


六年级下学期英语复习 篇1

Book 1:(三年级)1.Number

2.Colours 3.School things

4.Pets 5.The days of the week 6.Chothes

7.Happy birthday

8.Feelings 9.Food


Book 2:(四年级)1.In the classroom



4.free time




8.My room



Book 3:(五年级)1.A party



4.What do you collect?


6.Life in the Arctic


8.In town


10.On the beach

Book 4:(六年级上)

1.School is great fun! 科目名称:Chinese;Maths;English;Science;Music;Art;History;PE;Drama;French;Geography;ICT  回答问题:Which school does Mary go to? How many pupils are there in Mary’s class? What new subjects will she have this year? What does she write about her Drama teacher?  Do the pupils like their teachers?  介绍自己的班级和同学:

My name is Jenny.I’m in Year Six this year.In my class, there are 29 girls and 22 boys.Boys love playing games.Girls love singing songs and listening to music.My favorite subject is English and my favorite teacher is Ms Li.She is a very nice teacher.In English I like singing songs and playing games best.English is great fun.(52w)

2.Big cities ◆ 主要的国家与城市、首都的介绍: P 18&19 武汉&纽约 ◆ 经典景点:(interesting places)the Great Wall;the Palace Museum;Tower Bridge;the London Eye;the White House;the Smithsonian Castle;the British Museum;The Statue of Liberty(New York);the Sydney Opera House;the Efferl Tower;Zhu Miao(Foshan);the Oriental Pearl Tower(Shanghai)◆ 问路/ 指路:

Take the third left;Take the third right;Take the first right.◆ 介绍家乡/自己最喜爱的地方

Foshan is a big city in Guangdong.It’s full of history and culture.There are many interesting places to visit.Zumiao and Liang Yuan are the most popular.There are many parks and tall buildings.It’s one of the busiest cities in China.It’s very beautiful.I like it very much.(51w)

3.Festivals ◆ 节日的介绍:P20&22

(一月)New Year’s Day is on January the first.(二月)Lover’s Day is on February the 14th.(三月)Women’s Day is on March the 8th.(四月)April Fool’s Day is on April the fist.(四月)Easter is in spring.(五月)Mother’s Day is on the second Sunday in May.(六月)Father’s day is on the third Sunday in June.(六月)Children’s Day is on June the first.(九月)Teacher’s Day is on September the 10th.(十月)Halloween is on October the thirty-first.(十一月)Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday in November.(十二月)Christmas Day is on December the twenty-fifth.(农历正月)Chinese New Year is on the first day of Chinese lunar January.(农历八月)Mid-Autumn Festival is on the 15th day of Chinese lunar August.(农历五月)Dragon Boat Festival is the 5th day of Chinese lunar May.(农历一月)Lantern Festival is on the 15th day of the lunar January.My favorite is Children’s Day.It’s on June the first.On this day, children don’t have classes.They get together and have a big party.They can get a lot of presents.They eat lots of sweets and fruits.Everybody has fun.4.Accidents ◆ 用一般过去时介绍曾经历过的意外事故:P32 ◆ 问答What’s the matter with you?

My knee hurts.◆ 介绍自己的一次意外事故的经历:

Last year when I was ten, I had an accident with my bike.One day I was riding bikes with my friends.I fell from my bike.I broke my leg and my right arm.I was in hospital for two weeks.I couldn’t walk and I couldn’t go to school.(51w)

5.Animals in danger

◆ 用英文描述各种动物的特征,准确写出它们的名字。◆ 介绍动物的特征(P39 42 43)◆ 用英文介绍你喜欢的一种动物

My favourite is the panda.It lives in China.It is black and white.It looks like a cat.It eats bamboo leaves.It has got beautiful fur.People kill them for their fur.Pandas are in danger.Let’s join in to help them.6.Children of our world ◆ 世界各地的孩子P46&47 ◆

Book 5:(六年级下)1.My cousins and I

◆ 介绍你和你的家庭

I am Jenny.I was born in Shaoguan.I’m twelve years old.I like music and reading books.There are three people in my family.They are my father, my mother and I.My mother is an English teacher.She is nice.She works in a top school.My father is a PE teacher.He likes playing football.I love my families.And they love me too.We live happily.◆ Family members: Grandfather;grandmother;mother;father;uncle;aunt/auntie;brother;sister;son;daughter;wife;husband;cousin;2.Food and health ◆ Different kinds of food: 1.Fruit:


