


英文名人演讲材料 篇1

Tonight, in the presence of a world crisis, my mind goes back eight years to a night in the midst of a domestic crisis. It was a time when the wheels of American industry were grinding to a full stop, when the whole banking system of our country had ceased to function. I well remember that while I sat in my study in the White House, preparing to talk with the people of the United States, I had before my eyes the picture of all those Americans with whom I was talking. I saw the workmen in the mills, the mines, the factories, the girl behind the counter, the small shopkeeper, the farmer doing his spring plowing, the widows and the old men wondering about their lifes savings. I tried to convey to the great mass of American people what the banking crisis meant to them in their daily lives.

Tonight, I want to do the same thing, with the same people, in this new crisis which faces America. We met the issue of 1933 with courage and realism. We face this new crisis, this new threat to the security of our nation, with the same courage and realism. Never before since Jamestown and Plymouth Rock has our American civilization been in such danger as now. For on September 27th, 1940 -- this year -- by an agreement signed in Berlin, three powerful nations, two in Europe and one in Asia, joined themselves together in the threat that if the United States of America interfered with or blocked the expansion program of these three nations -- a program aimed at world control -- they would unite in ultimate action against the United States.

The Nazi masters of Germany have made it clear that they intend not only to dominate all life and thought in their own country, but also to enslave the whole of Europe, and then to use the resources of Europe to dominate the rest of the world. It was only three weeks ago that their leader stated this: ”There are two worlds that stand opposed to each other.“ And then in defiant reply to his opponents he said this: ”Others are correct when they say: With this world we cannot ever reconcile ourselves. I can beat any other power in the world.“ So said the leader of the Nazis.

In other words, the Axis not merely admits but the Axis proclaims that there can be no ultimate peace between their philosophy -- their philosophy of government -- and our philosophy of government. In view of the nature of this undeniable threat, it can be asserted, properly and categorically, that the United States has no right or reason to encourage talk of peace until the day shall come when there is a clear intention on the part of the aggressor nations to abandon all thought of dominating or conquering the world.

At this moment the forces of the States that are leagued against all peoples who live in freedom are being held away from our shores. The Germans and the Italians are being blocked on the other side of the Atlantic by the British and by the Greeks, and by thousands of soldiers and sailors who were able to escape from subjugated countries. In Asia the Japanese are being engaged by the Chinese nation in another great defense. In the Pacific Ocean is our fleet.

Some of our people like to believe that wars in Europe and in Asia are of no concern to us. But it is a matter of most vital concern to us that European and Asiatic war-makers should not gain control of the oceans which lead to this hemisphere. One hundred and seventeen years ago the Monroe Doctrine was conceived by our government as a measure of defense in the face of a threat against this hemisphere by an alliance in Continental Europe. Thereafter, we stood guard in the Atlantic, with the British as neighbors. There was no treaty. There was no ”unwritten agreement.“ And yet there was the feeling, proven correct by history, that we as neighbors could settle any disputes in peaceful fashion. And the fact is that during the whole of this time the Western Hemisphere has remained free from aggression from Europe or from Asia.

Does anyone seriously believe that we need to fear attack anywhere in the Americas while a free Britain remains our most powerful naval neighbor in the Atlantic? And does anyone seriously believe, on the other hand, that we could rest easy if the Axis powers were our neighbors there? If Great Britain goes down, the Axis powers will control the Continents of Europe, Asia, Africa, Austral-Asia, and the high seas. And they will be in a position to bring enormous military and naval resources against this hemisphere. It is no exaggeration to say that all of us in all the Americas would be living at the point of a gun -- a gun loaded with explosive bullets, economic as well as military. We should enter upon a new and terrible era in which the whole world, our hemisphere included, would be run by threats of brute force. And to survive in such a world, we would have to convert ourselves permanently into a militaristic power on the basis of war economy.

Some of us like to believe that even if Britain falls, we are still safe, because of the broad expanse of the Atlantic and of the Pacific. But the width of those oceans is not what it was in the days of clipper ships. At one point between Africa and Brazil the distance is less than it is from Washington to Denver, Colorado, five hours for the latest type of bomber. And at the north end of the Pacific Ocean, America and Asia almost touch each other. Why, even today we have planes that could fly from the British Isles to New England and back again without refueling. And remember that the range of the modern bomber is ever being increased.

