


英语幼儿试讲教案 篇1

起来哦。Let’s warm up for today’s lesson.Play ”Finger Game”.--One finger, one finger, clap, clap, clap;--Two fingers, two fingers, jump, jump, jump;--Three fingers, three fingers, left, left, left;--Four fingers, four fingers, right, right, right;--Five fingers, five fingers, turn around.二.回忆前次课文重点 1.上个星期,咱们的好朋友小虎Cubby差点感冒了,为什么呢?因为啊,它在跑步之后呢,满头大汗,身上也湿透了呢,可是,粗心大意的Cubby却不知道换掉湿衣服,这不风一吹,AH-CHOO!!幸好老师Mr.Bear提醒他说:”Take off your shirt!Put this on!” 赶快脱掉湿衣服,穿上干衣服。

2.那么脱衣服呢,就是take off, 穿衣服就是put on.Boys and girls, read after me, 跟老师一起读。(一遍,三遍;男孩,女孩;大声,小声)。


三.学习新课(学习eat and drink)

A: 引入:

1.上周五呢,小兔Bunny过生日,同学们在教室为她举办生日party,据说食物可丰盛了,大家玩得好开心啊,我们一起加入Bunny的生日party吧。播放视频。2.吃蛋糕咯!Eat your cake!(吃道具蛋糕,yummy!);好口渴啊,喝杯果汁吧!drink your juice!(道具水杯喝水,cool!)

B: 学习巩固:

3.宝贝们,我们吃东西呢,就说eat, 喝水呢,就说drink.Read after me, boys and girls, 跟老师一起读。(eat, drink升降调各读两遍。快读 eat, eat, eat, ao ao ao;drink, drink, drink, gu dong,gu dong, gu dong.两遍)4.准备好的图片问宝贝们,让大家用eat和drink回答。


C: 复习:



英语试讲教案(精品) 篇2



课时:40 minutes 课题:Unit 1 Our School 第二课时

教学目标:让学生熟练掌握单词art room, computer room, music room, TV room, wash room.教学重点、难点、:掌握part B部分的五个单词,以及这几个单词中room的构词功能。




T: Hello, kids!Nice to meet you again!Last time, we have learned the part A of unit1 our school.Now ,let’s go over what we learn.二:复习

(5分钟)Guess, where am I? 1.T: Look at me.I am playing basketball.Where am I ? S: playground.T: Good!Playground.(教师出示卡片)2.T: Ok, listen carefully!Wow ,the flowers are so beautiful.Where am I? S: garden.T: garden?(教师怀疑的表情)T: yes, you are right.Garden.3.T: Be quiet!Many students are reading books.Where am I?

Who knows? Hands up, please!S: library.T: Is she right? T: You are so clever.4.T: Now, class is over.I’m so hungry, where should I go to

have dinner? S: canteen.T: very good!5.T: This is my homework.I must hand it in to teacher.Where should I go? Put up your hand, please.S: teacher’s office.T: oh!Wonderful.Let’s clap for her.教师总结上节课的单词,带读。三:呈现新课(12分钟)



T: Well done!You do a good job.Today, we continue our lesson, unit1 our school, part B.Open your book, turn to page7.let’s chant.Read the context and do the action.Do as I do.Let’s chant:

School days, School days.What a lot of fun!

Read in the library.Water flowers in the garden.Eat in the canteen.Play in the playground.School days, School days.What a lot of fun!


T: well done.Please look at the picture.(1)T: what are they doing ? S: 画画

T: yes, we can say it art.(教师板书art)T: they draw pictures in a room.So it is an art room.教师板书art room,带读。

(2)T: What are they?

S: they are computers.T: yes, it’s a computer room.(3)T: Listen!(教师播放音乐).what is she doing? S: singing.T: clever.Music.she is singing in a room.So it is music room.(4)T: what’s this?

S: TV.T: yes.And it’s a room.So it’s TV room.(5)T: what are they doing ?

S: wash.T: where is it?

