七年级英语上册 unit7 知识点


七年级英语上册 unit7 知识点(共11篇)

七年级英语上册 unit7 知识点 篇1


本节课的多媒体课件内容比较丰富,且图片鲜活,紧紧围绕Learn how to ask about the prices话题,进行展开谈论如何用英语询问物品的价格,即培养了学生学习英语的兴趣,又营造了一个积极生动的学习氛围。本节课主要运用目标语言-How much is…?-It’s …dollars.-How much are…? – They’re…dollars.让学生充分练习对话,进一步掌握语言目标。


第一个重点:运用图片形象直观的学习服饰类词汇;第二个重点:通过How much进行对话训练询问物品的价格。



A: What’s this ? B: It’s a sweater.A: What color is it ? B: It’s yellow.A: How much is it ? B: It’s 10 dollars.此对话进行语言目标训练,让学生在情境中学习,以便能形成初步的语言感知,然后创设真实情景,让学生们交流并表达。


七年级英语上册 unit7 知识点 篇2

在现今的教学中, 对学生进行教育不仅局限于智育, 更注重于德育。在教学活动中, 要引导学生实现知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观等不同层面综合提升和协调发展;在课堂中渗透情感教育, 真正做到“为了一切的学生, 为了学生的一切”


(一) 教学内容分析

本单元主要是以购物话题为主线, 本节课是Unit7Section B为第三课时, 主要语言功能项目是数字的进一步学习, 询问价格和为服装店写广告, 语法结构为:How much引导的问句、数字的组合规律以及服装店广告用语的用法。

(二) 学生情况分析

教学面向的是初中七年级的学生, 学生们经过两个多月的英语学习, 有了一定的知识储备, 对英语学习产生了浓厚的兴趣。同时该年龄段的学生对购物有一定的了解, 通过提供教学素材, 加以提问引导, 围绕话题展开练习的方式, 该部分内容在学生的积极参与中完成。


(一) 知识目标

1.New words:ten———thirty, clothes, store, come, buy, very, price, each, afford, our, see, yourself

2.Phrases:at a very good price, at Huaxing Clothes Store, come and see for yourself.

(二) 能力目标


(三) 德育目标

培养学生正确的人生观和价值观、消费观。提高学生的文明、礼貌意识。同时培养学生勤俭节约的好习惯, 献爱心。

(四) 过程与方法

采用Repeating和Cooperation的学习策略, 利用课件或教学图片来展开课堂.Pair-work问答式的口语交际活动, 同时进行听力训练。


(一) 教学重点

1.New words:ten-thirty, clothes, store, come, buy, very, price, each, afford, our, see, yourself

2.Phrases:at a very good price, at Huaxing Clothes Store, come and see for yourself

3.How do we write an ad?

(二) 难点

How do we write an ad?



设计意图:温故知新。活跃课堂气氛, 激发学生学习英语的兴趣。

步骤1:头脑风暴, 一分钟数字接力比赛

设计意图:用比赛的方式, 一可以增进参与的气氛, 二可以激励有更高程度的学生先展示, 如此可以由学生引导进入新知, 也让学生增进自信。

步骤2:火眼金睛, 找规律

小组合作讨论, 找规律。

two-twelve-twenty three-thirteen-thirty

four-fourteen-forty five-fifteen-fiftysix-sixteen-sixty

seven-seventeen-seventy eight-eighteen-eighty


数字小结: (1) 13~19的基数词是由相对应的个位数+后缀______构成; (2) 20~90的整十位数是由相对应的个位数+后缀______构成。

设计意图:通过一些零散的数字, 小组合作, 找出数字组合的规律, 便于学生掌握。


Class count:1 2 3 4…



设计意图:通过听练习, 训练和提高学生的听力水平。


A:Can I help you?

B:Yes, please.I want______

A:What color do you want?

B:______.How much is it/are they?


B:I’ll take it/them.

A:Here you are.

B:Thanks./Thank you.

A:You’re welcome.

设计意图:通过图片的教学直观形象, 学生更容易掌握。


Show a picture of Huaxing Clothes Store.


T:Huaxing Clothes Store has a great sale!There’s an ad.Let’s have a look.What’s in the ad?Oh!“We have socks at a very good price.I can buy socks for only¥5 each!Anybody can afford our prices!Come and see for yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store!” (同时书写板书)

设计意图:利用多媒体展示华兴服装店的广告内容。学习新单词的同时和现实相结合。调动学生的学习兴趣, 为本单元的广告写作打下了基础。


设计意图:阅读广告并从中找出有用的信息, 能进一步提高学生的阅读能力。


What color are the T-shirts?How much are the T-shirs?Who are the socks for?

设计意图:学生细读广告, 把握其中的主要信息。为下一步的复述短文做准备。

步骤9:Retell the ad

First the teacher makes a model.

Come and...your clothes at Huaxing's great sale.We have...for....For sports, we have...for...For girls, We have...in...for...For boys, we have...for...Come and see for yourself at...

