

英文表达 篇1

Motion is a fundamental human activity.A motion verb usually describes how a physical entity changes from one place in space,towards a certain direction,to another place in space.And the entity described is usually dynamic,while it is prevalent in linguistic expressions such as The mountain range goes from Canada to Mexico”.

It seems that the sentence have the same semantic content as that in There is a mountain range between Canada and Mexico.The difference lies in how it is construed.Among the various ways of construing a scene,scanning mode plays a necessary role.

2 Theoretical Framework

2.1 Fictive Motion

This phenomenon has interested many scholars in the circle of cognitive linguistics and cognitive psychology.It is originally studied by Leonard Talmy in the late 1970’s.Talmy(2000)conducts a comprehensive study and refers it to fictive motion and classifies it into six categories.One subtype is coverage path which is termed as a depiction of from,orientation or location of a spatially extended object in terms of a path over the object’s extent.Matlock(2004;2005)gives a systematic investigation of the phenomenon,and conducts a series of experiments from a psychological linguistic perspective.Suzuki(2005)reports on a comparative study of the expressions of subjective motion in Japanese and Chinese from the viewpoint of motion of subject and motion of eyes.Translations of Japanese sentences are exemplified to conclude that there are some restrictions on the expression of coverage path as the Chinese language tends to adopt only summary scanning.Concerned with the coverage path expressions in Suzuki(2005),research questions thus arise:

1)Do Chinese seldom adopt sequential scanning when describing actual motion?

2)Are the fictive motion expressions constrained by motion direction?

3)Can Chinese adopt fictive motion expressions for the motion of eyes?

2.2 Scanning Mode

In cognitive linguistics,meaning is a process of conceptualization,thus meaning resides in conceptualization.Semantic structures are simply the conceptual structures evoked by linguistic expressions.However,an expression’s meaning consists of not only its conceptual content but also how that content is structured and construed.In some degree,meaning is also a matter of construal,which describes the ability to construe a conceived situation in alternate ways for purposes of thought or expression.Among the various ways,scanning is one.

Langacker(1987)puts forward the term scanning,which means different ways of construing a scene.There are two kinds of mode:sequential scanning and summary scanning.Sequential scanning is defined as the mode of cognitive processing in which a series of states are conceived through the successive transformation of one into another(Langacker 1987:493).It is the mode of tracking an event sequentially;the aspects of the scene are not simultaneously present at any stage of the scanning.Each state begins to decay as the next one is activated,so that only one is fully active at any one instance.So any one state is only momentary.

3 Methodology

3.1 Research Question

Based on the theoretical frame work above,this paper aims to answer three research questions concerned with coverage path.Three related assumptions are then put forward:

1)Assumption 1:Chinese also adopt sequential scanning when describing actual motion.

2)Assumption 2:The fictive motion expressions are not constraint by motion direction.

3)Assumption 3:Chinese adopt fictive motion expressions for the motion of eyes.

3.2 Materials

As is observed,the subject in the coverage path expressions is usually linear or spatially extended entities.About 208 pieces of prose are searched in the website:http://www.vn700.com/Prose/List_4.html.As a special case of fictive motion,the coverage path expressions are relatively few compared with those in English and Japanese.These sentences may also serve good evidence in explaining such phenomenon.

4 Analysis

Matusmoto(1996)assumes that there are three kinds of coverage paths among English and Japanese,that is actual motion,hypothetical motion and the motion of sight.The following passage will analyzes coverage path from these three perspectives.

4.1 Actual Motion

Actual motion refers to focal attention moves along the motion of a conceptualizer.In forming such a sentence,sequential scanning plays an important role.It is the conceptualizer that mentally scans the path sequentially.Without sequential scanning,the conceptualizer could only activate various locations or points in a construal as discrete and not contiguous.No coherent whole would be achieved.

Suzuki(2005:13)uses the Chinese translation in 1)to summarize that summary scanning instead of sequential scanning can be used because the state of the road is first described and then the location of the conceptualizer depicted in the Chinese version.He further concludes that the subjective motion for actual motion expressions can not be used in Chinese.After careful linguistic investigation,we find that Chinese also adopt sequential scanning.How the tree in the two sides extends along the road and the mountain ranges zigzag towards far places?Without sequential scanning,such sentences can not be formed.Thus the assumption 1 collapsed.

1)The road went up the hill as we proceeded.



4.2 Hypothetical Motion

In the hypothetical motion,one supposes that an entity is moving.Suzuki(2005)admits that there exists the hypothetical motion as in 3(a,b),but the hypothetical motion is constrained by the direction of the motion as in 3(c).The English sentence in 3(c)involves fictive motion,but the Chinese translation can not be expressed fictively.When the path is ascending,it can also be described fictively.So just using one example in 3(c)one can not get the conclusion that Chinese can not have the fictive motion expressions when ascending is expressed.As Talmy(1983)point out,fictive motion involves the notion of directionality.

