


四年级上英语重点短语重点句子期末复习总结 篇1


nice 好的,友善的 a bit 有一点 shy 害羞的 clever 聪明的 naughty 淘气的 cool 酷的 little 小的,年幼的 cute 可爱的


1.She is a nice teacher.她是一位友善的老师。2.Parrot is very naughty.鹦鹉非常淘气。

3.Xiaoyong is a very clever boy.小勇是一个非常聪明的男孩。4.This is my mother.She is very nice.这是我妈妈,她很好。



about 关于 beautiful 美丽的 long 长的 many 很多 old 古老的 famous 著名的


1.This is a book about London.这是一本关于伦敦的书。2.London is a big city.伦敦是个大城市。

3.Whose house is it? 这是谁的房子?it’s the Queen’s house 4.A: Is it your house? 那是你的房子吗?

B: No, it’s the Queen’s house.不,那是女王的房子。(情景连线)

5.This is Hyde Park.It’s very beautiful.这是海德公园,它非常漂亮。



robot 机器人 everything 所有事情 one day(总)有一天

housework 家务 learn 学习our 我们的 Monday 星期一 Tuesday星期二 Wednesday星期三 Thursday星期四 Friday星期五 Saturday星期六 Sunday星期日


do the housework 做家务 help children learn 帮助孩子学习

make cakes 做蛋糕do homework 做作业 go swimming 去游泳

Play with my friend 和朋友一起玩

go to the park 去公园 visit grandma 看望奶奶 help mother 帮妈妈(做家务)read books 看书


1.One day,robots will do everything.总有一天,机器人会做一切事情。2.A: Will they do the housework? 他们会做家务吗?

B: Yes, they will.是的,它们会.No,they won’t.不,它们不会。(注意情景连线)3.On Monday I’ll go swimming.我星期一去游泳。



take 带,拿走 picnic 野餐 great 太好了 why 为什么 because 因为 so所以


on Saturday 在周六 have a picnic 野餐 next week 下周 play football 踢足球 rain(be)sunny(be)windy(be)cold snow cloudy 下雨 晴朗的 有风的 寒冷的 下雪 多云的


1.A: Will you take your kite tomorrow? 明天你带着你的风筝吗? B: Yes, I will.No, I won’t.是的,我会。不,我不会。(注意情连)2.On Saturday we’re going to have a picnic.星期六我们要去野餐。

3.A: Why not? 为什么不呢?B:Because tomorrow is Friday.因为明天是周五。4.A: What will Shanshan do on Monday? 姗姗星期一要干什么? B: On Monday she’ll play with her friend,5.A:Will it be windy in Beijing? 北京会有风吗?

B:Yes, it will.是的,会.No, it won’t.不,不会。(注意情景连线)



old 年长的 young 年轻的 strong 强壮的 clean干净的 dirty 脏的


old — young


clean— dirty

fat — thin

老的 年轻的短的,矮的/高的,长的 干净的脏的 胖的瘦的


1.I was two then.我那时候2岁。2.Who is that little girl?那个小女孩是谁? 3.They were young then.他们那时候很年轻。

4.It wasn’t clean then.It is clean now。它之前很不干净,它现在很干净



Very well 非常好 yesterday昨天 lesson 一节课


1.Were you at home yesterday? 你昨天在家吗? 2.Was it sunny in London yesterday? 伦敦昨天是晴天吗?

Yes,it was./ No it wasn’t.3.Was it a big city then? 它过去是个大城市吗? 4.It was a very small village then.它过去是个小村庄。






wash(过去式 washed)洗东西

do(过去式 did)做


listen(过去式listened)听 talk(过去式 talked)说

二、重点短语:row a boat 划船

play on the computer 玩电脑 cook noodles煮面条

listen to the music 听音乐

wash clothes洗衣服


1.I cooked noodles yesterday.我昨天煮面条了。

2.He played on the computer and watched TV.他玩电脑和看电视。3.I phoned grandma yesterday.我昨天给奶奶打电话了。



beautifully 优美地,动听地

game游戏,比赛 have a good time玩得开心 busy 忙的


is(过去式)was are(过去式)were was(否定形式)wasn’t were(否定形式)now 现在 sing(sang)唱歌


go(went)去 eat(ate)吃 drink(drank)喝

tell(told)告诉 dance(danced)跳舞


1.They sang beautifully.它们唱得很动听。2.You had a good time!你玩得真开心!

3.We walked in the park,we listened to the music,we sang and danced.我们在公园里散步,听音乐,我们又唱又跳。4.I took some pictures.我拍了一些照片。

5.Amy went to school by bike.艾米骑自行车去学校。



Welcome欢迎 cousin 表堂兄弟(姐妹)on holiday 在休假 travel去旅游 come(came)来 pop concert 流行音乐会


1.Did he live in New York last year? 他去年住在纽约吗?

Yes,he did./No,he didn’t.2.Does he live in New York ?他现在住在纽约吗? Yes,he does./No,he doesn’t.3.Did you have a nice holiday? 你假期玩得开心吗?

