《It’s raining!》教案素材


《It’s raining!》教案素材

《It’s raining!》教案素材 篇1

Unit 6 It’s raining.

(sectin A)

ⅠTeaching Ais and Deands

1.nwledge Obects

e vcabular

Target language

2.Abilit Obect

Train students’ listening sill.

Train students’ cunicative cpetence.

3.Mral Obect

In the west, peple lie taling abut the weather instead f asing Have u eaten? r Where are u ging? It’s iplite t as such questin in the west.

Ⅱ. Teaching e Pints

e wrds

Learn t tal abut the weather using the target language

Present prgressive tense.

Ⅲ. Teaching Difficulties

The e vcabular.

Learn t tal abut the weather using the target language.

Train students’ listening sill.

Train students’ cunicative cpetence.

The Present prgressive tense

Ⅳ. Teaching Methds

Listening and speaing ethds


Scene teaching ethds

Ⅴ. Teaching Aids

A tape recrder

A cputer

A ap f the wrld.

Ⅵ. Teaching Prcedures


Greet the class as usual.

Chec the hewr.

StepⅡ 1a 1b

1 Pint ut the nubered list f wrds. As a student t read the ut.

2 Then as students t atch the picture with wrds fr the list.

3 u are t listen and write the cit naes in the bxes t g with its weather.

StepⅢ 1c

1. Wr with a partner. Mae cnversatins abut the weather in the five places in the picture in activit 1a.

2. As different students t sa their cnversatins t the class.

StepⅣ 2a 2b

1. Pla the tape twice. Students listen and nuber the pictures the secnd tie the hear it.

2. Pla the sae recrding again. Listen and atch the naes with the activities.

3 G ver the answers.

StepⅤ 2c Graar Fcus

1. Get students t wr in pairs. After the practice fr a few inutes,

2. As se pairs t present their cnversatins t the class.

Reind students that all the questins end with a falling intnatin.

StepⅥ 3a 3b

Please write the letter f each face next t the wrd it ges with.

Chec the answers.

Get several pairs f students t act ut their cnversatins t the class.

StepⅦ 4

Get students t d the activit in pairs.

As different pairs f students t sa a difference each.

StepⅧ Suar

Suar the target language we’ve learned in this class.

StepⅨ Hewr

Merize the spellings f the e wrds learned in this class..

Blacbard Design

Unit 6 It’s raining.

Hw’s the weather in Beiing?

It’s sunn.

What’s Uncle e ding?

He’s plaing basetball.

Hw is it ging?
