


以pl开头的单词有 篇1

placenta n. 胎盘

placid adj. 安静的,平和的

plagiarism n. 剽窃,抄袭

plagiarize vt.剽窃,抄袭(别人学说、著作)

plague n.瘟疫,鼠疫;天灾

plaid n. 格子花呢披肩,格子花呢

plain n.平原 a.清楚的

plainly ad.平坦地;简单地

plainness n.平坦,明白,正直

以q开头的单词有哪些? 篇2


She became queen in 1952.


I should like to ask you to come with us for a quiet supper


I would work better if I had some peace and quiet.

以字母q开头的单词有哪些 篇3


Queen Mary started the fashion for blue and white china in England


I was overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of information available.


A large quantity of drugs was seized during the raid.


They had a quarrel about money.


The petty quarrels were a sad commentary on the state of the government.

以en开头的单词有几个 篇4

The support systems to enable women to realize their potential at work are seriously inadequate.


Biomedical research will enable many individuals infected with HIV to live longer, more comfortable lives.


Being not lazy will enable you to live a happy and successful life.


He worked hard to enable the American colonies to gain independence from Britain.

v开头的单词有哪些 篇5


You are expected to answer the call with immediate actions and not with vacillation.


Exclusion of air creates a vacuum in the bottle.


Vacuum cleaners work by suction.


This kind of decision cannot ever be made in a vacuum.

字母d开头的单词有哪些 篇6

definite a.明确的;一定的;肯定的

definitely ad.一定地,明确地

definition n.定义,释义

delicate a.纤细的,精美的.;易碎的;微妙的

delicious a.美味的;怡人的

democracy n.民主,民主制

demonstrate v.说明;论证;证明,演示;表露,示威

dense a.密集的,稠密的,浓密的

deny v.否认,不承认;拒绝给予

depart vi.离开,起程;出发

dependent a.依靠的,依赖的

deposit v.存放;储蓄;(使)沉淀 n.存款

deserve vt.应受,值得

desirable a.值得想望的,值得拥有的;可取的

despair n.绝望 vi.绝望

despite prep.不管,尽管

destination n.目的地,终点;目标,目的

detail n.细节,详情;枝节,琐事 v.详述

detect vt.察觉,发觉;侦察

device n.装置,设备,器具,仪器;设计

dial n.钟(或表)面,标度盘 v.拨(电话号码)

dialect n.方言

dialog n.对话,对白

diary n.日记;日记簿

differ vi.不同,分歧;持不同看法

digital a.数字的,数字显示的

discipline n.纪律,训练;学科 vt.训练;惩罚

discourage vt.使泄气,使灰心

o字母开头的单词有哪些 篇7

objection n.反对,异议;不喜欢

objectionable adj. 令人厌恶的

objective a.客观的.;无偏见的

objurgate v. 怒斥,谴责

objurgation n. 叱责,非难

oblation n. 宗教的供品,祭品

obligate vt. 使负义务,强制,预留,施恩惠于

obligation n.义务,职责,责任

obligator 欠债者,债务人

obligatory adj. 强制性的,义务的

oblige vt.强迫;迫使

t开头的单词又有哪些 篇8

6. transportation/ trnsp:’tein/ n.运输,运送,客运

7. trap/ trp/ n.陷阱;诡计 vt.诱骗

8. tray/ trei/ n.(浅)盘,托盘,碟

9. treasure/ ‘tre/ n.财富;珍宝 vt.珍视

10. treat/ tri:t/ vt.对待;处理 n.款待

11. treatment/ ‘tri:tmnt/ n.待遇;治疗,疗法

12. treaty/ ‘tri:ti/ n.条约;协议,协定

13. tremble/ ‘trembl/ vi.发抖,哆嗦;摇动

14. tremendous/ tri’mends/ a.极大的`,非常的

以字母开头的单词 篇9

7 airconditioning n.空气调节

8 aircraft n.飞机,飞行器

9 aircrew 机组人员

10 airdrome n. 飞机场

11 Airedale (C) (又作 Airedale terrier) 爱尔得儿

12 airfield n. 飞机场

13 airing n.通风;讨论

14 airless adj. 缺少空气的;不通风的
