


考研英语核心词汇十一 篇1



magnet 磁铁,磁铁石 The pin was extracted with a magnet

magnify 放大,扩大 I want to magnify this picture

maintain 维持,保持 maintain law and order

malfunction 发生功能障碍,发生障碍 If the computer malfunctions it fails to work properly

maltreat 粗暴地对待,虐待 We‘ll not intervene unless the children are being physically maltreated

manifest 显然的,明了的manifest superiority

model 模型,原形 build airplane ~s

nominal 名义的,有名无实的 a ~ leader

nominate 提名 a ~ leader

noteworthy值得注意的`,显著的a ~ day

intervene 插入,介入:A week intervenes between Christmas and New Year‘s Day

intricate 错综复杂的,复杂精细的:A detective story usually has an intricate plot

invert 使反向,使倒转,使颠倒:The magician inverted the bag to show it was empty

irrespective 不考虑的,不顾的(of) :irrespective of consequences

irritate 激怒,使恼怒,使烦躁:be irritated by sb‘s insolence

justify 证明……正当或有理,正确:Such behavior is justified on these grounds

knit 编织,编结:She‘s knitting her husband a sweater

greet 问候,招呼:greet sb with a nod

grieve 使悲伤,使伤心:The little girl grieved over her kitten‘s death

grind (ground)磨,磨碎,碾碎:grind wheat into flour

grip 抓紧,紧握:Fear gripped his heart

gross 总的,毛的:gross income

guarantee 保证,保证书,保单:Wealth is no guarantee of happiness

hail 欢呼,喝彩:The crowd hailed the actress with joy

halt (行进中的)暂停前进,中止,终止:The car came to a sudden halt

hamper 妨碍,阻碍:hamper sb from getting elected

handicap 障碍,不利条件:Poor eyesight is a handicap to a student

haste 急速,急忙,仓促,草率: Why all this haste?

hatch 孵,孵出:hatch (out) chickens

manipulate (熟练地)操作 Mr. Smith manipulated the ivory chopsticks with great dexterity

mature 熟的,成熟的 a mature fruit

melt 使融化,使熔化 The sun melted the snow

mend 修理,修补 mend clothes

merit 长处,优点,价值,功绩 merits and demerits

migrate 移居(尤指移居国外),迁移 migrate to another country

minimum 最低限度,最少量,最低点

minor 较小的,较少的,较不重要的

mislead 把……引错方向,把……引入歧途

moan 呻吟声,呜咽声 Each time she moved her leg she let out a ~ .

mobilize 动员 Our country‘s in great danger, we must ~ the army.

mock 嘲笑,嘲弄 He had ~ed her modest ambitions.

ornament 装饰品,点缀品 We bought ~s for the Christmas tree

orthodox 正统的,正宗的 an ~ economic theory

outline轮廓,外形 He saw the ~ of a house against the sky

overflow 泛滥 Every spring the river ~s

overhaul 大修,全面检查,彻底革新~ a faulty machine

overhear 偶然听到,偷听到I wouldn‘t like to be ~d

occupy 占用,占有My books ~ a lot of space

occur 发生,存在,出现 when did the earthquake ~?

odd的奇数的,单的,奇怪的One ,three five are ~numbers

wicked 坏的,邪恶的,淘气的,恶作剧的 ~ habits

考研英语核心词汇十一 篇2

Account considered to be an offset to another account.Generally established to reduce the other account to amounts that can be realized or collected.


contra broker对销经纪

The broker on the buy side of a sell order or on the sellside of a buy order.


contract n.合约, 合同

A legally binding agreement (oral or written) between two or more persons regarding an exchange of some sort.Alegally binding contract must include consideration passing between the parties, an intention on the part of all parties to be bound to the contract, a meeting of the minds of the parties as to the contents of the contract, and an element of clarity such that the terms of the contract may be interpreted, understood and enforced by a court.

