


初中英语作文解析 篇1

consider doing sth. 思索做某事

enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事

escape doing sth. 逃脱做某事

finish doing sth. 完成做某事

give up doing sth. 保持做某事

imagine doing sth. 想象做某事

mind doing sth. 介意做某事

practice doing sth. 练习做某事

prevent doing sth. 阻止做某事

put off doing sth. 推延做某事

risk doing sth. 冒险做某事

forbid doing sth. 制止做某事

forgive doing sth. 原谅做某事

2. 既 to 又 ing

(1) remember to do sth. 记住去做某事,表示这件事情还没有做

remember doing sth. 记得做过某事

(2) forget to do sth. 忘记要去做某事。 (未做)

forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事。 (已做)

(3) regret to do sth. 遗憾地(要)做某事 (还未做呢)

regret doing sth. 后悔做过某事(已经做过了)

(4) try to do sth. 努力做谋事,尽力做某事,但不一定成功

try doing sth. 试图做谋事

(5) stop to do 表示停止现在在做的事情,开始做另外一件事情

stop doing 表示停止现在在做的事情

(5) mean to do sth. 计划做某事

mean doing sth. 意味着做某事

(6) can’t help to do sth. 不能协助做某

can’t help doing sth. 禁不住做某事

(7) go on to do sth. 做了一件事后,接着做另一件事

go on doing sth. 继续做原来做的事

初中英语作文解析 篇2


解析:英语中除了省略句之外, 所有句子都有主谓部分, 此句只有主语, 没有谓语, 句中少了谓语动词be的变化形式is。be的形式is在这里是表示事物的性质、特点特征和状态。类似的病句还有:我们很开心。错译成:Weveryhappy. (缺少are) 。她的头发长。错译成:Herhairlong. (缺少is) 。他们可能在家。错译成:Theycanathome. (缺少动词原形be) 。


解析:此句不属于事物的性质、特点特征和状态的表达, 因为句中具有具体的动作play, 也不属于被动语态, 也不是进行时态, 故句中乱用了Is。此句是一般现在时, 应该把Is更改为Does。通常只要句中含有具体动作的行为动词是, 都不要乱用be的形式, 当然要把进行时态、被动语态和某些特殊语法除外。类似的病句还有:昨天他买了两支笔吗?错译成:Washebuytwopensyesterday? (Was更改为周日她们起得不迟。错译成:Theyaren'tgetuplateonSundays. (aren't更改为don't) 。通常我们把这种错法称之为“爽字错法”。为什么呢?因为如果句子是进行时态, play、buy和get没有加ing, 你已经错了;如果是被动语态, play、buy和get没有用过去分词加ed形式, 你又错了;一个事物不可能既表示性质、状态又同时表达具体的动作, 你还要错。错上加错, 大错特错, 所以此错法称之为“爽字错法”。因此如下“爽字错法”不能出现:1.is/am/are/was/wereV…

2.isn′t/am not/aren′t/wasn′t/weren′tV…

3.Is/Am/Are/Was/Were…V…? (V为动词原形) 。

病句3:她有16岁。错译成:Shehas 16yearsold.

解析:have、has属于所属关系的“有”, 如果16岁属于他拥有, 那么其他人要经过16岁这一年, 必须先征得她的同意。其实此句属于事物的性质、特点特征和状态的表达, 应该把has更改为is。类似的病句还有:这些桌子有两米长。错译成:Thedeskshavetwometreslong. (have更改为are) 。

解析初中英语的有效教学 篇3

【关键词】初中英语 教学要求 开发潜力 趣味心理

中图分类号:G4 文献标识码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1672-0407.2016.05.112










