


新目标八年级英语下册 篇1

2.have a cold 感冒

3.have a fever 发烧

4.have a stomachache 胃疼

5.lie down 躺下

6.take your temperature 量体温

7.to my /our / everyone’s surprise 使我(我们,大家) 感到惊奇的是

8.take breaks =take a break 休息

9.get off 下车

10 get into陷入, 参与

11.be used to sth/ doing sth 习惯某事/习惯做某事

12.right away 立刻, 马上

13. take risks =take a risk冒险

14.run out of 用完,耗尽

15. get out of 离开,从---出来

16. cut off切除

17 be in control of掌管,管理

18. give up 放弃

1. clean up 打扫 Unit 2

2. cheer up 振奋起来,变得更高兴

3. take after =be like =look after (外貌,行为)像

4. set up 建起,设立

5. fix up 修理,装饰

6. make a difference 影响,有作用

7. give away 赠送,捐赠

8. give out分发,散发

9. hand out 分发

10. come up with (idea/plan) 想出, 提出(主意,计划,回答)

11. put off推迟

12. call up打电话给--- 征召

13. used to曾经,过去

14. care for 照顾, 非常喜欢

15. try out参加---选拔, 试用

1.take out the rubbish 倒垃圾 Unit 3

2.depend on 依靠,信赖

3.take care of =look after照顾,处理

4.in order to +do 目的是,为了

5.all the time 反复,频繁

6.as soon as 一---就 ------ ,尽快

1.What’s wrong? 哪儿不舒服 Unit 4

2.look through 浏览,快速查看

3.work out 解决,成功地发展,解出

4.get on (well) with 和睦相处,关系良好

5.big deal重要的事

6.cut out删除,删去

7.compare ---with 比较,对比

8.in my opinion依我看

1. go off (闹钟发出) 响声 Unit 5

2. pick up (the phone) 接电话, 捡起

3. fall asleep 进入梦乡,睡着

4. die down 逐渐变弱,逐渐消失

5. have a look (at) 看一看

6. make my way 费力多前进,前往

7.take down 拆除,记录,往下拽

8.at first首先,最初

9.in science 沉默,无声

1. turn---into 变成 Unit 6

2. fall in love 爱上,喜欢

3. get married 结婚

4. once upon 从前

5. instead of 代替,反而

6. a little bit =kind of =a little cute 有点儿,稍微

1. feel free (to do ) (可以)随便干某事 Unit 7

2. as far as I know 据我所知

3. take in吸收, 吞入(体内)

4. walk into 走路时撞着

5. fall over 绊倒

6. or so 大约

7. at birth出生时

8. up to 到达(某数,程度)

9. in the face of 面对(问题,困难)

10. even though =even if即使,虽然

11. the Pacific Ocean 太平洋

1. full of满是---的,(有) 丰富的 Unit 8

2. hurry up 赶快,急忙

3. one another 互相

4. ever since 自从

1.tea art 茶艺 Unit 9

2.tea set 茶具

3.thousands of 数以千计的,许许多多的

4.on the one hand --on the other hand 一方面---另一方面

5.all year round 全年

6.National Science Museum 科学博物馆

7.Hangzhou National Tea Museum 杭州国家茶博物馆

8.the Bird’s Nest 鸟巢

9.Southeast Asia 东南亚

10.Night Safari 夜间动物园

11.the Terracotta Army 兵马俑

1. clear out 清理,丢掉 Unit 10

2. check out 检查,审查

3. no longer 不再

4. part with 放弃,交出(不舍的东西)

5. as for 至于

6. according to依据,按照

7. (be) close to接近,几乎

8. to be honest说实在的

9. yard sale 庭院拍卖会

10. bread maker 面包机

11. soft toy 软体玩具,布绒玩

12. board game 棋类游戏

新目标八年级英语下册 篇2


★一般过去时表示过去某个时间或某一段时间内发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用,如yesterday, last week, in 2008, two years ago等 .