句子:Orange fruit and vegetables are good for your eyes.2.Vegetable: carrots(orange food);celery;tomato;pepper(red food)cabbage;(green food);sweet potatoes;

句子:My favorite green food is string beans.3.Grains: bread;rice;porridge;noodles;

4.Protein: milk;pork;beef;chicken;egg;

句子:Chicken and eggs are good for us.◆ How to live a healthy life?(列举健康的生活习惯)1.Do more exercise every day.2.Wash your hands before eating.3.Eat more vegetables.4.Eat more whole grains.5.Eat plenty of different fruit.6.Drink one or tow cups of milk.7.Eat some food with healthy protein.8.Sleep for 8 or 9 hours every night./ Have a nice sleep.◆ Which foods are good for our health? Which foods are bad for our health? 句子:Cola is bad for your health./ Vegetables are healthy.Fruit is good for your health./ Chicken and eggs are also good for us.3.Mary’s diary ◆ Keep a diary: Last Sunday I went to the park in the morning.I played games with my friends.We played football together.We went riding.In the afternoon, I watched TV.I played table tennis with my friends.We had a good time.词组:listen to music;go riding;do maths exercises;read a book;play football;watch TV;play table tennis;paint pictures ◆ 不同的时态:

What will you do tomorrow?/ What are you going to do this weekend?(将来时)What did you do last weekend/ yesterday?(过去式)What is Tom doing now?(现在进行时)4.My heroes ◆ 读P32 ◆ 词汇:a writer of a diary;an English Teacher;a famous scientist;a top footballer;a brave soldier;a nurse;a policeman;a worker;a driver;a singer;a dancer;a painter;an artist ◆ My hero: Mum is a great woman in my eyes!She is an English teacher.She teaches in a top school.She’s very busy at work.But she looks after the family well.She is good at cooking.Her English is very good and she often helps me with my English.She is kind and worm, so Mum is my hero.◆ 词组:

Miss Green is giving us a lesson in the library.The pupils are telling stories about their heroes.I am writing a story about my hero.5.I love reading ◆ My favourite comic(介绍你最喜爱的一本书)◆ My favourite comic is Father and Son.The heroes are a lovely boy and his father.The boy is very clever and naughty.His father is wise and full of love.He is a good father.He often plays with his son.There are a lot of funny stories about them.◆ 句子:My favourite book is called Gold.The hero of the story is a man.(P43)6.The world of my dreams ◆My dreams(我的梦想/我梦想的世界)In the world of my dreams, people live in beautiful houses with big gardens.There are lots of flowers and trees.I can see lots of birds flying in the sky.There is a beautiful river with lots of fish.People love each other.There are no wars.They live happily in peace.There are no bad people

六年级下学期英语复习 篇2

1. 归纳语言规律,形成知识结构。


2. 以练为主,培养四会技能


3. 创设情境,突出功能用语。


4. 认真备课,精心设计教法。


5. 增强上课技能,提高教学质量。


6. 认真批改作业,布置作业有针对性,有层次性。


7. 做好课后辅导工作,注意分层教学。


8. 注重语篇,发展运用能力。


9. 形象生动,提高学习兴趣。


1 0. 文化渗透,拓宽学生视野。


1 1. 利用周考,随时洞察学情。


1 2. 词不离句,句不离词,单词和句子的复习同步进行。

从六年级上学期起,对于每一个模块,我们将课文或对话通读两遍,抓重点句子,理解课文后,将更多的时间用来与学生一起归纳书上涉及的单词。如第一模块出现:rice, ice cream,我就引导他们将学过的食物、饮料单词如:tea, milk, cake, egg, fish, meat, ice cream, peanut, bread, sweet, biscuit, soup, juice, coffee, sausage, cheese, hamburger, sandwich, chocolate归类, 并根据读音规则由简到难写出来。对于中上等学生,要求他们全部会听说读写,对于非常落后的几个学生,我要求他们根据读音规则记清前面十二个单词就行。落后学生降低了难度,这样每个学生像摘苹果一样都能够得着,几乎都能完成任务。