两人以上的人之间, 就某种交换建立的一个有法律约束力的协议 (口头形式或书面形式) 。一个有法律约束力的合同必须包括各方之间交换的报酬、各方都有意愿受合同的约束、各方对合同内容意见一致, 而且表达清晰, 因此合同的条款可以由法院解释、了解和强制执行。描述未来的一项金融或商品交易的术语。也指交易买卖双方实际的合议。

contract broker合约经纪

A stock exchange member who executes transactions for other exchange members.


contract grades契约品级

The standard grades of commodities or instruments as determined by the government and/or the exchange that must be met when delivering income against futures contracts.

当依据期货合同收支收益时, 商品或支付工具必须满足的等级标准, 此标准由政府和/或交易所确定。是指由商品交易所统一规定的期货合同中的商品质量等级, 如果级别高, 则溢价销售, 反之, 则折价销售。

contract market契约市场

A market in which futures are traded.

期货交易的市场。是指商品交易的期货市场, 也就是买方和卖方买卖期货合同的场所。

contract month合约到期月份

The month during which a futures contract expires, and during which delivery may take place according to the terms of the contract.Also called contract month or delivery month.

期货合同到期的月份, 也是根据合约条款进行交割的月份。也叫交割月份。

contract sale合同销售

A contract in which a property title is transferred onlyafter the buyer makes a certain number of monthly payments.Also called contract sale or contract for deed.

在此合同下, 买方只有交付了一定数额的月度付款后, 财产的所有权才会被转移。也叫契约销售。

contract size协议量

The quantity of the underlying security that the holderof an option possesses the right to buy or sell.

拥有买卖期权的持有人所持有的标的证券的数量。contraction n.经济萎缩

A period of general economic decline.Contractions are often part of a business cycle, coming after an expansionary phase and before a recession.

经济总体下滑的阶段。经济萎缩中商业循环的一部分, 在经济膨胀之后而在衰退之前。

contractual plan契约计划

A plan in which fixed dollar amounts of mutual fundshares are purchased through periodic investments, usually featuring some sort of additional incentive for the fixed period payments.

按照一般性惯例, 指所有规定缴款期和按月或按季的常规投资准备的积累计划。

contrarian n.反向操作者

An investor who behaves in opposition to the prevailingwisdom.

考研英语核心词汇十一 篇3

【关键词】核心词汇 英语专业 词汇教学

词海茫茫,学生不可能在有限的学习期间要穷尽所有词汇。对中国的英语专业学生来说,根据高等学校英语专业教学大纲,到专业八级的词汇量要求是达到10, 000-12, 000。光是课堂教学,哪怕就是单一的词汇教学,学生的词汇量积累也可能达不到这个目标。那在英语专业的课堂上,教师要教授哪些“核心”单词,来帮助学生有效地扩大词汇量呢?


核心词汇在某种程度上与高频词汇相当,但又不完全等同,因为词汇出现的频率只是确定核心词汇的重要依据之一。同时,用来表达“核心词汇”这个概念的术语也有不同,例如“nuclear vocabulary”,“core vocabulary”,“common vocabulary”等。 汪榕培(2000)认为,核心词汇就是“最基本和最简单的词汇”。“最基本”,主要因为这些核心词汇可以基本满足日常生活的一般语言交际;“最简单”,主要因为这些核心词汇的形态简单,是最容易学、容易懂、容易记忆的短词。


核心词汇可以满足初级阶段学习者基本的理解与交流目的,但对于较高层次的学习者来说,应该参照什么标准来确定外语教学中的核心词汇呢?比如,对一个中国的英语专业的大一新生来说,入学的词汇量不少于2, 000。我们可以认为,这两千多个词基本上应该是核心词汇。那在随后的教学当中,教师当然无需花力气再讲解例如“hand”、“heart”或“run”等基础词汇了。那在大学的英语专业词汇教学中要以什么词汇为主呢?有所谓“较高一级”的核心词汇吗?要重点讲解的词汇选择是以本族语的核心词汇为主,还是根据我国学习者实际需要重新设定核心词汇呢?这是我们要思考的问题。

