


it易混句型 篇1




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Because------(so)    though/Although----(but)   repeat -----(the same ,again)    repay----(back)

Return------(back)   unite------(together)        combine-----(together)          master----(well)

Hate--(very much)   advance---(forword)       improve----(better)             sink―(down)

Renew---(again)     about/around―(or so)     walk-----(on foot)              alone---(by oneself)

Still----(remain)      meet---(together)        No---(not any/not a)            think over--(carefully)

(very)---perfect        (very)----excellent         (very)---  tiny                   (very)---huge

Can----(be able to)    Be about to do…..(at once /immediately)     both…..(as wellas, equal , equally, together)



①表示to allow oneself to share inor become part of 分享,投身于,成为….的一部分

He entered in to the spirit of the game with great excitement他兴致勃勃,融入比赛的气氛中

②表示to begin to take part in formally   (正式 )开始参加

Before you enter into an agreement ,you should read the contract carefully


㈡ 触及身体某一部位的表达方式



主语谓语somebody 介词the身体部位


误: John hit his face .              正:John hit him in the face

解析:在这一句型中常用的 动词有:hit ,  pat  , beat , touch , strike 等等。


一般身体部位比较硬而突出的地方或强调接触人体的表面,用介词on;如on the head(back ,nose ,shoulder, chest, ……)

一般在软而凹的部位用介词 in  如:in the face(eye  ,stomach , rib…..)

一般表示抓,拉,握,牵等.常见动词:catch , seize ,grab ,pull ,take, hold ,. 身体的某一部位时,用介词by.

选择填空:  1  The boss_____him _____back and told him something secret       Key (D)

A  patted….by the    B patted …on his     C patted…in the        D   patted …on the

2 Mary led a granny_____hand to across the street         Key(D)

A  in..the  B  on the  C   by her   D   by the

3 He felt someone ____ him on ____shoulder when he was watching the game.  KEY  ( C)

A   patted…his         B pat..his    C  patting…the     D    patted….his

㈢  辨别since从句肯定与否定的三条规律

① 非延续性动词的一般过去时充当since从句的谓语时,从句的内容和形式是统一的,从句的意义是“自从….以来”.。非延续性动词又叫终止性动词/结束性动词。如 come ,leave ,give ,die ,arrive ,return ,find 等。

1 We have lived in Shanghai  since we  parted   自从分手以来,我们一直住在上海。

2 I have not been to Beijing since I came to study here in   自从来此学习后,握就没去过北京。

② 延续性动词的一般过去时充当since从句的谓语时,从句的内容和形式是对立的,从句的`意义是“自从不….以来,或自从….结束以来.”.。延续性动词所表示的动作和状态可以一直持续下去。如: work ,study ,live ,teach等。

1 Things have become even more difficult since I had the bike

[误] 自从我有了那辆自行车以后,情况就更糟糕了。

[正] 自从我丢了那辆自行车以后,情况就更糟糕了。

2 We have not heard from Mike since he worked there 。

[误] 自从迈克在那里工作,我们再也没有收到他的来信。

[正] 自从迈克不在那里工作以后,我们再也没有收到他的来信

3 It is a week  since  he  was  in  hospital .


[正] 他出院有一个星期了



1 延续性动词的现在完成时充当since从句的谓语.。

She has made much progress since she has been a teacher .


2 since与ever连用时,延续性动词的一般过去时充当从句的谓语。

She has given me a lot of  help ever since she worked in our factory


㈣ 否定转移现象

① 当表示主观看法和心理活动的动词,如think ,suppose ,believe ,imagine ,expect ,fancy等后跟宾语从句时,其从句的否定要转移到主句。

I don’ t  think  it  will  be very cold  today 我认为今天不会太冷

I don’t suppose that anyone will object to the plan 我想没有人反对这个计划


I don’t believe she&nb

it易混句型 篇2


(1) 如果被强调部分表“人”并且用作主语, 后面的引导词用who或that均可 (但是习惯上多用who) 。例如:

It is my mother who (或that) cooks every day.是我妈妈每天做饭。

It is I who (或that) am wrong.是我错了。

(2) 如果被强调部分是用作主语的人称代词, “It is/was”后用主格代词;若是作宾语的人称代词, 则It is/was后用宾格代词。例如:

It was he that helped me yesterday.昨天是他帮助我 (而不是别人帮我) 。

It was me that he helped yesterday.昨天他帮助的是我 (他帮助的不是别人) 。

(3) 如果被强调部分是主语, 在who/that分句中的谓语动词应当与被强调部分主语在人称和数上保持一致。例如:

It is I who am to blame.该受责备的是我。

It is he who is wrong.是他不对。

It was Li Ping and Wang Hua who were praised at yesterday’s meeting.



(1) 被强调部分是人, 并且在后面的分句中作宾语时, 可用whom代替that。其它情况下, 引导词则一律用that。

(2) 被强调部分如果既包括人又包括物时, 习惯上只用that, 不能用who。例如:

It was the things and people they remembered that they were talking about.




(1) 当被强调部分是时间状语、地点状语、原因状语、方式状语或目的状语等时, 后面的引导词不能用when, where和why等, 而都必须用that。例如:

It was in the park that I met Li Hua on a cold afternoon.

在一个寒冷的下午, 我是在公园里遇见李华的。

It was on a cold afternoon that I met Li Hua in the park.


It was because he was caught in the traffic jam that he came late for work.

他是因为遇上了交通阻塞 (才导致) 上班迟到的。


1. It is no wonder that难怪……;……也不足为奇

They are all colleagues.It is no wonder that they should help each other.

2. take it for granted that认为……是理所当然的

We all take it for granted that heavy objects fall faster than light ones.

3. It+is/was+V (pp) +that从句

It was ordered that our fighter planes should take off right now.

4. It+is+ (high) time that从句。

这一结构中用should+动词原形 (should不能省略) 或动词过去式It’s high time that you made full use of your time to go over your lessons.

5. It is likely that…

“很有可能会……”It is likely that she will ring me tonight.

6. It用于一些交际用语中。如:

It’s king of you to say you like it.

It’s my pleasure.


(1) 在“It”强调句型中, 当强调部分为时间状语或地点状语时, 有可能先接定语从句, 修饰时间状语或地点状语中的某个名词, 后面再接强调句型中的that分句部分。例如:

It was in the room where he had studied for three years that he found his lost pen.

他是在他曾经学习了三年的房间里找到了他丢失的钢笔。 (本句中, where是关系副词, 引导定语从句, 修饰先行词the room, 后面的that从句是强调句型中的部分)

It was in the year when he was admitted into college that his father passed away.

是在他考入大学的那一年他的父亲去世的。 (本句中, when是关系副词, 修饰先行词year, 后面的that从句是强调句型中的部分)

(2) 注意“It”强调句型的特殊疑问句结构在名词性从句中的语序。例如:

I don’t know what it was that made him so upset at that moment.


英语备考易混句型点击 篇3

____ is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month.

A. It B. As C. That D. What

此题的答案为B, as 在这引导一个非限制性定语从句,修饰后面的内容。但有学生在做题时很困惑,不明白为什么不选A或D。这就说明他们对一些句型结构分辨不清,我们把题目做以下变化:

1.____ is known to everybody that the moon travels round the earth once every month.

2.____ is known to everybody is that the moon travels round the earth once every month.

A. It B. As C. That D. What

1题答案为A。it作形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句; 而2题答案为 D。what在此引导一个主语从句,它在从句当中充当主语,而后面的that引导的从句则是表语从句。



1. It was in New Zealand ____ Elizabeth first met Mr. Smith. (2008全国)

2. It was New Zealand ____ Elizabeth first met Mr. Smith.

A. that B. how C. which D. where

辨析:1题答案为A。that 引导的是强调句型。2题答案为D。句中New Zealand 是先行词,where引导的是定语从句。


1.It is such an interesting book ____ all of us like.