小学六年级英语总复习之我见 篇3






(一) 语音:知道错误的发音会影响交际;知道字母名称的读音;了解简单的拼读规律;了解单词有重音;语音清楚,语调自然。

(二) 词汇:学习本级话题范围内的 600--700个单词和50个左右的习惯用语;了解单词是由字母构成的。

(三) 语法:知道名词有单复数形式;知道动词在不同情况下会有形式上的变化;了解表示时间、地点和位置的介词;了解英语简单句的基本形式和表意功能。

(四) 功能:了解问候、告别、感谢、致歉、介绍、请求等交际功能的基本表达形式。

(五) 话题:能理解和表达有关下列话题的简单信息:数字、颜色、时间、天气、食品、服装、玩具、动植物、身体、个人情况、家庭、学校、朋友、文体活动、节目等。针对这五个方面的标准,我设定“五会”要求。即:发展基本的听、说、读、写、唱演等技能,确保每位孩子在毕业时目标达成。如此一来,同学们就会有一个更为明确的目标,随时提醒自己完成。









1. 课前3分钟。 Duty Report。


2. 录音比赛。


3. 我們都是神枪手。




苏教版六年级下学期语文复习资料 篇4






6、悲愤欲绝:欲,将要。绝,死亡。 与世长辞:辞,告别。

7、近义词: 疾驰— 疾驶 悲愤—悲痛 勉励—鼓劢 特殊—特别 欺凌—欺负 呐喊—呼喊

忧虑—忧愁 郑重—慎重

8、反义词: 特殊—一般 成功—失败 欺凌—保护 幽暗—明亮 郑重—轻率











11、形容忘我工作的成语:废寝忘食 夜以继日 孜孜不倦 呕心沥血 通宵达旦 坚持不懈 锲而不舍 勤勤恳恳

六年级下学期英语复习 篇5




这部分重点是帮助学生整理、归纳发音规律和读音规则, 过好语音关。英语课程标准二级目标提出: 要知道错误的发音会影响交际; 知道字母名称的读音; 了解简单的拼读规律; 了解单词有重音; 语音清楚、语调自然。在复习语音知识时应强调了解语音知识的.意义, 而不是语音规则的掌握; 强调语音知识在交际中的作用, 而不是语音知识本身。从而为学生继续以后的英语学习打下坚实的基础。进行总复习时,可按照以下板块来分类复习。




A) 元音: a e i o u

Aa cake, face, date, snake, grape, make,game, plate, later, name, lake, etccat, map, hat, sad, happy, black, etc

Ee evening, we, he, be , she, these, etcbed, help, elbow, desk, ten, leg,eleven, dress, egg, hen, yes, very, etc

Ii ice, time, bike, ride, white, Friday,library, rice, like, nice, kite, size, etcpink, six, in, pig, fifty, river,windy, sick, sister, sit, milk, fish,slipper, in, thin, big , swim, it, etc

Oo home, nose, rose, go, those, hole,close, hotel, old, hello, rope, cold, not, closet, box, fox, lock,lot, shop, rock, office, orange, on, etc

Uu sun, sunny, run, fun, jump, lunch,supper, under, truck, duck, donut, us,Sunday, hundred, etc computer, Tuesday, excuse, unit,January, avenue, music, use, etc

B) 元音字母组合

E — tea, speak, dream, east, easy, teacher,leaf, leave, read, jeans, meat, cheap, etc;breakfast, bread, sweater, heaven, head, etc

ee — see, need, queen, sheep, teeth,green, sleep, nineteen, street, knee, etc

oo — toothbrush, zoo, cool, food, noodles,Kangaroo, school, afternoon, cookie, etc,classroom, book, foot, look, good, bedroom, cookies, wood, etc

ou —blouse, house, mouth, mouse, south,cloudy, about, etc

ar — department, arm, car, park, March,apartment, far, marker, hard, party, etc

or —morning, north, for, corner, short, shorts, story, horse, forty, etc,homework, work, doctor, world, word, etc

ir — shirt, bird, skirt, thirsty, thirty,third, circle, first, girl, etc

ur — Thursday, purple, curly, hurt, nurse,hamburger, Saturday, etc

er — sweater, sister, teacher, letter, supper,computer, burger, under, corner, tiger, etc

ear —ear, year, near, hear, dear, etc

ay — X- ray, day, May, play, may, always, today, gray, okay, way, etc

ow —tomorrow, know, below, slow, elbow,yellow, show, snow, bowl, etccow, now, brown, flower, down, etc