1. 包含be动词过去式的句式

(1)陈述句句式:主语 +was或were+ 其他成分 . 如:

They were at home last Sunday. 上周日他们在家里。

(2)否定句句式:主语 +wasn’t/weren’t+ 其他成分,如:

I wasn’t on the Internet when my father came into the room. 当我父亲进入房间时,我没在上网。

(3)一般疑问句句式:Was/Were+ 主语 + 其他成分?

(4)特殊疑问句句式: 疑问词 +was/were+ 主语 + 其他成分?如:Where were you last Sunday? 上周日你在哪儿?

2. 包含实义动词过去式的句式

(1)肯定句句式:主语 + 动词的过去式 + 其他成分,如:He stayed at home last night. 他昨晚待在家里了。

(2)否定句句式:主语 +did not(didn’t)+ 动词原形 + 其他成分 . 如:They didn’t go shopping last week. 上周他们没有去购物。

(3)一般疑问句句式:Did+ 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他成分?肯定回答:Yes, 主语 +did, 否定回答:No, 主语 +didn’t. 如:

—Did he go to Guangzhou yesterday? 昨天他去广州了吗?

—Yes, he did./No, he didn’t. 是的,他去了。/ 不,他没去。

(4)特殊疑问句句式:特殊疑问词 +did+ 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他成分?如:

What time did he get to school this morning? 今天上午他是什么时间到达学校的?


( ) 1.——what did you do yesterday evening,Gina?

——I ____Titanic in the City Cinema.

A. watch B.watched C. am watching D.will watch

( ) 2.——You look very nice in your new dress today.

____ Oh,really?I ____it when it when it was on sale.

A. buy B.bought C. have bought D.will buy


频率副词表示动作发生的频率,常见的频度副词有always, usually,often, sometimes, hardly, never等。但是程度上有所不同,频率由高到低,如下所示:


★always频率最高,表示动作重复、状态继续,意为“一直、总是”,其反义词为never. always与not连用时,表示部分否定。



★sometimes“有时”, 表示动作偶尔发生,间断时间较长。其位置比较灵活,放在句首、句中、句末都可。



2. 对上述频率副词提问时,常用how often。

I often play basketball. → How often do you play basketball?

3. 常见的表示频率的短语还有:every day/ week/month/year, once/twice a day/week/month/year, five times a week/month等。

【注:三次或三次以上一般用“基数词 +times”来表示】。


1. 形容词的原级即形容词原形形式,常用于very, so, quite, too之后。还用于句型as…as(和……一样……),以及not as/so…as(不如……)中。例如:

The coat is too expensive.

The boy isn’t as/so old as the girl.

2. 形容词的比较级常用于两者之间进行比较,后用连词than连接另一个所比较的人或物。在上下文明确的情况下,形容词比较级也可单独使用。例如:

I’m more outgoing than my sister.

This book is old. Can you give me a newer one.

3. 形容词比较级形式的构成:


比较级,有变化,一般词尾加er;词尾不发音e简单化,之后另把 -r加。

辅音字母 +y型,改y为i,加er; 一辅重读闭音节,词尾字母应双写后再加er。


“坏 / 病”(bad/ill) 是worse;“老 / 远”(old/far)变化有两个。


例如:We can’t go any farther steps.

Let’s have a further study.



My elder brother is two years older than I.

4. 形容词比较级的用法:


( ) 1. The boy is ____than the girl.

A. older 2 years B.2 years older

C. 2 years elder D. elder 2 years

( ) 2. You can get____ more water if you go there.

A. much B. many C. little D. few

( ) 3. This book is_____ .

A. more interesting and more interesting

B. much interesting and much interesting

C. more and more interesting

D. much and much interesting

( ) 4. Shanghai is bigger than___ city in Australia.

