


外企经理应聘英文简历 篇1



CVs are a summary of your skills andachievements and they need to be short; preferably a maximum of two pages. You have the freedom to choose which format you think will most appeal to your prospective employerand so will maximise your strengths whilst minimising your weaknesses.


The standard CV is the Chronological CV;this is the traditional, familiar layout and is the most commonly used format.A second type is the Functional CV whichfocuses on skills and achievements rather than employment history andqualifications.


Which CV formatis best for you, depends, to some extent, on your career development. If youare a recent graduate, the standard CV, which is also called a competency-based CV, ismore suitable. For a more mature student, a skills-based CV works well, as itdemonstrates life experiences more effectively. However it is useful for anyjob seeker, who is applying for a career that is not directly related to his orher degree subject or previous experience.



Mr.Li Si

Manager of Marketing Department

K&H (Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures)Market

career objective

application type: jobseeker

preferred job title: assistant to president/ assistant to gm: sales 、administrative / personnel: sales 、others: sales

working life: 8 title: no title

job type: full time expected start date: in a day

expected salary: ¥3,500—¥5,000 preferred working place: Beijing guangzhou

work experience

companys name: lassurex internation logistic guangzhou officebegin and end date: -11--07

enterprise nature: sino-foreign joint venturesindustry: transportation

job title: marketing manager

job description: 1. collect marketing massege and promote advance line of company.

2. empoder value client.

3. service for original client and empoder new client with oversea agent.

educational background

name of school: Business Administration Major Kunming Second Commercial School

highest degree: bachelor date of graduation: -07-01

name of major 1: accouting name of major 2:

education experience: start date end date education organization majors certificate certificate no

-05 2003-07 china national school accouting education card

language ability

foreign language: english level: good

chinese level: perfect cantonese level: perfect

relevant skills and abilities

1. good at communication with others.

2. strong learning ability and strong enterprice.

3. specially for solve problem,wll in using different resource.

3. good at charge team work.

self-recommendation letter

Dear Mr.Wen,

Ms. Huang Lijia of your company has told me that your dept needs a manager assistant,and I wish to apply for the position. I will graduate from commercial school next month. My outstanding record at school and some experience in business has prepared me for the work you are calling for.

I am really interested in learning business practice,and also a diligent worker and a fast learner. If given a chance, I am sure I can prove my worth in your company.

I will be available during the weekdays in the morning for any interviews you may want to give. Enclosed is my resume,and hoping for your immediate reply.

Sincerely yours,

外企经理应聘英文简历 篇2


作为一种自我宣传与自我推销的媒介,简历的功能不容小觑。许多求职者写起中文简历来轻车熟路,可一写起英文简历来,要么是一筹莫展,要么就是机械地将中文简历中的内容翻译成英文。殊不知,尽管中英文简历在内容上相差不大,但由于语言与文化的差异,英文简历有着自己独特的结构与风格。一般而言,英文简历包括以下七个部分:①求职者的联系方式(Contact Information);②求职者的求职目标(Job Objective);③求职者的工作经历(Work Experience);④求职者的教育背景(Education);⑤求职者的电脑、语言及其他技能(Skills);⑥求职者的其他个人信息(Other Information);⑦证明人的相关信息(References)。这七个部分的顺序可以根据求职者的自身情况进行排列,也可能会因求职者自身情况和应聘职位的不同而有所变化。例如,对于有工作经历的求职者来说,工作经历一栏应放在教育背景之前;而对于在校生来说,教育背景一栏应放在工作经历之前。下面笔者就来一一介绍如何撰写这七大部分的内容。

1. 联系方式


①由于求职者没有英文姓名,所以可以直接用中文姓名的拼音代替英文姓名。例如,李明的英文名可以用Li Ming。

②求职者在用英文写家庭地址时,要注意中英文在表达地址时的差异。中文地址的排列顺序是从大到小,而英文则是从小到大,且中间要用逗号隔开。例如,“上海市普陀区顺义路100号78栋1301室”通常译为“Room 1301, Building 78, 100 Shunyi Road, Putuo District, Shanghai”。

2. 求职目标

求职目标要尽量写得具体、明确,不要泛泛而谈,避免出现诸如“Seeking a position in the logistics department”(应聘物流部门的职位)之类的描述。这样给人的感觉好像是你什么都能做,但又什么都做得不精,所以求职者要尽量细化自己的求职目标。下面笔者针对外企的一些重要部门(包括人力资源、销售、研发、信息技术、公关部门),提供相应的求职目标撰写方式,希望能对求职者有所启发。

①Human Resources: To seek a position as an assistant in the HR department of a medical center or health service facility that will utilize my knowledge of labor relations, benefit programs, wage administration, and employment law. Eventual goal is advancement to the position of personnel manager.

