


英语高中写信作文范文 篇1




























I’mastudentfromXinhuaMiddleSchool.I’mgladtolearnthatyouwantafewpart-timeEnglishreporters.I’mquiteinterestedinit. IthinkI’mfitforthejob.Asastudent,I’vereadalotandhavemuchknowledgeinmanyfields.I’mfondofEnglishanddowellinbothspeakingandwriting.Besides,I’measytogetalongwithandenjoyworkingtogetherwithothers.Aboveall,Ionceworkedasareporterformyschoolbroadcastingstation.SoI’msureIcandothejobwellifIgettheposition.









英语高中写信作文范文 篇2



He prides himself in the fact that he does not have to workhard to be better than others and gives up learning completely.

笔者认为, 原句中“prides himself in”的搭配用法有误。on。例如 :

1.She prided herself on her ability to speak eight languages/on knowing eight languages.她对自己会说八种语言感到得意 。

2.She had always prided herself on her appearance.她 总是对自己的外貌感到得意。

3.He prides himself on remaining calm in an emergency.他 在紧急关头十分镇静,为此感到骄傲。

当pride作名词用 时 ,可用于“take (a) pride in sth./doingsth.”的词组中 ,这时 ,介词要用in,而不用on。例如 :

1.I take(a)pride in my work.我为自己的工作感到骄傲。

2.We take great pride in offering the best service in town. 我们以能够提供全城最好的服务而自豪。

从上述实例中,我们可以看出,pride既可作动词用,又可作名词用,但是各自所用的介词是不同的。因此,原句宜改为:He prides himself on the fact that he does not have to work hard tobe better than others and gives up learning completely. 也可改为 :He takes(a)pride in the fact that he does not have to work hard tobe better than others and gives up learning completely.



I believe that the three R principles can contribute a lot toreach the eco-friendly destination.

笔者认为原句中的动词“contribute”用法有误。“contributeto”作“有助于 ,促成 ;是……的部分原因”解 ,其中的to是介词 ,后面跟sth.或doing sth.,不跟to do sth.。例如:

1.Plenty of fresh air contributes to good health. 充足的新鲜空气有益于身体健康。

2.The driver’s carelessness contributed to the accident. 司 机的粗心大意是造成这场事故的原因之一。

3.Can robots contribute to preventing environmental deterioration?机器人能有助于阻止环境的恶化吗 ?

4.As is known to us,good learning habits contribute to improving?learning efficiency. 众 所周知 , 好的学习习惯有助于提高学习效率。

从上述实例中, 我们可以看出,“contribute to”词组中的“to”是介词,不是不定式符号。因此,原句宜改为:I believe thatthe three R principles can contribute a lot to reaching the eco friendly destination. 也可改为 :I believe that the three R principles can help a lot to reach the eco -friendly destination. ( 把contribute改为help,其后可跟 (to)do sth.)



As far as I see it,the resentment towards the rich results fromthe widening gap between the rich and the poor and also the impression that“rich guys usually get their way”.

As far as I see it,there are two main advantages—environmentally-friendly and healthy.

笔者认为,以上两句中的动词“see”用法有误,“as far as Isee it”不符合英语的表达习惯。在要表达 “在我看来 ,依我看来,依我之见,就我所知”时,英语中,我们既可说“as far as Ican see”,又可说“as I see it”。前者没用it,后者不可缺少it,二者不可混用。例如:

1.That’s the problem as far as I can see. 在 我 看 来 , 那 就 是问题所在。

2.As far as I can see,at least four different weapons wereused.依我之见 ,至少使用过四种不同的武器 。

3.As I see it,there are two alternatives.We can either staywith your parents or rent a place.在 我看来 ,有两种选择 。 我们可以跟你父母住也可以租房住。

4.As I see it (=according to my view of the situation),theblame lies with the driver.依 我看 ,这责任在司机 。

从以上实例中,不难看出,英语中无“as far as I see it”的搭配用法。因此,原句宜改为:1. As far as I can see,the resentmenttowards the rich results from the widening gap between the richand the poor and also the impression that“rich guys usually gettheir way”.2. As far as I can see,there are two main advantages—environmentally-friendly and healthy.也可改为 :1. As I see it,theresentment towards the rich results from the widening gap betweenthe rich and the poor and also the impression that“rich guys usually get their way”. 2.As I see it,there are two main advantages—environmentally-friendly and healthy.



In conclusion,universities are justified to bond with enterprises and accept their financial support.

笔者认为,原句中的动词“justify”用法有误。根据英语的表达习惯,“be justified”后一般不跟“to do sth.”,而要用“in doing sth.”或“in sth.”, “be justified in doing sth./sth.”是固定 搭配用法。例如:

1.She felt fully justified in asking for a refund.她 觉得有充足的理由要求退款。

2.I think I’m completely justified in asking for her resignation.我 认为 ,我要求她辞职是完全合理的 。

3.Is he justified in his criticisms?他的批评有道理吗 ?