Yes,I did./No,I didn’t.4.Did you go to Hong Kong last year?你去年去香港了吗?

5.She was on holiday in Shanghai.她那时候在上海度假呢。



happen 发生 ride 骑,乘 then 然后 thirsty 口渴 carry 携带,运送 fever 发烧 have a cold 感冒 bump 磕、碰 stomachache 胃疼 headache 头疼 watermelon 西瓜


a bike ride 骑自行车 lots of 许多 have吃,患(过去式)had

四年级上英语重点短语重点句子期末复习总结 篇2

四年级上一单元重点单词和句子 Unit 1 单词 1.中



国____________America 3.英国____________England 4.新加坡__________Singapore Unit 1 单词

1.中国____________ 2.美国____________ 3.英国____________ 4.新加坡__________ 5.加拿大__________Canada 6.好的____________good 7.朋友____________friend 8.兄弟____________brother 9.姐妹____________sister 10.男孩____________boy 11.女孩____________girl 12.教师____________teacher 13.农民____________farmer 14.邮递员__________postman 15.医生____________doctor 16.护士____________nurse 17.司机____________driver 句子 1你来自哪里?


这个男孩是谁? 4 他是我的哥哥。5 这个女孩是谁? 6 她是我的姐姐。7 你的爸爸是做什么的? 8 他是一名教师。9 你的妈妈是做什么的?


5.加拿大__________ 6.好的____________ 7.朋友____________ 8./news/55A125836D6BE84B.html 兄弟____________ 9.姐妹____________ 10.男孩____________ 11.女孩____________ 12.教师____________ 13.农民____________ 14.邮递员__________ 15.医生____________ 16.护士____________ 17.司机____________ 句子 1你来自哪里?

_________________________ 2 我来自新加坡。_________________________ 3 这个男孩是谁? _________________________ 4 他是我的哥哥。_________________________ 5 这个女孩是谁? _________________________ 6 她是我的姐姐。_________________________ 7 你的爸爸是做什么的? _________________________ 8 他是一名教师。

_________________________ 9 你的妈妈是做什么的? _________________________ 10 她是一名医生。_________________________


第2 八年级语文下册《诗五首》教案2人教版


第3 人教版初中思想品德八年级下册《自觉维护正义》教学反思



第4 人教版语文一年级语文第二单元教案

第二单元单元分析 设计理念: 本组教材,围绕“我爱我的家”的主题来编排。教学时,要让学生认识到:在生活中识字,注意积累生活中 的字。愿我们的学生都有温暖的家,都爱自己的家,爱爸爸妈妈,爱家里的每一个人。设计思路: 本组教材,无论是识字 2 的三字经,还是《看电视》 《胖乎乎的小手》 《棉鞋里的阳光》,都向学生们传递了 一个“爱”字。指导本组课文的学习,可先引导学生读导语,从整体入手。提示学生借助汉语拼音阅读本组课文,初步感知每课内容。并启发学生要对家人传达自己的爱心,表达自己的关爱,围绕专题,学习收集有关资料,在 学习中主动展示自己的本领。课文要少讲,多感悟。教学重难点:认识 68 个字,会写 37 个字。能感受到自己……

第5 人教版七年级下册生物教学设计全册

第一章 人的由来第一节 人类的起源和发展学习内容:学习人类的起源和发展。学习目标:



3、在讨论交流中培养观察能力、分析能力和语言表达能力 重点、难点:重点:概述人类的起源和发展。难点:


一、情境引入 通过《七上》的学习我们认识到地球是人类及其他生物生存的唯一家园。在这大家圆中作为“物种的人”是怎么来的?作为“个体的人又是……

把人教精通版小学英语四年级上单词和句子重点收藏起来以后再看!人教精通版小学英语四年级上单词和句子重点所属栏目:〖句子〗 “人教精通版小学英语四年级上单词和句子重点”相关专题:211大学名单_211工程大学_211高校_211院校_211学校_211大学排名 985大学名单_985大学_985大学排名_985工程_985高校_985院校_985工程学校 c9高校_c9联盟_c9大学_九校联盟 两学一做心得体会 四级作文,英语四级作文,英语四级作文万能句子,四级作文题目 四级作文万能模板 撒谎作文,关于撒谎的作文 听后感,听后感大全,听后感 禁毒作文,关于禁毒的作文 作文大全600字,初中作文大全600字,小学作文大全600字 胜似亲人,胜似亲人作文,胜似亲人作文400字 高考零分作文 感谢师恩 师恩难忘,师恩难忘作文 租房合同协议 预备党员转正思想汇报 高考分数线预测 合伙协议,合伙协议范本,合伙协议书 就业协议书 协议书,协议书范本 记一件难忘的事,记一件难忘的事作文 一件难忘的事作文 难忘的旅行 难忘的一件事 劳动合同法 门面租赁合同 合同书 厂房租赁合同 商铺租赁合同 商品房买卖合同 借款合同,借款合同范本 劳务合同 租赁合同 商业策划书 创业策划书 品牌策划 广告策划 婚庆策划,婚庆策划方案 项目实施方案 活动策划,活动策划方案 营销策划 影楼策划,影楼策划方案 标语,标语大全 承包合同范本 入党介绍人发言稿 入党介绍人意见,入党介绍人意见大全 工作措施,工作措施大全 大学生自我评价,大学生自我评价