②Sales: To obtain a position as a sales representative with a consumer products organization. Eventual goal is to move into a marketing management position with involvement in training, advertising, and marketing research.

③Research and Development: Seeking a position as a laboratory assistant in an industrial chemical research facility.

④Information Technology: Desiring a position as a programmer or systems analyst utilizing quantitative and mathematical training. Special interest in marketing and financial applications (应用软件).

⑤Public Relations: Wishing to join the public relations staff of a large public utility (公用事业公司). Interested in photography, copywriting, preparation of news releases, and working on company publications.

3. 工作经历




③求职者在描述自己的工作成就时,要尽量使用具体的数字表述清楚,例如管理的具体人数、客户增加的具体数字、销售额增长的具体百分比等。求职者应尽量避免使用many、a lot of、some、several、great等模糊或夸大的词汇。

④求职者应避免使用复杂的句式,多使用英文短句进行叙述。例如在介绍工作成就时,求职者可以使用诸如“Completed a project developing a new anti-tumor (抗肿瘤) medicine (GH-02)”之类的短句。如果求职者的工作经历非常丰富,也可以采用项目符号简洁明了地进行分类列举。




4. 教育背景





5. 电脑、语言及其他技能

求职者除列举自己的工作经验和教育背景外,还可以介绍自己的电脑水平、外语水平以及其他与应聘职位相关的技能来为自己的简历加分。具体而言,这些技能一般分为硬技能(hard skills)和软技能(soft skills)两种。硬技能包括电脑、财务、销售等各种专业技能;软技能包括外语水平、沟通能力等人际关系技能。对于简历中常提到的电脑水平和语言能力,求职者要注意以下两点。

①求职者如果熟练掌握某种软件的操作,可以用“Frequent user of +某个软件名”来表达;对于完全没把握的软件,千万不要写。求职者千万不要以为面试时主考官不会当场考你软件操作知识,他们很可能会考你一两个关键的软件操作方法。


6. 其他个人信息




③资格证书要表述清楚。例如,有些求职者在英文简历上只是笼统地写自己获得了CPA (Certified Public Accountant, 注册会计师)证书,但几乎世界各国都有自己的CPA,有些是互不承认的,所以求职者一定要写明CPA证书的国别以及考取证书的年份。

7. 证明人的相关信息









应聘外企:英文简历写作特点 篇3



document.write(“”);ad_dst=ad_dst 1; 姓甚名谁怎么写英文简历中,中文名字通常都是用汉语拼音,主要有8种写法,都有可适用的场合。例:1)YangLi(李阳)2)YANGLI3)YANGLI(李阳)4)YangLi5)YangLI6)Li,Yang7)LiYang8)LIYang建议大家用“YANGLI(李阳)”这种写法。名前姓后、全部大写加粗的写法,符合国际规范,加上中文名,便于中国人事经理阅读。若没有中文,不容易搞清楚应聘者姓李还是姓杨。避免香港姓招聘过程当中,在许多人的简历上,经常能发现一个非常值得大家注意的问题,就是有人用粤语发音拼写自己的姓氏。比如,“王”写成Wong,“李”写成Lee。这里要告诉大家两点:一是这只是香港人的拼法,并不是国际通用的拼法;二是将来公司为你办护照准备出国公干时,公安局不会批准你用粤语拼音。避免外国姓另外,还发现有一小部分中国学生用外国人的姓,如“JohnSmith”,这也非常不可取。因为如果你用外国人的姓,别人会认为你是外国人,或者你父亲是外国人,或者你嫁给了外国人,除非你正是这几种情况之一,最好不要“崇洋媚外”地起一个外国姓。而名字用英文则很常见,也很方便,尤其是名字拼音的第一个字母是q、x或z,老外们很难发出正确的读音,起个英文名可以说是“readerfriendly”。有个叫韩强的先生,名片上印着“JohnHan”,这样,老外叫起来就很方便。但有一点要注意,你的英文名字平时并不被人经常叫,真要被别人叫出来,最不习惯并有可能听不出来的是你自己,在面试时老外叫起你的英文名字,你若无动于衷,那就糟糕了。英文名和姓之间可以加上中文名,也可以不加,或者用拼音的第一个字母简称。如上例:“JohnQ.Han”。对于学生,英文名后一定要加中文名的全拼,如“DAVIDYANGLI”。英文名可以起,但必须“光明正大”地使用,不能偷偷摸摸,名字起了本来就是为了让大家叫,如果起了一个不为人知的英文名,可能会把你搞得哭笑不得。有一个学生给自己起了一个英文名叫“Jeff”,还得意洋洋地写到了简历上,寄给了一家大型外企,可他却没有向他认识的任何人发布“更名启示”。有一天,他不在寝室,正好那家公司打来电话通知他面试:“喂,请问Jeff在么?”他的室友接了电话:“我姐夫不在这儿住?!”然后奇怪地挂了电话。结果可想而知,他很可能就此失去了机会。双字名怎么写?中国人双字名很多,如“梁晓峰”,这里介绍四种写法:1)Xiao-fengLiang2)Xiao-FengLiang3)XiaofengLiang4)XiaoFengLiang建议用第三种,XiaofengLiang,最简单方便。而在简历开头都大写时,可写为XIAOFENGLIANG,大家一看就知道你姓什么,要不然,大家有可能会误认为你是姓肖。地址应聘外企务必要写清“中国”,不能光写城市名。一个完整的地址、全球畅通的通信地址应该是加国名的,但不必用P.R.C.,因为用China已经很简单清楚了。邮编的标准写法是放在省市名与国名之间,起码放在China之前,因为是中国境内的邮编。JIANLIXIE(谢建力)32-202,960DongFangLu,Beijing,100001,Chinaxiejianli@xiejianli.org(86-10)1234-56781399-999-9999分清时态:过去、现在和将来学历分已获、正在申请中和正在学习中等多种情况,如果正在学习,用“CandidateforBachelorinEconomicsinJuly”开头比较严谨;如果已经毕业,可以把学历名称放在最前,如“BachelorinEconomics”。