A. any B. any other C. other D. another



1. 最高级的句型

(1)A+be+the+ 形容词最高级 + 表示范围的介词词组

Dream Clothes is the worst store in town.(in后接表示地点或范围的名词)梦想服装店是镇上最差的。

(2)A+ 动词 +(the)+ 副词最高级(+ 表示范围的介词词组)He does his work(the)most carefully of the three.(of后接表示比较对象的复数名词或数词)这三个人当中他工作最认真。


(1)“one of+the+ 形容词最高级 + 名词复数”表示“最……之一”。

One of the most popular teachers is Mr Green. 格林先生是最受欢迎的老师之一。

Shanghai is one of the largest cities in the world. 上海是世界上最大的城市之一。


Mike is the third strongest boy in his class. 迈克是他班里第三强壮的男孩。

Taiwan Island is the first largest island in China. 台湾岛是中国的第一大岛。

(3)Which/Who+is+the+ 形容词最 高级,A,B or C? 或Which/Who+ 动词 +(the)+ 副词最高级,A,B or C? 如:

—Which is the smallest,the sun,the moon or the earth?

—Of course the moon is.

“哪个最小,太阳,月亮还是地球 ?”




Tom is the tallest in his class.汤姆是他班上最高的。


Tom is taller than any other student in his class.=Tom is taller than the other students in his class.=Tom is taller than anybody else in his class.=Nobody else is taller than Tom in his class.


He is my best friend. 他是我最好的朋友。

This is Zhang Yimou’s latest movie. 这是张艺谋最新的电影。



1. Of all the subjects.English is ____for me.

A.interesting B.more interesting

C.the most interesting D.much more interesting

2. Tony is only shorter than Jim.He is ____in his class.

A.two tallest B.the two tallest

C.the second tallest D.second tallest

3.Nanjing isn’t so large ___Shanghai,however,it’s the second ___city in East china.

A.1ike;largest B.as;largest

C.1ike;large D.as;large


1. 动词不定式做宾语的形式有两种,带to的动词不定式和不带to的动词不定式,其否定形式为直接在不定式符号to之前直接加not。以write为例,动词不定式的肯定形式为to write,否定形式为not towrite。

2. 动词不定式的语法功能



I hope to see you tomorrow. 我希望明天见到你。

I don’t know what to do next. 我不知道下一步做什么。

He doesn’t know how to do it. 他不知道怎样做这件事情。


We are talking about what to do next. 我们正在讨论下一步干什么。


I found it easy to make a model ship.



1. Tina decided _____(work)in Shanghai.

2. We planned _____(make)a school radio program.

3. Does Mary agree _____(visit)the new museum with you this weekend?

4. Remember_____ (take)your bag.

5. He wants____ (go)to study in Beijing University.

【6】(1-5单元 ) 知识点能力提升

( ) 1. This English newspaper is very easy for the students becausethere are ____new words in it.

A. littleB. a littleC. fewD. a few

( ) 2. My host family tried to cook ____for me when I studied inNew Zealand.

A. different somethingB. different anything

C. something different D. anything different

( ) 3. Last Sunday we didn’t go out____ the rain.

A. because of B. because

C. on front of D. before

( ) 4.—It snowed heavily last night.Is everyone in our class here today?

— Yes, and____ of us was late for school this morning.

A. none B. neither C. all D. either

( ) 5. — Many boy students think math is___ English.

— I agree. I’m weak in English.

A. much difficult thanB. so difficult as

C. less difficult thanD. more difficult than

( ) 6. The volunteer spoke as ____as she could to make the visitorsunderstand her.

A. clearlyB. more clearly

C. most clearlyD. the most clearly

( ) 7. Li Tao, my best friend, is ___more outgoing than any otherstudent in his class.

A. very B. a little C. too D. quite

( ) 8. I had no money and I couldn’t buy___ for my parents.

A. nothing B. anyone C. anything D. something

( ) 9. He asked us___ in the river. It’s too dangerous is serious.

A. to swim B. not to swim C. to not swim D. don’t to swim

( ) 10. ____it was raining, we went there.

A. But B. Though C. Because D. So

( )11. Our life is getting ______now.

A. good and good B. better and better

C. well and well D. more and more

( ) 12. —What happened ____you yesterday?

—I happened ____meet my old friend, Lucy.

A.to, to B. with, to C. to, with D. with, with

( ) 13. Mickey Mouse was the first cartoon_____ sound and music.

A.and B. with C. in D. of

( ) 14. We should eat many fruits ___apples and oranges.

