


应用数学专业英文简历表格 篇1


户口所在地:揭阳身材:173 cm? kg
婚姻状况:未婚年龄:18 岁
培训认证: 诚信徽章: 
应聘职位:计算机类:技术员 电子/邮电/通讯类 技工类
个人工作经历:2007.1~2007.8   广东省华侨物业发展公司   维修电工        实习期满

2007.9~2008.2   杜邦(广州)应用面材有限公司  技术员

受教育培训经历:2005.3~2005.6       广东省华侨职业技术学校   CAD             中级CAD等级证

2005.9~2005.12      广东省华侨职业技术学校   计算机          全国计算机一级等级证

2006.9~2006.12      广东省华侨职业技术学校   数控技术        数控操作证

2006.9~2006.11      广东省华侨职业技术学校   电工            电工操作证

外语:英语 一般  

★ 计算机及应用类专业求职简历

★ 高中类专业-求职简历

★ 幼儿教育类专业-求职简历

★ 电子信息工程类专业-求职简历

★ 计算机网络应用求职简历

★ 法律类专业毕业生的求职简历

★ 日语类专业毕业生的求职简历

★ 文秘类专业毕业生的求职简历

★ 铸造专业类专业的求职简历

应用数学专业英文简历表格 篇2

Excel提供了许多张非常大的空白工作表, 每张工作表由256列和65536行组成, 行和列交叉处组成单元格, 每一单元格可容纳32000个字符。这些工作表可以满足大多数数据处理的业务需要;将数据从纸上存入Excel工作表中, 这对数据的处理和管理已发生了质的变化, 使数据从静态变成动态, 能充分利用计算机自动、快速地进行处理。在Excel中不必进行编程就能对工作表中的数据进行检索、分类、排序、筛选等操作, 利用系统提供的函数可完成各种数据的计算, 对计算结果进行分析, 并展示出所需要的结果。因此在财会类和工程类专业上使用比较广泛。以下结合我校专业分析其他实用价值。

1 电子商务领域中的应用

1.1 电子商务的发展

电子商务, 简称EC, 是指在全球各地广泛的商业贸易活动中, 在因特网开放的网络环境下, 基于浏览器/服务器应用方式, 现在多采用B/S结构形式。买卖双方不谋面在网络中进行各种商贸活动, 实现消费者的网上购物、商户之间的网上交易和在线电子支付以及各种商务活动、交易活动、金融活动和相关的综合服务活动的一种新型的商业运营模式。电子商务是在技术、经济高度发达的现代社会里, 掌握信息技术和商务规则的人, 系统化地运用电子工具, 高效率、低成本地从事以商品交换为中心的各种活动的总称。因电子商务的开展越来越广泛, 社会上使用这种购物越来越多, 因上社会对这方面的人才需求也就增加了。从上面的分析可以看出, 从事电子商务的人员不只是懂得如何经营就可以了, 更多的是需要计算机技术, 财务管理及物流运营等问题。只有解决好相关问题才能非常顺利的完成电子商务平台上的营销。

1.2 Excel电子表格在电子商务中的具体应用

在电子商务专业的课程中包括财务方面的内容;网站的建设;订单的制订;包括相关聊天工具及输入法的使用等多方面的内容。在整个学习中都离不开计算机相关知识的学习与运用, 如在财务相关课程中, 有电算化会计的开设, 就是一个使用电子表格进行相关财务数据进行运算和管理的课程, 在Excel表格中设有专门财务计算相关函数, 很方便进行相关内容的计算。还可以进行财务发票的制作, 季度、年度财报表的制作等;以下对Excel表格中的财务函数运用进行一个简单的介绍:财务函数是Excel表格单独设有的一类函数, 可以进行常规的财务计算, 比如确定贷款的支付额、投资的未来值或净现值, 以及债券或息票的价值。财务函数中常见的参数有:未来值 (fv) --在所有付款发生后的投资或贷款的价值。期间数 (nper) --投资的总支付期间数。付款 (pmt) --对于一项投资或贷款的定期支付数额。现值 (pv) --在投资期初的投资或贷款的价值。例如, 贷款的现值为所借入的本金数额。利率 (rate) --投资或贷款的利率或贴现率。类型 (type) --付款期间内进行支付的间隔, 如一个月的什么时间, 是在月初还是在月末。再如在订单的制作中也可以运用逻辑函数, 使用逻辑函数可以进行真假值判断, 或者进行复合检验。例如, 可以使用IF函数确定条件为真还是假, 并由此返回不同的数值。也可以利用查询和引用函数:当需要在数据清单或表格中查找特定数值, 或者需要查找某一单元格的引用时, 可以使用查询和引用工作表函数。例如, 如果需要在表格中查找与第一列中的值相匹配的数值, 另外还可以使用VLOOKUP工作表函数来确定数据清单中数值的位置, 使用MATCH工作表函数来进行相同商品匹配, 额度相同等相关数据的判别, 及相同类别处理, 从而减轻重复操作, 提高工作效率。

