


空白外贸销售合同(中英文) 篇1

Sales Contract

编号: No: 日期: Date :

签约地点: Signed at: 卖方:Sellers:


邮政编码:Postal Code: 电话:Tel:

传真:Fax: 买方:Buyers:


邮政编码:Postal Code: 电话:Tel:



The sellers agrees to sell and the buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below: 货号 Article No.品名及规格 Description&Specification 数量 Quantity 单价 Unit Price 总值:

数量及总值均有_____%的增减,由卖方决定。Total Amount With _____% more or less both in amount and quantity allowed at the sellers option.生产国和制造厂家 Country of Origin and Manufacturer 包装: Packing: 唛头: Shipping Marks: 装运期限:Time of Shipment: 装运口岸:Port of Loading: 目的口岸:Port of Destination: 保险:由卖方按发票全额110%投保至_____为止的_____险。Insurance:To be effected by buyers for 110% of full invoice value covering _____ up to _____ only.付款条件:



By confirmed, irrevocable, transferable and divisible L/C to be available by sight draft to reach the sellers before ___/___/_____ and to remain valid for ingotiation in China until 15 days after the aforesaid time of shipment.Tje L/C must specify that transhipment and partial shipments are allowed.单据:Documents: 装运条件:Terms of Shipment: 品质与数量、重量的异义与索赔:Quality/Quantity Discrepancy and Claim: 人力不可抗拒因素:


Force Majeure:

Either party shall not be held responsible for failure or delay to perform all or any part of this agreement due to flood, fire, earthquake, draught, war or any other events which could not be predicted, controlled, avoided or overcome by the relative party.However, the party affected by the event of Force Majeure shall inform the other party of its occurrence in writing as soon as possible and thereafter send a certificate of the event issued by the relevant authorities to the other party within 15 days after its occurrence.仲裁:

在履行协议过程中,如产生争议,双方应友好协商解决。若通过友好协商未能达成协议,则提交中国国际贸易促进委员会对外贸易仲裁委员会,根据该会仲裁程序暂行规定进行仲裁。该委员会决定是终局的,对双方均有约束力。仲裁费用,除另有规定外,由败诉一方负担。Arbitration All disputes arising from the execution of this agreement shall be settled through friendly consultations.In case no settlement can be reached, the case in dispute shall then be submitted to the Foreign Trad Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade for Arbitration in accordance with its Provisional Rules of Procedure.The decesion made by this commission shall be regarded as final and binding upon both parties.Arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party, unless otherwise awarded.备注:Remark:


买方:Buyers: 签字:Signature:

外贸英文销售合同 篇2

Buyer: ______

Through friendly negotiation, the authorized representatives of both parties have reached an agreement to sign the sales confirmation, the terms of which are as follows

1. According to the requirements of the buyer, the Seller agrees to provide spare parts and sell according to the sellers sample;

2. The total amount of this sales confirmation of payment for U.S.D. (capital: _____ dollars) to us your price on FOB basis, namely includes the following: the ___

(1) Price;

(2) the transportation cost of the goods from the production plant to the port of delivery;

(3) Packaging fees suitable for air transport conditions;

(4) The Buyer entrusts the Seller to transport the goods mentioned in the sales confirmation from the port to the Port by air. Transportation, insurance, handling and other expenses are to be paid by the buyer.

3. The Company will issue a cash cheque to the bank on the date of payment. Upon receipt of the cash cheque, the Seller will issue the following documents: ___

(1) Air waybill;

(2) Commercial invoice (freight, insurance and handling charges, etc.);

(3) Packing list in two copies (one copy into the box).

4. The goods of this sales confirmation are packed by air and the following marks are written in English on both sides of each case: ___ Net weight (kg) : ___ Length × width × height: ___ mm × mm × mm Port of discharge: ___ Consignee: ___ Shipper: ___ Sales Confirmation Number: ___

Step 5 Guarantee

(1) The Seller warrants that the parts are free from defects in rights, and that any products provided by the Seller to the Buyer are legal products without infringing the intellectual property rights of any third party or any other illegal situation, and that the Buyer will not infringe the legitimate rights and interests of others due to the performance of this contract. If the Buyer is involved in litigation due to the reasons of the Seller, all adverse consequences shall be borne by the Seller.

