


酒店三分钟英语自我介绍 篇1

It is really nice to meet you all here. Let me introduce myself first. My name is XXX. I am graduated from College。 I am 22 years old now and my hobbies are During the school year, I joined Tourist Association. Because of this, I improved greatly on my communication ability. I am an outgoing, honest, responsible, and warm-hearted person. I can adapt different environments quickly.

I love your hotel, at the same time, I am really proud of myself applying for this job, I hope you can give me a chance. Fianlly, I hope your hotel can become the best one among hotel industry。。

三分钟英语自我介绍 篇2

Insurance Marketing is a career to spread love, the probability of more advanced technology risk of accidents is higher, so-called accidents everywhere, but we can effectively transfer the risk to the insurance company, so they have a guarantee, at the same time on the side of the family is responsible expression. Select insurance, to consider three questions: First select a good insurance company strength; second look at this policy if for yourself; third is the clerk of the service.

I am a man very sincere, very willing to help others, certainly for me each and every customer to provide the best quality and most professional services, see their customers because of my help and smile and say thank you from the moment that he was Happy parts can not be expressed in words, and that is for me to work with the best service return.

★ 大学生英语自我介绍三分钟

★ 三分钟自我介绍范文

★ 三分钟自我介绍

★ 老师自我介绍范文英语作文

★ 高中老师英语自我介绍范文大全

★ 英语面试老师自我介绍范文

★ 毕业典礼老师三分钟激励英语演讲稿

★ 大学自我介绍三分钟

★ 医学生三分钟自我介绍

传媒生考试三分钟英语自我介绍 篇3

you are good!

I was ... of candidates ... from ....

First of all, thank you judge a teacher, gave me an opportunity and platform to display themselves, to achieve my ideal. I am a cheerful, broad-loving girl. Childhood I had a desire to grow up, the broadcast must do a good host, as the years go by, to blossom, and I grew up slowly, and this desire is even more strongly, as farmers with hoes who like even more of this work on the broadcast over the Chiai. 12 years in school, I learn the lesson of the same culture, but also keep the ocean from a wide range of knowledge to learn nutrition, to enrich themselves and enhance their abilities, enhance their awareness, to better grasp their own future, to realize their ideals. As singer with a marvelous voice to express their feelings, just as the dancers dance steps with a light to explain their beliefs, and I will use my voice to pass my love of broadcasting over the Chi.

I know that success on the road was not always smooth, though full of thorns, but I will: brave, courage, hold onto your dream and hold stubborn tarried, sincere look. I want to give me a chance, in the higher and more sacred halls of knowledge in studies, breaking the cocoon into a butterfly, butterfly into the dance, infinitely close to the broadcast over share of Guanghua and glory. As I learned, through my voice, to convey the enthusiasm of the Central Plains is open for the world to listen to the voice of the new century and voices!

考研复试二分钟英语自我介绍 篇4

1)我们一进入考场,考官一般都要求作自我介绍,开头可以用一句话引入,例如:Dear professors, I feel so glad to meet all of you here.然后就可以进入主题,介绍自己及相关的信息等等。


① 姓名,介绍自己姓名时,发音一定要慢要准。

② 年龄,年龄可说可不说,可以跟在姓名后带过(I am XXX, 25 years old),也可以加上家乡和家庭的介绍。

③ 原来的院校、专业:一定要把原来学校或公司的英文名称、专业的英文名称弄清楚。在职考生则应将自己公司、自己职位、职称的英文名称弄明白。

④ 性格、能力,可以着重强调你的个性对你报考的专业有何积极的作用。以下是可供选择的形容词:carefully,detail-oriented、logical、steady、responsible、dependable、efficient、Aggressive、adaptable、amicable等等。

在职考生或有过工作经验的考生还可以强调一下你的工作成绩,如:As the assistant to the General Manger of XXX Company, I have helped to negotiate a $200,000 deal for the corporation.⑤ 爱好,一般可以从体育、音乐、电影等方面来说,同时要简单说明这些爱好对你的积极意义。

⑥ 你对报考的专业有兴趣,可适当举出一些例子,如经常看相关的书籍、论文、文章、新闻等。在职考生可以强调知识教育对工作的影响。


小学三分钟英语故事 篇5

There is a naughty boy in a village. He likes telling lies. One day he wants to make fun of the farmers. So he shouts, “Wolf! Wolf! Wolf is coming!” The kind farmers are working in the field. They hear the shout, and hurry to help the boy. But when get there, the boy says: “There isn’t a wolf. I’m joking. The farmers are angry and go back to their field. After a while the boy shouts again, “Wolf! Wolf! Wolf is coming!” And the farmers come and are cheated again. The boy laughs and laughs. They say, “You tell lies. We will not believe you.”

