


metal的意思用法总结 篇1

n. 金属,金属元素,成色,金色

vt. 以金属覆盖

变形:过去式: metalled; 现在分词:metalling; 过去分词:metalled;







Copper and gold are both metals.铜和金都是金属。

Wood floats on the water but metal sinks.木头漂在水面上,而金属却下沉。

They cut holes on the sheet of metal with a punch press.他们用冲床在金属板上打孔。


1、Light fittings with metal parts should always be earthed.


2、Heavy Metal music really arose in the late 60s.


3、The car was left a mess of twisted metal.


metal词组 |习惯用语

heavy metal 重金属摇滚乐

sheet metal 金属薄片

nonferrous metal 有色金属;非铁金属

metal forming n. 金属成形

metal parts 金属零件

hot metal 液态金属,铁水;高温金属

metal processing 金属加工

metal cutting 金属切削

transition metal 过渡金属

metal matrix 金属基体;金属模版

precious metal 贵金属,贵重金属

metal ion 金属离子

base metal [化]基底金属;碱金属

metal plate n. 金属板;铁板

metal oxide n. 金属氧化物;金属氧化物电阻;金属绝缘膜

liquid metal 液态金属;液体金属

metal powder 金属粉末

molten metal 熔融金属;熔态金属;金属熔液

weld metal 焊缝金属

metal sheet 金属板,金属片


1.All renascent oxygen is consumed for oxidizing metal anode to form metal oxide film.当形成足够厚的氧化膜后, 阳极的氧化速度减慢, 阳极表面才析出氧气。

2.The blacksmith is hammering the red-hot metal.铁匠正在锤烧红的铁。

3.Metal is a good conductor of electricity.金属是很好的导电体。

4.He hands a metal disc to me.他把一个金属圆盘给我。

5.The acid has eaten through the metal.酸把这块金属腐蚀穿了。

6.This metal net filters out the dirt.这个金属网滤掉污物。

7.Hollander metal weaves.Plain and twilled weave weft.标准/规范英文名: Sieves and sieving.

8.Certain metals are attracted to a magnet.某些金属受磁石的吸引。

9.This workshop melts down the metal scrap.这个车间熔化废金属。

10.A worker put metal bands around the safe.一名工人用金属箍箍那保险箱。

11.The barrel had two metal hoops round it.这桶有两个金属箍箍着。

12.Sugar, oil and metals are refined before use.糖, 油和金属在使用前须先提炼。

13.Molten metal ran out on to the flagstones.熔化的金属溢流到外面的石板上。

14.Will unscrewed the cap from a metal flask.威尔旋开金属瓶盖子。

15.Medieval alchemists attempted to transmute base metals into gold.中世纪的炼丹术士企图把贱金属炼成金。

16.He hammered out the dents in the metal sheet.他把金属板上的一些凹痕敲掉了。

17.The metal will fuse at a relatively low temperature.这金属在不太高的温度下熔化。

18.Most gateways had a metal grill called a portcullis.大多数通道上都装有叫作吊闸的铁格栅。

19.You need a strong adhesive to bond wood to metal.需要强力胶才能把木料粘在金属上。

20.The synthesis conditions, chelant, metal ion and buffer were optimized.确定了最佳的合成方法、螯合剂、金属离子和缓冲体系。

bring的用法总结加意思三种 篇2




The maid will bring you your food in a moment.


I warned him that it will bring him nothing but trouble.



I cannot bring her to go with me.


I wish I could bring you to see the situation from my point of view.

leaf的意思用法 篇3



come into leaf和in leaf中的leaf都用单数形式。


I saw him take a leaf out of the book.我看见他从书上撕下一页。

The falling leaf spiralled to the ground.落叶盘旋著飘到了地上。

lead的意思用法 篇4


2、The group proceeded with a march they knew would lead to bloodshed.


3、This can lead to bodily weakness and muscle wastage.


lead词组 |习惯用语

lead in 导入;引入线;开场白

take the lead v. 带头;为首

in the lead 领先;主要的;占主导地位的

lead time n. 提前期;订货至交货的时间;研制周期;交付周期

lead into 导致;引起

under the lead of 在…的领导下

lead poisoning n. 铅中毒;[美国俚语]中弹受伤

lead on v. 哄骗;引诱

lead paint 铅涂料;铅丹

lead free adj. 无铅的

lead screw 导螺杆

lead content 含铅量

lead up 引入;抢先

lead frame 引线框;引脚框架

lead oxide 氧化铅;一氧化铅;密陀僧

lead through 引入;带领

lead wire 铅丝;导线;引出线

blood lead 血铅

lead a happy life 过一种幸福的生活

lead acid battery 铅酸蓄电池;铅酸电池;密封蓄电池


1.Cathodic polarization curves of sulphamate basic lead, cadmium and lead -cadmiumelectrolytes were studied.研究了在氨基磺酸盐体系中铅、镉和铅一镉镀液的阴极极化曲线。

2.40,000 fervent admirers of the Great Leader.伟大领袖的四万名膜拜者。

3.Their leader was the apotheosis of courage.他们的领导人是勇敢的典范

4.This is the avouch of this leader.这就是这位领导人的声言。

5.She caricatured political leaders of his time.她画当时政治领导人的漫画。

6.There is some consternation among business leaders.商界领导人中有一些惊愕。

7.The coup leaders could face life imprisonment.政变领导人可能要面临终身监禁。

8.Diligence is the path leading to happiness.勤劳是获得幸福的途径。

9.The union leader eats managers for breakfast!工会主席把经理们整惨了。

10.She leads a gay and wild life.她过着放荡不羁的生活。

11.Gutters lead the water into the ditch.排水沟把水排到这条水沟里。

12.The views of the two leaders agree.两位领导的意见取得一致。

13.The leaders have the army behind them.那些领袖有军队作为后盾

14.The South had leaders, the North numbers.南方有领导上的优势,北方有数量上的优势

15.Politically, the two leaders are poles apart.在政治上,两位领导人的观点截然相反。

16.This path leads slap to the playground.这条小路直接通到运动场。

17.He used to lead an outdoor life.他以前习惯过野外生活。

18.A soldier leads a very precarious life.军人过着非常危险的生活。

19.The troops dressed on the squad leader.士兵向班长看齐

20.The group leader supervises a dozen workers.组长管十二个工人。

上一篇:辩论 家长应不应该查看未成年子女的隐私下一篇:靖宇县中医院“三好一满意”自查报告