


初一上册牛津英语作文 篇1

e.g Picture 1 A: Do you play baseball?

B: Yes ,I do .

Picture 2 A: Do you play basketball?

B: No ,I don’t .

A: What do you play?

B: I play volleyball .

Look ,read and write .

Read the letters after the T.

Write the letters .




Step3 Have a rest .

Sing a song: A B C song (只能唱到W,多唱的同学必须表演节目)

Step 4 Good bye .

The fourth period

Teaching Contents:

D Fun house :Workbook .

Teaching Aims:



Teaching Steps:

Step1 Warm up


Sing a song: We study and play .

Listen and do : Let’s fly .Let’s jump.Let’s read and write .Let’s have a drink .

Step 2 Presentation .

Draw and guess :

a .教师在黑板上画出乐器类和球类物品的简笔画,学生猜出相应的单词。

b. 学生几人一组,一人画,其余人猜。

2.Read the words four times .

3.Listen and number .

听录音前可以让学生将图片看一遍,用句型Look ,__can play __练习说话。

4.Do a survey .

Step 3 Do the workbook .

1. Listen and judge .


2.Listen and check .

3.Listen ,find and match .


4.Listen and draw .


初一上册牛津英语作文 篇2

单元:Unit 2 Grammar A&B


(一) 教学内容

译林牛津版英语八年级上册8A Unit 2 Grammar A&B

(二) 教学目标


学会使用more...than, fewer...than和less...than进行两者之间的比较。

学会使用the most, the fewest/the least进行三者或三者以上的比较。


以培养学生听、说能力为主, 通过本课教学加强学生的语言输出训练, 鼓励学生大胆开口说英语。


(1) 让学生认识到学习英语的目的在于交流、乐于参与英语实践活动。

(2) 在学习活动中积极与他人合作, 相互帮助, 共同完成学习任务。

(三) 教学重点

运用more...than, fewer...than, less...than, the most, the fewest/the least句型进行比较。

(四) 教学难点

fewer...than与less...than, the fewest与the least的用法区别。


(一) 面向全体学生, 注重素质教育

《英语课程标准》明确提出了“以学生发展为基本出发点, 力求体现素质教育”的思想。教学中, 教师要关注学生的情感, 激发他们的学习兴趣, 帮助他们建立自信并发展有效的学习策略, 形成一定的语言综合运用能力。

(二) 强调语言运用的交际教学理念和实践

教学改革的趋势表明:英语教学的课程设计以满足学生的发展需求为目标, 强调语用的交际教学理念和实践, 注重英语教学的交际功能。因此, 让学生在课堂中围绕熟悉而又感兴趣的问题进行交流, 在交流的过程中发展语言能力、思维能力以及交流合作的能力, 也是教学改革的一种趋势。

(三) 倡导体验、实践、参与、交流与合作的学习方式

传统的语法教学模式往往从教师的经验出发, 单调乏味。教师应创设良好的语言情境, 提供大量的语言实践机会, 使学生通过自己的体验、感知、实践、参与和交流, 形成语感, 并在教师的引导下, 通过观察、发现和归纳等方式, 掌握语言的规律, 从枯燥的语法讲解中解脱出来。

(四) 提倡“任务型”教学, 把语言综合运用能力的培养落实在教学过程中

让学生带着明确的任务目标, 积极主动地学习。在执行任务的过程中, 学生通过独立或合作、实践、思考、讨论交流等方式学习和使用英语, 完成学习任务。

(五) 注重“有效”与“可操作”

追求课堂设计的整体性, 有助于高效达成教学目标。不随意引伸, 不搞花架子, 注重实效, 立足师生实际, 使课堂设计的每一个环节都具有可操作性。


根据行为主义理论, 语言习得与学习都是通过模仿、巩固与重复对刺激的反应而形成的。笔者采用的教学模式是, 教师设置一定的语言情境让学生理解语言知识, 通过多种途径与方式, 组织学生操练, 逐步从机械操练过渡到有意义操练, 直至能够灵活应用, 让学生在习得语言知识的过程中掌握语言。


Step 1 Warm-up


T:Hi!Boys and Girls!My name is Hu Zhongjun.But I’m not handsome, a little fat.I’m an English teacher from Zefu Middle School.Our school lies in a small town called Qinnan, but Zefu is a great man.He was called Lu Xun of North Jiangsu by Chen Yi.Welcome to our school!I’m looking forward to seeing you again.Today I’m glad to be your teacher.I believe everyone in our class will do our best.Do you think so?