4.Charwell had been perfectly justified in his action. 查 威尔的行为已证明是完全正当的。

从上述实例中,我们可以看出,“be justified”后不可跟“to dosth.”。因此, 原句宜改为:In conclusion,universities are justifiedin bonding with enterprises and accepting their financial support.



In my opinion,the upsurge is resulted from two-fold factors.

笔者认为,原句中的动词“result”用法有误。根据英语的表达习惯,“result from”和“result in”都用主动式,不可用被动式。例如:

1.The damage resulted from the fire.这损失由火灾所致 。

2.His lameness resulted from an accident. 一次事故造成了他的跛足。

3.Sickness often results from eating too much.过 量进食常会导致疾病。

4.The game resulted in a win for our side.比赛结果为我方获胜。

从上述实例中,我们可以看出,动词词组“result from”不可用于被动式。因此,原句宜改为:In my opinion,the upsurge results from two-fold factors.也可改为 :In my opinion,two-fold factors result in the upsurge.



During his lifetime which symbolizes the triumph of the human spirit,Nelson Mandela was rewarded the 1993 Nobel PeacePrize.


动词“reward”作“报答;奖励”解,常用于“reward sb.for(doing)sth.”和“reward sb.with sth.”的句型中 ,前者“with”后跟的名称是具体名称,表示所奖励的物品等,后者“for”所跟的成分表示奖励的原因。有时,二者可合用,即“reward sb.with…for(doing)sth.”。例如 :

1.She started singing to the baby and was rewarded with asmile.她开始给孩子唱歌 ,孩子则报以微笑 。

2.They rewarded him (for his great help)with a gift of money.他们奖给他一笔钱(以酬谢他鼎力帮助。

3.They rewarded the boy with £5 for bringing back the lostdog.他们因男孩带回那条走失的狗奖给他5英 镑 。

动词“award”作“授予;给予”解,可用在“award sb.sth.”和“award sth.to sb.”的句型中 ,其中的名称为奖品或荣誉称号等。例如:

1.They awarded him a medal.他们授予他一枚奖章。

2.I was awarded the Nobel Prize.我获得了诺贝尔奖。

3.The prize was awarded to me for excellence in French. 我因法语成绩优异而获奖。

4.The degree of B.A.was awarded to him.他 被授予文学学士学位。

从上述实例中,我们可以看出,动词“reward”和“award”的不同用法。因此,原句宜改为:During his lifetime which symbolizes the triumph of the human spirit,Nelson Mandela was awardedthe 1993 Nobel Peace Prize.


在《新题型预测》“Should Rewards for Doing A Good Deedbe Promoted?”的作文范文里 ,有以下一句 :

However,in recent years there has aroused a heated debatedas to whether people should be rewarded for doing a good deed.

笔者认为,原句中动词“arouse”用法有误。在由“There”开头的句子中, 其后的动词不能用及物动词, 往往用不及物动词,如come,remain,lie,stand,arise及exist,等等。主语退居后面,目的是突出主语的意义分量。例如:

1.There comes a point where you give up.现在该你认输了。

2.There remains the problem of finance.财政问题仍然存在。

3.There lies a large field of rice in front of our village. 在我们的村庄前面有一大片稻田。

4.There stands a high monument in the middle of the square.广场中央矗立着一座高大的纪念碑。

5.There arises a certain insincerity in our philosophic discussions.在我们哲学的讨论里发生了一种不诚实的情况 。

6.There always exists a force of attraction between two bodies.两个物体之间永远存在着吸引力。

从上述实例中,我们可以看出,动词“arouse”是及物动词,作“激起;引起”解,不能用于“There+动词(不及物动词)+主语(名称主语 )”的句型中。

因此,原句宜改为:However,in recent years there has arisena heated debate as to whether people should be rewarded for doinga good deed.动词arise作“发生 ;产生 ;出现”解 ,是不及物动词 ,可用于上述特定句型中。

高中英语写信作文 篇3

I’m BaiSiyu,a girl student from ZhenDan Education.I’m writing to invite you to come and stay in my home during the next two weeks.

I’m a clever girl! I like doing word puzzles and go hiking.I like eating cakes best.Do you like them?They’re very sweet. I have a short brown hair.It’s so cool! I really like it.

My mum is a doctor.She works on the hospital.She is kind but sometimes she is very strict.

My father likes listening to music and singing.But his job is not a singer,he is a driver.

Do you think I am your best choice now?Looking forward to meeting you.

Best wishes,

写信英语作文 篇4


Mom, this is my first time to write to you, very excited, many words do not know where to start, usually I am more willful, there are a lot of thanks to you, and do not want to say to you. Today, let me take this opportunity to tell you a daughters gratitude.