四年级上英语重点短语重点句子期末复习总结 篇3

Unit 1 Friends 重点短语

1.再来一些食物some more food

2.再来2个苹果 have two more apples=another two apples

3.替某人保守秘密keep a secret for sb.4.使某人开心/做某事make sb.happy/dosth.5.关心/关怀care about 6.告诉他/她关于你的一切tell him/her everything about yourself

7.准备/愿意去做某事be ready/willing to do sth

8.有问题have problems

9.撒谎/讲笑话/故事tell lies/funny joke/stories 10.给有需要的人让座give her seat to someone in need

11.有很好的嗓音have a good voice 13.带着小而圆的眼睛wear small/ round glasses 14.使他看起来帅气make him look smart

15.很有幽默感have a good sense of humour/be humorous 16.使我大笑make me laugh

17.觉得无聊feel bored 18.---东西无聊

sth.be boring 20.从不讲某人的笑话never say a bad word about anyone 21.擅长讲笑话be good at telling jokes

22.和---不一样be different from



Can I have something to drink? 2.一些牛奶怎么样?

What about some milk? 3.我可以在要一些食物吗?

Can I have some more food? 4.也许我们可以分享它。

Maybe we can share it.5.什么样的人是最好的朋友?

What makes good friends, Amy? 6.你可以信任他们,因为他们从不撒谎。

You can trust them because they never tell lies.7.我认为好朋友应该是诚实的/有趣的/乐于助人的 I think good friends should be honest/interesting/helpful.8.她也乐于助人并且任何时候愿意帮助人们。She is also helpful and ready to help people any time.9.她长大之后想成为一名歌手。

She wants to be a singer when she grows up.10.他讲有趣的笑话并且总是使我大笑。

He tells funny jokes and always makes me laugh.11.它们不能够装在他的课桌下。

They do not fit well under his desk.12.她经常微笑并且从来不讲任何人的坏话

23.和---样be the same as

24.和---交朋友make friends with sb.25.仔细倾听人们listen to people carefully

26.帮助人们解决问题help people with their


27.环游世界travel around the world

28.我们的未来计划our future plans

29.想成为一个社会工作者want to be a social


30.更多的了解艺术learn more about art 31.深褐色dark brown

32.---和---都both … and …

33.有一张圆圆的脸和微笑的眼睛have a round

face and smiling eyes and kind

35.面带微笑have a smile on her face

35.和孩子一起工作work with children 36.分享某人的快乐share one‟s joy

37.把---撞到地上knock sth onto the floor 38.做---怎么样?What/How about doing sth.? 39.对人民友好be kind/friendly to people 42.相信他的话believe what he says= believe his words

43.走过walk past 44.任何时候any time 12.想成为一名歌手want to be a singer


look really pretty 19.有长长的直发have long straight hair

40.在将来 in the future

She smiles often and never says a bad word about anyone.13.当有事困扰我的时候,我总是向他求助。When something worries me, I can always go to her.14.Max戴着小儿园额眼镜看起来很帅气。

Max looks smart in his small round glasses.15.Suzy.你愿意选谁作为你的最好的朋友呢?Who would you choose as your best friend, Suzy? 16.她愿意和她的好朋友分享东西。

She is willing to share things with her friends.17.她比我矮。

She is shorter than I am..18.我的书比他的有趣。

My book is more interesting than his.19.他是我们班最高的。

He is the tallest boy in our class.= He is taller than any other student in our class.= He is taller than the other students in our class.20.这是这家商店里最贵的电脑。

This is the most expensive computer in the shop.21.我长大之后想成为一名社会工作者。

I would like to be a social worker when I grow up.22.如果我能够是其他人开心,我会很快乐。I will be happy if I can make other people happy.23.我想和他一样的有名。

I want to be as famous as he is.24.在Peter左边的女孩是谁?

Who‟s the boy/girl on the left/next to Peter? 25.Kate既是我的邻居又是我的好朋友。

Kate is both my neighbour and my best friend.26.她总是面带微笑并且看起来很开心。

She always has a smile on her face and looks happy.27.我相信她会成为一名杰出的老师。

I think she will make an excellent teacher.Unit 2 School life 重点短语

1.在8年级in Year 8= in the 8th grade

2.一所混合性的学校a mixed school

3.带来bring in

4.从学校图书馆借更多的书borrow more books from the school library

5.在阅读周期间during the Reading Week

6.在那周接近尾声的时候near the end of the week

7.给我提供帮助/ 主动提出去做某事offer me help/offer to do sth.8.某人写的文章an article by----

9.半个小时打电脑游戏half an hour for playing computer games 10.和---讨论---discuss sth with sb 11.在 课上in class

