


春天英语作文带翻译 篇1


Look! All the things are reviving. The world is colorful. The trees and grass are green. Flowers are beautiful, some are red, some are yellow, and some are purple.


The birds are flying in the blue sky. The bees are singing. They are very busy. They are making honey. The butterflies are dancing in the garden. The children are playing games.


I like spring.

春天英语作文带翻译 篇2

一、痛则不通, 忍看作文批阅怪现状

现在, 不少老师作文批阅像例行公事, 只给等第和分数, 可谓惜字如金。学生虽然满腔热情地写了, 教师却快刀斩乱麻一般地盲批, 很难形成好的反馈, 最终学生在考试时就随便抄点段落、句子等来“交差”, 他们很快养成了敷衍的习惯。

有些老师批阅方式单一, 对作文的点评千人一面, 时间久了, 学生不看也知道你在他/她作文上写了什么, 学生出现审美疲劳, 根本就不想再看你给的评语了。看来, 墨守陈规、不求创新真是害人不浅。

另有些老师对学生习作精批细改, 妙语连珠, 但囿于时间就得打持久战, 十天或半月后将批改好的作文发下去时, 学生早忘了自己写了什么作文……结果往往是教师一改再改, 学生却是一错再错。

二、通则不痛, 为作文批阅开药方

(一) 端正态度, 批阅不搞“走马灯”

有些教师责任心不强, 做事敷衍或专业知识一穷二白, 腹中空空, 导致他们在作文教学中避重就轻, 对学生习作进行走马观灯式地批阅, 这些做法是极其愚蠢的。

宋代文学家韩愈在其《进学解》中有句名言:“业精于勤, 荒于嬉;行成于思, 毁于随。”其实, 钻研批阅方法、推敲评语的书写根本就费不了多少时间, 关键是在平时批阅中要加强责任意识, 消除职业倦怠, 切忌流于形式、务虚不务实。

(二) 彩色批阅, 用它山之石来攻玉

彩色批阅, 就是用不同颜色的笔分别标出好词、好句或错误。据报道, 西方某发达国家的小学生最近发现自己的家庭作业本上高频次出现了用蓝色、黄色、绿色、粉红色笔, 甚至用铅笔标注的勾勾叉叉。这是数百所学校反对老师用红笔, 倡导用多彩笔批改作业带来的结果。这些学校认为, 红色标记刺激性较强, 会让学生产生不良反应, 禁用红笔可以防止令学生感到不安, 有益于他们的心理健康。

读毕, 大受启发, 文批时我先用绿色笔挑出学生的好词好句, 当发现足够多的正面鼓励出现在本子上时, 我再拿出蓝笔有选择性地挑出学生在文章中所犯的语病。学生对这种批阅方法非常喜欢, 他们拿到自己的本子的那一刻, 通常会迫不及待地翻开本子看看自己的杰作, 而不是把本子往书包里一塞了事。同时, 彩色批阅作文的方法也可使教师在枯燥的批改作文中保持一种热忱和趣味。

(三) 相互批阅, DIY事半功倍

DIY (Do it yourself!) 意即“自己动手”。如果你在作文批阅中出了牛马力, 但学生又不买账时, 你不妨试试这招DIY。

要一一批改全班五六十个学生的作文确实是一件令人头疼的事。我想, 教师每周可以采取批改每个班级的一半学生作文的方法, 找出学生所犯错误的共性, 在课堂上指出, 引起学生的注意;教师也可之前做好示范, 好让学生知道如何批改作文, 然后采取学生之间相互批阅或者学生自己检查批阅的方法。这样虽投入不多, 但收获颇丰。

(四) 当面批阅, 重视“面子工程”

有选择地对个别学生进行面批, 把批改作文和个别辅导结合起来, 实际效果会更好。这种师生间的双向交流有利于教师当面向学生提供反馈信息, 解释对学生作文的评语, 以加深学生的理解和印象。这种“面子工程”实质上是一种攻心工程, 要比纯粹地当面斥责学生, 大伤学生“面子”强上百倍。

(五) 理性批阅, 作文评语要“给力”

作文评语是师生情感沟通的纽带。作文批阅的目的很多时候是通过作文评语这个“杠杆”进行实现的。作文评语不仅要文才出众, 而且还要富有人情味。要想做到这一点, 我们在操作时就要对症下药, 也就是一定要“见什么人说什么话”。如:

1. 给差生的评语, 要少批评多鼓励, 找闪光点。

如:I’m pleased that you have made so great progress now.

2. 给中等生的评语, 要督促他们向高目标看齐。

Only 40 words!You did your work quite well.Try your best, you will find you are more and more wonderful.

3. 给优生的评语, 要激励他们的创新意识, 在篇章结构和句子推敲上下功夫。

You have tried to use some conjunctions very well.This made your article more smoothly and logic (有逻辑) .


(1) 知道某学生期中考试没考好:

I’m sorry to know you didn’t do well in your mid-term examination.Remember:Failure is the mother of success.

(2) 知道某学生歌咏比赛得了第一名:

Congratulations!I really like your song.You sang just as beautifully as you read English.

张正东教授指出:“教育含有很大的个人因素, 其中, 肯定性评价产生正反馈和积极变化, 否定性评价产生负反馈并可能产生消极变化。”这是对作文评语的语用价值的注解, 更是对评语所蕴含的情感作用的强调。因此在教学过程中, 教师如果写好评语, 积极发挥情感因素的作用, 往往会收到意想不到的效果。

三、借东风, 让作文批阅走进“春天里”

春天来了英语作文带翻译 篇3

Spring,following the continuous spring rain,came.


