


英语简单翻译 篇1

so that I can contact you when necessary(以便我在必要的时候联系你)

Since that most of the




what life would be like(生活会是什么样)

might as well match TV at home(不妨在家看电视)had nothing




became addicted to computer games(开始对电脑游戏上瘾)the




can you tell him the secret(你都不能告诉他这个秘密)everything is under control(一切都在控制之中)

take it for granted that(理所当然的认为)

how to think in different


instead of telling him how to do it(而不是告诉他该怎么做)make a living as a painter(靠画谋生)Although people are different in interest


is five times that of 2005(是2005年的五倍)

To tell you the truth(说实话)

But for his generous help(要不是他们慷慨相助),Much



satisfaction(是我们感到非常满意),The more grain we produce(我们生产的粮食越多)Not



audience to know how nervous I was(不想让观众知道我有多紧张),Not having heard from parents for a long time(好久没有收到父母的来信)let



luxuries as wine and tobacco(跟不必说购买香烟、酒等奢侈品了)

vary from person to person(因人而异)nor did he try to understand(也没尝试着去理解)

would have been drown in the stormy river(在暴风雨的河里淹死了)

than go for a walk(而不愿意出去散步)your delaying



had followed my


ddid he know the truth of the fact(他才知道了事情的真相)or you will miss the chance(否则就失去机会)

as to meet three fundamental(以达到三个基本目的)the



perhaps we are to preserve our health(或许越有可能保持

英语简单翻译 篇2

在英语教学中, 汉英翻译练习是认识、巩固英语语言知识,形成和发展英语语言技能的有效方式之一。在此,笔者结合多年教学实践, 以简单句汉英(目标语)翻译为例,谈谈自己在教学中的几点做法。



2.判断目标语语态、时 态 ,并结合主语人称确定谓语形式。英语的语态反映了句子主谓之间的施动、 受动关系。判断之后, 大脑中最后闪现:hesmiles或he was invited这样的句 子构型,即主+V或主+be+p.p。而英语的时态则提供了动作(状态)所发生的时间信息。为说明问题,以下面的句子翻译为例:1昨天一些男孩子帮助了我;2他经常受到语文老师的惩罚。1中句式为A帮助B,即主动句。时间状语“昨天”提示该句(即目标语)为一般过去时。而在2中句式为A被B如何,即被动句。时间状语“经常”提示该句(即目标语)为一般现在时,且主语为单数第三人称 , 故该句谓 语形式为 :ispunished。需要特别强调的是 ,在英语被动语态的谓语构形be+p.p中,be代表句子的具体时态。若时态为一般过去时,则be为was(were);时态为过去完成时,则be为had been.

3. 判断目标语属于简单句的哪种句型,写出目标语(目标句)主干。仍以上面句子为例。1中句式为主谓宾结构,其目标语主干为:Some boys helpedme. 2中句式实 质上同1, 仍属主谓宾, 只是用被动形式而已。在谓语ispunished前面加主 语he后面加by hisChinese teacher就得其目标语主干:Heis punished by his Chinese teacher.

4.关注句中 其他成分 (如状语、定语等),完成目标语(句)形态构成。仍以上面句子为例。在写出目标语(目标句)主干基础上,在1目标语(句)主干末尾添加时间状语yesterday即可。在2目标语(句)主干的is与punished之间添加频度副词often即可。完成后的目标语(句)为:1Some boys helped meyesterday. 2He is often punished by hisChinese teacher.

5.检查语法 、标点、单词 拼写和句子书写。 任何规范语言都离不开语法指导, 英语作为分析性的语言更是如此,所以要格外重视语法。标点的使用情况反映一个人的语文水平, 需要关注。单词拼写的正确率及书写的规范,反映了学习者态度严谨与否以及个人素养。因此,在目标语(句)成形后要求学生进行上述方面的仔细检查是十分必要的。

二、 学生在翻译中用到的一些基本句型

1.陈述句的否定构成。形式为:助动词(情态动词,be)+not;在句中使用其他否定词, 如副词little、nor、nobody等。

2. 四种疑问句的构成。一般疑问句, 助动词/情态动词/be+主语+其余谓语+(其他),陈述语序,句末用问号。(多用于非正式文体 );特殊疑问 句 ,特殊疑问词+一般疑问句; 反意疑问句,陈述句+附加问句, 附加问句一般由“助动词/情态动词/be+代词”构成 ;选择疑问句,提出两种或两种以上可能,供对方选择, 其结构可用一般疑问句或特殊疑问句。

