

influence 篇1





本文采用语料库驱动的研究方法。使用的语料库是中国学习者语料库和英语国家语料库,本文采用KWIC的检索方法,以influence为关键词,在跨距为-5/+5的语境中进行词汇检索。本研究使用了语料库检索软件:Wordsmith Tools,还运用了其中的concord功能。





influence用于名词有三种意思:影响;支配力;有影响的人或事物(《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》)。笔者着重描述influence主要义项“影响”的搭配行为。使用Wordsmith Tools中的concord提取词索引后,笔者观察到influence主要用于两种类联接:ADJ+N,V+N。

1. ADJ+N类联接

在CLEC中,与influence相关的类联接ADJ+N共出现26次,占influence出现总频数的40.6%;而在BNC语料库中使用了3982次,占总频数的38.5%。这说明中国学习者更倾向于使用ADJ+N这一搭配。在BNC中,出现在influence N-1位置上的搭配形容词有considerable,great,important,strong,significant等;在CLEC中,出现在influence N-1位置上的搭配形容词有:bad,great,deep,direct,important,strong等。笔者把在N-1位置上与influence搭配的形容词分成三类:表示消极涵义、积极涵义和中性涵义的词项。在表达不同涵义时,两者所选择的搭配形容词差别较大。在表示积极涵义时,中国学习者经常使用great influence,deep influence搭配;而在BNC语料库中还使用significant influence,considerable influence搭配。在表达消极涵义时,中国学习者经常使用bad influence;而在BNC语料库中的搭配词要丰富得多,如bad influence,negative influence。现用concord在CLEC中提取3行influence索引:“(1)Our country has a long history of civilization which has a great influence on the people all over the world.(2)What they think and do have great influence on society(3)Thirdly,women’s new role has a bad influence on the relationship between wife and husband.It must be admitted that”

从上述索引行可以得知中国学生在使用这三个搭配时,大多数是与have搭配,构成词组have+(DET)+ADJ+influence。influence表示“影响,作用”。从BNC语料库中也提取3个索引行如下:“(1)I was still under the influence of my parents compared to my English counterpart and it was a strict influence.(2)The child born under the influence of certain cultural,social and religious thinking.(3)Some voiced sounds may become devoiced under the influence of surrounding voiceless sounds.”

从上述索引行可以得知本族语者大多数使用under the influence of这个搭配,构成词组under+(DET)+influence+of。比较而言,中国学习者语料库中仅有一处使用了under the influence of这个搭配,可见中国学习者语料库和本族语者语料库存在很大的差异。

2. V+N类联接

类联接V+N在BNC和CLEC中出现的频数分别是4433次和33次。笔者在CLEC中,跨距为-5/+5的搭配环境中,分析influence在N-2,N-3,N-4位置上的搭配词:have(has,had),bring,exert(exerts,exerting),get,do等。在CLEC语料库中能与influence搭配的动词没有BNC中丰富。进一步观察发现,中国学习者在使用influence时存在不恰当使用现象,如:“Our study will get a bad influence.So having money as an influence.The effect of the conventional influence.”

3. 习惯性搭配

在V+N的类联接中,BNC语料库的索引行出现一些词,与influence有很强的搭配力,构成习惯性搭配或用法。BNC中频数最高的4个习惯性搭配是under the influence of,have the influence in,have a strong influence on,exert a strong influence in。这些搭配在CLEC语料库中有很多不恰当或不地道的现象。如under the influence of在BNC语料库中共出现296次,在CLEC语料库中,under the influence of出现的频数只有1次,中国学习者在表达“在……影响下”时,更多使用in the influence of这种不地道的用法,在表达“有影响”时,常常把冠词省略。以下从CLEC语料库中列举三例来分析:“(1)In the influence of the movement,the quantity.(2)Our study will get a bad influence.(3)So it will have a bad influence on enterprises’fame.”可见,中国学习者经常出现不恰当或不地道的现象:该用介词under的地方误用了in;该用in的地方将其省略;该用in的地方误用了on;该用have的地方误用了get等。


两个语料库中influence作动词使用的情况相对于作名词来说较少,其出现的频数分别是BNC:2496次;CLEC:18次。现提取influence在BNC语料库中的3行索引:“(1)Can you think of factors which will influence the result?(2)Parliament can still influence policy making.(3)They did not seem to influence clinical management.”