2.It is such an interesting book ____ all of us like it.

A. that B. which C. as D. when

辨析:1题答案为C。“such…as…”结构,as引导定语从句,在从句中作宾语。2题答案为A 。“such…that…”结构,that引导结果状语从句。


1.It was 3 years ____ he came back.

2.It was 3 years ago ____ he came back.

3.It is 3 years ____ he came back.

A. since B. that C. when D. before

辨析:1题答案为D。意为“过了三年,他才回来。”It在此表时间,特别注意,主、从句时态的一致。2题答案为B。此句是强调句型,特点是可以还原成一个完整的句子,还原后的句子是:He came back 3 years ago. 3题答案为A。since表从过去到现在为止。


1.I was told that there were about 50 foreign students ____ Chinese in the school, most ____ were from Germany. (2006辽宁)

2.I was told that there were about 50 foreign students ____ Chinese in the school, and most ____ were from Germany.

3.I was told that there were about 50 foreign students ____ Chinese in the school, most ____ from Germany.

A. study; of whomB. study; of them

C. studying; of them.D. studying; of whom

辨析:1题答案为D。第一空studing是非谓语,因为句子已经有谓语动词were, whom引导一个非限制性定语从句,起补充作用。2题答案选C。and连接两个并列句。3答案为C。为独立主格结构,起补充说明的作用。most of them与from Germany构成逻辑上的主谓关系。


1.____ made his teacher angry.

2.____, his teacher got angry.

3.____, which made his teacher angry.

A. He being lateB. His being late

C. He was late. D. His late

辨析:1题答案为B。-ing形式复合结构His being late在句中作主语。2题答案为A 。He being late 为独立主格结构,在句中作状语。3题答案为C。为一个完整的句子,which引导非限制性定语从句修饰这个句子。


1.It was not until 12 o’clock ____ home.

2.Not until 12 o’clock ____ home.

A. did he returnB. he returned

C. that he returnedD. that did he return



1.____ his wife’s being there, I said nothing about it.

2.____ his wife was there, I said nothing about it.

3.____ his wife there, I said nothing about it.

A. Because B. With C. Because of D. for

辨析:1题选C。-ing形式复合结构his wife’s being there作Because of的宾语。2题选A。Because引导原因状语从句。3题选B。With后接复合宾语,作原因状语。


1.____ this medicine, and you will be all right.

2.____ this medicine, you will be all right.

3.____ this medicine, it will cure you of your illness.

A. To takeB. TakeC. Taking D. If you take

辨析:1题的答案为B。and 连接两个并列分句,前面的祈使句此时相当于一个条件从句。2题的答案为C或D。选C时,现在分词短语作状语;选D时,是一个主从复合句。3题的答案为D。if引导条件状语从句。注意:3题不能选C,因为逻辑主语不一致。


1. I admired the painting, and Ed said he would like me to have ____ as a gift from him. (2008四川)

A. one B. it C. this D. some

2. I prefer a flat in Inverness to ____ in Perth, because I want to live near my mom’s. (2005天津)

A. one B. that C. it D. this

it易混句型 篇4

1. It is +adj.(+for sb./sth.) + to do sth.

用于此句型的形容词有:easy, hard, difficult,possible,

important, impossible, necessary, good, bad, exciting,

interesting, surprising等。如:

It is necessary to change your job.

It was very hard for them to walk such a long way in

the snow.

2. It is +n.(+for sb./sth.) + to do sth.

用于此句型的名词有: pity, shame, pleasure, one’s duty, one’s

job, fun, joy, good manners, bad manners等。如:

It is a pity for you to have missed such a wonderful


It is bad manners for the young to take up the seats

for the old.

3. It is +adj.+of sb.+to do sth.


kind, nice, wise,

silly, polite, impolite, friendly, foolish, clever等。如:

How silly it was of you to give up such a good


It is friendly of the family to try to make me feel

at home in their house.