举例来讲,七年级第五单元的where did you go on the weekend?这个单元是学生首次接触一般过去式,教师在讲解这个单元的时候,需要多次才能讲完,因为这一课涉及到了一般过去式的应用、动词的过去式和过去分词形式的学习。这是学生首次接触过去式的应用,因此为了减少学生的压力与恐惧,我认为教师可以以趣味的形式导入课堂。我曾经听过很多教师讲解这一课,综合下来,我认为以有趣新颖的形式进入课堂,很容易抓住学生的注意力。具体来讲,关于这一课过去式的学习,是日后英语学习最为重要的一个语法知识,是其他语法知识的基础,所以,这一课至关重要。既然教材给出的是以周末去哪玩为引语,那么教师就可以抓住这一引题,运用学生都感兴趣的内容进入讲解,讲解这堂课最好的方法可以利用一首英文歌,我认为《holiday》这首歌就非常的契合这个单元的主题,歌词大意以及歌词都非常契合这个单元的知识。以一首歌进入课堂能够有效的激发学生的兴趣,然后教师借着学生的热情进行话题的开展,可以让学生自主讨论,交流周末自己去哪了、做了什么。这节课的内容还有一个特点就是比较偏重口语化,要求学生能够运用所学去表达自己。


这一部分主要是学习过去式,课文的主题是一般疑问句,通过这个还可以延伸出句型转换,例如:Did you go to the beach?要求学生掌握did后要接动词原形,还有do这个助动词的应用,这都是需要学生谨记的。所以,这一堂课主要就是让学生能够掌握一般过去式的应用、口语问答和一些简单的词组应用,关于口语,教师要减少对学生的干涉,让学生自主的去练习,不仅可以促进学生之间的口语交流,也能够提高学生的口语表达能力。这种富有趣味性的课堂形式对学生的潜能开发和学习积极性都有很大的帮助。

初中英语作文解析 篇4

I 选择最佳答案: 1.The silk _______ is made in Hangzhou sells well.A.that



D./ 2.The man_______today left this message for you.A.called

B.has called

C.whom called

D.who called 3.Do you live near the building ______colour is yellow?




D.its 4.He helped his father on the farm ______they lived.A.which



D.where 5.I’m one of the boys_____never late for school.A.that is

B.who is

C.who are

D.who am 6.All_____should be done has been done.A.what



D.whatever 7.Jack told me everything _______he knew about it.A.what




8.My father works in the factory ______this type of truck is made.A.in where

B.in which

C.from which

D.of which 9.The school_______we visited last week was built in 1956.A./



D.both A and C 10.This is one of the best films_______I have ever seen.A.which


C.of which

D.of that 11.In fact the Swede did not understand the three questions_______were asked in French.A.where


C.in which


12.He paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows, most of ______ hadn’t been cleaned for at least a year.A.these




13.His parents wouldn’t let him marry anyone ________family was poor.A.of whom


C.of whose

D.whose 14.All_______is needed is a supply of oil.A.the thing




15.In the dark street ,there wasn’t a single person _____she could turn for help.A.that


C.from whom

D.to whom 16.She heard a terrible noise,______brought her heart into her mouth.A.it




II 用适当的关系词填空:

1)I’ll never forget the day on ________ they met for the very first time last summer.2)This is the place _________ he so often mentioned to me.3)The only thing ________ interested him was that he could do anything _________ he wanted to.4)“What a scientist!What wonderful invention!” he talked excitedly about Bill Gates and his Microsoft Company _________ is now a focus(焦点)of newspapers and television.5)He is old, ________ fact is important in this case.6)Finally, the thief handed everything __________ he had stolen.7)We talked about the things and persons _________ we saw then.8)With _________ were you talking? 9)This is the very present __________ my mother gave me.10)They are talking about the people and things ________ they are on their way home.11)Which is the bike __________ is made in Shanghai? 12)I think this is the most beautiful dress ______ I own.13)Those _______ want to buy the house may sign their names first.14)My sister, __________ you met in Guangzhou, has bought a new car.15)That’s the way _______ they work.III 把下列各题的两句话合并成一个带定语从句的复合句。

