = despite/in spite of

We will persevere regardless of past failures.


23. at first sight 开始 乍一看 一见钟情 _love_ at first sight

二. 单词题

1. __________________(奴隶制) is the system by which some people are owned by others.

2. Fifty years ago, mixed-race ______________(婚姻) were __________________(禁止)。

3. John brown helped many ________________(逃跑的) slaves in the 1950s.

4. Civil rights fighters ______________(要求) that African Americans be treated equally.

5. During the Second World War, from 1937 to 1945, there were many organized _______________(抵制) of Japanese goods al over China.

6. King fought against the __________________(分离) of blacks and whites.

7. People of different _________________(种族) joined the movement against ____________(种族的) ______________(歧视)。

8. He wants to become a good _____________(律师).

9. Although we enjoy the ______________(自由) of speech, it doesn’t mean that we are free to say whatever we want.

10. The struggles starts with the ideas of the French ______________(革命)and the American War of ______________(独立).

11. Mandela helped to found the ANC ___________(青年) League in 1944.

12. He was forced to go abroad for __________________(政治的) reasons.

13. butler wrote two ________________(章) about the rights of animals.

14. After the war, many rules were ________________(废除).

15. There are still organizations that fight against _____________(偏见).

16. Everybody thought that was ________________(可笑的)..

17. His _____________(灵魂) goes marching on.

18. Martin Luther King was _________________(谋杀) in 1968.

19. They _____________(投票) for Bush yesterday.

20. A new _____________(公民的) Rights Act was passed last year.

21. It was the beginning of more than 200 years for _______________(绝对的,无条件的) rights of all the people.



1. Slavery 2. marriages, forbidden 3. runaway 4. demanded 5.boycotts 6.separation 7.races, racial, discrimination 8. lawyer

9. freedom 10. Revolution , Independence 11.Youth 12.political