S: wash room.T: yes, you are right.教师带读新单词。

3、Practice.(3分钟)T: Excellent, now , the class is divided into five parts.Art room,computer room, music room, TV room and wash room.When the teacher say art room, all of you say “art room, stand up” together.And the part stand up and say louderly “art room.Here.” Which part do better, they will get a big hand.Are you clear? T: ok!Stop here.Which part is better? Let’s give them a big hand.4、play a game(3分钟)



小学英语试讲教案 篇3

课题: Unit 1 Welcome back to school!第四课时 教学重点: 听懂、会说:“Where are you from? I’m from….This is my friend…” 教学难点:在情境中运用语言及单词from的发音。教具准备: 1.学生自己的头饰 2.游戏用的人物名片 3.配套的教学课件 4.游戏用的录音音乐 5.Mr.Black的头饰和钟表 教学过程: 热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)1.孩子出示自己的头饰,做自我介绍:“I’m lily.I’m from Canada。”(引导其他孩子用:“Good morning.lily!”回答)2.学生以小组为单位扩展表演A部分Let’s talk的对话。(不同孩子扮演对话中的不同人物,孩子也可以根据自己的情况做扩展表演。)呈现新课(Presentation)1.game(教师制作一些人物名片,并在卡片背面画上国家的国旗)听音乐,传卡片。拿到卡片的孩子到前面扮演卡片上的人物。做自我介绍:“I’m Amy.”教师提问:“Where are you from?”孩子回答“I’m from America.”

孩子们试着提问:“Where are you from?”得到小卡片的同学根据情况回答。2.学生小组间的问答:“Where are you from?”“I’m from…”(根据孩子自己制作的头饰回答)http://

3.请几个小组开火车问答:“Where are you from?”

4.教师出示钟表(把时间调到下午):“Good afternoon!”教师带上Mr.Black的头饰(走到一位学生面前)说:“Good afternoon!My name’s Mr.Black.I ’m from China.”孩子根据自己的情况回答:“Good afternoon, Mr.Black.I’m Xiao Dong.I’m from China.”

教师提问一组孩子。然后请学生到前面来扮演Mr.Black.5.教师带着Mr.Black 的头饰走到台前,说:“I have a friend in our class.Do you know who’s she?”教师指着扮演Amy的同学说: “This is my friend Amy.”(引导全班孩子问好)Ss: Nice to meet you.A: Nice to meet you, too!Ss: Where are you from? A: I’m from America.Ss: Welcome!6.教师播放Let’s talk部分的课件, 学生观看对话。跟读、模仿,分角色给课件配音。

7.小组分角色练习对话。8.小组表演对话。趣味操练(Practice)1.Listen and order the cards: 将课文图片打乱顺序,让孩子听一听, 摆一摆。2.表演Let’s talk部分的对话。

3.小组中互换头饰(国家、名字),进行对话练习。(Where are you from? I’m from…)扩展性活动(Add-activities)介绍好朋友,请孩子用所学的句型把自己的好朋友介绍给大家。

英语幼儿试讲教案 篇4




现在可以打印2016黑龙江教师资格面试准考证了,还没有打印的同学要抓紧时间了哦,下面小编给大家准备了英语试讲教案:Unit 3 How do you get to school?



Class type: listening and speaking class Teaching aims: Knowledge aims: 1.Students






as: train/bus/subway/ride/bike/foot/walk.2.Students can master the new structures and phrases:---How do you get to school?---I ride my bike.---How does Mary get to school?---She takes the subway.Take the bus/subway/train/taxi;ride a bike/walk.Ability aims: 1.Through this class, students can know how to use the structures in proper situation.2.Students can talk how to get to places with others.Emotional aims: 1.Students can realize that learning English not only for examination but for communicating in real life.2.Students can understand the differences between eastern countries and western countries in traffic.3.Students can have aware of obey the traffic rules.Teaching key and difficult points: Teaching key point: Method of taking transportation Teaching difficult point: Students can master the new structures and phrases and know how to use the structures in proper situation.Teaching methods: Task-based Teaching Method, Communication Teaching Method, Free Talk, Teaching Aids: 黑龙江中公教师考试网祝您备考成功!点击查看黑龙江教育信息网


Multi-media, pictures Teaching procedures: 1.Warming up Play a song named “Over the mountains” After listening, ask students two questions: a.How many kinds of transportation can you see? b.What are they?(Music can attract students interests, and this music is closely related to what will learn today.)2.Pre-listening Show a picture which includes a variety of traffic tools to present the new words: bike/car/ship/train/taxi/boat/plane/bus And then play a game.Listen to sound of the transportation and guess what kind of transportation it is.(Clear the words obstacle for the next stage)3.While-listening In this stage, three activities will be set.Activity 1: Free talk Ask students two questions: a.How do you get to school? b.Do you know any other ways? Teachers show pictures on the big screen to conclude the traffic tools and useful phrases.(Through multi-media, let students think independently which can make the effective stronger.)And then show a picture part 1, on the screen.Point at girls or boys in the picture.Ask students to answer and write in the blanks.黑龙江中公教师考试网祝您备考成功!点击查看黑龙江教育信息网