设计意图:让学生从更高层次上掌握广告的内容, 锻炼学生的口语表达能力和小组内合作的能力。


1.T:In the picture, the students are very poor.They want a beautiful and big classroom.Let’s help them.


2.T:Boys and girls, let's have a yard sale!

Eg:Group1:Clothes Store Group2:School Things Store Group3:Toy Shop

Group4:Book Shop Group5:Shoes Store Gruop6:DIYStore (手工自制创意物品商店)


Come and buy...Come and see...For girls, you can buy...Do you like...?We have...in...for...

Do you need/want...?We have...at a very good price for?

Like this:Hello, boys and girls.In the picture, the chidren are very poor.Let's help them!Come and buy clothes at...Clothes Store.Do you like... (出示投影)

4.The teacher makes a model.

T:Wow!This shirt is very beautiful.How much is it?


T:I’ll take it.

S1:Here you are.

T:Thanks./Thank you.

S1:You're welcome.

设计意图:要求学生旧物义卖献爱心, 并且为自己的商店做广告。各组介绍完后, 鼓励学生去购买自己需要的, 实用“How much is/are...?”句型。更潜在德育教育, 学会将不需要的旧物节俭献爱心。


If everybody delicate a little of his love to others, the world will be a delightful Eden...

Please save money, don't waste money.

设计意图:我们要培养学生正确的人生观和价值观, 为未成年人的健康成长提供良好的氛围。

步骤12:How do we write an ad?



设计意图:让学生自己总结出本节课的主要内容, 学生既回顾了本节课的内容, 又有了整体上的掌握。


Make a plan about your own clothes store.

设计意图:要求学生设计自己经营服装店的构想, 进一步巩固本单元的重要单词, 短语和句型, 同时也培养了学生的写作能力。

教学反思:这堂课同学们在合作, 表演, 竞赛中快乐地度过。本节课也有不足之处。比如学生们的情绪比较紧张, 举手发言没平时积极。但我相信只要我能不断成长、不断反思, 一定可以帮助孩子们健康快乐的成长!


(一) 评价内容

在整体的教学过程中, 过程评价和总结评价是交替实施的。过程评价是把6个学生作为一个整体来评价 (Group1, Group2, …) 。总结性评价是指学生个体在课堂的上表现。

(二) 评价方法


2. 总结评价。

评价内容包括: (1) 小组讨论, 快速抢答。 (2) 快速阅读, 深层理解。 (3) 语言学习, 找出规律。 (4) 课文复述, 实际运用。 (5) 综合评价。



摘要:本文以Go for it!七年级上册英语Unit7SectionB为案例, 解决了当前教学设计中重视知识传授忽视德育教育的问题, 并从学习方式、教学模式、教学过程和教学细节等方面优化了英语课堂教学设计, 做到了随“学”潜入夜, 润“德”细无声。

七年级英语上册 unit7 知识点 篇3

T-shirt? 这件T恤衫多少钱?

—Its seven dollars. 七美元。

【中考链接】 —______?

—Only $5. It is very cheap. (2007浙江温州)

A. What time is it

B. How many do you want

C. How much is itD. Whats wrong

【答案与解析】 选C。询问物品的“价格”时,一般可用How much is / are ...?,也可用Whats the price ...?。

2. 【课本原句】 —Can I help you?我能帮你吗?

—Yes, please. 是的。

【中考链接】—Can I help you, Sir?

—______. I need some books about western culture. (2007云南省)

A. Yes, pleaseB. No, thanks

C. Yes, you canD. No, you cant

【答案与解析】 选A。当商店里的服务员询问顾客要买什么东西时,一般用 Can I help you?;顾客如果想买东西,可以说Yes, please.,然后再说具体要买什么。

3. 【课本原句】 Here you are. 给你。

【中考链接】 —Could you lend me the book you bought last week?

—______. (2008四川成都)

A. Yes, here you are

B. No, I cant lend it to you

C. Its not interesting

【答案与解析】 选A。当你买、借东西时,对方给你时一般用Here you are.来表示。

4. 【课本原句】 —Thank you. 谢谢你。

—Youre welcome. 不客气。

【中考链接】 —Thank you for your help.

—______. (2008辽宁大连)

A. Thats great B. Youre welcome

C. Im sure of thatD. Im afraid not

【答案与解析】 选B。当对方向你表示感谢时,可用Youre welcome. 来回答,意为“不客气 / 不用谢”,也可用Thats OK. / Not at all.等。

5. 【课本原句】 Anybody can afford our prices! 任何人都能负担得起我们的价格。

【中考链接】 1) 根据题中空格后的英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。

The girl likes the handbag very much, but she cant ______ (have enough money to buy or to do something) it. (2008江苏南通市)

2) Miss Li is ______ music teacher. We all like her very much.(2008山西省)

A. weB. us C. our

【答案与解析】 1) 填afford。根据括号内的释义“有足够的钱来买某物或做某事”来判断,应该用afford,意为“负担得起;买得起”。2)选C。此处应该用形容词性物主代词our,意为“我们的”,在句中充当定语。

6. 【课本原句】 The green shorts are on sale for $25! 绿色的短裤特价卖25美元。

【中考链接】 词语释义:

—Why are you in such a hurry, Meimei? —The fashion clothes are sold in the supermarket at the moment. (2007湖北黄冈)

A. boughtB. have sale

C. on sale D. selling

七年级英语上册 unit7 知识点 篇4

Unit7 How much are these socks?