12.似乎---seem to do

13.帮助新学生更多了解学校help new students learn more about the school 15.打棒球play baseball 16.上个月last month 17.我们3人中among the three of us

18.在比赛中得第一/二/三first/second/third in the race

19.跑的快run fast

20.任何其他学生any other student=any other of my classmates =all my other classmates

21.学生的数目 the number of students

22.做更多的运动do morning exercises 23.放---星期的假have … weeks off

24.花时间在---上spend time on/doing sth 25.另外半小时another half an hour

26.下棋/弹钢琴play chess/ the piano

27.至多/至少at most/least

28.读书do some reading

29.进行英语考试have an English test

30.快速浏览问题look through the questions quickly

31.慢慢读read slowly

32.起初,开始/最后at first/last

33.不停用英语写keep writing in English

34.我的日常生活my daily life

36.一个艺术俱乐部an Art Club

37.需要早起need to get up early

38.有一个小时的家庭作业have an hour of homework

39.一个大且干净的餐厅a big clean dining hall 14.一起做运动do sports together


have a lovely time


40.听音乐listen to music

41.选择学习的科目choose subjects to study 42.上电脑课have computer lessons

43.一个足球场a football field

44.进行学校旅行go on a school trip 45.一个游泳池a swimming pool

46.做---很开心have fun=enjoy oneself=have a good time doing sth.47.我的理想学校my ideal school

48.在午餐时间at lunchtime 49.想要做----would like to do sth.50.赢得2场比赛win two games 51.穿校服/带领带wear school uniforms/ties 3


1.当我们在读有趣的书的时候,时间似乎过得很快。Time seems to go faster when we are reading interesting books 2.因为我们比人聪明

Because we‟re cleverer than people.3.他们不得不努力工作

They have to work harder.4学校生活怎么样?它就像看电视一样。

What‟s school like? It‟s like watching TV.5.那里广告要少一些。

There are fewer advertisements.6.男生和女生一起上课

Boys and girls have lessons together.7.所以的功课中,我最喜欢法语。

Among all my subjects, I like French best.8.学外语很有趣。

Learning foreign languages is fun.9.我经常读的书比我的同班同学要多。

I often read more books than my classmates.10.在周五下午,我们谢谢结束的比平常要早一些。

On Friday afternoon, our school ends earlier than usual.11.上个月,我们的队赢了2场比赛。

Our team won two games last month.12.Millie 的西红柿比Daniel要多。

Millie has more tomatoes than Daniel.13.Millie 的米饭比Daniel少。

Millie has less rice than Daniel.14.Millie的香蕉比Kitty少。

Millie has fewer bananas than Kitty.15.Kitty的鸡蛋最多。

Kitty has the most eggs.16.Daniel 的西红柿最少。

Daniel has the fewest tomatoes.17.Millie 的橘子汁最少。

Millie has the least juice.18.她比Millie 跑得快。

She ran faster than Millie.19.在比赛中,Amy得第一。她跑得最快。Amy came first in the race.She ran the fastest.20.在这3所学校中,阳光中学拥有最多的老师和学生。

Sunshine Middle School has the most teachers and students of the three.21.中国学生放暑假的时间比英国学生要少。

Chinese students have.fewer weeks off for the summer holiday than British students.22.英国学生花在家庭作业上的时间比中国学生要少。

British students spend less time doing homework than Chinese students.23.在这3所学校中美国的学生花在家庭作业上的时间最少。

Among the three schools, American students spend the least time on homework.24.他们学习最辛苦。They work the hardest.25.我至多只有一个小时的时间进行我的业余爱好。I have only half an hour for my hobbies at most.26.我们每一门学科都有月考。

We have a monthly test on each subject.27.我也一直用英语写有关我的日常生活。

I also keep writing in English about my daily life.28.通过这种方法,我能够更好的使用英语。I learn to use English better this way.29.我们有大量的时间进行课外活动。

We have lots of time for after-school activities.30.我每天只有一个小时的家庭作业。

We only have an hour of homework every day.Unit3 A day out 重点短语

1.乘船旅行 take a boat trip

2.快点,来吧 come on 4.保重 take care 3.玩得开心 enjoy oneself / have a great time

5.经过 go past

8.一家咖啡馆 a coffee shop

6.在河畔 by the river 9.…的顶部 the top of 11.由钢铁制成 be made of steel

13.加入他们学校旅行join their school trip 15.等不及去做…can‟t wait to do … 17.来自全世界from all over the world 19.不能相信我的眼睛can‟t believe my eyes 7.一座带有一个大花园美丽建筑物 a beautiful building with a big garden 10.90英尺宽 90 feet wide

12.邀请某人去做某事invite sb.to do.Sth.14.在湛蓝的天空中 in a clear blue sky 16.名胜古迹places of interest

18.看起来和…一样伟大look as great as… 22.歌舞表演 the song and dance shows

20.世界上的主要景点the main sights of the world 21.仅在一天之内in just one day 23.了解许多不同的文化learn a lot about different cultures 24.把它们他的主页上put them on his homepage 25.亲自 for oneself