(2) Both parties warrant that all statements made in this Contract at the time of conclusion are true.

(3) Either party shall compensate the other party for the losses caused by its breach of the above obligations, and the non-breaching party shall have the right to terminate the contract.

6. Confidentiality Both parties shall be obliged to keep confidential the technical information and other trade secrets of the other party known to them for the performance of this Contract, and shall not let any third party know the confidential information. This clause shall not become invalid due to the invalidity of this Contract, and the confidentiality obligation shall not be waived due to the termination or rescission of this Contract.

7. Dispute Settlement Any dispute arising from the performance of this Contract shall be settled by the parties through friendly negotiation. If no agreement can be reached through negotiation, either party shall have the right to bring a lawsuit in the peoples court. This Contract shall be interpreted and disputes resolved in accordance with the laws of the Peoples Republic of China.

8. The sales confirmation in both Chinese and Chinese shall be effective as of the date of signature by the final representative.

Seller (signature) : ___

Buyer (signature) :

中英文 外贸购销合同 篇3

Unless signed and sealed by the supplier within 3 working days, this PO shall be deemed to be void and Hi-P is entitled to cancel this PO.除非此订单在3个工作日内被签章并回传,否则视为无效并可撤销。

Unless is within the last 10 days before delivery, Hi-P is entitled to change or cancel this PO anytime.买方在交付日届满前十日有权随时变更或撤消本订单。

This PO only is applicable to purchasing raw material, wrapper and parts.If this PO is used for other business range of product purchase, which including but not limited to equipment, plant or service purchase, Hi-P is entitled to withdraw the PO, at supplier’s cost, at any time even after acceptance.本订单仅适用于原物料/包材/辅料/部件等的购买。如本订单用于其他商业范围内的购买(包括但不限于购买设备,工程,服务等),则HI-P有权随时拒收,卖方应自费退回交付的产品。即使Hi-P已经收货或接受服务仍有权要求解除,卖方应自行承担各类交易的所有成本费用。

Please refer to this link http:///po-general-term.php to comply with integrated PO terms and conditions, The seal and signature of the supplier on this page shall be deemed to confirm acceptance all the conditions and terms in Hi-P Lan.In the event of any inconsistency between these terms and the terms in any contract signed between the parties herein, the terms in the contracts will prevail.按下列及所附条款供应以下产品。本订单全部的订单条款请参照Hi-P链接的网址http:///po-general-term.php, 供应商在本页的签章将被认为对订单全部条款的接收。如果订单条款与合同中的条款有不一致,应以双方签订的合同条款为准。

INCOTERMS: DDP(国内贸易为货交买方指定工厂或目的地)

Payment term: No later than 90 days after Invoice date and subject to any set-off by Hi-P for rejected products 验收合格并收到发票后90日付款。

Notes: * Payments will be made in RMB for material price that are determined in USD.The RMB payments are converted based on the average exchange rate issued by Bank of China, ruling at the last trading day in the preceding month prior to payment.* Please input invoice number and the supplier code in all your delivery original documents submitted to Hi-P before payment as necessary condition.Mentioned documents show all obligations which are fixed and valid in the current terms and conditions.对于使用美金定价之货物,Hi-P将以实际支付日上月末中国银行外汇牌价的中间价汇率为准以人民币与卖方结算。请卖方在要求付款前提交所有交付的原始文件并载明发票号码和供应商编码, 此为付款之必需条件,供应商是否适当履行本订单条款将从该些文件中得以反映。

Packing and Shipment Terms 装运条款

1.All products shall be packed with and in materials and containers suitable for long distance ocean/parcel post/air freight or truck transportation and shall be protected against any change in climate, moisture and shocks, to ensure that all products would be delivered safely.Seller will package the Products for shipment in accordance with the standard commercial practices acceptable to common carriers.1.所有货品应按标准的包装规格,适应长途海运、邮寄、空运或汽车运输以及气候变化的要求,防潮、防震,以保证产品的安全运送。卖方应根据标准的商业惯例进行包装和货物运输。