上海外语教育出版社原总编王彤福先生根据1989版在教委直接领导下制订的《高等学校英语专业基础阶段教学大纲》主编并出版了与其匹配的分级基础词汇表。他讲到,在单词的选择与分级的过程中,词频,即该单词在以英语为本族语的人们日常生活及常见书报杂志上的出现频率,无疑是个重要的因素。但词频并不能代表我国英语教学的特点,也不能代替词汇教学中其它一系列的因素,如单词的使用面,在语言中的结构功能,搭配能力等。因此,该词汇表编写组成员不仅参考了词频有关书籍,如Word Frequency Book(J. B. Carol 1971),还参考了单词在我国主要自编教材及引进教材中的出现频率,单词在教学上的难易程度,以及单词的语体特征。该分级词汇表是将理论与实践相结合的一次大胆的尝试,为教师和学生关注的“核心词汇”提供了有力的参考。然而在其后的实用阶段,有学者(席仲恩,1998)发现该词汇表存在一些问题,例如收词的原则不够清楚,原则贯彻不够统一,没有充分考虑反映我国文化特色的词汇,没有充分参照国际几个有影响的语料库词频分析结果,也没有充分考虑已进入日常生活的现代高科技词汇。

《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》(2000)规定英语专业本科生毕业必须达到的词汇量约为12, 000个,而在基础阶段,即大一、二年级,须认知词汇5, 500-6, 500个,其中含大学入学基本词汇2, 000个。然而在教学大纲颁布不久,不少地区对中小学英语词汇的要求都有了较大的提高,词汇量的增大尤为明显。因此,《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》词汇表工作组于2004年出版《英语专业四、八级词汇表》,将收入的词汇量适当增大,扩至13, 000左右。该词汇表主要分两个等级,8, 000为基础阶段词汇,而其余5, 000属于高年级阶段词汇。2010年由徐中川主编、北京语言大学出版社出版的《英语专业四级词汇分级背诵与测试手册》是根据2004年 《英语专业四、八级词汇表》进行词汇分级的(虽然两者收录的词也不尽相同)。《手册》将基础阶段的8, 000个词汇除去2, 000中学阶段需掌握的词汇后的6, 000单词分成六级,每级约1, 000词。也就是说,徐中川版本的词汇表不包括中学阶段的基础词汇,因而更符合英语专业基础阶段学生的实际使用。《手册》以《英语专业四、八级词汇表》为蓝本,并参考国内外最新词频统计资料(包括上海交通大学出版的《万词表》、美国的Brown词表、英国的COBUILD词表等),同时结合了英语专业基础阶段学生的实际英语学习状况。因此,笔者认为,如果说《英语专业四、八级词汇表》更权威的话,《英语专业四级词汇分级背诵与测试手册》相对参考性更强,更具实用价值。


英语专业基础阶段的词汇教学通常以精读课堂教学为主、围绕课本展开的,课本上的每篇课文后都是附有词汇表的。以我国英语专业使用率比较高的精读教材《现代大学英语》(杨立民总主编,第二版)为例。这套教材(基础阶段两个学年共四册)对词汇量的估计基本也是参照《大纲》对英语专业学生的要求。假定英语专业新生的入学词汇量为2, 000左右,第一学年结束,基本词汇量应再扩大2, 000词左右(其中1, 500)来自精读,第二学年结束,学生词汇量再增加2, 000左右,达到《大纲》要求的6, 000词左右的指标。但是每课的词汇表制定的依据是什么,编者并没有说明。该套教材第一版与第二版的课后选择的词汇有很大的不同,但编者也并没有具体说明词汇表变化的原因。








[1]Carter,R.1987.Vocabulary:Applied Linguistic Perspective[M].London:Allen and Unwin Publishers Ltd.






考研英语核心词汇十八 篇4

highlight 使显著,使突出:Growing economic problems were highlighted by a slowdown in oil output

fracture 裂缝,裂痕: a fracture in the pipe

frequent时常发生的,频繁的:His trips to France are less frequent now

frown 皱眉:frown at sb

frustrate 挫败,阻挠,使灰心,使无效:frustrate a plan

fulfill (fulfilled, fulfilling)履行,实现,完成: fulfill a contract

furnish供应,提供:furnish blankets for the refugees

fury狂怒,暴怒:fly into a fury

fuss大惊小怪,乱忙,小题大做:make much fuss over losing a penny

hinder妨碍,阻止:Bad weather hindered travel

hint 暗示:drop(give ,throw out)a hint(加微信号:kaoyanyun)