T:I’ve introduced my school and me.Can you say something about you and your school?



Ⅱ.Show the learning aims

T:This class we’ll learn the first part of Grammar—Grammar A&B, please look at the blackboard.Here are the learning aims.

A:Comparing two things

B:Comparing more than two things.


教师通过诙谐幽默的自我介绍, 拉近与学生的距离, 激发学生对教师的兴趣, 为学生营造宽松愉悦的学习氛围。围绕本单元School life这一主题让学生介绍自己和学校, 有意识地将学生带入本课题的英语学习之中, 同时, 揭示本课题的教学目标。

Step 2 Presentation

Review some words and expressions.

Flower—some flowers—many flowers—few flowers—I have many flowers—Millie has few flowers.

Subject—many subjects—few subjects—I study many subjects.—He studies few subjects.

Juice—orange juice—much orange juice—little orange juice—He has much orange juice.—Amy has little orange juice.

Free time—much free time—I have much free time.—He has little free time.


复习相关词汇与表达, 为接下来的学习环节作准备, 扫清基础知识障碍。

Step 3 The use of“more...than”and“fewer...than”.

Ⅰ.设置情境, 导入句型, 机械操练

运用简笔画在黑板上画出Millie手中握着三朵花、Amy手中握着两朵花的图片, 边画边介绍:Millie has three flowers.Amy has two flowers.

That’s to say→Millie has more flowers than Amy. (板书) →Amy has fewer flowers than Millie. (板书)

Ⅱ.机械操练, 让全体学生脱口而出

Read the sentences in this way:

Ⅲ.半机械操练, 用books, CDs替换flowers

Practise in pairs.

Ⅳ.有意义操练, 实际运用

Let’s compare

Compare with each other about their own things. (dictionaries, bags, apples, pencils)

Step 4 The use of“more...than”and“less...than”.


S1:I have more coffee than you.

S2:I have fewer coffee than you.

T:Fewer coffee than him?Right?—No.

You have less coffee than him.

接着在黑板上Millie和Amy各自的另一只手上画一个装coffee的杯子, Millie杯中的coffee比Amy多, 边画边介绍:

Millie has more coffee than Amy. (板书)

Amy has less coffee than Millie. (板书)


用free time, orange juice, water替换coffee

Practice in pairs.


Let’s compare.

Compare with each other about their own things.

Ⅳ.结合学生表达的句子, 进行思想教育

S:I have more money than you.

T:Do you love money?


T:Yes, I agree with you.Money is necessary for all of us, but it isn’t all.Do you think so?


Ⅴ.Work out the rule.

Discuss in groups and work out the rule.

We use“more...than”and“fewer...than”to talk about countable nouns, we use“more...than”and“less...than”to talk about uncountable nouns.

Step 5 The use of the“the most”and“the fewest”/“the least”

Ⅰ.设置情境, 导入句型, 进行操练

在黑板上画Daniel, 一只手握着一朵花, 另一只手持着比Amy少得多的盛有咖啡的杯子, 边画边介绍:


Work in groups. (money, free time, orange juice and so on)

Ⅲ.Work out the rule.

We use“the most”and“the fewest”to talk about countable nouns.We use“the most”and“the least”to talk about uncountable nouns.


通过设置情境, 导入句型, 从机械操练过渡到有意义操练, 让学生在操练的过程中自主习得语言, 从而掌握与运用语言。

Step 6 Compare Daniel’s school life with Nancy’s and John’s.

John studies fewer subjects than Daniel, but Nancy studies the fewest.

Nancy joins more clubs than John, but Daniel joins the most.

John has less free time than Nancy, but Daniel has the least.