上述索引行表明,本族语者倾向于在influence后使用一些比较正式的词汇来表达“影响”之义,如factors,policy,management等。以下从CLEC语料库中选取三个索引行:“(1)If wetake too activities,we will be tired when we study it will influence the effect of study.(2)And fake commodities will influence the famous of the factories.(3)There are many other elements which we easily neglect and which somewhat influence our studies.”可见,在influence作动词用时,中国学习者出现很多不恰当使用的情况:表达“影响效率”为influence the effect;表达影响因素用elements...influence;influence后用形容词。中国学习者之所以出现不恰当或不地道的搭配用法,就是因为没有掌握常用词的搭配行为及语义,只注重词形而不注重词语的搭配力和意义,受到母语负迁移的影响。




[1]Firth,J.R.Papers in Linguistics1934-1951[M].London:Oxford University Press,1957:12.

[2]Jones,S.&Sinclair,J.English lexical collocations:A study in computational linguistics[J].Cahiers de Lexicologie,1974,23(2):15-61.

[3]Sinclair,J.Corpus,Concordance,Collocation[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1991.





influence 篇2

How to know what they want: Understanding their worlds (and the forces acting on them)

You have influence insofar as can give people what they need. But how do you know what they need? Knowing the concerns, objectives, and styles of the people you want to influence all your important stakeholders is fundamental for determining what to offer to gain cooperation. The more you know, the better you can determine valued currencies, the language they speak, and the style in which they prefer to interact. Some of these things you can perceive automatically, and you can just proceed effectively. But if you’re unclear about what matters to an important person or group, puzzled by resistance stymied because “reasonable” approaches, aren’t working, or angry and beginning to assume the worst about their motives and personality, you may need to do a careful analysis of their world(s). The greater the number of stakeholders you have to influence for a given objective or the greater your anticipated difficulty in figuring out the right approach, the more you should do in advance.

Continuing to look at a situation only from your own viewpoint makes it easy to stumble into self-defeating repetition of pressure that hasn’t worked or slip into tortured silence. The intense desire to do something significant or make an important change has a way of blinding hopeful influencers to what is critical to their potential allies. The resistant ally seems difficult, impossible, or even irrational because his or her behavior does not make sense to the determined influencer. Don’t fall into that trap.

How to know what might be important to the other person

There are numerous factors that can help determine what the person might value or group you wish to influence.

The Potential Ally’s Job Tasks

Understanding a potential ally’s duties and responsibilities can be a key to influencing him or her. Think about the impact of the job on these five simple, but basic, organizational factors:

1. Does the person deal with numbers all day or with people?

2. Is the work repetitive or highly varied?

3.Does the person experience demands for careful accuracy and replicability or get rewarded for originality and improvisation?

4.Is the person subject to constant demands from others or the one who makes many demands on them?

5. Is the person in a high-risk, high-visibility position or a secure protected role?

This kind of information can provide a beginning guide to the currencies that the ally values, how he or she sees the world, or the style with which to approach him or her. For example, the tasks of a brand manager, which encompass every aspect of a product’s positioning, presentation, price, and so on, are different from those of a market researcher, who works with statistics, validity, scientific method, focus groups, and the like. The brand manager is called on to pull many elements together at once across many parts of the organization; the market researcher usually works alone or with a similar colleague and at a slower pace to discover significant results

Task Uncertainties

Another indicator of what might be important could be those aspects of the potential ally’s job that have the most uncertainties associated with them.