The grass,with all its strength,came out of the loose soft soil with a small head,yawned a long time,got rid of the long invisible day,and looked at everything in the world curiously——




He tried to absorb the nourishment from the underground,and he tried to grow up. He wanted to grow up earlier.


Finally,he grew up.


英语作文带翻译 篇4

Hello, everyone! I don’t like sports, but I like eating very much. I eat a lot food every day. For breakfast, I like milk, eggs and bread a lot . For lunch, I like French fries, chicken, hamburgers and apples. For dinnerr, I like fruits, vegetables and rice.


英语作文带翻译 篇5

After dinner, I said to grandma, today I will help you wash the dishes. grandma praised me as a obedient and sensible child. I said proudly, this is what I should do..


英语作文带翻译 篇6

Hi, I am Sally.My favourite toy is my lovely bear.It is very cute.It has brown and tender fur.I always sleep with it.It is my good friend.I play with it afteir school.I like it very much.


春天英语作文带翻译 篇7



Since I go to middle school, I don’t like to talk to parents, because when I tell them my idea, they will deny it and then ask me do as what they say.I am not the little girl anymore, I have the right to make my decision.My parents realize this, someday they walked to my room and talked to me.They apologized for treating me like the little kid, they liked to respect my decision and wanted to make friends with me.I was so happy, my parents indeed followed their words.I opened my heart and talked with them all the things.Talking to the friends is much easier than talking to the parents.自从我上初中,我就不喜欢和父母聊天,因为当我告诉他们我的想法,他们会给予否认,然后叫我按他们的话去做。我不再是一个小孩子了,我有权利去做自己的决定。父母意识到了这点,有一天他们走到我的房间和我聊天。他们为把我当做个小孩子道歉,他们会尊重我的决定,并且想要和我交朋友。我很开心,父母确实实行了他们的话。我打开了心扉,和他们无所不聊。和朋友交流总是要比和父母交流轻松。


英语作文高三带翻译 篇8


Why do youth need sex education? Most teenagers get the HIV virus or sexually transmitted diseases because of having sex with an infected person. They can avoid any risk of HIV or STD if they have learned how to protect themselves. On the other hands, teenagers’pregnancy rate in China is astonishingly high. According to the survey, more than a million teenagers become accidentally pregnant each year. Now,this situation becomes serious.


In my opinion, sex education is absolutely essential. The schools have the responsibility to teach students to have the right attitude towards the gender issue. Taking about sex is not a shame. It is not embarrassment. The question is no longer whether sex education should be taught, but rather how it should be taught.

春节英语作文带翻译 篇9

Time flies like an arrow. Half a semester has passed in a twinkling of an eye. Grandpa winter took Miss Qiu. Grandpa winter dressed the earth as a world wrapped in silver. The long-awaited spring is coming soon. When I think of spring, I cant help smiling.


Looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, and finally the Spring Festival is coming.


With 30 days left for the Spring Festival, I began to look forward to it. I wish today is the Spring Festival. I wish I could write 300 words for the Spring Festival. The reason why I am looking forward to the Spring Festival is simple: I can wear new pants and clothes; I can spend a lot of money on New Years Eve. You can also enjoy delicious food


During the Spring Festival, you can sleep in at home, and sleep until 9 oclock every morning. Usually in order to read, we have to get up at 6:30. The warm quilt has become my dream place.

春节,见了老亲戚,他们都会说:“哎呀,穿得挺漂亮的,又长高了一截。”每年春节 ,我总是能拿到许多压岁钱。每晚我都会躲在被窝里数钱。奶奶给了200元,三姑妈给了100元 ,大姑妈给了100元 ……去年拿了1000元 ,不知道今年能拿多少元 ,希望比去年拿的更多。虽说离春节还有一个月,我早就开始分配这些钱了。200元给爸爸和妈妈买个小礼物,其它归我私人所有,买些书、小饰品。

During the Spring Festival, when I met with my old relatives, they would all say, “Oh, Im very well dressed, and Ive grown taller.” Every Spring Festival, I always get a lot of lucky money. Every night I hide under the covers and count the money. Grandma gave 200 yuan, aunt gave 100 yuan, aunt gave 100 yuan Last year I got 1000 yuan. I dont know how much I can get this year. I hope I can get more than last year. Although its a month before the Spring Festival, Ive already begun to distribute the money. 200 yuan for father and mother to buy a small gift, the rest belongs to me, buy some books, trinkets.


初一英语作文带翻译 篇10


Hello, everyone! I don’t like sports, but I like eating very much. I eat a lot food every day. For breakfast, I like milk, eggs and bread a lot . For lunch, I like French fries, chicken, hamburgers and apples. For dinnerr, I like fruits, vegetables and rice.


初三英语作文带翻译 篇11

In the town, the place is so small, so people can easily have access to the newest news. Latterly, it has been said that a big and weird fish was found in the lake. As the fish had the strange shape that people never seen before, so everyone wanted to have a look at it. The news caught many people’s attention, they came to the lake and wanted to see the strange fish.

When they saw it, they laughed, it was just the ordinary fish with the big shape. But the one who spread the news just exaggerated the fact. News in the town can’t be trust, so we must figure it out.

在小镇里,地方太小,所以人们可以很容易地获得最新的消息。近来,有人说,一条大的`,奇怪的鱼在湖里被发现了。由于这条鱼有着人们从未见过的奇怪的形状, 所以每个人都想去看一看。这个消息引起了很多人的注意,他们来到湖边,想看到奇怪的鱼。