一、How much是英语中用来提问价格的特殊疑问词,How much is/are +事物?

How much is this shirt?It’s seven dollars.二、dollar美元。有单复数变化。如果是2美元或2美元以上,dollar就加s;

yuan元,人民币单位,没有单复数变化。2元 不用加s,two yuan.三、日常生活中,socks 袜子,shorts短裤,trousers裤子,glasses眼镜,这些事物都是由两个部件组成,写的时候常用复数形式。I have a pair of glasses.我有一副眼镜。


五、记住大小长短。big大的 small小的 long长的,short短的。

六、Can I help you? 我能帮助你吗?(这是服务员常用的问句)

回答:Yes, please.是的。

七、need需要,是动词。做谓语。I need a sweater for school.我需要一件上学穿的毛衣。

need后面再有动词出现,常在后面的动词前加上to,如: I need to go to school.我需要去上学。

八、提问颜色的疑问词用what color.如:What color do you want? 你想要什么颜色?

九、Look at看,look at+事物。Look at the blackboard.看黑板。

look +形容词。意思是看起来。It looks nice.它看起来很漂亮。

十、I’ll take it.我就要它了。(我就买它了。)这是决定购买某个东西说的话。

十一、Here you are.给你。是把东西替给某个人说的话。

十二、Two dollars for one pair.两美元一双。注意介词for是为要一双的钱。

Three dollars for two pairs.三美元两双。

以后我们表达一双(一对)….用词组a pair of…..如果是两双则把pair变复数pairs.即two pairs of…..十三、衣物相关的名词小结:T-shirtT恤hat帽子,trousers裤子,skirt裙子,sweater毛衣,socks袜子,shoes鞋子,jacket夹克衫,bag袋子。


ten十eleven十一 twelve十二 thirteen十三fourteen十四fifteen十五sixteen十六 seventeen十七 eighteen十八 nineteen十九 twenty二十。

二十一到二十九,十位用twenty加短横线再加one two three four five six seven eight nine如:二十一 twenty-one二十五 twenty-five.三十thirty.三十一到三十九构成和二十一到二十九一样。如:三十一thirty-one.十五、Come and buy your clothes at our great sale!在我们的优惠促销期间来买你们的衣服吧。

十六、We sell all our clothes at very good prices.我们以非常优惠的价格销售我们所有的衣服。at very good prices以非常优惠的价格。这是做状语。英语句子的状语往往放在句子的末尾。

十七、We have green sweaters for only$15!for only$15只卖15元的。我有只卖15元的毛衣。

十八、For girls, we have skirts in purple for only$20.为女孩们,我们有紫色的只卖20元的短裙。

十九、Socks are only$2 for three pairs.袜子三双只要2美元。

七年级英语上册知识点 篇5

1. 短语归纳:

What color 什么颜色 the key 这把钥匙

color the things 给物品涂色 the ruler 这把尺子

the cup 这个杯子

2. 必背典句:

—What’s this? 这是什么?

—It’s V 它是V.

—What color is it? 它是什么颜色?

—It’s red. 它是红色的。

3. 定冠词the的用法

The是定冠词,表示特指的人、物或群体,起作用有时相当于指示代词this, that,these, those,表示“这(个),那(个),这些,那些”。它可以用在名词前,表示特指说话双方的人或者上文中提到的人或者事物。

1. 和个体名词的单数或者复数连用,表示某个(些)特定的人或事物。Give me the book.把那本书给我。

2. 特指说话双方都知道的人或事物。Where is theruler?尺子在哪里?

3. 指上文中提到的人或事物。This is a pen. The pen isblack.这是一支钢笔。这支钢笔是黑色的。

4. 用在世界上独一无二的事物前。the sun 太阳 the earth 地球 the moon 月亮 the world 世界

5. 和某些形容词连用,表示一类人。the old 老人 the young 年轻人 the poor 穷人

6. 用在方位名词前。The east 东方 the west 西方

7. 与play连用时,用在西洋乐器名词前。Play the piano弹钢琴

8. 与专有名词连用。The Great Wall 长城 The SummerPalace 颐和园

9. 用在一些固定短语中。In the morning / afternoon /evening

4. color的用法:

color作名词时,意为“颜色”,另外一种写法是colour, 作动词时,意为“着色,上色”

Color the picturegreen 把那幅画涂成绿色。

5. 字母S-Z的大小写与读音

译林七年级上册英语知识点 篇6

Which is your car, the black one or the red one?


2. best 作为形容词表示 最好的 (good 的最高级) Tom is my best friend.