enforce实施,使生效:The principal enforced the rules of the school

engage (用契约诺言等)约束,使订婚:He engaged himself as an apprentice to a printer

enhance 提高(价格,质量,吸引力等),增加,增强:enhance one‘s reputation

figure 数字:according to official figures

finance 财政,金融:skill in finance

finite 有限的,有限制的:a finite number of facts

flare (火焰)闪耀,(摇曳不定地)燃烧:candle flaring in the wind

flash 闪光,闪烁:a flash of lighting

flat平坦的,扁平的.:a flat land

inaccessible 达不到的:The two rocks at the top of the steep hill is at first sight inaccessible

incline倾斜:The shaft inclines almost thirty degree

incorporate 包含,吸收:His book incorporates his earlier essays

incur 招致,引起,遭受:incur sb‘s displeasure(envy)

modify 修改,更改 ~a law

momentary 片刻的,瞬息的 a ~ feeling of fear

designate 指明,表明:designate boundaries

desolate 荒芜的,不毛的:desolate land

despise 蔑视,鄙视:He despises flattery.

detach 拆卸:They detached their trailer and set up camp.

diagnose 诊断,判断:The doctor diagnosed the illness as influenza.

dictate 口授,使听写:dictate a letter to a secretary

coincide 相符,相一致 100 Centigrade coincides with 212 Fahrenheit.

collaborate (尤指在文艺、科学等方面)合作,协作 He and I collaborated in writing plays.

collapse 倒坍,崩溃,瓦解 The roof collapsed under the weight of the snow.

collide 碰撞,互撞 The car collided with the truck.

commemorate 纪念,庆祝 commemorate a holiday

commend 表扬,称赞 commend a soldier for bravery

extinct (火等)熄灭了的:an extinct cigarette(fire)

extinguish熄灭,扑灭:extinguish a cigarette(candle)

multiply 乘,相乘~ 7 and 8

muscle 肌肉 facial ~s

mutual 相互的, 彼此的 ~ aid

narrate 叙述,讲述 ~ the story of sb‘s life

negligent 疏忽的,大意的 be ~ about traffic regulations

indignant 愤怒的,愤慨的:The actress was at the columnist‘s personal questions

indispensable 必不可少的,必需的(to. for): Oxygen is indispensable to life

induce 引诱,劝使:Nothing will induce me to do that

infer (根据已知事实等)推断,推定(from):From his grades I inferred that he was a good student

ingenious (人,头脑等)灵巧的,足智多谋的:an ingenious designer

instant 紧急的,急迫的,立即的,即刻的:be in instant need of help

institute 学会,协会,学院,研究院:an institute for the blind

insulate 隔音,使隔绝(以免受到影响):We are not insulated from the real world the way we were

insult 侮辱,辱骂:She insulted him by calling him a coward

考研英语核心词汇复习测试 篇5

remark 评论,议论 (on, upon) It would be rude to ~ upon her appearance

remedy 治疗,治疗法,药品 a folk ~

spectacle 景象,奇观,壮观,场面 The burning house was a terrible ~

squeeze 榨,挤 ~ juice from oranges

stern 严厉的,苛刻的 a ~ punishment

stimulate 刺激,促使 ~ economic growth

ignore 不顾,不理,忽视:He who ignores history is doomed to repeat it

illuminate 照明,照亮,解释,启发,启迪:The room was poorly illuminated by one candle

illustrate (用图或例子)说明,阐明:A complicated rule can be illustrated by a simple example