1.3 综合应用

电子商务专业除了运用比较多的财务函数以外, 还会运用到Excel电子表格中常用的一些函数, 如算术求和函数 (sun) ;求平均值的函数 (AVERAGE) 求最大值函数 (MAX) 、求最小值函数 (MIN) 、) 等, 在电子商务专业中也经常会使用到。除些之外, 还会应用到Excel电子表格中的绝对引用和相对应用等概念, 以及输入各种计算公式完成电子商务中的各种经营任务, 因此说Excel电子表格在该专业中应用广泛, 应用效果显著。

2 防雷技术领域中的应用

2.1 防雷技术

防雷技术专业以培养具有良好的科学素养、较好的气象知识和雷电防护知识, 从事现代雷电防护工作的高级技术应用性专门人才。是我院的特色专业, 以气象局、雷电防护公司、供电、通信、大型厂矿企业、航空航天等部门从事雷电防护工作为就业对口行业。是利用高科技技术减轻现代社会中人、畜、财物不被雷电所伤害的一门学科。在这个专业中除了要运用到多种计算机知识外, 特别要应用到电子表格进行多种事件发生的概率统计以及各种因子影响概率计算和排除情况。特别是在环境评价以及雷电风险评价中使用非常频繁, 下面进行运用的阐述。

2.2 雷电风险评估中的应该

雷电是伴随着强对流天气过程发生的一种灾害性天气现象。雷电以其强大的电流、炙热的高温、猛烈的冲击波以及强烈的电磁辐射等物理效应, 使其在瞬间产生巨大的破坏作用, 因此雷电常常造成人员伤亡, 击毁建筑物、供配电系统、通信设备, 造成计算机信息系统中断等。雷电灾害已被联合国有关部门列为“最严重的十种自然灾害”之一, 被中国电工委员会称为“电子时代的一大公害”。因此对符合条件的建筑物、电子设备及通信设施等, 要进行雷电防护工程的建设。在防雷设计之前要进行雷电风险评估, 以确定其工程建设的必要性和防雷级别。因此, 雷电风险评估是本行业中非常重要的一项工作内容。在这个项目中用到了非常多的气象因子的统计、排除。如在根据过去统计数据中雷击点判断致损原因时, 可用到IF语句, 先判定位置, 再确定建筑物的损害类型和损失类型, 然后计算出相应的结果。这期间需要使用“IF”语句和“OR”语句以及“and”语句的套用。下面介绍一下“OR”语句以及“and”语句的应用:

2.2.1 IF函数

函数名称:IF主要功能:根据对指定条件的逻辑判断的真假结果, 返回相对应的内容。使用格式:=IF (Logical, Value_if_true, Value_if_false) , 参数说明:Logical代表逻辑判断表达式;Value_if_true表示当判断条件为逻辑“真 (TRUE) ”时的显示内容, 如果忽略返回“TRUE”;Value_if_false表示当判断条件为逻辑“假 (FALSE) ”时的显示内容, 如果忽略返回“FALSE”。雷电评估应用举例:在某列C表示是‘某至损位置的概率’, 在C20单元格中输入公式:=IF (C1>=0.5, "符合要求", "不符合要求") , 确定以后, 如果C1单元格中的数值大于或等于0.5, 则C1单元格显示“符合要求”字样, 反之显示“不符合要求”字样。在这个判断中如果满足条件就说明在建筑物上某雷击点出现的雷击概率较高, 继而进行下一个层次的判别。从而达多个条件判别。当然也可以进行多个条件同时判断。