作为副词 表示最,最好的 (well 的最高级) I work best in the morning.

like …best 最喜欢… I like English best.= My favourite subject is English.

like better 更喜欢…. I like football better than volleyball. 比起排球我更喜欢足球。

1. So 连词,意为“因此,所以” 但是注意此时so 和because 不能连用。

It s very cold, so I wore a heavy coat.= Because it s very cold, I wore a heavy coat.

so 副词 如此地,这么,那么常放在形容词前,表示程度。Our classroom is so beautiful!

So 副词 这样,如此,用来代替整个句子。I think so./ I hope so.

3.What s the date today? = What date is it today?询问日期,常用答语为“It is + 日期”。

What s the date today? 今天几号?—— It s 5(th) November. 11月5日。


4. What day is it today? 今天是星期几? It’s Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday…

5. What time is it? =What s the time? 几点了? It’s eight o’clock.

What time...?是用来询问具体时间点的句型。回答:“It s + 钟点”或钟点。

When 询问的时间比较笼统,不一定为具体的时间,可以是年/月/日/上午/下午

When is your birthday, John? 约翰,你的生日是哪一天?It s February 6th. 是2月6日

6. 时间介词at/in/on区别

at常用在时间点前 at six o’clock 在6点钟

at night/ at noon at Christmas at breakfast/ lunch

in 加一段时间(早上/下午/晚上/季节/月份/年)

in the morning in spring in March, in

on用来表示“在某天或星期几”,或表示“在某天的上、下午或晚上”(含有“特指”的意思)at/ on weekends , on the afternoon of November 21st 在11月21号下on a cold winter evening

7. meeting 会议,集会(可数名词) parents’ meeting 家长会

have meetings 开会at the meeting 在会议上 have a sports meeting 举行运动会

meet 动词 见面,遇见 Let’s meet at the school gate. meet with sb 遇见某人

8. show 动词 引,带,领 ,给…看 show sb around (sp.) 带某人参观某地

show sb sth= show sth to sb 把某物给某人看

9. want = would like 想 want/would like sth 想要某物

want/would like to do sth 想要做某事

want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事

10.in front of 与 in the front of 的区别

in front of 指某物在另一个物体外部的前面

in the front of指某物在另一个物体内部靠前的部分

11.be/get ready for sth 为某事做好准备

be ready to do sth 准备好做某事

英式:第一层 ground floor 第二层first floor 第三层second floor

美式:第一层 first floor 第二层second floor 第三层third floor

12. this way 这边走,这边请 by the way 顺便说/问一下

on one’s way (to)…在某人..路上

13. tell sb about sth告诉某人关于某事

tell sb sth= tell sth to sb告诉某人某事

14.let sb do sth 让某人做某事

let sb not to do sth 让某人不要做某事 Let’s..=Shall we..?

15. 穿put on/wear/in/on 的区别 put on

强调动作 put on your coat. 反义短语 take off

Wear(动词) +衣服/鞋帽/首饰 (强调状态) Who wears a red coat? -- Coco does.

in(介词)+颜色/衣服 表示穿着,戴着… The girl in a red dress is my sister.

衣服+on + 人 …穿在某人身上 The shirt looks good on him.

with+器官/头发 长着….

16. say 说、讲(说话内容) say hello to sb 向某人问好

say sorry to sb 向某人说对不起

17. hear 与listen 的区别 hear 听见、听到强调结果 listen 听

强调动作 listen to… 听..

hear sb well/clearly听清楚某人的话 hear from 收到某人的来信 hear of/about 听说,得知

18. bring(带来) 和take(拿,取) 的区别

19. take 和 spend 的区别 take 的主语是物/动词不定式 spend 的主语是人

It takes (sb) 一段时间to do sth 做某事花了(某人)……时间

sb spend 一段时间 on sth/doing sth . 某人花了..时间在某物/做某事上

20. kind 可数名词 种类 a kind of 一种… many/different kinds of… 许多/不同种类的..

all kinds of clothes各种各样的衣服

kind 善良的/亲切的/仁慈的 be kind to sb =be nice/friendly to sb对某人友好

21. borrow 和lend 的区别 borrow(主语) 借入 lend(主语) 借出

borrow sth from sb/sp 向/从…借(入) lend sb sth= lend sth to sb. 借给某人某物

22. get to… 到达…. get to school get to my school get home/here/there

23. thank sb for sth因某事而感谢某人

Thank you for your letter 感谢你的来信

thank sb for doing sth 因做某事而感谢某人

Thank my teachers for helping me.感谢老师帮助我

25. a little:一点儿,少数的,修饰不可数名词。

a few:一点儿,少数的,修饰可数名词复数。



26. How对交通方式提问 walk (to) sp.= go to sp. on foot

by bike= ride a/the/one’s bike

by bus/train/ship/metro/car/plane = take a bus/train/ship/metro/car


1. favourite subject 最喜欢的科目

2. Open Day 开放日

3. would like 想要

4. the parents meeting 家长会

5. in the afternoon 在下午

6. after that 之后

7. at the school gate 在学校大门口

8. show sb. around 带领某人四处转转

9. in front of 在......前面 1

0. On the ground floor (在一楼[英式英语])

11. this way 这边;这种方式

12. in the white shirt 穿着白色衬衫

13. look at 看

14. let me see 让我想想

15. tell ab. about sth. 告诉某人某事

16. after class 下课后

17. say hello to 跟......问好

18. on the phone 通过电话

19. get up 起床

20. go to school 去上学

21. reading room 阅览室

22. all kinds of 所有种类的

23. borrow ... from ... 向......借......