immerse 使浸没:He immersed himself in the pool

shift 转移,移动 Don’t try to ~the blame onto me

shrewd 机灵的,敏锐的,精明的 a ~ guess

synchronize使同步,使结合,使协调 Their steps ~d

taboo 禁忌,忌讳Movies producers attempted to break down all the ~s

tackle 用具,装备 shaving ~

transient 短暂的,转瞬即逝的 ~ happiness

simulate 假装,冒充 use tricks to ~ illness

sketch 素描,速写 make a ~ of a face in pencil

slack 不紧的,不严的 a ~ soft rope

slender 苗条的,修长的,细长的She is ~ and has long dark hair

edible可以吃的,可食用的:edible oil

elaborate精心计划(或制作)的,详尽的:an elaborate plot

elevate举起,提高,抬起:elevate the living standards of the people

fascinate强烈的`吸引,迷住,使神魂颠倒:be fascinated with history

emigrate移居外国(或外地区):emigrate from Canada to Australia

emit发出,散发(光,热,电度,声音,液体,气味等),发射电子:The chimney emitted a cloud of smoke

endeavor (为达到某一目的而)努力,尝试:How much he endeavored, goal stayed unattained

compulsory 必须做的,义务的 a compulsory subject

conceal 隐藏,隐瞒,隐蔽 He concealed his disappointment from his friends.

conceive 构想出,设想 conceive an idea

restore 恢复,修复,康复 The temple has been ~d out of all recognition

restrain 抑制,遏止 ~ one’s anger

resume 重新开始,继续 When I quit golf, I ~d writing

rouse 惊起 The boat ~d wild ducks to flight

row 吵闹,争吵 What’s all this ~ about?

rub 擦,摩擦 He rubbed his eyes

rust 锈,铁锈 Iron gathers ~easily

ruthless 无情的,残忍的,冷酷的 a~ enemy

sack 麻袋,纸袋,塑料袋 a ~of cement

sacred 神圣的the ~ name of God

sacrifice 献祭,供奉 a law banning the ~ of animals

salute 敬礼,祝贺 ~ one’s superior officer

retain 保留,保持 ~the right to reply

reveal 揭示,揭露 I promise never to ~ his secret

revenge 报仇,复仇Man may destroy the balance of nature ,but ,from time to time, nature takes a terrible ~

concentrate 集中,专心 concentrate one’s attention

condemn 谴责 We all condemn cruelty to children.

condense (使)压缩,(使)凝结,使简洁 condense a speech to half

confer 商谈,商议 confer with sb. Over (on, about, concerning) sth.

confess 坦白,供认,承认,忏悔 confess one’s crime

formulate规划(制度等),构想出(计划方法等)formulate a policy

gallop (马等的)飞跑,疾驰:The horse did a fine gallop during the race

gasp 喘气,喘息:speak between gasps

gear齿轮,传动装置,(排)档:interlock cogs and gears

考研英语核心词汇二十四 篇6

plunge 猛地投入或插入 He ran to the edge of the swimming pool and ~d in

pocket 衣袋,口袋,袋子 a change ~

polish 擦光,擦亮 Polish your shoes with a brush

poll 民意测验 A recent ~ shows a change in public opinion

layman n.俗人,外行,门外汉

random胡乱的,任意的,随意的,a ~talk

range 排,行,一系列 a ~ of buildings

rank排,行,列 the ~s of great pines

rate 比率,率 Velocity is the ~ of change of distance with respect to time

reap 收割,收获 ~ the rice in the field

rear 后部,后边,背部a garden at the ~ of the house

recall 回忆,回想I ~ seeing a poster on his wall

reciprocal 相互的,交互的 ~ respect

reckon 计算,数 ~ the days till Christmas

hurl vt.猛投,力掷;大声叫骂

hurricane n.飓风 ;十二级风

hypocrisy n.伪善,虚伪

ideology n.意识形态,(政治或社会的)思想意识

infrastructure n.基础结构,基础设施

inhale v.吸入(气体等),吸(烟)

