


unit10单元 篇1

一、短语 1. 说英语: 2. 弹钢琴: 3. 弹吉他: 4. 打鼓: 5. 吹喇叭: 6. 下象棋: 7. 什么俱乐部: 8. 想要参加: 9. 游泳俱乐部: 10. 舞蹈俱乐部: 11. 与……相处融洽: 12. 帮助某人做某事: 13. 在……方面帮助某人:


1. 你想参加什么俱乐部?我想参加象棋俱乐部。2. 她能说英语吗?是的,她能。不,她不能。3. 你会弹吉他吗?是的,我能。4. 你能弹好它吗?不,我不能。5. Tom 能弹吉他但是他弹得不好。6. 你会做什么?我能吹喇叭。7. 你与小孩相处得好么? 8. 你能帮助小孩游泳么?

9. 你能弹钢琴,吹喇叭,打鼓还是弹吉他? 10. 我们摇滚乐队需要两名优秀的音乐家。11. 你能做什么?我会中国功夫。12. Bill 会画画么?是的,他会。13. 你为什么想要参加美术俱乐部? 因为我想学习关于美术方面的知识。14. 我可以知道你的名字么?是的。15. 你有电子邮箱么?

14. 需要帮助: 15. 来加入我们吧: 16. 弹得好: 17. 唱得好:

18. 给……打电话,号码是: 19. 音乐节:

20. 来给我们展示一下吧: 21. 摇滚乐队: 22. 音乐室: 23. 学校展览: 24. 练中国功夫:

unit10单元 篇2


为了让学生轻松愉快地学习, 课前, 我播放了一首刚刚结束的北京奥运主题歌《you and me》, 把学生的思绪带入了学习英语的气氛中, 同时也点燃了学生学英语的激情。伴随着优美的音乐, 我微笑着走上讲台, 以这样的开场白拉开本节课的序幕:

Hello, boys and girls, nice to see you again.Today we’ll have a very interesting lesson.Have fun together.这样开始了快节奏的45分钟课堂教学。

我问学生:Do you like Olympic Games?Do you like Yao Ming?Do you have a basketball?从而引出课题, 为本课教学做了铺垫。


复习应是一个温故而知新的过程, 同时又应起到激发学生兴趣和调动学生积极性的作用。

我首先安排了一个竞赛活动, 让学生快速说出奥运会上喜欢什么项目?家里有什么运动用品?这时, 学生会争先恐后, 畅所欲言, 成绩好的学生能用英语说出, 差一点的学生不会描述, 于是我鼓励他们用汉语大胆说出, 以调动其参与的积极性, 增强他们学习的自信心。然后我打出一张投影片, 把一些常见的运动项目和运动用品呈现给学生。我通过竞赛、名词填空、听力练习三个环节帮助学生复习旧知。这样我的考查从单词、句子到段落, 由点及面, 使学生全面复习了旧知。这时, 我因势利导马上进入第三个环节—新授环节。

1. 情景展示—扫除单词障碍

教师的示范表演往往比任何一种说教都来得直观真切, 于是, 我扮演了深受人们喜爱的篮球明星姚明, 并拿出事先准备好的实物——篮球来展示basketball这个单词:Hello, boys and girls!I’m Yao Ming.我走下讲台, 师生完全可以根据当时的实际思路进行创造性的交流。比如:I like basketball.I canplay basketball very well.Do you like basketball?I have a basketball in my home.Do you have a basketball?等等, 并随机板书basketball, 然后我又利用多种方式操练了这个单词。

这种真切直观的师生交际不仅能够很容易使学生猜到这个单词的意思, 而且为后面的动情表演提供了依据。紧接着我又利用学生喜欢谈论的话题如体育明星、文娱偶像等介绍了volleyball, tennis, ping-pong, club, have, sport等单词。这样学生在轻松愉快的气氛中很快扫除了单词障碍。然后, 我又利用学生们喜欢谈论的话题制作了几种球类运动的游戏课件来巩固新单词, 给他们创造自我展现的机会。我把学生分成四组, 自定角色, 自选情景, 编出具有生动情节, 富有个性的对话。交际表演是学生喜闻乐见的, 轻松愉悦代替了枯燥的讲解, 死板的语言知识化作了风趣幽默的表演。

2. 语言训练-提高听说能力


第一, 我利用投影出示了四个问题, 学生听录音回答问题。

第二, 听录音跟读。

第三, 由于学习语言的最终目的是交际, 所以, 我又安排了“动情表演”, 我给不同层次的学生分别指定了任务, 并和学生进行交谈:Do you like sports?What kind of sports do you like?Do you have a basketball?简单回答之后学生自由谈论。这样既达到了对教材知识的全部操练, 又使全体学生都能体会到学有所获的快乐。我又组织学生对课文内容进行了交际表演, 这样, 戏剧走进了课堂, 讲台变成了舞台, 学生在大量的语言实践中轻松自然地提高了听说能力。

3. 感悟语法——突出教学重点, 突破教学难点

对于语法的教学, 我主要遵循循序渐进的原则, 从语法结构的机械操练到交际实例的直观运用, 一步步, 一层层逐渐展开。在教学中我运用了“三维空间—情景教学法”以现代化的媒体教学手段贯穿整个教学过程, 增强了教学的直观性和趣味性, 加大了课堂密度, 提高了教学效果。