2.One full set of packing list and invoice, stating clearly the PO No., product code, quantity and product description and instructions shall be enclosed together with the product.2.交运货品时应同时随货提供一份完整的装箱单和发票,标明订单号、商品代码、数量及货品说明等。

3.Seller will mark the Products for shipment as ’in compliance with dealing procedure and operations regulation’ stated terms.,Product description, instructions, code and quantity shall be marked distinctly outside each container and each individually packed product.3.卖方应根据买方制定的《遵守交易流程及操作规范承诺书》之要求对装运的产品做出标志。货品说明、代码及数量应清楚地标注在每件外包装及必须内包装外面。

4.Hi-P is entitled to reject products which do not conform to contractual packing requirements.4.卖方应保证所供货物包装完好,不符合本订单包装要求的货物买方有权拒收。

5.Please give a clear indication of PO number and Hi-P SAP part number in the Packing list, invoice and external label.Seller’ s container,delivery bill and invoice shall display(a)the date of shipment,(b)PO No.and SAP material No.of buyer(c)the Product Part Number,(d)manufacture date(e)the Product revision level(f)and lot number and(g)the quantity in the container。


6.Buyer will reject product and payment or even withdraw the order in the event the seller can not match the above requirements.6.如果卖方交付的包装或送货单不符合上述显示要求,买方有权拒收或在收货后予以退货。卖方知悉此为买方交货及结算之必要条件,送货单信息与订单信息必须保证匹配完整和准确,如有错误和疏漏,买方有权拒绝就信息不全的送货单上的货物付款结算。

Quality Requirement 质量要求

1.The supplier warrants that the product is produced by the original manufacturer.The supplier shall not change the product model and/or specifications or manufacturer without the prior written agreement of Hi-P.1.卖方应保证原厂供货。未经买方事先书面同意,不得对产品型号规格或生产厂家进行改变。

2.The supplier warrants that its product shall meet or surpass Hi-P’s quality requirements, and no less than the highest industrial standard of the buyer’s location.All products shall be according to ROHS direction and other applicable law and regulations for banned or restricted substances.The supplier shall provide Hi-P with a quality guarantee letter, Environmental Declaration Letter, Material Content testing report and certificate of origin of product upon request.2.质量应符合买方的质检要求,不得低于交货地的最高产品同行业标准,所供货物均应符合ROHS及相关禁用限用物质管理法律法规等要求。并向买方提供质量保证书,环保声明书,物料成分测试报告和产地证书。

3.The supplier shall inform Hi-P immediately in the event of any change in the product usage instructions and/or storage conditions, engineering and process change.The supplier shall repair or replace defective products immediately as may be decided by Hi-P in its sole discretion.3.卖方有义务告知买方所购产品使用和存储方式的变化、工程变更及生产过程变更、。如买方在使用卖方所供材料中出现问题,卖方应及时提供相关的技术服务。

4.The supplier should provide the COC or OQC report while delivering goods to Hi-P, All products shall carry a warranty period of 1 years at least from the date of COC or OQC report.4.请每次出货时附上完工报告或出货检验报告,并保证该批货物的保质期在验收合格后至少壹年。

Inspection Standard and Liabilities 验收标准及责任

1.All products shall meet the technical specifications of Hi-P.1.卖方提供的产品必须符合买方质检要求及买方设计工艺要求。

2.Hi-P shall be allowed to inspect the product to ensure that it conforms to Hi-P’s required quality, quantity, technical specifications and packaging.The supplier shall provide the shipping inspection report or certification together with the product or in advance to Hi-P.2.买方按商品条款及订单要求的质量、技术规格、数量及包装要求等进行收货并做来货检验。卖方应随货或提前将有关的出货检验报告或证明提供买方备查。

