


介绍假期生活的英语作文 篇1

Holiday is relaxed; holiday, happy holiday; always makes me the same person, the troubles behind, has also become the spirit, in high spirit, seemed to become an eagle, fly freely in the blue sky; on weekdays, I always look not the spirit also, it is often only anxious cat on hot

The holidays, so I am full of spirit, it is a rechargeable battery charge, can let the goods have more energy; in life, there are many holidays, we can go to their plan, I always planned to use the holiday to ride a bicycle, a breath of fresh air, and let the body and mind activity a day to relax usually, I like, time is very inadequate, and is going to cram, and homework, seldom go to bed early, it makes me more days and months multiplying, two panda eyes, and I want to sleep in I often say, “I like to ride a bicycle!” But once, I was the most memorable, I only want to go beyond my mother, so I picked up speed, when I win, I come back to see my mother, and with a triumphant smile, suddenly I accidentally, not to handle control, just listen to my cry, together with my whole being along with the car fell out of the bike on the road, at that time, I was freaking out, like blood flow out of the water, then felt a terrible pain, and rushed towards me, my heartbeat, didnt look at my wounds, fortunately, my mother to help me stand up, otherwise I cant stand up!

The flight of time, holidays should always be in the past, in this short period of time, I really found the happy time really quickly, in an instant disappeared, we can use the holiday, more close to nature, good physical and

难忘的假期生活英语作文 篇2

My winter holiday is intersting, my winter holiday is very can play a computer and watch a TV in the still read some good books in the winter of the plan of value result of our school, let us time of few lesson opportunity to have no does the affair that likes to , the winter holiday liked too to me.But again schooled begins quickly, its be over means a kind of another life of beginning, my in the mind have a little longing , also have a little to what freshman live is for enjoyment,long for liberty.我的寒假很有趣,我的寒假非常有趣。我可以在家里玩电脑和看电视。我仍然在寒假读一些好书。因为我们学校的计划价值的结果,让我们很少有剩余的时间。也没有机会做喜欢做的事情。寒假对我来说太好了。可是又快开学了,它的结束意味着另一种生活的开始,我心里有点渴望,也有点恐惧。想象大一生活是什么。渴望快乐,渴望自由。

My summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable.I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays.It is very beautiful there.There are green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals and kind people.I spent two weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there.I wrote down what happened in my diary every day.Besides that, I helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons.I helped them read English and improve their spoken English.Their parents thanked me for this.今年我的暑假非常愉快。我去农村过暑假。那里非常漂亮。有绿色的植物,清澈的小河,可爱的动物和善良的人们。我花了两周中我帮爷爷干了些农活。每天我在日记中记下所发生的事情。

假期生活英语作文 篇3

My Winter Vacation`s Life

Hello,everyone! My Winter vacation`s life was so interesting.Do you want to know what I did during the Winter vacation? Well, at the first week, I did my homework,surfed the Internet,played puter games and watched TV. At the second week, I helped my parents with housewrk, so I did the dishes, washed lots of my parents` clothes and helped them take out the trash. At the third week, I chatted with my girl friend on mobile phone and we both had a good time.I had a happy Winter vacation`s life ! So how about you? What did you do during the Winter vacation?

英语作文假期生活 篇4

On Sunday, I went to a shopping center with my mother. The shopping center wasnt far from my home. It took us about ten minutes to get there on foot. The shopping center was very big. There were all kinds of things. Every day a lot of people go there to buy things. It opens at eight in the morning and closes at nine at night. Now, I was helping my mother buying things. I had a shopping list in my hand. We were looking for things on the shopping list. After staying in the shopping center for about two hours, we got all the things and walked home.

What did you do when you were on vacation?

★ 小学二年级英语作文:我的假期生活

★ 假期生活英语作文带翻译

★ 高一英语作文关于假期生活的

★ 我的假期英语作文

★ 假期英语作文

★ 我的假期生活作文650字

★ 初一英语作文我的假期生活

★ 我的假期生活作文1000字

★ 我的假期生活作文550字

假期生活英语作文60词 篇5

First,i had a good trip.I went to Japan.I think Japan was a beautiful country.