1)The students will not be able to pass the English exam.They don’t work hard enough.2)The teacher is my physics teacher.You saw him on the playground just now.3)The woman is an English teacher.She is standing at the school gate.4)This is the girl.Her sister is a famous singer.5)The book is good.I am reading.IV 完成下列句子。

1)Here is the knife _________________________________________(你昨天丢失的)。2)This is the best novel _____________________________________(我读过的)。

3)I have lost the dictionary ____________________________________(我姐姐给我买的)。

4)Rice is a plant ________________________________________(中国南方种植的)。

5)The woman ________________________________________(上周六给他们做报告的)is a famous scientist.Ⅴ 改正下列句子中的错误:

1.Mr.Brown is talking to the students who comes from Canada.2.The factory which we are going to work is far from here.3.This is the room in that we lived last year.4.They talked of things and people who they remembered in the hospital.5.All which Iraq people want is peace.6.Anyone that breaks the rule will be punished.7.This is the child who father died of SARS.8.I have lost my pen, that I like very much.9.I went to the library but I didn’t find the book that I needed it.10.This is the person whom you are looking.Keys: I 选择:

1.A.先行词是物,故用that引导.2.D.先行词是人,而且引导词在从句中作主语。3.C.表示“……’’的”,修饰名词color, 限定先行词the building,说明是the building的颜色.4.D.先行词是地点,故用where引.5.C.先行词是人,且是复数the boys.6.C.先行词为all ,everything等不定代词时用that.7.B.同上

8.B.关系代词在介词后面时用which.9.D.当关系代词在定语从句中作宾语时,关系代词常被省略 10.B.当先行词前有一个最高级形容词修饰的时候,用that.11.D.定语从句中需要主语,四个选项中只有which可以在从句中作主语 12.D.非限制性定语从句用which.13.D.14.B.先行词为all用that引导.15.D.该题考察定语从句中介词+关系代词的用法turn to sb for help 这一短语.16.B.非限制性定语从句中关系代词用which.II

1.which 介词后面只能用which.2.that/which 3.that ,(that)

当先行词指物,且被all, every, no ,some ,any, little , much, one of , the only, the very, the right 等修饰时,关系词只能用that.4.that 5.which 6.that(同3)

7.that当先行词既有人又有物时只能用that 引导。


9.that 当先行词指物,且被all, every, no ,some ,any, little , much, one of , the only, the very, the right 等修饰时,关系词只能用that.10.that that 在特殊疑问句中定语从句的引导词不能与疑问词重复。

12.that 当先行词被序数词或最高级修饰时,指物只能用that 引导。13.who those 指人时用who.14.whom.非限制性定语从句不能用that 引导。当先行词指物时用which;当先行词指人时,并在从句中作主语时用who;在从句中作宾语时用whom.15.that.way 作先行词时,常用that 或in which 引导定于从句.III 1.The students who/that don’t study hard will not be able to pass the English exam.2.The teacher(who/that)you saw on the playground is my physics teacher.3.The woman who/that is standing at the school gate is an English teacher.4.This is the girl whose sister is a famous singer.5.The book(that/which)I am reading is good.IV

1.(which/that)you lost yesterday

2.(that)I have read

3.(which/that)my sister bought me

4.Which/that is grown in the south of China

5.Who gave them the report last Saturday ⅤANSWERS: 1.comes改为 come或 students改为 student。关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,其谓语动词的数要与先行词保持一致。

2.which 前加上in或 which改为 where。定语从句中的谓语动词work是不及物动词,先行词factory在从句中作地点状语而非宾语。试比较: This is the factory which/that I visited last year.This is the factory in which(where)I worked last year.3.that改为 which 或in放在 lived之后。关系代词作介词宾语时,介词一般要放在它们之前,但其关系代词只能用which 或whom;若先行词是表示人的名词时,用whom;若表示物的名词则用which。介词也可放在从句原来的位置上。


5.which改为 that。当先行词是all,few,little,much,something,nothing,anything,everything等时,关系代词要用that。