26.攀登上岩石pull oneself up the rocks 30.这次旅行的费用 the cost of the trip 34.计划外出一天 plan a day out 37.达到 arrive at/ in= get to= reach


1.你需要锻炼和保持健康。You need to exercise and keep fit.2.这座山没有真的山那么高。This hill isn‟t as high as a real one.3.这座桥有多宽?How wide is the bridge? 4.这座桥重十万多吨。The bridge weighs over 100,000 tons.5.花费我们大约两个小时的时间乘公交车达到那里。

It took us about two hours to get there by bus 6.路上有很多车辆并且旅行有一点无聊。

There was a lot of traffic on the way and the journey was boring.7.很快整个世界在那里呈现在我们的面前。Soon the whole world was there in front of us.8.有来自全世界一百多处名胜的模型。

There are models of more than a hundred places of interest from all over the world.9.你可以在网上看见一些旅行的照片。You can see some photos of the trip on the Internet.10.我们的校队进入了篮球比赛的决赛。

Our school team is in the final of the basketball competition.11.这场比赛在10月17日星期天进行。The match takes place on Sunday, 17 October.12.有了你的支持,我们将会赢!With your support, we will win!13.我认为那不是一个好主意。I don‟t think that‟s a good idea.14.那听起来很好,但是它太远了。That sounds good, but it‟s too far away.15.它对30及以上的学生团体免费。It‟s free for groups of 30 or more students.16.我们将乘地铁去天安门。We will take the underground to Tian‟anmen Square.We will go to Tian‟anmen Square by underground.17.我们将步行去北海公园。We will walk to Beihai Park.= We will go to Beihai Park on foot.27.保守自己的秘密keep the secret to oneself 28.进行,发生take place 29.为…喝彩cheer for

31.保留一张没有用的票keep a useless ticket 32.返回某地 go back to…/ return to… 33.最大的城市广场the biggest city square 36.加入到我们中间来 join us

35.乘地铁、公交车去…take the underground / bus to…, go to…by underground / bus

18.在10月16日周六,我们将计划出行一天。We are planning a day out on Saturday, 16 October.19.我们希望你能加入我们。We hope you can join us.Unit4 Do it yourself 重点短语

1.看说明书read the instructions 3.没问题no problem

2.最好(不要)做某事had better(not)do sth.4.代表,象征 stand for 6.一把剪刀a pair of scissors

8.代替/而不是做某事instead of doing sth.10.制作一些新的东西make something new 14.安装一个更亮的灯泡put in a brighter light 16.停电have a power cut 20.把它刷成蓝色paint it blue 22.不但…而且not only …but also

24.给某人买…buy sb.sth.= buy sth.for sb.5.装饰我的房间decorate my bedroom 7.制作一些纸玫瑰make some paper roses 9.付钱给某人去做某事pay sb.to do.sth.13.看起来可怕的look terrible 15.犯了一个错误make a mistake

11.痴迷于(做)某事be crazy about(doing)sth.12.修理物品repair things 17.在墙上张贴一张画put up a picture on the wall 18.敲到一个水管hit a pipe 19.把房间注满水fill the room with water 21.继续做某事keep on doing sth.23.在我床的斜上方above my bed

25.建议某人(不要)做某事advise sb.(not)to do sth.26.参加一个DIY的课程take a course in DIY 27.使他生气make him angry 28.了解有关它的一切know everything about it 29.上课attend lessons 30.做某事失败fail to do sth.34.例如for example

31.在卡片的另一边on the other side of the card

33.增加一些沙拉酱add some salad cream 35.把它放置在空气中leave it in the air 37.使用当季的水果use fruit in season 41.tidy up 整理

43.决定(不)去做某事decide(not)to do sth.45.做某事很开心have fun doing sth.47.把单词拼错spell the words wrong 49.把它粘贴在封面上stick it on the cover


1.你最好拿些工具。You‟d better get some tools.2.上面写到:“自己动手做。” It says, „ Do it yourself.” 3.DIY确切地是指什么?What‟s DIY exactly?


Now the living room has not only blue walls but also a blue ceiling and floor.5.他然后花了五小时把架子挂在墙上。

He then spent five hours putting up the shelf on the wall.6.它们不能呆在那儿因为架子的一端比另一端高出很多。

They couldn‟t stay there because one end of the shelf was much higher than the other.7.我给他买了一些关于DIY的书并且我也建议他去上一个DIY方面的课程。32.把它们混合在一起mix them together

36.把…切成小块cut…into small pieces

40.整天all day = the whole day 44.保密keep it secret 48.挖出cut out

38.使用不同颜色的水果use fruit of different colours 39.在…的顶部on the top of… 42.我们隔壁的邻居our neighbour next door 46.出故障;弄错 go wrong