oa —coat, boat, goat, road, etc

C) 辅音字母组合

sh — cashier, she, sheep, shoes, fish, etc

ch — chicken, teacher, chalk, chair, chant, children, much, China, etc

tr — waitress, tree, street, truck, traffic, strawberry , trick, etc

dr — drink, dress, drive, dream, draw, etc

th — theatre, thirsty, three, think, third, Thursday, teeth, etc;mother, father, this, that, they, brother, these, their, etc

wh —where, what, white, when, why, etc


七年级下学期英语复习计划 篇6

七年级下 徐晓英


















六年级下学期英语复习 篇7


Ⅰ. 选择填空。(本题共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)

1. —Can you speak English?

—Yes, but only _____.

A. very good B. a little

C. a lot of__ D. many

2. There is ______ old library near here. ______ library is next to the station.

A. a; AB. an; A

C. an; The D. a; The

3. He is too ______. He often sleeps ______ the day.

A. small; on B. lazy; during

C. shy; in__ D. smart; at

4. What sports ______ Paul and his friend often play?

A. isB. does C. doD. are

5. Maria likes going to the movies and _____ TV.

A. watching B. watches__

C. watch__ D. watched

6. —Does Sam live in New York?


A. Yes, he is B. No, he doesnt

C. Yes, he do D. Yes, he lives

7. Mr. Read ______ in a big shop and he is a _____.

A. works; shop assistant

B. work; doctor

C. to do; waiter D. working; teacher

8. I like ______ a policeman because it is an

exciting ______.

A. to do; jobB. doing; work

C. to be; jobD. do; work

9. —Whats your fathers job?

—A policeman. Its a little ______ but very _____.

A. beautiful; dangerous

B. interesting; boring

C. dangerous; exciting

D. big; boring

10. Jack and Tom often do ______ at school.

A. his homeworkB. their homeworks

C. them homeworkD. their homework

11. We ______ going to the school library.

A. all areB. are allC. all doD. do all

12. —_____ shall we go shopping?

—Lets go at about ten.

A. WhenB. WhereC. HowD. Who

13. Tom, come here. Here ______.

A. some new books for you are

B. are some new books for you

C. some new books are for you

D. are new some books for you

14. Look! Its ______. Lets play in the park.

A. sunnyB. windyC. coldD. humid

15. Uncle Wang is ______ on the bed and he looks ______.

A. lie; beautiful B. lying; relaxed

C. sleeping; excitingD. stand; quiet

16. Thanks a lot ______ us about it.

A. for tell B. for telling

C. telling__D. for speaking

17. Anna ______ red pants and she ______ beautiful.

A. wears; look

B. is wearing; looks

C. is wearing; is looking

D. wears; looking

18. —______?

—Not bad.

A. Whats it goingB. How does it going

C. Hows it going D. Whats you going

19. —______?

—Its cloudy.

A. How is the weather like

B. What is the weather

C. How is the weather

D. Who is the weather

20. —Is there a bank near here?____

—Yes, there is. Walk ______ the street

__and ______ right.

A. across; goB. straight; on__

C. down; turn to D. down; turn




Mike lives nexttoKate. Theyaregood__21__. Mike is seven years old but Kate is only five. So Mike begins to__22__but Kate stays at home. But the boy often goes to__23__with her after school. He often__24__her what his teacher says at school.

Its 25__today. Mike doesnt go to school. He watches TV with Kate after breakfast. An hour later they come out. Its__26__and they can see flowers round the house. The sun is shining (照耀)and the weather is getting hot. So the two children are sitting__27__a big tree. Mike looks up and finds a__28__ coming to the sun and its going to cover it.

“I cant believe (相信) our teacher!” says the boy.

“What makes you say that?” asks Kate.

“She says the earth (地球) goes around the sun.”

“Maybe she is__29__,” says Kate, “My mother often says so.”

“Does it have to__30__ if it is cloudy?”