24. a few 一些

25. far away from 远离

26. on foot 步行


1.Your school looks so beautiful.


2.Who’s the man in the white shirt?


3. Thank you for your letter.


4.My classroom is on the ground floor.


5.It takes me about half an hour to get to school.


6. Which of the subjects do you like best?


7. We’re now in front of the classroom building.


8. Do you know the teacher over there?

七年级英语上册 unit7 知识点 篇7

1. ——What does old Henry ____?

——He is thin.

A. look likeB. looks likeC. look forD. look at

2. She ____ medium height. She ____ short hair.

A. is, hasB. has, isC. has, has

3. Mike’s brother is tall ____ brown hair.

A. andB. hasC. with

4. He likes ____ chess.

A. read and play

B. reading and playing

C. reads and plays

5. She ____ glasses.

A. doesn’t wearB. wearC. wearing

6. Mary often does ____ homework after supper.

A. hisB. herC. she’s

7. How many people ____ in your family?

A. haveB. there areC. are there

8. I usually ____ up at six.

A. getB. are gettingC. gets

9. I’m very busy ____ I can’t go shopping with you.

A. butB. orC. so

10. Would you like ____ bananas?

A. muchB. someC. any

11. She has ____ medium build.

A. aB. theC. /

12. Is that ____ friend?

A. yoursB. yourC. you

13. I ____ think he’s so great.

A. don’tB. aren’tC. not

14. She ____ a medium build. She’s thin.

A. doesn’t haveB. isn’tC. is

15. ——____ is your favorite actress?

——I like the woman with the long blonde hair.

A. WhoB. WhatC. How

16. ____ you ____ to the movie yesterday?

A. Do, goB. Did, goC. Are, going

17. Would you like ____ football tomorrow?

A. to playB. playingC. play

18. ——Do you like playing football or basketball?


A. Yes, I doB. Sorry, I don’tC. Football

19. ——Where is the bottle?


A. One is here

B. It’s under the table

C. There is only one

20. How many picture books ____?

A. is MikeB. is Mike haveC. does Mike have


One day, Mr and Mrs Black go shopping __1__ car. They stop their car near a shop. They buy a lot __2__ things. They want to put the things __3__ their car. But Mr Black can’t open the door __4__ the car.“Let’s ask a policeman to help us,” says Mrs Black. They ask a policeman to help them. The policeman is very friendly to help them __5__ the door of the car. __6__ that time a man comes up and shouts,“What are you doing with my car?” Mr and Mrs Black look __7__ the number of the car, then they say sorry __8__ the man.

1.A. byB. takeC. by aD. catch

2. A. toB. ofC. atD. off

3. A. atB. onC. inD. of

4. A. ofB. toC. inD. at

5. A. closeB. openC. breakD. wash

6. A. InB. OfC. AtD. With

7. A. atB. inC. forD. with

8. A. forB. withC. atD. to



Jane was spending her holidays in Scotland. Two days ago she sent a letter to Mary and today Mr and Mrs Black received(收到) a card from her. “What does Jane say in her card, Mum? Let me have a look,” Mary asked. “Jane said in her card that she had visited lots of places,” answered Mrs Black, “and she said she missed us very much.”

Mary stopped reading the postcard and said, “The postcard is much shorter than the letter she sent to me. Her letter was full of interesting things. Let me read it to you.” The letter said, “I went to Edinburgh by train. I had stayed there for three days and then went to the mountains. I have been to many famous lakes. I find Scotland is much more beautiful than England. By the way, the restaurant is very nice and I have made many new friends. I am having a wonderful time here.”

1. Mary received a letter from Jane ____.

A. todayB. the day before yesterday

C. yesterdayD. three days ago

2. Jane visited ____ places in ____.

A. a lot of, EnglandB. a lot of, Scotland

C. few, EnglandD. few, Scotland

3. From the postcard and the letter we know that ____.

A. Jane didn’t like Scotland

B. Jane didn’t make any friends

C. Jane was enjoying herself very much

D. Jane wasn’t very happy


Helen is unhappy. She points to the tree, and Tom looks up there. He sees Helen’s cat is high up in the tree. It can’t get down.

Tom climbs up the tree and carries the cat down safely.

Helen is so pleased to get her cat again that she puts her arms round Tom’s neck and gives him a kiss. Tom is very glad. He would like to see Helen every day.

