


老师英文简历 篇1

Name: YJBYS Mr. Nationality: China

Current residence: Panyu District National: Han

Domicile: Shantou stature: 172 cm kg

Marital status: Single Age: 21

Job search intention and work experience

Talent Type: graduates

Position: Part-time teachers, lecturers teaching assistants

Job Type: All Date Available: Three months later

Salary requirements: Negotiable Desired Location: Foshan

Educational Background

Graduated: China Normal University Teachers

Highest Level of Education: Bachelor

Graduation date : -06-01

By Major: Chinese Language and Literature


I have an outgoing personality, and his enthusiasm and love to communicate with people, students served as a squad leader, Clerical Committee and other student positions, have strong organizational skills and sense of responsibility.

Childhood love of literature and develop a more solid grounding in the language, has repeatedly been writing competition awards, including first prize in the scene novels; also has good verbal skills, good speech, recitation, hosting, strong communication skills, several times in the language class competitions.

Practical experience

1 sophomore during the summer, Qingyuan City, Shek Kwu Tong three rural secondary schools teaching weeklong;

2 junior served as speech and communication trainers association for members teach speech knowledge, too one academic year;

3 junior next semester in Foshan Spark educational institutions do part-time teachers, the last one semester;

高效英文简历模板 篇2


Balance Sheet基本方法

选择要应聘的工作后,必须看清招聘广告上所列出的每项要求,再将自己的学历、能力与兴趣逐一与之比较,作一张balance sheet。

例如,一则关于marketing management trainee和job requirement是这样写的:

We are looking for a competent person to fill the captioned position:

-University graduate major in Marketing Management. Prepared to develop career in the commercial field

-Outgoing personality

-Able to communicate at different levels

-Good knowledge of PC operations

-Proficiency in written and spoken English/Mandarin


-University graduate with major in Marketing

-Having actively participated in Business clubs activities and learned accounting and management

-Good in communication with people and like a lot of out door activities, know how to tackle with people from all walks of life

-Skillful in operating Words, Excel, Lotus1-2-3, etc

-Fluent in English and Mandarin

这个方法的好处是可以让求职者清楚了解该职位是否适合自己,而本身资料又是否切合要求,而且,明白了各项要求后,就可依据每一点在履历表上重点提出自己在该方面的强项。突出卖点(selling point),将之放在最吸引人的地方,使招聘者一眼可见,有利于present自己。

Work experience工作经验的陈述




2006/7-2006/8 General Clerk, IBM

2007/7-2007/8 Account clerks, Manley Toy Trading

2008/6-2008/8 Salesgirl, Esprit.


Three years of job experience in different positions have offered me opportunity: As a General Clerk (IBM),Accounts clerk (Manley Toy Trading), I have learned how to prepare purchasing orders,place orders, handle accounting matter, check voucher,… also (Salesgirl, Esprit) developing the technique of selling, serving and stocking.


Job objective 事业目标

通常,一般求职者只会在履历表开端简单地写上所应征的职位-Position Applied: Management Trainee或I am applying for... 其实,若懂得利用这小小空间写出自己的事业目标(job objective),更能显示出你对该工作的热爱及憧憬,能令招聘者对你加倍留意。


Job objective:

To begin as a Marketing Management Trainee, with opportunity to advance to executive level and contribute to the development of firm.

老师英文简历 篇3

Personal Information

Position: Electrical(Power)EngineerTel :

Name: GaryDate of Birth: July 3, 1974

Gender: MaleEducation Degree: Bachelor Location: Xipu town, Chengdu ProvinceE-mail:

Political Status: Communist Party member

Major: Electrical Engineering and Automation

Self-evaluation:years’ working experience with more than eight-year primary management experience, seven years’ Power system installation, system operation and maintenance and technological transformation work experience of Large-scale foreign-funded enterprises;Pay attention to the spirit of teamwork and responsible with strong adaptability;Familiar with Office Automation Software.Working experience:

1.2010/10---so far: Texas Instruments---Department of Plant Operations----Electrical Engineers

Taking charge of the electrical equipment maintenance and management of 110KV * 50000KVA power supply system, UPS, generators, elevators and CCTV access control system etc.Being responsible for the power dispatch and electricity management of the Power Supply Bureau,power system maintenance, improvement and system expansion design continuously, with practical experience of engineering design and construction management on the supply and distribution electric power system.For example, assistance in the Road Two 110KV power construction management.I also developed maintenance OI for system and put into practice preventive maintenance.2.2006/10---2010/10: Semiconductor Manufacturing International(Chengdu Cension Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.)----Department of Plant Operations----Electrical Engineers

I participated in an installation and commissioning of power system engineering for nearly half a year ,operation and maintenance the power system for four years.I have extensive experience of operation and maintenance on 110KV * 50000KV supply and distribution system.I also have some experience in electrical engineering field construction management and electrical technical innovation.With the constant improvement of power system, a successful engineering design and construction management of the power system needs practical experience.For example, I was responsible for 400KVA UPS relocation design and project management,lighting projects of Phase II , etc.3.2005/05---2006/09: China Southern Glass Holding Co.,Ltd.(CSG)---the Department of Electrical and Mechanical Services-----Electrical monitor

After four months training in the Shenzhen CSG with the new employees, I assisted to the work of 10KV * 8000KVA * 4 power system maintenance, equipment management、installation、commissioning and acceptance.After putting into operation, I lead the team to concentrat on the preventive maintenance work, maintaining normal running of the supply-distribution power system and the German GRENZEBACH fully automated production lines of electrical equipment.At the same time, I help to improve and transform the technological of the system project.4.1995/07---2005/04:Cotton Textile Factory of Bazhong in Sichuan----Production Technology Division----Supervisor of engineering / facility

I responsible for daily management of the workshop、boiler group、the electrical group、machine repair group and the whole factory equipment.I organized and implemented a technical renovation project of 20 units spinning machine and ancillary equipment successfully, I was also responsible for two DZL4-1.25-A2 boiler installation and commissioning works, designing and organizing the relocation project of 4* 630KVA/10KVA high pressure oil switch machines independently.So I have accumulated prolific experience in engineering design and construction management

Educational background:

1.2007/10---2010/01 Sichuan University.Electrical engineering and automationupgrade from junior college student to uniersity student

2.1992/09---1995/07 Chengdu Textile College.Electrical Technology Technical or Mechanical Degree

Training experience:

1.2010/11Chengdu Electric Power Training Center.The training of power on / off contact qualification certificate

2.2010/03Chengdu Electric Power Training Center.The training of high voltage electrician receives net work permit

3.2006/11---2006/12 Sichuan Province labor and social security hall senior electrician skill training

国外英文简历与国内英文简历区别 篇4

很多客户使用从国外网站上下载的英文 简历 ,以此为参考模板,撰写自己的英文 简历 ,用于应聘在国内的外资企业。由于这一类客户较多,问题相对比较集中,所以我们专门对此问题做个解答。

国外英文 简历 与相比,由于简历撰写人和阅读人的背景不相同,所以有很多地方需要根据国情做适应性改进。


其次是国外的英文简历一般只写职责,不写业绩,这一点与国内的英文简历有本质的。如果在英文简历上只写职责,就会出现千人一面的现象,比如大家都是公司中做会计的,各公司的会计职责就会基本一样,但每一个做会计的都会有不同的业绩,这才是简历中的重点,也是 面试 时谈话的话题,所以在国内的英文简历上一定要加上你的业绩。