通过本环节培养学生灵活运用所学知识的能力, 避免眼高手低, 既要让学生开口说得出, 又要让学生动手考得好。

Step 8 Consolidation

Compare the sentences with“more/fewer/less...than”or“the most/fewest/least”.

a.Millie and I are in the Reading Club.We like reading comic books, I have eight comic books and Milliehas five.I have more comic books than Millie.Millie has fewer comic books than I.

b.Simon and Sandy are in the Music Club.Last Sunday, they went to buy CDs.Simon spent$25 and Sandy spent$20.Sandy spent less money on CDs than Simon.Simon spent more money on CDs than Sandy.

c.Amy, Kitty and Andy are in the Health Club.Every day, Amy drinks one glass of milk, Kitty drinks two and Andy drinks three.Kitty drinks less milk than Andy.Amy drinks the least milk of the three students.

d.Sandy, Andy and Kitty are in the Online Friendship Club.Sandy has eight online friends, Andy has five and Kitty has two.Andy has fewer online friends than Sandy.Of the three students, Kitty has the fewest online friends.


通过学生富有韵律的朗诵, 让学生记住本堂课的知识要点。

Step 10 Summary

总结本堂课教学内容, 帮助学生进一步梳理相关知识体系。

We use“more...than”“fewer...than”“less...than”to compare two things.

We use“the most”“the fewest”“the least”to compare more than two things.

We use“more...than”“fewer...than”“the most”“the fewest”to talk about countable nouns.

We use“more...than”“less...than”“the most”“the least”to talk about uncountable nouns.


总结本堂课教学内容, 帮助学生进一步梳理相关知识体系。


本堂课中, 笔者围绕《英语课程标准》能级要求, 立足教材文本, 制订具体的多元教学目标, 抓住教学重点, 分散教学难点, 以学生为学习的主体, 有层次地设计一些系列教学活动, 调动了学生学习的兴趣, 让学生在自主、合作、探究中获得知识, 习得技能, 基本达成了教学目标。为总结经验教训, 查漏补遗, 现对本堂课做如下教学反思:

(一) 对英语语法教学的重新认识

8A Unit 2 Grammar A&B这节课是让学生学会运用more...than, fewer...than, less...than以及the most, the least/the fewest谈论学校生活。因为学生很熟悉这个话题, 对其感兴趣, 有话可说, 且在8A Unit 1中已学过比较级与最高级。笔者起初接到该课题的教学任务时认为该课题的教学比较简单, 但在备课过程中, 通过研读《英语课程标准》并分析教材文本认识到, 语法教学并不是机械地教给学生一些语法规则, 评讲一些相关语法题, 而是让学生在自主学习活动中习得、掌握这些语言规律, 并将其转化成自己的知识, 继而形成语言能力, 最终能够灵活运用。语法教学并不简单。在授课过程中, 有些环节不如Reading上起来得心应手。

(二) 语言知识与交际能力关系的进一步澄清

语言是重要的交际工具, 英语教学的目的不仅仅是教给学生零散的语言知识, 更重要的是提高学生的语言交际能力, 这种能力的获得只能通过大量的实践训练。教师在教学中应将语言知识的掌握和交际运用语言的培养有机地结合起来, 达到学以致用的目的。例如:在学习了Millie has more flowe rs than A my后, 笔者要求学生用身边的物品进行交流, 学生在自由交谈过程中既巩固了所学知识, 又培养了交际能力, 达到了多元培养目标。

(三) 教学理念的反思

如何有效教学?如何做到减负增效?最重要的是, 教师要转变教学思想。传统教学中, 教师的教学思想长期受应试教育的影响, 遵从“应试第一, 分数至上”的理念, 把学生看成是挣分的机器, 过分重视语法和词汇知识的讲解传授, 忽视对学生实际语言应用能力的培养, 对学生“乐学”的潜能几乎无暇开发, 这种教学观念与《英语课程标准》的要求极不相符。为了贯彻落实《英语课程标准》, 教师必须更新自己的教学理念, 以学生为主体, 认识到教师的作用是引导学生学会认知, 学会做事, 让学生经历获取知识的过程, 关注学生各种能力的发展, 促进知识与技能、过程与方法、态度与价值观的全面发展, 建立学生自主探索、合作学习的课堂模式, 创设和谐、宽松、民主的课堂环境, 追求学习结果转向追求学习过程。

(四) 操练方式的反思

针对初中低年级学生的年龄特征, 在课堂操练这一环节, 笔者设计了一套方法, 即链式训练, 通过Group 1—Group 2—Group 3—Group 4—Together, Row 1—Row 2—Row 3—Row 4—Row 5—Together等方式, 借助教师的手势语言, 要求学生站起来操练, 调动了全体学生参与活动的积极性, 集中了他们的课堂注意力, 提高了操练效果;同时, 富有节奏的操练方式渲染了课堂气氛, 增添了课堂气势。但要完善这一操练模式, 还应注意以下两个方面:

1.链式训练适合于低年级学生词汇、句型机械操练阶段, 并不能作为固定模式运用于学生练习的全过程。随着学习的深入, 课堂上更多的是有意义训练, 留给学生自主思考的空间, 尊重个性差异, 鼓励学生发表独特的见解。

初一上册牛津英语作文 篇3

1 《牛津初中英语》初一新教材,笔者认为主要下几个显著特点

1.1 知识点带有前瞻性,超前引入性和重复性。譬如,“celebrate”这个单词在7A第三单元才正式学习,而编者早就在预备课程的第十二单元中就提前导入了,体现了“张思中英语教学法”中的超前引入规则。再如“swimming pool”这个短语在预备课程中就出现了,在7A第一单元再次出现,实际上该短语在7B第一单元才正式学,这样进行复习巩固,体现其反复呈现的思想。

1.2 注重口语交际和语言表达能力的培养。学习语言的目的就是为了交流和巩固,加大英语口语教学力度,是培养学生运用英语进行交际的最佳手段。新版教材在这方面的特点尤为突出。每一单元都有“speak up”这个环节,教材本身仅仅提供一个对话的模式,并没有具体要求,这样不仅便于学生进行“自主模仿交互式”的学习,而且教师也可针对学生的不同基础有的放矢的开展异步教学。

1.3 注重东西方文化的差异。英语交流中的困惑,不仅表现在词汇量的多与少,还表现在东西方的文化差异上,新教材注重在原教材的基础上增加了一些跨文化交际方面的内容。除了原教材中有关中英文名差异、接受礼物时的差异外,还在7A第三单元增加了Halloween的内容。本单元除了对Halloween进行重点介绍外,也简单提及了Chinese new year,这样学生可以通过对比了解两个节日的异同点,既开阔视野,增加知识,又可增强学生的文化意识。

1.4 单元话题与课文情景创设,更加贴近生活化。教材着重增加了电子邮件的有关内容,紧跟信息时代的脉搏,促进学生素质全面发展。7A第六单元利用有关Fashion的话题,符合现在学生追求时尚的心理发展,这些多是现代生活中经常发生与接触的情景,真实、实用,有利于学生学以致用。

1.5 趣味性浓烈,话题新颖,生动有趣。丰富的卡通图片形象逼真,适合现代中学生的认知情趣。譬如,7B第四单元Reading里的“The ghost in the park”,实在别出心裁,易于激发学生的学习动机,调动学生自主学习的积极性。学生在学习这篇短文时,既可发挥想象力去猜测,体验主人公当时的害怕心理,又复习了文中运用过去时的句型结构,巩固了基础知识。

1.6 容量扩大,要求提高。新教材增加了语言输入量,对学生的能力要求提高,具体体现在词汇量、练习与教学活动量、阅读量的增加。以7A为例,7A生词量目前暂为511个,其中四会词308个。生词量明显多于传统建材,体现了新的教学理念。此外,短文长度有所增加,练习部分也增加了不少。

2 针对新教材的特点,笔者认为,在组织英语课程改革教材教学中应注意以下几方面

2.1 关于词汇教学。在学习单词时,应把握好三个尺度:

2.1.1 集中学习单元单词,分散学习目标,足可消化掌握词汇。集中学习单词是“张思中英语教学法”的理论精髓,而且新教材的单元单词集中在一块,这是关键的一步。在集中识词时,可采用每生一词,适读词汇法,引入新词学习目标,然后教师纠正并规范读音,这样不但能照顾到每一位学生,让每一个学生都能体会到成功和师爱,又传授了学习方法,授人以渔,促进了学生自我学习技能的发展。

2.1.2 “掌握不代标记的词汇,理解带*号的词汇,了解带△号的词汇。“深挖洞,广集粮”,扩充词汇,是提高英语表达能力的前提,新教材词汇量大,全部掌握课本词汇学生倍感困难,只学不代标记的词汇,显然不利于学生能力的发展,所以许多教师抱怨新教材的词汇学习无处着手,不知掌握多少是好,因此我在教授新教材时,制定的词汇学习目标是,掌握不代标记的词汇,理解带*号的词汇,了解带△的词汇,用四会分词法来区分目标就是,课本单词表上不代标记的词汇需达到“四会”(听说读写)目标,带*号的词汇需达到“三会”(听说读)目标,带△的词汇需要达到“两会”(听说),实践证明,这些新教材的词汇教学法是行之有效的。