我设计的又一个高潮是将语法教学与游戏有机结合, 融为一体。我首先用简笔画投影出示了一些关键内容, 然后把学生分成两组, 一组学生根据投影说出以Do/Does引导的一般疑问句, 另一组学生作出肯定或否定回答, 然后变换角色。

明确了语法结构以后我马上引领学生进行有意义的语言训练, 让学生快速记忆书中内容, 两分钟后回答问题。我设置了四个问题通过投影展示出来。这样, 学生在交际中不仅熟练掌握了语言结构, 同时也了解Do/Does引导的一般疑问句及回答。我随机板书:Do you have a basketball?Yes, I do./No, I don’t.Does he have a ping-pong ball?Yes, he does/No, he doesn’t.

最后, 同桌两人表演课文内容。

unit10单元 篇3

1. abrupt a. 突然的,意外的;唐突无礼的

His abrupt reply hurt our feelings. 他粗鲁的回答伤害了我们的感情。


abruptness n. 突然

abruptly adv. 突然地,意外地

The secretary abruptly left the conference room. 书记突然离开会议室。

2. weep (wept, wept) vi. 哭泣, 流泪 n. 一阵哭泣

Allow yourself to weep for things you have lost. 容许你为自己已经失去的事物而哭泣。

She wept the loss of her mother. 她因为失去了妈妈而哭泣。


weep for / over... 为……而哭泣

weep to see... 因为看到……而哭泣

a weeping willow 枝条下垂的垂柳

We had wept for / over the death of our parents. 我们为父母的离世而流泪。

3. cure n. 药,药物;疗法;解决问题的措施,对策;疗程

There is still no known cure for Aids but it can be treated. 艾滋病尚没有确切的治愈方法但可以医治。


v. 治愈,治好;去解决问题

90 per cent of the patients can be cured of the disease. 这种病90%的病人能治好。

I finally managed to cure the rattling noise in my car. 我最终设法解决了汽车发出的吱吱声。

4. contrary adj. 相反的(常作定语)n. 相反(事物)

His mother had given him contrary messages. 他母亲给他的消息正好相反。


by contraries 与预期的相反

on the contrary 与此相反;正相反

Many events in our lives go by contraries. 我们的生活中有不少事与愿违的事情。

You werent boring me. On the contrary, youre interesting me frightfully. 你没有使我厌烦,正相反,你使我很感兴趣。

5. familiar adj. 熟悉的,亲切友好的,亲密的

He is a familiar friend of mine. 他是我的一个密友。


sb. be familiar with sth. 某人对某事熟悉

sth. be familiar to sb. 某事对某人来说是熟悉的

Most Chinese people are familiar with the four great inventions in ancient China. 大多数国人熟悉中国四大发明。

These tales are familiar to Chinese children. 这些传说对于中国小孩而言是听惯了的。

6. burst (burst, burst)

1) n. 爆炸;爆破;爆裂

a burst in a waterpipe 水管的破裂

a burst of anger, enthusiasm, etc 怒火﹑热情等的迸发

a burst of applause 一阵欢呼

2) vi. & vt.(使某物)爆炸;胀破;爆破

If you blow that balloon up any more, it will burst. 那气球再吹就要破了。


burst in (a room, etc.) 突然进入(房间等)

The police burst in (through the door) and arrested the murderer. 警察突然闯进(房门)逮捕了那个凶手。

burst into sth. 突然而猛烈地发出或产生出某事物

The aircraft crashed and burst into flames. 飞机坠毁起火。

burst into tears, song, angry speech 突然哭、唱、吵起来

burst on / upon sb. / sth. 突然而意外地出现在某人(某物)面前

The truth burst upon him. 他突然了解了真相。

burst out

(a) 突然激动地说;叫嚷

“I hate you!” she burst out. “我讨厌你!” 她叫嚷道。

(b) 突然开始(做某事)

burst out crying / laughing / singing 突然哭起来(笑起来/唱起来)

7. bid n. 出价;投标,招标;努力,企图 v. 叫牌

Several companies will bid for the contract. 数家公司要投标争取合约。


in a bid to do sth. 为了做某事

The company cut prices just before the holiday in a bid to support sales. 为了提高销量,这家公司在节假日前就降低了价格。

8. messy adj. 散乱的;污秽的;麻烦的


mess n. 混乱;肮脏

be in a mess 杂乱无章

make a mess of 把……搞得一塌糊涂

The manager left our company in a mess. 经理让公司非常混乱。

You have made a mess of the job. 你把这件事办得一塌糊涂。

9. appetite n. 食欲,胃口;嗜好;强烈欲望


have a good appetite 胃口好

lose ones appetite 没有胃口

have an appetite for 喜爱;渴望

When I was ill I completely lost my appetite. 我生病时完全没有食欲。

My sister has an appetite for American country music. 我妹妹喜欢美国乡村音乐。

10. slide n. 降低,衰退;滑动 v. 降低,衰退;(使)滑动,滑行


slide 过去式 slid; 过去分词 slid

slide into 逐渐陷入(恶习);衰落成

The children are sliding on the ice. 孩子们在冰上滑行。

Housing prices may begin to slide. 房价可能要开始下跌。

Take heroin for example, users may slide into addiction. 以海洛因为例,吸食者可能会上瘾。


1. devote himself to

devote (oneself / ones life / time / money / energy) to (doing) sth. 把……献给……;把……用在……