2.2.2 OR函数

函数名称:OR的主要功能:返回逻辑值, 仅当所有参数值均为逻辑“假 (FALSE) ”时返回函数结果逻辑“假 (FALSE) ”, 否则都返回逻辑“真 (TRUE) ”。使用格式:OR (logical1, logical2, ...) 参数说明:Logical1, Logical2, Logical3……:表示待测试的条件值或表达式, 最多这30个。雷电风险评估举例:在某单元格D2单元格输入公式:=OR (B2>=60, C2>=0.5) , 确认。如果D2中返回TRUE, 说明B2和C2中的数值至少有一个大于或等于0.5, 如果返回FALSE, 说明B2和C2中的数值都小于0.5。这表示两个单元格都满足条件, 可以不考虑此参数。

2.2.3 AND函数

主要功能:返回逻辑值:如果所有参数值均为逻辑“真 (TRUE) ”, 则返回逻辑“真 (TRUE) ”, 反之返回逻辑“假 (FALSE) ”。使用格式:AND (logical1, logical2, ...) , 参数说明:Logical1, Logical2, Logical3……:表示待测试的条件值或表达式, 最多这30个。应用举例:在某个单元格C3输入公式:=AND (A3>=0.5, B3>=0.5) , 确认。如果C3中返回TRUE, 说明A3和B3中的数值均大于等于0.5, 如果返回FALSE, 说明A3和B3中的数值至少有一个小于0.5。

3 结语

以上的Excel函数是单个使用的, 在雷电风险评估中, 很多时候都进行多个函数套用的方式, 才能完成连续的判别与计算, 如首先判断雷击点的位置, 再根据公式计算机雷击位置的多年概率, 如果满足, 再判断致损原因等, 这些都可以利用Excel表格的几个函数的功能完成多个雷电风险评估因子连环影响, 从面减少工作量, 提高工作效率。

在计算机过程中, 应该引起注意的是指定的逻辑条件参数中包含非逻辑值时, 则函数返回错误值“#VALUE!”或“#NAME”。

从Excel表格中个别函数在两个专业领域中的应用入手, 简单的介绍了Excel表格在两个专业领域中应用的广泛性。当然在各行业领域中的应用远不至这些, 一般的求平均值、总和等都是利用统计规律常用的函数, 在各行业中应用非常多。因此, 深入学习好Excel电子表格对我们将来的工作是非常有价值的, 同时可以拓展思维, 提高工作效率及工作的准确性。

摘要:以Excel电子表格中几个函数在两个专业领域中的运用为主要线索, 介绍了Excel表格的实用性和广泛性。虽然Office软件是一个非常简单而又常用的软件, 但是可以解决非常多而又复杂的问题。因此, 利用好Excel电子表格应该是每个人应该具备的素质。



商务专业学生英文简历表格 篇3


Name   Sex  
Birthday   Birth Place  
Degree   Subject business 
Graduated college   Tel  
Self assessment
Knowledge Frame
(1)Professional knowledge²         
(3)Computer and IT²         
(1)²        Position:²        Position:
(2)2005,Dem—,Jan²        Position:
Certificate and Credit


工程专业英文个人简历表格 篇4


Personal information
Name: YJBYS Nationality: China Photo
Sex: male Nationality: Han
The current residence: Guangdong Household registration: Guangxi
Marital status: unmarried age: 23
Phone: XXXXXXXXXXX Email: XXX@yjbys.com
Job search intention and work experience
The type of talent: ordinary job
Job: Channel / distribution - Director / Manager / Supervisor / specialist
Work experience: 0 job: no title
Job type: full-time date available: at any time
Salary: Negotiable hope work area: Guangdong
Work experience: Company name: Guangdong XXXX Microbial Technology Co., Ltd. Start-stop date: -12 ~ -05 Company nature: joint-stock enterprises industry: pharmaceutical / Biological Engineering Position: Purchasing Supervisor Job description: have good occupation ethics during the term of office, due diligence work, procurement during the working performance is good, and have strong communication and negotiation skills, in the face of all kinds of emergency ability. Familiar with supplier evaluation work, familiar with the ISO review process, ISO internal auditor qualification certificate.
Education background
  University one is graduated from: Degree: college graduation date: 2013-07-01 Major: Environmental Engineering Second major: Chemical Engineering and technology
Self assessment
  I am a love life, positive thinking, positive attitude, perseverance and strong people, believe in hope. Personality: cheerful, has a strong sense of responsibility, diligent and pragmatic, work resolute, honesty simply Have strong ability of thinking and communication and negotiation skills, strong emergency ability.