I bought some books about DIY for him and I also advised him to take a course in DIY.8.但是这只能使他生气——他说他已经对DIY了如指掌了。But this just made him angry—he says he already knows everything about DIY.So instead, I am reading all the books myself and attending lessons every Thursday.10.请为我修理书架。Please fix the shelf for me.11.不要碰未干的油漆。Don‟t touch the wet paint.12.你应该了解一些有关DIY的知识。You should know a little about DIY.13.你不应该将这么多的书放在架子上。You shouldn‟t put so many books on the shelf.14.你最好不要上学迟到。You‟d better not be late for school.15.确保它是新鲜的。Make sure it is fresh.16.努力使你的水果沙拉看起来和它尝起来一样好。

Try to make your fruit salad look as good as it tastes.17.有些水果很快就变成棕色当你把它放置在空气中一段时间。

四年级上英语重点短语重点句子期末复习总结 篇4

1 be kind to sb 对某人友善

It’s kind of sb to do…eg,It’s really kind of you to let us use your computer.

Would you be kind enough to do sth? 劳驾,请您…好吗?

=Would you be so kind as to do sth? eg,Would you be kind enough to close the door,please?

2 be honest with sb/about sth对某人、某事坦诚

To be honest/Honestly speaking坦白说 make/earn an honest living正当谋生

3 be loyal to…对…忠诚

4 表喜欢:I like/love/enjoy/prefer/am fond of /am into/am keen on(热衷于)/am crazy about…

5 surf the Internet上网 chat online

6 be cast away(因沉船)流落(荒岛) a castaway一个流落荒岛的人

7 a car/bus/plane crash车、飞机撞毁,失事 crash a car/a plane 撞毁车,飞机

8 survive the crash在空难中幸存下来

9 land on a deserted island 降落在一座孤岛上

10 hunt for food/hunt for a job寻找食物,找工作

11 make/build a fire生火 light/put out a fire点火;灭火 catch fire着火 be on fire在燃烧

set sth on fire=set fire to sth放火烧,引燃… start a fire/fight a fire放火,纵火;救火,灭火

A fire breaks out.火灾爆发 play with fire玩火,做危险的事

go through fire and water 赴汤蹈火,冒一切危险

12 in order to do(句首,句中)=so as to do(句中)为了

13 develop a friendship with sb= make friends with同某人交朋友

14 even though(=although,though)虽然,尽管

eg,We decided to part,even though we loved each other.

even if (=no matter if)纵然,即使

eg,Even if I sell my house,I’ll keep my bussiness going.

15 treat/regard/look on/think of him as a friend把他视为,当成朋友

16 share happiness and sorrow分享痛苦和欢乐

share an interest/opinion有共同兴趣,持共同意见

17 care about 关注,在乎,在意

eg,The only thing you care about is money. eg,He doesn’t care about clothes.

care for①(否定,疑问句)喜欢,想要eg,I don’t care for coffee.

eg,Would you care for a cup of tea?

②照顾,照料eg,She cares for her sick mother.

18 表责备,遗憾:should(=ought to ) have done本该做(事实没有)

should not(=ought not to) have done本不该做(事实做了)

need have done本需要做(但没有) needn’t have done本不需要(但却做了)

19 be quick in mind=be quick-minded反应快

have a quick temper=be quick-tempered性情急躁

20 go outing外出郊游

21 be/get angry with sb生某人的气

22 drop sb a line=write a short letter to sb给某人写封短信

23 keep/bear sth in mind记住

have sth in mind在想,心里想 have sth on one’s mind有心事,担心

make up one’s mind(to do)下定决心(做) change one’s mind改变主意

come into one’s mind=come across one’s mind=cross/enter one’s mind

=strike sb(sb’ mind)=occur to sb(想法,念头)浮现,掠过脑海

bring/call sth to mind使想起,忆起

eg,The photo brings those good old days to mind.=…brings back those good old days.


a heavy load off my mind卸下包袱

my mind goes blank.我的大脑一片空白。

out of sight,out of mind.眼不见,心不烦

二 重点句子:

1 I don’t enjoy singing,nor (neither)do I like computers.

Rock music is OK,and so is skiing.

Mary enjoys pop music,and she is also a bookworm. So it’s with me.

2 One day Chuck is on a flight across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his plane crashes.

I was about to cook when the telephone rang.

I was making coffee when the doorbell rang.

3 In order to survive,Chuck develops a friendship with a volleyball.

4 Even though Wilson is just a volleyball,he becomes fond of him.

5 Friendship is about feelings and we must give as much as we take.

6 Just write your message and click it away.(点击鼠标)

Unit2 English around the world

一 重点短语

1 all the way(一路上)一直,不停地eg,We flew all the way from Seattle to London.

2 make yourself at home别客气 help yourself (to sth) 请自己取用

3 drive sb crazy使发疯 Got it. 明白,懂了 Make it成功做到

4 forget to do忘记要去做(还未做) forget doing 忘记做过

remember to do 记得要去做 remember doing记得做过

regret to tell/say…遗憾地告知,说… regret doing 后悔做过

mean to do 意图,打算做 mean doing 意味着…

try to do 努力去做 try doing尝试着做

go on to do接着做(另一件事情) go on doing接着做(同一件事情)

4 the majority of …=most of ….大部分

5 in total=in all总共,总计

6 be equal to①与…相(平)等②能胜任的(able) eg,I’am sure she’s quite equal to the task.

