


词性转换专项练习 篇1

1.calculate(v.)计算 ___________(n.)计算器


2.important(adj.)重要的 ____________(n.)重要性

_______________(adv.)重要地 3.mean(v.)意思是


___________(adj.)有意义的 __________(adj.)无意义的4.electric(adj.)通电的 _____________(adj.)电子的





6.rare(adj.)罕见的 ______________(adv.)罕有地=seldom 7.enjoy _________(they)反身代词 8.speak(v.)讲 __________(n.)讲座

9.operate(v.)操作;动手术 ______________(n.)手术 10.mouse(n.)老鼠


_________(比较级)_________(最高级)12.little _________(比较级)_________(最高级)13.good / well _________(比较级)_________(最高级)14.much / many _________(比较级)_________(最高级)15.forty






20.please(v.)使...高兴 __________(n.)快乐



at the _________(n.)of.....在。。的开端


________(adj.)依赖的 ________(n.)依赖

_________(adj.)独立的 ________(n.)独立

23.aware(adj.)有意识的__________(adj.)没有意识的 __________(n.)有意识

____________(n.)没有意识 24.write(v.)写作




__________(n.)作者 25.distance(n.)距离

同义句转换专项练习50题 篇2

Jim ____ ____ ____ swimming when he was young.

2. I often borrow some books from my uncle.

My uncle often ____ some books ____ ____.

3. Please give this book to your brother.

Please ____ ____ ____ this book.

4. Could we go to the zoo together this afternoon?

____ ____ ____ to the zoo together this afternoon?

5. A Chinese farm is different from an American farm.

A Chinese farm is ____ ____ ____ ____ an American farm.

6. John has the same idea as Jim.

John ____ ____ Jim.

7. They no longer use animals to do farm work.

They ____ use animals to do farm work ____ ____.

8. Tom is ten. Kate is eleven.

Tom is ____ ____ Kate.

9. Lilei is heavier than the other two.

Lilei is ____ ____ of the three.

10. Can I help you?

____ ____ I ____ for you?

11. Mr. Li is the oldest teacher in the school.

Mr. Li is older than all ____ ____ teachers in the school.

12. Perhaps she is at school today.

She ____ ____ at school today.

13. We can finish the work alone.

We can finish the work ____ ____ ____.

14. She often helps her mother do the housework.

She often ____ her mother ____ the housework.

15. I can look after the baby.

I can ____ ____ ____ the baby.

16. May I borrow your knife, please?

Could you please ____ your knife ____ me, please?

17. It’s only ten minutes on foot from his home to school.

It only ____ ten minutes ____ ____ to school from his home.

18. How do you like the transportation of our city?

____ do you ____ ____ the transportation of our city?

19. There are some differences between my friend and me.

My friend is ____ ____ me.

20. Jim is more athletic than any other student in his class.

Jim is the ____ athletic ____ all the students in his class.

21. She doesn’t want to drink milk now.

She doesn’t ____ ____ ____ milk now.

22.It’s time for our lunch.

It’s time for ____ ____ ____ lunch.

23.Don’t worry. I’ll look after your baby carefully.

Don’t worry. I’ll ____ ____ ____ ____ your baby.

24.People in Japan eat a lot of fish. We eat a lot of fish, too.

People in Japan eat a lot of fish. ____ ____ ____.

25.All the other girls are standing behind the tallest one.

The tallest girl is standing ____ ____ ____ ____ the line.

26.It takes about fifteen minutes on foot.

It is about ____ ____ ____.

27.I didn’t have a rest. I went on writing.

I went on writing ____ a rest.

28.If you don’t study harder, you won’t catch up with the others.

If you don’t study harder, ____ ____ ____ the others.

29.Lin Tao runs faster than the other two boys.

Lin Tao runs ____ of the ____ boys.

30.He was surprised to find the girl was blind.

____ ____ ____, he ____ the girl was blind.

31.I bought this dictionary for 58 yuan.

I ____ 58 yuan ____ this dictionary.

32.What’s the matter with him?

What’s ____ ____?

33.Everyone is healthy.

____ one is ____.

34.Math is more difficult than physics.

Physics is ____ difficult than math.

Physics isn’t ____ ____ ____ math.

35.I can help my father with the farm work, or my brother can help him with it.

____ my brother ____ I ____ ____ my father with the farm work.

36.My father is working here. My uncle is also working here.