A.for example B. such as C. so as D. such like

( ) 15. —I think Boonie Bears ( 熊出没 )isn’t as ____as Pleasant Goat( 喜羊羊 ).

—I agree with you. Boonie Bears is ____than Pleasant Goat.

A. famous, more famous B. famous, less famous

C. more famous, less famous D. less famous, more famous








【实战演练】答案:1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B


答案:1.C 2.C 3.B


答案:1.to work 2.to make 3.to visit 4.to take 5.to go

【6】(1-5单元 ) 知识点能力提升解析及答案

1.C解析:本题考查a little表示有点,little几乎没有。修饰不可数名词 ;a few表示一些,few表示几乎没有。修饰可数名词。


3.A解析;because of后接短语,名词及名词词组。Because后接句子。




7.B解析:修饰比较级的词,a little /much /far/even/still等。


9.B解析:本题考查固定搭配ask ab to do sth和不定式的否定即在to前加not。


11.B解析:比较级 +and+ 比较级,表示“越来越”。

12.A解析:sth. happen to sb, 表示“某人发生某事”,sb happen to do sth, 表示“某人碰巧做某事”。


14.B解析:for example与所接成分常用逗号隔开,而such as则不用。另外,for example用来举例说明某一论点或情况时,一般只举同类人或物中的一个为例;such as用来列举事物时,一般列举同类人或物中的几个为例。

人教版《新目标》英语八年级下册 篇3

本单元谈论的话题是“Fun places”,其功能项目是“Talk about past experiences”,通过对比、使用现在完成时态、一般过去时态谈论过去曾经去过的地方. Section A的内容是在复习巩固一般过去时用法的基础上学习使用Have you ever been to…这个句式表述过去曾经去过的地方。




通过情境导入提出Have you ever been to…? 的问题,引导学生积极参与课堂口语交际,学习使用新的词汇和短语,来训练和强化现在完成时态句型Have you ever been to …?的答语形式,,最终达到使用该句型描述过去的某个经历。



掌握现在完成时态句型Have you ever been to ……?及答语形式Yes,… have/ No, … haven’t;通过情景设置、两人一组对话练习、小组合作等方式学会谈论过去曾经到过的地方。


通过情境导入来引导学生谈论过去发生的事,提出Have you ever……?的问题,继而引出一些新的词汇和句型,然后通过精讲多练的课堂教学来达到本节课的教学目标。




1. 掌握重点句型Have you ever been to an amusement park? Yes, I have. /No, I have never been to an amusement park.學会使用该句型与其他人谈论过去曾经去过的地方,并能对该地的风景、娱乐等方面进行简单的描述。

2. 熟练运用现在完成时态句型Have you ever been to…?描述过去曾经去过的地方,并能就这个话题进行讨论。






Step 1 Warming-up

1. Make conversations with some students to talk about past events.

T: Tom, what did you do yesterday?

S1:I played basketball.

T:(writing the words on the board) Tom played basketball yesterday. (to another student) Mary, What did you do last Sunday?

S2:I went to the zoo.

T:(writing on the board) Mary went the zoo last Sunday.

2. Make a short conversations in pairs. (两人一组进行以上的对话练习)

( 设计意图:用闲聊的方式带领学生走进课堂,给学生创造轻松愉快的学习氛围,学生容易接受。 同时以简单的对话方式复习前面所学的内容,过渡自然。小组对话练习不但可以提高学生对过去发生事情的表述能力,还可以提高他们的听说能力,达到较好的复习效果,为新课的学习做好铺垫)

Step 2 Leading in

1. Learn the new sentence “ Have you ever been to …?” with some pictures. ( 长城、北京、红峪上庄) T: I went to the Great Wall last week.

I have ever been to the Great Wall. Have you ever been to the Great Wall?

Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.

2. Practice in pairs by using some pictures.


A: Have you ever been to …?

B: Yes, I have. (No, I haven’t) Have you ever been to…?

A: Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.


Step3 Learning new words

1.Watch a short play (Disney 动画片)

2. Learn the new words by some pictures. Using some Disney Character to talk about the amusement park.

3. Practice in pairs (Ask some students to practice in pairs)

4. Talk about 1a


Step 4 Listening

1. 1b Listen. Have these students ever been to these places?