21. A. students B. friends

C. classmates D. boys

22. A. go to workB. go to hospitalC. go to a factoryD. go to school

23. A. playB. study C. swimD. skate

24. A. says B. speaksC. tellsD. talks

25. A. MondayB. Thurday

C. FridayD. Sunday

26. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. night

27. A. overB. underC. far fromD. up

28. A. treeB. cloud C. kiteD. ship

29. A. wrongB. bad C. ill D. right

30. A. runB. walk C. stopD. fly


Ann is__31__American worker. She works in a big factory in America. Its __32__half past six in the morning. Ann is__33__up. She issitting on the bed. Sheisputting__34__her clothes. She has__35__to do today.

Now Ann is sitting at the table. She is__36__her__37__. There__38__a cup of orange and some bread on the table. Ann is__39__the orange and eating the bread. She is__40__todays newspaper.

31. A. the B. a C. / D. an

32. A. a B. / C. the D. an

33. A. getting B. get C. getingD. gets

34. A. off B. upC. on D. of

35. A. anythingB. something

C. some thing D. any thing

36. A. eatingB. eat__

C. eatting D. eats

37. A. lunch B. breakfast__

C. supperD. meals

38. A. is B. areC. be D. am

39. A. seeingB. eating

C. drinkingD. watch

40. A. seeing B. watching

C. looking D. reading



There are two fathers and two mothers and two sons in my family, but only five people. Can you guess how it comes? OK, let me tell you. They are my grandparents, my parents and I.

My father is a worker. He works in a factory about eight kilometers (千米) from my home. So he often goes to work by bike. But sometimes he goes by bus.

My mother is a doctor. She loves her work. She likes to cook a lot of delicous (美味的)food for us. She is a good wife and mother.

Im a student. I have many friends. We like our school. And the teachers are very good.


41. Grandparents mean ______.

A. fatherB. mother

C. father and mother

D. grandfather and grandmother

42. My mother works in a ______.

A. factory B. school

C. hospitalD. home

43. Is my family very happy?

A. Yes, they are. B. No, they arent.

C. Yes, it is. D. Yes, we are.

44. How many people are there in my family?

A. Three.B. Five. C. Four. D. Six.

45. My mother works hard and cooks _____.

A. well B. not good

C. bad D. good


Dave: Hi, Tom. This is Dave.

Tom: Oh, hi, Dave. Hows it going?

Dave: Pretty good. What are you doing?

Tom: I am drawing.

Dave: Hows the weather in your city today?

Tom: Its bad. Its windy.

Dave: That sounds terrible. Its warm and sunny in Sydney now.

Tom: Oh, you can play outside (在外面) and have a good time.

Dave: Yes, I am going to the beach.

Tom: Thats really great. Enjoy yourself.


46. Tom is playing football. (__)

47. Today the weather in Toms city is windy, and he likes it very much. (__)

48. The weather in Sydney is warm and sunny. (__)

49. Tom is going to the beach. (__)

50. Dave doesnt like the weather. (__)




The panda is an endangered species (濒危物种)—there are only about 1,500 pandas left in the world. Pandas love to eat bamboo shoots (竹笋). They can live to about 30 years. Baby pandas are really small—only about the size and weight of a can of soda (苏打).

Most pandas live in bamboo forests in the mountains of western China. When people build more cities and farms, they destroy (破坏) pandas home. Also, pandas do not have babies very often. A panda usually has one baby, sometimes has two or three babies. So there are so few of them left in the world.


51. How many pandas are there in the world now?


52. Why are there so few pandas left in the world?


53. Where do most pands live?


54. How old do pandas live to?


55. How many babies a panda usually have?


Ⅳ. 阅读理解填词。(本题共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)


Kate is an old woman. She works at a h__56__as a doctor. She works forty h__57__a week. She b__58__to work at nine oclock in the morning and stops at five oclock in the afternoon. After working, doctors and nurses all go h__59__. Some take the bus home and some take the taxi home. Kate w__60__home. She likes walking very much because she l__61__near the hospital. At five thirty, Kate gets home. She h__62__her dinner at six. Then she w __ 63__TV and r__64__books. At ten oclock, she goes to the bed. Sometimes she is too t__65__, but she likes her job.

56. h______ 57. h______ 58. b______

59. h______ 60. w______61. l______62. h______63. w______64. r______ 65. t______

Ⅴ. 书面表达。(本题15分)

以Winter in China为题,写一篇短文。要求:不少于60词。

词语提示:the coldest season; from December to February; trees turn yellow; leaves fall; wear warm clothes; snow; all white; go skating; play snowballs

Winter in China