____ my father ____ my uncle ____ ____ ____.

37.Jim doesn’t know how he can swim.

Jim doesn’t know ____ ____ ____.

38.Hangzhou is very famous, because of its beautiful West Lake.

Hangzhou is ____ ____ ____ beautiful West Lake.

39.Bruce will have to go back to Beijing next week.

Bruce will have to ____ ____ ____ next week.

40.He lent me a ruler last week.

I ____ a ruler ____ him last week.

41.He was too tired to walk.

He was ____ tired ____ he ____ ____.

42.I don’t know how to call it in English.

I don’t know ____ Englishmen ____ it.

43.Mary doesn’t know much about China.

Mary ____ ____ about China.

44.His father took a plane to the USA three days ago.

Three days ago his father ____ ____ the USA.

45.Every one of us had a nice time last night.

____ of us ____ ____ last night.

46.To learn a foreign language is not easy.

____ ____ ____ ____ learn a foreign language.

47.What do you think of the TV play?

____ ____ ____ ____ the TV play?

48. “Don't play with the cat any more, Jim,” Mum asked.

Mum told Jim ____ ____ ____ ____ the cat any more.

49. The boy was very clever. He could make a model plane alone.

The boy was clever ____ to make a model plane ____ ____.

50. How is the weather in Nanjing?

____ the weather ____ in Nanjing?

初中英语词性转换 篇3

extent, extension fall fear full fool fight fright gladness goodness greed happiness harm heat help height hesitation honesty hope hunger hurry interest invitation joy



attendcare change cheer clean clear collect correct complete endanger die differ excite extend fall fear full fool fight frighten

harm heat help


hurry interest invite enjoy

adj.active angry attentive back beautiful busy careful changeable cheerful clean clear collective correct complete dangerous

dead,dying,deadly different

exciting, excited extensive falling, fallen fearful full foolish fighting

frightful,frightened glad good greedy happy harmful hot helpful high hesitant honest hopeful hungry hurried

interesting,interested inviting joyful

kind, kindly

adv.Active Angrily attentively back

beautifully busily carefully


clearly collectively correctly completely dangerously deadly differently excitedly extensively

fearfully fully foolishly

frightfully gladly well greedily happily harmfully hotly helpfully high

hesitantly honestly hopefully hungrily hurriedly interestedly invitingly joyfully kind

v.add advise answer apologize arrive award begin breathe brush build call carry choose cook copy cost cough cove cry dance decide discover discuss draw dream dress drink drop end enter excuse explain fail feel fish fly inform invent land laugh mail matter

n.addition anvice answer apology arrival award beginning breath brush building call carriage choice cooking copy cost cough cover cry

dance, dancing decision discovery discussion drawing dream

dress, dressing drink drop end entrance excuse

explaination failurefeelings fish, fishing flight

information invention land laugh mail matter

last life loss love luck need opening past person pleasure pollution possibility post,postage pride rain reality relaxation round sadness safety silence situation sleep smile snow success surprise talk taste thanks tradition truth union use

welcome width wonder work worry wound

last live lost lovelyneed open pass

please pollutepostrain realize relax roundsave

situate sleep smile snow succeed surprise talk taste thanktrust unite use

welcome widen wonder work worry wound


living, lively

lucky necessary open, opening past personal

pleasant, pleased polluted possible postal proud rainy real

relaxing, relaxant round sad safe silent situational

asleep, sleepy, sleeping

smiling snowy successful

talkative tasteful thankful traditional true united useful welcome wide

wonderful working worried wounded

last lively

luckily necessarily openly past

personally pleasantly





safely silently

asleep smilingly


tastefully thankfully traditionally truly




worriedlymean meet notice operate organize paint pay perform plan point practise pronounce read recite record report return ring rob run say see sell serve step shop show sing smell smoke sound speak stay stop store study swim telephone typemeaning

meet, meeting notice operation organization paint, painting pay

performce plan point practice

pronunciation reading recitation record report return ring robbery run, running saying