7 a number of 大量的(谓语动词用复数) the number of…的数量(谓语动词用单数)

8 mother tongue/native language母语

9 global culture全球文化

10 have a good knowledge of 非常熟悉,充分了解 have a good command of 精通,掌握

11 turn down the radio调小(音量)

turn down one’s offer(request,invitation)拒绝某人提议,请求,邀请

12 stay/sit up(very late)熬夜

13 come about 产生,发生

How did it come about that… ? 对比:bring about导致,促成

14 stay/remain the same保持不变

15 end up with/as/in/doing以…告终

eg,British English started borrowing words from other languages,ending up with different words.

四年级上英语重点短语重点句子期末复习总结 篇5

1 break down(机器)坏掉,(人)垮掉,(谈判,计划)失败,分解

联想:break up分散,(关系)破裂 break through 突破break in(vi.)闯入,插嘴

break into(vt.)闯入;突然大哭/大笑 break off中断,折断 break away from摆脱

2 leave sb/sth alone不理会 leave sth behind遗留;留下 leave out 遗漏,漏掉

leave +n.+adj/adv. 使…处于某种状态

eg,He question left me speechless. Don’t leave your work half done.

She left her baby crying. Leave them as they are.

3 defend/protect … against(from)保护…免受…

4 keep sb/sth alive让…生存,保留下来 come alive活跃起来

5 cure sb of sth 治愈某人的疾病;改掉某人的恶习

eg,Moving to the countryside cured her of asthma.搬到乡下他的哮喘就好了。

eg,The painful lesson cured him of the bad habit of drinking and driving.


6 be infected with/contract disease感染疾病 transmit/spread disease传播疾病

(feelings)infect sb情绪感染某人eg,Her enthusiasm infected the whole class.

7 blood transfusion输血

8 because of a lack of/for lack of/in the absence of 因为缺乏

9 as with/as is the case with/in common with同…一样

10 the+adj.表示一类人:the young(=young people) ,the rich(富人),the poor(穷人)

the dead(死者),the living,(生者),the accused(被告)

表示抽象化事物:the beatuiful(=beauty)美的事物,the impossible不可能的事情

11 suffer from (a disease)患有某种疾病

eg, suffer from a bad cold/loss of memory/somnia患重感冒,失忆症,失眠

suffer+n. 遭受,经历(痛苦,损失)

eg, suffer pain/torture/defeat/damage/loss遭受痛苦,折磨,失败,破坏,损失

12 be available 可获得的,可用的;有空的,不忙的

eg,The library is available for the students. 图书馆对学生开放。

Sorry,I’m not available for the comment.我现在没时间做评论。

13 much too expensive(adj.)太贵 too much expense(n.)花销太大

14 spend/waste(time/money…)doing花费,浪费…做

15 discourage sb from doing阻止,打消某人做

16 cheer(sb)up使振作起来

17 get/keep(stay)/lose contact(touch) with 与某人取得,保持,失去联系

put sb in contact(touch)with使某人与…取得联系 contact lenses 隐形眼镜

18 persuade sb to do/into doing(talk sb into doing)说服某人做

persuade sb not to do/out of doing说服某人不做

persuade sb of sth=convince sb of sth使某人相信,信服

eg,We finally persuaded her of his innocence.

19 live with/come to terms with/put up with忍受,忍耐

live through 历经过 live up to不负(盛名),不辜负,符合(标准) live on以…为食

20 develop AIDS(逐渐)患上(疾病) develop films冲洗胶片 develop new drugs 研发新药

develop mind and body发展身心 develop the habit of(逐步)养成习惯

develop an interest in培养兴趣 develop a friendship with 培养友谊

21 as long as/only if/on condition that/provided that…(表条件)只要

22 be immune to 对…免疫,不受其影响

23 have sb do/doing让某人做 eg,Mr wu had us clean the classroom.

Eg, He had us laughing all through the class. 他让我们整堂课笑个不停。

have sb/sth done (表被动)

eg,Mum took me to the hospital to have me examined. / eg,I must have my hair cut.

24 be diagnosed with被诊断出

25 disrupt traffic/public order扰乱交通,社会治安

26 recover from 从…中恢复,痊愈 recover from a cold/ the shock感冒痊愈,从打击中恢复

recover consciousness恢复知觉 recover one’s hearing/sight 恢复听力,视力

recover oneself恢复健康;情绪平稳下来

27 keep/stop/prevent/ban/prohibit sb/sth from doing阻止某人(某事)发生

28 on the contrary相反 be contrary to 与之相反

29 for the moment 暂时,暂且 for a moment 一会儿 the moment…(as soon as)当…时刻

30 be free from摆脱,不受影响 eg,I want to be free from the life of pressure and anxiety.