He devoted his whole life to working for the motherland. 他把毕生献给了祖国。


devoted adj.; devotedly adv.; devotion n.

be devoted to (doing) sth. 专心致志于;忠于

She is devoted to her studies. 她专心于她的学习。

His devotion to the cause of education is wellknown. 他对教育事业的献身精神是众所周知的。

2. provide... with...

provide... with... 提供某人某物

We should provide them with additional background. 我们应该给他们提供额外的背景资料。

=We should provide additional background for them.


supply... with...

offer sb. sth.

The Red Cross supplies disaster victims with food and shelter. 红十字会为受灾的人提供食品和住处。

The company offered him a promotion. 公司给他升了职。

3. have access to

have access to 得以接近;得以进入;得以使用

Every student in our school has access to the library. 在我们学校每位学生都可利用图书馆。

4. end in 以……告终

The meeting ended in disorder. 会议在一片混乱中结束。


end up doing sth. 结果……,最终……

end up with sth. 以……告终

We were going to a concert, but end up watching videos at home. 我们原计划去听音乐会,但结果却在家看录像。

She ended up her speech with a short poem. 她朗诵了一首短诗结束了她的演讲。

Unit 4


1. involve vt. 包含;(使)参加;牵涉,涉及

What does the job of editing involve? 编辑工作包含些什么?

Dont involve me in your quarrel. 不要把我卷入你们的争吵。


involve sb. in (doing) sth. 把某人牵涉到某事里

be / get involved with... 和……有牵连;参与……中

Im afraid your sons been involved in an accident. 恐怕你的儿子牵涉进了一起事故中。

More than 30 software firms were involved in the project. 三十多家软件公司参与了这项工程。

He is now involved in stocks. 他现在热衷于股票。

2. offensive adj. 冒犯的,极其讨厌的;攻击性的

offensive behavior 无礼的行为

an offensive smell 令人讨厌的气味

John was charged with possessing an offensive weapon. 约翰因为拥有攻击性武器而被指控。


offend v. 冒犯,使生气;使反感

Lily was offended by such a personal question. 提这样私人的问题让莉莉很生气。

offence n. 得罪,冒犯行为

The problem was how to say “no” to her without causing offence. 问题是怎样对她说“不”而又不得罪她。

3. ripe adj. 适宜的,时机成熟的;(水果或庄稼)成熟的

The strawberries are ripe enough to be picked. 草莓已经熟得可以采收了。


ripen v. (果实、谷物等)熟,使……熟;成熟

Our wheat has ripened. 我们的小麦已经成熟了。

be ripe for sth. 适宜做某事,做某事条件成熟

The former factory area is ripe for development. 这片从前的厂区可以开发了。

The time is ripe for... 做某事的时机成熟了

The time is ripe for a review of progress up to now. 是时候回顾一下到目前为止所取得的进步了。

4. suspect n. 嫌疑犯,可疑对象;suspects for the robbery 抢劫案的嫌疑犯

Two suspects were arrested today in connection with the robbery. 有两名与劫案有关的嫌疑人今天被逮捕。

main / prime / chief suspect 首要嫌疑人


v. 怀疑(某人有罪);怀疑(某事属实或可能发生,尤指坏事)

suspect sb. of sth.

She suspected him of taking her money. 她怀疑他拿了她的钱。

suspect that

I suspected that there was something wrong with the engine. 我怀疑发动机出了什么故障。

suspect sb. to be...

I suspect him to be the pickpocket. = I suspect (that) he is the pickpocket. 我怀疑他就是那个扒手。

注意:suspect后不跟whether引导的从句;doubt 可以跟whether。

She strongly doubt / suspect he was lying to her.

You can complain, but I doubt whether itll make any difference.

5. negotiate vt. /vi. 商定;谈判,协商

negotiation n. 交涉,协商,谈判

They want to negotiate / enter into negotiations with the Government about compensation. 他们想开始和政府进行有关赔偿的谈判。


negotiate (with sb.) about / on / over / for sth.