seeing,sight sale service step

shop, shopping show

singing,song smell

smoke, smoking sound speech stay store store study

翻译中词性转换的技巧 篇4


汉语与英语在词法和语言结构方面都存在着很大的差异。因此,为了达到既忠实于原文又准确流畅的目的,翻译时应掌握一些必要的翻译技巧,词性转换即是其中之一。词性是词在语法意义上的性别, 它表示词所属的类别, 是词的表述功能的外在标记。词性转换是指翻译时为了正确而顺畅地表达原文内容而改变词的属性,即改变词性。在汉译英语句子时,使每一个英语单词都有一个与之词义和词性均相同的汉语词相对应是几乎不可能的。若一定要用词性相同的汉语词来译出英语原旬,那么,汉语译文常常会因不符合汉语的语言习惯及规范而读起来非常别扭,甚至艰涩难懂。词性转换在汉译英翻译中是一项技巧,其关键在于源语与目的与之间的词汇和句子结构差异较大。本文旨在探索在翻译的过程中如何更好地在翻译中使用词性转换的技巧,从而帮助大家逐步提高翻译能力和更加灵活运用词性转换这一翻译技巧。使其翻译的句子准确通顺,将由于英汉差异而引起的语言机械转换,根据表达习惯进行适当调整和转换,使译文变得更加的妥帖、顺畅。二.文献综述






梁超.在《浅谈英译汉中的英汉词性的转换》中论述了英汉两种语言在词汇和语法结构方面有许多不同之处。因此在英译汉的过程中, 有些句子可以逐词翻译, 有些句子则由于英汉两种语言的表达方式不同, 就不能以“挖个坑填个萝卜”方法来逐词对译。翻译时原文的有些词在译文中需要转换词类, 才能使汉语译文通顺自然, 即翻译时不必拘泥于原文的表层结构, 可以在忠实原意的前提下将原文中有些词的词性转换为汉语的其他词性。

三.研究方法,通过阅读大量文献,归纳总结,分析与综合 四.写作思路

一.词类转换的定义及必要性 1.词类转换的定义 2.词类转换的必要性

1.2.1 词类的差异 1.2.2 意义相同但词类不同 二.两种词类间的转换 1.名词的转换技巧 2.动词的转换技巧 3.形容词的转换技巧 4.副词的翻译技巧 5.连词的翻译技巧 三.结语 五.写作计划

1.2011年11月 选题,查找资料,确定论文题目 2.2011年12月 开题报告答辩 3.2012年1月 英文提纲草拟 4.2012年3月 论文一稿 5.2012年4月初 论文二稿 6.2012年5月初 论文三稿 7.2012年5月底6月初 定稿 8.2012年6月中下旬 论文答辩 六.参考文献

[1] 刘小芬,杨筱霞.再谈英汉互译中的词性转换[J].山东商业职业技术学院学报, 2007,(03).[2]谢捷.英语名动转用中不同种类名词的转用几率探析[ J].大学英语(学术版), 2006(1): 65-66.[3] 郑蕙.论英汉翻译中的词性和句形转换[J].科教文汇(下旬刊), 2008,(05).[4] 王晨.浅谈词性转换法在汉译英翻译中的应用[J].陕西教育(高教版), 2009,(02).[5] 梁超.浅谈英译汉中的英汉词性的转换[J].职业教育研究, 2007,(02).[6]张培基等.英汉翻译教程[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2009 [7]陈苏东,陈建平.商务英语翻译[M].北京:高等教育出

词性转换专项练习 篇5

1.The golden fish said to the fisherman, “All your ______ will come true.”(wish)长宁)

2.Thousands of________ were lost in the terrible earthquake happened in Japan.(life)(奉贤)

3.Nowadays many people share_________ with their friends on the Internet.(photo)(黄浦)

4.The children learned to put their ________ and forks down on the plates after eating.(knife)(杨浦)

5.You can see lots of _______ flying inside the dirty restaurant.(fly)(虹口)

6.The book Harry Potter and the Philosopher‟s Stone sold millions of ________.(copy).(闵行)

7.Jenney‟s father has a collection of beautiful __________.(butterfly)普陀)

8.After ten ________, he found his lost boy with the help of the police.(month)(青浦)

9.Ivy missed her parents after she had spent a few ___________ abroad.(month)(闸北)

10.He had to wait for a few __________for the visa(签证)to come through.(month)(金山)

11.Real _____________ is more valuable(有价值的)than money.(friend)(宝山)

12.John told us that he had made friends with a few ________ on the Facebook.(Germany)(徐汇)

13.The students are doing experiments in the lab with some new ________.(chemistry)(长宁)

14.Your smile is the best way to show people your ___________.(kind)(奉贤)

15.Premier(总理)Wen Jiabao asked the government to improve school bus__________.(safe)(金山)