31 think of ..as/look on..as/regard …as/consider..as/view ..as/count…as把…看作

32 teach sb a lesson给…一个教训

33take/grasp/seize a chance把握/抓住机会

34 to the fullest最充分 live life to the fullest把生活过地充实


1 AIDS is a disease that breaks down the body’s immune system and leaves a person defenceless against infections and illnesses.

2 People transmit HIV by having unprotected sex,by receiving infected blood transfusions or through birth.

3 The disease is spreading fast in Africa ,mainly because of a lack of proper health care.

4 As with most diseases and disasters, the young suffer the most.

5 If I were to live long enough to have a job,I would choose to be a doctor.

6 I wish people would find out the facts and not act as if I were a bad or dangerous person.

7 The cancer in my body has been defeated for the moment,but I know that I will never be completely free from it .

8 Living with cancer has made me realise how precious life is and how important it is for us to take every chance to live life to the fullest.



I wish she were here with me and that we weren’t sick.(表现在的虚拟)

I wish I hadn’t made such a foolish mistake.(表过去的虚拟)

I wish AIDS could be cured some day.(表将来的虚拟)

Unit8 first aid

一 重点短语

1 catch fire着火 play with fire玩火;做危险的事

set sth on fire/set fire to纵火,放火 make a fire 生火

2 within/beyond one’s reach范围之内/之外 reach out/hold out(one’s hand)伸出手

3 upside down颠倒着

4 witness(an accident…) 目睹,目击 be witness to 是…目击证人

eg: The year witnessed (见证)a great event-2008 Olmpic Games in China.

5 keep/bear sth in mind将…记住 have sth in mind心里想

6 stay/remain calm保持冷静 calm down 冷静下来

7 get into a panic/ be in(a)panic陷入恐慌

8 respond/react to 对…做出反应,回应 in response to作为对…的回应

eg, The school had to stop teaching classes during the vacation in response to public pressure.


9 sentence sb to death/three years’ imprisonment 判处某人死刑,三年有期徒刑

eg,The criminal Xiong Zhenlin has been sentenced to death for his brutal and savage crime.(野蛮残暴的罪行)。

10 recommend sth to sb把…推荐给某人 eg,Will you recommend a good dictionary to me?

recommend doing sth建议做… eg,The doctor recommended taking the medicine after the meal.

recommend sb to do eg,The doctor recommended me to take the medicine after the meal.

recommend that...(should )do… = recommended that I should take the medicine….

It’s strongly recommended that …(should )do强烈建议做…

11 the accident scene事故现场

12 be conscious/aware of (doing) sth意识到,注意到,明白

be conscious/aware that…

13…is on the way/around the corner/drawing near/approaching临近,靠近

14 in honor of 为了向…表示敬意,为了纪念 have the honor of doing….有做…的荣幸

eg,May I have the honor of dining with you tonight?我能荣幸地请你共进晚餐吗?

= Will you do me the honor of dining with you tonight?您能赏脸与我共进晚餐吗?

15 spit(sth)out吐出 联想:throw up(vomit)呕吐

16 search sp for sb/sth 搜寻某地 search sb搜身 search for sb搜寻某人


1 People who have witnessed an accident often wish that they had done things differently.

2 Seconds count in an emergency.(分秒必争)First impressions do really count .

3 The most important thing to keep in mind when dealing with an emergency is to stay calm.

4 If we were to get hurt(by)trying to save someone,we would not be able to help.

5 The question will also calm the person,letting him know that help is on the way.

6 If the person is not breathing,we must try to start his breathing at once,using the mouth-to-mouth method.

7 We should never try to revive a person unless(=if not) we know how to do it.


2. if 的非真实条件句:

①If I were you,I would give an AIDS patient a hug. (表现在的虚拟)

If I had a lot of money, I would travel around the world.

②If I had known more about giving first aid,I could have helped them.(表过去的虚拟)

If the hurricane had happened during the daytime,there would have been many more deaths.

③If we were to panic,we would not be able to help.(将来的虚拟)

注意 :表将来的虚拟有三种形式

If you were to fail tomorrow,you wouldn’t get anything.

If you failed tomorrow, you wouldn’t get anything

If you should fail tomorrow, you wouldn’t get anything


If I had worked harder at school,I would be sitting in the comfortable office now.

If I were 10 years younger now,I would have got that job then.

4. if 在虚拟语气中省略,结构要倒装(助动词提到主语前面):

Were I you (If I were you), I would do it another way.

Had I known the truth,(If I had known the truth)I wouldn’t have helped him.

5. 表示建议,命令,要求的动词带从句,谓语动词通常(should)do,如:recommend,suggest,advise,insist,require,request,order,command ,etc.

eg,Many hospitals recommend that we (should)use DR ABC .


①It’s time that we paid a visit to our mother school.

② I’d rather (=wish)that I hadn’t met you yesterday.

③They are talking as if there were friends.

④If only I would be admitted to Peking university.