There were many beautiful flowers and there was much delicious food too.Well,the most beautiful thing in Japan were the women.

Second,I did housework and readat home every day.

Third I visited the old peoples home,I was the first time to be a volunteer.

介绍假期生活的英语作文 篇6

It was a sun day of the summer holiday. The weather was hot. My little brother and I decided to go to the resrvoir to swim by bike. It took us half an hour when we got there, many people were swimming. Then we dived into the water……

About an hour later, suddenly somebody called: “help! help!” We were surprised to see a boy struggling in the deep water. As quickly as possible. We swam towards him and pulled him to the shore. He lost his consciousness. We sent him to the nearest hospital at once luckily, he was saved.

In the end, we were worn out, but felt happy. That day was meaningful. We did a good deed!



介绍高中生活英语作文 篇7


As a Senior Grade Three students, I am very busy in preparing for the college entrance examination. I have seven classes a day, and two self-study classes at night. And only a day left for the weekend. So, most of the time I have to spend on the study, after all the college entrance examination is very important for almost all of us. Aside of study, I would play football with my friends after school and the weekend. I like playing football very much. When I run on the football field, I can put the examination thing off my mind for a while, only sweat and laugh left. It is a good exercise for health and a good way to relax from the busy study too. This is my high school life, busy and fulfilling.


假期生活初三英语 篇8

Holidays, mom, dad, I and my grandma, liang liang to visit hainan island. We rode to the hainan island, saw the coconut and drink the sweet coconut juice. In hainan island, I saw the sand, shells, sea. I, mother, grandmother, a seaside pick sea shells on the beach. The waves in our feet. The shape of the shell has a lot of, in the shape of a snail, ice cream shape, small horn shape. The color of the shell has a lot of, also have white, have yellow, green, pink. Dad is holding a video camera. The sea is so blue, so a look, so beautiful! I am so happy! Really want to go to hainan island at a time.

介绍假期生活的英语作文 篇9

我们去的地方景色宜人 ,有漂亮的小木屋 ,这可是我们的秘密基地。还有古尔班通古特沙,漠鸵鸟园等。这些地方,要说最好玩的,当然要数沙漠啦!沙漠在人们心中应该是一片黄沙,一棵树,一只鸟也没有, 只有几支商队,在连绵起伏的沙丘上,骑在骆驼上,悠闲、惬意地走着……但古尔班通古特沙漠不同,那里有很多小动物,有老鼠,蛇,兔子,壁虎等, 还有一种叫红柳的植物。那里虽然有很可怕的动物,但依旧十分好玩。如果你光着脚在沙子上走,就会听到沙子发出“吱吱,吱吱”的声音,如同一双细嫩的手抚摸着你的双脚,躺在沙子上,仿佛躺在海滩上一样,迎面吹来阵阵温暖的风,十分舒服。

虽然在沙漠上玩得很舒服,但是来时的路上还是十分辛苦的,因为我们来时用了两个小时,我们一路上走走停停 ,好不容易才到了。虽然很辛苦 ,但是后来我们玩得很开心!



有关假期生活的作文 篇10






我先去男更衣室换衣服,然后就和毛毛、李泽颖去了高温池浸泡。那泉水高达43摄氏度,泡在水里,全身都暖洋洋的,感觉很舒服,一身的疲劳都被冲洗掉了。接着我们又去了石板温泉、温泉泳池、按摩池、牛奶池……我们边泡温泉,边嬉戏,还可以喝上各种饮料,真休闲。这是我第一次泡温泉,我觉得很好玩。 7月4日,学校组织了一二年级的同学到番禺百万葵园游玩。它是目前全国第一家、全部采用进口种子的观赏性向日葵乐园,那里种植了一百万株向日葵。葵花比其他的花都要大得多,叶子也特别厚,花瓣在太阳的照射下,闪闪发光,像金子一般。除了向日葵以外,还有熏衣草、舞女兰,还有一百多种五彩缤纷的.玫瑰。园内还有许多好玩的设施:松鼠乐园、小猪逗趣苑、螃蟹王国、锦鲤池……这个公园既漂亮,又好玩。