Later a wolf really comes. The boy is very scared. “Wolf! Wolf! Wolf is coming!” the boy shouts and shouts. “Help! Help!” But no one comes. And wolf eats the naughty boy.


村子里有个淘气的小男孩,他喜欢撒谎。一天,他想捉弄村民,就大喊:“狼来了!狼来了!” 善良的村民们正在地里干活,听到喊声,赶快去救他。可是他们到了那里,男孩说:“没有狼。我跟你们开玩笑的。”村民很生气,回到田里。不一会,那孩子大喊:狼来了!狼来了!”村民来了,却再次被欺骗。男孩开心地大笑,村民们说:“你说谎。我们再也不会相信你了。”

三分钟英语演讲稿 篇6

Good evening,ladies and gentlemen:

thank you very much for choosing to e in such a cold night。today my topic is about choice and process。a research shows that a man has to make 73 choices one day。with so many choices one day,people easily get so confused and afraid of making wrong choice that they hesitate and finally miss the true part of life。 in my opinion,the following part is of much more importance than the choice。 there is no absolute right or wrong choice but wonderful or boring life,which the process makes the difference。

life is a box of chocolate,you never know what you will get。 forrest gump made no decision by and for himself but he acplished great success with his strong will in the process。 the process is not the road itself but the attitudes and feelings,the caution,courage and persistance we have as we encounter new experience and unexpected obstacles。 take myself as an example,i changed my major when i became a postgraduate。 after the choice,days have been harsh for me。i cannot understand the new lessons at all。 for they are closely related to mathmatics which i learned nothing about before。 however wuth the belief that this is the great chance for me to experience new ideas and challenge myself,i persisted。 i asked for help from every channel and reorgonized my life。 gradually i could understand some parts and even found maths interesting。moreover,i learned to act instead of plaining。 in retrospect,the choice left no trace in my mind but the happiness and bitterness of the past four months bees an unforgetable experience in my life。

no matter what the choice is,enjoy the process。 in the process,your potential will be inspired and new discoveries,improvement and progress will e to you。 these are the most beautiful sceneries and only on the way can you see it。these make your life colorful。

there is no need and i donnot want to judge whether it right or wrong for me to be here,but i congratulate to myself for i gain and enjoy this fantastic experience。 so my dear friends,never worry about your choice and enjoy the process。 i am sure you will get something new and intersting tonight after you chose to e here。

有趣的三分钟英语故事 篇7

When I taught the introduction-to-theater course at North Dakota State University, I required my students to attend the university theater‘s current production and write a critique. After viewing a particularly fine performance, one student wrote: ”The play was so real, I thought I was actually sitting on my couch at home, watching it on television.“


三分钟英语故事演讲稿 篇8

I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many months of struggle and suffering. You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word, it is victory.

Victory at all costs—victory in spite of all terrors—victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival. Let that be realized, no survival for the British Empire, no survival for all that British Empire has stood for , no survival for the urge, the impulse of the ages, that mankind shall more forward toward his goal. I take up my task in buoyancy and hope. I feel sure that our cause will not be suffered to fail among men. I feel entitled at this juncture, at this time, to claim the aid of all and to say, “Come then, let us go forward together with our united strength.”

三分钟英语演讲稿环保 篇9

To achieve a green life style, we must adjust our behavior. This can be done even with simple things. For example, we could sort out our trash for better recycling. At home, we can use lights and other electricity only when needed. We should properly maintain air conditioners twice a year so they will run efficiently, and, even more importantly, make sure doors and windows fit properly and are sealed so that we can use less energy in heating and cooling. Other simple steps that make a big difference include using public transportation instead of driving private cars.

Commuters can choose to take buses, subways or share cars with others, which not only relieves traffic jams but also reduces gas emission.

In my mind, it is high time to establish a general concept of sustainable development and green life style in China. The Earth has provided humans what they need; it is time to pay back. Only through a green life, can we ensure that we and our children live in an environment with green water and mountains, without traffic jams, and in an era with better living habits.




初中励志三分钟英语演讲稿 篇10

See most of us are afraid of the thief, they comes in the night to steal all of our things. But there is a thief in your mind who is after your dreams. His name is doubt.If you see him call the cops and keep him away from the kids because he is wanted for murder. So he has killed more dreams than failure ever did. He wears many disguises and like a virus will leave you blinded, divided and turn you into a kinda.See kinda is lethal. You know what kinda is? There is a lot of kinda people, you kinda want a career change, you kinda want to get straight As, you kinda want to get in shape. Simple math, no numbers to crunch. If you kinda want something, then you will kinda get the results you want.