2. Read the listening materials loudly.

3. Talk about the places that Claudia and Sarah have ever been to.


Step 5 Groupwork

Talk about your unforgettable place that you have ever been in groups.

(温馨提示:Have you ever been to …? When did you go there? How did you go there ?Have you taken any photos there? Bring some of your photos here and write a short composition to introduce the place you have ever been to.)


Step 6 Homework

1. Make a survey (小组合作,共同完成)


Where have you ever been?

When did you go there ?

How did you go there ?

What did you do there ?

How do you like it ?


(提示句型:Report : ***has ever been to … .

He / She went there ***.

He /She went there by ***.

He /She ***. He /She thinks it’s ***.)

2. Write your unforgettable place that you have ever been .

(温馨提示:Have you ever been to …? When did you go there? How did you go there ?Have you taken any photos there? Bring some of your photos here and write a short composition to introduce the place you have ever been to.)

八年级下册新目标英语教学计划 篇4









初二年级共有三个教学班,共有学生人数 109人,其中男生 60人,女生49 人。通过初一年半的`英语学习,大多数学生已能听懂有关熟悉话题的语段和简短的故事。能与教师或同学就熟悉的话题交换信息。能读懂短篇故事,能写便条和简单的书信。但由于各种因素的影响,学生发展参差不齐。有少数学生因为基础不够好,学习很吃力而,有的因此扰乱课堂次序,这给教学带来不少困难。














新目标八年级英语下册 篇5











3.创造条件让学生能够 发现他们自己的一些问题,并自主的解决。






新目标八年级英语下册 篇6

Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years.教学设计

Period 1(Section A 1a---,2d)教学对象:八年级学生



1)知识目标:本课单词和短语yard sale, sweet, soft toy, bear maker, scarf, board game, check out

2)能听懂谈论人们拥有某物多长时间的话题,能熟练运用since, for 谈论自己的个人物品。


三、重点、难点 教学重点:

目标句型: I’ve had it for seven years.I’ve read it three times.教学难点:能够正确使用含有for和since引导的现在完成时态。



六、教学过程 Task1 Organization AndLead-in(3’)

1.Watch the pictures about yard sale, toy bear, bread maker, scarf, soft toys, board games and ask them to read.2.Read and answer:

Do you have any of these things at home?

How long have you had them? What are you going to do with them? Watch pictures and read the new words.(设计思路:通过观看图片和认读词语和问答问题,既能激发学习兴趣,又能自然的引入新课的学习。)Task2Presentation(4’)

.Let the students talk about them in pairs by using the important sentences.--How long have you had that bike over there?--I’ve had it for three years!I learned how to ride a bike on it.Work in pairs(设计思路:通过学习新句型,使他们感受现在完成时态的另一种含有for和since的时间状语的情况,为后面的内容的顺利学习做铺垫。)Task 3 Guessing game 1.Say what about Jeff and Amy do with their old things please listen and check the facts you hear in 1b.2.Play the tape for them to listen.3.Check their answers in class.Listen and finish the task.(设计思路:通过听力练习巩固学生刚刚学习的词汇和接触的现在完成时态的语法。)Task 4 Presentation(5)1.Practice the conversation of 1c.2.Then make conversations about other things in the picture above.3.Invite several pairs to act their conversations in class.1.Look at the conversations of 1c and work in pair.2.Then practice conversations about them own old things like 1c.3.Share their conversations in class.(设计思路:此环节是本课z导入新课学习后的很关键的一环,先通过学生的感知体会、听力训练到实际运用。是一个由感知导习得的必要过程,是很重要的一步。)Task 5 Practice(5)

1,Say please listen and check the things Amy’s family are giving away and circle the things they are keeping in 2a.2.Play the tape for them and check the answers in class.3.Listen again and fill in then blanks in 2b.4.Play the tape for them and check the answers in class.5.More practice.Listen again and choose the correct answers.1).Amy wants to give away the _____.A.book B.magazine C.bear D.hat 2).Why does the bear has special meaning to Amy?