We negotiated with the school about tuition increase. 我们与校方协商学费调高问题。

negotiate an agreement / contract 商定一份协议

Union leaders have negotiated an agreement for a shorter working week. 工会领袖已经商定了一份缩短每周工作时间的协议。

6. charge n. 费用;控制、负责;指控;电荷、充电

free of charge 免费

in charge (of sth.) 负责

Gas charges will rise in July. 汽油收费在七月份会上涨。

Guided tours are provided at no charge. 提供免费带导游的旅行。

Your order will be sent free of charge (=at no cost). 你的订单将被免费送出去。

He asked to speak to the person in charge. 他要求与负责的人说话。

Stern put Tim in charge of (=gave him control of) the research team. Stern让Tim负责研究小组。

Jefferson is facing a charge of armed robbery. 杰斐逊正面临一项武装抢劫的指控。

Leave the battery on charge all night. 让电池充一夜的电。


v. 收费;指控;进攻、袭击;充电

The restaurant charged us £40 for the wine. 饭店收了我们40英镑的酒钱。

Gibbons has been charged with murder. Gibbons已经因为谋杀而受到起诉。

Then, with a final effort, our men charged the enemy for the last time. 然后,我们的人用最后的努力向敌人发起了最后一次进攻。

The bear charged towards her at full speed. 熊全速地向她冲去。

The shaver can be charged up and used while traveling. 这种刮胡刀能在旅行的时候充电并使用。

7. suspension n. 暂停,中止;暂时停职(停学);暂时除名;减震装置;悬浮液,悬胶体

He is set to return to football after a three match suspension. 他在被罚停赛三场之后将回到足球队中。


suspend v. 暂停,中止;暂令停职(停学);悬,挂吊

suspend sb. from sth. 从……中停职(学)

suspend sth. from sth. 把……悬挂在……上

suspend judgment 暂不作出判断

be suspended in 在……中悬浮

The doctor has been suspended from duty. 那位医生被暂时要求停职。


1. as well 也、又


We are going on a picnic. Why dont you come along as well? 我们打算去野炊,你为什么不也一起去呢?

2. refer to sb. / sth.

1) 提到

Dont refer to this matter again, please. 请不要再提及这件事了。

2) 与某人/某事物有关

What I have to say refers to all of you. 我要说的事和你们大家都有关。

3) 参考,向……咨询

refer to a dictionary / an expert 查词典/询问专家

I referred to my watch for the exact time. 我看了一下手表好知道准确的时间。

4) refer A to B将A送交B

They are planning to refer the issue to the head office. 他们正计划把这个问题向总部提交。

I was referred to the inquiry office. 人家叫我去问讯处。

3. keep up 继续,坚持;保持,维持

If this rain keeps up, the garden will be ruined. 如果继续下雨,园子就毁了。


keep your courage up! 不要气馁!不要灰心!

keep up with 跟上;不落后;赶上

Dont run—I cant keep up with you. 不要跑——我跟不上你。

unit10单元 篇4

1. To enlarge students’ vocabulary。

2. To get students to learn some words and expressions related to different industry.

3. To improve students’ speaking ability.

Teaching Important and Difficult Point:

Ss are expected to familiarize themselves with the new words and expressions.

Teaching Approaches:

Task-based approaches

Form of Activities:

Individual, pair or group work.

Teaching Aids:

The multimedia and the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Lead-in

1. What does your father do? And your mother? What about your uncle?

How many occupations do you know? What kind of jobs are you interested in?

Step 2 Industry

How many industries do you know? What are they?

Construction industry Catering industry publishing industry

Information technology Tourism industry

2. Read the study guide about different industries in Part A on Page6 then fill in the table.

Industry Description Occupation

Including people working on building sites and producing building materials

Referring to businesses involving food and drink

Involving businesses providing printed and online materials

Including people working with clothes, from designing to making and even modeling them

One of the fastest growing of all industries

Related to travel agencies and places of historical interest

3. Complete the following sentences:

1) It’s my job to make sure all the tables are set properly for each meal. I work in the __________ industry.

2). I’m an editor for a national newspaper. I work in the ____________ industry.

3). I love surfing the Internet and really enjoy my job designing websites. I work in the ______ industry.

4). I help people plan each stage of their holiday. I work in the _______ industry.

5). I work for a world-famous brand. I design handbags for them. I work in the _________ industry.

6). I often work on a building site and have to wear a helmet. I work in the _____________ industry.

4. Description your ideal future jobs and tell the reasons.

Step 3 synonyms

1. Look at the following groups of words. What does each group have in common? Add more words to each group.

large; huge; enormous

bad; terrible

content; happy

aged; senior; elderly

They are synonyms.

2. Read the instructions for Part A on page 7, understanding what a synonym is and the synonyms for the word ‘develop’, then fill in the blanks with the correct words from Part A.

1). My uncle has just opened a new seafood restaurant and he wants me to help him __________ it. He hopes it will become the most famous seafood restaurant in the city.

2). The plan _____ from a very simple idea.

3). I want you to ________ a layout for me. I want to be able to see exactly how the finished product might look.

4). She is very talented. If she works hard and practices often, she will ________ into a fine young pianist.

5). If they follow the plan, the town will _______ into one of the biggest tourist destinations in the country.

6). Their quality of life will _________ greatly with the addition of running water to their town.


1. Review new words and expressions in this part.

unit10单元 篇5

1. Arrange a discussion for Ss to talk about what their city will look like in the future, whether food aid and money will solve the problem of poverty, and why development may be bad for a country in some ways.

2. Encourage Ss to express their own opinions in the discussion.

Try to develop their speaking ability

Teaching Important Point:

Develop students’ speaking ability.

Teaching Methods:

Discussion and free talk to involve each student in class activities.