进出口贸易专业英文简历表格 篇5




Name yjbys  
Date of Birth  
Contact No  
E-mail /jianli
Job Target

Target Industry The hope responds to a call for recruits profession scope
Target job The hope responds to a call for recruits post
Target address Hope work area, urban scope
Target salary Anticipation wage level welfare demand,Discussing in person
To hillock time The new post can in the long time assume the post 
Working Experience

1995/08—/02 XXX
  Industry: Apparel/Textiles/Leather Goods

Administrative Department Admin Manager/Supervisor/Office Manager

1995/08—/08 Clerk Administrative Dept.

To distribute the government documents; sort out and file the company documents; recruit; receive the visitor.

1997/09—2002/02 Vice officer.Officer in Administrative Dept,Secretary of General Manager

1. To manage the central file, contact with the government;

2. Familiar with the register of enterprise, register of label etc;

3. Assist the General Manager to correspond with every department and receive the important visitor and customers.

4. To compile ISO9000 procedure manual and quality manual, manage and internal audit (Got the Internal Auditor certificate)

2002/07—Now Shanghai Web International Training Centre Study English


1991/09—1995/07 Dalian Light Industry Institute Food Sciences Bachelor
2001/03—2001/04 China Quality Certification Centre For Import And Export CommoditiesISO9001: standard internal auditor training
2000/04—2000/04 China Quality Certification Centre For Import And Export CommoditiesISO9002:1994 standard internal auditor training

2001/04 ISO9001:2000 standard internal auditor certificate
1993/07 CET4

应用数学专业英文简历表格 篇6


户口所在地:江西身材:168 cm?62 kg
婚姻状况:未婚年龄:25 岁
培训认证: 诚信徽章: 
应聘职位:动力电气类:电气工程师/技术员 动力电气类 电气系统维护 能源水利类 电力运行
月薪要求:--3500希望工作地区:广东省 广东省

.7--2007.12    山东鲁能泰山电缆有限公司   设备部门

2007.12--.2    广东安东尼奥电子有限公司   电气维护


2007.3--2007.5    四川崇州水电厂实习

.9--2006-11   四川长虹集团实习

.7--2005.9    江西洪门水电厂实习

受教育培训经历:.9--2007.7     西南民族大学       电气工程及其自动化   毕业证/学士学位证书
外语:英语 良好  
   Adaptability, learning ability, good communication skills. Has a good team spirit and sense of enterprise development.

Higher for individuals. Is serious about doing things, people do. Day after day, things usually do not like drag and drop.

Tend to compare the fast pace of life. Strong concept of time.

Want to do a good electrical engineer, this is very persistent.

Able to use PLC, AutoCDA, prtel, Photoshop and other software.

 Personality better, and biased outward, like faster-paced life, love up in a united body of work, less cheat one another.

At the university during the three professional practice, namely, training on the operation of power plants and factories of electrical operation and maintenance training.

I am from July 2007 to December, in the Shandong Luneng Cable Co., Ltd. Equipment Department has been working very hard towards their goal. Later, as a result of internal restructuring, I have to cables to the Institute, because this is also my professional career goals (a good electrical engineer) difference between the distance, with discussions to no avail, the default choice to resign.

应用数学专业求职个人简历表格 篇7




姓 名   性 别  
生 日 1992-08-22 民 族  
招生类别 统招 政治面貌 共青团员  
学 历 本科 专 业 数学与应用数学  
毕业时间 7月 生 源 地 黑龙江省安达市  
联系电话   电子信箱 /jianli  
通信地址 哈尔滨师范大学松北校区 邮 编 150025
求职意向 数学教师
兴趣爱好 计算机应用、对电子产品有浓厚的`兴趣、读书、篮球
教育经历 7月 毕业于 安达高级中学


207月 毕业于 哈尔滨师范大学

资质证书 普通高等教育本科毕业证、学士学位证




主修课程 数学分析、解析几何、计算机基础、高等代数、普通物理、心理学、教育学、复变函数、常微分方程、微分几何、近世代数、实变函数、概率论、拓扑学、数学建模、数学教学论、中学代数几何研究等。
工作实践 假期兼职高一数学家教