In organizational life, control is valued. The bigger the uncertainty, the harder it is to keep control, so it is the areas of greatest uncertainty that receive the most attention. You often can gain an ally by finding a way to help the person get control of a part of his or her job that is currently uncertain.

But the demands of tasks alone do not account for all the pressures and concerns of individuals who are influence targets. Thus, it is useful to think about many other aspects of what might be important to the one you want to influence.

Who’s Counting? Measurement and Reward Systems

As suggested earlier, the way people behave is often strongly dictated by the way their performance is measured and rewarded. Those who act “difficult” or negative may only be doing what they have been told will be regarded as good performance in that function.

You need to understand the other people’s performance criteria as a means to determine how you might be able to add value or alter your request to fit their requirements. In some instances, it might be possible to raise questions about the reasonableness of the measure because departmental measures designed from the top or left over from the past may have unanticipated negative consequences. The organization might eventually want to alter the measures if their negative impact to the company was made clear.

But often, in the short run, the other person’s way of being judged is a given that has to be worked with or around.

Unit and Organizational Culture

Most people are affected by the culture of the organization where they work and sometimes by the particular subculture of their immediate work group. Culture is the set of automatic assumptions that groups of people have about how the world is supposed to work.

Major Forces Outside the Organization competition

Outside forces that can drive behavior include:

. The state of the economy

. How threatened people feel about jobs and mobility

. Major competition

. Legal rulings affecting the industry or company

These forces can affect everyone in the organization or differentially among departments. The threat of an SEC action, an injunction about discrimination in hiring and promotion policies, or a falling stock price can induce strong reactions. For example, members of the legal department at a software firm that is being sued for an acquisition of a major competitor may aggressively challenge colleagues’ practices that were previously ignored. Conversely, organizations that are geographically isolated or have dominant market positions may behave quite differently from most other organizations at the time.






influence可数吗? 篇3

She is comfortably cocooned in pillows.


Six people, and more at a pinch, could be seated comfortably at the table.


His views did not sit comfortably with the management line.


Make sure you have plenty of room to sit comfortably.

influence 篇4

【Key words】children’s psychology; classroom layout; English learning


English is the second language for the Chinese and nowadays learning English well have become a trend for Chinese. The parents will find some organizations where have the best teachers and have the most authority. But to personalize it, to build achievement on discovering the individual gift of every child, to put students in an environment where they want to study and where they can naturally discover their real passions’.So a good environment is very important for the kids to learn English.

Why does the study environment play the important role in studying English?

A famous case of ‘the wild kid of Victor’, Victor was found in a forest where site in south central French in 1800 years. At that time, everyone can not believe he can change from idiocy to genius. Because he was taught by famous medical scientist and educator’s training in five years. He gradually learned to speak, and he can show his mind, feeling and behavior’.From the case, we just know that it is important to acquire a language in a good environment. A good classroom layout can provide a good environment to study the English. English is not the mother’s language for the Chinese children.

The Layout should eliminate the stress and anxiety

According to Black (2005)state that:‘Anxiety begins with a sense of the threat which releases chemicals known to trigger the fight-or-flight response. In this case, our body will experience a lot of physical and mental symptoms, including raised blood pressure and faster breathing. Under the stress, the memory and concentration are affected too’. First, we need to choose the correct color to pain the classroom wall. Of course, we need to analysis different ages kids character and what kind of color they will like totally.The author, Charlotte Rance said that:‘Curiosity can be a good way in the young learner’s classroom. When we encourage it, curiosity can lead our students to learn new words, experiment with structure and be creative with structure and be creative with the language they are using. Curiosity can also open the classrooms up to a wider world of information. Why the animals do the posture like this? And the teacher also can use the animals to open up their English Learning topic naturally. So we can stick the animals on the wall or make some chair shape like some kinds of funny animals.

The classroom layout should help them to guess and think.