3.祈使句(以句号或感叹号结尾)构成。肯定形式: 以动词原形开头。否定形式:Don’t +动词原形。

简单英语,活用生活 篇3


在实际的教学中,我们发现有些学生对于所学对话读得流利、背得熟练,但在实际情景中,却不会用,成了“哑巴英语”。学生已经学得很努力了,那么到底是什么原因呢?纵观我们现在的对话教学,发现有些教师只是围绕书本上的Let’s talk展开,觉得学生会读会背Let’s talk的内容,我们的对话课也就成功了,其实不然。





如,在教学PEP7 Unit 4 A Let’s talk?一课,运用What’s your hobby? 询问他人的兴趣爱好,并能用I like ...做出正确回答。引导学生往他们喜欢的词语上说显得更有意义。



如,在学完了PEP4A Unit 2 What’s his job?后,可以和同学朋友之间讨论What do you want be in the feature?谈谈自己将来想要从事的职业, 比如,I want to be a teacher .等。







教师要把自己的教育意图隐蔽在友好的、毫无拘束的氛围中。如,在教学“I can ...”的句型时,我将要求掌握的单词和句型编成一首chant:I’m a robot. I can sing. I’m a robot,I can jump ... 一边带学生读,一边让学生模仿机器人的一举一动。学生模仿得津津有味,很快掌握了学习内容。


在对话教学中,模拟生活情景,引导学生在逼真的生活情景中去运用语言学、实践语言,达到学以致用的目的。如,在教学PEP5 Unit 3 What’s your favorite food?单元时,我用一份餐厅菜单为学生创设了一个去餐厅就餐的生活情景,并通过一系列任务,让学生进行语言实践。






初一简单英语作文带翻译的 篇4

Every country has a lot of museums filling of great cultural heritage. Some people are beneficial from it, but it costs lots of money at the same time. And now we are living in a world that calls for thrift. So some people regard opening museum as a waste of money. They don’t want to give hands for supporting museum. However, there are another part of people stand on the side of museum, including me. My reasons are as follow.


First of all, museum is a good way to help people know more about the history. Every museum will try its best to collect as much historical things as possible, which are full of cultural value. When people are visiting museums, they will have the chance to see the historical resources. Maybe those resources are far away from their life, but they can have a general knowledge about them, instead of knowing nothing. Can you find another good way to replace museum to reach the goal? The answer is no.


In addition, museum is helpful for new progress. We all know that our world is a union not isolation. If we want any progress, we had better start on the base of the past generation wisdom. We can get a lot of benefit from the resources in museum. Without them, we couldn’t walk so far or so long.


Museum is a valuable resource for our human beings. It is a gift for us. It is worth spending money on it. How could it be a waste?

初二简单的英语作文带翻译 篇5

父爱 Father’s Love

People always like to ask their kids the question like who do you think is better between father and mother. It is the very difficult question to answer, because they love their parents both and can’t tell which one is less important. As for me, my mother gives me the life and takes care of me all the time. Though my father has less time to company me, I can feel his love. Once, I had a very important exam and early in the morning, my father wanted to walked me to school, but I refused, because I grew up and wanted to be independent. Later my mother told me that my father had followed me secretly, just to make sure I arrived school safely. I was moved.


最简单的英语自我介绍带翻译 篇6

Study hard seriously, outstanding achievements, among the best. Excellent in character and learning, for three consecutive years to obtain College scholarships.

Served as the Department of student outreach Department of cadres, deputy minister, the Youth League organization life member of the class, the students work and go out sponsorship links with the business process, greatly improving their work and their ability. In addition, actively participate in extra-curricular activities, a variety of social activities and part-time work, in order to increase their experience, improve their ability. Work experience in the way, exercise eloquence and interpersonal skills. For two consecutive years to get college summer social practice activists, student union outstanding officer and other honorary titles.

In normal school life, has done a lot of part-time. For example: tutor, telephone interviewers, restaurant waiter, leaflets, questionnaire survey, and also to the factory a summer job, experience a variety of different operational procedures and work methods, exercise become diligent spirit, and from the work to appreciate the fun and dedication.