During the past week many people in all parts of the nation have told me what they wanted me to say tonight. Almost all of them expressed a courageous desire to hear the plain truth about the gravity of the situation. One telegram, however, expressed the attitude of the small minority who want to see no evil and hear no evil, even though they know in their hearts that evil exists. That telegram begged me not to tell again of the ease with which our American cities could be bombed by any hostile power which had gained bases in this Western Hemisphere. The gist of that telegram was: ”Please, Mr. President, dont frighten us by telling us the facts.“ Frankly and definitely there is danger ahead -- danger against which we must prepare. But we well know that we cannot escape danger, or the fear of danger, by crawling into bed and pulling the covers over our heads.

Some nations of Europe were bound by solemn nonintervention pacts with Germany. Other nations were assured by Germany that they need never fear invasion. Nonintervention pact or not, the fact remains that they were attacked, overrun, thrown into modern slavery at an hours notice -- or even without any notice at all. As an exiled leader of one of these nations said to me the other day, ”The notice was a minus quantity. It was given to my government two hours after German troops had poured into my country in a hundred places.“ The fate of these nations tells us what it means to live at the point of a Nazi gun.

The Nazis have justified such actions by various pious frauds. One of these frauds is the claim that they are occupying a nation for the purpose of ”restoring order.“ Another is that they are occupying or controlling a nation on the excuse that they are ”protecting it“ against the aggression of somebody else. For example, Germany has said that she was occupying Belgium to save the Belgians from the British. Would she then hesitate to say to any South American country: ”We are occupying you to protect you from aggression by the United States“? Belgium today is being used as an invasion base against Britain, now fighting for its life. And any South American country, in Nazi hands, would always constitute a jumping off place for German attack on any one of the other republics of this hemisphere.

Analyze for yourselves the future of two other places even nearer to Germany if the Nazis won. Could Ireland hold out? Would Irish freedom be permitted as an amazing pet exception in an unfree world? Or the islands of the Azores, which still fly the flag of Portugal after five centuries? You and I think of Hawaii as an outpost of defense in the Pacific. And yet the Azores are closer to our shores in the Atlantic than Hawaii is on the other side.

There are those who say that the Axis powers would never have any desire to attack the Western Hemisphere. That is the same dangerous form of wishful thinking which has destroyed the powers of resistance of so many conquered peoples. The plain facts are that the Nazis have proclaimed, time and again, that all other races are their inferiors and therefore subject to their orders. And most important of all, the vast resources and wealth of this American hemisphere constitute the most tempting loot in all of the round world.

Let us no longer blind ourselves to the undeniable fact that the evil forces which have crushed and undermined and corrupted so many others are already within our own gates. Your government knows much about them and every day is ferreting them out. Their secret emissaries are active in our own and in neighboring countries. They seek to stir up suspicion and dissension, to cause internal strife. They try to turn capital against labor, and vice versa. They try to reawaken long slumbering racial and religious enmities which should have no place in this country. They are active in every group that promotes intolerance. They exploit for their own ends our own natural abhorrence of war. These trouble-breeders have but one purpose. It is to divide our people, to divide them into hostile groups and to destroy our unity and shatter our will to defend ourselves.

There are also American citizens, many of them in high places, who, unwittingly in most cases, are aiding and abetting the work of these agents. I do not charge these American citizens with being foreign agents. But I do charge them with doing exactly the kind of work that the dictators want done in the United States. These people not only believe that we can save our own skins by shutting our eyes to the fate of other nations. Some of them go much further than that. They say that we can and should become the friends and even the partners of the Axis powers. Some of them even suggest that we should imitate the methods of the dictatorships. But Americans never can and never will do that.

名人英文励志演讲稿 篇2









外国名人英文名字 篇3


Bill Gates 比尔盖茨 businessman

Bill Clinton 比尔克林顿

ex-president of the united states

Tracy McGrady 麦迪

basketball player

David Beckham 贝克汉姆

football player

William Shakespeare 莎士比亚 writer

Will Smith 威尔史密斯 actor ?62 回答者: 我是健力宝一级?? 2008-11-30 22:15 Alan 安伦

回答者: 鬼女MinMin1861)22苔克拉?芭达捷芙丝卡,波兰女作曲家,钢琴家,(Tekla Badarzewska,1834-1861), 回答者: 莲落无声-四级?? 2008-11-30 22:32 1 阿布·阿尔卡西姆·穆罕默德·本·阿卜杜拉·本·阿卜杜勒·穆台列卜·本·哈希姆(Abu al-Qasim Muhammad Ibn Abd Allah Ibn Abd al-Muttalib Ibn Hashim 含意为“受到高度赞扬”)