For kids to learn English, especially in the full-English class, it is a little bit difficult for them to learn. But kids are in full-English class that can improve their language sense. But in this condition, we can not explain the Chinese for them in the whole time. So we need to let them to think independently. There are some methods to arrange the classroom so that can help them to think independently. First, we can stick 26 alphabet cards. But the cards should have picture which relate to the letter and the sound. Second, we spread some mats about animals or sea.

The World develop, our classroom layout also should follow the development

The world develop with technology, many things have changed by digital. Outside the windows, we can see a lot of people with the intelligent phone. Why they are attracted by the phone. Because the phone has a lot of games, the phone can pass what we want to others, the phone can get what we want easily. So how about we let our classroom layout be more digital and technology. We should prepare more English games and online English exercise for them. They can finish it by toughing the screen and when they do the good job, they will listen to the interesting music.


influence 篇5


The Influence of American Festivals in China


Nowadays,globalization is becoming more powerful in people’s daily life.As a

result,more and more American festivals have stepped into China.It’s not difficult to figure out that celebrations of American festivals in China have become a recent trend.Valentine’s Day, April Fools’ Day, Halloween, Christmas Day etcare becoming more familiar to Chinese, especially among the young people.It’s generally accepted that culture is one kind of soft strength.However, these influence are not always good.Objectively speaking, those festivals affect Chinese culture both positively and

negatively.Many people hold the view that this new trend has added much flavor to the traditional Chinese customs.On the contrary, there is still a group pf people stand against this advantage.They think if the Chinese are just blindly following this trend without understand the meaning of these festivals, then it will serve no benefit to Chinese culture.In the following, I will expound the American festivals on Chinese culture and my personalview about it.Positive Influence

1.The Enrichment of Chinese Culture

According to Cinema and cultural modernity on 2006, it claimed that “Compared with traditional Chinese festivals, some American festivals are entertaining,educational, and with the character of unselfishness.”And Chinese culture is inclusive and can assimilate the goodness of foreign culture.Today, asAmerican and China have more contact with each other, engendering a deeper mutual understanding and respect.American festivals, to some extent, enrich Chinese culture.For example,with the

prevailing of Christmas Day in China.It has become one of the most popular festivals in China.Christmas Day means a chance to reunite with beloved friends and families and relax during busy work.Besides, Christmas Day is a channel to get close to American culture.In the course of celebrating American festivals , we learn a lot

about American history,customs, and lifestyle.Which make it easier of the Chinese to communicate with Americans.In this way, American festivals enrich Chinese people’s spiritual life and thus add much pleasure to our custom and enrich our Chinese culture.2.Become New Economic Growth point in China

American festivals have become new economic growth in china.Although

Chinese people celebrate American holidays in a way slightly from Americans, but still has great impact on economy.For example, on ChristmasEve, many Chinese people liketo have western-style food, have coffee or dress up

beautifully for a fancy ball and apple is also very popular on this day.All these various types of celebration stimulate a surge of investigation in these industries.Economic influence can be more easily found in developed and exoteric cities.Chinese people will send gift to their beloved friends and family member on festival, which creates an opportunity for business.Merchants will not miss this

valuable chance and retailing is huge profitable.As a result, many merchants will rush into this industry, which can stimulate economic growth.3.The Improvement of Chinese People’s Ability to Express Their Emotion

Nowadays, due to American festival ,Chinese people havemore chance to express and release their emotion.Some American festivals do play very important roles in our daily life both physically and mentally.For example, they enjoy happily sending greeting card at Christmas Day, DIY chocolate to their beloved ones on Valentine’s Day , make jokes on April Fool’s Day, show their gratitude on Thanksgiving Day, hug their parents on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.and the Mother’s Day makes Chinese people realize the unselfish sacrifice of our beloved mothers and gives us a chance to express our gratefulness that is hard to carry out in everyday life.To them, American festivals are not only to have fun but also give them more occasions to

appreciate love.In this way, American festivals deliver positive energy.Influenced by American festivals, Chinese people improve their ability to express properly their kindness, friendliness, love and imitation to others.Negative Influence