juvenile n.少年 a.青少年的,适合青少年的;幼稚的

kin n.家族,亲属 a.亲属关系的

reclaim 使改过,改造 ~ former criminals

recognize认出,识别 Dogs ~ people by their smell

recollect 回忆,想起 I am trying to ~ a forgotten address

recommend 推荐,称赞 He ~ed me for the post of headmaster

reconcile 使和解,使和好After each fight they ate soon ~d

recover 追回,重新得到The police ~ed stolen watch

recruit 招募(新兵)招收(新成员)try to ~300 men in two days

rectify纠正,改正,矫正 ~ the mistakes in a bill

refer 提到,谈到 Does the remark ~ to me

refine 提炼~ crude oil into various petroleum products

pump 泵 fill a bucket from the ~

pursue 追赶,追随,追求 He felt their eyes pursuing him

puzzle 难题,智力玩具,迷,迷惑 jigsaw ~

quality 质量,品级 merchandise of ~

quantity 数量,量 an increase in ~

quench 消除,平息,压制,扑灭 ~ hatred

queue一队人,一行列车 from a ~

quit 停止,放弃 It hasn‘t ~ raining yet

peculiar 奇怪的,古怪的 He has always been a little ~

peel 削皮,剥皮 peel potatoes

penetrate 穿透,渗入 The nail ~d the wood at least two inches

perceive 感知,感觉,觉察 He was only able to ~ light and color ;he could not see properly

perfect 完美的,理想的 a ~ couple

英语四级核心词汇总结 篇7

2.burst vi.n.突然发生,爆裂

3.dispose vi.除掉;处置;解决;处理

4.blast n.爆炸;气流vi.炸,炸掉

5.consume v.消耗,耗尽

6.split v.劈开;割裂;分裂a.裂开的7.spit v.吐;唾弃

8.spill v.溢出,溅出,倒出

9.slip v.滑动,滑落;忽略

10.slide v.滑动,滑落n.滑动;滑面;幻灯片

11.bacteria n.细菌

12.breed n.种,品种v.繁殖,产仔外语学习网

13.budget n.预算v.编预算,作安排

14.candidate n.候选人

15.campus n.校园

16.liberal a.慷慨的;丰富的;自由的17.transform v.转变,变革;变换

18.transmit v.传播,播送;传递

19.transplant v.移植

英语六级核心词汇C 篇8

canvas  n.粗帆布;一块油画布

capsule  n. 胶囊,瓶帽,太空舱

captive  n.俘虏,被监禁的人

cartoon  n.漫画,动画片

carve  vt.刻,雕刻;切开

casualty  n. 伤亡,受害者

category  n.种类,类目;范畴

cater  vi.迎合,投合

cathedral  n.总教堂;大教堂

catholic  a.天主教的n.天主教徒

caution  n.小心;告诫 vt.警告

cautious  a.小心的,谨慎的

cavity  n.洞,穴,空腔

cellar  n.地窑,地下室

census  n. 户口普查 vt.统计调查

ceramic  a. 陶器的 n. 陶瓷制品

cereal  n.谷类,五谷,禾谷

certainty  n.确实性,确信,确实

certify  vt.vi. 证明,保证

chaos  n. 大混乱,混沌

characterize  vt.表示…的特性

charity  n.施舍;慈善事业

charm  n.魅力;妩媚 vi.迷人

charter  vt.租 n.宪章;契据

chat  n. 闲谈 vi. 闲谈,聊天

cherish  vt.珍爱;怀有(感情)