So that night he waits until it is dark and then he climbs up the tree. He carries a hammer and nail and a fish in his hand. He knows that cats like fish so he nails the fish to the tree. He wants to get another kiss the next day.

1. Helen’s cat is ____.

A. lostB. in the treeC. happyD. in the room

2. Helen is ____ when Tom carries the cat down the tree.

A. unhappyB. sorryC. angryD. happy

3. Tom is glad because ____.

A. he likes fishB. he likes the cat

C. Helen kisses himD. the cat is safe

4. That night when it is dark Tom ____.

A. visits HelenB. goes fishing

C. nails a fish to the treeD. eats fish

5. Tom and Helen are ____.

A. husband and wifeB. neighbors

C. brother and sisterD. classmates


1. Please r____ to turn off the lights when you leave the room.

2. The box is too h____. I can’t carry it.

3. She is good-looking but she’s a l____ bit quiet.

4. Her brother has curly, brown hair and a m____ build.

5. Who is the man w____ funny glasses and long curly hair?


1. is, height, he, medium, kind, heavy, of, and


2. know, you, Mary, do


3. tall, straight, and, has, he, he’s, hair


4. look, what, does, she, like


5. Lucy, wear, glasses, does, now


6. thin, not, heavy, or, she, is



1. There ____(is, has, are) many people over there.

2. ——Is your brother tall ____(or, and) short? ——Tall.

3. What ____(did, do) you do last Sunday morning?

4. Her hair ____(is not, is) black or brown. It is blonde.

5. I ____(not, don’t) think it will rain tomorrow.





提示词语:丢失的missing,圆脸round face,某方面有困难have difficulty in doing…,取得联系get in touch with




七年级上册英语基础知识点 篇8


























1. 可数名词单数要变为其相应的复数形式。

It is a box.→ They are boxes.

2. 各个人称代词要由单数形式变为复数形式。

She is a girl.→ They are girls. I am at home.→ We are at home.

3. am或is 要变为are.

He is a teacher. → They are teachers.

4. 指示代词this或that要分别变为these或those。

This is a pencil.→ These are pencils.

5. 不定冠词a/an要去掉(固定搭配例外)。

It is a black cat.→ They are black cats.

6. man或 woman做定语修饰可数名词,在整个句子变成复数的情况下也要变成 men或women.

She is a woman teacher.→ They are women teachers.

鲁教版七年级上册英语知识点 篇9



















































冀教版七年级上册英语知识点 篇10


be from来自 over there 在那里 homeroom teacher 指导教师

visiting student 访问生 show ... around 带领...参观

have lessons 上课 have fun 玩的愉快 play sports 进行体育活动

guessing game 猜谜游戏 play a guessing game 玩猜谜游戏

shopping list 购物单

Class Four 四班 welcome to ... 欢迎来到...

get books 借书 plan their lessons 备课 have science classes 上科学科

let’sdo sth. 咱们做某事吧

It’sone’s turn to do sth. Now. 现在轮到某人做某事了。

on the wall 在墙上 buy sth. for sb.=buy sb. sth. 给某人买某物

get sth for sb. 为某人取(买,拿)某物


——What’s your name? (特殊疑问句,用于询问对方的名字,句中的what’s 是what is 的缩写形式。)

——My name is ... / I’m(I am)...

How are you? 你好吗? I’m fine. And you? 我很好,你呢?

——Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。(第一次见面时相互问候的用语。) ——Nice to meet you, too.见到你也很高兴

Good morning。早上好。 Let’s ... 咱们...吧。

——Excuse me. May I have /borrow ...抱歉/打扰。我可以借...吗? ——Hereyou are. 给你。

——May I ...

——(肯定回答)OK. /Sure./ Certainly./Of course./ Yes, you may.

——(否定回答) Sorry./ No, you may not.

注意: may not 无缩写形式。

You are welcome! 不客气!

See you later./See you. 再见。

What about sth(what about doing sth) 某物(做某事)怎么样?

This is?? 这是?? (此句式有两种用法:

1.向别人介绍你身边的你熟悉而对方不认识或者不熟悉的人时。2 介绍近处的物品时。) Her/his name is ?? 她/他的名字是??

注意:表示“在几班”时,用“班级(第一个字母必须大写)+阿拉伯数字或基数词(第一个字母必须大写)”。如 Class 2= Class Two

Here is my list. 此句是由here构成的倒装句,起强调作用。


(1) 主语是人称代词,用部分倒装。结构为: Here/There +主语+谓语动词+其他

如: Here you are. 给你。

(2) 若主语不是人称代词,用全部倒装。结构为: Here/There +谓语动词+主语+其他。

如:Here comes the bus. 公共汽车来了。

七年级英语上册基本语法知识 篇11

a用在以辅音音素开头的单词或字母前; an用在以元音音素开头的单词或字母前 a penan orange/ apple/ English bookan hour/ aunt/egg