Teaching Aids:

1. The multimedia

2. The blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in by comparing two pictures.

Development and the issue of poverty are the most important problem we are facing when we try to develop society.

Do you the causes of poverty?

Many countries are developing at a very fast rate. Is it always good for the future of a country?

● hunger ● diseases ● natural disasters ●unemployment

● local environment ● wars ● growing population

● wrong policies and strategies

Can you find possible solutions to the problem?

possible solutions:

● donate food and money ● give medical care and training

● improve local environment ● provide educational training

● develop renewable energy ● stop wars

Step 2 discussion

Look at the pictures on Page 1 and discuss them in groups of four.

Picture 1

Do you think food aid is a short-term or a long-term solution to the problem of poverty? Why or why not?

---Food aid is a short-term solution as it gives food immediately to people who are very hungry, but it does not allow them to grow their own food in the future.

Picture 2

1. What is the man doing in the picture?

---He is working hard to building something because he might be poor and need the money.

2. Do you think training people to make a living is a short-term or a long-term solution to the problem of poverty? Why or why not?

---Training people is a long-term solution to the problem of poverty. It allows people to make a living by themselves.

Picture 3

1. What has happened to the village?

--- It has become a city. With the development of society, many villages have changed a lot over the years. Tall building have been built and motorways and bridges have been constructed. The living conditions of local people have been greatly improved. Small villages have been developed into towns or cities.

2. What problems may developing too fast cause?

---Developing too fast might harm the natural environment. For example, many trees have been cut down in order to build factories, roads and bridges. Also, almost everything we do in our modern lives, be it cooking or traveling, requires the use of Earth’s natural resources, which we may run out of one day.

Picture 4

1. What do you think the things are used for?

---I think the machines are used to generate electricity by using wind power.

2. What might happen to the coal, oil and other natural resources in a thousand years?

---The supplies of coal, oil and other natural resources might run out in a thousands years.

3. What is renewable energy? Can you suggest some good examples of energy for the future?

---Renewable energy is energy that comes from a source that will not run out. Solar, wind and hydroelectric or water energy are all sources of renewable energy that could be used in the future.

Discuss the following questions in groups.

1. Is your city developing at a fast rate? What will it look like in twenty years’ time?

2. Do you think that giving food and money to poor people will solve all their problems? Why or why not?

3. Do you think that development may be bad for a country in some ways? Why or why not?


1. Read the article in Part A on Page 102 in Workbook.

Unit10教案 篇6

一、教材内容:八年级上册Unit10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time!Section A 1a-2c.听说课型,45分钟。教材的地位和作用:





三、教学目标: 语言目标:(1)初步会用If 条件句

(2)进一步巩固运用一般将来时态(依据:新课标要求,语言交际的需求)能力目标:通过1b,2a,2b 听力训练,对话操练,培养学生听说技能;生生对话,培养合作学习的能力;竞赛活动激发学生兴趣,培养竞争意识;归纳语法,课堂练习,渗透考点,训练答题技巧。



本节课新词汇只有两个:organize, 因此,If 条件句既是重点,也是难点。突破重难点的方法:激发兴趣,让学生主动参与一系列任务活动,反复操练,强化语言点,让学生动脑动口又动手,调动学生多种感官。)




Greeting:(2mins)1, What sport do you play every day ? 2, How much is your coat ?(review the reported speech)Step1 Leading in(3mins)T: Look at the picture.There is a lot of money,Do you want it ? S: Of course/Yes.T: If you have much money,What will you do ? If I have much money,I’ll buy a big house,What about you ? S1„„,S2„„

T: If you have a robot, What will you do ? T: What will she do if it is sunny /rainy ?


(设计意图:通过学生感兴趣的钞票和机器人图片来吸引学生注意力,同时抛出新知识,If 条件句)Step2(talking)(5 mins)T: Do you like a birthday party ? S: Yes.T: I like it,too.on that day ,I’ll have a good time ,I’ll have much delicious food,and I’ll wear beautiful clothes.Do you want to take part in a birthday party ? S……

T:OK, Let’s go.Look,Next Sunday is WuHao’s birthday,he wants to organize a birthday party ,What are you going to do ?(1)Ask and answer.(2)Let’s read them together.(3)Talk about some pictures.(设计意图:展示party 图片,通过师生问答,引入新课.前后衔接显得自然)Step3(1a-1c)(14mins)1,(1a)T: There is another party we are going to.Open your books,look at 1a on P34.Look at the pictures, These people are going to a party.Listen ,What are they talking about ? Let’s read 1a,then match the statements with answers.2,(1b)T: Look at 1b,listen ,Were your answers to activity 1a correct ? 3,(1c)Pairwork eg: A: I think I’m going to stay at home.B: If you do , you’ll be sorry.(设计意图:听力训练,同时穿插说的训练。符合新课程标准,训练时,由浅入深,任务环环相扣。句型操练时采取一对接一对的形式,尽可能关注每一位学生,以学生为主体)Step4(2a-2c)(8mins)T: Do you know Andrea? Look,This girl is Andrea.She wants to have a class party ,she needs some help.Mark will help her organize it.(2a)1, Listen to them talking and number the phrases in the order.2, Next ,let’s read the phrases together.3, Let’s listen ,then check the answers.4,(2b)Listen again and match the right answers.5,(2c)Look at 2c, read them together.(设计意图:针对2b听力训练,回答问题这一题型,对学生来说难度很大,加上重庆考题没做这一要求,所以我们进行了教材的合理取舍,将书上回答问题改为选择配对,也正符合“不要教教材,而是用教材”这一理念。是备课人的一大亮点)Step 5 Grammer(2mins)(一带而过,为下一课做铺垫)