A.Because her father bought it for her.B.Because her Grandpa bought for her.C.Because her Grandma bought for her.3).Where can Amy take these things?

A.the children’s home

B.the old people’s home

C.the teachers’ home

1.Try to understand how to do it.2.Listen and finish the task.(设计思路:在学生理解了含有for和since的现在完成时态后进一步进行听力训练,既加深了对所学目标语言的掌握和运用,又提高学生的听力和理解能力。)Task 6 Survey and report(5)

1.Say work on 2c.Student A is Amy’s mom, Student B is Amy.2.Make new conversations according to 2c.3.Invite several pairs to share their conversations in class.1.Read the sentences carefully and know how to make a conversation 2.Work in pairs.3.Share the conversations in class.(设计思路:此环节是教学中的拓展和延伸,把前几个部分所学的零散的句型进行一个综合的练习,旨在加深学生对所学知识的掌握,通过汇报,进一步提高学生说的能力及综合运用知识的能力。)Task 7 Activities and listening(5)1.Say please read 2d aloud till to fluently.2.Read silently and try to understand the meaning 3.Ask them to Role-play the conversation 4.Show the following questions to answer 1).Who is Linda? 2).Who is Amy? 3).What does Amy want to do? 4).What things has Amy bought? 5).How long has Amy or her mom had them? 5.Check the answers.6.Help them with any difficulties 1.Read the conversation and try to understand the meaning.2.Role-play the conversation.3.Read and answer the questions 4.Ask for help about any difficulties they met.(设计思路:这部分完成的是课本上的2d。由于前面有铺垫,因此完成的很轻松。通过Role-play的练习,让学生在口语对话中加强了对目标语言的理解,同时回答问题也提高了学生的理解能力。)Task 8 Summary and Homework(2)

1.Lead Ss to sum up what we have learnt in this class.2.Homework Write a conversation according to 2c Finish the task.七、板书设计

Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years.(Section A 1a---2d)

yard sale, sweet, soft toy, bear maker, scarf, board game, check out

新目标八年级英语下册 篇7

(一) 教学内容

本课为一节听读课, 教学内容为Go for it! (八年级下) Unit2 What should I do?Section B 2a, 2b, 3a, 其内容是围绕朋友这个话题展开的, 要求学生通过听力和阅读了解别人在生活中关于朋友的困惑。听力中所呈现的是Erin想通过新颖的穿着体现自己独特的个性, 但是他的朋友总是效仿自己的穿着, 令他感到非常困惑, 因此, 他拨打了“Teen Talk”, a radio advice program, 希望可以得到一些可取的建议。Reading部分则是署名为Lonely Kid写给报纸建议栏目的一封信, 在信中, 他说明了自己受到朋友的孤立却不知道原因, 倍感困惑, 希望可以得到帮助。这些教学内容与学生的生活息息相关, 倍受他们的关注。

(二) 学情分析

本课的授课对象是山东省淄博市桓台县实验学校八年级的五、六两个班级的学生 (各有50个学生) 。他们思维活跃, 善于回答问题, 积极参与课堂教学, 上课坐姿端正, 均有记笔记的学习习惯, 渴望得到教师的赞扬和鼓励, 希望得到其他同学的肯定。笔者根据学生的这些特点, 设计了一系列让学生亲自实践、探索的活动, 并通过这些活动提高他们的听读能力和真实运用语言的能力, 让他们了解在朋友交往中应善于交流沟通。

(三) 教学方式

1. 本课教学主要采用任务型教学方式;以旧带新, 建立联系, 及时设置巩固反馈环节;读写联动句型结构、功能和话题紧密结合。

2. 通过听和读文章, 引导学生了解如何面对朋友问题上的困惑以及提建议解决问题的句型, 促使他们通过交流、合作、探究、感知和体验等方式运用目标语言。

(四) 教学资源

自制PPT课件;电视, 学案。

(五) 教学目标

1. 知识目标:

1) 掌握original, the same as, in style, nicer, haircut, inexpensive, comfortable, except, upset, find out, do wrong, what to do, lonely, argue的含义及用法。