如:I have a pen.The pen is red.一、be动词用法

我(I)用am, 你(you)用are, is跟着他(he)她(she)它(it);单数is复数are


it是代词,“它”,是第三人称的单数形式。1 指代前面已提到的事物;What’s this?It’s a dog.2 指代陌生或不熟悉的人;Who is behind the door? It may be Jim.表示时间、距离、天气等;What time is it?It’s funny.三、数词的用法

基数词: 表示“多少”的数词。One,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine序数词: 表示“第几”的数词。first 1 表示数字、年龄、日期;

How old are you? I’m ten.What’s the date today? It’s October 3.What’s four and one? 2 表示编号;class one, unit one,lesson one 3 表示号码,如电话号码、门牌号、身份证; 4 表示时刻; 8:00



人称代词 物主代词反身代词 主格 宾格 形容词型 名词型


youyou youryoursyourself hehim hishishimself sheher


herself it


itsitself weusourours


youyou youryoursyourselves theythem



形代后跟名,名代单独用 即:形代+名词=名代 This is my schoolbag=This schoolbag is mine

五、指示代词:this, that, these, those

单数: this: “这个,这”指近处或距离说话人较近的人或物。that: “那个,那”指远处或距离说话人较远的人或物。

复数: these: “这些”指近处或距离说话人较近的人或物。those: “那些”指远处或距离说话人较远的人或物。

六、将单数形式的句子变为复数形式的句子 1 指示代词的变化:this→these, that→those 2 人称代词的变化:I→we;you不变;he/she/it→they 3 be动词的变化:am/is→are 4 可数名词的变化: 单数变复数的规则变化

(1)一般情况下在词尾加-s;(2)以s, x, sh, ch结尾的加-es;(3)以o结尾的加-s或-es;-s:photos/radios/pianos/zoos/bamboos/kilos-es:tomatoes/potatoes/……

(4)以f或fe结尾的变f/fe→v+es, knife→knives(5)以“辅音字母+y”结尾的变y→i+es dictionary-dictionaries 不规则变化:

(1)单复数同形: Chinese(2)变元音:man→men, foot→feet,(3)变词尾:child→children,(4)只有复数的名词: clothes, shorts, thanks, trousers, wishes„

七、人称代词的用法:he,she,it,I,they,we,you1 与be动词的搭配:I→am, he/she/it→is, you/we/they→are独立作主语时习惯用宾格:me,you,him,her,it,us,you,them-I like bananas.-Me too.3 并列作主语的顺序:

单数:你you,她she/他he,我I二三一 复数:我们we,你们you,他们they一二三

八、将含有be动词的陈述句转换为一般疑问句 将be动词(am,is are)提到句首并大写首字母,句末用问号,第一、二人称互换,some,any互换。2.含有be动词的一般疑问句的肯定回答和否定回答;肯定回答:Yes, 主语+be(am,is,are)

否定回答:No, 主语+be(am,is,are)not.缩写:I’

m not/he isn’t/they aren’t

十、1.方位介词:on, in, under通常回答where引导的特殊疑问句。on“在„„上面”,强调一物再另一物的表面上。On the wall, on the desk, on the floor, on the bed„„ 2 in“在„„里”


in the tree “在树上” 表树上外来的事物on the tree“在树上”表树上长出来的东西(2)表示图片或报纸上的内容:in the picture, in the newspaper

(3)表时间:早中晚,年、月、年代、世纪In the morning/afternoon/evening, in 2008, in 21 century, in 1990’s

(4)表地点:城市、乡村、国家In Beijing, in Shanghai(5)用某种语言:in English(6)用原材料:in red

(7)表示穿着、戴着:the girl in blue is a student.3 under“在„„下”在某物的正下方。

二、人称代词作主语时,将含有实义动词的陈述句变为一般疑问句及其肯定回答和否定回答,否定句。当主语是人称代词的复数时,变疑问句在句首加Do,句末用问号,第一、二人称互换,some,any互换。变否定句在实义动词前加don’t, some, any互换。

疑问句的肯定回答:Yes, 主语+do.疑问句的否定回答:No, 主语+don’t.当主语是人称代词的单数时,变疑问句在句首加Does,句末用问号,第一、二人称互换,some,any互换。变否定句在实义动词前加doesn’t, some, any互换。


(4)have/has当“有”讲时与there be的区别 Have/has: 与主语是所属关系,强调某人“拥有、占有”某物;

There be: “客观存在”,强调客观存在的事实,是there引起的倒装句。

(5)have的其他含义:“吃、喝”或其他 Have breakfast, have a look, have a part

十二、like的用法like sb/sth“喜欢某人、某物” I like bananas.2 like to do sth“喜欢做某事” 3 like doing sth“喜欢做某事”

注意:would like to do sth 想要做某事;愿意做某事be like=look like 看起来像

二、well与goodwelladj 位于联系动词之后,表达“健康的”。

I’m very well.adv 修饰动词。We play football well.2 good:adj, 作名词的前置定语,连系动词的表语。

She is a good girl.三、it的用法 I think it’s healthy.人称代词,指代上文中已提到或刚刚提到的单数事物,以避免重复。用于指代时间、天气、日期、距离、价值、温度等。用作形式主语,代替动词不定式位于句首,而真正的主语是动词不定式,避免句子头重脚轻。It’s easy for me to play basketball.四、与三餐有关的短语

At breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper 在吃早、午、晚餐 Have breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper吃早、午、晚餐 Have sth for breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper早、午、晚餐吃某物

五、可数名词与不可数名词 1可数名词:可以计数的名词




(1)没有复数形式(2)作主语时谓语动词用单数(3)其前不用不定冠词a/an(4)其前不用基数词(5)表数量用“计量单位词+of”。(6)可用some, any, much来修饰。Would you like some bread?