7.who改为whose。先行词child在定语从句中作定语。作定语的关系代词无论指人还是指物,一律用 whose 8.that改为 which。引导非限制定语从句时,关系代词用which,不用that。


10.for放在looking之后。Look for是固定短语,英语中的固定短语一般不可分开使用。

Unit 7

talk back 回嘴;顶嘴

keep„ away from 远离

make one’s own decision 自己做决定

allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事

get one’s ears pierced 穿耳洞

seem to do sth 似乎要做某事 stop doing sth停止做某事

stay up 熬夜

shopping center购物中心

driving license 驾驶证 give sb a hug 给某人一个拥抱

lift up 举起

scary movie恐怖电影

agree with sb 同意某人 part-time job兼职工作

western countries 西方国家 move out 搬出去

get in the way of妨碍

be strict with sb对某人要求严格

as „as 像„ 一样 be serious about 认真对待

make a choice做选择

grow up 长大

have nothing against sb /sth 对某人某事不反感

spend some time on sth 在某事上花时间achieve one’s dream实现某人的梦想

unit 8

belong to 属于

pop music流行音乐

pick up拿起;捡起

run away 逃跑

have no idea 不知道

take a shower洗澡

attend a concert参加音乐会music hall 音乐大厅

hair band 发带 each other互相

at first 起初

run after 追逐

at the same time同时

point out 指出 prevent sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事

a long period of time很长一段时间

communicate with sb 与某人交流 in a certain way 以某种方式

historical place 历史古迹 a kind of 一种

keep healthy 保持健康 burial place墓地

a group of 一群 no more不再

a bit 有点 right now 现在 unit 9 in that case 既然那样

plenty of 大量;充足

once in a while偶尔

cheer sb up使某人振作起来 Not much.没什么

depend on 取决于

enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事 in total总共;合计

by the end of 到„结束时

folk music 民乐

such as 例如

make money挣钱

national treasure国宝

stick to 坚持;固守

shut off关闭

feel like 想要

try one’s best to do sth尽某人最大努力做某事

spare time 空闲时间

a happy ending一个快乐的结局

in time 及时

get married结婚

look up 查阅;抬头看

musical instrument 乐器

develop a serious illness 得重病

continue to do sth 继续做某事

初中英语作文解析 篇5




同时,小学学过的部分语法对后来的学习造成很大干扰。比如在学一般现在时和一般过去时时,学生总喜欢用am, is , are, was, were来提问。例如,在将She likes English; They went to school yesterday. 等类句子变成疑问句时,学生常常犯的错误是:Is she likes English?; Were they went to school yesterday?

这类错误的原因是小学教材在初学阶段过多地安排了be动词(am, is, are )的学习内容,又因是启蒙阶段,导致对学生的影响较为深刻。初一(上)的be going to do句型可以说是be动词(am, is ,are)的用法的又一次强化。这些强化影响了第三人称单数,一般过去时等语法的学习。













初中英语作文解析 篇6

After her husband had gone to work, Mrs. Richards sent her children to school and went upstairs to her bedroom. She was too 1_ to do any housework that morning, 2 _in the evening she was going to an interesting fancy dress party (化装舞会) with her husband. What she 3_ was a terrible genie (妖怪) and as she had made that special dress of hers the night before, she was anxious to try it on. 4_ the dress was just a big piece of old cloth which was red, green, black and white, it would be very effective (有效的) to make her like a real genie. After putting it on, Mrs. Richards went downstairs happily. She wanted to find out 5_ it would be comfortable to wear.

Just as Mrs. Richards was entering the dining-room there was a 6_at the door. She thought that it 7_ be the baker (面包师). She had told him to come straight in if she 8_ to open the door and leave the bread on the kitchen table. Now not wanting to 9_ the poor man, Mrs. Richards quickly 10_ in the small storeroom under the stairs. She heard the front door open and a man came in. When Mrs. Richards 11_ that it was the man from the electricity board (供电局) who had come to read the meter (电表), she walked out of the hiding-place on a sudden and tried to explain the matter, saying with a smile, “It’s only 12_ ! It is not 13_ for you to be 14_ !” But it was too late. The man let out a sharp cry (发出尖叫) and jumped back several paces (步) . Then he ran away, 15_ the door behind him with great force and noise.