Four years of college, so my organizational skills, management ability, strain ability greatly improved, so I have a good psychological quality, let me have a greater competitive advantage, let me go farther in life. Obtained the title of “excellent college students” and “outstanding graduates”.






My name is XX, XX years最简单的英语自我介绍带翻译篇2old this year, XX is about to get a XX degree from XX university. I am honored to participate in this interview today, I am confident that they can have a good performance.

My major is xx. In addition to firmly grasp the professional knowledge, I am interested in English and computer is very strong, during the school passed the professional English x, computer x level.

Life, I am more optimistic and easy-going personality, easy to get along with, but I am serious and careful at work, there is no trace of careless. I believe that the pressure of work is the driving force for progress. If you are willing to give me a motivation, I will try my best to do the work well.



英语简单翻译 篇7





灵活利用导学案,更能够使得学生从现实实际出发,有的放矢探学,让课堂成为自由抒发思想情感的载体。如,在学习《牛津高中英语》模块六Unit 1 Laughter is good for you的“Reading B Stand-up for your health”时,有位教师围绕健康话题,要求学生搜集相关的健康长寿的故事,并围绕“Which information do you get from them?”要求他们进行补充,让学生能够从相应的空白处找出自己想要的东西。同时,补充了一些名人对健康的理解和看法,让学生就“饮食与健康”提出自己的意见,让他们的构思随着文章的表达内容进行有机融合,给他们更多的拓展延伸机会。




任务探学,能使得课堂教学更有目标性和方向感。如,有位教师在模块七Unit 1 Living with technology的“Reading B TV and audio devices:a review”教学中,设计了五个以上的任务,一会儿要求学生用同伴交流解决这个任务,一会儿要求学生又运用小组讨论解决那个任务。整个课堂学生成了教师算盘中的“珠子”,被随意的拨来拨去。其实,该老师只需要布置三个任务,围绕“Do you know about TV and audio devices?”“What did you read from the article?”“How are you going to use TV and audio devices?”让学生结合自己的学习能力自由选择和主动交流。这样的任务探学,不仅能使得学生不再一头雾水,而是让他们在主动挑选的过程中不断活化思维感知,帮助他们增强理解感悟。




活动贵在“精”,让学生有足够的空间和时间去尽情发挥。如,在模块七 Unit 3 The world online的“Reading B The effects of the internet on our lives”阅读指导时,有位老师围绕“How much do you know about internet?”要求学生运用手抄报展示自己搜集的资料,并通过投影仪展示不同学生的成果,并引导介绍说明。在现场的解说中,有的同学生对未来互联网发展产生了浓厚的兴趣,并就“How do we use internet correctly?”进行主题演讲,让他们能够在活动中一展自己的风采。教师则对学生的解说予以肯定和认可,让他们在主动自由展学的过程中獲得丰富感思,提高综合语用技能。





简单句的基本句型英语翻译 篇8

1.Li Ming works very hard.李明学习很努力。

2.This kind of food tastes delicious.这种食物吃起来很可口。

3.He took his bag and left.(名词) 他拿着书包离开了。

4.Her father bought her a dictionary as a birthday present.她爸爸给她买了一本词典作为生日礼物。

简单句翻译练习一 篇9

A 1,他因为生病不能出席会议 He didn’t attend the meeting because of illness/he was ill.2,那幅有吸引力的画吸引了我的注意 The/That attractive painting attracts my attention.3,他避免麻烦我 He avoid bothering me.4,他以为我不喜欢苹果和橘子 He thinks I don’t like apples and oranges.5,我喜欢画画和读书 I enjoy/like/love writing and reading.6,不幸地,他生病了 Unfortunately/ Unluckily, he was ill.7,因为大雨他上学迟到了 He was late for school because of heavy rain/ He went to school late because it rained heavily.8,他因生病缺席了会议 He was absent from the meeting because of illness/ because he was ill.9,他出席了会议 He was present at the meeting.10, 你在说话的时候,其实他在听 Actually, he was listening when you talked.11,他在听由Mary唱的歌 He was listening to the songs sung by Mary.12,请认真听老师说 Please listen to the teacher carefully 13,.这场大雨持续了两个小时。That heavy rain lasted two hours.1 / 10

