


飘的作者的英文简介 篇1

Long Yingtai, was born in February 13, 1952 in Taiwan Kaohsiung County Township Village Da Liao, modern writers, “the Minister of culture of the Republic of china”.In 1974 graduated from the Department of foreign languages of National Cheng Kung University, went to school after American, Kansas State University, British and American literature. In 1988 moved to Germany, a professor at University of Frankfurt. 1994, published “in Europe”. in , her three book “,” Shanghai man “, the turmoil of the world”, “Hometown” in Shanghai have issued a. , Long Yingtai served as director of the Taipei Municipal Bureau of culture first. In , a professor at University of Hong Kong, was named outstanding humanities scholars Qiao Ling beam. November 15, , Long Yingtai to 2600000 yuan royalty income, on the writer rich list sixteenth, causing widespread concern.In December 5, , officially retiring Taiwan “Minister of culture”.

飘的作者的英文简介 篇2

作者简介:姓名 (出生年—) , 性别 (民族———汉族可省略) , 籍贯, 职称, 学位, 简历以及研究方向 (任选) 。


多作者署名时, 仅要求提供第一作者 (或主要责任者或执笔人) 的简介即可, 一般应将其姓名置于首位;“籍贯”是指“××省市、自治区或直辖市人”, “职称”指工程师, 高级工程师, 教师, 助教, 教授……, “学位”指学士, 研究生, 硕士, 博士……, “研究方向”也可提供主要从事的研究工作和技术成果等。具体情况可参阅本期的“作者简介”示例。

《作者简介》书写格式要求 篇3

根据有关部门制定的杂志编排规范的要求,本刊所刊稿件均要有《作者简介》项,敬请作者(多作者为第一作者)在投稿时提供相关信息,格式如下:姓名(出生年- ),性别,民族(汉族可省略),籍贯,学位,职称/职务,简历,研究方向或分管业务。


