


英语寓言故事双语版:禁烟 篇1



One winter a Farmer found a Viper frozen and numb with cold,and out of pity picked it up and placed it in his bosom.The Viper was no sooner revived by the warmth than it turned upon its benefactor and inflicted a fatal bite upon him;and as the poor man lay dying,he cried,“I have only got what I deserved,for taking compassion on so villainous a creature.”

Kindness is thrown away upon the evil.


英语寓言故事双语版:禁烟 篇2

译林版《英语》在各个新授单元都安排了Cartoon time, 通过趣味卡通故事, 帮助学生强化语言知识, 训练语言技能, 着重培养学生的阅读理解能力。 Cartoon time的故事既是很好的阅读材料, 又是供学有余力的学生表演的鲜活剧本, 为教师组织课堂教学提供了多种可能性。 笔者所在的地区使用译林出版社的小学英语新教材刚满两年, 老师们都在摸索经验, 总结教训。 笔者在日常教学过程中遇到一些困惑, 也有一点心得。


《英语课程标准 》要求, 在小学英语教学中, 要以学生为中心, 教法设计要密切结合学生的生活实际, 考虑学生的认知水平和心理发展水平, 让学生在原有的基础上获得英语知识和技能, 感受到学习英语的快乐, 从而培养学习英语的兴趣。 有时, 一篇内容简单却有趣的对话, 老师层层剥笋般地提问, 学生学起来反而很费力。

案例:译林版《英语》三年级下册Unit 8 “We’re twins! ”的Cartoon time, Sam领着Bobby看家庭成员的照片, 一开始, Bobby饶有兴趣地不停提问。通过交谈, 他发现Sam的爷爷、爸爸和表姐都叫John时, 有点丈二和尚摸不着头脑。 当Sam指着自己的照片时, Bobby有点不耐烦, 故意说John, Sam感到很意外。 有位教师是这样教学的:

(1) 听录音, 让学生回答:How many Johns?

(2) 看卡通片, 让学生回答: (逐幅出示四张照片) What’shis/her name?

(3) 看卡通片后, 逐一指着照片, 按顺序提问:Who’s he/she? 教师板书:Sam’s__________.

(4) 出示插图, 体会Sam的心情———生气。用这样的感觉来读:No, this is me.My name is Sam.

(5) 朗读表演。


1.问题设置过于繁复。 这位教师借班上课, 课始通过介绍自己引出name这个词, 这里提问了:“What’s his/her name? ”之后又问:“Who’s he/she?”加上之前的:“How many Johns?”给人的感觉是将简单的内容复杂化了。建议改为一个问题:“Who’s he/she? ”相信学生会有多种回答方式, 会涉及这位老师所要学生回答的方向。

2.可能误读教材。 看教材上的插图, 尽管Bobby说错名字, 但Sam并不是很生气, 而是很意外:Sam今天穿的衣服和拍照片那天穿的衣服是一模一样的, 人物的模样看上去也没有分别, Sam和Bobby彼此又很要好, 也很熟悉, Bobby应该能认出自己, Bobby怎么会说错自己的名字呢?


1.画一画, 读一读。

学生只有对自己、对英语及其文化、对英语学习有积极的情感, 才能保持英语学习的动力并取得成绩。 好的学习效果能促使学生产生持久有效的内, 在的学习动机。 在义务教育阶段, 学生逐步形成有效的学习策略对于强化学习效果十分重要。 教师要有计划、有步骤地引导学生掌握学习策略。 预习也是一项有效的学习策略, 但学生对怎样预习并不了解, 往往预习过度, 课前把新课都学会了, 课上再学一遍, 不利于兴趣的激发和提高。 以刚才的教学内容为例, 教师在课前布置学生小组合作画一画四幅人物像即可。 学生画的过程说不定已经产生疑问:这四个人物是谁? 对新的一节英语课产生期待, 或者自己自学了一些生词等。 课上应该放手让学生读一读故事, 让学生自己读故事, 试着回答:“Who’s he/she? ”此时, 可以介绍一下相关的背景知识: 英美国家常以长辈的名字命名家族中的新生儿, 中国人一般不这么做, 让学生感受中外文化的差异, 有益于学生对英语的理解和使用。 在此教学活动中涉及的文化知识与学生的生活密切相关, 能有效激发学生学习英语的兴趣。

2.说一说, 演一演。

小学英语教师大多带班多、课务重, 教师要争取用最方便快捷的办法, 取得教学效果的最优化。 在进行教学设计时, 教师要多花时间思考本课的教学目标, 有的放矢地选择教学方法和手段。 从课本延伸开去, 说一说, 让插上想象的翅膀, 丰富说的内容, 踏踏实实地练出实效。