十三、:how much与how many的区别 1 how much

(1)提问物品的价格:“多少钱”=what’s the price


(2)提问不可数名词的数量。How much milk do you drink everyday? 2 how many

提问可数名词的数量:“多少”。How many apples do you have everyday?

二、Can I help you?的用法

是服务员招呼顾客的常用语。=May I help you?=What can I do for you?=Is there anything I can do for you?

肯定回答:Thank you, I want„„/Yes, please.I’d like„„

否定回答:No, thanks.I’m just looking around./ Just have a look.can’t help doing sth情不自禁做„„


两者均可作代词,代替上文出现过的名词。1 one: 指代“同名异物”,即指代与前面事物同属一类的事物。同类事物中的“一个”用one, “一些”用ones。it 指代“同名同物”,即上文出现过的同一事物。

四、here you are句型在不同情景的含义 1 “给你”:向别人借东西或购物时 2 “终于找到了”:寻物时,自己发现时。3 “你到站了”:乘车到站时,司机或售票员会说。


基数词,表示数目或数量的多少。1 基数词的表达


One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve

(2)thirteen到nineteen,在个尾数后加后缀-teen, thirteen, fifteen, eighteen除外。

(3)Twenty到ninety表示“几十”,在个尾数后加后缀-ty。Twenty, thirty, forty, fifty,eighty除外。(4)21~29至91~99,表示“几十几”,在“整十-个位数”。Twenty-one

(5)One hundred/a hundred“一百”,200~900用“具体数字+hundred” 2 基数词的用法

(1)表示年龄,基数词+years old

(2)表述数量,位于名词之前。Three books(3)表示顺序、编号。Class one(4)用来计算。Two and three is five.十四、语法:

一、when疑问副词,“什么时候”,对年、月、日以及时刻进行提问或询问某一动作发生的时间。When are you at home?When do you go to school on Monday.二、十二月份及其缩写

一月January, Jan.;二月February, Feb.;三月March, Mar.;四月April, Apr.五月May, May;六月June, Jun.;七月July, Jul.;八月August, Aug.;

九月September, Sept.;十月October, Oct.;十一月November, Nov.;十二月December, Dec.。

三、时间介词:in on at 1 in+一段时间 in 1999on+具体的某一天on 2nd May 3 at+时刻 at 7 o’clock

四、英语中日期的表达方法美式英语日期表达法:月 日,年。日可以写成序数词或阿拉伯数字。June 5th,1995或June 5,1995。英式英语日期表达法:日 月,年。1/1st February, 1995。“读”时“日”一定要读作序数词,并在前面加定冠词the。The first February, nineteen ninety-five.五、day和date的区别date“日期”,常指“几月几日”,表达方法:“月 日,年”

What’s the date today? It’s November 15th, 2013.2 day“天”,指24小时,一整天。What day is it today?

“特定的重大的日子、节日”Today is 1st May.“白昼”,与night相对。Day and night


表示人或物的所有及其所属关系。1 ’s所有格、of所有格、双重所有格 2 ‘s所有格的构成多用于有生命的名词或表示时间、国家、城镇、机构的名词


(2)复数名词:以-s或-es结尾的在词尾+“’”(3)复数名词:不以-s结尾的在词尾+’sOf所有格的构成:“名词+of+名词”,多用于无生命的名词。A picture of China 4 双重所有格who,“谁”,用来询问人。Who is your math teacher? 3 why,“为什么”,询问原因,回答多用连词because引导的句子。Why do you like science?

以why开头的否定疑问句多表示建议或请求。Of所有格与’s所有格的结合 Why don’t you have a try? A friend of my father’s5名词所有格的用法

(1)表示有生命的人或高级动物的所属关系。It’s mysister’s schoolbag.(2)表示国家、城市、时间等名词的所属关系。Whereare today’s newspaper?


map of China.(4)所有格后带有地点名词时,地点名词可省略。Let’s go to doctor’s.七、序数词




(1)the+序数词,表顺序。The first

(2)作名词的定语,但前有物主代词修饰的除外。The/Her fourth birthday.(3)表示英语中的分数。分子用基数词,分母用序数词,若分子大于1,分母加-s。Two-thirdstwo fifths


一、再一”(5)the+序数词+名词:表示编号。=名词+基数词 The second unit=Unit 2