英文秘书英文简历表格 篇5

简历编号:   更新日期:   无照片
姓 名: mm小姐 国籍: 中国
目前所在地: 广州 民族: 汉族
户口所在地: 揭阳 身材: 160 cm 43 kg
婚姻状况: 未婚 年龄: 25 岁
培训认证:   诚信徽章:  
人才类型: 普通求职
应聘职位: 英语翻译:英语翻译、外语类:外贸跟单、文秘/文员:助理/文员/秘书
工作年限: 3 职称: 无职称
求职类型: 全职 可到职日期: 随时
月薪要求: --3500 希望工作地区: 广州 广州 广州
公司名称: 宏进商品信息咨询服务部起止年月:-10 ~ -07
公司性质: 中外合资所属行业:其他
担任职务: 英文客服主管/经理助理
工作描述: 两年的英文客服经验,熟悉B2C商务平台,工作表现优秀.主要工作是回复海外客户的邮件,处理投诉和差评。成功率超过80%。 培训新人,带领客服团队更好的完成工作.处理公司行政事务.非常熟悉OFFICE软件,如word,excel等,打字速度快.
离职原因: 寻求更好的发展
公司名称: 宏进商品信息咨询服务部起止年月:-10 ~ -07
公司性质: 中外合资所属行业:其他
担任职务: 英文客服主管/经理助理
工作描述: 两年的英文客服经验,熟悉B2C商务平台,工作表现优秀.主要工作是回复海外客户的邮件,处理投诉和差评。成功率超过80%。 培训新人,带领客服团队更好的完成工作.处理公司行政事务.非常熟悉OFFICE软件,如word,excel等,打字速度快.
离职原因: 寻求更好的发展
毕业院校: 广东女子职业技术学院
最高学历: 大专 毕业日期: 2006-07-01
所学专业一: 商务英语 所学专业二: 日语
起始年月 终止年月 学校(机构) 专 业 获得证书 证书编号
-03 2007-12 愿达外语培训 日语 日语能力测试三级证书  
2008-04 2008-10 新世界外语培训机构 日语 在学中  
起始年月 终止年月 学校(机构) 专 业 获得证书 证书编号
-03 2007-12 愿达外语培训 日语 日语能力测试三级证书  
2008-04 2008-10 新世界外语培训机构 日语 在学中  
外语: 英语 优秀    
其它外语能力: 日语三级证书, 二级学习中
国语水平: 优秀 粤语水平: 优秀
  英 语 水平:



计 算 机 水平:




老师英文简历 篇6
















他当年有句语录流传挺广,“我是一个九流诗人,我和她(Emily Dickinson)拼不过才气。那我拼什么,拼人品,她们拼不过我。”后来,我问过他,他到底写了什么诗。





英文简历—经理助理简历 篇7

Business Administration Major

Kunming Second Commercial School

34 Cui E.Rd.,Kunming 650020

June 28,

Mr.Wen Qiming

Manager of Marketing Department

K&H (Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures)Market

56 Huagang N.Rd.,Kunming 650033

Dear Mr.Wen,

Ms. Huang Lijia of your company has told me that your dept needs a manager assistant,and I wish to apply for the position. I will graduate from commercial school next month. My outstanding record at school and some experience in business has prepared me for the work you are calling for.

I am really interested in learning business practice,and also a diligent worker and a fast learner. If given a chance, I am sure I can prove my worth in your company.

I will be available during the weekdays in the morning for any interviews you may want to give. Enclosed is my resume,and hoping for your immediate reply.

Sincerely yours,

会计073_简历_英文简历 篇8

手机: 159xxx7819电子邮件: 111@gmail.com



xxx会计学(学士)核心课程:管理学,会计学原理,财务会计学,成本会计学,审计学等;GPA:3.35/4.0 曾获2009华南区普华永道会计学优异奖(全校唯一获奖者)2007-2008学年担任班级学习委员 曾获综合奖学金二等奖(15%),2007-2008学年院级优秀学生干部(1%),三好学生等荣誉称号


 语言能力:CET4 608/710,CET6 565/710,TOEIC 840/990,普通话、粤语、英语流利  计算机水平:已通过计算机二级(ACCESS),笔试分数1.0,机试分数3.0