比如, 译林版 《英语 》三年级上册Unit 8的Cartoon time部分, 通过小猫Sam、小猴和小狗给小老鼠Bobby过生日的故事, 巩固句型:“What’s this? It’s a ...”小老鼠Bobby一边先拆小猴的礼物一边问:“What’s this? ”小猴说:“It’s a toy car.”Bobby很喜欢这辆玩具小汽车, 把它捧在手里对小猴说:“How nice!Thank you.”Bobby一边问小猫Sam:“What’s this? ”一边拆他送的礼物, Sam笑而不答, Bobby被里面弹出的玩偶吓了一跳。 故事到此结束, 小猪送的什么礼物, Bobby什么反应, 书上没有提及。 教师可以抓住教材的这一“留白”, 引导学生展开想象, 进行多样化的语言输出。 教师指一指小猪的礼物盒, 提问:“What’s this? ”接着, 教师再指一指Bobby:“What would Bobby do.? What would Bobby say? ”学生恍然大悟:故事还没有结束, 他们的兴致立即高涨起来, 纷纷猜测小猪的礼物是什么, 以及Bobby会有怎样的反应。 有的学生说:“It’s a cake. Bobby说:‘How nice! Thank you.’”有的学生说:“It’s an egg. Bobby说:‘我最爱吃egg了。 ’”……

再如, 三年级下册Unit 3 Cartoon time部分, 呈现的是午餐时间, 小老鼠Bobby很好奇小猫Sam带的什么美味午餐, 于是Sam给Bobby看他带的午餐 ———两个老鼠形状的蛋糕, 并友好地请Bobby吃蛋糕。 但是, Bobby感到很别扭, 坚决不要。 在学生已经比较熟练地掌握这部分内容后, 教师指一指Bobby的午餐盒, 问: “What’s in Bobby’s lunch box? Would Sam eat Bobby’s lunch? ”鼓励学生模仿Cartoon time创编表演对话。 有一个小组创编表演时, 在教材原有对话的基础上增加了如下内容:

Bobby:Is this my lunch box?

Bobby’s mother:Yes, it is.

Sam:Where’s your lunch box?

Bobby:It’s over there. (打开盒子) Ha!Ha!

Sam (捂着鼻子) :What is it?

Bobby: It’s垃圾. This is for you.

Sam (直摆手) : No. No. No. Thank you.

有了这样的引导, 学生进行整篇对话表演的时候, 语言就丰富生动起来。 这样的表演, 对作为观众的其他同学就更有吸引力。

摘要:本文结合译林版英语教材中Cartoon time板块的课堂实例, 探讨了该板块教学方面存在的问题。

关键词:故事教学,Cartoon time,教学例谈


[1]桂诗春.新编心理语言学[M].上海:上海教育出版社, 2000.

[2]教育部.英语课程标准 (实验稿) [M].北京:北京师范大学出版社, 2001.

[3]教育部.义务教育英语课程标准 (2011年版) [M].北京:北京师范大学出版社, 2012.

[4]王丽春.有效教学——小学英语教学中的问题及对策[M].长春:东北师范大学出版社, 2005.

[5]岳蔚.新课程小学英语评课的理论及实践[M].宁波:宁波出版社, 2005.

英语寓言故事双语版:禁烟 篇3

关键词: 小学英语故事教学 整体性 趣味性 情境性



旧教材的教学中,词汇教学比较扎实,但是缺少整体情景的呈现,知识的呈现是点状的,这种词句分离的教学方法导致很多学生看到单词能认读,也知道意思,但是由于没有在一个完整的情景中出现,导致学生不知道怎样在具体的语境中使用。新版教材中,编者把新词和语法融于一个情景完整的故事中,让学生在完整的故事中感受语法,学习新知,在一个完整故事教学,让孩子们学会基本的英语单词、常用的语法结构及学习英语的基本技能,切实提高学生听、说、读、写的英语综合运用能力。在呈现故事时,笔者注意到,有些教师在一开始就把原本完整的故事情景剥离开来,还是以词句教学为本位,注重语法的教授。比如:在教授六上Unit 6 “keep our city clean”时,老师不展现教材中既定的文本,而是在故事教学前,讲授了大量can,make等词的用法,孤立出现一个个再创造的不完整的情景,让孩子们孤立学习词的用法。又如:一位执教老师抛弃文本,另外创设了一个“how to keep our classromm clean?”的小问题情境,让学生操练语言,再回到文本中教授。试问,编者创编的大情景故事有什么用呢?笔者在教授本文时,作了以下调整:步骤一:下载了优酷视频中有关于现在城市的问题,让学生感受家乡城市的问题。步骤二:整体呈现story time教学文本,抛出几个大问题,如:Is the city clean?What makes the air dirty?等,让学生整体感知故事。由于整体呈现了故事情景,给予了学生大问题的设计,让学生在整体中感知文本并训练词句语法,使得故事教学水到渠成。