Step 6 Discuss:(3mins)What will you do if you see these?(students learn to be polite)(设计意图:通过图片,反复操练本课重点句型;同时教育学生不要乱吐,乱扔,乱画等,进行德育渗透)

unit10单元 篇7


文本再构即教师在研读现有教材的基础上, 为满足不同教育对象对知识的不同需求, 对现有教材的内容进行再度开发, 从而形成新的教学内容。这种通过教师再构的文本既来源于教材又服务于学生, 在适应学生差异性的同时, 必须符合语言学习和运用的规律, 强调突出实用性和有效性, 促进学生综合语言运用能力的发展。


下面, 笔者以译林版教材6B Unit4《Road safety》单元复习课为例, 谈谈如何在小学英语单元复习中有效进行文本再构。

【第一次教学实践】本单元是以Road safety为话题, 引出了一些交通规则和若干安全知识, 旨在引导学生养成正确过马路的习惯。这一话题与学生的生活紧密相关:学生对于过马路的交通规则、红绿灯的具体含义及车辆的行使规则有一定的知识经验基础。在教学过程中, 我紧密联系生活实际, 从不安全过马路的现象出发, 分析后果与建议, 提高学生的安全意识。由此, 我再构了以下A、B、C三个文本。

A:Some people cross the road when the red light is on.

That is dangerous.A car may run them down.

We should tell them, “Don’t cross with the red light.”

B:Some people climb over the fence to cross the road.

That is dangerous.A car may run them down.

We should tell them, “Don’t climb over the fence.”

C:Some people walk through the green belt to cross the road.

That is dangerous.A car may run them down.

We should tell them, “Don’t walk through the green belt.”

【课堂反馈】从课堂教学表现来看, 学生对于类似编排结构一致、某些语言表达重复的文本, 有一定的兴趣。学生对于翻越栅栏过马路的场景描述很是投入, 相反, 对于穿越绿化带过马路就显得不够热情。另外, 三篇短文由于字数不多, 内容又比较贴近学生的实际生活, 语言知识点紧扣原有教材, 学生在阅读理解、书写倡议书等活动中都感到比较轻松, 缺乏一定的挑战性。

【反思】原有教材一部分讲了在斑马线上和无斑马线上如何安全过马路的知识, 另一部分讲了在马路上禁止玩耍、注意安全的知识。结合两块内容和学生已有经验, 发现翻越栅栏过马路等不安全现象介于教材之上和学生已有知识经验之间, 是值得进行教材文本再构的生长点。

【第二次教学实践】结合学生周边交通情况, 发现在两辆停着的车中间穿行并过马路这一情况比较普遍, 因此, 我删减了第一次教学实践中学生不感兴趣的有关穿越绿化带过马路的文本, 新增了cross between parked cars的内容。同时, 我适当增加字数, 适度减少重复的句子, 让文本具有一定的难度。由此, 我再构了以下A、B、C三个文本。

A:Some people cross with the red man.

That is dangerous.A car may run them down.

We should tell them, “You mustn’t cross with the red man.”

B:Some people climb over the rail to cross the road.

That is dangerous.They may fall down (跌倒) and cars may hit them .

We should tell them, “You mustn’t climb over the rail.”

C:Some people cross between parked cars.

That is not safe.Cars may hit them and they may get hurt (受伤) .

We should tell them, “You mustn’t cross between parked cars.”

【课堂反馈】我借助再构的文本, 设计了富有层次的诸如listen and answer、read and match、watch and answer、read and think等教学环节, 引导学生层层深入地学习文本, 给予学生充足的时间进行阅读感知。最后输出环节, 学生能够顺利写出倡议书, 呼吁人们关注马路安全, 不过, 输出质量一般。

【反思】此三篇再构文本内容依旧比较单一, 语言知识丰富度不够, 很难提高学生的思维活跃度, 导致最后的写作也只能停留在模仿阶段, 质量不高。

【第三次教学实践】综合前两次的课堂实践, 我再一次梳理原有教材, 发现Cartoon板块的以下语言知识点:Look, There are so many cars on the road.Yes, They are going fast.可以和Story time板块中的Drivers can see you easily.有机地融合在一起, 创编一些更有利于学生语言发展, 更能激发学生阅读欲望的文本。由此, 我第三次设计了以下A、B、C三个文本。

A:Some people cross with the red man.

That is dangerous.There are so many cars on the road. They are going fast. Drivers can’t stop their cars quickly, so cars may hit (撞倒) them.

We should tell them, “You mustn’t cross with the red man. Please look at the traffic lights and wait for the green man.”

B:Some people climb over the rail to cross the road.