1.A. angry B. ready C. frightened D. excited

2.A. for B. but C. so D. and

3.A. wanted to see B. wanted to play C. was afraid to see D. was afraid to play

4.A. Though B. But C. And D. If

5.A. that B. how C. whether D. when

6.A. knock B. voice C. man D. baker

7.A. may B. must C. wouldn’t D. couldn’t

8.A. not B. had C. tried D. failed

9.A. see B. frighten C. help D. scold (责怪)

10.A. went B. lay C. appeared D. hid

11.A. thought B. wondered C. imagined D. realized

12.A. me B. you C. game D. play

13.A. good B. necessary C. late D. early

14.A. off B. here C. afraid D. sorry

15.A. pushing B. locking C. knocking D. shutting


这是一个幽默故事,看后令人忍俊不禁。也许Mrs. Richards的化装技巧太捧了,也许,查表员的胆子也太小了——大白天的怎么可能有鬼呢?不过,如果你遇到这种情况,那会怎么样呢?









8.D。fail to do sth. “没做成某事”。用not语法不对,而用had ,tried不符合意思 。




12.A。只好出来解释,不是鬼怪,是她。故用It’s me 。




Mr. Miller had a shop in a big town. He 1_ ladies’ clothes, and he always had two or three shop girls to 2_ him. They were always 3_ because they were cheaper than older women, but 4_ of them worked for him for very 5_ , because they were young, and they did not meet many boys in 6_ shop.

Last month a girl came to work for him. Her 7_ was Helen, and she was very good.

After a few days, Mr. Miller 8_ a young man come into the shop. He went 9_ to Helen, spoke to her for a few 10_ and then went out of the shop. Mr. Miller was very 11_ and when the young man 12_ he went to Helen and said, “That young man didn’t 13_ anything. What did he want to 14_ ?”

Helen answered, “He just wanted to see 15_ .”

1.A. kept B. sold C. made D. mended

2.A. learn B. teach C. help D. follow

3.A. young B. strong C. clever D. boring

4.A. many B. most C. neither D. none

5.A. long B. much C. soon D. often

6.A. children’s B. men’s C. clothes D. women’s

7.A. friend B. parent C. sister D. name

8.A. realized B. guessed C. saw D. chose

9.A. away B. straight C. back D. by

10.A. words B. times C. things D. minutes

11.A. nervous B. pleased C. surprised D. interested

12.A. arrived B. left C. smiled D. finished

13.A. buy B. try C. treat D. touch

14.A. do B. take C. spend D. save

15.A. money B. nothing C. me D. nobody






3.A。从后面的older women得知。





8.C。see sb. do sth.,此处意为看见有人进来。


10.D。由于前面有介词for,所以不可用a few words,a few times,a few things.。For a few minutes 意为“跟她说了一会儿”。






Bob: In a book I was reading, some men had to 1_ a desert. There was nothing 2_ sand they could see. It was so large 3_ it seemed to them that it had almost no 4_ .

Tom: It 5_ be very hot.

Bob: That’s right. 6_ hot in a desert. But they rested 7_ the day and traveled at night. .

Tom: But there’re no trees or anything like that 8_ you to get cool.

Bob: 9_ . But they had some tents (帐篷). They 10_ when they were going to rest.

Tom: That was a lot of trouble, 11_ ?

Bob: Yes. Every night 12_ they 13_ on the next part of the trip, they had to take the tents 14_ . Then they had to put them on their camels. That’s the 15_ way you can travel in a desert.