著名教育学家苏霍姆林斯基曾说:“所有智力方面的工作都要依赖于兴趣。儿童的兴趣对鼓舞和巩固他们的学习动机,激发学习积极性起决定作用。”新版译林教材中,除了story time故事教学外,其cartoon time版块也有一个完整的有趣味的故事。Cartoon time版块情节生动,趣味性更强,其中也有一些词汇和语法知识。由于故事比较短小,当中涉及下一单元的一些语法知识,有些老师便把这个文本开始解体,提炼语法,提炼知识点,把一个完整的有趣的故事弄得支离破碎,学生在词汇语法中体会不到这个版块中故事本应有的趣味,觉得索然乏味。笔者认为,在教授cartoon time时,除了考虑故事的完整性外,每个cartoon time的背后还有一定的趣味性,可以考虑把英语的语言和故事的趣味性相结合,既锻炼了语言,又训练了学生的延伸性思维。如:五上Unit 4的cartoon time版块,故事的最后,老师抛出了问题:Why isn’t bobby happy?What will Bobby say?What will San say?学生由于受故事趣味性的启发,思维被激发了。答案纷呈:“Oh,my God,I don’t want to skate any more.”“What a day!”“I don’t like skating now.”“Bobby,don’t give up.”“Bobby,have a try,you can do it.”...把课文趣味性和语言的操练结合起来,更加丰富了故事情节,也使得学生的语言得以外显。


如果没有了情景,就不能成为故事教学。译林版story time版块虽然只有几幅画,但是每一篇课文都是一个完整的故事,有其情境。遗憾的是,很多课文虽然有情境,但是中年级的story time版块大多都是对话形式,少有称述性的文本,并且story time版块没有首尾,课文虽有情境,但是略显不完整。所以,笔者在教授的时候,给有些story time加了个头尾,这样故事的情节就更显完整了。如:四上Unit 4“I can play basketball” story time版块,故事谈论了王兵、麦克、刘涛几人打篮球,文本始末都是对话,没有时间和地点等。在教授时,笔者在文章开头加了一个情境:It is two o’clock in the afternoon,Wang Bing Liu Tao and Mike are in the playground.They are talking about basketball.末尾加上:At last,Liu Tao can play basketball,he is so happy.Try your best,you can do it!虽然只是短短的几句话,但使用的语言大多都是学生已有的知识,这样一来,文本的情境更加完整丰实了。学生在课后表演课文的时候,由于有了增加的旁白称述性文本,故事情境更加完整,语言表达更加丰满。




描写动物的英语作文双语版 篇4

My favourite animal is tortoise. Tortoise walk not fast. But I like the tortoise. Why? Because, tortoise is a cute animal. It have a short tail and a four short foot. It have a little head and a hard shell. They are forty-five little and cute tortoise in My home. They like to play in the water. When they afraid some thing. They wall run fast. They like to eat the fish. I often buy some small fish to them to eat. They can catch the fish fast. First, they fake(假) sleep. When the fish swim near they mouth. They catch the fish fast and bit the fish head. So, the fish die. They can eat the fish. In winter. They like to sleep in the sand. When they sleep, they don’t eat any food.Because they wall hibernation. But, when they are thirsty. They come out of the sand. So, we must give water to them to drink.

I love the tortoise. I hate the eagle. Because, the eagle often eat the tortoise with it sharp mouth.My favourite animal is tortoise.


英语寓言故事双语版:禁烟 篇5


Story 33 Animals

There are many kinds of animals in the world.People don’t know the exact numbers.In the zoo, people can see many kinds of animals.For example, lions, tigers, they are scary.Monkey, foxes are intelligent.People usually think pandas;koala bears are so cute and smart.Some animals live in the water, such as dolphins.They need a lot of water for their home.And elephants with long nose are very strange.They can sing and dance.The giraffes are quite tall because of their long necks.So they can reach the top of the trees.故事 33 动物


Story 34

A Silly Man

Fred was going to school.When he passed a park, he saw a man sawing a big branch from a tree.The man was on a ladder and the ladder was against the big branch he was sawing.“Hi, it is dangerous.” Fred shouted.“After you cut off the branch, you will fall, too.” But the man didn’t believe him, and said angrily, “Go away, you little thing.It’s none of your business.”