When I was young, you began to have long hair for me. You said girls had long hair and beautiful hair. But this is a lot of trouble for you, but for your daughters beauty, I wash my hair once every 32 days and comb a beautiful hairstyle. Every time I wash my hair, Im afraid Im cold or ironed. You always adjust the water temperature so well. The children in the community envy me that I have a good mother.

After I go to primary school, you always get up early every morning and wake me up after a good meal, but sometimes I still pick and pick, and dont eat well and make you sad. But you never get angry with me. Instead, you do it for me on the second day. On the way to school, I saw other children taking the cake and eating while walking. I wanted to tell you, “Mom, how nice you are!”

Remember last semester, when the math unit test, there was a simple formula, because of my carelessness made a mistake, you see after very angry, very hard to criticize me. At that time, I almost cried by your quarrel, but I knew in my heart that your severity was for my good.

英语高三作文写信 篇5

Suddenly, a strange thing took place, and he began to make use of something that he wanted to try. After a short time, he came back from the basement with a ruffled shovel in his hand. When it was time to finish the work that he was to earn money, he smiled happily.

His work was to shovel snow for the other neighbors in the winter, because most of the times when snow was very, very big; some of the house doors got block, and they need to pay $100 for a builder to come and shovel the snow out of way. But now the boy will help shovel the snow, and they need only to pay $10 in return. At first the boy was not good at it at all, but soon he got the use of it, and earned lots of money. When it was time to use the money, he figured that he didn’t have enough to pay for the grammar book that he wanted for school. It was not that big of a deal of very much; but was not quite things of time.

He kept on this work for 4 years, until he had finally got enough money to buy the grammar. He was so very excited, that he jumped about in the room from brick to brick. When he went to the store, he figured it was closed; all the grammars are sold out, but in the other hand in opened because he shoveled the snow away which let him get enough money to buy another grammar in another store.

It was almost summer and the snow melted away, a statue of him was made up in the town square where he lived; for making the snow disappear. He was also the first in the class every morning, because he was willing to learn some identities to learn grammar. He loved grammar. And when it was time for him to head home and buy another harder one; he used the same plan just a little better.

And when people saw his statue shimmering in the morning sunlight, they would remember his gratitude for everybody in the town.

英语作文写信:信件回复 篇6

I’m sorry that you have been suffering insomnia and dizziness. Worse still, the western medicine turns out tobe a less effective treatment to them. To help you out, I recommend Chinese medicine to you. It is a wise choice for you to try it.

Chinese medicine bears advantages over western medicine. To illustrate, fewer side effects are witnessed in Chinese medicine. Although it takes more time to work before people can recover completely, Chinese medicine has benefited generations. Besides,food treatment is included inChinese medicine. As it turns out, Chinese medicine can save much trouble and pain. Of cause, your cooperation with your doctor will pave way for your better recovery.

I hope I can be helpful. Contact me anytime you need my help.

Best wish for your immediate recovery.




高考英语写信作文句子 篇7

Thank you in advance.提前谢谢你。

Please wirte to me as soon as possible.请尽快回信

Good luck |Best wishes.祝你好运


With best wishes.


I‘m looking forward to hearing from you.


I‘d appreciate it if you could reply earlier.


I sincerely hope this letter can draw your attention to the matter and I hope the problem mentioned above can solved as soon as possible.

英语高中写信作文范文 篇8









英语作文高二给李华写信 篇9

How is everything doing nowadays, i havent seen your letters long time, and i miss you exceedingly. So our examination is over, mow i have a leisure time at home, and so busy doing everything .espicially today, lots of housework i need to do, but my homework havent finished, beside, i also should walk with my dog.

water the flowers and do the shopping. Recently, my daddy bought me a computer, and in the everning, i need to the computer class for learning. with the knowledge, i have learned how to send a e-mail to friends already.

Your friend,

高中英语作文范文指导与仿写 篇10

As more young people study abroad, the standard of the foreign degree has been adjusted. Many students just find some fun to play and don’t focus on their study, so when they graduate, they learn nothing. But the universities that have been in the first class are always accepted by the companies, for it means the students must be excellent, or they can’t get the degree.


There is no doubt that the one with foreign education is trend to be given more chances. But they still need to come the to final round in the job interview. The employers will ask them the questions and test their ability. It is nothing to do with the education.


英语写信范本 篇11

亲爱的约翰先生: 您在北京过得怎么样? 我写信向您表达我的谢意。去北京前您辅导我的英语口语。在您的帮助下我很快取得进步,所以能在市里举办的英语口语比赛中取得第一名。我的成绩应该归功于您的帮助。非常感谢。您的朋友 刘杰

Dear Mr.John, How are you getting on in Beijing?I am writing to tell you a piece of good news.I am the champion of the Spoken English Competition held in the city.The success is owed to your help.Thank you very much!