2.1.3 进行“词句文”教学,即把词汇放到具体的句子中学习,把句子放到形象的短文中学习,现代英语教学法研究表明,在英语学习中创造学习情景,把词汇放到具体的句子中学习把句子放到短文中学习是促进学习者快速掌握语言的便捷途径。

2.2 关于课文教学,新版教材系统性高,应提倡整体法,先从课本的整体内容上着手,了解课文的主旨和文法,然后逐一学习语法和知识点,笔者认为在具体学习课文中应注意以下几方面:

2.2.1 遵循短文阅读学习原则,运用问题教学法组织课文教学。其步骤分为Pre-reading,While-reading,Post-reading三个部分,在Pre-reading中主要任务是运用问题唤起学生的学习兴趣,认知注意和求知欲望,第二步,在While-reading过程中,要引导学生速读和限时阅读,通过小组讨论,师生双方核对答案,澄清知识疑团或悬念,在Post-reading部分,把短文中涉及的语言点和语法明确出来督促学生认知

2.2.2 调整使用新教材,比如,在7B第三单元中,我觉得如果按照新教材的编排程序,先教Reading A,再教Grammar,会对学生接受知识造成感觉障碍,因为Reading A中出现了一般将来时态的句子,学生又如何理解短文内容呢?于是我把这两部分调整了一下,先讲一般将来时态,再讲Reading A,受到了良好的教学效果。

2.2.3 自由组织新教材的教学内容,“入口低,中间宽,出口话”是新教材总的特色,各单元卡通漫画中的对话,浅显易懂,进一步深入单元,学生会发现里面是一个广阔的世界,丰富的语言材料,多样的学习任务,让学生感到漫游在自然真实的环境之中,到完成中心任务,该单元的学习进入高潮,单元最后的检测就像是剧烈运动以后的放松活动,由于中间部分内容多,词汇量相对较大,用传统的思想去要求该部分的学习显然是不现实的,据此我自由组合内容,将某两个独立的部分合在一起教学或将某一个难点部分分开教学,根据学生的具体情况情实事求是地把握教学要求。这样组合,课堂教学显得自然流畅。

初一上册英语作文 篇4

Hello, everyone. I’m Li Zhi. It’s nice to speak about help here. In our life we often help others and also get help from others. When we help our classmates with their study and other things, we can develop our friendship. If we give a hand to old people, we can understand the meaning of pleasure. As we know, patient in our life. I think we can get much when we help the people around us. As the saying goes, “Giving is much better than receiving.”

初一上册英语作文参考 篇5

My father is an ordinary people. He is a driver.He doesn’t receive too much education. But he is kind-hearted. He always ask meto be down-to-earth and keep an optimistic mind. Everyone likes him because ofhis good personality. He is always ready to help others if he can. Sometimes whenhe drives the old, he will not take monet frome them. He is so great. He has seta very good example for me. He is my idol. I will love him forever.

初一上册英语作文题材推荐 篇6

As a child, I am so luck. I don’t need toworry about food. I always have enough delicious food, live in a big house, andhave beautiful clothes to dress. I am so happy that I have no idea to treasureall these things. I am a kind of particular about food. I often eat a littlefor one dish and the throw it away, because I have many choices. I will be fullafter eating several dishes. But one day, I watch a piece of news on TV. It isabout some Africa children who are suffering starvation. They are so poor. Theyare not only having no food to eat but also having little water to drink. A bowlof rice is very rare for them. Seeing their longing eyes, I feel guilty. I amregret about wasting food before. How can I waste so much rare food? From nowon, I will try my best to save food, to do something for them.


