obsession 英语口语演讲--强迫症


obsession 英语口语演讲--强迫症

obsession 英语口语演讲--强迫症 篇1

Hello, everyone, today i am going to share with you a story.There is a girl named Serin, living in England.Every day, before she goes out, she will do something strange.That is checking the 8 windows in her room.“

ok, all the windows have been closed” she went out, but after two seconds, she came back and did the same thing again and again.Besides, Serin think that all the things around her are dirty.As long as she is free, she will wash the dishes and clean the house.She even washed the same clothes for 15 times.May be you have guessed that she suffers from a disease called obsessive compulsive disorder, a type of anxiety.Let me show you some pictures of symptom of obsession.Some thoughts or impulses that ate meaningless, even contrary to their wishes, invade the patient’s daily life.For instance, they may put all things tidy such as making the rice like a sphere, putting the same color clothes together.Besides, some of them can’t control themself to wash the their hands again and again.I believe you have heard some symptoms before.Some people think that obsession isn’t a serious illness and pay no attention to it.Actually.Obsession is caused by anxious and great pressure, if we can’t deal with it in a proper way, it can lead to severe metal disease.what’s worse, some patient can’t study or live normally any longer.So if you are under great pressure and feel anxious, please attach importance to it.Here are some tips for you to relieve anxiety.First.Make a deep breath or meditate if you feel anxious.Second.Strike a proper balance between work and rest.You can do some sports or chat with your friends.Third.Be confident.Always affirm yourself in your own advantage or when you can do it well.