应聘外企一定要写英文简历吗? 篇4







应聘总经理英文简历 篇5


Email: xxx@.com

Phone: 13xxxxxxxxx

Add: Suzhou SIP, Jiangsu, China

OBJECTIVE: General Manager or equivalent position in China.


- Excellent personality with strong leadership.

- Strong communication, interpersonal and people management skills.

- Highly motivated and result-oriented professional with expertise in Lean manufacturing operations.

- Strong skills in implementing goals, driving activities and solving problems.

- Proficient both in Chinese and English.


Datacolor Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., Suzhou, China. (20xx – 20xx)

General Manager

- Developed and restructured the organization, setup manufacturing facility and used all resources effectively.

- Managed and directed department of production, quality, engineering, purchasing, finance, HR and logistics.

- Fully responsible for local operation and performance, developed and submitted plans and goals periodically.

- Led a group of highly motivated managers to define and execute plans to meet goals within financial constrains.

- Implemented company policies and guidelines, advocated good spirit and team work.

- Developed cost effective and highly qualified local suppliers and achieved net 45% COGS against original US costs.

- Cooperated headquarter to smoothly transfer products and technology from US to China.

- Successfully launched transferred products in Suzhou, exceed requirements in speed, quality and cost.

- Maintained high standard quality requirements for products, led and drove the implementation of ISO9001 system.

- Conducted management review periodically and generated action plans in all levels to secure more effective operations.

- Drove the continuous improvement of production efficiency and cost reduction projects.

- Developed annual budget plans and successfully managed headcounts and expenses under the budget.

- Built up effective logistics team to minimize inventory, managed warehouse and supported business growth inside EPZ.

- Maintained good relationship with local SIP and EPZ officers.

- Achieved sales in five million US dollars, turned loss to net profit in FY20xx.

Jacobs Chuck Manufacturing Company, Clemson, South Carolina, USA. (1995-20xx)

Project Manager

- Involved in Kaizen projects to make continuous improvement.

- Implemented in reduction in cycle time, direct labor, scraps, and improvement of quality by using Lean

manufacturing principles.

- Developed engineering documents and work instructions.

- Designed and developed tooling, fixtures, machine specifications, rebuilt and purchased new equipment.

- Hands-on machine troubleshooting to reduce machine downtime.

- Performed root cause analysis and statistical tools (6 Sigma and Cpk) to improve and implement solutions to complex manufacturing and tooling processes.

- Involved in new product development by using QFD design principles and concurrent engineering team to quickly launch new product from concept through production.

- Involved in planning and start-up of eight million dollar investment of Jacobs-Suzhou in China.

- As a team leader to coordinate and lead cross functional teams both in U.S. and China to transfer products and technologies from U.S. facility to Suzhou facility.

- Implemented the initial production line design and operation start-up at Jacobs-Suzhou facility.

- Provided training to Suzhou employees including Lean manufacturing, assembly process, work instruction, quality inspection, quality control and ISO9000 system.

- Supported and coordinated the construction project of Jacobs-Suzhou facility.

- Assisted in localization for components, cutting tools, and spare machine parts.

- Facilitated good communications between U.S. and China groups.