1. A. go B. walk C. cross D. reach

2. A. for B. and C. else D. but

3. A. because B. that C. as D. enough

4. A. end B. water C. people D. animals

5. A. perhaps B. maybe C. sometimes D. must

6. A. It always is B. It’s always C. It never is D. It’s never

7. A. on B. at C. during D. until

8. A. for B. to C. will D. have

9. A. Yes B. No C. All right D. Very good

10. A. put up them B. put them up C. made them D built them

11. A. indeed B. too C. wasn’t it D. wasn’t that

12. A. when B. after C. before D. when

13. A. took B. got C. kept D. set out

14. A. away B. down C. up D. on

15. A. good B. first C. only D. strange


本文是一个对话,关于沙漠中人们如何旅行、如何休息,其中有大量的初中部分很重要的一些词组,如:so… that , must be , put sth. up。


1.C。cross a desert 意为“穿越沙漠”。

2.D。nothing but 是“除了……之外什么也没有”之意。

3.B。固定词组,so… that …即“如此……以至于……”。

4.A。根据上文,此处应选end 。 “ no end”意为“无边无际”。



7.C。during the day 在白天。

8.A。for sb. to do sth. 全句意为“没有树或那样的东西让你纳凉”。

9.B。 此句学生在做时,很容易根据中国人的思维。事实上,上文是一个否定句,如果是对整个否定句进行肯定回答,应用No,否则,用Yes。

10.B。动词和副词构成的这类词组,如果所接宾语是代词必须放在这两个词之间, 如果是名词放中间,放在后面皆可。Put them up 意为“把他们支起,搭起”。



13.D。set out 意为”出发”。

14.C。与上文的put them up相反,意为“收起帐篷”。


Overhead bridges can be seen in many parts of Singapore, in the place where traffic is very heavy and crossing the road is 1_ .

These bridges can make people 2_ roads safely. Overhead bridges are used in very much the same way as zebra crossings.

They are more efficient (效率高的), 3_ less convenient (方便的) because people have to climb up a lot of steps. This is inconvenient to the old. When people 4_ an overhead bridge, they do not hold up (阻挡) traffic. But when they cross a 5_ road using a zebra crossing, traffic is held up. This is 6_ the government (政府) has 7_ many overhead bridges to help people and 8_ traffic moving at the same time.

The government of Singapore has 9_ a lot of money building these bridges. For their own safety, people should be given hope to use them 10_ rushing across the road. Old people may find it a little 11_ climbing up and down the steps, but it is still much safer than walking across the road 12_ all the moving traffic.

Overhead bridges are very useful. People, 13_ old and young, should 14_ use them. This will stop accidents 15_ happening.

1. A. noisy B. not safe C. crowded D. not busy

2. A. cross B. crossing C. across D. through

3. A. though B. or C. if D. till

4. A. pass B. use C. visit D. build

5. A. wide B. narrow C. busy D. free

6. A. what B. why C. when D. where

7. A. made B. let C. built D. asked

8. A. see B. keep C. find D. feel

9. A. used B. made C. spent D. borrowed

10. A. full of B. fond of C. in spite of D. instead of

11. A. difficult B. different C. worried D. exited

12. A. past B. along C. about D. with

13. A. both B. either C. neither D. not

14. A. almost B. always C. nearly D. hardly

15. A. in B. at C. with D. from





2.A。make sb. do sth. 其它词性不对。


4.B。 pass与bridge无法搭配,而visit ,build与bridge搭配意思不符。




8.C。keep … doing 意为“让……一直干某事” 。

9.B。spend…(in) doing 意为“在建立交桥上花费了大量的财力”。

10.D。建立交桥一方面有利安全,另一方面帮助人们。所以人们应该使用它们,而不是横穿马路(有如在建立交桥之前)。instead of “而不是”,“代替”。

11.A。 老人上下立交桥当然是有点困难,difficult形容词作宾语补足语。




15.D。固定短语stop sb. from doing,本句意为“阻止交通事故的发生。

The water and the land are thought part of the earth surface (表面). The air is 1_ thought a kind of blanket (毯子) 2_ the earth. But it is 3_ than that. Maybe you have been in a cave (洞穴) 4_ in the earth. Did you think about the air that was in the cave? The land has some air mixed in it. Air is even mixed 5_ the water in the sea. These examples show that some air is 6_ the earth’s surface as well as above it.