chip  n.薄片,碎片

chord  n.(乐器的)弦 vi.协调

chorus  vt.&vi.合唱

chronic  a.慢性的,习惯性的n.慢性病患者

circulation  /n.循环;(货币等)流通

circus  n.马戏;马戏团

cite  vt.引用,引证;举例

civilian  n.平民 a.平民的

clamp  n.夹子 vt.夹住,夹紧

clarity  n. 清楚,透明

clash  n.碰撞声;抵触,冲突

clasp  n.扣子,钩子;别针

classic  n.名著 a.不朽的

clause  n. 子句,条款

clearance  n. 清除,解除,间隙

client  n.顾客;诉讼委托人

climax  n.顶点,高潮

cling  vi.粘住;依附;坚持

clinic  n.诊所,医务室;会诊

clip  vt.剪;剪辑报刊

clockwise  a.&ad.顺时针方向转的

closet  n.小房间;壁碗橱

cluster  n.一串 vt.使成群

clutch  vt.抓住 vi.掌握,攫

coherent  a.粘着的;紧凑的

coincide  vi.相符合;相巧合

coincidence  n. 巧合,同时发生

collaboration  n. 合作,通敌

collide  vi.碰撞;冲突,抵触

colonial  a.殖民地的,殖民的

combat  vt.跟…战斗 vi.格斗

comedy  n.喜剧;喜剧场面

comet  n. 慧星

commemorate  vt. 纪念

commence  vt.开始 vi.获得学位

commend  vt.称赞,表扬;推荐

commentary  n. 注释,评论,批评

commitment  n. 委托,实行,承担义务,赞助

commodity  n.日用品,商品,物品

commonplace  a.平凡的 n.平常话

commonwealth  n.共和国;联邦

commute  vt. 交换,兑换, 经常来往

compact  a.紧密的 vt.使紧凑

comparable  a.可比较的;类似的

compartment  n. 间隔,个别室,车厢

compatible/  a.一致的;兼容制的

compensate  vt.&vi.补偿,赔偿

competence  n. 胜任,资格,能力

competitive  a.竞争的,比赛的

compile  vt.编辑,编制,搜集

complement  vt.补充 n.补足(物)

complication  n.复杂,混乱;并发症

compliment  n.问候 vt.赞美,祝贺

comply  vi.应允,遵照,照做

composite  a.合成的 n.合成物

compulsory  a.强迫的,义务的

concede  vt. 承认,退让 vi. 让步

conceive  vt.设想,以为;怀孕

conception  n.概念,观念,想法

concession  n.让步,迁就

concise  a. 简洁的,简明的

confer  vt. 赠予,协议 vi. 协商

confidential  a.秘密的;亲信的

configuration  n. 结构,配置,形态

conform  vt.使遵守 vi.一致

confront  vt.使面对;使对证

confusion  n.混乱;骚乱;混淆

conscientious  a. 本着良心的,负责的

consecutive  a. 连续的,联贯的,始终一贯的

consensus n. 一致

consequent  a.作为结果的;必然的

conserve  vt. 保存,保全 n. 蜜饯,果酱

consolidate  vt.巩固 vi.合并

conspicuous  a. 显著的,显眼的,出众的

constituent  a.形成的 n.选民

constrain  vt. 强迫,勉强,驱使

consultant  n. 顾问,商议者

consumer  n.消费者,用户

contaminate  vt. 弄脏,毒害,传染

contemplate  vt. 注视,沉思,打算 vi. 冥思苦想

contempt  n.轻蔑;藐视

contend  vi.竞争 vt.坚决主张

context  n.上下文;来龙去脉

continuity  n. 连续性

contradict  vt.反驳,否认

contribution  n. 捐助,捐助之物,贡献

contrive  vt.vi. 发明,设计,图谋

controversial  a. 争论的,论争的,被议论的

controversy  n.争论,辩论,争吵

converge  vi. 聚合,集中于一点

convict  n. 囚犯,罪犯 vt. 宣告有罪

conviction  n.确信,信服,深信

cooperative  a.合作的 n.合作社

cordial  a.真诚的,诚恳的

corporate  n. 组织

corps  n. 军团,队,团,兵种


correlate  n.互相关联的事物

correspondence  n.通信;符合;对应

correspondent  n.通信者;通讯员

corrode  vt.vi 腐蚀,侵蚀,破坏

corrupt  vt.贿赂 a.腐败的

cosmic  a.宇宙的;广大无边的

costume  n. 装束,服装

couch  n.睡椅,长沙发椅

counsel  n.商议;忠告;律师

counterpart  n. 副本,复本,配对物,相应物

courtesy  n.礼貌,谦恭,请安

coward  a.懦怯的,胆小的

cradle  n.摇篮,发源地

creation  n. 创造,创作物,发明

cripple  n.跛子;残废的人

crisp  a.脆的;卷曲的

criterion  n.标准,准则,尺度

crucial  a. 决定性的,重要的,严厉的

cruise  vi.巡航 vt.巡航于…

cue  n. 开端,线索,发辫,长队

culminate  vi.vi. 到绝顶,达于极点,达到高潮

cumulative  a. 累积的

curb  n. 抑制,勒马绳 vt. 抑制,束缚

curt  a. 简略的,简短的,生硬的

currency  n.通货;通用;市价

curriculum  n. 课程

customary  a.通常的;照惯例的

cylinder  n.圆筒;柱(面);汽缸