Engineering Manager At Jacobs-Suzhou Facility

- Managed and directed engineering department and maintenance team.

- Oversaw operation efficiency and product quality, drove for process improvement and troubleshooting to maintain high standard quality and productivity.

- Led team members to resolve quality issues in related to product design, function, and manufacturing

process on daily operations.

- Managed and supported in outsourcing and component localization projects.

- Supported service department in related to product function, quality and performance.

- Drove for product redesign and making more competitive products for Chinese market.

- Set up time line and successfully launched production for transferred products within deadline.

- Met with customers, vendors, and government officials to develop successful China operations.

- Developed departmental budgets for capitalized equipment and other expenses.

Resident Expatriate At Jacobs-Suzhou Facility

- Assisted GM in defining business plans and objectives, led team to take actions and execute plans.

- Developed plans and drove for actions in continuous improvement of operational performance and cost reduction projects.

- Monitored and supported existing operations to meet targets in quality, quantity, cost and delivery.

- Drove Lean manufacturing initiatives throughout manufacturing areas.

- Implemented and maintained manufacturing quality systems.

- Directed for new product development, sampling, testing and pilot running.

- Led cross functional team to launch new products and met goals in quality, cost, productivity and capacity.

- Supported and managed in localization projects and worked with suppliers to resolve technical issues.

- Coordinated and supported in marketing, sales, human resource, logistics and recruiting efforts.

- Managed in maintaining good relationship with customers, suppliers and local officers.

TechStyle Inc., Piedmont, South Carolina, USA. (1993-1995)

Mechanical Engineer

- Analyzed data to create and develop specifications and design concepts.

- Applied computer aided design and drafting skills to design new products.

- Performed kinematics and dynamics analysis as well as finite element analysis.

- Made detailed and layout drawings, documented design records and bill of materials.

- Worked with other engineers as a team to build prototypes.

- Assembled and tested prototypes, made design alternation if necessary.

- Modified and upgraded existing products for better performance.

Shangrao Automotive Company, Jiangxi, China (1990-1992)

Design Engineer

- Hands-on machine operation and general practice.

- Designed and developed tooling and fixtures.

- Made detailed and assembly drawings.

- Documented design records and created bill of materials.

- Worked with other engineers as a team to build fixtures.

- Assembled and tested fixtures, made design alternation if necessary.

- Modified existing tooling and fixtures.


- Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering (May, 1995) - Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA.

- Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering (July, 1990) - Jiangxi Polytechnic University, P.R.China.


- Extensive Lean Manufacturing training by Mr. Nakao, Shiqijishu Consulting Firm (December, 1995)

- Extensive Lean Manufacturing training by Mr. Nakao, Shiqijishu Consulting Firm (September, )

外企经理应聘英文简历 篇6

A Resume Of Dehua Liu

Personnal Data

Name:Dehua Liu





Birthdate:March 3, 1978


Marital Status:Married, no child

Address:Class 9802, Guanghua Management College, Peking University, Beijing 10056

Tel:(010) 6320-4562


Career objective

To be employed by a transnational company in Beijing as a department manager.


Guanghua Management College, Peking University, --2002.

Beijing Jingshan School, 1992--1998.


Business Administration

Courses and Mark

An Introduction to Management 93

Management Economics 90

Management Psychology 88

Marketing 91

International Law of Commerce 92

Financial Management and Capital Operation 86

Leadership Science and Art 90

Corporate Identity Design and CI Strategy 92

Human Resources Development and Management 93

System Innovation and Corporate Efficiency 87

Organizational Behavior and Organizational Management 90

International Business 95

Surnmer Jobs

Made plans of personnel system reform for a large state-owned enterprise in Tianjin--my birthplace.

Participated in planning the restructuring of several medium-sized collective enterprises in the suburbs of Beijing.

外企应聘英文求职信 篇7

Respect leadership:

You are good! First please allow me to extend the sincere regards and the good wish to you! In spite of being very busy heartfelt thanks you in to glance through my this material, and wishes the expensive unit enterprise to be prosperous, progresses day by day!

I am electronic information project specialized sessions of graduates, learned in the near future your firm is advertising for the talented person, I hoped can arrive has the opportunity to your firm work.

In school period, I study the specialized knowledge diligently, and invested the huge enthusiasm and the energy for it.While studies the textbook knowledge earnestly, I participate in school inside and outside practice positively, and has obtained some result. If monolithic integrated circuit development design, aspects and so on PCB Layout as well as homepage design. The university four years let my English proficiency have progress,And smooth passed the national English six levels of tests,Had certainly certainly has listened to, to say, to read, writes ability,Has the reading specialized literature English foundation of basic skills.