伊斯兰教先知 艾萨克·牛顿Isaac Newton 英格兰物理学家、数学家、天文学家、自然哲学家和炼金术士 3 克里斯托弗·哥伦布Christopher Columbus 美洲大陆发现者,航海冒险家 4 亚里士(斯)多德Aristotle 古希腊斯吉塔拉人,是世界古代史上最伟大的哲学家、科学家和教育家之一 5 查尔斯·罗伯特·达尔文Charles Robert Darwin 英国博物学家,进化论的奠基人 奥古斯都·凯撒 原名盖乌斯·屋大维乌斯·图里努斯Gaius Octavius Thurinus 恺撒大帝,罗马共和国末期杰出的军事统帅、政治家。7 欧几里德(Euclid of Alexandria)古希腊最享有盛名的数学家。8 马丁·路德 Martin Luther 16世纪欧洲宗教改革倡导者,新教路德宗创始人 9 尼古拉·哥白尼 Nicolaus Copernicus 现代天文学创始人,日心说的创立者 10詹姆斯·瓦特 James Watt 英国著名的发明家

11乔治·华盛顿(George Washington)


12西格蒙德·弗洛伊德 Sigmund Freud 奥地利医生兼心理学家、哲学家、精神分析学的创始人 13亚当.斯密(Adam Smith)


14伽利尔摩·马可尼(Guglielmo Marchese Marconi,1874-1937)意大利电气工程师和发明家

名人故事英文精选 篇4

Huang-fu mi, wei, jin and people, is a famous western scholars and scientists. Huang-fu mi play bad exceptions as a kid, people in the village called little overlord, once, his old home doormat will shovel off the bark of Chinese jujube, makes the jujube tree wither, the whole village to see him, all ignore him, under the education of the aunt, huang-fu mi prodigal son finally, become a useful person.

名人励志英文小故事 篇5

His contract, potentially worth nearly $800,000, was not even guaranteed until Tuesday afternoon. So for the past six weeks, Lin, 23, has been sleeping in his brother Josh’s living room, waiting for clarity and career security.

On Saturday night, Lin came off the bench and powered the Knicks to a 99-92 victory over the Nets at Madison Square Garden, scoring a career-best 25 points with 7 assists. Two nights later, he made his first N.B.A. start and produced 28 points and 8 assists in a 99-88 win over the Utah Jazz.

Knicks fans now serenade Lin with chants of “Je-re-my!” and “M.V.P.!”. With every game, every precision pass and every clever drive to the basket, Lin is raising expectations, altering the Knicks’ fate and redefining the word “unlikely.” On Twitter, fans and basketball pundits are using another term to describe the phenomenon: “Linsanity.”

Two weeks ago, the 6-foot-3 Lin was not even part of the Knicks’ point-guard rotation, despite their lack of talent at the position. He played sparingly in a few games, showing just enough promise to keep getting another look— a few more minutes, another quarter. But there was never any hint of what was to come.

With 25 points Saturday, Lin set the N.B.A. scoring record for a player from Harvard. For an encore, he became the first player in more than 30 years to record at least 28 points and 8 assists in his first N.B.A. start. The last to do so was Isiah Thomas, the Detroit Pistons’ Hall of Fame point guard, in October 1981.

“I don’t think anyone, including myself, saw this coming,” Lin said after the game Monday.







英文名人名言励志 篇6

Truth never fears investigation.(事实从来不怕调查。)

A good medicine tasks bitter.(良药苦口。)

Great minds think alike. (英雄所见略同。)

Storms make trees take deeper roots.(风暴使树木深深扎根。)

Live and let live. (自己生活也让别人生活。)

Better late than never. (迟做总比不做好;晚来总比不来强。)

A bold attempt is half success.(勇敢的尝试是成功的一半。)

All things are difficult before they are easy. (凡事必先难后易。)

What we acquire without sweat we give away without regret.(得之不费力,弃之不可惜。)

Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.(只要有一颗意志坚强的心,没事不成。)

Work makes the workman.(勤工出巧匠

Constant dropping wears the stone. (滴水穿石。)

He that can have patience, can have what he will.(唯坚韧者始能遂其志。)

Self-distrust is the cause of most of our failures.(我们绝大多数的失败都是因为缺乏自信之故。)

The talent of success is nothing more than doing well whatever you do without a thought of time.(成功之路没它,唯全力投入工作,而不稍存沽名钓誉之心。)

保护环境英文名人名言 篇7

第1条 The environment is good, life is good.