14, 在世界上,事物总是变化的。Things are always changing in the world./Things always change in the world.15,他只能放弃他的妻子和孩子 He had to abandon his wife and children./He had no choice but to abandon his wife and children.16,他会写诗/游泳 He can write/swim./ He is able to write./ He has the ability of writing.17,他正全神贯注地学习He is absorbed in studying./ He concentrates / focuses(himself)on studying.18,这幅画很抽象 That painting is very abstract.19,食物非常丰富 The food is very abundant.20在我看来,你是对的 According to me / From my point of view/In my opinion, you are right.21,长大后我想要成为一名会计 I want to become an accountant when I grow up.22,我们应该为下次比赛积累经验 We should accumulate experience for the next competition.23,我已经习惯了在这个学校学习I have been used /accustomed to studying in the school.24,他获得了打猎的技巧 He acquire /gain/get the skill of hunting, 25,他积极参加比赛He take an active part in the competition./He takes part in the competition actively.2 / 10

26,这个男(女)演员擅长表演/在表演方面很有技巧 That actor/actress is skilled /skillful at /is good at/does well in acting.27,事实上,他希望被那所大学录取Actually, he hopes to be admitted by that university./The fact is that he hopes to be admitted by that university.28,他可以很好地适应新环境He can adapt(himself)to the new environment quickly.29,他可以适应每天早早起床 He can adapt(himself)to getting up early everyday/every morning.30,如果茶太浓了,再加多点水。If the tea is too heavy, please add more water.31,我不喜欢油腻 /清淡的食物 I don’t like heavy/ light food.32,暴雨即将来临 Heavy rain is coming.33,恶劣的天气整加了我们的困难 The terrible weather adds to our difficulty.34,他增加了我们的麻烦 He adds to our trouble.35,请将黄油添加到面包上 Please add some butter to the bread.36,三加三等于六 If you add three to three, you get six.37,你应该根据天气对你的安排做出调整 You should adjust your arrangement according to the weather.3 / 10

38,他根据高考的要求对自己的学习方法进行了调整 He adjust his learning method according to the requirement of the college entrance examination.39,他吸烟/吸毒成瘾 He is addicted to drugs/ smoking 40,他沉迷于看电视/看小说 He is addicted to watching TV/ reading novels.41,他非常钦佩他的偶像/他的偶像值得钦佩 He admires his idol very much./ His idol is admirable.42,我们在中秋节会赏月 We admire the moon in the Mid-autumn Festival.43,他承认考试作弊/考试不及格He admits cheating on the exam.44,他承认欺骗了她 He admits cheating her.45,这对年轻的夫妇收养了一个聪明的小男孩 The young couple adopted a clever young boy.46,他的发明推进了社会的发展 His invention advances the development of the society.47,先进的发明使得我们的生活非常方便 Advanced inventions make our lives very convenient, 48,这手机既有优点也有缺点 This phone has advantages and disadvantages.49,他利用你去达到他的目的 He takes the advantage of you to achieve his aims/goals.4 / 10

50,他为了通过考试冒险作弊 He takes adventure to cheat on the exam in order to pass the exam.51,这家公司在电视上为新出版的书做广告 The company advertises the new-published book on TV.52,请给我一些学习方面的建议Please give me some advise on study.53,我建议他勤奋学习We advises him to study hard.54,我建议她上课认真听讲I advise her to listen carefully in class 55,我们提倡和平相处We advocate getting along with each other in peacefully./ We advocate living in peace.56,他的演讲深深地影响了我 His speech affects me deeply.57,噪音影响了他的学习The noise affects his study.58,他家付不起学费His family can not afford the school fees.59,他承担不起失去工作的后果 He can’t afford to lose his job.60,士兵们勇敢地与洪水作斗争The soldiers fight bravely against the blood.61,他同意放弃自己的学业 He agree to give up his study.62,他还活着 He is still alive.63,他不允许我吸烟 He doesn’t allow me to smoke.64,他不允许我到外面去/他不允许我跟我的朋友们在街上闲逛 He doesn’t allow me to go outside/He doesn’t allow me to hanging 5 / 10

out with my friends.65,他一个人住,但他不觉得孤独He lives alone ,but he doesn’t feel lonely.66,他们在海拔1000米的地方野餐They have a picnic at an altitude of 1000 meters.67,他对她的态度非常糟糕 His attitude towards her is very bad 68 ,在古代,君王们雄心勃勃 In the ancient time ,the emperors are very ambitious.69,数额总计为200,000 The sum adds up to 200,000.70,他的笑话把我逗乐了 His joke amuses me.71,他宣布下课 He announce that the class is over.72,他诚心向道歉 He expresses his apology to you sincerely./He apologizes to you sincerely./ He expresses sincere apology to you.73,显然,他赢得了比赛Apparently, he won the game.74,观众热烈地为他鼓掌 The audience applaud for him heatedly.75,我们应该学会把理论运用到实践中去 We should learn to apply theory to practice.76,我非常感激你的帮忙I appreciate your help.77,他正在欣赏那幅名画He is appreciating that famous painting.78,小偷慢慢靠近了那栋楼The thief approaches that building slowly.6 / 10