Men once 7_ that there were four basic things from which everything else was made. They 8_ these things-earth, fire, air and water the four elements (元素). 9_ man made more observations, they 10_ that fire was not an element. 11_ they concluded (得出结论) that land, air and water were not elements, 12_ .

13_ , there are more than 100 elements from which scientists believe all things are made. 14_ land, air and water are not elements, they are three main parts of man’s environment (环境). You will 15_ more about them as you study the earth.

1. A. usually B. seldom C. never D. sometimes

2. A. above B. around C. across D. among

3. A. better B. more C. less D. worse

4. A wide B. high C. long D. deep

5. A. at B. in C. with D. to

6. A. below B. before C. between D. beside

7. A. found B. thought C. knew D. understood

8. A. called B. told C. name D. said

9. A. That B. For C. As D. So

10. A. believe B. planned C. decided D. want

11. A. End B. At last C. Hardly D. Nearly

12. A. too B. neither C. also D. either

13. A. True B. Read C. In fact D. Correctly

14. A. When B. As C. Since D. Though

15. A. exam B. study C. exercise D. know






3.B。more than固定短语“不仅仅”。


5.C。固定短语be mixed with。



8.A。他们“称之为……”told , said 都不准确,而name的时态不对。

9.C。这里的as有“随着”的意思,相当于when 。



12.D。 either用于否定句,“也不”的意思。

13.C。 无论是语法结构还是意思只有In fact对。

14.D。 尽管它们不是元素,但他们是人类环境的三个主要部分。

15.D。 你会对它们了解得更多。

Debbie got up early last Saturday morning. She wanted 1_ in Green Park with some of her friends. She was very 2_ about it. 3_ she was ready, she got on her bike and 4_ for the park -- it was on the other side of the town. Suddenly, as she was riding fast, she 5_ sirens (警笛). The sound of the sirens was getting 6_ , so Debbie looked 7_ her to see what was happening. As a result (结果), she fell off her bike and lay in the middle of the road. Luckily, Debbie wasn’t hurt, 8_ a car hit her bike. After the car 9_ , two men got out and started running. 10_ , a police car stopped next to the same car and three policemen got 11_ and started running 12_ the two men. One of the policemen shouted, “Stop the thieves (贼)!”

13_ a policeman came to see Debbie. He thanked her because, in a 14_ , she had helped them 15_ .