 专业资格:现为ACCA学员,已通过F1、F2、F3、F5、F6、F9考试

 个性特点:工作细心认真、乐于奉献、秉性顽强、吃苦耐劳;善于与人交流沟通,富于执行力



 主要负责我校集群网的新入网、转网业务,曾负责在大学城片区内推广移动139邮箱业务

 曾服务超过1,000名顾客,业绩在同片区学校排名第一


 主要在定点商场促销万基品牌健康食品,包括鸡精、燕窝、洋参含片等

 销售总额两次均超过30,000元,业绩均为所在商场同类品牌商品前列


 代表所在中学参与该项社会实践活动的8名同学之一,同时代表全体参加活动的中学生在其开幕式上讲话

 前期主要在定点服务厅内协助工作,后期主要负责促销动感地带套卡


2009.04-今PwC LEAP学生成员

 LEAP是由普华永道会计师事务所直接支持的学生俱乐部,不定期举办各类培训活动


 启智服务总队志愿者,不定期参加各种志愿活动


 我系两只参赛队伍之一;主要负责DIY饰品的相关工作,包括进货、清点、销售等

 所负责的DIY饰品所得占总利润的40%以上

2008.04PresentGuangdong University of Foreign StudiesCandidate for bachelor of Art in Accounting

 Core courses: Management, Principles of Accounting, Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting,Auditing, etc.;GPA: 3.35/4.0

 One of the eight finalists under the 2009 PricewaterhouseCoopers Scholarship for Accounting

Excellence(the only one in GDUFS)

 2007.09 – 2008.07Study Secretary in class

 Have got the comprehensive scholarship 2nd class(15%), and been awarded the title “Excellent

Student Leader”(1%)and “Excellent Student in Morale, Studies, and PE”

Social Experience

2010.012008.11China Mobile Communications Corporation(GZ)

General Agent of VPMN in GDUFS

 Was accountable for all the business about VPMN, and the promotion of 139 email box in High

Education Mega Center

 Served over 1000 customers and the performance was the first around the universities in the



 Was accountable for the promotion of its products, such as essence of chicken, ginseng capsule,in the supermarket

 Sales were both over 30,000 yuan, in the front ranks of similar products in the supermarkets

2007.062005.08China Mobile Communications Corporation(SZ)

Member in “Journey for Dream” Activity

 One of the 8 students who represented Shenzhen Middle School to take part in this activity, and

had made a speech as the representative of middle school students at the opening ceremony

 Mainly served in the GoTone 100 during the early part of the activity, and then was accountable

for the sales of M-zone mobile phone numbers

Extra-curricular Activities

2009.04PresentGuangzhou Youth Volunteer AssociationQualified Volunteer

 Take part in voluntary activities irregularly

2009.032008.11GDUFS Exchanging SpaceLeader of “淘精灵” Team

 One of the two participating teams in my major, and was accountable for DIY ornaments,including purchase, check, sales and so on

 Profit of DIY ornaments accounted for over 40% of the gross profit of the team

2008.04-2008.05GDUFS Yunshan Café

Student in the Class of Elementary Bartending Skills

 Did a great job during the course, and finally got the diploma in elementary bartending skills

Additional Information

Language Proficiency & Skills: Passed CET4(608/710), CET6(565/710), TOEIC(840/990), written

and oral fluency in Mandarin, Cantonese and English

 Computer Skills: Passed NCRE Grade 2(ACCESS), proficient in Microsoft Office, especially Word &

Excel,Ulead Video Studio, etc. Professional Qualification: ACCA student, have passed F1, F2, F3, F5, F6, F9

金融类专业简历英文简历 篇9

Basic CV

Name: xxx nationality: China

Current location: Guangzhou National: Han

Exit and Entry: Qingyuan size: 156 cm ? 42 kg

Marital Status: Single Age: 23 years old

Training Certification: integrity badge:

Job search intention and work experience

Personnel types: ordinary job ?