3)a.The high way enters California there.


b.The road descends down a very steep slope.


c.The road slowly climbs up the mountain.

路面随着山势增高。(Suzuki 2005:13)


When we refer to the hypothesized motion,it seems that one entity is moving,thus,the direction should be involved.Again the sequential scanning functions.Expressions in 5)are another pair example from Chinese.“Lai”in Chinese indicates a direction towards the conceptualizer.Shen(2001:269)describes two kinds of subject,that is sentence subject and speaker subject The speaker subject is implicit in linguistic expression but we can still sense its presence.The speaker is construed as a reference point,so the stationary object is described as moving towards the speaker.A careful linguistic investigation will reveal that directionality is an essential feature of fictive motion expressions,not only in hypothesized motion expressions as in 6).Now it seems that assumption 2 does not hold water.Contrastively,directionality is an essential feature of fictive motion expressions.



4.3 The Motion of Sight

When the conceptualizer’s sight is moving or mentally tracing in fictive motion,it is classified into the third type of motion as the sentences in 7).Can Chinese have such kind of expressions?That is to say,does the third type of motion exist in Chinese?The fictive motion expressions in Chinese like English sentence in 8)also exist.Again,the assumption 3 is also overturned.

7)a.The highway crawls through the city.

b.The mountain range runs from north to south.


5 Conclusion

Three assumptions are all overthrown in the process of analysis.Sequential scanning is an important means involved in fictive motion.No matter the expression belongs to actual motion,hypothesized motion or the motion of sight,sequential scanning plays an important role.There is no exception that Chinese also adop sequential scanning when describing actual motion.Directionality is an essential or common feature for all kinds of path expressions There is no reason that the fictive motion expressions in Chinese are constrained by motion direction.For a special kind of fictive motion,the motion of sight also exists in Chinese.

The movement is believed to be subjective because it is the conceptualizer that mentally scan or move along the path associated with the subject noun phrase.In doing so,the conceptualizer experiences something akin to actual motion,for it involves going from a starting point to an end point,and it takes time to complete.




[1]Langacker R W.Foundations of Cognitive Grammar:Theoreti-cal Prerequisites[M].Stanford,CA:Stanford University Press,1987.

[2]Matlock T.The Conceptual Motivation of Fictive Motion[C]//Radden G,Panther K U.Studies in Linguistic Motivation[M].Berlin:Mouton de Gruyter,2004:221-248.

[3]Matlock T.Fictive Motion as Cognitive Simulation[M].Memory&Cognition,2005.

[4]Matsumoto Y.Subjective Motion and English and Japanese verbs[J].Cognitive Linguistics,1996(7):183-226.

[5]Talmy L.Toward a Cognitive Semantics,Volume I:Conceptual Structuring Systems[M].Cambridge:MIT Press,2001.


英文表达 篇2

自从中国加入WTO以来, 中国的对外贸易日渐频繁。在中国的对外贸易过程中, 商务信函作为一种重要的沟通手段, 用词应该准确得当, 避免使用模糊语以免发生争端。但在实际的调查中发现, 商务信函中存在着大量的模糊表达式, 正是由于这些模糊表达式的存在, 使得话语更为严谨, 更易达到沟通交流的目的。


1.模糊表达式的国外研究现状。美国加利福尼亚大学的教授、自动控制专家札德最早提出模糊理论。1965年, 他在《信息与控制》杂志上发表的题为“模糊集”的文章, 开创了模糊语言学这一新的学科。1994年舍奈尔出版《模糊语言》一书, 详细阐述了其对模糊语义学的研究, 将语用学的原理应用于模糊语言。

2.模糊表达式的国内研究现状。1979年, 北师大伍铁平教授, 在Foreign Language上发表论文“模糊语言初探”中最早运用模糊理论对语言模糊性进行研究, 并于1998年将该篇文章收录于他的著作《模糊语言学》一书, 开创了我国模糊语言学的先河, 标志着模糊语言学在中国的诞生。1990年, 何自然发表论文“浅论语用含糊”, 在其论文中提出语用含糊这一概念, 指出在语用中, 话语的命题是非离散型的。

3.英文商务信函中模糊表达式翻译的研究现状及存在的问题。笔者通过检索中国知网, 从2000年至今仅有7篇文献是研究英文商务信函中模糊表达式的翻译策略, 由此可以看出前人对该领域的研究具有一定的局限性。


丹·斯珀伯和迪尔德丽·威尔逊在《关联:交际与认知》一书中提出的关联理论。1991年, 威尔逊的学生恩斯特·奥古斯特.格特发表了博士论文《翻译与关联:认知与语境》, 提出了关联翻译理论, 从一个全新的角度对翻译进行了研究。