S1: How does he/she go to school? S2: He/She....Activity 2: Show some pictures on the blackboard to explain how to express the modes of transportation.Such as: ride a bike;by bike;walk;on foot and so on.Activity 3: Pair work Let students complete the task of 1a, match the words with the picture and then check the answers.Play the tape for twice.In first round, listen to the material carefully and finish the 1b.In second round, read after the tape and remind the students of paying attention to the pronunciation and intonation.(Through listening to practice the ability of listening and speaking.)Ask two students to read the dialogue in the speech bubbles to the class.Then ask students to work in pairs.Ask and answer how students get to school in the picture.Finally ask some pairs of students to present their conversations to the class.(Pair work can improve students’ cooperative consciousness.)4.Post-listening Ask students to make a survey: How do your classmates get to school? 10 minutes will be given and when time is up, some students will be invited to make a report.For example: My classmate, Bob, gets to school by bus.黑龙江中公教师考试网祝您备考成功!点击查看黑龙江教育信息网


5.Summary and Homework Together with the students to make a summary.And ask students to write an article about how your families go to work as a homework.Blackboard Design:




英语幼儿试讲教案 篇5




















师:小朋友们小马想带着身上所有的雪花片过河,你觉得他能过去吗? 哪座桥小马能顺利通过?








教师小结:纸桥的承重能力与桥面的造型有关。B:请获胜组的小朋友说一说你们的方法是什么? 教师小结:纸桥的承重能力与物体放置的位置有关。3.创设情景,小马闯关三:为大力纸桥加力。





师:A:你是如何做到把所有的雪花片都放到纸桥上的? B:放置了几枚硬币、几个雪花片?


4.创设情景,小马闯关四:总结——谁是真正的“大力王”? 师:小朋友们,你知道那种小桥最有力量吗? 怎样才能使纸桥变得更有力量呢?











英语幼儿试讲教案 篇6

writing Teaching aims: 1.knowledge and ability Make students understand how to write argumentation.2.process and method Help students improve their writing ability by imitating the structures of sample essay.3.Emotion and values

Through this period student can write argumentation to express their ideas about some subjects.Teaching key Points

1)Learn the structures of argumentation.2)Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a certain subject.Teaching Difficult Points

How to write a good piece of argumentation.Teaching Aids Pictures and blackboard

Teaching Methods Activity Method Cooperative Learning Method

Teaching Procedures Step 1 Lead-in/warming-up(show a picture to students)T:Look at the picture.what’s this? S:It’s a car.T:What can you think of through this picture? You can just say the key words,like fast.S:It’s fast.It’s convenient for people to travel.It causes air pollution.Too many cars will causes traffic jam……

(the teacher writes the answers on the blackboard)T:So,as we know,more and more people have a car.Cars not only have many advantages but also have some disadvantages.And what do you think of cars?Today we are going to learn how to write argumentation to talk about this subject.Step2 to learn the structures of argumentation Activity 1 Read the essay and finish activity1 individually.Answers:D C A B So from activity1 we know argumentation is consisted of theintroduction,advantages,disadvantages andthe conclusion with writer’s own opinion.Activity2

Read the eassay again and answer these questions.T:how many advantages are described? S:there are 2….T:how many disadvantages are described? S:there are 2…

T:what phrases does the writer use to start the last paragraph? S:In conclusion

Step3 practicing(Show a picture of TV to students)Look at this picture.Work in pairs to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of TV S:advantages are Disadvantages are…

Step4 summary Today we have talked about the advantages and disadvantages of cars and TV.Andwe know how to write argumentation.Step5homework Write an essay on this subject:the advantages and disadvantages of TV.Blackboard design Module 5 Great people and great invention of ancient china

Writing Cars-fast



advantages 1,2

-air pollution


-traffic jam

writer’s own opinion



-waste time

英语幼儿试讲教案 篇7

By learning the information of EU, Students can enhance the awareness of international communication.II.Teaching Key Point:

Enable Ss to master the information about the EU, such as what is it, who is its members, how did it start, and so on.III.Teaching Difficult Points: How to improve Ss’ reading skills and cooperation awareness.IV.Teaching Methods:

1.Task-based Teaching Method

Teaching type: Reading Teaching Period: Period 4

V.Teaching Aids: blackboard, multimedia VI.Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Lead-in(1ms)