2) 正确理解听读内容, 学会提建议。

3) 学会用书信的形式为别人提建议。

4) 掌握情态动词should, could, may的用法。

2. 能力目标

1) 提高学生在听、读中快速捕捉重要信息的能力;培养学生良好的听读习惯。

2) 培养学生真实地运用语言的表达能力和创新能力。

3) 培养学生不断反思的习惯和归纳、总结的能力。

3. 情感目标

1) 让学生学会正视生活中的烦恼, 并用交流沟通等手段解决。

2) 激发学生关心他人、热心帮助他人的意志、品质。

(六) 教学重点、难点

1. 教学重点

1) 词汇用法:should, could, may

2) 学会运用所学目标语言, 谈论生活中的烦恼并可以提出解决的办法 (Showing problems and giving advice) 。

2. 教学难点

用所学目标语言, 针对生活实际, 以口语和书面表达的形式为他人解决生活中的烦恼。



新目标八年级英语下册 篇8

1. Ive been skating since I was seven years old. 我自从七岁就一直滑冰。

【点拨】 1)since是连词,意为“自从……以来”,用来引导时间状语从句;主句常用现在完成时或现在完成进行时,从句常用一般过去时。例如:

He has worked here since he came here in 1990. 他自从1990年来到这儿,就在这儿工作。


She has been playing the guitar since nine oclock. 她从九点起就一直弹吉他。

2. My mom says I have to stop, because weve run out of room to store them. 妈妈说我必须停下来,因为我已用完了屋里所有的空间去储存它们了。

【点拨】 run out of意为“用完、用尽”。例如:

We ran out of all our money this morning. 我们今天上午把所有的钱都花完了。

3. By the way, whats your hobby? 顺便问一下,你的爱好是什么?

【点拨】 by the way意为“顺便一提;附带说说”。例如:

By the way, I have something to tell you. 顺便我有些事告诉你。

4. I am interested in the job as a writer. 我对作家的工作很感兴趣。

【点拨】 be interested in意为“对……感兴趣”,是一个固定短语,后面接动词时,要用动词-ing形式。例如:

The boy is very interested in playing football. 这个男孩对踢足球非常感兴趣。

5. For a foreigner like me, the more I learn about Chinese history, the more I enjoy living in China. 对于像我这样的外国人,我对中国历史了解越多,就越喜欢住在中国。

【点拨】 “the + 比较级,the +比较级”表示“越……,越……”。例如:

The busier he is , the happier he feels. 他越忙,越感到高兴。

6. Would you mind turning down the music? 你介意我把音量调低点吗?

【点拨】 1) mind意为“介意、反对”,后面通常接名词、动名词或从句,一般用于疑问句、否定句或条件从句中,表示请求许可或请求别人做某事。句型“Would you mind ...?”意为“你介意/反对……?”例如:

Would you mind cleaning the yard? 你介意打扫院子吗?

2) turn down意为“把音量调低”,是由“动词+副词”构成的短语动词,当宾语是代词时,代词要放在副词的前面。例如:

The radio is too loud. Please turn it down. 收音机的音量太大了,请调低一点。

7. What a lucky guy! 多么幸运的家伙!

【点拨】 这是一个省略了主谓结构的感叹句。由what引导的感叹句用来修饰名词,句型结构为:(1)What + a / an + 形容词 + 单数可数名词 + 主语 +谓语!(2)What + 形容词 + 不可数名词 / 复数可数名词复数 + 主语 + 谓语! 例如:

What a good boy he is!他是一个多么好的孩子!

What beautiful flowers you bought!你买的花真漂亮!

8. They only cost five dollars. 他们只值五美元。

【点拨】 cost意为“价值(若干),花费(多少钱),”一般要用物来作主语。例如:

This dictionary cost me forty yuan. 这本词典花了我40元钱。

9. In the USA, some people ask their families and friends to give money to charity rather than buying them gifts. 在美国,有些人不让他们的家人和朋友给他们买礼物,而是让他们把钱捐给慈善机构。

【点拨】 rather than 意为“与其……(不如……);不是……(而是……),”可以连接词类相同的词,意思相当于instead of。例如:

He ran all the way rather than walked. 他不是走着,而是一路跑着。

10. Maybe you could even make friends with a native speaker of English. 也许你可以和把英语作为母语的外国人交朋友。

【点拨】 make friends with 是一个固定短语,意为“与……交朋友”。例如:

You should make friends with the people there. 你应该与那儿的人交朋友。

11. —Have you ever been to a water park? 你曾经去过水上公园吗?