Fred could do nothing, so he left.He didn’t go far before he heard something crashed.He rushed back and found the man lying on the ground.Fred asked some men for help.They carried the man to the hospital.故事34 一个愚蠢的人


一年级禁烟主题班会(最终版) 篇6






活动准备:查询有关劝阻不吸烟的信息与资料 活动地点:教室 班会过程:


1、青少年吸烟酗酒会降低脑力活动和学习能力, 甚至对一生的脑部功能都会有影响;


















思想教育英语版寓言故事 篇7

“we had onla cock ,”said mrsmith one da.“you’d better take it to the town .sell it there and busome cakeand sweetfor our children .”

“it’a good idea !”the man said and caught the cock the next morning and put it into a box .it wadifficult to walk on the road covered with thick snow .two hourlater he wavertied and wanted to have a rest .he put the box to the ground and sat down .

“the air in the box must be close ,”the man said to himself .“i’d better let the cock walk outside for a while ,or it’ll die .”

so he put the cock to the ground .when he started again ,he couldn’t catch it anlonger .

圣经故事演讲稿(英语版) 篇8


Then they had their children ,one of their children named Cain.He murdered his brother for jealousy,and after that evil started to spread around the earth.The world full of violence,jealousy.No one listened to God.God saw human sin and was very sorry to create human,so he decided to destroy everyhuman being by giving a great flood and to create a new generation of human beings.But there was a righteous man named Noah ,he was very kind and followed God‟s instructions.So God chose his family as the seed of next generation andtold Noah the plan andthe reason.God asked Noah to build a great ark.God wanted Noah to use gopher wood to make a 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide,and 30 cubits high ark.The door of ark should be opened in the side and have three floors.The room should be made one by one and cast rosin inside and outside.Then Noah took the whole family to build the ark.Their neighbors all laughed at them.Noah told them the flood would come from sky and they should be regrettable for the way they lived and they should try to be forgiven by God.But no one listened to him,they lived their life as usual.After 120 years, Noah completed the task.God said to Noah “you and your family can be in the ark, you should also take some animals.For beast with pure soul, you should take seven cocks and seven hens,for those without pure soul , you should take one.For birds you should do as the same way”.Seven days later, a big flood came, Noah and his family and those animals God had commanded went into the ark.The other people struggled in the water and shouted for help, they must be very regrettable for not accepting Noah advice.In the ark , Noah family and those animals started to live their life.The flood lasted almost 40 days.God wiped out everything that existed on earth.Only those in ark were survived.40 days later,Noah opened the door , and released a raven to see whether the water had subsided, but it did not come back.So Noah sent out a dove ,but the dove could not find a place to stay and flied back.It took another seven days,Noah sent out the dove again,the dove flied back with a new olive branch.Noah know that the earth was dry.Noah came out with his family and those living animals.Noah immediately put up an altar with stones to the God ,beginning sacrifice to express their appreciation.God smelt the fragrance of offerings and made a rainbow on the sky.Then Noah and his family leaded a happy life ,thrived on earth.The history of mankind started again.Adam immediately recognized she had life relationship with him.God gave them a beautiful place to live called Eden where had rivers,shades,and all kinds of fruits.But God said to them “you are free to eat fruit from anytree,but not the fromthe tree oft of good and evil ,for the day you eat them,the day you will die”.They follow God‟s instruction,and they lived very happy with God.However, one day, when Eva passed the good and evil tree, she heard a voice from a snake, said „why not taste the fruits, they are very delicious,and if you eat them ,you will be cleaver,as cleaver as God.‟.Eva wanted to be cleaver as God, so she forgot what God said and ate one and leaved one for Adam.After they ate forbidden fruits,they saw the world more clearly.They began to have the concept of „self‟.So it was a shame for them to find themselves naked.They used leaves to cover their nakedness.So this was the first time for human to break God will.Undoubtedly, God knew this thing soon.They were never Godfriends.They were driven out of the garden of Eden.God commanded angels to guard the door of the garden.They were never allowed to come back.So human history began, the two had to work hard for live,and eventually

they had their own children.Their fist two children were Cain and Abel.Just like our nature, we should respect and protect it ,and try not to break the principals of the nature, or the nature will punish us by flood,earthquake,and so on.At that time ,we may know how vulnerable we are in the face of nature.We can also learn a saying.Try to be kind to the people around you, God know what you did.If those people listened to Noah‟s advice, they can avoid the disaster.If Noah give up building the ark for their neighbors laugh,their family could not survive in the flood.Disregarding what others think about , you should strength your conviction,you should keep it in mind that hard work will pay offsooner or later.Try to be prepared for the worse before it happens.