Ask students what kind of money is used most popular in Europe.Step 2 Pre-reading(3ms)

Show some pictures of EU, Euro, and representative of EU.Ask some predictive questions.Step 3 While-reading(20ms)A.Fast Reading Ask Ss to read the passage in 2 minutes, using timer shaft to summarize the main development of the EU.B.Careful reading

Ask Ss to listen to the tape and read the passage carefully, then answer the questions on page 9.Step 4 Post-reading(10ms)Divide the class into 4 groups, ask them to choose each other as rival to answer the questions they set.Step5 Summary(5ms)Select some volunteers to summarize what we learn.Step 6 Homework(1ms)Ask Ss to look for the main information about another international organization on the internet.VI.blackboard design

The European Union

The development of the EU:

1950S————the second half of the 20c————2000————2004


increased little by little 6 countries

countries countries PK:


G3-G1,G2-G3.G4_G2.VII.Teaching Reflection

The European Union Good morning, dear judges.I’m the candidate NO X.My topic today is…….It’s my great honor to stand here to give my presentation.Hope you will like it.Shall we begin?

1、Greeting & Lead-in

Class begins./ Good morning, class./Sit down, please.Guys, how are you today? Very good.Hope you will also feel happy in class.At the beginning of the class, I have a question about money to ask you.Love it?

Well, do you know what kind of money is used most popular in Europe? American dollar? No.Euro? Jone says Euro,yes or no? yeah, Euro is used most popular in Europe.Then do you know which countries use Euro? Yes, the members of the European Union.2、Pre-reading(3ms)

Please look at the PPT, there are some pictures about EU.Yes ,this is its headquater/euro/Italy, its member.Is European Union a country? Who are the members? Well ,let’s turn to P9.Today the culture corner: The European Union(板书)will give us the answer.3.whlie-reading(20ms)A.Fast readings First of all, let’s listen to the tape.Underline the new words you meet.Try to guess their meanings according to the context.After listening, please using timer shaft to summarize the main development of the EU(板书).You only have 2 minutes.Ready? Go!

Time is up.Who would like to draw the timer shaft on the blackboard? Tom, would you please have a try? Please!(递粉笔,指黑板)Thanks.Very good.Guys,let’s clap our hands to thank Tom for his contribution.(拍手)well done.Any different opinions? OK, Linda, you, please.Please go to the platform.Thanks, Linda.Guys, please show our encourage.Ok, I will draw my opinion on the blackboard.You can check if it is the same as yours.(板书:

1950S————the second half of the 20c————2000————2004 Began

increased little by little 6 countries

countries countries)B.Careful reading

Ok, let’s move on.Please go through the passage again and read for more details.After reading, you are expected to answer the questions on page 9..You only have

two minutes.Here we go.Time is up.Have you finished? Let share answers together.The first question,.” Find the names of three first members and three new members of the European union?”Peter, what’s your idea? Peter says” there are France,Germany, Luxembembourg.“ yes or no ? Yes, perfect.What’s the other 3? Yes, it is Belgiun, Netherlands,and Italy.Very good.The second question, “In terms of size and population, how big is the European union compared with china? “Helen, will you?

Helen says “In terms of size and population, European union is 10% big compared with china.” Is it right? Oh, maybe you should think it twice.But thank you all the same.Please be seated.Guys, please notice the phrase”half a billion.”what dose it mean? Yes, it is 500,000,000.So the answer is “China is about twice as large as the European union and also have over twice as large population as the European union.So ,we should be carefully when we read,right?

3、Post-reading(10ms)Ok.That is all the new knowledge we earn today.Now it is you show time.I’ll divide the whole class into 4 groups.Each group can choose any group as your rival to answer 3 questions.The questions you set must come from the text.At last, the group who give most correct answers in the shortest time will be the winner.The winner will receive praise from all the class.All the other groups should give the thumbs-up to the winner group and speak together” Group XX, you are the winner, congratulations!you all behave perfect.” Got it? Any questions?

试讲教案 篇8






1、师指出:我国汉字结构优美,有上下、左右……结构,如果把“杏”字上下一颠倒成了什么字?“呆”把“吴”字一颠倒呢?(吞)……一个数也可以倒过来变为另一个数,比如“3/4”倒过来呢?(4/3)“1/7” 倒过来呢?(7/1也就是7)这叫做“倒数”,随即板书课题。
























2、练习六 5(判断)