1.Blinding follow without understand the meaning

Most of American festivals celebrated in China have difference from the origin.Many Chinese people lose their religious background and turn into a big occasion to have fun and enjoy life.However, like any festivals, American festivals have their own cultural and historical origins in America, which are not known by Chinese people.There are so many American festivals, including Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and Valentine’s Day and so on, which are originated from or related with Christian , which is not believed in by the majority of Chinese people.we can’t gain the happy feeling since we don’t understand the meaning of these holiday.It’s just our Chinese people’s blind faith in American culture.2.American Culture Invasion Via Its Festival

America has undoubtedly extended its image , value and thoughts abroad

through its festivals.There is a phenomenon that Christmas Day is on the track ofbeing the symbol of fashion, while our Spring Festival becomes outdated.We forget we are Chinese and try to get closer to the American culture in observing American festivals.Concerning business, December is a shopping month for Christmas in the west.Now the same thing happens in china.In December, we may easily find

everyday articles sell together with cheap Christmas toys or Christmas cards.At the entrance of any large supermarkets, we are welcomed by Santa Claus.And we are accustomed to Christmas“discount” marketing at a restaurant, a hotel, a healthcare institution and a theme park.In December, almost every inch of public places at downtown is decorated with red and white , two characteristic color for Christmas Day, or at church which becomes a special place for thousands of no-Christian

Chinese to sense themost living American culture on Christmas Eve.Furthermore , Ifyou ask our Chinese young people some question, “ what do you remember some festival?” how would you answer? They may say “Christmas Day” or “ Valentine’s Day” andso on.Maybe you think noting, however, I think this is the serious

question!In addition, more and more Chinese people tend to enjoy the Valentine’s Day, overlooking our Chinese Valentine’s Day, a day with profound culture base and rich cultural meaning.If we overlook our traditional culture and blindly pursue American festival, values of the Chinese will constantly distort.3.The Great Strike on Chinese Traditional Festivals

Under the influence of American festivals.Chinese traditional festivals have undergone a loss.There has existed an embarrassing phenomenon that many Chinese youngsters are fascinated with the celebration of American festivals while disliking our traditional festivals.Nowadays, an increasing number of Chinese people are fond of celebrating some American festivals.Many young guys only know Christmas and Valentine’ Day, but they don’t know which day is the Chinese Double seventh festival or Tomb-sweeping Day.They just know Christmas tree, Christmas party, rose and chocolate.Yet they don’t understand the real cultural implications of Mid-autumn Day or the Spring Festival.This important problem of the indifference to traditional festivals shows the great strike on Chinese traditional festivals.My point of view

From my point of view,as long as Chinese choose a proper way to deal with American festivals, the foundation of our traditional festivals and culture will never be shaken.Can China really put American festivals and culture aside? The answer is definitely “NO”.Just like economy, the development of culture of one country cannot be isolated.So only by absorbing the essence and discarding the dross of the culture discrepancies, can we make full use of the advanced culture of the foreign countries.In addition, I think government should attaching more attention on student.Because kids is our national hope , at the same time, it is also our economy builder in the future, so, we have to develop kid’s cultural consciousness.So that we can

improve our culture competitiveness.At the same time, we should improve our culture creative, as long as improving creative ability, it still is our own culture, and it avoids the culture aggressiveness.Last but not least, it is absolutely necessary to protect and promote traditional Chinese festivals and to inherit and develop the splendid part of our own traditional culture.Conclusion

From this paper, we can arrive at the conclusion that American festivals do affect many aspect of China like economy and culture, which can be positive as well as negative.The Influence of American Festivals and Holidays is a double-edge sword which needs to be used wisely.Maybe we accept the holidays and at the same time we can add some elements of culture to them, letting them becoming the holidays with characteristics of China.Furthermore, I think we should deeply strengthening communication with different culture, strengthening the mutual understanding and mutual learning.If we want to make our culture more colorful, we still have a long way to go.12/25/2013