4. It is +adj.(+n.)+doing sth.

此句型中的形容词和名词常见的有:no/little use, no/much good,


It’s no use crying over spilt milk.

5.It takes sb.+一段时间+to do sth. 表示“做某事花费某人多长时间”。如:

It took us half an hour to ride to the town by the


6.It is +及物动词的过去分词+that从句

此句型中常见的及物动词的过去分词有:said, told, known, reported,

recorded, thought, believed, considered等。如:

It is reported that the Russian President will visit

China next week.

7.It +不及物动词+that从句

此句型中不及物动词常见的有:seem, happen, appear, matter等。如:

It seems that there will be a heavy snow tomorrow.

It happened that I met my good friends in the museum


8.强调句型:It is+被强调部分+that/who从句


It was under the bed that my brother hid the ball

this morning.

It is Mr Bell who/that often comes and looks after

the old man.

9.It is/has been+一段时间+since从句。如:

It is /has been three years since we saw each other


10.It is (high) time that sb. did sth.



It’s six o’clock.It is high time that we went home


it易混句型 篇5

一、It is + adj. + that + 从句

此句型常用来说明对某事的感受,其中it是形式主语,that引导的从句才是真正的主语,通常放在句尾。适用于此句型的形容词有:necessary, clear, true, strange, certain, likely, meaningful, important, possible, lucky等。如:

It is necessary that we help those disabled people.


Its very clear that they badly need help.


It is very meaningful that they donate some money to Project Hope.


二、It is + adj. + to do sth.


It is difficult to finish the work today.


It is not easy to learn a foreign language well.


It is interesting to play with snow in winter.



1. 在此句型中,动词不定式to do sth.也可直接放在句首作主语,但在现代英语中,这样用的不多。如:

To give is much better than to receive. = It is better to give than to receive.


2. 此句型中的形容词可换为名词,be也可换为其他连系动词,如feel等。如:

Its a good habit to get up early and go to bed early.


It must be great fun to fly to the moon in a spaceship.


It feels strange to have a twin sister.


三、It is + adj. + for sb. + to do sth.

此句型中,动词不定式的逻辑主语是for后面的人或物,表示“干某事对某人/某物来说怎么样”。适用于此句型的形容词有:easy, difficult, hard, important, necessary, quick, dangerous等。这些形容词常常与事物的特征有关,用来修饰动词不定式。如:

It is quite difficult for them to find out who broke the window.


Its important for us to keep the water clean.


Its dangerous for children to cross the busy street.



此句型有时也可与“It is + adj. + that + 从句”句型互换使用。如:

Its possible for us to win the match. = Its possible that we will win the match.


四、It is + adj. + of sb. + to do sth.

此句型常用来表示人的内在品质。适用于此句型的形容词有:kind, nice, clever, polite, careless, generous, good, thoughtful, silly等。如:

It is very kind of you to help me with my English.


It was silly of us to believe him.


It is generous of David to lend me his bike.



( )1. In fact ______ is a hard job for the police to keep order in an important football match.

A. this B. that C. there D. it

( )2. Its not nice ______ little boys to do such things.

A. on B. to C. of D. with

( )3. It will take us a whole term ______ the stories by Shakespeare.

A. to study B. study C. studying D. studies

( )4. It is very difficult ______ the girl ______ out the problem.

A. to; work B. of; to work C. for; to work D. with; working

( )5. —Dont you think the paper is very good?

—Yes. It is very pleasant ______.

A. to write on B. to write in

C. to be written on D. to be written in

( )6. Its important ______ we ______ the water clean.

A. that; keep B. for; keep C. for; to keep D. of; to keep

( )7. To make friends with them ______ nice.

A. is B. are C. be D. does

( )8. It is ______ of Mary to make model planes.

A. clever B. silly C. kind D. good

( )9. ______ is generous of David to lend me his bike.

A. There B. It C. Here D. He

( )10. Its stupid of you ______ think you are always right.

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