1. A. goes to skate B. go skating C. going to skate D. to go skating

2. A. happy B. angry C. sad D. worried

3. A. While B. As soon as C. If D. As quickly as

4. A. carried B. left C. went D. leaving

5. A. heard B. listened to C. found D. saw

6. A. close and close B. closer and closer

C. big and big D. bigger and bigger

7. A. after B. in front of C. behind D. before

8. A. because B. so C. but D. and

9. A. fell over B. passed away

C. turned back D. stopped

10. A .Few minutes later B. Just then

C. After an hour D. Very fast

11. A. in B. of C. out of D. out

12. A. after B. before C. in front of D. behind

13. A. In a few days B. Sometimes

C. Some time later D. At the same time

14. A. word B. shop C. moment D. way

15. A. get out of the car B. run after the two men

C. catch the thieves D. shout at the thieves




1.D。want to do sth 固定短语。


3.B。她一准备好,就骑上自行车准备出发。As soon as “一……就……”。

4.B。leave for 离开去某地。D选项形式不对。


6.B。警笛越来越近。Bigger and bigger很容易被当选,但形容声音最好用louder and louder。





11.D。get out 出来。如果要选C得加一个宾语the car 。

12.A。run after 追赶,跟在后面跑。


14.D。in a way 固定短语,“在某种程度上”。 In a word “总而言之”;in a shop “在商店里”;in a moment 一会儿。

浅论初中英语中阅读理解题的解析 篇7


有的放矢的阅读要求学生以试题来读材料。特别是对于信息题, 学生可以直接在阅读中, 就找到相应答案。而阅读理解中的主观判断题, 在学生有意识的阅读中, 带着问题去看, 也就会形成针对性极强的推理逻辑关系。对于图表型阅读材料与广告型阅读材料, 此种方法非常有用。文章正式起读后, 先进行标题记忆, 然后再对每个段落的主旨句进行记忆。一般来说, 考虑到英语的表达习惯, 短文中的主旨句一般都会出现在每段的开头与结尾处。也不排除一个段落里没有主旨句的情况出现, 那么就需要学生自行总结。其次, 对文章逻辑顺序进行理清。一篇阅读理解材料不可能仅是一堆句子的堆砌, 初中阶段学生接触到的阅读理解一般以记叙文为主。根据记叙文的特点, 教师在讲解时, 应让学生标记“When、Where、Who、What、Why”等线索词, 再让学生找出人物、时间地点等细节, 从而达到正确理解文章的目的。


理解的重点在于对全文进行逻辑关系的正确解读, 一般来说, 阅读过程中要找到代表逻辑关系的标示词:because, if, therefore, as, for example, but, which, it, and, though, however, so, I’m afraid等词语在通读时, 都要进行重点理解与标示。因为这些词具有着列举、条件、对比、原因、承上启下等各种作用。其中, 对于副词、连接词、代词、关系词、插入语、介词等也要进行正确的性质定义。理解包括对于文章材料的词汇、句型、文化背景、段落结构等各方面的正确释义, 要对句子间进行逻辑关系的正确划分, 进而实现正确理解。


1. 细节推理。

此种题型难度小, 但针对性极强。在通读全文的基础上, 要细分概念, 才可以找到其答案。如:Sandy jogged with her mum in some empty lots (空地) .Bu the lots were full of stones and junk.One day, Sandy saw a sign on the lots.It said, “New City Park.”Sandy was excited.Sandy told her parents about the sign.“I read abou the park in the newspaper, ”said Sandy’s mother.“The city wants volunteers to help clean the area.Then the city wil build a soccer and a playground.

(1) How did Sandy know the city needed volunteers to help clean the lots?

A.She read it from a sign.

B.Her mother told her about it.

C.She was asked by other volunteers.

D.She find it in the newspaper.

对于此题, 应先找出五个W:Who.Why.When.Where Which。及一个H (How) , 此文中, 人物是Sandy and her mum, 地点是empty lots.其次让学生找出日期、数字、时间 (after、first、then that、finally、next等等) 与代表因果关系的词:thus, because, cause, lead to, as a result等等。为了培养学生的解题习惯, 还可以让学生尝试找出括号、破折号、省略号、同位语等符号, 对but、in addition to、similarly、while、mainly、besides、instead、as well as、differently、mostly、on the contrary、however、including to等词形成条件反射, 重点关注与标记。在此文中, 难度较小, 人物简单, 对话间逻辑关系明了, 可以推知答案为B。另外, 在进行此种题讲解时, 还可以用排除法, 文章中没有出现的, 肯定是错误答案。

2. 理解概括。

此种题要求对文章进行正确的理解与主旨概括, 一般给出的阅读理解材料会以多义词、不同方法的语言表达、同义词、近义词、习语解释、句法与语法转换方法等进行题目设计。要求学生在掌握其文章主旨前提下, 有归纳总结与推导概括的能力, 可以通过上下文进行语义推敲与判断理解。

综上所述, 要加强初中学生英语阅读理解题的做题能力, 还要让学生大量背诵美文, 把范文吃深吃透, 培养出良好语感。同时, 教师教学中应插入英文阅读的自学方法, 鼓励学生多尝试新的自学方法, 从而进一步提高学生的阅读理解能力, 全面提升学生的英语能力。


初中生英语学习掉队问题解析 篇8