Position: Secretarial / Clerical: Financial category clerk cashier

Work Experience: 2 Title: Intermediate

Job type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any time

Monthly requirements: 1500 - hope that the working area: Guangzhou, Guangzhou

Personal experience: building company-song short 05.12-06.2

Samsung 06.3-07.5 long urged

Guangzhou has 07.5-Creative Advertising Co., Ltd. clerks and cashier

Educational background

Graduate institutions: Guangzhou City, the third Financial vocational school

Highest level of education: secondary school - 2005-07-01

Studies by one: the financial specialties Second:

By education and training experience: .9-2005.7 Third Guangzhou Vocational School Finance Financial Accounting Accounting qualification certificate

Intermediate certificate

Blue Middle School in Guangzhou .9-2002.7

Guangzhou瑞宝primary 1993.9-1999.7

Language ability

Foreign Language: English General

Mandarin level: the level of proficiency in Cantonese: proficient

The ability to work and other expertise

※ a quick mind, a clear logical thinking, have strong financial analysis, capital of operational experience and a wealth of financial expertise

※ skilled use of financial software and other office software

※ work seriously, carefully, a strong sense of responsibility, good communication, good communication and coordination capabilities and a comprehensive analysis to determine the capacity of

Detailed personal autobiography

I am cheerful personality. Can be hard. Honest. Trustworthiness. Self-motivated. A strong sense of responsibility. Work seriously. Responsible. Pro-active. Able to work under pressure. With a team spirit.

English Resume:

英文个人英文版简历表格(一) 篇10


Type your address here,Type your address here


  Elm University, Chapel Hill, NC
Ph.D. in English
Dissertation: “The Cross-Cultural Communication Epidemic of the 21st Century”

Honors: Dissertation passed “with Distinction”

Elm University, Chapel Hill, NC
M.A. in English
Thesis: “The Accessibility Debate of Content in the Online Context”
Oak Tree University, Raleigh, NC
B.A. Honors in English 1994
Areas of Concentration: Journalism, Proposal Writing

Minor: French

Honors Thesis: “The Female Betrayed and Modern Media”

  Postdoctoral Fellowship, Elm University – 2000
President’s Fellowship, Oak Tree University 1995 – 1997
Excellence Grant, Oak Tree University

– 1997
Teaching Experience
  Walnut Grove University, Chapel Hill, NC  
Lecturer – “Global Communication in the 21st Century.”
Developed syllabus and overall course structure, and administered all grades.
Adjunct Instructor – “Editing Technical Documents.” 1998
Developed syllabus and overall course structure, and administered all grades.
Instructor – French 101, 102, 201, 202 1996 - 1997
Developed syllabus and overall course structure, including weekly lab practicum,

and administered all grades.

Teaching Assistant – to Professor Garth Fort in “Advanced Rhetoric.” 1997
Collaborated on curriculum and exam development, met with students upon request,

and graded all written work, including final exam papers.

Related Experience
  Lucerne Publishing, Raleigh, NC

Provide as needed editorial support remotely, including developmental and copy editing of their internal online and printed documentation.

1995 - Present
Wide World Importers, Durham, NC

Compile reports, including statistical and market trends, to track the growth of online shipping sales versus the primary offline practices.

1995 - Present
Fabrikam, Inc., Raleigh, NC
Language Consultant

Translated American-English external web site content to French.

Trey Research, Raleigh, NC
User Interface Design Consultant

Provided content design feedback to program managers to create accessible segue between English and French versions of related content.

Publications and papers
  “The Cross-Cultural Communication Epidemic of the 21st Century”

Guest speaker at the Global Communication Convention, Los Angeles, CA “Why So Many Documents Remain Inaccessible in the Information Age”

Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of English Professors, New York 1998 “The Female Betrayed and Modern Media”