牛津上海版初一英语知识点总结 篇7






























at the top-left corner at the top-right corner

play chess


live with someboby

work as at school

in the middle

best wishes

the girl in glasses

on the right

on the left

on the school football team

Class Two,Grade One

girls’ basketball team

boys’ relay race

in the world all over the world

next to / beside

be friendly to be keen on

be good at









music 31.政治

politics 32.物理

physics 33.少先队员

Young Pioneer 34.小学

pramay schol 35.初中

middle school/junior high school 36.高中

senior middle school 37.大学

university/ college 38.做运动

do exercise 39.做眼保健操

do eye exercises 40.做早操

do morning exercises 41.照相

take pictures/photos 42.喜欢做某事

like/enjoy doing sth.43.想要做……

want to do sth./ would like to do sth./ 44.注意……

pay attention to 45.写下,记录下

write down 46.从左边/右边

from the left/right 47.收到某人的来信

hear from sb.;get/receive a lettere from sb.48.锻炼身体

do sports 49.持续一段时间

last for 50.一两个小时

one hour or two/ one or tow hours 51.在街道上

in the street 52.在……的开始

at the beginning of 53.在……的结尾

at the end of 54.保安

guard 55.建筑工人

construction worker 56.牙科医生

dentist 57.会计师

accountant 58.去游泳

go swimming 59.去海边

go to the sea 60.去滑雪

go skiing 61.去滑冰

go skating 62.去购物

go shopping 63.去观光

go sightseeing 64.去远足

go hiking 65.去跑步

go running 66.去慢跑

go jogging 67.去跳舞

do dancing 68.去航行

go sailing 69.去约会

70.到达(4种表达方法)arrive in/at;reach;get to 71.花费时间(金钱)的表达方法: sb.spend…on sth./

sb.spend...(in)doing sth./ sb.pay…for stth./ sth.cost sb.some money/ it takes sb….to do sth.72.主管

be in charge of 73.照顾

look after/take care of 74.独生子女

the only child 75.开会

have a meeting 76.迟到

be late for 77.除……之外

except/ except for 78.从周一到周五

from Monday to Friday/ on weekdays 79.刷牙

brush the teeth 80.洗脸

wash face 81.追赶(某人)

go after sb./ run after sb.82.及时

in time 83.按时

on time 84.盯着、凝视

stare at 85.跑开

run away 86.下车

get off(the bus)… 87.上车

get on(the bus 88.捡起

pick up 89.思考

think about 90.匆忙

in a hurry 91.从……冲出来

strom out of/ rush out of 92.熬夜

stay up late 93.生某人的气

be angry with sb 94.在……的一边

on the side of 95.在……的另一边

on the other side of 96.等候

wait for 97.拿出

hold out/ take out 98.跌倒

fall over 99.戴着手铐

in handcuffs 100.四处走走

go/walk around 101.找出,查明

find out 102.说谎

tell a lie 103.立刻

in a flash/ at once/ right away/immediately 104.将来

in the future 105.在意、关心

care about 106.查询(生词)

look up 107.四处看

look around 108.有一个选择

have a choice 109.正在那个时候

at that moment 110.毫无疑问地

without question 111.走到跟前、走近

come over 112.改变注意

change one’s mind 113.尽可能快

as soon as possible 114.有时间玩乐

have time for fun 115.在……顶部

on the top of… 116.或……或……

either……or…… 117.既不……也不……

neither……nor…… 118.不仅仅……而且……

not oly… but also… 119.将……与……比较(将……比作)

compare with/ compare to

Unit 5---Unit6重点词组

Unit 5 1.灭绝;消失

die out 2.因……而死

die of 3.得知,获悉

learn about 4.和……一样

the same as 5.因…而著名

be famous for 6.同时

at the same time 7.以……为基础

be based on 8.充满……

be full of 9.根据

according to 10.依(某人)之见

in one’s opinion 11.因为;由于

because of 12.超过

more than/ over 13.同类的 of this kind 14.做(某事)有一些困难have difficulty with sth./ have difficult in doing sth./ find it difficult to do something.15.全世界范围内

all over the world 16.其余的;剩下的the rest of…… 17.既不…也不…

neither ……nor…… 18.对……有用处

be useful for 19.一等奖

the first prize 20.害怕……

be afraid of…… 21.至多有

up to 22.生育

give birth to…… 23.也;还

as well as 24.……方面的专家

expert on…… 25.完全地,彻底地





be able to / can 2.成为现实;实现

come true 3.从现在起

from now on 4.到达

arrive at/in;get to………;reach…… 5.生病

get sick 6.一会儿

in a moment/minute 7.和平地

in peace 8.破碎地

in pieces 9.在太空

in space 10.将来

in the future 11.降落于

……land on 12.看起来像

look like 13.部分

part of 14.而不是


not …but…

run out of

Unit 7--8词组:


from now on 2.躺下

lie down 3.入睡

fall asleep 4.从(某地)逃走




























escape from


moments later

be out of……

aim at…

go uout

put out

sound like

come out of

tell the truth

be angry withsb./ get angry

in fact

paly jokes on


live a happy life

live a hard life

used to do sth.didn’t use to do sth.billiions of

as well as

all over the world

take photo for …

for example

in the past

make a lot of

at the weekend

hurry up

in a second/at once/right away/immediately


think of 33.中国出口品交易

牛津版小学六年级上册英语教案 篇8


1、能听懂、会说、会读单词:watch, wallet, calculator, teapot, hairdryer, skateboard。

2、能听懂、会说、会读名词性物主代词mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs并让学生感受其用法。

3、能正确理解并能体验句型 ①Whose?is it/are they? It’s/They’re?②Who is it/are they from? It’s/They’re from?的使用语境。








单词hairdryer, calculator, skateboard的读音;有感情的朗读对话并适当拓展。




Step1 、Warming-up.

1、课前播放歌曲:“We wish you merry Christmas”。

2、Free talk.

①T: Today, here are so many new English teachers in our classroom. Can you introduce yourself to the teachers?

T: What date is it today?

T: What holiday(节日)is coming?(Ss: Christmas)

引出课题并呈现卡片进行教学。(Unit 7 At Christmas)

T: When’s Christmas? (Ss: It’s on the 25th of December.)

②T: What do you know about Christmas? (Ss:自由介绍!)

提示学生可以用中文自由介绍。(T:You can speak in Chinese.)

Father Christmas圣诞老人 stockings长筒袜

③T: What do people usually do at Christmas? (Ss: They usually eat delicious food.and give presents to each other.互赠礼物)


Step2、Presentation and Practice


T: We know we can get some presents on Christmas day. And last year, on

Christmas day, I got a present from my friend Jack. Look, it’s a watch.

So we can say the watch is from Jack. It’s for me. It’s my watch. It’s mine.


2、Learning the whole text

Listen and answer(序言)

T: Now we know I got a Christmas present from my friend at Christmas. And Jim’s family got some presents, too. Now let’s look at the preface.

What holiday(节日) was it?

It was Christmas Day.

Who are they?

They are Jim’s family.

Where were they?

They were in Jim’s grandparents’ house.

What were they doing?

They were opening their presents under the Christmas tree.

Watch and circle(完整的看一遍课文卡通片,圈出Jim一家的礼物)

根据学生圈出的礼物,教师进行单词教学:a watch, a teapot and some tea, a wallet, a calculator, a skateboard, a hairdryer.

教师示范朗读,学生跟读单词。重点指导calculator, skateboard,hairdryer的发音。

(设计意图:在教学skateboard, teapot, hairdryer时,我借助单个单词和在一起的做法,帮助学生了解复合词,提高记忆的效率。)

Read and match(快速阅读课文,将对应的人物、礼物进行连线。)

在学生做完连线以后,运用连线后的图引出句型:Whose...is it/are they? It’s/They’re...


Read and fill in the form(细读课文,完成表格内礼物来自于谁,然后根据例句造句)

重点让学生操练句型:Who is it/are they from? It’s/ They’re from…

如:The wallet is from Grandma. It’s for Grandpa. It’s his.

The teapot and some tea are from Grandpa. They are for Grandma. They’re hers. (注意单复数)


Read after the T sentence by sentence.

Fill in the blanks (Do a summary of the text)

On __________ Day, Jim’s family get many presents. The wallet is from Grandma. It’s Grandpa’s. It’s ____. The teapot and some tea are _____ Grandpa. They’re Grandma’s. They’re _____. A calculator and a skateboard are from Mum and Dad. They are _____ Jim. They’re _____. The watch is for father. The hairdryer is for mother. Everybody is very excited.

Step4、Write a letter

We know that I got a watch from my friend Jack last year. This year, on Christmas day, I want to send some presents to Jack’s family, too. Let’s look at Jack’s family photo.

Dear Jack, ’s for you. It’s ’

’s for your wife(妻子)。It’’ ’s for your son. It’’

Merry Christmas!

Sincerely yours,




1. Read and act the dialogue.
