


PSIBC篮球训练营-英汉互译 篇1


Play Smarter篮球训练营及教练简介

Play Smarter Basketball国际训练营坐落于美国洛杉矶市圣加百利地区,由理查德.马奎斯教练创办,是一个拥有三十多年历史的国际专业篮球常年训练营。每年寒暑假,训练营会在不同国家举办培训活动。培训主要针对12至22周岁的青少年,以培养篮球天才少年为理念,通过篮球技术和头脑反应能力的训练,使营员们感受篮球带来的乐趣,提高个人技术和对球队的信心,改善沟通能力和团队合作能力,学会用自己的智慧执行团队的防守和进攻计划。

What is Play Smarter International Basketball Camp?

The Play Smarter International Basketball Camp, which is located at San Gabriel, Los Angeles , established by Coach Richard Marquis ,is a international professional training center which has been developing for more than 30 years.The camp performs training activities in different countries during summer and winter holidays each year.They focus on the teenagers aging from 12 to 22 years.Based on the concept of “Play Smarter”, the camp train members the basketball skills and capability of brain reflection, thus enabling them the enjoyment of the happiness and pleasure which comes from playing basketball, as well as the self-confidence of their basketball technic.It can also improve their communication and cooperation abilities ,enabling them to perform their group defence and offense plan in a smarter way.Play Smarter Basketball国际训练营已为西班牙,日本、韩国、中国及台湾地区,泰国,菲律宾,波多黎各等二十多个国家培养了大批篮球后备人才,例如原中国奥林匹克希望篮球队。Play Smarter Basketball国际训练营与美国多所大学和高中有着密切的合作关系。并且优秀的营员可以选择到美国的高中或大学就读和训练。

Play Smarter basketball International basketball training camp has done a lot of works for the improvement of the basketball skills of teenagers in more than 20 countries, such as Spain, Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan region(such as the original Chinese Olympic Hope Team), Thailand, Philippines, Puerto Rico etc, they have developed a lot of talent succession for these countries.Play Smarter basketball camp has established good relationships with a lot of high schools and colleges in the United States.And excellent players in the camp from other countries are provided for the opportunities to study and train in high schools or universities in U.S.另外,Play Smarter 篮球训练营也接待来自世界各国的篮球访问团。训练营为交流的球队提供一流的训练设施(包括16块室内木地板球场),并且根据不同球队的水平,特点及要求,安排美国相应的学校篮球队进行交流比赛,提高实战能力。同时,根据需求也可以为交流团队安排旅游活动,例如前往迪斯尼乐园,拉斯维加斯等。Play Smarter作为篮球交流的终端,而非旅行社,为交流球队节省了中间环节费用,提高了交流的价值。最重要的是,交流球队有机会接受美国大学篮球教练的测试,通过选拔的队员可以获得在美国留学的机会。

Moreover, Play Smarter Basketball Camp has been welcoming basketball teams from different countries.The camp offers the first-class training facilities, such as 16 full courts inside gym, they also arranges their members to play with the local basketball teams for training based on their level and need ,thus improving their competence.Also they can arrange some tour program if required ,such as going to visit the Disney or Las Vegas.Since Play Smarter Basketball Camp is not travel agency, the cost of visiting has decreased a lot, which making the trip much worthy for the visiting teams.Most of all, visiting teams have the opportunity to get the test by coaches from America universities, and players who pass the test may be admitted to study in U.S.Play Smarter Basketball国际训练营总裁及总教练Coach Marquis在60年代执教于西班牙和法国的最大联赛(后来的FIBA国际篮联世界锦标赛的前身)。之后在NBA执教和工作了13年(1971年-1984年),并且担任了十年的NBA夏季联赛主席(曾任美国NBA洛杉矶湖人队教练员,执教过天钩贾巴尔)。同时,马奎斯教练在青少年篮球训练上有着非常丰富的经验。在美国的高校篮球历史上,只有3名教练有超过1000场胜利的记录,其中就包括马奎斯教练。

President of the Play Smarter Basketball international training camp and main Coach Marquis has performed as a teacher in the biggest league between Spain and France which was once named FIBA.After that he coached for NBA for 13 years(1971-1984)and acted as the summer league chairman for NBA(he also has coached united NBA Lakers in Las Vegas , Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was once be coached by him).At the same time ,Coach Marquis has extraordinary experience in the training of young adult’s basketball.In the history of basketball in united state’s high school, only three of the coaches have the record of more one thousand succeed, including coach Marquis.马奎斯教练是日本和韩国的第一位大学球队外籍教练,2005年,马奎斯教练受聘于厦门大学,成为了中国第一位大学(大超联赛)的外籍教练。在40年的执教生涯中,马奎斯教练执教过许多国家的男子,女子或者青年男子,女子篮球队,其中包括墨西哥,巴西,泰国,日本,韩国,马来西亚,菲律宾,西班牙,法国,意大利等。

Coach Marquis was the first university basketball coach from abroad in Japan and Korea, in the year of 2005 ,Coach Marquis was employed by Xiamen university ,and became the first foreign coach in Chinese university.In his forty years coaching career, coach Marquis has been travelling all over the world,coaching and teaching basketball both for boys ,girls and adult men female basketball in lots of countries,including mexico, brazil, thailand, japan, korea, malaysia, the philippines, spain, france and italy.丰富的执教经验使马奎斯教练拥有非常广泛的人际关系,他的很多朋友或者学生执教于美国各大学,中学篮球队。至今,马奎斯教练为世界各国很多篮球少年提供机会到美国进行特训,并推荐他们到适合的大学进行学习。

His rich experience enabled him the very extensively relationships ,he has a lot of friends or students who are coaching in some of the universities in the united states or in some middle school basketball teams.Up till now, coach marquis also provide the opportunities for teenage basketball members in worldwide countries to get special training in the United States, as well as recommending them to study in proper universities.有着三十年篮球培训及交流的我们,可以保证,你不能找到比我们更好的篮球训练营。

We guarantee that you can never find a better training camp because we have been doing it for 30 years.我们提供哪些价值 what we provide?


Sending Basketball teams to visit US for sports exchange and training 亲身感受美国篮球文化氛围

与美国球队亲自过招,加强队伍实战经历 学习了解最先进的篮球理念



与中国高校合作开展Play Smarter篮球训练营 学习了解当今最新篮球理念及哲学


美国原版篮球训练教材,在竞技和娱乐中轻松掌握英语学习要领 以球会友,这是联系美国大学,高中的桥梁 扩大学校知名度及影响力

Feeling the basketball paradise by yourselves.Have scrimmages with US teams to acquire the experiences.Learning the advanced basketball concept.Watching NBA games to see the famous stars in closer range Local college coaches will watch the training and select the players they like and may help some Chinese students to study aboard because of your basketball.Cooperate with Chinese universities to promote Play Smarter basketball camp.Learning the advanced basketball drills, concepts and philosophy.Improving your basketball competition skills according to our more than 30 year’s experiences.Original basketball studying materials help for your learning of English.We are the bridge to connect your high schools & colleges in US.Enlarging the reputation and influence of your schools.照片部分 照片附上说明。教练的合影照片(与名人)16片篮球场的照片 球场坐标