—No, I havent.不,我没去过。

【点拨】 have been to ... 意为“去过某地”,指过去去过,现在已经回来了。have gone to ... 意为“去了某地”表示人已不在说话处,可能已经到达了目的地,也可能在途中。例如:

Mr Li has gone to Beijing. He will come back next week. 李老师去北京了,他下周回来。

12. On the one hand, more than three quarters of the population are Chinese. 一方面超过四分之三的人是中国人。

【点拨】 a quarter意为“四分之一”,也可说成one fourth;“四分之三”可说成three quarters,也可说成three fourths。

13. It looks like rain, doesnt it? 好像要下雨,是吗?

【点拨】 反意疑问句的附加疑问句与陈述句在人称、数及时态上要一致。若陈述句部分是肯定的,附加问句部分就要用否定的;若陈述句部分是否定的,附加问句部分就要用肯定的。例如:

He cant speak Japanese, can he? 他不会讲日语,对吗?

14. Two people looking through books in a bookstore. 两个人在书店里浏览图书。

【点拨】 短语look through意为“浏览”。例如:

Here are the books for you to look through. 你要浏览的书籍在这儿。

look through还有“仔细查看;温习(功课)”等意思。例如:

Look through your notes before the examination. 考试之前温习一下你的笔记。


()1. —Peter, I think we need to buy a new car.

—Oh, no! We are _______ out of money, you know?(2008湖北武汉)

A. tryingB. goingC. gettingD. running

()2. —Are you worried about the coming exam?

—No. I think the more ________ you are, ________ mistakes youll make. (20008湖北黄冈)

A. careful; the less B. carefully; the fewer C. carefully; the leastD. careful; the fewer

()3. Ive been collecting old coins ________ ten years ago. (2008福建厦门)

A. forB. aboutC. since

()4. I didnt pass the math exam last month. ________, how do you study for a math test? (2008山东滨州)

A. By accident B. By mistake

C. By the way D. By the time

()5. —Youre new here, __________?

—Yes, Im from Dujiangyan. I came here last week. (2008重庆市)

A. do you B. dont you

C. are you D. arent you

()6. —Would you mind _________ your bike?

—No, not at tall. Ill put it under the tree right away. (2008湖北咸宁)

A. moveB. to moveC. movesD. moving

()7. —I want to sleep. Could you please ________ the TV a little?

—Oh, sure. Sorry about that. (2008四川巴中)

A. turn down B. turn on C. turn up

()8. The ticket is on the floor, please ________. (2008山东烟台)

A. pick up itB. look for

C. pick it upD. look it up

()9. —_______ beautiful day! Shall we go for a picnic?

—Good idea. (2008广东湛江)

A. WhatB. How C. What aD. How a

()10. The funny toy monkey ________ Sandy five dollars. (2008四川成都)

A. cost B. spent C. used

()11. 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出与所给句子划线部分意义相同或相近并能替代的那一项。

—Would you like a cup of coffee?

—Sorry. Ill have a cold drink rather than coffee. (2008湖北黄冈)

A. would than B. would rather

C. insteadD. instead of

()12. —May I speak to Tom?

—Sorry, he is not at home. He ________ to Shanghai. (2008湖南长沙)

A. has beenB. has goneC. goes

()13. ________ of the land ________ covered with forest. (2008甘肃嘉峪关市)

A. Two thirds; isB. Two thirds; are

C. Two third; isD. Two third; are

()14. Ive __________ all the photos in the drawer but I still cant find the one you need. (2008浙江舟山)

A. opened upB. given away

C. handed outD. looked through

15. 用所给词的适当形式填空,使句子意思完整正确。

Most of the students arent __________(interesting) in the article. (2008内蒙古乌兰察布)

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