79,我不知道解决这个问题的方法 I don’t know the approach of solving the problem/ I don’t know the approach to solve the problem.80,他们相互争吵起来 They argue with each other.81,我们应该用知识武装自己 We should arm ourselves with knowledge.82,他一到达机场,警察就将他逮捕了 The police arrested him at his arrival at the airport 83,那护士协助医生对那个病人做手术 The nurse assists the doctor in operating on that patient.84,我将他与小偷/那场车祸联系起来 I associated him with thief/ the car accident.85,这里的气氛非常奇怪 The atmosphere here is very strange.86,他尝试把那支笔捡起来 He attempt to pick up that pen.87,敌人袭击了他们 The enemy attacked them.88,我们需要注意这些严肃的问题 We should pay attention to these serious problem.B 1,那个年轻的单身男子有一个可爱的小婴儿需要去照顾。That young bachelor has a lovely baby to take care of.2,如果你们知道我的家庭背景,请向后退 If you know my family background ,please step backward.7 / 10

3,那个面包师在他的面包店里烤面包That baker is baking bread in his bakery.4,我建议你们去银行开一个银行账户I advise you to open a bank account in the bank.5,这本书是以我自己真实的经历为基础的 This book is based on my own experience.6,他把自己的棒球球拍放在黑暗的地下室里。He put his baseball bat in the black basement.7,他的包里放着一条巧克力和一瓶啤酒There is a bar of chocolate and a bottle of beer in his bag.8,他无法忍受桌子上那发臭的牛肉,所以他把牛肉扔掉了。He couldn’t bear the smelly beef, so he threw it away.9,书店里的书架上有很多新出版的书 There are many newly-published






the bookshop/bookstore.10,这家分公司的生意非常繁荣 Business of this branch is booming.11,那个忧郁的盲人没办法填表格,所以他觉得很痛苦 That blue blind man couldn’t fill in the blank, so he feels very painful/bitter.12,他感觉到非常厌倦,因为这场篮球比赛实在太无聊了He felt very bored, because the basketball game is very boring.8 / 10

13,在会议的开始,你就应该告诉我们你是代表你的老板到这里来的。At the beginning of the meeting, you should have told us that you came here on the behalf of your boss.14,在海滩上,那栋建筑后面有一张弯曲的长凳 On the beach, there is a bent bench behind the building.15,那个帅气的新郎和那个漂亮的新娘是在宽阔的海滩遇到对方的。That handsome bridegroom met with the beautiful bride on the broad beach.16,请在我回家之前把水烧开 Please boil the water before I come back home.17,那个勇敢的小男孩通过石头之间的间隙递给我一块面包和一瓶牛奶 The brave boy passed me a piece of bred and a bottle of milk through the break between rocks.18,鸟笼里面的那些鸟没办法在蓝天里自由飞翔 The bird in the birdcage can’t fly freely in the blue sky.19,白色地毯上的血迹让我们感到触目惊心。The blood in the white blanket scared us.20,士兵在战场上英勇地与敌人作斗争 The soldiers battled against the enemy bravely on the battleground.21,桌子底下那个篮球是件真正的便宜货The basketball below the desk is a real bargain.22,自从他出生以来,他的出生地就给他留下了深刻无比的印象,所 9 / 10

以每年生日他都会回到那里去 Since his birth, his birthplace impresses him deeply/leaves deep impression on him.So he goes back there every birthday.23,当公共汽车驶过公交车站时,他突然放声大哭起来He burst into tears/crying when the bus passed the bus station.24,那女企业家如此忙碌以至于她衣服的扣子坏了也没有注意到 That businesswomen is so busy that she doesn’t notice that the button of her clothes is broken.25,一只蜜蜂和一只蝴蝶绕着一束玫瑰花飞来飞去