16.Though he is of average _________, he plays much better than the others in the team.(high)(静安)

17.Although Michael is only six, he has already shown his _______ to draw pictures.(able)(徐汇)

18.More and more people have realized the __________ of saving water.(important)(浦东)

19.Nobody at the lunch table believed the___________ of his story.(true)(普陀)

20.Nobody can really tell the _________ of the accident that happened a week ago.(true)(静安)

21.It‟s hard training not _______ that has helped Liu Xiang break the records again.(lucky)(徐汇)

22.Wu Liangyong is one of the __________to get China‟s Top Science Award this year.(win)(奉贤)

23.In some cases, you can hardly tell who is the final _______.(win)(虹口)

24.I‟d like to buy that jacket, but the colour is not my first ___________.(choose)(金山)

25.Last month we received Peter‟s __________ and went to his birthday party happily.(invite)闵行)

26.Lots of students went to the school hall to enjoy the wonderful ________ by Mr Hu.(paint)(静安)

27.To be or not to be, it‟s a very difficult _______ to many people as well as Hamlet.(choose)(虹口)

28.Tim wants to be a great __________ like Zhang Yimou when he grows up.(direct)(浦东)

29.Tom Sawyer gave Ben his brush with worry on his face but ___________ in his heart.(enjoy)(浦东)

30.Danny has worked as a newspaper___________ for a couple of years.(report)(普陀)

31.The students played a game at the ___________ of the lesson.(begin)(普陀)

32.At the __________ of last century, people in China lived in darkness.(begin)(黄浦)

33.With the _____________ of the industry, the environment is getting worse and worse.(develop)(青浦)

34.To my surprise, the ________ of the machine is a middle school student.(invent)(青浦)

35.There were many _________ in the Science Museum last Sunday.(visit)(松江)

36.All the guests are pleased with the restaurant for its excellent _________.(serve)(松江)

37.We are surprised to learn the death of the famous American _______ Whitney Huston.(sing)(徐汇)

38.For many students, choosing a job is the most important life ___________ they must make at school.(decide)(闸北)

39.I wonder if the floor can support such a ________ of furniture.(weigh)(杨浦)

40.Thanksgiving Day falls on the ____Thursday in November in the USA.(four)(宝山)

41.Lucy and Linda are twins.They were born on the ________ of November.(four)(长宁)

42.Thanks-giving Day falls on the ________ Thursday in November.(four)(黄浦)

43.Leung Chun-ying became the ________ chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on March 25th.(four)(杨浦)

44.The accident took place on the ________ day of their journey.(five)(普陀)

45.There are seven days in a week, and the ________ day is Thursday.(five)(青浦)

46.My uncle lives on the __________ floor.The flat has a nice view of the Huangpu River.(twenty)(徐汇)

47.After his _________ birthday, Tom will go abroad to further his study.(twenty)(浦东)

48.On the Double ___________ Festival, people usually climb mountains.(nine)(闸北)49.2012 is a leap year.That‟s why there are ___________days in February.(twenty-ninth)(奉贤)

50.The actor who acted in the TV series last night became famous in his ________.(thirty)(闵行)

51.We should drive ________ on the road.(safe)(宝山)

52.The Magic Hotel is amazing because it‟s __________ underwater.(complete)(长宁)

53.With the development of China, Chinese has become an international language and is ______ used all over the world.(wide)(奉贤)

54.This kind of grass is ________ used to deal with toothache in that area.(wide)(黄浦)

55.Let Tom tell you the truth ___________.(straight)(宝山)

56.Could you___________ open that window for me?(possible)(金山)

57.We all think James will ___________ be an artist when he grows up.(possible)(普陀)

58.________, all the lights went out and people had to wait in the darkness.(sudden)(徐汇)

59.The gentleman lost temper for the first time and shut the door _______ when he left.(heavy)(虹口)

60.In spring the wind blows _______.It makes us feel so comfortable.(gentle)(浦东)

61.All the mistakes should be corrected ________ if you want to get a good mark.(careful)(青浦)

62.I don‟t go out much, ________ because I have to look after the kids.(main)(闵行)

63.He did the work as _________ as he could so as to go back home early.(quick)(松江)

64.Jane gets angry ________.She‟d better get rid of it.(easy)(闸北)

65.John is _________ ill, so you ought to spend more time caring for him these days.(serious)(杨浦)