That is dangerous.They may fall down (跌倒) and cars may hit them .

We should tell them, “You mustn’t climb over the rail. Please look for a zebra crossing to cross the road.”

C:Some people cross between parked cars.

That is not safe. Cars may hit them and they may get hurt (受伤) .

We should tell them, “You mustn’t cross between parked cars.Please cross the road at a zebra crossing.”

【课堂反馈】这三篇具有一定篇幅的文章对学生来说有一定的挑战性, 但是, 在教师的鼓励和引领下, 全体学生都能很好地进行阅读, 借助一定的阅读策略, 顺利掌握了文本内容;在文本的表演环节, 更是掀起了课堂高潮, 为后续的写作输出打下了扎实的基础;他们的安全过马路的倡议书写作也是内容丰富, 质量较高。

【反思】小学高年级写作训练势在必行, 他们进行英语写作的难点就是不知道先写什么、再写什么, 谋篇布局能力和行文逻辑性欠缺。因此, 教师要引导学生梳理文本脉络, 归纳写作要点, 让学生在写作时有章可循、有本可依, 培养学生谋篇布局的能力, 帮助他们克服“不知如何写”的难题。布置学生根据直观图片, 设计制作倡议书, 呼吁周围人关注马路安全, 帮助他们克服“写什么”的难题。最后, 将倡议书制作成海报, 运用到实际生活, 进一步培养他们用英语做事情的能力!


1.文本再构应基于学生学情。上海英语教研专家朱浦老师这样评价文本再构:“情境的巧妙串联, 使文本再构后的内容与原有教材内容相比显得更加丰实、具体。但这并不意味着增加了文本的难度, 而只是拓展了宽度。”文本再构应贴近学生的知识发展区, 基于学生的能力范围, 避免学生出现畏难情绪, 力求最大程度地促进并发展学生的语言能力。

2.文本再构应符合记忆规律。语言的积累是一个螺旋上升的过程, 犹如小球滚大球。教师在文本再构时, 要合理组合新旧知识, 优化教学内容;要有意识地把学生学过的一些相关的重要词汇以不同形式反复呈现在再构的语言材料里, 创设新的语境, 使语言更有意义。

3.文本再构应促进语言运用。英语新课标明确告诉我们, 培养学生的英语思维和用英语做事情的能力是课标的两大核心指向。教师在挖掘教材留白, 确立文本再构的生长点的同时, 必须关注学生生活经验, 激活学生思维, 尊重个体差异, 把握文本再构的难易度, 促进学生借助再构的文本, 不断发展自己的学力, 进一步提升学生的英语综合能力。

unit10单元 篇8


on the contrary; lose sb. to sth.; discriminate A from B; familiar; devote... to; be addicted to; expect to; say no to; trap; conscious

1. Being t in the burning house made him helpless and hopeless.

2. Whether you did it consciously or , you have made a choice.

3. In some cases, to learn something is necessary if you want to live a pleasant life.

4. be admitted to the key university makes the boy under pressure.

5. The boy playing computer games, which made his parents upset.

6. his work, the poor man has no time to accompany his family.

7. As a new freshman, Tom the campus.

8. contract contrast is a little bit difficult for some students.

9. We should take measures; as many children their parents Aids in the past years.

10. It doesnt seem ugly to me; , I think its rather beautiful.


1. —I have heard youre going to change your job. Are you serious?

— . I will quit my job.

A. Yes, Ive made up my mind

B. No, I was just joking

C. Yes, I do hope so

D. No, Im not

2. It shows that a casual kindness can a great difference to others in trouble.

A. get B. tell

C. make D. point

3. The new house is similar they used to live in as they both have a large garden with many kinds of flowers.

A. to what B. in which

C. in that D. to which

4. —Why are you in such a hurry, Jane?

—Quick! Get rid of all the mess! Here Mum and Dad!

A. has come B. come

C. are coming D. comes

5. My former English teacher, who in our school for over 20 years, now lives in his hometown in Yangzhou.

A. has worked B. worked

C. had worked D. works

6. Of the 2000 stock investors last month, 90% was found in financial knowledge.

A. were surveyed; lack

B. having been surveyed; to lack

C. surveyed; lacking

D. surveyed; lack

7. Had she her promise,she would have made it to Yale University.

A. looked up to B. lived up to

C. kept up with D. come up with

8. People the success of Change I as another milestone in the history of Chinese space flight.

A. refer to B. agree to

C. compare to D. appeal to

9. Since you have a job, yourself to it, finally youll succeed.

A. do devote B. dont devote

C. devoting D. not devoting

10. The book fifty articles, three ones written by Luxun.

A. includes; including B. contains; including

C. includes; containing D. contains; containing

11. The weather in Beijing is different from in Shanghai.

A. one B. that

C. it D. the one

12. She will have to find some other work, for she cant this loud noise any more.

A. come up with B. keep up with

C. make up with D. put up with

13. —Why didnt you buy the dictionary?

— it may be of great use, I dont think it good value for money.

A. Before B. As

C. While D. Since

14. the exam results were known a lot of time on computer games.