第2条 With a drop of water, but also a true love!

第3条 保护环境系各人,美化校园靠大家。

第4条 Green has done well to reduce pollution. Garbage classification, environmental protection.

第5条 Blue sky, white clouds, we create a green home.

第6条 To protect the environment is to protect ourselves.

第7条 种一棵树,就像给校园一份礼物。

第8条 The campus is my home.

第9条 Green campus, green life.

第10条 For life on earth, save our seas.

第11条 小草也有生命,爱惜身边的每一个生命!

第12条 尽一份呵护,净一方土地。

第13条 保护环境就是保护我们自己。

第14条 让环保在我们一中成为一种时尚。

第15条 保护环境,功在当代,利在千秋。

第16条 请别乱坎树林,让空气更加清新。

第17条 Society is like a boat, everyone must be prepared at the helm.

第18条 Don’t trample on the lawn.

第19条 The protection of green, cherish the public property, begin from me!

第20条 Protect the environment, good health.

第21条 迎绿色资源,送废气污染。

第22条 The earth is not only the home of human beings, but also the home of all living things.

第23条 把绿色还给地球。

第24条 Over the green felt pity, many lines why not step.

第25条 To protect the environment is to cherish life.

第26条 足下留情,春意更浓。

第27条 To carry out comprehensive improvement of the environment, strengthen the reform and opening up.

第28条 The earth is the common homeland of all living beings, symbiosis from the harmony of all things.

第29条 创建绿色校园,从你我做起。

第30条 I hope that one day, garbage cans will be laid off.

第31条 Protect my environment, for me!

第32条 Green consumption, green voters.

第33条 Home only one earth can not clone.

第34条 Create a green campus, start from you and me.

第35条 Developing ecological agriculture and improving ecological environment.

第36条 Please don’t mess up the woods to make the air fresher.

第37条 合理利用资源保护生态平衡促进经济持续发展。

第38条 Give the green back to earth.

第39条 Do a care, the net land.

第40条 保护环境,就是爱惜生命。

第41条 沙化、风尘、赤潮是环境对人类的惩罚。

第42条 追求绿色时尚、走向绿色文明。

第43条 Protect the school environment, create a student!

第44条 An empty sack, not engrossed in their wealth.

第45条 Grass also has life, cherish every life around!

第46条 愿君莫伸折枝手,鲜花亦自有泪滴。

第47条 Mother nature is good, also cold butcher.

第48条 Care for every piece of green with love.

第49条 少一些纸片,多一分清洁。

第50条 Please raise your feet, listen to the grass crying!

第51条 Everyone concerned about the quality of the environment, everyone involved in environmental protection.

第52条 欲揽春色入自家,无可奈何成落花。

第53条 Protecting the environment is the only condition for our existence.

第54条 保护自生环境,爱护我们生存的.地球。

第55条 地球清洁一点,我们生活舒适一点。

第56条 让世界充满色彩,让生命充满精彩!

第57条 不戚戚于贫贱,不汲汲于富贵。

第58条 保护环境,是我们生存的惟一条件。

第59条 因为人类的恶作剧,所以地球母亲在痛哭,快止住妈妈的眼泪。

第60条 Support beautiful homeland, is to have a valuable wealth.

第61条 人人关心环境质量,人人参与环境保护。

第62条 家园只有一个地球不能克隆。

第63条 问坛哪得绿如许,为有大家来爱护!

第64条 Don’t tread grass, not picking flowers.

第65条 保护绿化,爱护公物,从我做起!

第66条 Human beings should be ashamed of their destruction of the environment.

第67条 Tree of environmental protection, welcome a better tomorrow.

第68条 Destruction of the environment, the human equivalent of suicide.

第69条 请勿把垃圾扔入河内。

第70条 Protect the environment and purify the mind.

第71条 人类应该为自己破坏环境的行为感到羞耻。

第72条 保护环境净化心灵。

第73条 踏破青毡可惜,多行数步何妨。

第74条 每天节约一滴水,难时拥有太平洋。

第75条 发展生态农业,改善生态环境。

第76条 花草树木对人笑,因为人类爱环保。

第77条 保护学校环境,共创学生圣地!

第78条 节约用水就是珍惜生命。

第79条 If there are no flowers and trees, can we absorb oxygen? Let’s protect the trees and flowers!

第80条 绿化做得好,染污就减少。垃圾分类放,环境有保障。