66.Nancy‟s grandma was _________ ill and he had an operation last month.(serious)(静安)

67.Shanghai ____a lot of visitors from all over the world every year.(attractive)(宝山)

68.Sandy likes drawing very much and she believes it can ________ her whole life.(rich)(长宁)

69.Most people think that traveling abroad can ________ one‟s knowledge.(rich)(闵行)

70.If you want to _________ your dream, study hard from now on.(real)(闸北)

71.It is very difficult to _______ the problem of air pollution.(solution)(宝山)

72.He needs a secretary who can also __________ his life for him.(organization)(奉贤)

73.Every day, we _____________ the visitors‟passports carefully before they check in.(exam)(静安)

74.I hope our company will _________ something like iPhone4S in the nearest future.(product)(虹口)

75.Don‟t always ask for advice from others.You should learn to ________ everything by yourself.(decision)(浦东)

76.Can you tell me who will _______ at the class meeting next Monday?(speech)(松江)

77.The doctors in that hospital always ________ patients with great care.(exam)(杨浦)

78.It‟s great fun to watch the beautiful stars in the sky on ______ nights in autumn.(clearly)(黄浦)

79.I feel ___________ that our school football team will win the match.(confidence)(宝山)

80.Students in Shanghai don‟t have to take_________buses any more, they can take special school buses.(crowd)(金山)

81.On hot summer nights, the swimming pool near my home is _________ with people.(crowd)(徐汇)

82.They were ________ with the recent case the young detective had dealt with.(pleasure)(闵行)

83.Do you agree “Beating a child is a good way to make the child ___________” said by Wolf Dad?(success)(闸北)

84.Could you introduce us three __________ events in the Tang Dynasty(唐朝)?(history)(静安)

85.Most Chinese people think that 8 is a ________ number.(luck)(黄浦)

86.Because of the warm and ________ weather, oranges grow very well here.(sun)(长宁)

87.Don„t touch anything here because it is ________.(danger)(青浦)

88.“Turn down the radio, Jim.It‟s too _________.”said his grandfather.(noise)(松江)

89.As soon as the boss appeared, the_________ office became quiet.(noise)(普陀)

90.I love the programme “Schools in students‟ eyes” made by Shanghai ___________ TV


91.We shouldn‟t make friends with any __________ persons.(honesty)(宝山)

92.It‟s known to all that ________ drivers are a danger to both themselves and others.(care)(静安)

93.Helen‟s teacher was so ________ with the great progress she made this term.(please)(长宁)

94.We are very ________ to our teachesr for their great help.(thank)(奉贤)

95.My mother is nearly 80 and she‟s starting to get a bit________.(forget)(金山)

96.As time passed by, the smart teacher was very old and sometimes rather ________.(forget).(虹口)

97.The Bund is famous for its ___________ night views.(attract)(浦东)

98.All of us should obey traffic rules in order to keep ourselves _________.(save)(松江)

99.This truck is used to deliver _______ food from the factory to the supermarket.(freeze)(徐汇)

100.On leaving school, all the students felt ________ to the teachers for giving them a good education.(thank)(杨浦)

101.Although Peter is five years old, he is learning to make the bed by ________.(he)(长宁)102.The old lady gave half of her money to the homeless, although she is not rich ________.(she)(黄浦)

103.Be careful, Richard, or you‟ll hurt ___________.(your)(金山)

104.The clever dog can open the gate of the garden by ________.(it)(普陀)

105.The music he was playing was so beautiful.We all lost ___________ in it.(we)(闸北)106.When the horse finished the race, ________ sides were wet all over with sweat.(it)(闵行)107.Aunt Liu says these books aren‟t _________.They belong to the gentleman over there.(she)(静安)

108.It is clear that your schoolbag is much heavier than_______.(I)(奉贤)

109.My brother‟s hobby is collecting stamps, but ________ is playing badminton.(I)(青浦)110.A friend of _________ is waiting for the manager at the gate of the company.(they)(松江)

111.I will try _____ best to get a bright future.(I)(浦东)

112.To make lessons lively, our teacher taught ________ English in a special way.(we)(杨浦)113.To keep fit, we should get ride of _________ eating habits and do more exercise.(healthy)(黄浦)

114.Nobody likes to make friends with _________ people.(honest)(金山)

115.Nowadays blogs are much more ________ than traditional diaries and especially welcomed by young people.(useless)(闵行)