英文简历表格 篇8

Personal Details  
Name:   Nationality: China PHOTO
Current Place: Guangzhou Height/Weight: 175 cm 60 kg
Marital Status: Single Age: 29 years
Career Objective and Work experience
Application type: Jobseeker
Preferred job title: Real estate development/planning manager/supervisor: Property management dirtor or maneger 、 Automobile sales: Sale Director or Manager 、 Foreign language: Sale Director or Manager
Working life: 7 Title: Senior title
Job type: Full time Expected Start date: In a week
Expected salary: ¥8,000--¥12,000 Preferred working place: Guangzhou Shenzhen
Work Experience :
Company#39;s name: Chinese Health TimesBegin and end date: 2005-05-2009-07
Enterprise nature: Private enterprisesIndustry: Advertisement plan/marketing
Job Title: Sales and Marketing Manager
Job description: My responsibilities set up the advertising department, help CEO to make the company strategy, consistently achieve sales plan and figure.
Reasons for leaving:  
Company#39;s name: China MobileBegin and end date: 2001-10-2003-08
Enterprise nature: Share-holding enterprisesIndustry: Electrical/electronics/communication equipment
Job Title: Sale Manager
Job description: My responsibilities consistently achieve monthly sales plan and figure; Train and develop sales team to achieve sales figure.
Reasons for leaving: study aboard
Company#39;s name: Chinese Health TimesBegin and end date: 2005-05-2009-07
Enterprise nature: Private enterprisesIndustry: Advertisement plan/marketing
Job Title: Sales and Marketing Manager
Job description: My responsibilities set up the advertising department, help CEO to make the company strategy, consistently achieve sales plan and figure.
Reasons for leaving:  
Company#39;s name: China MobileBegin and end date: 2001-10-2003-08
Enterprise nature: Share-holding enterprisesIndustry: Electrical/electronics/communication equipment
Job Title: Sale Manager
Job description: My responsibilities consistently achieve monthly sales plan and figure; Train and develop sales team to achieve sales figure.
Reasons for leaving: study aboard
Educational Background
Name of School: University of Surrey
Highest Degree: Master Date of Graduation: 2005-07-01
Name of Major 1: International Business Management Name of Major 2:  
Education experience:
Start date End date Education organization Majors Certificate Certificate No
2004-09 2005-08 University of Surrey IBM Master Degree 04P9389
Start date End date Education organization Majors Certificate Certificate No
2004-09 2005-08 University of Surrey IBM Master Degree 04P9389
Language Ability
Foreign Language: English Level: excellent
Language ability: excellent language skill for the British
Chinese level: excellent Cantonese Level: excellent
Relevant skills and abilities
  Extensive marketing person, have seven years sale and marketing management experience(include two year in United Kingdom), good relationship with the foreigner customer. Excellent sales management skill for the Europe customers. Good knowledge for marketing, distributor development in China.Good communication and presentation skills.
Self-recommendation letter


管理英文简历表格 篇9


Name: Mr. hua Nationality: China (Mainland)
Current Place: Dongguan Height/Weight: 171 cm 63 kg
Marital Status: married Age: 28 years
Career Objective
Application type: Jobseeker
Preferred job title: Quality management/test manager(QA/QC Manager: supervisor 、 IC design/application engineer: FAE engineer 、 Pre/after technical supporting engineer: CQS senior engineer
Working life: 6 Title: Senior title
Job type: Full time Expected Start date: In a month
Expected salary: ¥8,000--¥12,000 Preferred working place: Guangzhou Shenzhen Dongguan
Work experience
Company#39;s name: LiteonBegin and end date: -09--05
Enterprise nature: Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Electrical/electronics/communication equipment
Job Title: engineer supervisor
Job description: Year2003---, Process engineer of VRM family (VRM: voltage regulation module):


In charge of New product introduction, process abnormality management , test fixture and test program preparation& maintenance, failure return analysis etc.

Year2005---,Supervisor of VRM family:

I became a supervisor and in charge of the engineering part for VRM family including IE(industrial engineer),TE(test engineer),EE(electronic engineer).

Year---,Supervisor of Sever NPI:

Volunteered to go to server family to lead NPI department. These two years working in Server family have taught me so many things, such as the concept of ENERGY STAR,TTM,Takt time& cycle time, team work.