A. Not until; did the boy begin to regret having wasted

B. Until; that the boy began to regret to have wasted

C. Not until; that the boy began to regret wasting

D. Until; did the boy begin to regret to waste

15. —Since theres nothing better to do, we as well go straight home.

—OK, though I hate to do so.

A. may B. can

C. should D. must


1. HIV across the world , with about 7000 people the virus . 艾滋病病毒在全球传播速度非常快,每天大约有七千人受到感染。

2. many people think, HIV cannot through mosquitoes, ... 与许多人所想象的不同,艾滋病不会通过蚊子叮咬而传播,……

3. There are 30 million people with HIV worldwide. 全球有超过三千万人携带艾滋病病毒。

4. It also teaches young people how to Aids, and treatment centers mothers with HIV can receive medicine to help them HIV their children. 这个组织也教导年轻人如何预防艾滋病,并建立治疗中心,让携带艾滋病病毒的母亲们得到药物,有助于防止她们把病毒传给孩子。

5. Alcohol also a downer, and although it is legal, it can damage the liver and do great harm if in large quantities. 酒精也被归类到镇定剂,尽管它是合法的,但它会损害肝脏,如果大量饮用会产生巨大伤害。

Unit 4


compensate for; involve; suspect; join forces; commit crime; be unwilling to; cooperation; negotiate; put into effect; hate

1. It is reported that the tourist offices in the regions have agreed to with the office in the capital to try and attract more interest and also to reduce costs.

2. in the accident, he cannot focus on his work.

3. People can and should speak out against intolerance and .

4. What I want to say here is that many officials with corruption and accepting bribes give themselves up to the police so far.

5. The UN has been with the State Department on a plan to find countries willing to take the refugees.

6. Nowadays, online is no longer a theoretical possibility.

7. Since the new management system , the production of this factory has increased greatly.

8. We have had successful and I believe we are very close to a deal.

9. Mr. Green was of giving away government secrets to the enemy.

10. The explosion in Tianjin paid the relatives large amounts of money to deaths.


1. with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.

A. To face B. Having faced

C. Faced D. Facing

2. The computer system suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.

A. broke in B. broke into

C. broke down D. broke out

3. The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80% sold abroad.

A. of which B. of whose

C. of them D. of that

4. It is difficult to a conversation with someone who only says “Yes” or “No”.

A. take up B. keep up

C. put up D. come up

5. his age, he was considered well in the play.

A. Considering; acting

B. Considering; to have acted

C. Considered; acting

D. To consider; to act

6. He suggested the person to be put into prison.

A. refer B. refers

C. referring D. referred

7. is often the case with children is that Amy was better by the time the doctor arrived.

A. It B. That

C. What D. As

8. The Town Hall in the 1800s was the most distinguished building at that time.

A. to be completed

B. having been completed

C. completed

D. being completed

9. Should the plan , it could represent a substantial change in economic direction.

A. put into effect B. bring into effect

C. in effect D. take effect

10. After five hours drive, they reached they thought was the place theyd been dreaming of.

A. where B. which

C. what D. that

11. Since nobody gave him any help, he have done the research on his own.

A. need B. would

C. must D. can

12. Half an hour later, Lucy still couldnt get a taxi the bus had dropped her.

A. until B. when

C. although D. where

13. My mother was very , she didnt approve of my hippie (嬉皮) lifestyle.

A. controversial B. conventional

C. contradictory D. contemporary

14. It was in the middle of the night my father woke me up and told me to watch the football game.

A. that B. as

C. which D. when

15. —Id like to spend my weekend in upstate NY, but I have some problems with transportation.

— . Ill drive my moms car.

A. What if B. Take your time

C. What a pity D. It is no big deal


1. A survey (进行) in 2010 by the Computer Security Institute, (a / the /不填) private organization in the USA, (show) that 45.6 per cent of the 351 biggest companies and government agencies (have) their security system (强行闯入) in the previous year.

2. Some countries have laws against traditional crimes (使用电脑所犯的).

3. (另外), most countries do not have arrangements for dealing with (嫌疑犯) from other countries who (可能已经犯了) cybercrime.

4. Not until they are made into a car . 制造小汽车的原材料直到被制造成小轿车才价值不菲。

5. (给予附加值) to these raw materials, then, is the technology used.


Unit 3

一、1. trapped 2. unconsciously 3. to say no to 4. Being expected to / Expecting to

5. was addicted to 6. Devoted to 7. is unfamiliar with

8. Discriminating...from 9. have lost... to 10. on the contrary

二、1—5 ACABB 6—10 CBACB 11—15 BDCAA

三、1. is spreading; at a high rate; catching; every day

2. Contrary to what; be spread

3. more than; who are living

4. prevent; sets up; in which; keep; from passing on to

5. is; classified as; it is consumed

Unit 4

一、1. join forces 2. Involved 3. hatred 4. have been unwilling to 5. cooperating

6. committing crime 7. was put into effect 8. negotiations9. suspected 10. compensate for

二、1—5 CCABB 6—10 DCCDC 11—15 CDBAD

三、1. conducted; a; showed; had had; broken into

2. committed using computers

3. In addition; suspects; may have committed

4. are the materials used for making a car worth

5. What gives added value