依据格特的理论, 在翻译过程中应以最佳关联原则为指导, 以受众认知能力期待为准则, 采取合适的翻译方法帮助译文读者找到原文与译文语境之间的最佳关联, 引导受众以最小的努力获得最大的语境效果。1994年, 林克难在《中国翻译》发表《关联与翻译》的书评, 首次把关联翻译理论介绍给我国读者。1999年, 赵彦春发表论文“关联理论对翻译的解释力”, 文章中他指出, 交际的成功取决于两个条件, 一是交际双方的“互明”, 二是最佳认知模式——关联性。要确定交际者的暗含意义, 受体就要寻找话语和语境之间的最佳关联。语境效果好, 推理时所付出的努力就小, 关联性就强;语境效果差, 推理时所付出的努力就大, 关联性就弱。


根据关联翻译理论, 翻译是一种交际行为, 注重交际者的意图和听者的期待。译文是依据交际者的意图和期待来进行取舍的。译者从原交际者明示的交际信息中寻找最佳关联性, 再把这种关联性传递给受体。以这种翻译模式为切入点, 针对不同种类的模糊表达式, 我们可以总结出以下翻译方法:

1.直译法。例1:Favorably impressed with the fine qualityof our products and the reasonable price, many customers havekept placing substantial orders with us.

由于我方产品质地优良、价格合理而给客户留下了良好印象, 所以许多客户不断向我方大量订货。

例1中存在模糊的表达, Favorably impressed, finequality, reasonable price, many和substantial orders, 这几种模糊的表达分别译成留下了良好印象, 质地优良, 价格合理, 许多和大量订货。译者采用这种翻译方法, 更符合中国人的语言表达习惯, 认为该价格可能会低于其他供货商的价格。

2.增译法。例2:As compared with rival makes, yourproduct is better.

和竞争者的制品相比, 你的产品略胜一筹。

例2中存在模糊表达式better, 译者将better增译为四字格短语“略胜一筹”, 更符合汉语言的表达习惯, 增词“略”准确传达了发信人的意图, 达到了最佳的交际效果。

3.省译法。例3:Our cost of raw materials has risen sharplyin the past three months and it is impossible for us to reduce theprice by 20% as you requested.

近三个月来原材料的涨幅极大, 因此我方无法把价格消减到20%这个水平。

例3中存在模糊表达as you requested, 译者将“如你方要求”直接省略, 不仅符合英文商务信函语言简洁的这一特点, 且不影响收信人领会发件人的表达意图。

在翻译英文商务信函的过程中, 译者要掌握两种语言的表达习惯, 根据最佳关联的原则, 正确推理出原文作者的意图, 恰当地使用直译、增译和省译法, 向译文读者明示该意图, 到达交际目的。

摘要:模糊性是语言的本质属性, 本文在前人对模糊语言研究的基础之上, 结合多个英文商务信函中所出现的模糊表达式, 以关联翻译理论为切入点, 提出对英文商务信函中所出现模糊表达式的有效翻译方法。



[1]兰天.外贸英语函电[M].大连:东北财经大学出版社, 2004.

[2]姜望琪.语用学——理论及应用[M].北京:北京大学出版社, 2000.

“纠结”的英文表达 篇3

1. be in a dilema

It seems you are in a dilemma.


2. You just can’t get over ... (you can’t forget ...)

The French soccer fans can’t get over the World Cup 2002.


3. dwell on something

You should not dwell too much on your past failures.


We shouldn’t dwell on someone’s past.


4. prey on somebody’s mind

The thought that he could have helped more preyed on his mind.


5. take something to heart

Don’t take such small things to heart.


6. be torn

My heart is being torn in two different directions.


7. on the fence

I’m on the fence.


8. the lesser of two evils

It was considered that this alternative would be the lesser of two evils.


Neither candidate seemed capable of governing the country. People voted for him as the lesser of two evils.

各个学院的英文表达 篇4

法学院Law School

文学与新闻传播学院School of Literature, Journalism & Communication 美术学院School of Art and Design

民族学与社会学学院School of Ethnography & Sociology

外语学院School of Foreign Languages

经济学院School of Economics

管理学院School of Management














我在用英文怎么表达? 篇5


I am here for success and to win trophies.


I am always here to cry with you.


I am all alone here at present.


I am not always here.

英文简历写作:教育程度表达 篇6


educational history 学历

educational background 教育程度;

curriculum 课程

major 主修;

minor 副修

educational highlights 课程重点部分;

curriculum included 课程包括

specialized courses 专门课程;

courses taken 所学课程

special training 特别训练;

social practice 社会实践

part-time jobs 业余工作;

summer jobs 暑期工作

vacation jobs 假期工作;

refresher course 进修课程

extracurricularactivities 课外活动;

physical activities 体育活动

recreational activities 娱乐活动;

academic activities 学术活动

social activities 社会活动;

rewards 奖励

scholarship 奖学金;

excellent League member 优秀团员

excellent leader 优秀干部;

student council 学生会

off-job training 脱产培训;

in-job training 在职培训

educational system 学制 ;

academic year 学年

semester 学期(美);

term 学期(英)

中国加油用英文怎么表达 篇7