3.Hi-P may in its sole discretion reject products that do not comply with requirements under the PO or contract, or defective products or a consignment containing defective products at any time during the warranty period and shall inform supplier of such rejection.If supplier disobey quality assumpsit, to the rejected products, Hi-P take choice or paratactic claim as below :(1)Return the product in whole or partially, and the cost of delivery to the supplier shall be borne by the supplier;(2)Request for a replacement of the product: the supplier shall replace the defective or rejected product within 1 day after Hi-P issues notice of the same, and the supplier shall bear all cost of replacement and delivery of new products;(3)Devalue the product: at a discount of 30%-50%;and/or(4)Claim damages: at the rate of 50%-100% of the total price of the invoice to which these products fall under.3.买方验收时对于不符合订单或合同要求的货物有权拒绝收货,对于货物可见的表面瑕疵的异议可向卖方提出并拒绝收货。对于货物中潜在的或隐蔽的瑕疵,买方可在质保期内使用发现后立即通知卖方,并应保留相关的质次样品。对于上述两类质量瑕疵,买方可选择或同时要求



4.In the event that the supplier is unable to replace a batch containing defective products in time, Hi-P shall mobilise personnel to individually sort out the non-defective products.The cost of such an exercise shall be borne by the supplier at the rate of RMB30/hour)4.若货物不符合订单要求,但因使用紧急而被确认挑选,则买方可立即组织挑选,因此发生的费用由卖方承担。(重检费用按照RMB30.00/工时计算)

5.Products which do not comply with requirements under the PO or contractor defective products stored at Hi-P’s premises shall be at supplier’s cost and risk.5.不符订单要求或合同规定的货物、存在质量瑕疵的货物,在买方代保管期内卖方应偿付买方实际支付的保管、保养费用。

6.For direct material, the AQL(Acceptable Quality Level)is AQL=0.4 C=0, quality agreement shall apply if quality agreement is signed, unless otherwise stated in Hi-P incoming inspection plan.6.买方对直接物料的进货检验标准为AQL=0.4 C=0, 如有质量协议,按照质量协议执行,特殊情况按买方进货检验计划执行。

7.As for the product tooling, the seller should offer integrated technical inspection report and material report for the Buyer’s verification, the tooling product should be jointly inspected by QA &PMD of buyer, the written qualification report of buyer’s QA&PMD as well as the adequacy delivery document with the Buyer signature and the original voucher on Seller’s purchase material)are the required documents for the Seller to apply for payment and settlement, any absence of those qualifications should be regarded as flaws in the delivery, and the Buyer is entitled to refuse payment until all the documents mentioned hereinbefore are made available.7.对于产品部件加工类的采购订单,卖方应当在交付时提供完整的工艺检测报告和原材料报告供买方验收,加工类产品必须经买方质量检测部门和产品项目部门的共同验收,买方质量检测部门、项目部门、生产部门的书面验收合格报告、买方仓库签收的足量送货单、买方提供材料的清单(或卖方购买材料的原始凭证)是付款结算的必要条件,任何一份文件的缺失将视为交付瑕疵,买方有权拒绝结算付款直至上述文件原件齐备。

8.Buyer’s Property.Seller will return to Buyer any tools, drawings or other materials provided by Buyer at the termination of this Agreement or upon Buyer’s request, failing which, the Seller shall compensate the Buyer in accordance to the market price of the equipment and tools.8.卖方在本协议终止时或根据买方的要求,返回买方提供的所有工具,设备、图纸或其他文件材料。如未予及时返还则应按照设备工具市场价格或交易金额的50%予以赔偿。因此而导致买方商业秘密泄漏,则买方应当按照买方损失予以赔偿,如损失无法计算,则应按照不低于双方交易金额两倍进行赔偿。