Year2012---till now, Supervisor of VRM&BMP family ( BMP: Board mounted power supply, a new joined customer called lineage power from USA):

Because of huge increase requirement for DC-DC power supply(1KK/month), I was assigned back to handle all DC-DC power supply process including VRM &BMP family.

Reasons for leaving: Seek good opportunity to improve myself
Company#39;s name: LiteonBegin and end date: -09--05
Enterprise nature: Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Electrical/electronics/communication equipment
Job Title: engineer supervisor
Job description: Year2003---, Process engineer of VRM family (VRM: voltage regulation module):


In charge of New product introduction, process abnormality management , test fixture and test program preparation& maintenance, failure return analysis etc.

Year2005---,Supervisor of VRM family:

I became a supervisor and in charge of the engineering part for VRM family including IE(industrial engineer),TE(test engineer),EE(electronic engineer).

Year---,Supervisor of Sever NPI:

Volunteered to go to server family to lead NPI department. These two years working in Server family have taught me so many things, such as the concept of ENERGY STAR,TTM,Takt time& cycle time, team work.

Year2012---till now, Supervisor of VRM&BMP family ( BMP: Board mounted power supply, a new joined customer called lineage power from USA):

英文表格简历 篇10

Name: xuexila gender : male    
Birth : *** telephone :    
Degree : Bachelor Professional: International Accounting  
Experience : 5years national : Han  
School: *** University  
address : ***
E-mail : xuexila.com

Self Introduction :

CGA, ACCA, CICPA, CTA. Bachelor of***UNIVERSITY, International Accounting.


4+ years financial area experience with MNC. Familiar with ERP software such as SAP, Oracle.

Good communicator and team player. Analytical, efficient and well-adapted to pressure and diversity.

BEC Higher, CET- 6: 94.5. Fluent in oral and written English at work, especially financial English.

Target Job :

Desired Job Category: Financial Manager | AccountingSupervisor/General Ledger Reconciliation | Financial Analysis Manager/Supervisor
Desired Job Industry: Fund/Stock/Futures/Investment | Internet/e-Commerce | Real Estate Development/Construction and Engineering | Consumer Durables | Consumer Products(FMCG)
Desired Salary: Negotiable
Desired City: ***
I can start from: within 1 month

Work Experience :

.2-Now ***LIMITIED


Financial Analyst

Responsibilities and Achievements:

Performed daily control and review, assisted in consistent improvement of financial process.

Developed various forecast and bottom-up budget based on analysis of trends and reasonable expectation.

Compared actual versus forecast/budget/history, explained key drivers for deviation and fluctuation.

Delivered accurate and timely reports including highlights and risk analysis for management review.

Held meetings with CFO, summarized major issues and replied to various inquires.

Appraised for success transition and took over double workloads.



Engagement Manager

Responsibilities and Achievements:

Clients include fortune 500 MNCs of various industries.

Monitored outsourcing and advisory service, maintained long-term relationship and developed new clients.

Prepared periodic reports to clients’ headquarters overseas, summarized major variances, trends and risks.

Assisted clients in establishment of monthly/yearly budget and short/long term plan.

Coordinated with authorities as SAIC, tax bureau, bank and auditors to ensure compliance in all respects.

Replied to clients’ ad hoc requests and advised on deficiencies of accountingsystem and internal control.

Provided booklets and seminars to facilitate client’s understanding of accountingstandards

Teamed with other professionals in audit and tax assurance of MNC.

Achieved annual revenue of over 1 million and no client complaint.




Responsibilities and Achievements:

Prepared accountingdocuments, financial statements and tax returns filling on behalf of clients.

Analyzed major financial index and traced variances and exceptions for reporting purpose.

Communicated with internal functions to collect financial data for clients’ decision-making.

Liaised with external parties such as suppliers, vendors and banks and provided necessary support.

Dealt with clients’ daily requests, identified clients’ needs and provided feedback to supervisor.

Participated in audit, tax assurance and advisory services for MNC.

Promoted for excellent performance.

Education :

.9-2006.6 ***University



Major Category:

International Accounting

College Info

Other Awards:

Awarded academic scholarship in and .

Campus and Community Activities:

优秀英文简历表格 篇11