Violation 违约责任

1.the supplier shall deliver product on time as stipulated in PO.1.卖方应严格按照本订单按时按量交货,1.1 The supplier shall pay Hi-P a penalty of 0.3% of PO’s total price for each day that the delivery is delayed.If the delay is more than 15 days, Hi-P is entitled to rescind PO without any liability, penalty or obligation to the supplier.1.1 如卖方未按订单约定时间交货,每逾期一日赔偿甲方订单总价0.3%的违约金,逾期超过15日,买方可单方解除本订单。1.2 Where there is a short-fall in delivery, Hi-P is entitled to(1)require the supplier to continue delivering, and bear overdue liabilities as stipulated in PO;or(2)rescind the PO.1.2 如卖方未按本订单约定按量交货,买方可选择要求⑴卖方继续交货,按照本条约定承担延期交付的责任。⑵解除本订单。

2.The supplier shall not assign any of its contractual rights and obligations without the prior written consent of Hi-P.Any assignment without Hi-P’s permission shall be null and void and Hi-P is entitled to rescind the PO and the supplier shall pay Hi-P double the amount Hi-P paid to supplier up to the date that Hi-P discovers this breach as penalty, as well as compensate Hi-P for all damages and losses suffered.2.卖方不得擅自转让本订单项下之权利义务,擅自转让行为无效且买方有权解除订单,卖方应双倍返还买方所支付的款项并作为责任方赔偿买方由此而受到的经济损失。

Force Majeure 不可抗力

Act of God, fires, floods, weather, or other catastrophes, epidemics or quarantine restrictions, riot or war, or other cause(s)(“Force Majeure”)beyond the reasonable control of the affected party shall suspend the obligation of the affected party.The affected party shall promptly notify the other party of such Force Majeure event and its cause within 7 days and sanctified documents from local government by mail.Where the Force Majeure event causes the suspension of obligation for more than 21 days, either party may terminate this PO without liability, penalty or obligation to the other party.由于严重的自然灾害和战争等不可抗拒事故,致使任何一方不能履行本订单时,遇有事故一方应立即将事故情况通知对方,并应7天内将事故详情及政府证明文件用邮寄方式交对方,对方对由此而产生的损失不得提出赔偿要求,但事故的一方同意仍负有按实际影响延期履约的责任,延期如超过三个星期时对方有权解除本订单。

Confidential Clause 保密条款

Supplier shall not disclose any confidential information it receives from Hi-P.请保证不得泄露买方的任何机密信息给任何第三方。

Governing law and jurisdiction 适用法律及管辖

This PO shall be governed by the laws of country and/or laws of the region where the Hi-P subsidiary issuing this PO is located, respectively.Each party should attempt to settle any disputes of this PO through amicable negotiations.In the event that no settlement can be reached, both parties agree to submit such dispute to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the court at the buyer’s business location.All legal costs and fees incurred thereby shall be borne by the losing party.本订单的签署、履行、解除均适用赫比各子公司营业所在国或法律区域之法律,如双方在履行中产生争议,尽力协商仍无法获得一致,可交由买方所在地法院诉讼解决。诉讼费用及律师费用均由败诉方承担。

Language 语言

In case of any inconsistency or discrepancy between the English and Chinese version regarding these terms, the Chinese version shall prevail for Hi-P subsidiaries located in mainland China.For other Hi-P subsidiaries located outside mainland China, the English version shall prevail.本订单为中英文对照版,如果中、英文不符,以中文为准。除中国地区子公司以外的其他国家的子公司,则以英文为准。

Signing and effectiveness 签署生效

外贸销售员英文求职信 篇4


I was referred to you by Mr.Zhang, a partner with your Beijing office, who informed me that the Shanghai office of your company is actively seeking to hire quality individuals for your Auditor program.I have more than two years of accounting experience, including interning as an Auditor last year with the Beijing office of CCCC.I will be receiving my MBA this May from Tsinghua University.I am confident that my combination of practical work experience and solid educational experience has prepared me for making an immediate contribution to your company.I understand the level of professionalism and communication required for long-term success in the field.My background and professional approach to business will provide your office with a highly productive Auditor upon completion of your development program.I will be in the Shanghai area the week of April 16.please call me at 1360xxxxxxxxx to arrange a convenient time when we may meet to further discuss my background in relation to your needs.I look forward to meeting you then.
